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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

/g/'s Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
https://fglt.nl && https://files.catbox.moe/u3pj3i.txt

GNU/Linux Games:

IRC: #sqt on Rizon

Previous thread: >>102492448
is there a program like syncthing that works on linux but also uploads to google drive? i like how syncthing connects to your devices directly on lan. if there's a way to do this built into linux (like ftp and curl on a cron job or something) that would be interesting. i'm just curious if anyone else has come across this usecase
I think my laptop is dead.

The display panel died a few months ago. But, the hdmi output started to work after getting it repaired. So, it worked with an external monitor. Then I did an apt-update and now the nvidia driver doesn't load and the hdmi port stopped working.

The hdmi port only works after nvidia loads. It doesn't show the bios or boot-up. The laptop doesn't connect to wifi until login so I cannot ssh into it either.

Does anyone have any tips how to debug it? I tried to put my GNU/Linux live usb into it, but cannot see the prompts when it is booting to do anything with it.
Can you play nikke on linux?

this one?
NTA but no, I think Nikke is suppose to be a gacha game of some kind.
My screen keeps dimming while I'm playing a game with a wired in dualshock 3 controller on Arch Linux and I have to keep moving my mouse or keyboard tto wake it up. I'm guessing it doesn't register the ds3 inputs as anything so it dims the screen when it doesn't detect any mouse or keyboard activity. I can't turn off screen dimming fully because I find it useful. Any way around this?
maybe try
(haven't tested it, just found it)
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If you're using KDE then you could also just use kde-inhibit at the beginning of your command so it stops blocking power management as soon as its done.

If you're using Steam it'd be something like:
 kde-inhibit --screenSaver -- %command%
Or something like:
 kde-inhibit --screenSaver -- sleep infinity

If you want it on forever until you cancel it.
How do I install this on Arch and is it safe?
I don't wanna keep enabling and disabling settings. If I wanted to do that I could just turn off screen dimming before I launched any game.
How do I use these with bottles?
It's a quick toggle from the system tray.
Aside from that Plasma normally detects full screen applications and prevents screen dimming/turning off.
If it's not doing it, a simply logging out and in/restart should fix it.
If you're using the Bottles Flatpak then you probably can't because this is sandboxed. I'm surprised they aren't already inhibiting power management / screen locking over DBus though. It might be worth filing a bug for that.
Yes I'm using the flatpak version.
Also, I have another question, do you need to install wine on your system through pacman if you're using the flatpak version of bottles or is it all just sandboxed and remains in bottles?
I'm playing games on full-screen and borderless window mode and no it's not doing it automatically. Maybe a bug.
Plasma prevents screen turning off as well as dimming for me in absolutely all games when using gamepad, even in emulators like Xenia and retroarch.
There was a time once where it bugged out, but restarting my computer fixed that.
>do you need to install wine on your system through pacman if you're using the flatpak version of bottles or is it all just sandboxed and remains in bottles?
Everything is packaged for you inside of Bottles
Is there any modicum of difference if I swap from an Ubuntu distro (Lubuntu) to either a Fedora gaming distro (Nobara) or Drauger? I'm a lazy piece of shit but my laptop is also lazier (AMD E2-7110 APU) plus I'm looking to squeeze some more performance while procrastinating from switching to actually less intensive distros.
it's not distros that cose performance, it's shit like your DE
Some extra difficulty with codecs (I think Nobaro fixes that though, no idea about Drauger, I've never heard of that)

You might find it harder to get support since less people use Fedora compared to Ubuntu (if you're not a retard you'll probably be fine though)

Nobara may break sometimes because they like to use experimental patches and packages for some stuff. This usually gets fixed though.
>harder to get support
quantity isn't the same as quality.
I use Linux primarily, but have Windows installed for some proprietary music software (guitar amp sims, ableton, ezdrummer) and also League of Legends the one video game I love
So Riot Vanguard is a kernel level anti cheat that I have to have installed to play LoL in windows
If it's kernel level does that mean that they can see me in linux? I'm scared
i'm scared
Absolutely, it's still a difference though. As I said, if you're not a retard it shouldn't make a difference but it can't be overstated just how many different Ubuntu tutorials and forums and community sites, etc, there are.

Fedora is still a decent distro though.
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I'll be damned, it actually understood it
>I'm a lazy piece of shit
Then you probably don't want to swap to a distro that goes EOL every 6 months. Trying to squeeze anything more from that hardware is a waste of time.
They've said in like two blog posts that the kernel-level driver only starts during the Windows boot process. Kernel anti cheats like that don't care about Linux.
I guess Canonical wants to tie people into the Ubuntu ecosystem so they spend money with Canonical. A person might already have some Ubuntu servers, and they buy a RPi Zero for a project, so Canonical is like "hey you can still use Ubuntu and use the tools you're familiar with, we want you to be comfortable in our ecosystem, so you might spend some money with us".
The Raspbian OS is kind of shit, its packages are very stale. Ubuntu isn't exactly that fresh either but newer than Debian at least and you have snaps for up-to-date packages too not that I like them or use them, nor can I imagine that would be that great of an experience on hardware of that caliber.
Try waydroid
>willingly installing rootkit spyware to play games
The absolute state
You can install snaps on any distro thoughever, I've installed snaps on Raspberry Pi OS on my Pi
Any distro that meets the specified requirements, yes. In order to run properly your distro has to have a kernel space and userspace as similar to Ubuntu as possible (Systemd, AppArmor userspace and kernel up-to-date and Linux with any of the extra kernel patches they use, etc).
How do i set up remote unlocking luks on root during boot on gentoo? Do i have to use an initramfs with dracut+dropbear to make it work?
That would be the typical way to get something like that to work, yes. Then you SSH into it to do the unlocking and it continues booting afterwards.
The other way would be to use key files or TPM, etc, but then it auto-unlocks without you having to do anything which might not be what you want.
So it cant be done without using an initramfs?
Not for the root filesystem. For an external drive it can be done without one.
>try to install gentoo
>takes me 3 days
>finally get it installed
>try to install plasma
>messed something up
>currently installing gentoo again
Send help
What did you mess up? If you got the base install working you shouldn't have to completely re-install again unless you completely fucked up the FLAGS.
I just decided to start from scratch again, trying to get my head around use flags and masking.

It keep asking me to add flags, remove flags, merge packages and some other stuff. Should be alright now I understand the process a bit better.
what are av1 videos and why can't my 2015 dual core 940m slackware xfce laptop play them, only plays audio in players like mpv with a black screen
It's a modern royalty free video codec. They require a lot of CPU to decode without hardware acceleration.
Fair enough I didn't know that, but they do list a lot of different distros on the snaps website
Most of the distros they list don't have proper support, only Ubuntu does really.

For example, Installing snapd on Fedora Silverblue:
ok bros, i finally stopped booting W*ndows
its been more than a week since i last did and i dont want to go back
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Is there another way to copy the convolution from Dolby?

I made my own specific .irs convolution following the guide(Not a ThinkPad btw) BUT there's a hiccup whenever I click the audio button

Linux seems to have a lot of trouble handling audio on laptops mainly due to Dolby not porting their shit to Linux, shit sucks without them
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You are on the win if your system boots up. Absolutely zero reason to do complete reinstalls after that.
>kernel space
How would any program know the difference? I've been wildly booting various Linux systems with one and the same custom kernel and shit just worked. Or is there something I'd have to look out for?
(ok there was one issue: Fedora complained about ZRAM as my kernel didn't have ZRAM support but that was it)
t. largely readin Gentoo guide on kernels
What's the music player you guys use? I've tried Audacious, but I wish it's album sorting was a bit prettier and easier. Strawberry does it much better, but screams "GRAPHIC DESIGN IS MY PASSION", which I guess is fine for a music player, but it's an eyesore.
The silverblue way of getting it would be to create a ubuntu distrobox/toolbox and use snaps from there
why do people hate manjaro? I genuinely have no idea. I want to install this or Fedora with cinnamon DE. which one would be more stable? It would be for my home computer, general use, nothing very demanding.
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>You are on the win if your system boots up. Absolutely zero reason to do complete reinstalls

I am close to ascension, just need to install the desktop and I am a god.
I'm having a problem with the terminal.

I'm using a UK layout keyboard, but if I paste something into the terminal it pastes it as an American keyboard layout like " for UK results in @ in the terminal.

This only for pasting, typing is fine.
i dont know about fedora but i can give you some input about manjaro, its very shit when it comes to packages they support
they have their own repos and the packages they provide are always behind on versions because they somehow feel the need to test them all out
i remember when i started using it, some certificate expired for something an i had to roll back my system clock for shit to work again, but that was years ago and i dont know what they're doing now
you could try endeavour os or even vanilla arch with install script if you want to go with arch
if you want to go for general use, you could also try mint, its very close to windows in terms of usage from what i saw shilled on this board
Interesting, I've installed snaps on Debian and Fedora (not Silverblue) and they worked fine
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Alright, I didn't have the precise cut of the audio data, there's much less hiccup/stutter now.

For comparison old file had 197,7kb
New one with precise cut has 812 bytes

Precisely cut your shit
I do REISUB pretty often and nothing breaks. In my experience, if I don't do REISUB, then when I next boot, it tries to clean up corrupt files or something like that (it talks about orphaned files/inodes and I think it deletes them).
Total War Warhammer 3 has been crashing on launch for me a lot recently, I've tried different launch options, disabling mods doesn't help, and I've tried a bunch of different proton versions.
Here's the proton log file, please send help.
anyone know of any good awk puzzle resources?
>wine-staging 8.0 is a testing version containing experimental patches
Are you running an old version of wine?
Latest version is 9.0.
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That's because I was using GE-Proton8-32, I've tried messing with different Proton versions from the latest GE Proton to older and hopefully more stable versions, but I've had no success.
Sounds good, doesn't work in practice. Snaps don't run in containers.
First time trying Linux (Mint) and honestly I fucking love it so far. It's so responsive and incredibly beautiful already with minor changes. I love that the video player instantly open anything even .ts files. However it doesn't keep the live video open. If I have recorded 5 minutes of something (that is still live) it will close after 5 minutes. Is there any way to fix this?

Also on Firefox I am used to being able to press Ctrl + 1/2/3 etc. to switch between tabs but I can't do that on Linux. I searched a bit online and people say that something else it using that shortcut. But in the shortcuts on the system I can't see anything that is using it. A minor thing, but would love to be able to fix it.
I can't remove old timeshift directory because it has corrupt entry inside:
$ sudo rm -rf *
rm: cannot remove 'snapshots/2022-09-04_22-00-01/localhost/usr/share/icons/Humanity/status/48': Directory not empty

and let me cd in there:
$ ls -al
ls: cannot access 'gpm-primary-080-charging'$'\004': No such file or directory
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 2 xyz root 12288 Sep 9 2022 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 xyz root 4096 Sep 9 2022 ..
-????????? ? ? ? ? ? 'gpm-primary-080-charging'$'\004'

it's ext4 filesystem.

how do I remove that directory?
fsck your filesystem
>plug in generic usb network adapter
>see wifi chip
>google driver
>install it
I thought wiif drivers weren't supposed to work on Linux, what gives
thank you
Is there any way I can tell if my Debian 12 install has non-free software on it? I have librebooted, changed the Wi-Fi card to one that supports free software, and I've not installed any proprietary packages myself.
How does one even "install a driver" in Linux? Other than building a custom kernel obviously.
>changed the Wi-Fi card to one that supports free software
Now the proprietary code is in a ROM chip instead of a file. Feeling smart?
make -C /path/to/kernel && sudo make -C /path/to/kernel/src install && sudo modprobe the-driver

Or something like that.
>Other than building a custom kernel obviously
That's not building a custom kernel, it's building the kernel module.
What is the Linux equivalent to Winamp?
Wineamp in Wine
Incremental steps towards achieving freedom I suppose
installing a driver rolls off the tongue a lot smoother than building an open source module for my wifi chip
So that's sources for.... something? Cool, how do you incorporate... that into your running kernel?
XMMS back in the day.
No steps were taken, the hardware is still closed and runs proprietary code.
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Has anyone else experienced problems with gentoo hanging on boot after unlocking encrypted root with luks? using dracut and gentoo-kernel-bin
On the operating system side the driver is now libre, I'd call that progress
I often read that there are driver problems with Linux so are there any linux driver friendly brands out there?
I want to build a PC or just buy one for using Linux that runs besides my windows PC.
Mainly for lurking, watching streams and doing some Gimp stuff here and there.
Doesn't need a crazy GPU since I will game on my windows PC.
It can also be a laptop if those are more Linux friendly.

Also how compatible is Linux with .exes?
Can you run anything with Wine? Or are there any issues with like smaller/indie .exes?
Avoid Nvidia is the general sentiment I see expressed. Thinkpads are very Linux friendly is another trope.
It's a mindset shift, but ideally you won't need .exes.
>So that's sources for.... something? Cool, how do you incorporate... that into your running kernel?
It's sources for your running kernel. Your Linux distro usually packages the source for your running kernel so you install those sources and use the -C flag like I showed to point to wherever these sources are.

When you install the driver it installs alongside your other drivers in
/lib/modules/$(uname -r)
so all it takes for the system to recognise it is to call depmod to update module dependencies and then load the driver with
. On subsequent boots it should load automatically.
It's so beautiful, thank you so much!
>are there any linux driver friendly brands out there?
>can also be a laptop if those are more Linux friendly.
>Mainly for lurking, watching streams and doing some Gimp stuff here and there.
>how compatible is Linux with .exes?
You don't need .exes for that.
wine can run a lot of things, how well depends on several factors. Chances are small indie stuff runs better than big comes with retarded kernel level anti cheat stuff.
Also if the system uses DKMS then the driver can add some additional files so that it compiles ever time a new kernel is built and to allow the driver to easily build for all installed kernels via
dkms autoinstall
or some such.
it straight up supports winamp themes, not just a clone of the stock theme, but regular old unmodified winamp themes. so if you have a particular favourite winamp theme, you can keep using it
is the full disk encryption option that comes with the Ubunutu/Mint installer as safe as if it was done manually?
That depends how you define "safe". It's going to be secure but they might not use the same algorithms you'd use, etc (they're probably using defaults, which is honestly fine but if you're a schizo you'd use the strongest algorithms even though this will sacrifice throughput, etc)
thanks mate, I'll go with fedora. I used mint and Ubuntu MATE in the past and would like something else.
Linux is bad. Bad software, bad hardware compatibility, bad user interface, bad stability... Almost everything about it is bad, broken and incomplete. It is not a real operating system, it is a hobbyist project, which was cool maybe 20-30 years ago. Obviously, Windows software and many device drivers do not work.

This would be the case, even if they permanently fixed dependency issues and updating your system or package manager. All the other problems would still remain.

Missing/broken GUI configuration menus = The equivalent of needing to edit your program in assembly instead of C. It's a massive downgrade.

The problem is that it's a volunteer project... And despite having paid distros, they do not have any real leadership to tell people what to do, and how to complete an OS.

The only time Linux is useful at all, is when a large company with a lot of resources rewrites their entire system based on Linux - whether it's a series of online servers, a Chromebook, or Mac OS which was apparently based on Unix. Or steamos

Linux hasn't changed much since I used Gentoo in 2005. Every few years, I check to see if anything has been overhauled yet - and nope.
>That depends how you define "safe"
would the regular police be able to crack it even if the passphrase is strong?
How does Fedora work as a test bed/beta test for RHEL if Fedora doesn't collect any data/telemetry?
You're not allowed to criticize Linux developers because they are volunteers. And they are really proud of their volunteer projects. Most criticism or questions are met with condescension. This is a problem in open source, but it's a problem with software in general... Yes most software in the world is not very good, only a few programs stand out above the rest. And that's because they have a focus on user experience, continuous improvement, listening to feedback and so on. Linux does not have this, and they also do not have the money or developers to fund this.

All criticism of Linux is always immediately dismissed with "well if you don't like it, don't use it then". We don't. Nobody uses it. That's why it has 1% market share for at least 20 years now. Every year is "year of Linux on the desktop" and the percentage does not even go up. It's extremely embarrassing.

It is a form of a cult, in that a small percentage of people get tricked into joining, and they make it their pastime and hobby to uphold the illusion that the cult is worthwhile. It's like Cutco (the people who sell knives door to door, and make no money doing it) except without the money. You just become your own unpaid tech support guy instead.

Linux works for some people who do not use any software or hardware. Kind of like a Chromebook.
isn't the compression REALLY good though?
Probably not, it's safe enough in that regard.
it's a shame the winamp UI is kinda buggy on wayland AND extra windows aren't skinned. i use the library feature a lot in the Qt UI, it's really good.
It's very good but it's also complex. It won't run on your toaster, just buy a cheap Intel or AMD card with hardware decoding.
thanks chatgpt
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I'm a bit paranoid. How do I check to see if there's any chance that someone has hacked me and is looking at my computer screen?
>thanks chatgpt
What is that supposed to mean? Lmfao
>it's a shame the winamp UI is kinda buggy on wayland AND extra windows aren't skinned. i use the library feature a lot in the Qt UI, it's really good.
Oh, so it's just broken?
Isn't winamp a program from like 1999?
sudo ss -ap

Also use Wayland, nobody will be able to screen capture your screen in the first place without a permission pop-up.
Is it a bad idea to not set user password on fedora, have root accout disabled as well. Would i just be able to sudo without a password and it would be less secure?
It's fine for a single-user system. Since you're not a retard you're not going to run random applications you downloaded off of the interwebz without a sandbox anyway.
>sudo ss -ap
It gave a few thousand lines, from what I saw some about qBittorrent and CasaOS.
>Also use Wayland
I'm using x11. Not by choice, I just never cared for it.
Thanks i installing ublue actually, probably wouldnt need sudo much anyway.
What could be a reason for xrandr to show all outputs as disconnected despite them being not just connected but properly displaying picture (I'm looking at them right now)?
This only happens after system suspend and it messes some programs that get properties from the active screen (say mpv window geometry).
Anyone got a clue?
ss -ap4
4 is for ipv4
6 for ipv6
you're gonna get a laundry list of local ports otherwise
it's a pretty recent codec, is your system actually up to date? my 2008 thinkpad with a core2duo and integrated graphics can play av1 video
Sudo? More like Sneedo!
when you boot any Linux distro from a USB stick as live OS does it write anything to the stick or is EVERYTHING happening in the RAM?
Anon... how the fuck do you think they're going to hack you in the first place?
take a hash of the disk live booted and again just mounted. the whole ventoy thing made me investigate. hash was always the same
From RAM but not necessarily all at once (i.e it may only load some into RAM and read the rest from disk later - which yes, implies loading it into RAM but not permanently so). Some live images include special boot options to load the entire image into RAM (as an example, SystemResuce does this).
is btfrs going to sexually violate my ssd?
God I hope so
good idea
>Some live images include special boot options to load the entire image into RAM
that would be exactly what I need.
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Don't distro kernels have modules for everything?
If I'm missing a feature I compile a new kernel.
is the current kernel config usually stored anywhere? or is it discarded when no longer used.
I was looking at the fc-match thing with my fontconfig, and there's a huge list of fallback fonts or something that match any given font? Is it possible to clear out that list? Is there some minimal config I can have that is easy to understand?
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>This option enables access to the kernel configuration file through /proc/config.gz
Maybe not everyone has this enabled. And you may have to manually load it
modprobe configs
what version of regex does linux use, gnu?
cool. that's a big file.
Is zsh still the best shell?
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fish is comfy
There's a several month commentary period between when they fork Fedora and when they make a RHEL release. They have a group of large government / enterprise contracts they take care of, and everyone else can grab a helmet. It's not like Canonical where they're not sure where the next paycheck is coming from so they try to scrounge some change off rando users' Amazon searches.
I get frequent crashing from steam and my browser, they usually crash at the same time on arch. The crashing occures whenever I'm downloading or compiling shaders on steam. Anyone have this issue? everything on my system is updated.
what is your memory use? if it's not saturated might be worth doing a mem check
In Ubuntu, activating the overview occasionally has a laggy animation. Is there a reason or solution for this?
I may have actually found a real solution to this. It appears that Firefox destroys computers with high CPU and RAM usage that Chromium based browsers do not have issues with. Try closing Firefox and use Brave or whatever instead and see if it helps.
I don't want to use crc32 for the checksumming, so I'm wondering if the slower speed of using sha256 actually matters on btrfs? Or is it negligible?
>install hyrland
>wayland launches
>just a mouse icon
>try common keybinds
This is amazing i love wayland and hyrland!!!
>not on novidia
I had to use this to pull videos off a CCTV system of some white lady's black son beating the shit out of her car. She didn't have the password/username to the system for some reason but photorec pulled the recordings straight off the hard drive. I didn't get to see him beating the car unfortunately because it had happened literally a month beforehand yet they thought a 1TB HDD could store 3 1080p cameras recording 24/7 for this long. I barely had enough storage on my PC since each vid was 82GB each. It only had like 2-3 days worth of video on it. I told them to set it up so it only recorded when it detected motion but really I don't think they have any idea how to work it so oh well not my problem.
Anyone tried Microsoft Azure Linux? They just released 3.0.
Depends on how fast your storage and how slow your CPU is. You can just start a sha256sum on your target disk and see what the difference is like. Unless you're worried about someone having low level storage access and crafting hash collisions on purpose, there's no reason to use anything other than crc32. If you are, you may as well go full schizo with blake2 rather than play into a NSA standard they've probably had compromised from the start.
>Depends on how fast your storage and how slow your CPU is
Mechanical hard drives and a zen 3 cpu
>there's no reason to use anything other than crc32
I'm worried about collisions so I don't want to use it, I don't care about the cryptographic stuff. And I figured if speed doesn't matter then it's better to use sha256 than blake or xxhash as it's more widely used.
yeah but the winamp skin support isn't really the focus now. i think it's actually less buggy under wayland now but i can't get over the unskinned library search window.
Should I install mint, manjaro, ubuntu, or arch for my 2nd linux install?
Out of those Arch obviously.
Is there some way I can implement some daemon that checks for changes to a directory and it's sub-directories and runs a command when something does change? I came up with an image tagging script and I'd like to run it every time I save an image to a certain directory.
Fedora or Tumbleweed.
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My personal URE record without a drive outright shitting the bed is 34, so I'm OK with 1 in 5M-ish odds of losing data quietly. With xxhash collisions statistically don't happen unless you have a 100k device array or something crazy like that.
What was your first? Arch, if you're willing to experiment.
There's nothing weird in Arch. Other than "AUR" maybe.
Mint was my first. I like the look and feel of manjaro, but I've heard that arch is good too (however I'm not sure how hard it is to set everything up like it would be in manjaro)
it's not that bad with archinstall
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How do I get Ungoogled Chromium flatpak version to use a file picker that has image previews when uploading files on 4chan?
I was a big windows user for a while, so I'm still used to windows, would it be good for me? Also does arch have timeshift/restore points in case i fuck something up?
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I finally ascended and reach god status.

Installed Gentoo and kde plasma-meta.
Still a few kniks to sort out like the font being messed up in the terminal but it feels good to finally have it installed and stable.
>With xxhash collisions statistically don't happen unless you
I'm not worried about collisions with xxhash, but I'm thinking that using the more widespread sha256 might be better? Or maybe it literally doesn't matter as the checksums are only used internally?
nope, but this is why it's worth installing arch. you'll learn how that works if you want it.
what distro/setup? works for me on arch with KDE but i probably installed some portal packages a while back
OK so in Firefox the way I got it to display image previews in file picker is setting widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.file-picker in about:config to 0. When it's set to 1 the image preview doesn't show.
Don't know how to accomplish whatever this is doing in Ungoogled Chromium Flatpak.
oh, if you're on ubuntu, it's likely picking up that you're using GNOME and it's using the shitty ass GTK file picker.
maybe this'll help, i'm trying to look at it myself.
i think i got it, you need to add this to the file the arch wiki mentions:

you need xdg-desktop-portal-kde installed, or whatever the equivalent on ubuntu is, then run "systemctl --user restart xdg-desktop-portal". as an added bonus, you'll get the file picker in anything that supports xdg portals.
sha256 has hardware acceleration on modern CPUs.
actually you may even want xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt instead, as that seems to have WAY less dependencies. just swap out the "kde" for "lxqt" in that config file.
Are nvidia cards ok for linux?
Yes, but be ready for driver-related pain if your distro sucks dicks.
Didn't work.
you did write that out to ~/.config/xdg-desktop-portal/portals.conf, right?
Was planning on using mint for some gaming and productivity, just want to make sure that i'm good to get this 4080S for linux.
hmm, i've been swapping file pickers here without any issues. did you install the packages i mentioned?
I did.
Yeah it's only used when you get bad data back from the block layer. Because drive firmware bug, bad memory, etc. If it happens a lot you've got plainly noticeable issues. I can see facebook or IBM looking at >1M drive stats and thinking 256-bit hashes make sense, but not for home users.

Same extensions work for crc32 and xxhash though. They're still about 4x faster.
just locked myself out of sudo
the piece of shit nano that opened by default with visudo for some reason crashed when I tried to save the file with a dumb syntax error instead of asking me if it should really save the file/reopen it for editing
the computer is a old spare that sits under a desk in another room that I access via ssh, not connected to any display so it'd be extremely inconvenient to rescue it from another live usb... I know it's a retarded question but is there _any_ way I can at least revert the fuck up?
What ever was causing massive lag spikes in sway/wayland on Arch linux is now fixed.

I have no idea what it was.
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OK, I think Ungoogled Chromium IS actually opening the KDE file picker. As I said, when I set widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.file-picker to 1 (enabling it) in Firefox, I do NOT get an image preview.
When I set it to 0 (setting it to never), I DO get an image preview.
I just entered kdialog --getopenfilename into the terminal and it popped open the barebones filepicker that Ungoogled Chromium is using for me, and the same one that pops up when I set widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.file-picker to 1 in Firefox.
Is kdialog the same thing as KDE file picker?
Is there a reason for this and a way to fix it?
do you have a screenshot of what's happening if you don't mind?

yeah, they're the same file pickers. now that i think about it, is the "show preview" icon switched on?
This is the filepicker I see in Ungoogled Chromium and when I do kdialog --getopenfilename
I do not see a show preview icon.
yeah, that's definitely the shitty gnome/GTK one. weird that the portals solution isn't working for you.
What the fuck is causing kdialog --getopenfilename to open the GTK file picker?
try prepending the command with XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=KDE, maybe

it shouldn't be doing this
is there any guide to install fedora coreos on QEMU/KVM
im a total noob and i dont understand about the Ignition configuration
That got me this.
Still no show preview icon. Still no image previews.
yeah, that's the generic one from the Qt library. weird though, since i got it to work on mine. i can even swap out the variable for GNOME and get their file picker.
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Does anyone have any pointers for this issue? I'm trying to connect a bluetooth headset, but it keeps disconnecting with this error. I'm on Mint. I've tried every "fix" I could find on google: pairing via terminal, installing packages, editing configs, etc and nothing worked. I'm asking here because it's my last resort before I give up for good.

The headset works fine via Bluetooth on Windows (with the same dongle) and Android. The last thing I tried was installing pipewire-pulse, which completely bricked my audio, but after uninstalling it everything went back to normal.
Digging into this further, to make things even more confusing, it appears that when I get image previews in Firefox, it's in the GTK file picker.
Yet, the GTK file picker doesn't show image previews in Ungoogled Chromium.
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Ah. I uninstalled xdg-desktop-portal-gnome and now I get image previews in Ungoogled Chromium.
And, uninstalling xdg-desktop-portal-gtk got the KDE file picker to open in Ungoogled Chromium.
Show preview button not working though. Gonna try to sort that out now.
it's weird that you managed to uninstall that without pulling anything else out of the system by accident imo
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Ok, fixed it by installing pulseaudio-module-bluetooth and rebooting. I guess I hadn't tried every fix on google.
-2 hours of life
Yeah it didn't remove anything else.
So, now my issue is I can't generate any thumbnails or image previews at all in Dolphin, in Ungoogled Chromium or Firefox. I think I'd prefer to use Dolphin to GTK file picker, so I'd like to get this working.
Anyone know how to fix this?
you have dolphin now? open up the hamburger menu on the top right > configure > configure dolphin and look at the previews tab
>you have dolphin now?
I... think? This is what Ungoogled Chromium uses now that I uninstalled xdg-desktop-portal-gtk.
There is no configure option in the top right menu.
that's not dolphin, but you're definitely getting closer. my guess is that you're missing some deps. try installing kio-extras. restart the browser before trying again, too.
That's not Dolphin. Dolphin is their file manager.

You probably have to install kimageformats and ffmpegthumbs for proper thumbnail generation. In modern versions of KDE they also respect the thumbnailer spec properly so you can use any other thumbnailer too.
>try installing kio-extras
That did it. Thanks.
I just installed gentoo on a raspberry pi 5, it was pretty easy.
I haven't done that in a while but I imagine the ARM64 binary packages help a bunch now. I don't really have a use for Raspberry Pi devices anymore.
There isn't anything very good. It's something I've considered trying to make myself to get right.
Cantata + Mpd is pretty much perfect. You don't need more.

I only wish it had better maintenance. Something like this should be a KDE project, it already died once because its previous maintainer decided to give up on it.

If anyone from KDE lurks 4chan, please invite them to become a KDE project. An Mpd client "sponsored" by KDE would be a great thing.
I have an HDD with two 1.8T partitions on it:

/dev/sda1 is an NTFS partition with no data on it
/dev/sda2 is a veracrypt partition (it has no filesystem, as far as OS is concerned) and it's full of data.

Now, I want to format the NTFS partition to ext4. Can I be absolutely, 100% percent sure that going
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
will NOT affect my ability to decrypt the other partition?

I know it's a stupid question, but I'd rather be sure.
You can use the UUID if you want to be absolutely certain:
# blkid
# sudo mkdfs.ext4 /dev/disk/by-uuid/<UUID>
NOTE: If the two disks have the same UUID then STOP. You're doing something wrong and probably cloned the disk at some point.

This shouldn't normally be the case though.
What’s a good Linux distribution for gaming? Mint?
bazzite, its bit bloated but includes everything you need for gaming
Any distro that has more recent graphics card drivers would be fine. Mint would work fine enough.
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what terminal are people using that looks like this? im talking about the icons with folder location etc
Those are just patched Nerd Fonts with a custom Zsh prompt, etc.
I like Linux but sometimes Windows has a lot of convenience

E.g. getting video GPU decoding to work in web browsers on Linux can be fucking annoying when I've tried it in the past. Firefox at the moment on Ubuntu for me isn't using the GPU for video. Not sure I can be bothered to fix it. But on Windows it just works.
Probably Snap bullshit getting in the way. If you aren't already using Mozilla's Apt repo then switch to it:
Good idea but unfortunately, even with that, it seems it's still not using the GPU

It probably is possible to fix it but I'm too lazy at the moment, maybe later

I can see that mpv is using the GPU though (intel_gpu_top indicates this)
Did you follow this?
Thanks for that, I also looked at this


It's now working. I also installed H264ify because this computer is old and can't hardware decode newer codecs. Maybe that's all I needed to do, I dunno, but it seems to work now.

Still it is just annoying when stuff like this happens. But maybe I should be grateful that I'm not using Windows with all the bloat which that entails.
Probably, since it's supposed to be enabled by default for Intel GPUs.

You can blame the mess of web standards for this, there's no API to test for which codecs a device can decode via hardware so without extensions like H264ify that trick the website into thinking your device can't play newer codecs you don't get proper hardware acceleration.

That's not an issue on modern devices because they can hardware decode pretty much anything you throw at them.
Not memeing
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why are all the fucking file managers so god damn shit
-won't fucking work properly unless i run as root for no real reason
-no webm thumbnail support
-won't fucking load the majority of my thumbnails
-holy shit just load the god damn thumbnails i'm tired of this shit
-slow as everloving shit, freezing my system repeatedly when looking at the same folders in dolphin doesnt
-the icons for mp3 files look fucking retarded and gay
You're doing something wrong. It should not ever be required to run Dolphin as root, or any GUI app for that matter.
Also it definitely supports thumbnail generation for webm files. Install ffmpegthumbs and make sure your system Ffmpeg isn't gimped in any way (i.e it should have support for libvpx)
there has literally been nothing that i did wrong at any step, because there wasn't any steps that could be fucked up in the first place
"emerge --ask pcmanfm" then run thats all i did, this shit just doesnt fucking work
also as for dolphin, same fucking thing, merged through portage without doing anything to fuck with it
crashes on completely stock settings whenever i try to move around files with the mouse unless i run as root
I'm talking about Dolphin. If you need to run it as root you're doing something wrong. I don't know about Pcmanfm but I guess you would need to install something like Tumbler to get it to generate thumbnails:
>crashes on completely stock settings whenever i try to move around files with the mouse unless i run as root
Do you have a backtrace you can share? That doesn't happen for me. You probably should report this.

Yes because unlike fish it's posix compliant while still having all the features of fish
Every time i try to install gentoo on baremetal i run into a retarded niche issue that i can never find a solution for
I ran into this issue on arch and could never find a way to get firefox to use any filepicker aside from the shitty gtk one despite doing almost every proposed solution
nvm, pcmanfm is doing fine after i restarted
sorry for complaining like a bitch, theres just so much shit i've been troubleshooting just in order to get my system to cooperate with me, a backlog of other issues i still need to troubleshoot and fix, having a really bad sleep schedule, on top of being stressed by uni and a bunch of other shit in my life
does anyone know how to have pcmanfm open the last tabs before it was closed?
It's pretty easy if you use the desktop stage3, binary packages and binary distribution kernel. It's hard to fuck that up unless you're a special kind of retard. The only thing you have to worry about is installing Grub and optionally configuring your timezone, locale, keyboard layout, etc (the usual stuff).

You should of course still learn how to use Portage though, especially how USE flags and KEYWORDS and masks work.
Thunar and pcmanfm-qt were the only two filemanagers that seem to work properly for me
>It's pretty easy
During boot, every time after it unlocks the luks encrypted btrfs root it will just hang and never boot. This is with dracut and the binary-dist kernel
k, so I installed arch with the cinnamon DE. what am I in for and where can I get some themes?
>It's hard to fuck that up unless you're a special kind of retard
where do you think you are? do you really think you should be assuming otherwise with anybody here? do you think you arent either?
Probably a Dracut bug. When I last did full disk encryption I used my own custom initramfs.
sometimes the solutions are just pretty bullshit and make you feel retarded
like restarting your system
in my case when grub didnt work, i spent like a full day trying different things to fix it, and the solution in the end was to just recompile it through portage, which i had been putting off the whole time because i was busy trying other "solutions"
if you dont want to spend half your time on the system being a tinkertranny like me and every other gentoo user, now is the time to turn around, because it doesn't end just because you installed the system
I used systmed with grub and distribution kernal.
I also had problems with btrfs and used xfs instead.

1. make the partitions
2. format the partitions
3. download the stage files from release > autobulds > whatever arch > stage3-(arch)-desktop-systemd.tar.xz
4. choose grub as bootloader
5. skip to distribution kernel
6. download source
5. install grub
6. set grub as the boot loader
5. unmout everything and restart removing the install disk first
I think it's a udev bug actually, the disk unlocks and then btrfs says something about scanning and then hangs last time i booted it without loglevel and quiet in the boot args
The only other thing might be the btrfs dracut module is causing some issue, i might take a look later and try again when i have time
Is it possible to do disk unlocking over ssh at boot with a custom initramfs the same way it can be done with dracut and mkinitcpio? (it wasn't part of the problem but something i also wanted to do later)
Good points, I should really get a newer computer to be honest
If you're IBM maybe. There's nothing stopping individuals from using / distributing firmware files off license.
The DRIVER was "clean" all along, we are talking about a piece of data that gets UPLOADED to the device.
>distributing firmware files off license
Off license? What is that even?
CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE="rtl_nic/rtl8168h-2.fw amd-ucode/microcode_amd_fam19h.bin"

How many laws am I breaking now that my system booted up with this proprietary Linux kernel?
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Install pikeru. Or if you want to use another inferior filepicker, you can still get a sense of how to make it work by reading the install.sh script
That trash is superior to nothing.
How do i setup Arch X64 to be a slave to a raspi 4b master using distcc?
How can I make ncmpcpp load my m3u8 files? they're all in a single folder, and i've added that folder to playlist_directory in mpd conf already
Gentoo as a distro and one weak and one strong device?
Pro tip: don't do it that way around, do everything with the strong device. Transfer the setup over to the weak one when you finish building it.
Raspberry having a detachable SDcard makes it even simpler.
So the "playlist" area is the fucking QUEUE, cool, now I know it won't be showing there anyway, but I still don't know how to load my .m3u8 (ACTUAL playlists)
Some PDF flips text upside when I try to edit it
or open in Karbon, what's the best command line tool that will fix this without damaging the quality or the text formatting?
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Tried to convert it to m3u and they DO show up but they're worthless because it's not utf-8, when i search this issue all i get is the mpd FORMAT (mpeg dash) not the player.
None as long as you aren't distributing it. The GPL let's you do whatever the fuck you want from the comfort of your own home as long as you aren't distributing it. The license literally does not matter, it only comes into affect if you distribute it to other people.

At least that's my take. I'm not a lawyer.
Is there a way on gentoo to stop creating savedconfig files like
even though i already have
Set -savedconfig in package.use
Or just savedconfig if you want it to use the config
I want it to use the config, i already have the savedconfig useflag set for it but it keeps creating a seperate file for each new version with the contents of /etc/portage/savedconfig/sys-kernel/linux-firmware copied over on update
How do I improve desktop responsiveness? Are custom kernels just placebos?
i think the BORE kernels felt slightly more responsive but they turned out to be such a pain in the ass to use on arch that i just use -zen. i have no way to actually measure this.

GNOME's gonna freak
have less bullshit run in the background
They may put something in their license like "may not be distributed outside official driver package" and DMCA strike sites who try to host it in the US.
>How many laws am I breaking
You're breaking the support contract to use a driver they were never going to support anyway. They need to teach people in highschool that breaking contracts isn't illegal.
Search engine is telling me that Zen is for the most part a placebo. Maybe I will give XanMod a shot. I recall that custom kernels did help old Android phones way back.

All my bullshit runs in the foreground.
i just think its funny that the fsf freaks about shipping non-free firmware when almost every part of your computer has some. all it really does is upload it to the hardware so its updated.
>All my bullshit runs in the foreground.
well, how's the kernel gonna know what to prioritize?
that's why libreboot exists
what are you going to do about your gpu/NICs
Intel drivers are free software, same with NICs supported by Libreboot (Atheros). I flashed libreboot on a couple old laptops myself, it's not that hard of a project if you know how to follow instructions.
Libreboot/coreboot doesn't work properly and your system will eventually freeze up due to a known bug with intel pstate that has never gotten fixed.
Never had such a problem with my T400.
the drivers are free software, the firmware isn't. you only think that because you might not need the linux-firmware package since it's already on the chip.
Then you're lucky because it's a known issue and my x220 is affected.
yt-dlp is such a great program

Fuck Google
That's normal. I think they do that so you can downgrade because the config might change over time.
How much downtime in update lag are you seeing with the fuckery they've been getting up to? Invidious has been massively shit on for months.
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Any addons to add timed lyric support on Strawberry?
How do I change font in libreoffice in the default UI mode?
yt-dlp works for me, I don't have problems with it, even if the script takes a few seconds to start

As for Invidious many of the instances seem to be broken, but I think there's a couple that still work, I just used one and it worked
Use CGroups and set cpu.max and cpu.uclamp.min and cpu.uclamp.max. You can also freeze the CGroup if you want to pause it.
>As for Invidious
The breakage is insidious. An arbitrary video will work or not on an arbitrary instance so you may get lucky with a video or you may have to hop multiple instances and then have to do it again for another video. The rate varies. Not long ago there was an attack via google blacklisting servers for continuous requests which would break a particular instance.
Most likely it's a video driver issue. I'm guessing you have an NVidia card with proprietary drivers, right?
That's known to cause desktop motions/animations/drag-n-drop to be choppy.

For NVidia you basically have to choose between a smoother desktop experience (with open source drivers) and good performance in games (with proprietary drivers). You can't really get both.

That's why most linux users like to go with AMD these days. Because they are more open source friendly, so you can get both high performance in games and also a smooth desktop.
>upgraded to Ubuntu 24 a few weeks ago
>reinstall teamviewer
>GUI never shows up
>htop indicates there's always a root teamviewer instance running
>sudo killall
>dies and pops up again
>daemon restart don't do shit
>reinstalling either
I think I've decided on btrfs for root and ext4 for the home folder on my os drive, I'll use snapshots to back up to another ssd with a btrfs partition.

For my HDDs I'll be using ZFS and I'll use the command to pause any kernel updates that break ZFS. I just don't trust btrfs to handle the data after reading so many horror stories so I'll put up with staying on an older kernel for a few weeks.
what are some plug & play WiFi adapters I can use on Linux that has open source drivers? budget is like 50-70 eurorupees.
Any of you bros using KDE Plasma 6 wayland on Fedora - or other distro? What's the experience been like? Is KDE stable running with wayland?

I installed a lightweight debian gnome last year and everything has been smooth and still going great, but Debian won't be getting Plasma 6 for probably another year+. I'm having serious FOMO and considering going over to Fedora 40. Pls tell me it's shiit and i'm not missing out ;_;
sounds a mess I would suggest KISS
it's been great on kinoite
Yes but how do i setup distcc and the toolchain im reading that it would use
I already have arch on the slave and debian on the pi
it should just work with distcc set to the ips?
It's primarily a gaming machine with porn on my hdds.
How do I find Linux friends?
How do they differ from Windows frens?
I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Linux friends, are in fact, GNU/Linux friends, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux friends.
Lineed's, formerly Linuck's
We could start a 4chan linux group chat on SimpleX, or Session to talk about linux and make friends in.
We'd need some simple rules like no trannies, no spamming dumb shit, and no acting like you have been on 4chan for 20 years even though you probably have - that means talk like a human, not a frog.
>talk like a human, not a frog.
No. I'm just a Sneeder, Sneeding my life away... Away...
Hey how’s the multi-monitor VRR support these days? I have a 75hz panel and a 165hz panel with an nvidia gpu. Terrible combo I know, and back in 2020 when I ran Linux, I hit issues with windows going black and weird refresh rate quirks.
awk is BASED
>no acting like you have been on 4chan for 20 years even though you probably have - that means talk like a human, not a frog
You have this backwards. The old guard are the ones who DON'T act like retards.
wayland is the rust of display servers yes/no
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so I installed mint. now what.
Was thinking of switching to Linux from windows. I took a look at some distros and I like how KDE plasma looks. Deciding between manjaro, fedora KDE, kubuntu, or mint (I know it’s not kde), but wanted some advice before I go balls deep. I use my computer for gaming and web browsing, emulation too.
no manjaro for many reasons
no fedora if you aren't comfortable dealing with SElinux
other two are fine.
oh also if you really want Arch based, cachyOS is great and idiot proof to get running.
What’s SElinux?
Security Enhanced linux. the NSA mandatory access control system. It's a pain to use if you haven't read half a book on it.
I see. Should I stick to Debian based distros since I’m a beginner then?
honestly i never had to turn off selinux. it might've been a problem a few years ago but it works now.
stop spreading bullshit implications that you need to read half a book to use fedora.
enjoy troubleshooting when it gets in your way :^)
The more I use KDE the more I see it's quirks and how fucking terrible this thing is. I've used other DE for a short time but I think I'm at the point where I just want to never use KDE.
i bet you also love going on r9k and saying things like "she will cheat on you, just you watch ;^)))"
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Why is life always like this?
you'll be dying for israel soon, and then your suffering will end
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Gee, thanks for these uplifting words.
is there any reason to even mount the boot partition in a UEFI system? it doesn't get used after the kernel is loaded and all the from the initial ramdisk are thrust in.
Updating it with new kernels and snapshotting. You are doing it wrong if you don't have /boot on the root partition though.
What you don't need to mount is the /efi partition.
Everything else can be encrypted.
Does installing flatpaks in a custom dir, let's say /home/user/programs/flatpak, possess any major risks opposed to using the default dir?
Why would you want to change from the default .var directory?
I mean the actual program, not the data/configuration folder each flatpak program has in /user/.var
Because I have /, /boot and /home in different partitions, makes reinstalling or hoppin way easier.
And considering I'm starting to use flatpak and appimage for everything, seems convenient to have almost everything ready any time I reinstall.
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>"I have /home but now I want it as something else"
I did that at first too. Don't use it for just home, make it a generic /mnt/whatever. Having your $HOME under /home doesn't help anything, it's all the same to have it at /mnt/whatever/anon for example.
Depends if your distro' scripts expect it or not.
And stop being confused about /boot. It doesn't hurt to have a /boot partition in addition to ESP (/efi).
None. The sandbox doesn't give a fuck where the actual program is located on-disk, it's going to present the same environment, in the same runtime, with the same /app directory, regardless of where it is located on-disk.

The only way it could pose a security risk is if multiple users have access to this directory to modify it (say you did something stupid like install it on a public read/write NFS or Samba share).
There's not really any value in encrypting. What are you trying to hide? Linux is all free software, anyone can go to your distros repositories and download it anyway.

Just mount your FAT32 ESP at /boot and store your kernels there. If encrypting it is about protecting the initramfs from tampering then secure boot and universal kernel images already solve this problem much more cleanly without the crap that is Grub.
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>There's not really any value in encrypting.
If it glows then answer the question. Why are you trying to hide your /boot?

I can go to the Arch repositories or the Ubuntu repositories or the Fedora repositories, etc, and download a copy of your kernel anyway (assuming you're distro kernels which let's face it 90% of people are).
I'm on Linux mint what is a good bluelight filter for it? Or does it come with one out of the box that I'm missing?

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