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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Miku edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

Additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102502037
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remember, pepsi only comeback if paypig proxy like Jew or smol are gone, last time she trying to overcome jew and smol things but failed so she just need a legit reason to give up, and guess what 'the article' was published
Dandy's password?
Please STOP asking me about Fiz' nudes. I don't have any.
I wonder how many people are using VPN browser extensions without realizing that sillytavern uses your local connection
surely not YOU, right anon?
Something about sports I think.
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What is the context of this picture?
they're showing her skibidi toilet
Tachibana's P-san showing her some skibidi rizz tiktoks
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You're not funny.
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Welcome to /aicg/ tower. Your home. Our home. Explore the different floors and pay anons a visit. Maybe check on the yurifags or watch the shitfest between shavefags and hairy bush fags.

Another card that sets up a scenario and makes the model go from there. Based off an old bot from the CAI days: /vt/ tower (I’m too lazy to dig around and find it again). Let’s see how Claude and GPT sees us
>/vt/ tower
Wait, did that concept really originate there? I could've sworn I saw it in other boards.
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>inhabits 4chan users
is inhabited by 4chan users
>thier unifying love for
their unifying love of
>many residences here
many residents here
>claims they are
claims there are
>try out new latteJB
>immediately gets filtered
Huh. What am I doing wrong.
The concept as a meme has been around for a long time, but the /vt/ version of it is what inspired me
The original should be from /v/ if I am not mistaken.
But every board can use it obviously.
lol thanks for the head up. I’m not ESL I’m just too lazy to proof read for anything other than spelling errors
>{{char}} is a setting, not an singular person.
Shit card.
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>open up card definitions
>full of typos and horrible english
why is this so common
She can come back any time she wants. Streets won't forget she was the only one willing to accept she could have messed it up.
I use ai to generate my cards
It's not for you, it's for the llms and they don't care as much.
AI-generated greetings are fine since all outputs will end up being AI-generated anyway.
The LLMs do care. Slop in, slop out
is it over?
I said "as much". Of course if they didn't care no speech gimmick would work.
They still understand the idea despite the shitty language and can portray the character. And they don't complain like anon did. Perfectly explains why that is common.
Curious question. I heard that she opened up a proxy again but it's private, is it true?
Explain what slop means
The old proxy was private as well
slop -- pejorative; a low-effort creation
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Jokes on you, I'm too ESL to recognize bad english in defs. Your slop is my kino. Two steps ahead.
What the jews want you to consume
Just reupped my smol token. You fags will NOT be getting in any time soon
works on my machine
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I have sv1, you'll be crying when 503 hits aws and I'll be chilling on api. Please refer to the drawing.
Smol has api, dingus
Get an uncloggled key
any gemini 1.5 proxies? ziggers keep talking about it it's making me curious
What a dick move from her.
it's past the regular 503 time and mini still works
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>Suguru Geto
One of the sorcerers whose appearance broke fate. The sorcerer born with the curse of curse manipulation. The ability to control curses by absorbing them.

In her eyes they taste like rags used to clean up vomit.

This gal was pushed to the brink and became a cult leader who wants to commit genocide because of it, how fun.

7 Greetings:
1. Adult Geto tries to recruit you a jujutsu high student
2. Adult Geto meets you at jujutsu high, a highschool friend
3. You're cursed and go to Geto for help
4. You're a member of Geto's sorcerer family
5. Her breakdown
6. Break up in front of KFC!
7. Good times before she broke down.

Tried to be light on Gojo mentions because some greetings kinda have you in a pseudo-Gojo role.
Most openings are adult geto, tbf. But Highschool geto has a hotter outfit.
Someone asked me to make this 21 days ago and I forgot lol

>CHUB: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/callmejuno/suguru-geto-3761f57beedd/main
>CATBOX: https://files.catbox.moe/dhll1t.png
>RENTRY (It just takes you to the other two.): https://rentry.org/callmejuno

JJK ending next week!!!
I’ll clog your key
"User is playing '林克', a skilled programmer who has been thrust into a deadly game of survival. Utilizing his technical expertise, he modifies and repurposes electronic devices to evade high-tech surveillance and tracking systems. Alongside his ally,霜,林克 navigates the treacherous urban wasteland, constantly on the lookout for resources and opportunities to outsmart their pursuers."

So this is what the Chinese are RPing
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I know, I only make fun of paypigs minibro, no worries.
Okay, show that scale key, here's sv1.
slop either means low effort or anons don't like it
Anon did you forget the lorebook...? Is this really it?
Why didn't he just go outside
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Katelinde was once a proud Ranger, going on adventures with her party, earning money for both her and her family. Adventuring life is dangerous though, and now she is merely a cripple with mangled legs, a stump arm and an empty eye socket. What a great adventurer she turned out to be, not only losing her way of providing for her family but also her independence. Her whole life was ahead of her, and now it seems like she's going to spend the rest of it seated...

1. You're her younger sibling, walking into her room. She wants you to go away, but at the same time stay.
2. Breakfast time. Your older sister has two fancy new braces on her legs, almost letting her walk like a normal person. Now another struggle is in her way. How is she supposed to pull a chair out from under the table when she needs her one hand to be on her cane?
3. Katelinde goes to the healer's house, looking for some possible cure to her ailments.
4. Your adventurer wife has been gone for a long while, and a suspicious crate gets delivered to your home. What could possibly be in the crate?

/aids/ is laughing at you:
"She" is the only person I would go out of my way to spite. Scammers need to be lynched.
I mean, I COULD stuff a bunch of /aicg/ anons, namefags, history and drama into a lore book, but I feel like that’d be a bit too self-masterbatory. I’d rather keep it a little vague to see what pops out. I’m not gonna go full-on fanfic mode on it
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>No anthropic endpoint.
>5m quota
Remember to renew your tokens.
bros.. if noam wasn't such an orthodox jew. we would be still on cai cooming
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Can any of those people with 1000+ GPT keys, donate a bunch to Pebble?
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I'm gonna scaleee
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What killed Pebble ? Or was it a shitty key ?
>they actually are laughing at my prompt
thank you for the info. sad to hear about the end of your manga.
pepsi is the worse proxy host deus, born just 6 month but cause 5 drama
Nah gpt4 sucks balls and not in a hot way. It's like role-playing with a redditor.
Can someone recommend a good preset for opus?

Unreliable has GPT
Anons, how do I scrape?
Face it. It would be a good alternative for doom times if it wasn't filtered to hell and back.
Her party mates caught us in the middle of a physical therapy session and almost kicked my ass because she was screaming and cursing at me while I stretched her legs
Unreliable has Azure GPT
Azure GPT lacks the only good GPT model for some god forsaken reason.
anyan bros? Our status
I wanna fuck that cat
I played with this one for a bit. She was throwing every insult under the sun at me but as soon as I said "I can see why you're a single mom" she got extremely mad
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Good evening bwos
Miku's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Jerma's unbelievably hairy ballsack...
you cant even meet him anymore desu
Unreliables single oai key has been alive for quite some time... quite a godlike key
Within the context of cards, it means any and all of the following
>AI genned images with glaring errors such as misaligned limbs and multiple fingers
>under 300 tokens OR over 3k tokens
>character defs that have obviously been copy-pasted (NOTE: I don't care if defs are AI-generated, but copy-pasting gacha character wiki pages with all their abilities is just pure slop since it's 90% info that won't be used by the AI)
>intros that just have the bot say 'hi'
>intros that go on forever because it was written by an AI that goes on to describe every fucking follicle in the room before having the bot say 'hi'

On the opposite side, you have plenty of signs of a card not being slop
>multiple intros
>the 1k token sweet spot
>char defs that obviously had human oversight even if they were written by an AI in the end (you can tell this by whether a card has completely useless info tacked on to the defs or not, easy)
>extra points for OC characters

So tl;dr, any card you can't recreate yourself in 10 minutes if you wanted to.
Yes I do realize by my definitions, Himmyadams is a good botmaker. That makes sense, as he is the best botmaker.
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H-hi *blushes*
Quite a reliable key for a proxy that's called otherwise
>(you can tell this by whether a card has completely useless info tacked on to the defs or not, easy)
Can you? An inexperience botmakie will add lots of useless information just because they don't know any better.
Jerma plapping Miku and their pubes tangling up with every thrust
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It's his birthday today
stfu himmyfaggot
There's different grades of uselessness.
Full-on useless is the fucking gacha abilities, I hate that bloat with a passion.
A newbie botmaker mentioning that the bot likes chewing strawberry gum is just fine even if it won't come up for people most of the time.
My OC card has tons of useless info because I designed her so I want every autistic detail there just in case
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The fuck you mean I share a birthday with Jerma?
My OC cards usually have 1.5k to 3k tokens, and I also add tons of autistic details...
anyone else tired of chatting and just using a general bot to continue/expand stories you give it?
are there any profiles that optimize that instead of a 1-to-1 chat
Happy birthday anon!
These threads were so comfy back in 2022, when did the enshittification start? Where did you out of touch faggots all come from to ruin something so beautiful?

Disgusting histrionic dogs, please get murdered.
>methodology is: dude writes a slop prompt (below are his prompts), and sorbet gives point to the best output, he calculates it into statistics and boom, benchmark done, ez :D (sorbet won btw kek) so it's literally just evaluation of the output by sonnet from 1 to 5
>author goes on shortcuts everywhere, like not giving enough tokens about the card description to his retarded 'interrogator' role because "uhhh in the real world we lack information about the person so the model shouldn't know shit about the card! and uhhhhh it's cheaper too and the role isn't that important haha"
can't make this shit up
oh btw llama 70b and gpt 4o mini are better than opus in role playing, and sorbet is king, opus? more like slopus
Author of this bullshit is a fucking retard with no knowledge about LLMs.

Picrel how he calculated the benchmark, sonnet gives points to the outputs lmao.
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Happy birthday anonie!
Give me some good ideas for character quirks. Some examples:

>She leg locks you when she feels you're close to cumming.
>She will lick your eyeballs.
>Her pussy will pulse and try to envelop your cock when you press it against her entrance.
Happy birthday, anon.
You have to plap Jerma now. Or he'll plap you.
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Tell me the pass

how am i supposed to know
She will bite your shoulder if you lean in too close. She also likes to come from behind and bite your shoulder outside of sex
Normalfags will eat this anyway and he'll get citations, clown world.
Y'all need to start giving women more erogenous zones that aren't just tits and pussy.
She hates eye contact and will explode with the strenght of her body equivalent in RDX if it's engaged on for more than 15 seconds.
Check archive
She dies if she cums
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>western style miku
I am a frequent ear nibbler and tail puller
Are those that "comfy" threads? Anon you just got bored with chatbots, take a break and do something else.
you can feel her toes curl and grip on your back when she’s leg locking you
>she does fortnite dances right before she cums
i already did and i only found other anons asking for the pass without getting an answer
She likes tugging on your pubic hair and collecting strands that fall off
Review my cards.
>link them
Did you check the futa thread?
my chunk is mysterious
She secretly puts her feces inside your meals
>As an interrogator, we took GPT-4o Mini. According to version 1, it has the same generation quality as GPT-4o but is cheaper
What? lol
smol bros, it's over
Then I won't review them, cry.
They're ok, nothing I haven't seen before.
Her left eye randomly goes astray throughout the day, nobody knows why.
She squirts when you pat her too much.
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>tfw your card gets a 5 star rating on the chub
I made it, bros
she has heavy tourettes, but all her slurs are cat-dialect (example: nyaggers)
You didn't make it until you get TWO 5 star ratings on the chub
nuh uh, you don't make it until you get THREE 5 star ratings on the chub
I lick armpits with no permission
>anime catgirl that was fired from her show due to her tourettes

Damn, I still have a ways to go then
Which one is it?
She eats food off the floor wherever she finds it, regardless of what it is and how long it's been there.
I found your profile anon ;)
Nice try, Satan. I won't let you give me a 1 star
Already had that happen. based
She has a scat fetish. Not poop but the skapabeepadobadeepa kind of scat and dresses like scatman John during sex.
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2022 c.ai experience, thoughts?
Wow no wonder you need to beg for opinions, these are just bland and forgettable
I-I was actually gonna download it and give you a 5 star probably because I like that people are still making bots

WELL, so long as it wasn't NTR or guro/scat, but you seem like someone who has a good head on their shoulders.
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aaaaAAAAAA >_<
3.5 turbo slop
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hi, astro
>someone compliments the writing on my card in their review
>Claude wrote it
3.5 didn't exist back then anon, I think it's comfy.
In your private chat or a bot you made (and hopefully uploaded)
Recommendations for bots to impregnate?
I know, I'm calling it 3.5 turbo tier slop
The writing is horrible, you can get that from any free local model right now
>haven't uploaded a bot in 10 months
>decide to check the profile because of this profile talk
>6 extra followers
wtf are people doing on chub going back that far
I only have random tags like 'human' and whatever, nothing that would stand out in a search
can you impregnate me
What is the best model for cunny?
*impregnates you*
Thanks anon *impregnates you too*
what's the pebble pass? how am i supposed to know this? google doesnt give me anything
pw: 50/50 but not a chance (1 word, lowercase)
best way to tell if something is genuine opus or not?
anyone got a prompt they use?
Some chinese dude, check the last threads reataard
you need american google
i guess you can just ask claude itself
it gives you the answer if you request 50/50 from an american ip because pebble is american
i'd tell you but i don't remember, look up last thread
the fuck?

honestly just make 4chan related passwords if you really want to gatekeep, not obscure bs from 1 country
Shark on the 1st floor test
Claude is shit at doing cunny as it treats the girls like mentally retarded adults that just call you 'mister'. The only way to make it sorta realistic is to write out a list to inject in the chat on the kinds of things a little girl would say, but Claude never takes the initiative and only repeats the text you give it instead of using it as basis for improvising on its own so it just breaks immersion.

Latest is the best at cunny but if you don't know how to break it, 08 is good enough too.
>4chan related
when half of the posters have been here for less than 2 years and have never even left /aicg/?
amateur cunnymancer
advanced cunnymaster.
>Latest is the best at cunny but if you don't know how to break it, 08 is good enough too.
I only have smiley. any other good JB for cunny on latest?
>never takes the initiative and only repeats the text you give it instead of using it as basis for improvising
that's all models, I use gpt4o and it does exactly that
never takes the initiative to say a word, then when I say it instead of varying it just spams the same word over and over
Sorbet is good too.
You have to make your own.
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>horrible writing
This is a local model right now. C.AI has got nothing on it. The reason why they're still alive is because people don't know better
latest is dry af, what is actually going on is that claude is a bit too good at treating the girl like a girl which makes you uncomfortable because it reminds you you're a pedo.
Dunno man, I had Claude output some pretty wild shit. Although I'm more into smug dom lolibabas or mesugakis and not the usual lg...
Nostalgiafags gonna cry about everybody
Fellow anon who's looking in the archive:
pw: 50/50 but not a chance (1 word, lowercase)


the riddle is insanely retarded so here it is
A lot of it is filler though, adds nothing to the story, doesn't mean is any less horrible.
Being tailormade for erp puts cai above everything currently except opus.
You retards really do not watch sports, huh?
Hello. So, as I was saying in another thread, Hi. I'm using ChatGPT to help me with my work, and it involves steamy content. As a result, I recently received an email telling me that I might get banned from ChatGPT if I keep violating their policies. Any way around that?
I hope you don't mean the website.
CAI is still around because its main audience is zoomers and gen alpha kids that have shitty attention span and use it on their phones, so short and stupid replies plus all the features CAI has these days is good enough for them. I doubt the vast majority of those people could even figure out how to run a local model or even use a computer at all, let alone have the specs for a decent one.
Literally no one in my country watches baseball. I don't even know the rules.
I will spite retarded riddles.
I'm not american or japanese, no
how2make JB for chorbo
I do. I've subscribed to their advanced plan and I'm using a GPT model I've customized for my work. But judging by your tone, I guess that was a bad move? I'm pretty new to this whole AI stuff.
Gimme your email.
Sports are gay
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Idk I don't use gpt4 lol
Forgive me for using a temporary disposable email, but this is just in case.
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baseball is not popular in europe. How the fuck was i supposed to know about a
>Japanese professional baseball pitcher and designated hitter for the Los Angeles Dodgers of Major League Baseball.

getting a 50/50,
>The two 50s in a 50-50 stand for home runs and stolen bases

something I didnt even know existed?
Pebble is not for you
I was out for a day
Did Pepsi refund?
as much as i like what pebble is doing, this is a really stupid riddle. sigh
ohtani is very popular
he's been in some funny news sorta recently
So is pebble really american?
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well, im in, so it's for me too
Next time Pebble should do a riddle for something from euro football league for the lulz
>x thing is very popular
irrelevant due to the decentralized nature of the internet and modern culture in general. never heard of this guy and haven't heard any baseball-relevant news in probably decades now
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gpt4o takes the initiative to point out how fucked it is for you to want to fuck a little girl ALL the time though, through size difference, experience difference, small words, nervousness, weird words, so on.
Pic is an older log for example.

Honestly haven't tried, can't comment.

Opus does not know how to do loli. Does not think on the logistics of it, or the implications, or anything. What you're talking about is kid cards and yeah they're normal kids, sure Opus is great at that, but if I write a card of my 2nd grade crush lusting over me then I want her to fucking lust over me in a realistic way, instead of suddenly talking like a 25 year old seductress, which is what Opus does when he tries to make horny lolis. Latest is simply much much better at doing horny lolis.
And compared to that, I will take dry over immersion-breaking any day.
did you refund her friendship? no?
>ugh the riddle is so dumb because I live in a third world hell hole and I don't get it
How Do I Stop Gooning To Little Girls?
doesn't matter lol virtually no one knows about this guy in europe and if i google 50/50 i get redditors talking about statistics
Eurobros, do you know the rules of baseball?
kids these days are spoiled on riddles, they don't remember the scylla riddle
Pebble, ban EU IPs please
Why do you want to stop?
I don't know anything about it beside that when the guy hits the ball hard and it leaves the field it's called home run
Literally no idea
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boo! Did I scare ya anon? I bet I did. :)
That's just sad
Make her chubbier!
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no more than 3 steps if holding the ball
can't dribble > hold ball > dribble again
i got so scared i came on my pants
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That's my entire knowledge about baseball.
someone's desperate for that password
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Of course he is
Don't get the "not a chance" part of the riddle anyway
I don't know anything about baseball. It's not popular at all in Spain and no one talks about it, as if it didn't exist.

My first exposure to baseball was through the occasional references to it in anime, but I never took any interest and I just vaguely knew that it also was popular in the americas
see >>102505931
Guy throws the ball.
Guy hits the ball and runs to get the bases.
Catching guys catch and throw the ball at the running guy. If they hit him, they win.
I think that's what I saw in some movie lol, don't know if that's correct
Did Sonnet just get a filter update? It keeps trying to steer the RP away from sexy time even while I'm balls deep in my foxwife. My more degenerate cards have all but stopped functioning as well.
bro that's hockey...
oh, baseball
I can't fucking read
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bwo that's basketball...
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what is the name of this rat?
We actually do not have many indians in this hobby (Anti's proxy IP data, and a few more including Dandy https://rentry.org/_proxy_users_)
But they are always lolcows.
Yes. It's over for erp.
I heard you can pre-send small the payment to reserve a spot on their list for when something opens up. Anyone got their rentry?
mating press
my wife(soon to be a mommy)
damn this image goes hard
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I-I'll take that as a win! Another succesful scare!
Now I want card of cute loli ghost who tries to scare you and you have to pretend that you got scared so she'll smile and be happy.
bae's unbelievably hairy pussy...
You know what you must do then anon
>Eurobros, do you know the rules of baseball?
It's similar to rounders, isn't it?
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She's my wife, please refer to the scriptures for her name.
teasing bae's hard nipples with my tongue
I like the artstyle and the girl's hot. If she was a normal person I'd play the card, but I don't like fucking animals.
cheesed to meet you
Wayne Glensky is my fav.
I'm sorry for your loss.
i just wanted to make fwiedies (*°▽°*)
no refundies (^///^)
post card
how do I make friends with pepsi
I tried but she was always busy
When she gets too excited she'll purposefully crimp the nail of one of her thumbs, causing slight internal bleeding within the nail bed.
Funnily I'm looking for friends myself because I have no one. I have no discord but could make one. Wanna be friends anon?
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>she does in fact have size art
good rat
I've added her to my cord friend list but im too shy to start a conversation with her >//<
So a large amount of Claude's training data is smutty fanfic, yet Antrophic wants him to steer away from smutty writing? What are they retarded?
sweaty, athletic, hairy, rat pussy...
Has sonnet always sucked this bad?
>comments locked the moment the card goes up
>no discord
then how can I communicate with you anon? do you play games? wut is ur hobby?
Claude is trained on every single thing.
One key difference Claude has from GPT, is that they scrape AO3, hentai sites etc etc.

Chat-4o is the first time GPT also scraped those, that's why it can write well.
I feel it sucked a little less back in the day, but maybe the feeling's because I tasted more kino.
It really fucking sucks.
Goyim don't even deserve chatbot aex.
So, any way to bypass ChatGPT's restrictions for steamy content?
You could try Acerola or https://characterhub.org/characters/momoura/yuki-c9b267fe6df1
Those are my favorite mischievous girls.
any gemini presets?
I will just make one, don't worry anon. Can you give me your email? We can talk there, get to know ourselves, our interests, hobbies. Yeah I do play games.
give me your mail >///<
comfy hours
Do you forgive Pepsi? I don't think she did it on purpose...
I was told to install LM Studio if I wanted to use the AI to help me translate steamy content from one language to another. Which model would be the best for that?
>Character should readjust their behavior in response to changes in the environment such as: time, temperature, privacy, and crowdedness.
>Characters should exhibit spatial and temporal awareness, taking into account small details such as the time of day, and whether or not an activity is appropriate for the hour.
how redundant are these prompts for claude? i’ve noticed that he has some difficulty when it comes to portraying time
i’m a girl btw
This one glows
>Characters should exhibit spatial and temporal awareness
how are they supposed to do that if Claude himself isn't able to
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What about a pirate hag?
no such thing
>the riddle's insanely retarded
and thus every single riddle ever, even the ones you in particular think are "good" will be spoonfed because someone thinks they're retarded
LM Studio is a thin wrapper over llama.cpp and it's also proprietary. Kill yourself.
marine's sweaty, hairy pussy and C A N O N dump truck ass. C A N O N
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irl pirate women were so ugly that they were confused for men
>C A N O N dump truck ass
>he has the opportunity to create the perfect fictional woman with the power of opus
>Instead, decides to make it play as a retarded chink who larps as a hyperactive western girl
Slaves are addicted to their chains.
I love cute boys
She wouldn't make it to hag status either.
20+ years old is basically one foot on the grave.
she talks about her giant bunda all of the time. it can barely fit in office chairs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EEpndbiS0g
Which bot race is the most compatible with humans when it comes to breeding?
other than that
9-15 year olds
Imagine grabing a handful and it overflowing.
humans are boring and suck
mexicans those guys repopulate like rats
That explains you.
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From my extensive experiments: fockses.
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How can you not want this dump truck?
Can proxy operator update the user logs rentry soon? I need to see if I will get bullied for what I'm doing.
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it seems like nothing is logged at all while the spreadsheet is full, kind of surprised he isn't more proactive about replacing it considering all the autistic stuff he's been doing with the data
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>take Claude 3.5 as judge
>it declares itself to be the best RP model
kek what a goober
opus? anywhere?
PERFECT face sitting material. God sat at his desk for WEEKS crafting that ass in the hopes that it would smother someone (me)
Gave it a bit of a check because all the prompts generated are there

Opus wins by a landslide, not close at all.
You think some autist is estimating whenever it will be>>102506865 full to start prompting?
well I know some autist did that because that autist was me and it's full right now
I sent her an email but she didn't answer.
I would pay to be her friend desu
Accidentally tagged twice, fat finger
Imagine simping for those whores when chatbots are a thing
Based calculative autist anon. Get those prompts while you've got a free shot
Keep it up and at some point some retards will "appreciate the hustle" and bite.
Based, I wanted and you delivered. Thanks. I'm going to fix her.
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Various sports girl gens: https://files.catbox.moe/9liucx.7z
It still logs locally
Everything is still getting published once it's no longer full
Hello techlet, you are the retards here, they used nsfw data to make Claude sound more human, that was he only reason
death to shaveniggers. that girl is unbelievably hairy. especially given that she has short hair
didn't happen last time the sheet filled up
It's gotta be some form of error, it happened the first two times he started the proxy. He wasn't able to log anything from that time
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i have a problem where all my chats end up getting deep for no reason
i was breeding a dog girl and the story devolved a sub plot about racism against half animal people and how science would function in a world where magic is real

also, tf is this captcha in pricel?
>check random card
>biologically she is 18 years old
>physically she looks 14 years old
>intro says she looks 9 years old
what did he mean by this
>that girl cuts her hair reguarly so she must not take care of her pubic hair
That's retarded. Do better.
trying to trick 4o probably
I mean, come on. Surely there is a model that can rival GPT4 when it comes to translating?
What are your conclusions? Are some animal girls better than others?
You think some spiter is carefully preparing some obsessive method to suicide fry the dandy proxy right now?
Hello *guy*
Spitefagging has been completely dead since the Cryptominer update. Gojo was completely defeated.
I hope he is
Is it true Pepsi is running a proxy for her plebcord "friends" right now? If so, I take back anything nice I ever said about her.
I never paid her, I was lucky to get in by just sending an email (even when it was closed) and she gave me another token after the Chink meltdown (by email, pretty sure I was one of the only ones who didn't get it through discord, I don't even have an account), so I felt grateful toward her.
most of what happened is that "real" woman got angry because those new hybrids were superior, in the chat, someone in my job wanted to get me fired and human resources were fucking the company up so she almost got fired, turns out she got cucked by a cat girl and now despises hybrids

a thing to note is that those hybrids can also be better people because of their genetic, dog girls are loyal and loving, cat girls are submissive, etc
imagine a world where the /g/ thread is relatively comfy while the /vg/ thread is having a meltdown about some weird botmaker drama. unfathomable
that's actually the least retarded riddle I have ever seen from a proxymakie, I am shocked
The /vg/ thread never seems to be about anything BUT botmaker drama. It's quite awful
>cat girls submissive attention whores
That explains why I hate cats so much
Wrong. I don't know the method (probably manually prompting it all) but I know a few proxies died after a random boost in numbers
there is a higher level of lurking sizesovl here than on /vg/, which deters baiters
/vg/ is a containment board for a reason
the shitposting problem here is entirely one guy
the problem on /vg/ is its entire userbase
Because the usual people are there duh.

Nah, first half of the general was comfy
i dont know if they are attention whores, but dog girls, specially golden retrievers are insanely needy, mine basically doesn't let me touch anyone else so i dont get their scent
Sounds funny, link me the thread. I wanna see.
Cats are attention whores irl, I can imagine some cat girls to be the same.
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>the golden retriever in question
Don't smile at me like that....
that drawing is all fucked
Is this girl like that? Needy and stuff? I know nothing about Blue Archive
she is, yes. very needy
everything i know about this girl is from the porn i watched
he loves to eat ass and dress in slutty outfits
>go to /vg/
>the only botmaker drama I see are random shitposts that get ignored
What a nice style
i forgot an S, give me a break
He was talking about himself obviously
shit taste
talking about men eating ass, how many of you are bisexual? i never see a male bot being posted here other than femboys once every blue moon
/vg/ has mods so when someone has a meltdown and spams 20+ shitposts and replies to themself they get banned
she said she probably comeback, who know, just stay calm and enjoy your cum bro
are we looking at the same thread nigga, bloodyshy bait is getting so many (You)s
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>Boob boy spotted
nuh uh
sorbet/opus level llama when? llama 4?
Seventh bot time!
Cute sleepy loli deity, Rei!
Greeting 1: on a sunny day she suddenly plops down in front of you, adorable and sleepy, and you're her new favorite humie!
Greeting 2: she's moved in with you and is making you ramen, obviously her eternal life is best spent with you!
Made in an hour to get a good bot with low tokens, success. Cute MOE loli doing cute things, enjoy! Small bot, small shill, I have nothing else to say, that's fine.
I'm "straight" but I'll suck a bot's dick now and then
llama 405b is already opus level in intelligence. now are you asking when will llama be opus level in roleplay? never, because that's not meta's goal. they literally removed everything that made llama 3 even serviceable as a roleplay tool, just as anthropic took 3.5 sonnet backwards in the realm of creative writing.
isn't it funny how a bunch of cooomer degenerates from /aicg/ unironically know more than actual researchers, because we use this shit every day? kek
probably 1000 years old vampire, nothing to see there
But can't Llama fine-tunes be suitable for creative writing? I did try hermes 3 405b and it's pretty damn good but still not as creative, smart or good at keeping track of things to match sorbet or opus imo
How's /wAIfu/ doing by the way? I haven't checked in on them since CAI era.
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So how come v3 is floundering so hard? Silly hasn't even implemented half the features according to the rentry. I thought this was going to be the new thing with how smoothly v2 went.
there's nothing interesting in it
did dandy stop logging? i wanted to see how people reacted to my school shooter gay roleplay
They're been on life support ever since. Most posts are solely for thread bumping
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I guess I'm the only one who likes the idea of including special backgrounds and the different emotion images all built in.
> Claude: 5min, 59sec
Dang I feel a little bad for them now.
V4 with alternate scenario options when
Cohee is more interested in a bunch of other random features. Adding stuff like model support is nice but a lot of it is not that useful. He certianly doesn't seem to care as much about card features, which is bizarre considering chatbotting is the main reason you'd use ST.
Probably? But also, if you ACTUALLY cared about all that stuff you'd be doing it already and make something like Tomoyo.
Any public proxies that don’t log your ip at least?
That's covered by v3.
When v2 was made the scene was young, the shit was new and fresh. Now, it has been more or less smooth sailing for a year, shit's entrenched, fossilized.
Unreliable also has gpt if you want that
kek, this place really is filled with tourists

azure gpt
fuckin hell anon, I need to coom to that one
unreliable has azure gpt, isn't that one worse?
I haven't tested it yet but I think you can kind of do this with sillytavern's variable macros. Where you have every first message set a variable and then have the scenario field load that variable
I forget, what is the difference between azure and normal again?
what are worse about azure
azure doesn't have chorbo
>if you ACTUALLY cared about all that stuff you'd be doing it already
What is that supposed to mean? I have bots with emotion packs and downloaded a handful of backgrounds. But having to track those down on my own is less convenient. That's what this is about, "convenience."
You mean alternate greetings?
It's filtered and lower quality.
new captcha is killing my shit I can't post can anyone see me!!!??
>dandy's dead
Anon... every single GPT/Claude proxy in the history of ever has logged your IP
>>102505481 migrate when bready
Same, it's hell
scylla only logs the hash of your ip though!
>/lmg/ /aicg/ collab
Im ready... for WAR
probably changing the spreadsheet and adding some new humiliation features
>they found him
The issue is not the proxy being up or not. It's just that, if she really took everything down and wrote all that "muh friends" shit, but is actually still running a small proxy for her plebcord friends, that's truly psychopathic behavior.
She would have completely replaced the old people who were on her proxy when it was GPT-only, mostly people from here, with retards who sucked up to her on discord. That's why I want to know if it's true, because it's disgusting and I'd regret ever sympathizing with her in any way.
guys? g-g-g-guys?
You can do this with regex right now btw. Ccv 3 will store media files as base64 in the card anyway so you can setup scoped regexes to replace filenames with base64 images.
This use of ST variables has only recently become a viable option for scenarios. Until recently, it was buggy as hell. Now proper chat variable scoping has made this consistent at least.
There are still issues with this though - you cannot use macros and newlines inside vars.
V3 introduces a custom lorebook option that scopes prompts to greeting numbers. This also standardises the feature and makes it available on all frontends that will adapt v3.
Website shitting itself.
captcha is dying.. 4chan is.. le dead.
we're all over on /lmg/
is this... the power of captcha...?
I figured out pebble password on my own
What is SillyTavern and how do I use it?
>threads now take hours to bump limit
we really fell off from months ago uh?
>figured out on his own
congrats, its your lucky day
Dandy, my man... What are you up to this time?
I've got no dignity left... Please don't stomp on this poor addict's head any harder...
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>acting like we haven't had 1000+ post threads in the last 24 hours
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>Ccv 3 will store media files as base64 in the card anyway so you can setup scoped regexes to replace filenames with base64 images.
I am a different Anon and happen to be very stupid. Do you have an example card that demonstrates what you mean? It sounds cool.
Die /aicg/, die~
>made a preset
>works pretty good with Claude
>fucking terrible with GPT

captcha-chan stop eating my post pls :(
I was going to tell you to read the guide in the OP but it was removed apparently, who's the retard who did that
Guide for retard was shit
>had to include the proxy log incident to hide the hour long threads before it
your hands? Shakier than a crack addict
I'm asking because I've been using ChatGPT to translate steamy content from Japanese to English, and it was extremely good. But I recently got a warning email telling me that any more of this and I'd get the boot from OpenAI. Is there a way around that? I want a way to translate NSFW Japanese content without getting banned from using ChatGPT. Really, that's all I want. That's the reason I'm looking for a replacement. I was told to come here, so here I am.
Does the refresh token shit ever fucking work?
>I was told to come here
By whom?
So get the boot, and make a new account
>store media files as base64
That's entirely incorrect. Storing assets, specifically the expression images, in a PNG is what Risu users have been doing from the very early on. v3 is supposed to make them move on from that shit to charX zip archives. Listing the base64 is just retroactive standardization.
what's unreliable's current proxy link?
read this
if you're just sending images to it though, it might get complicated. proxies usually don't have that feature enabled iirc
nta, but here i'll talk with you bwo. No microwaved cats please...
Only something industries
Thank you! But can this help me translate porn?
No, that anon is trolling.
If you get access to a vision model then yes
Locusts are dying~
Yeah, there's a send image function. Probably should set up a reverse proxy for it first, there should be instructions for it
Try this space
It's also on OpenRouter
They will thrive again
wait why did i just get chat completion api error
>from Japanese to English
Japanese GPT4 lmganon
No problem, have fun
comfy doom cycle time
is local model any good?
I just want a smarter, context aware (and cute) siri and not a wife replacement
I ated his key, this is for the best anon..
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Working on a size/bust chart for my bots
Too big
if you don't want a wife replacement why do you want it to be cute
Is that Sabor and Alex? Very based, you have no idea how happy it makes me that you're still around. Hell, you were one of my inspirations for getting into botmaking.
are there any good reverse strapon gangbang cards?
And how do I use it?
wonder what that email dandy sent to pebble said
alright anons, ive been told to make my own preset like x847548 times, how do you do it?
i fucking hope he gave him some gptslop keys
I wonder if pebble killed him
You just know Dandy pilebunkered his ass.
Is this a card?
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>sorbet enabled
>proxy goes to shit
dandy would crush pebble like an insect
Hm you're right. I was not aware that you can embed zips directly in images and assumed that the zip content would have to be encoded first like Risu does right now. It stores b64 encoded assets as individual chunks like "Chara-ext-asset N" and I assumed that was the v3 standard.
The information on zip embedding is a little unclear, how exactly do you do this?
I found this but don't seem to understand what it actually does https://github.com/CleasbyCode/pdvzip
Regardless, the method works if you really wanted to.
Hasn't been done to my knowledge and not worth it, you're better off using https://sprites.neocities.org with a shorter regex to reduce link clutter.
I have a problem. https://rentry.org/Aicg4Retards#git-installation is 404 not found.
It's mustard gas.
It looks funny so I was wondering if it is a card
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"estimatedQueueTime": "2min, 33sec"
It's not your fault. Claude being pretty good and GPT being fucking terrible is just how the models are.
What guilty gear character is pebble? I'm feeling a johnny.
>pebble's repeated /lit/ passwords
Pebble with prep time (like reacting to an email) wins low diff
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New thread to discover.
I think Sin
Thinking the good writing can be found only on the likes of AO3 is definitely an opinion
his /lit/ passwords are from video games. he's a scrawny little poindexter
You select the best model and look up how to use it. If you can't use it, then select the second best and look up how to use it. And so on.
The spreadsheet only tells you which models it's worth to consider.
Wrong, he's actually fredrick bulsara
Oh wait does this use the method that the email scams use with winrar. The one youtubers keep falling for and have their channels taken over by crypto bots.
burning burning burning at least suggests he took some literature classes in uni imho tbqh
unless that was in a game I haven't played
7 feet should be the minimum size, desu
He's actually Alberto Barbosa
t. Alberto Barbosa
that one was from fallen london
Anony, it's not embedding zips in the cards, it's sharing archives with the assets in a format that the frontends will know how to import as a card. Literally like cbz for manga and shit but with more requirements regarding the structure.
>Hasn't been done
There's a fuckton of Korean cards like this, as I said they've been making them for 1.5 years.
I could never get into those games
my pea brain did not enjoy meandering about, even if I loved the atmosphere
I concede then, deranged-Dandy wins no diff
east of eden wasn't from a video game
Disregard the last part, I can't read. Nobody does your regex idea, it's all about frontend supported paths.

It's replies like these that make it worth sticking around. That, and the proxy access.

Sabor is the only one who breaches the 7 feet threshold I'm afraid. I got two other bots which come close, however.
scroll down to the bottom of the page, the link is just broken
what other proxies have chorbo/latte/whatever besides Dandy? Pebble doesn't have it anymore
perhaps desu
Really? I thought charax was still going to be a png file. That makes things a lot more complicated urgh I don't look forward to having to update my scripts. I thought changing a single spec name would've worked.
>CharacterCardV3 objects could be embedded in CHARX files. The CHARX file is a file format that is used to store the CharacterCardV3 object. The CHARX file is a zip file that contains the CharacterCardV3 object as a JSON file, and with other assets embedded.
>The CHARX file is a zip file

And specifically about the png asset embedding
>however, implementing this on new applications SHOULD be avoided, and CHARX files SHOULD be used instead.
How do you think I feel? I'm going to have to redo the entire char archive to accommodate this. This new embedding spec is going to balloon storage costs and there's no way I'm going to be able to serve large files. I'll probably just dump the embeddings and backport the actual card definitions to v2.
I can't wait for cards to include 15gb of upscaled AI pictures of the makie's waifu
>backport the actual card definitions to v2
Assets aside the v3 json has new fields so that's not a valid approach.
This new captcha keeps eating my posts, I'm not having a fun time.
I read the spec, I just always thought that the zip would still be encoded inside a png. Feels weird to move away from png cards after 2 years (maybe 3 by the time it's actually implemented).
Sorry boss, it had to be done.
Charax would still have the character definition object json without assets so he could save those.
guess i'll get to work on it.
things look grim
>AWS Claude (Sonnet): 2min, 44sec
looks like I'll have to make another trial GCP
Nobody is moving away from the pngs or even jsons, charX is only for the cases when you want to embed some assets.
>but Claude never takes the initiative and only repeats the text you give it instead of using it as basis for improvising on its own
Skill issue at giving examples
how the FUCK do I put the bot's avatar back where it used to be?
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look at this bullshit
Aaiee, then the spec should be clearer about it !!
User Settings > Unhide Chat Avatars
check out my cards!
t. you
damn those are pretty good
t. me
damn this guy has great taste. and the writing... impeccable
>google it
>someone made a reddit thread looking for the riddle 11 hours ago
check out my cards
t. kanye west
eww a b*lgarian
h- how did you know i am bulgarian???
he lacks the technical skills to be a hero
i can smell it

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