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How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference and music examples
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>EQ Guide (Measurements, Targets, Equalizer, etc.):

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• EPZ Q1 Pro / G10 (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Kefine Delci (bassy neutral) - $75
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• Faaeal Iris 2.0 (warm) - $10

• Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• Shanling M0s - $100
• Hifi Walker H2 / Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
• Tempotec V3 - $200

Previous thread: >>102483996
Fosi Audio DS2 should replace the Moondrop or Tanchjim or both DACs in OP. Or just be in there, too.
Also add Shanling ONIX Alpha XI1.
I don't think anyone cares for outdated OP reccs anyways
in case anyone's curious why planar drivers are called plastic bags:
It'd still be a tiny bit helpful if they were getting updated at least every couple months...
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Hexazos bros... they better retune it!!
Supermix 4 or Novas?
Mostly listen to japanese indie rock (shoegaze etc) and I would also like to use them with my Line 6 Helix when I play guitar
If you have other recommendations in the same price I'm also interested, generally just looking for something kinda "neutral" that I can use in lots of scenarios
DS2 has same chipset and is just slightly above Dawn Pro in price (like $50 vs $60?) but it supposedly has a much higher output power (like 0.5W@32ohm), implying an extra amp stage so it can also handle most demanding headpoos well and not just iem pos.
>new meta
>V-shaped but not actually V-shaped
the fuck was he smokin'
neither of these pos is neutral
>Shanling ONIX Alpha XI1
New model with very good specs and a similar price. It runs most high impedance headphones just fine unlike most portable DACs.
How dare they add bass to my pos!
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>flat line means it's neutral
Something something Kara 500lm S12 pro
>S12 Pro
king of pos
it does, in case of speakers
Not even in the case of speakers.
depending on the target, yes it does mean that
Who are you quoting?
the voices in his head
Literally me.
unbelievably capable master of techs under $200
>S12 pro
unique and pleasant sounding, pinpoint precise imaging
a normal pos, neither good nor bad
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why are people tuning to warmpoo now ? i get when it's hexa-esque but this is just warmpoo
A single hybrid needs to be included, even if it's worse than the two of the better technologies for IEMs
>deaf incel who unironically likes harmanmud curve
>only listens to shrill weebshit that'll kill you with treble no matter what you use
Lil bro still doesn't understand how techs work.
dedicated shill campaign by the bald dentie mafia at headpos.com
The damage crinacle has done to the IEM industry first shilling the blessing 2 hard, then shilling his own poorly tuned POS will never be recovered from
he said many times that he doesn't like shartman
>harman is tinnitus
>jm-1 is mud
why are all targets so shit?
the Meta target is devoid of mud and shrillitus, literally perfect target
meta target is pure mud
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That's funny considering every single IEM he's tuned is basically just Harman lmao
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the real Meta target is not, it's different than "project meta" or whatever shit
>12db 2.9K shout peak
there is nothing more reddit than listening to videogame osts
Metallica has only made 2.5 good albums lol
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Are the Sony's MDR-XB55AP any good? I quite like the way they look
are there any super small 0.78mm pin bluetooth adapters that are super small and separate for each ear?
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ok but i agree what's your point
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Thinking of pulling the trigger on a pair or A12Ts. I always wanted to get customs and I'm finally not poor (like I was 8 years ago) and tired of the clogged filters on Moonememes.
fucking why
hardwired is a good standard metal record
You have to remold customs every 2 years because the ear changes its shape.
>shit boomer band BUT without all the soul
yeah fuck off
I explained why.
Now this is a helpful comment. I will read more about this online. Thanks.
Literally anything is a massive improvement over Moondrop
But you probably shouldn't get CIEMs if you aren't doing stage performances
>doing stage performances
90% of musicians these days still use that shure IEM or $20 pos, only international superstars and super richfags use CIEMs for live performances
Well theyre supposed to be more comfy than universals (on average) right? And have better isolation to most (maybe except the ear dildos which I've had before). I've demoed the u12ts before and thought they sounded good.
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Bros what’s the diameter of the cra cra filter? Also what mesh number would you recommend

i don’t wanna buy a new pos since this still werks but has sound imbalance on one side
because you want to spend money since you're not poor anymore but just as empty inside?
godawful QC and quality issues aside, Moondrop's tuning is a literal fucking perfection and there's no one who can achieve the same excellent tonality, aside from maybe the consistent target hitter Truthear which is basically Moondrop
Pretty much. Curiosity I guess. Definitely not worth the price but I've practically made up my mind but this >>102508515 is something I'll need to get more information online about. Might be a true reason to not.
Good morning sir
unless you make like $150k+ you're fucking retarded to buy that shit
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So what's the go to 20 dollar IEM these days?
Chu 2
I can fix her
I make more than that.
I'm still fiddling with these fucking clogged filters ever 2 weeks is pathetic. Good sound tho like the other guy said
. Ironically never had these issues when the IEM market was just Shure/Westone/UE/Etymotic.
That’s not a rupee my good sir, just tell me which mesh number and diameter that I need and I’ll fuck off.

If it helps sometimes the peakiness feels ear grating and I want to dampen that sound
Fix what exactly?
my favorite target? the one in the eq guide
ah yeah fuck it then but they still sound like shit so whats the point
i'd give up all of my limbs to make that much money
That 1khz scoop really bothers me as someone who really likes the mids of Etymotic models.
Been a while since I've last been here.
If anyone has a question or suggestion for the EQ guide, now is the time.
You'll get here eventually.
delete it
no i fucking wont you're probably some lucky fagman employee who got in before exodus
currently studying math, not sure if good choice
Can't we just update the stupid recommendations? Imagine people come here because they heard IEMs are a thing, and then choose some bullshit from OP.
what do you suggest then?
>inb4 edc pro
They're all good
I don't work for a fagman. But I work in finance.
You'll get here with your Math degree easily. I know many people who studied math and became data analysts or actuaries. And make far more than I do with lesser experience.
applied maths right anon?
idk, maybe a fotm section where current notable releases are listed? I regularly see this question getting posted.
don't delete it
funny you say that
there are two main anons that share recent releases. stick around and you'll see more since we're nearing 11.11
who gives a fuck about fotm? that's called being a guinea pig for latest meme. recommendations should be because they are tried and tested products, known quantities, with reliable graph samples and real anon impressions. not because it's the latest pos a handful of "reviewer" (free sample unit in exchange for marketing push) youtubers / discucks said "sounds gud!"
Look into the N8 instead chuddie, it's got a DD for the bass which is quite nice if its anything like the Nio and you save a couple hundred bucks. If there were a Volur custom I'd definitely go with that but they don't have one of those yet.
If we only did tried and tested, the only IEMs in the OP would be Tanchjim, Shuoer, and Simgot (and sometimes truthear) till the heat death of the universe
>buying customs
>in 2024
the only valid reason, credit to anon, is for curiosity and experimentation. universals are just better in most situations
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Agreed, but we should keep EPZ G10 on the list though
unless it's something actually revolutionary, it's 95% an iteration of pos that already exists, or has existed for some time. you know what the original jm-1 memetard target was? mega5est. it was in op rentry far before PMS made a vid about it. stop being retarded and associating new with better. the new slop isn't even good (oh, the kiwi mud kekwab4? u serious?)
omg new twistaura 1dd pos sub-$100 any impressions guise what does it bring to the table?you fuckin new around here? it's just a re-shell of yet another pos 1DD ShenzhenGuangdong OEM polymer driver with different particles sprinkled on it you fucking doofus. tuned to the prototypical Harman-ish response you get from a 1DD. that's all it ever fucking is.
omg new cheap hybrid? cool enjoy your "custom" (bellsing), memepzt, mystery meat "2DD bass" setup, nerfed driver count pos. glassy upper mids, middling resolution budgitfied pos, pillowy soft bass.
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>EPZ Q1 Pro / G10 (Harman) - $35
no harman features (clean bass shelf)
>TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
tinnitus machine. mogged by Gate and $20 dds
>Kefine Delci (bassy neutral) - $75
generic brand and tuning. overpriced
>Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90
tinnitus machine. overpriced
>Final E500 (dark) - $25
QC is a joke
>Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30
bright upper treble, shitty isolation, cable stiffens after 1 week, and finding a replacement is a PITA

>universals are just better in most situations
That I am aware. Again, just something I've always wanted to try and now I can safely afford it.
will check these ones out. I've demoed the 12ts before and liked them. But never got to try the N8s. The graphs look fairly similar except for a big 3.5K dip in the 12ts.
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What's /iemg/ listening to
not an audiofag but can someone explain the pmp meme, what's the benefit over using a phone?
>Simgot EA500LM with the tuning kit (any tuning) - $95
the best pos imaginable
true, bad category but still worthy of being there
weird fit, but really good accessories and build quality. dont feel any particular way
generic but done very well. keep it in
yes, fucking horrible. the og ea500 is somehow better
true, and where the fuck are people even buying it?
>one dsp
meh, upper treble fuckery and shit cable but the rest if fine for the most part. should stay just because the bullet section is so empty
post a good measurement of it
Only real music.
no benefit except that phones these days are shit and don't have headphone jacks or sd card slots so we have to offload that functionality onto a separate device (thanks macfags)
What's Masayoshi Takanaka lucky about?
Fair enough, still pissed to own an S22 where they thought a pen was more important than a headphone jack
>expandable storage
every other advantage (eg less messy than using a dongle, peq, etc) are either massive tradeoffs, or not available on most devices.
if you're buying a modern pmp, you're basically buying a very bad phone running an old version of android with limited functionality
Anybody else getting cloudflare error when trying to post?
Almost every phone strips the sd card slot and headphone jack these days, and the ones that don't are literal pajeetware trash meant for thirdies. The phone market is so fucking bad. Wish framework or some other open source focused company would make a real flagship phone.
>the ones that don't are literal pajeetware trash meant for thirdies
or based Snoy Xperias
No thanks I dont want to pay the concord tax
>good measurement
something else please, are you retarded
Fuck I wish Apple didn't discontinue the iPod
it's either funding concord or funding castrated phones without basic features, I won't ever do the latter
or you can just not fund either and use what you own
concords are not flying since early 00s
majority of phones do not have audio jacks, and even if they do they don't have the prev. track/next track/pause buttons and totally sucks from the ergonomical perspective
I like being able to hit the pause/play/skip track while the screen in off in bed
it's been a while since i've listen to music on the go, but don't some phones let you use the power button or volume buttons like that
what I own doesn't support VoLTE on AOSP-based custom roms and has too little RAM
>they don't have the prev. track/next track/pause buttons
you can rebind power and volume buttons to control music when held if you're rooted, it's quite comfortable
>i must consoom for these gimmicks
might as well bring up AI as welll lol
data analyst is something i was thinking of
actually i'm starting my first year in 2 weeks, not sure what i will do
subliminal shill detected
volte is the gimmick retard
Most banking apps dont work on rooted phones + I don't even bother to change the stock background and ringtone so the appeal is meh
Small DAP or BT receiver is just better at this job if you don't go TWS, I can whip out my phone for texting/reading/whatever without any wires attached.
unless they shut off every networks below 4G
skill issue
>Most banking apps dont work on rooted phones
skill issue + move to a different bank + my bank app just werks (based)
> I don't even bother to change the stock background
(You) problem
>the appeal is meh
enjoy being spied by both google and your phone manufacturer, or apple if you're an icuck
what doesn't change is that you can very much have quite a comfortable playpause/prev/next hardware button experience in your phone
Flatter than Hexa.
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but still not flatter than Holocene
Is there even a point in rooting phones if you didn't buy a retarded brand like Xiaomi?
I own a S23 Ultra and I'm not seeing anything relevant that it'd add, but I reckon my past Poco/Xiaomi were unusable without custom ROMs and root.
if digital freedom, governance over yourself and avoiding being treated as a product means anything to you at all, then it's an absolute must to remove whatever you have preinstalled once and for all and install the operating system of your choice without spyware garbage
if convenience and the number of features are the only values for you, then neck yourself
>S23 Ultra
>I'm not seeing anything relevant that it'd add
a SD card and a headphone jack
it's a garbage phone for retards
>if digital freedom, governance over yourself and avoiding being treated as a product
Why even own a phone if you're so autistic about these subjects? Even the most retarded indonesian custom ROM isn't going to make it so that you aren't spied on.
I'm not trying to argue that it's normal or that you shouldn't take steps to mitigate it, but going full blown autistic on it is a lost cause.

>rooting a phone will add headphone jacks and SD slot
SD slot would have been great but it already has 1Tb of storage and the headphone jack is pointless when most audio obsessed person is going to buy an additional dongle anyways.
how bad is the gizaudio situation that timmy had to leave the channel he built up to shill crin's store? did hifigo tighten their grip on what they could review?
Only genetic engineering can fix her.
>Fix what exactly?
>either own a cucked phone without basic features and use it with spyware or don't use a phone at all
nice false dilemma, retard
I'd rather minimize the attack surface considerably while still having the benefit of using a phone
>rooting a phone will add headphone jacks and SD slot
no you fucking moron, the point is that you've already chosen a phone no >80 IQ person should ever buy, so rooting it, while possible and still beneficient, won't change the simple fact that you can't even plug in your pos without using clunky dongles nor will you expand your storage space if it stops being enough
you choose your own fate, I won't look up your ass, let's talk about IEMs or something from now on
It gets fixed after a pregnancy
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There's only so much you can fix.
>I'd rather minimize the attack surface considerably while still having the benefit of using a phone
You have extremely poor reading comprehension as you are basically saying the same thing as I did, but that's about what I expect from third-worlders in cheap hobby generals.
>so rooting it, while possible and still beneficient
In which ways? This was my question from the start.
>you can't even plug in your pos without using clunky dongles
That's a non-issue again, most advanced users would rather own a dedicated dongle with measurements rather than relying on whatever the manufacturers of your phone decided to include.
It was already this way back when phones had headphone jacks.
only real peak japanese indie
Wacky guitar shit
>the perfect target doesn't ex-
Hexa, more like sexo
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Here we go again.
this is looking more and more reasonable every year
Would unironically be kino
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>flat means sex
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Radio antennas were suave
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>no fully balanced 4.4 out
into the trash it goes
thousand times better than the actual icuckphone which is literally an unusable dog shit
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You get 2 XLR outputs for balanced, 4.4 is a normalfag meme for casuals.
the ear trumpet jak could be interpreted as a 4.4 or a 6.35, that's the beauty of art
what it's really missing is a 5 pin stax port and speaker banana plugs
>KZ ZSN Pro 2
Yay or nay?
EDC Pro Yay
dont buy kz
Are there any portable music players recommended for under $100 if all I need is a headphone jack, ability to play songs off spotify, and a few gigs of storage?
>songs off spotify
that means android, just buy an old LG phone (v30/v40/etc)
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uh oh, melty
If you want a kz hybrid, just get rhapsody or trio
Someone did a collab and it didn't go well?
no way this is more than $30, right xixtas??
both it and the tanch zero ultima are rumored to be around 100yuan, or around $15. international price will most likely be around $20 to $25. dont know the specifics for 3.5 or dsp usb c
it’s weird that they’re supposedly very close in price but the bunny is a semi custom with detachable cable which in theory should make it quite a bit more expensive.
Did they reshape the zero? because a lot of people said the original shell was shit.
>semi custom
nah this is cheapass injection molded plastic like the gate with maybe some epoxy inside to attach the driver
Lol it's literally just a plastic 4u
>Did they reshape the zero? because a lot of people said the original shell was shit.
according to my sources, yes. but i bet that cable will get green and stiff pretty fast
I would get novas (with EQ) but you should decide based on what treble perf you want. Novas are brighter, SM4 is muddier.

Nova is unironically quite close to JM-1 target on a 5128 coupler. Bass is trivial to EQ and 5128 doesn't measure it accurately anyway.
sm4 because novas are massive
not really that close. maybe in shape, but overall balance is completely different
>5128 doesn't measure it accurately anyway
it measures it more accurately akshually, not that it matters because as you said, it's trivial to eq and it varies a lot depending on preference
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Can't find the SM4 on a 5128.
>maybe in shape
Treble shape is what matters the most tho (alongside comfort). Overall balance is the easiest part to EQ by ear.
>it measures it more accurately akshually
So the Harman tuck hate is just a meme because isn't actually present? Most pos graphs with a much more linear decline on a 5128.
sm4 will grap basically the same, maybe a bit different in the treble but that doesn't matter
no, harman tuck does exist and is present, as seen in your pic where the novas and many other harman pos have very low bass, especially around 200-300hz
>more linear decline
not too sure what you mean by this?
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>sm4 will grap basically the same, maybe a bit different in the treble but that doesn't matter
Fuck this knockoff 711 unit variance. They go between SM4 being muddy shit with anemic treble and both graphing almost identical to Harman.
>not too sure what you mean by this?
Compare the bass response in >>102513722 which is almost just a straight line up to 200 Hz to this one from a 711 coupler which has a much more Harman-esque rolloff and a bit of a tuck. This is from the same unit.
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any earbud bros? whats your favorite?
meh really depends on your reading skills. most people overblow the differences when they matter little, same with ignoring differences that matter a lot

for the bass response thing, it is a matter of accuracy, where the 5128 is now more accurately representing bass amplitude. so the relative balance across the freq range will be different. this somewhat explains the difference you stated, but there is also a quirk of the 5128 where a rocking mode from the pos creates this weird blip you see between 150 and 300hz on most measurements.

really the most important thing is to not make direct comparisons between the two measurement types. 5128 graphs will look weird since we've been conditioned into describing sound based on visual information from 711 graphs for decades.
>whats your favorite?
The ones that let me take them out and listen to nature and the cars driving past because I'm high aura
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>/g/ advocating for magsafe
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What a faggot lmao. Imagine sperging so hard because one (1) person rightfully doesn't like your CRA style tuning.
What are you go-to cables and tips? Really liking Tripowin's new range. Still cheap, great build quality and looks great. The Zonie is still quite good, too. For tips I find the Spinfit W1, Dunu S&S and CP155 are the most comfortable to me. Does anyone here have experience with the Tri Clarion?
I really liked the moondropped spring tips. As for cables, as long as stock isn't unusable, I'm good.
>it measures it more accurately akshually
It meaures IEMs with a bad seal. Do you wear IEMs with a seal so bad that the IEM is rattling in your ear? Then 5128 is accurate for you.
I use a shit stock cable from the cadenzas on my S12 since it sits flat, and is lightweight, and a pair of jvc spiral dot tips
I follow Nicehck/Yongse/Xinhs etc on twitter. Occasionally they hold 'lucky bag' sales to clear stock and you can snag them at a 90% discount.

>Tri Clarion
Subpar silicone material and build quality. If you want that wide bore effect i'd suggest sancai tips and/or divinus velvet
common misconception. seal is harder to achieve, but not impossible. any half decent operator will check for seal.
and the rattling has little to do with seal, and all to do with the pos and eartip creating a resonance/rocking mode with the pinna and canal entrance (see asr measurements for the same artifact)
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Is editor anon here? Want a review?
Can I just plug my iems into my monitor's passthrough or whatever it's called or is it gonna sound like shit? I really don't want to drop $50 on a desktop dac/amp if I don't have to
>Can I just plug my iems into my monitor's passthrough or whatever it's called
Yes. Press play and enjoy the music.
>is it gonna sound like shit?
>I really don't want to drop $50 on a desktop dac/amp if I don't have to
You can get a $10 dongle that's good enough™ or just get the $20 Jcally JM-20 and have something good.
>but it supposedly has a much higher output power

Let's wait for L7 measurements and whatnot and not make blind assumptions.

>New model with very good specs and a similar price

How does simgot ew300 compare to ew200?
Only REAL music:
>nose ring
>L7 measurements
Slop vs sludge
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I can fix her..
Elaborate instead of reply baiting you stupid nigger kys
Looking for some wireless IEM
>Budget of $200 before tax
>LDAC or AptX
>4-6hrs battery life
>Bass is okay but would prefer a more neutral sound
>Multi-Point connectivity
>Bud or stem design is okay
they stopped posting for over a year now anon...
>wireless IEM

There's no such thing, just wireless ear hooks with internal battery. They all suck ass. Some don't have LDAC, some are heavy, some cost crazy amounts of money for the product, and none can compete with Qudelix 5k.

Qudelix costs $89 on drop and $110 on Amazon, ticks all the boxes, and gives 15-16 hours of battery life on 1 vrms normal mode.

As for IEM, EPZ Q1 Pro costs pennies and is the most comfortable IEM i own.
I've redeemed this. It has noticeable channel imbalance even comparing to EDX Lite.
I'll keep it short. Don't normally listen to *pop but this was surprisingly not terrible. The songs are different enough to keep it engaging but stay on theme. Album is Imaginal Disk by Magdalena Bay.
>She Looked Like Me
Probably the worst song of the album. That overbaring bass thump at ~0:55 and another time towards the end just ruins it for me.
>Killing Time
The song that prompted a review. Superb opening, should have been the opening track. Would have been nice if they kept the energy going but instead it goes into true blue interlude.
>Death and Romance
Stereotypical repetitive pop song. Album certainly picks up after here though with some bangers.
I think they should have just dropped tracks 1 and 3-5 and had a normal length album with all around decent tracks. The lyrics aren't particularly inspiring and the vocalist (at least in this album) has the range of a teaspoon so they would have to do something reasonably different in their other albums to keep me interested (first time listening to them). Also the music is nice but most tracks don't really have the depth that would keep me listening when I'm not preoccupied. There was one track near the start that needs crossfeed on IEMs, I can't remember which one though and the infringement isn't present in any other songs.
>$200 before tax
Confirmed american
very cool, currently updating it.
the question is whether or not i should include a download of the lossless album for anons to enjoy or not
I wouldn't bother, a YouTube link would be helpful though.
Easiest way do download music these days is through Qobuz or Deezer and there's already easily found guides for both.
sounds good, the logistics of it are a bit annoying
This is some really niche request but what are some of the budget wired IEMs (3.5mm) to be used at the arcades (rhythm game cabs).
any details as to why your scenario demands such a specific request?
seems like any other 3.5mm system, just get anything in the op
My bad. I should have worded my question better.
Any budget IEMs that have good noise cancelling and can be used in a really loud arcade cabs.
Keep up the good work anon! Hopefully we can get more review submissions in the future. Of course a good first step would be to get it in OP..
Was looking at the truthear hexas but saw people saying that there's better options, what's good at the 100 dollar range now? I plan to use then mostly for music I currently have the kz s10 pros but I got a fosi dac and wanted a more refined listening experience to go along with it since the kzs get shit on a lot now
No shit retard turd-world, that's why there is a $ not a shit stain
Just got the cheapo silver plated 8-core KBEAR, seems quite solid as far as conductor thickness goes, although one annoying thing about them is that left and right aren't clearly marked - they have differently colored plastic where the pins are coming out, but that's about it. But yeah, otherwise it's nice.
>uuuuh... poo!
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Just wait for Truthear Pure, it's hexa sexo edition
You can put the song name/album + artist there and optionally a link to tidal/deezer/qubuz/amazon music and then tell anons to go to lucida to paste that link.
>and wanted a more refined listening experience to go along with it since the kzs get shit on a lot now
Don't go down that rabbit hole, if you like what you have now than it's unlikely that whatever you'll pay 4+x more will actually sound significantly better to you.
decent idea but id rather have everything be "self contained" if that makes sense
even that is too bothersome for most to do. i might set up a pixeldrain account or something similar if needed
ur fukin dumb. any 1dd pos tuned half-decent shits on zs10 pro if what you want is good sound. if u like tinnitus peaks&valleysx5 then yeah stick to kzslop till you upgrade to campfire trifecta
uh oh, melty
for those out of the loop
Not joining your tranny circlejerk.
no problem, just make sure you check out the archive for pics and stuff
>Was looking at the truthear hexas but saw people saying that there's better options
if you want a good IEM for your personal needs, then yes, Hexa might not be the best IEM for you depending on what you need, for example if you need techs, Simgot LM and planars obliterate Hexa
however if you need something to hear the music the way it's supposed to be heard, the true in ear monitor and not just "monitor", then Hexa is the only IEM in its price range (and probably double its price range) if you don't want Etymotic which is the only other option
Which iem will get me laid ?
wtc goys, ive been looking to get some new iems. currently have truthear holas but voices sound too harsh on them. £80 budget. using them mostly for music and yt vids in the background
the rest are for losers
iems are for stinky autistic nerds, you need TWS, preferably cattle airpoos pro 2
My cute as fuck wife uses IEMs.
is hifigo legit for the EU?
it says they somehow cover all tax and duty fees
thinking of getting a sliivo and a space
not sure if I should wait until 10.10 for a potential sale
send pic of wife for evaluation
I don't have the Hola's, but they are supposed to be warm sounding IEMs. If you find voices harsh on them, simply buying another pair of IEMs might not solve this. For example the Hola's successor, Truthear Gate, is tuned brighter than Hola.
My advice would be using an equalizer. Try a filter at 3, 4.5, and 8 kHz respectively, set the q value to something like 2, and the gain to -4 to -6; then check if one of these makes it sound better.
>4chinner has a wife
yeah right
Yup, just MAKE SURE it is the all inclusive shipping option. They have different ones and they cover different things.
I ordered 80$ (because they only charge in usd for me or auto convert) worth in stuff and got it in Europe with no taxation or duty fees. It took a while to arrive but it did so neatly in a box and well packaged.
yeah, I too saw some anime girls that use IEMs
>buy 20$ moondrops
>cable dies on one side
>decide to get new cable since the iems still work, dongle is questionable
>cables are 20$
Should I just buy a new set or what? Are 20$ cables worth the price to use with the 20$ iems? Not sure what the best allocation of money is
Actually, I guess I should buy a USB-C cable and skip the dongle. Fucking hate modern phones
If by "cable dies" you meant that one side got quieter it's not the cable, it's the filters. Test by swapping the sides. If it's actually the cables there are cheaper cables than whatever you found.
>Fucking hate modern phones
don't use it then, sell your phone to some cuck who's actually willing to buy that shit and buy some older full-featured phone or an xperia
Name the most notable IEMs released in 2024... I can't remember any IEM that I'm lusting after
cvj night elf.
of course it's Simgot EA500LM
Awful Explorer. Low pinna gain gang & bass enjoyer on a budget, good pseudocustom shell.
Mega5est. Now every iem wants to be "new meta" and you can expect relentless shilling for NGGAR's mega5 collab too
nice musicteck will have a fuckload of kilobuck at canjam socal
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Hexa was already new meta before it was cool
yes and it's based
Pov: 2 pos.
what else would you want them to be? headpos? twshit?
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New pos
>Elysian Apostle
is dat sum rhodium or other rare earth metal 4.4mm plug??? oh heellll yeaah i feel dem techs in my loins
I would want them to not have meme drivers.
>Letshuoer Serenade
Pure aluminium.
1dd is so 2023, give me 2dd isobaric or fuck off
based. ej07 & ej07m always underrated from the sharturations era pos. will be nice to see what they deliver for successor.

so nobody except 64a. all the chinks are faking the 2DD shit with poor implementations.
It’s funny how with some eartips I can hear the deepest sub-bass notes, while others just can't reproduce them
BASSed 1DD enjoyer
looks like kz
fucking why
supreme ductility and treble microdetail resolution
and degradation over time
I have faith some chink company will get it right this year
desu I’d like to see a 2DD with a super tweeter. Thanks to 5128 and new meta targets, deaf retards finally understand that “muddy” bass is correct bass.
So now a single DD can properly handle from 20hz to 10khz without breaking a sweat even ultra budget POS like gate and whatnot.
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Are there any good IEM's without the rubber thingy that goes in your ear canal?
My ears produce too much ear wax so it's basically impossible for me to use them
Muddy bass is incorrect. Meta target is trash. Listen to speakers.
Different seal quality.
Literally doesn't do anything in IEMs.
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Gaymousetranny target > Speaker Tranny target
called earbuds. apple earpods (available in usb-c), or faaeal rosemary
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I'm looking for something with a P2 connector to use on my iPod
Any recomendations?
apple earpods (3.5mm wired) or faaeal rosemary...
it's over, my pos is in the netherlands...
Nijika would never
>Topping Hane will be launched in China on September 26, priced at RMB 799. Not sure about other countries.
i just want an all black pos fuck all this gay shit
IE100 Pro
Softears Studio 4
EPZ customize all you want
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ja11 came in
no hiss
doesnt click in place like other dongles so it will fall out if wiggled enough

gonna use it nonstop to see how it holds up before i order another
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new tips!!
the important shit is the eq bro, does it work as intended?
eq is cope
Show us
designing the giganigga bass ear rape blaster instant hearing damage pos, thoughts? gonna use a 40mm driver
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it better sound like this
those better not be vents
I don't think I can fit a 40mm driver in my ear yet..
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needs more soundstage propagation chambers
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>Just bought the Fiio K11 R2R even tho I already owned three other sources
I feel sick to my stomach. I'm actually a fucking sucker for marketing terms.
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bro why did you buy that pos...
No eq is cope. Cope with terrible sound quality, no matter how much you spend.
>hpg ded
There's benign marketing like materials used or rebranding what everything has as something special(dual chamber DD). And then there's marketing that actually damages sound quality. You fell for the latter.
Apparently there's a jcally dongle with the exact same hardware that accepts fiio firmware, you could also check that one out.
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>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference and music examples
Metal, Techno
>Past gear and your thoughts on them
Moondrop blessings 2. Loved it, but lost one earphone.
Apple airpods. Hate them.
> Other
I want in-ear headphones which would not get destroyed by my ear wax.
yeah I saw that when I was researching the ja11. the jcally jm12 and I guess also the ve odo use the same dac so they can be flashed with the fiio firmware. might get the jcally one though, the odo looks so flimsy and frail.
glad we're finally moving on from the hissy cx31993 chip. always kept with the apple dongle because everything else was noisy at its price range.
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Not big surprise.
2$ blu vido
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Is it better to get a Moondrop Dawn Pro for use both in my Iphone and pc or get two separate dongles like the fiio ka11? Both my audio interface and motherboard have high output impedance and it fucks with my iems FT
Only reason to consider a second dongle is if you don't like carrying the dawn pro around. Its not always nice to shove a phone + large dongle DAC in your pocket. Apple dongle is good enough for IEMs on your iPhone and would save phone battery too.
Is the apple dongle enough to extract the best of my s12 pro and xenns top? My region sells the good version of the dongle btw.
I hate that lightning port so much.
Softears twilight
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Yu Xuan Ji, 1DD, $50
It looks really cool
for the small penised individuals
Gouge out eardrum with icepick, will sound better than the blessing 2 shout cannons
It won't be able to drive them beyond the limits of human hearing in an ideal situation but neither do 16-bit FLACs and considering it is the portable option then it performs more than good enough.
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>Shout cannons
Maybe you should stick to some good ol' Sennys
yeah, please give me a flashbang treble and muddy instead
Looking for something very specific

IEM or closed-back
Balanced/Studio response
Would work with MacBook high impedance headphone port

I could just use cheap shit - my problem is I have the HD 6XX but that's open back. I need the headphones for listening to recordings live without distracting the musician
Wan'er Studio Edition
My Gate just arrived. It's, eh.... okay, I guess? About what I'd expect for its price.
Isn't Gato just a Hola in a cheaper shell, with materials affecting the tuning? I believe the driver is the same, or identically looking at least.
Too bad neither are good
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Useless technology
new bread >>102534394
Please do update the OP.
I wanna look at the OP and buy whichever one is the budget king without having to read 300 posts.

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