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Monday, Monday

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Previous Thread: >>102496755
Work at the office tomorrow. Heck.
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i did my monthly day in the office last week so im safe this week.
>receiving hand of quite a few firm handshakes.
too many to count, but havent given me a raise while they are promoting poojas into senior architect roles while all they are doing is bullshit project management
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pooja had the masters degree so he's smarter that's why he got promoted.
>promoting poojas into senior architect roles
once jeets are a majority in senior technical roles it's officially over, there is literally no coming back from it without starting a new company
Why are her fingers so long?
bred for sweatshop sewing work
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>Click Apply Now button
>It leads to Workday
thanks to people like you my office is empty and comfy. I want to separate my work life and personal as much as possible and will never work inside my house remotely as such.
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I work from home Monday and Fridays. It's a nice change of pace, and I just schedule things I can't do remotely Tuesday-Thursday, unless something is an emergency. Comfy.
Yeahhhh sorry anon corporate just flowed down a new policy we're back to 5 days in the office.
i hate these parasites so much
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After 3 months of NEETing, I'm finally going to start applying for jobs again. well deserved vacation.
she most likely had some old boomer thirsting after her
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reminds me of the moldbug twitter thread
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Corporate? I work for a local government office. Just tier 1 helpdesk stuff, replacing hardware and shit like that. Mondays and Fridays I work a call center that people call into for password resets and remote printer/application installs. Other than that, during the week, it's fixing broken systems, ordering parts for broken systems, and imaging new systems for deployment. Nice easy life.
Why not make a combined OP, useful for people seeking jobs and people that already have them. No fucking way is someone here actually reading Verge, but the health dashboards are useful. Conversely, neetcode is pajeet shit but the article about salary negotiation is always relevant.
Because this thread is filled with LARPers who never actually had a job to begin with
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Good luck anon!
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my mom asks what i want from the ll bean catalogue every year.
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WHERE ARE ALL THE JUNIOR DEVELOPER ROLES????????????????????????????????
JR developer roles were never real.
They were always a scam for companies to pay a younger developer less money.
ill take a 20k a year junior role at this point
Stop spending all your money on skibidi toast, march into the office and give the boss a firm handshake.
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>300 years later
Fuck being in the office, my coworker and I are both sick, we definitely caught the same bug.
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i don’t understand you faggots, sometimes, jeets are literal fucking code (react) monkeys: they can’t design, they can’t model, they can’t even into UML or business requirements. The only jobs they’re taking are the diversity hire jobs of juniors as these curry-munching cunts will work for 3/5 of fuck all and I can promise you that clients REALLY don’t want to sit down and listen to Good Morning, Mumbai limbed with more excuses than assholes first thing in the morning. So who gives a FUCK if company’s want to self sabotage for the sake of cost-cutting. Work for literally anybody else so you don’t have to cop a nose full of body odour and nepotism-driven poverty when you head into work for a meeting.

Remember how with old-school MMOs where there was always an “unofficial black list” of all the fuckhead players to AVOID, SHAME, and OSTRACISE on the server? It’s literally the same fucking deal with employers: even though glassdoor is pozzed af, social-shaming/pressure STILL works on company’s, unfortunately, the only shit (((tech influencers))) “influence” is selling you fake & gay courses and stroking their egos.

tl;dr Unionise, or shut the fuck up and keep doing nothing like the americanised cuck you were destined to always become. Or, start your own company, but then that would require even a modicum of original thought, creativity & ingenuity. Alas.
>t. Senior in a company free of the poo
If you did tertiary study, and you DIDNT bother to either:
>pick up clients along the way for proof of concept/proof of works
>complete your own projects (broken record, i know, but it’s true)
>genuinely making the effort to be social for the purpose of “networking” aka, in-house character references
Then it’s going to be tough af to find a job. The majority of them aren’t even advertised because of how fucked the industry is; no hiring manager, from a business/company with a decent work/life balance, good working conditions, and a lack of observable brown pigmentation is going to let some random guy walk in off the street. You’re dreaming!
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will your coworkers remember if you die anons?
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What makes you think they're going to survive me?
i have my own projects with hundreds of stars but they don't even look at my shit i get filtered out instantly from everything because i have no experience, it's not my fault i'm antisocial
shit is getting real, HR just sent me a message on teams asking "to talk".
its joever
So who has the final say on whether you're getting hired or not? The tech side or HR? I've done a long technical interview a few days ago and now HR want to have another interview with me.
This happened to me and she even said it's about a sensitive topic and i was shitting my pants but it turns out they just wanted to get my side of an office drama story
don't trip
good morning sirs
jesus christ, that's fucking brutal
Why? I think it's nice, as humanizing as a coworker-made memorial could get
yeah, I'd rather not be remembered as wagie "Austin H", aka Walmart Drone #3425436. it's just depressing.
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WFH chads, what would be the ideal monitor setup? I'm thinking a 34' or 27' monitor with a built in hub and a laptop on the side. Any tips?
two 1080p monitors from 2012
work laptop on far side of the desk (igonred most of the day)
your main battlestation in the front
>work from home
>can churn out code for 8 hours straight fully locked in without even getting up to piss
>work from office
>struggle to keep my eyes open after writing a couple emails
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This is official, I was an intern and my company wants to hire me, they're making me an offer this afternoon. This is such a milestone, I can't believe it's happening.
Same for me. I think it's because we subconciously know that in wfh, you need to perform in order to prove that you're not jerking off all day instead of actually working. Meanwhie in office nobody gives a shit because they assume you're working all the time (boomer mentality).
I'm not convinced of two monitors. For the past two years I've been working on a single monitor and it was perfectly fine for me
my battlestation is just a single 1080p 24' monitor, that's why I wanted to upgrade to a higher res and bigger screen
my main monitor is 32" 1440p 165Hz, but that's up to personal preference. I don't use it for work at all.
as for work, I use company laptop with Barrier installed, so I can seamlessly work on both machines with zero mouse/keyboard latency. Barrier (https://github.com/debauchee/barrier) is basically FOSS version of Synergy. works very well for me, but I wish my work laptop had larger screen.
this is my 20th time of doing unpaid overtime on Saturdays. i've been here for 4 months.
same here, 27" 4k 60hz here
Sucks to be such a whipped cuck like you
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niggas don't know I've been jobless for over a month and still post in /twg/
how long should i stay here? do you think i want this?
just know it's not normal. jump ship the very first chance you get.
I remember only one instance of a guy dying in a company I was working for. it was our regional manager, he was a piece of shit, and we were cracking jokes about him not later than 2 minutes after we heard the news.
This week it's good to remember that despite what everyone says, what they claim to believe, people are genuinely delighted to encounter a white man in tech
When people realize they're dealing with someone who looks like Edward Snowden they think, universally, "oh thank god, someone who can help me".
Same, switched from 2 1080p monitors to a single 4k, feels much more productive as a result
Meh. 90% of people posting here are full time scammers masquerading as "muh programmer".
You're just one more drop in the bucket.
Unironically true in my experience.
Why so low?
I'll quit after the 6 month mark. Just two months to go
14 inch 60hz laptop (can be increased to 144hz) and 21 inch 100hz monitor here. Used my laptop screen the app view, and the monitor for the IDE.
Is python better than java for test automation? I fucking hate it but the company required to rewrite everything with it when I moved to a different department
for text it makes no difference. only if u play fps games it does
I graduated 5 months ago in cs and been unemployed since. trying to cope and all
>died at 25
damn, rip
I'd say so. it's easier to run and develop tests in Python, and most devs already know at least basics of Python, which cannot be said about Java.
>test automation
Automating the testing of what?
Are you rewriting all of your source code from Java to Python, or are you testing an external system?

I went for three years unemployed after graduating.
I only broke the unemployment streak by doing an apprenticeship.

Insult to injury: The man does not look 25.
And what everyone will remember him by is that he wore a blue vest and worked at Walmart.
I mean, it's nice that they did SOMETHING; they weren't obligated in any way; but what they managed to drum up is just depressing.
Asking again if anyone has experience with dataannotation.tech.
I'm just looking for a way to make money on the side putting a couple of hours at the weekend.
Why does embedded get paid so poorly compared to webshittery when it is objectively 100x harder than webshittery?
Haha I have today off and no meetings tomorrow. Enjoy Monday suckers!
They will when they have to fix my shitty code.
The last company I worked at the guy's family donated all his technical books to the company. So there's this kind of mini library in the middle of the office that no one touches.

I always thought that was kind of neat.
captcha: DAYHRT lmao
>I'm coming back here because at least this place can motivate me to be healthy when I stay on my preferred boards. at least it used to
what boards do you visit? the ones I visit are useless and don't motivate me for shit lmao

>Performing site maintenance. Try again in a little while.
Because webshittery is more lucrative. Embedded is full of cheap ass companies
anon, you don't get paid for the amount of effort you put on your work. if that was the metric, then the people working construction, cleaning bathrooms at hotels and other such shit would be billionaires. don't be stupid.
Cheapass boomer shops. Much like trades.
it's supply and demand, as always. apparently, demand for webshitters is greater than for bitbangers.
>it is objectively 100x harder than webshittery
delusional kek
here comes the webshit cope
coping is you thinking that a 40k/year job is hard lmao
My TL died in 2016. I was 31 at the time, and he was 33. He had been in the hospital for some health issue, and a coworker and I made plans to visit him, and when we called to find out which room he was in, we found out that he had passed away. We attended his funeral soon afterward. That was a strange experience. Today, I'm 39 and he probably would have been 41. I wonder what his life would have been like.
Embedded is mostly brainfogged EEs wailing on proprietary shitware IDEs from MCU manufactures + some PHDs shipping fucking matlab in the firmware.
Maybe you'll also be negotiating with Oracle to get JVM crammed in there so you can run your outsourced jeetware.

It's simultaneously more retarded and less challenging than webdev. You're not writing some elegant executive in C managing control loops with creative applications of linear algebra. It's all retarded corporate crap but with even more annoying licenses and less nice debugging tools and at the end of the day it get's shipped out and embedded (hence the name) in the customer's stuff so when it blows up you don't even have nice logs or a shell on the box to fix it.
this is 100% correct
I haven't had a job since November. My Grandpa keeps asking if I'm looking for a new one. I told him "no".
I’ve done both and yes, it is substantially harder.
It doesn't have to be that bad but it's more or less the idea
t. embedded
I really didn't want to get into webdev and only wanted to get into embedded myself. But seeing how the pay would be no where near enough for me to effectively pay off my loans. Webdev was the smarter option, it still has coding too.
go back
Nope, I make 6 figures in this industry and pay a mortgage.
Say what you want, I am still a tech worker and not leaving. I am getting paid either way.
This entire industry was a scam propped up by historically low interest rates (free money glitch caused by the great recession) that we won't see again unless there is another major recession (possibly in progress)
>it pays less so it must be easier
who let onlyfans whores into this thread?
is that why you're LARPing in a /g/ thread?
How much money do you spend on skincare?
yeah sure
actually, keep thinking that, less competition that way
I bought a $20 bar of african black soap last week
work on your LARP my dude
>Avène Cleanance
>CeraVe moisturising cream
>Beauty of Joseon sunscreen
>The Ordinary Peeling Solution
>The Ordinary Retinol
Overall less than 100 bucks per year probably, you really don't need much as a man.
Like $10 on a big pot of moisturizer, just so the skin on my hands doesn't break...
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>be me
>staff engineer at tiny but highly profitable company
>majority of coworkers are pushing 60
>14% 401(k) match, dollar for dollar
>basically a retirement home
>unspoken culture of not working too hard
>do maybe 5 hours work/week, collectively
>everyone loves it
>everyone knows not to fuck it up
>hire young guy, fresh out of dual BS+MS program
>comes in guns blazing
>brutally autistic
>cannot conceptualize the idea of relaxing or coasting
>has never taken a day of PTO
>messages people constantly even when they're out-of-office
>"please give me attention, look at how productive I am" vibe
>this week, our boss, his boss, and our boss' boss (CTO) are all traveling for a conference all week
>to everyone with a brain, that means we basically have a week of PTO
>Autismo Bazinga smashes into my slack inbox with a giant essay of everything he accomplished
>... over the weekend
>even if I bluntly tell this guy: "Hey man, nobody does anything, this is a boomer-tier email do-nothing job, please relax and take your free paycheck" he still wouldn't
>now i have to spend my free PTO week reviewing this little autists design docs that nobody asked for
>boss will probably come back from travel and laugh at me for working
>entire department loathes this new hire, completely wrecking the culture
>unable to see the error of his ways because he's too autistic and can't into implicit social cues

I really hate these Timmy Turner Spongebob archetype Zoomer junior "I'm gonna change the heckin' world!" guys.
If this is you, please correct yourself immediately, or go work at a startup/FAANG where the "look at how busy I am" grift actually works.
IMO it's not web vs embedded fundamentally it's about whether you're selling bullshit to investors or just to customers.

With investors you don't actually need anything, bullshit on the web is easiest so that's most common hence you hire a bunch of web devs (cost doesn't matter because it's other people's money) to come up with some bullshit that sounds like it will do something impossible.

Web devs actually doing stuff (like making sites for restaurants) get paid a pittance and usually make up for it with scale.
now you're getting it
We get told over and over again "you don't have a job because you're lazy" when in reality there's just no social cohesion. Autistic people struggle to figure this out, the boomer stuff is in language so they just stick that in their bran and as soon as anyone gives them any attention they go peddle to the meddle because they don't want to go back to being a NEET/student.

That's why zoomers/millenials are all either zero or 100 with nothing in between. Because there's no room for anything between those.
>That's why zoomers/millenials are all either zero or 100 with nothing in between
but this zoomy is literally manifesting his own destiny at this point. if he just relaxed as does 99% of the rest of the company, he, too, could be a lazy do-nothing paycheck collector.

the social ineptitude of zoomers has to be the worst trend of tech jobs over the last 5 years. i've heard Gen Z be called the generation of fear because they're absolutely petrified of everything, for no good reason, and that likely explains why this bozo feels the need to put in 70 hour weeks
remember anons, if they can pay a women $180k to twiddle her thumbs, you CAN get a tech job no matter what anyone says
The poor kid probably just thinks if he doesn't bust his ass he'll get fired. At many companies he would be correct.
>if he just relaxed
Literally both everyone he sees as an authority figure and his own experience has told him over and over again that's absolutely not an option.

There's just you, his delusional lazy coworker, who says otherwise.
realistically we can get this going start with the twg because the bulk of entire tech infrastructure is held up by only a handful of people, getting unionized is more realistic than people realize
start with educating yourself
The best thing that ever happened to me was telling HR to go fuck themselves during the vaccine mandate and them just taking it. I used to think if I wasn't up at 7:00am on Saturday closing Jira tickets I'd get fired and then they finally pushed too hard and I realized there wasn't actually anything there.

It's all administrative bullshit and no one actually cares either way.
I rinse my face off with tap water for 5 seconds before I go to bed every night.
im gay and smell ama
I made it to a school but the level is suprisingly low with my self-study history so i have some sparetime to do my own projects. Give me some ideas. Mostly thinking of doing web stuff. Something with java might be fun too but i don't know anything fun i can do with that.
I just get drunk every night and pass out on the floor in my clothes after stumbling home. Skin care is for women.
How do i maintain my eye health? I change glasses every 3 years and it keeps getting worse.
You're getting old and your body is breaking down. I guess you thought you'd be the one human in history who lives forever?
>Give me some ideas.
create an utility company simulation, try and recreate your current energy provider and estimate how many people it serves, how the electricity gets used, how much the lines run, how much employees to upkeep etc etc basically a simulator game but not a game and just realistic simulation.
If you have myopia your eyesight will continue getting worse until your 30s or 40s, then it will slightly improve, and then the elderly eye issues will start after another decade or so.
>The poor kid probably just thinks if he doesn't bust his ass he'll get fired. At many companies he would be correct.

>There's just you, his delusional lazy coworker, who says otherwise.

do I live in a different universe than you two anons? in 20 years as a software engineer i've never needed to "bust ass" (lmao)

maybe this is just a function of my own experience and tenure, but after a while, almost all software ends up being a data producer piped to a consumer piped to a user interface. there's nothing new or innovative unless you're working at Anthropic or some other big name startup.

the gimmick in white collar jobs always has been, and still is, pretending to be an expert and pretending to do work. the american economy is fake and there's no use brutalizing yourself to make some hook-nosed wall street guy another $100mm.

even then, too much effort likely means you're misaligned with the business' actual needs. a lot of zoomers I see "bust ass" but it's actually the equivalent of wheel-spinning and paper-shuffling so their efforts end up being useless anyways.

"busting ass" (LMFAOOO) is the opposite side of the pendulum of doing nothing. they're spiritually the same thing, but one makes everyone considerably more stressed.

>It's all administrative bullshit and no one actually cares either way.
See, this guy gets it. you're not saving lives here, you're LARPing as a productive wage-cuck for a fake company doing fake things. you all just need to relax.
>every 3 years
this is not normal, my eyes only got worse and worse until I got to 17 and it normalized. The rest of your health is probably pretty shit (unmanaged blood pressure, diabetes, etc etc) that is playing a role in your constant vision decline
That's actually pretty well written... Was I wrong about moldbug all along?
I suppose my opinion of him is improved and he's now 2 steps above neolibs and neocons.
You should have a blue light filter (a physical notch filter) and wear sunglasses (they should block UV and IR, polarization can let you get a little more brightness for the same protection because of the glare dampening but it's not that big a deal) when you go outside to prevent retinal deterioration and cataracts when you go outside.

Obviously a balanced diet helps. Not getting nutrients can cause neural degeneration.

Try to look at things in the distance, it relaxes your iris.
It all comes from zoomer "grindset" mentality. They think it's a magic formula to escape their shit existence.
The issue is they fundamentally don't understand their environment and they are low IQ so they adopt negroid cargo cult thinking.
Sigh. Maybe it's the late night gooning sesh staring at my phone?

How do i pinpoint the exact cause? Should i get a diabetes check?

I enable bluelight filter since 2020
i dont remember posting this
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I'm the same guy just explaining perception vs reality.
>Dumb zoomie you deserve nothing!! Keep grinding fortnite all day!!!
>Nooo zoomie you're not supposed to make me do my job!!!
>Starting new job next week
>they aren't back filling me, making the rest of the already severely overworked team pick up the slack
>keep asking me to do all this shit on my way out that they expect me to finish this week
Not happening
reminder that in the US your employer cannot legally fire you or take adverse action against you for:
>discussing unionization
>organizing activities: collecting signatures, holding meetings, or campaigning for the union
>joining a union
you can file a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) if they do. Stop waiting around and form a tech union, didn't you see what the past three years have been like? they just layoff people and rehire elsewhere, being a bootlicker doesn't give you job security
So who was responsible for hiring this freak then?
Surely there were obvious red flags in the interview?
>I enable bluelight filter
That doesn't do anything. The problem is a particular wavelength generated by the blue LEDs. Unless you can turn off the blue LEDs in your backlight or you have an OLED screen and completely disable blue light that doesn't really help.
>How do i pinpoint the exact cause? Should i get a diabetes check?
you can start with measuring your blood pressure for free at your local pharmacy
Fuck off back to New York. None of us want more jews telling us how to not do our jobs.
>>brutally autistic
this guy is going to automate your jobs and make bank, grifters get what they deserve
>If this is you, please correct yourself immediately
no I'm coming for your job, it's lunch time and this thread has a bit too many replies during prime working hours
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>our jobs
won't be your jobs for too much longer
If the kid is fresh out of school, he probably doesn't have a calibrated sense of how much fake effort to put into your work if the real world. I assume you're also 20 years out from college, but the workloads and busywork demands of universities have skyrocketed compared to 20 years ago. Your zoomer probably expects a similar breakneck pace of bullshit to his time in school.
Oh right. I'll remember it next time

Can i do that on windows? Heh
Unions don't fix them getting rid of you, they let you negotiate using the threat of you leaving.

This is why SWEs don't unionize: we already have all the cards and we're not retarded.
how do i become a NEET?
>Can i do that on windows? Heh
You need a physical notch filter.
No matter how kind or helpful you are, never lend anyone your charger or powerbank
I'd rather lend someone $10k with no prospect of it being paid back, than handing them my charger
>Unions don't fix them getting rid of you
how's the boot taste?
>we already have all the cards
only the guys making $300k+ have any cards that matter, if you're in this thread you'd benefit from having a tech union
why did you post this picture?
>how's the boot taste?
That's not a counter argument.
Seriously, fuck back off to New York and go back to fucking over black people who are too retarded to see through your scam.
>That's not a counter argument.
what's there to counter? collective bargaining power but all you said is
>muh SWEs are too smart for this
keep repeating this when you're in the next layoff so that they can rehire elsewhere
The problem with collective bargaining is you are throwing your lot in with mentally retarded subhumans who get greedy and end up forcing the company into a position where they struggle to remain profitable. Shitlibs will literally say "fuck your business go bankrupt then" without a shred of self-awareness and then act shocked when the jobs get outsourced.
We already have the cards so we'd just be delegating the power to some stranger.

If they're going to get rid of you unions don't fix that *since that's the threat that gives you power to begin with.*

I can't tell if you're malicious or just retarded.
>I can't tell if you're malicious or just retarded.
This is 4chan so probably both.
large anime breast
>company into a position where they struggle to remain profitable
companies are doing this to themselves already without unions
>then act shocked when the jobs get outsourced.
what percent of tech layoffs in the past three years were due to unions
I just graduated and I now have a job. My family is proud of me, I'm happy.
what cards do you have right now besides browsing g on company time
I actually have today off.

But yeah I "work" remotely (and I hardly do any work anyway) and get paid six figures with 401k match. What am I supposed to negotiate for exactly?
>hardly do any work anyway
are you in the US? why wouldn't they just rehire elsewhere like Google did
>companies are doing this to themselves already without unions
Unions often exacerbate the issues.
What's happening with Boeing right now is an apt example.
30k unionized machinists demand a 40% pay raise at a time when the company is in an existential crisis and their work has come under intense scrutiny. You have Boeing machinsts on reddit bellowing that they can easily go get $90/hr somewhere else and that's what they deserve because they are "skilled labor."
Once you see how ugly and consumed by greed these people are, it can't be undone. They see the union as a magic bullet to fix all the shitty choices they've made in their life.
Why not indeed. It's almost like they actually do need us for something.
and what makes you special that Google didn't for their workers? if it's remote and you're hardly working, there's a disconnect in management that doesn't know better
Sweaty girlpits
You can't. It's like trying to become a virgin again.
>Once you see how ugly and consumed by greed these people are, it can't be undone.
the irony is tech workers jumping ship for a pay increase, you can't just say union people are greedy, everyone is greedy
Because when I do work I actually write good code. Go read Android if you want to see where outsourcing gets you.
And then leadership of the unions inevitably work to advocate for more immigration lmao
>I actually write good code
alright anon good luck to you, hope that keeps you employed during this recession
Yeah it's hilarious that shitlibs ferociously insisted on globalism and then can't comprehend their declining wages and living standards, lol.
>hope that keeps you employed during this recession
I've saved enough that I can be unemployed for ~a decade without meaningfully changing my life style so I actually don't care. *that* is why I can ask for things I want.
>declining wages and living standards
if you got India to unionize, there wouldn't be a problem anymore
>so I actually don't care
why do you bother to hang in this thread, you got your bags ready, go hang out with the richies on biz and your early retirement
nta but what are some examples of GOOD code?
Because I still don't ave enough to retire indefinitely.

Anyone here can do this. My pay is pretty average for a SWE.
I've always been a fan of Busybox.
It's very brief and very pragmatic and very modular.
whats ur TC?
there will never be a single tech job posting ever again
and how come most people can't write good code? is it an IQ problem?
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>working on a new product at work
>development going well, time to QA test
>founder and CEO of our startup spins up a sandbox project using my library on his own machine
>I tell him we should put that project up on kubernetes behind our VPN so that the project manager and other frontend people can test it
>"I'll do that, I just want to fix these little issues first"
>over the course of 2 weeks, he sends me tiny css issues which are impossible to reproduce because the fucking sandbox lives only on his machine, and he refuses to allow ANYONE else to QA the thing until he's satisfied with it, defeating the entire purpose of QA
>Our QA resource is the CEO and we're paying him a CEO's salary

There are bugs I still can't reproduce because he won't stop fucking micromanaging this thing and getting in the middle of everything
No one seems to know.
This is why you keep everything in git and only do changes via PRs.
>Anyone here can do this. My pay is pretty average for a SWE.
yeah, maxing a 401(k) and roth ira (either direct or via backdoor), assuming you start at age 22 when most finish a 4 year degree can have you coast-retired by age 37 (traditional 401(k) -> roth ira rollovers)

problem is most people lack foresight and prefer to buy retarded shit like used 3-series beamers and funko pops.
>There are bugs I still can't reproduce
it's CSS, literally nothing you can't debug. Get good. Your CEO is right to micromanage you
Seems like moving will be inevitable since no company is hiring in my area besides the last company that laid me off. It’s going to be a really cold winter.
Or they blow it all on housing because they're not willing to sacrifice/get creative.
>they're not willing to sacrifice/get creative.
>muh live in a shoebox apartment with your seven cousins
not everyone is an animal like you
>>muh live in a shoebox apartment with your seven cousins
I live in my car actually tyvm.
why won't poor people ever shut up about how poor they are
>tech worker bragging about scarifice
>actually homeless
Because it's your fault they are poor and they are coming to get you.
>>actually homeless
I'm a *digital nomad*
Bitch, I only buy one-time huge expenses or top of the line products that’ll last like 5+ years before their planned obsolescence makes it unbearable.

Unironically wish I could buy the occasional Fate figure but those are fucking expensive and roommate will tell me to put it away.
invest in moving out
For some reason we've sponsored a visa for an Indian even though we've had multiple Americans interview for job listings.
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>they are coming to get you.
unironically true, read this book if you want a peek into the future
>even though we've had multiple Americans interview for job listings.
that's illegal
Is the hiring manager an Indian or just a jew?
shit we need to kill off all the poor people before they come for us. my idea is to flood the country with pliable low iq brown people to replace them, all while chemically suppressing their fertility.
Trying and it might happen
isn't that the handmaids tale hack?
>sitting at my desk like pic related, legs up on either side of monitor / keyboard, figured no one was even in the office today but me
how's the job market for swe's nowadays. anyone landing anything?
Well some bugs appear only when the parent container has a specific display mode. I don't know what the particularities of that are (block? flex? grid? inline-block? What are the flex settings? What are the grid settings?)

I could try to guess and reverse engineer what's happening, but the fastest way would be if I could just inspect the css in the browser. I haven't been able to reproduce the issues with my own debug page because it would just be guesswork. Anyways, this is QA; it's not supposed to be something the CEO is doing by himself, in secret, it's something that the PM should be able to contribute to as well, but he's locking the rest of the team out because he's a total control freak.

Not to mention, I cut a new release candidate for this thing every week, and he has a tendency to run things off of his own branch and then file bug reports without me being able to see what release candidate he's using, if any. He manually uploads the built javascript file to the CDN on his own path without going through CI/CD, so I don't know if he built it right. He's really not a very competent engineer, but he likes to pretend he is.

I have to do a lot of defensive coding around this guy to prevent him from fucking things up without my knowledge. Every day I check out the repo and find he broke something because he was committing directly to master. I can't lock him out from doing so because he has superuser access to gitlab (he's the org owner)

Hell is other people
It's over. The world of men will fall. Gondor will come to darkness, and my city to ruin.
but it is not this day
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>apply to entry level/junior role
>talk to hr and ask about the interview process
>well after this if you pass, you'll do an interview with the hiring manager (1 hour), then you'll get a technical challenge, then you'll do a business case interview, then one final talk with the team

Is this normal? I thought it would be easier
im gonna go to hell for this, but he looks like pennywise
one company I looked at once had a process where at the end you'd have to give a presentation to like 20 people kek
It is now.
For me so far it has been
>15 minute screen call
>30 minute Manager/Director call
>technical challenge
>offer time

Unfortunately, I’m still waiting for the technical or news that I didn’t make it.
I hate logging time
To a certain extent this sort of shit was the kind of thing that's always been done in high paying industries. In finance, you'll have Redditors who don't know how the game is played getting crushed by Excel exercises and hard hypotheticals; and yeah, if you don't study hard mathematic to pass that handshake, well fuck you, you don't deserve six figs in your twenties.

The thing that's novel is this sort of interview process being applied to 60-70k shitdev positions, but I guess they got burned with people that can't fizzbuzz.
Ever since over a month ago when I was assigned this boring project of which its completion rate is immeasurable I've basically quit working. I have probably done real work only about 5% of the time. It's very easy to bullshit progress when I can just make slide decks better explaining problems that need to be addressed. I also just bully the contractor to do things that I don't want to do.
End of year stack ranking is coming up but I'm not worried at all.
how worthless is a CS degree from wgu
the alternative is an OMSCS from GT
tired of Öl and gas and want to switch.
i already have a stem degree from a typical university but it's obviously not in CS (engineering)
This is the standard case for WGU - you're already a professional, you might even work in IT or some SWE-adjacent position like QA.

With that said, depending on your math chops and existing programming experience, you might just go for the OMSCS. If you can do basic git stuff, are comfortable with discrete math, and can reason your way through LC mediums - you might as well just go for the Masters.
If I hear one more person using "deepdive" as a verb I'm going to shoot this place up ironically
uhh pencils down guys we need to raise this comment up the flagpole and really get aligned on its implications for our path forward
>look up company similar to mine
>it's obviously better
>code base is cooler
>more/bigger clients, not in danger of failing (unlike mine)
>benefits are way better
>no job openings
We were born into this world to suffer
a week after 2nd interview and I get an email saying I interviewed extremely well and I made their decision very hard but they still went with another candidate.
for tier 1 help desk.
fucking depresso. I know this is best case scenario for a rejection but equally discouraging.
omscs it is. I'll brush up on discrete math. my stuff was calc 1 - 3, diff eq, and basic linear algebra.
Nah, if you had watched the 3 hour recording of our workshop last week you'd know that we've pivoted on the issue.
How about we take this offline to circle back on this?
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>is this normal
Yes, and what you're describing is honestly pretty light. For my current job, I had
>phone screening with recruiter
>phone leetcode interview with senior dev
>onsite consisting of three LC interviews and one system design
>zoom chat with hiring manager
If you aren't prepared to deal with this, you might have trouble getting a stable high-paying job in this field.
yeah but it's not high paying it's like 60k a year
Who here
I'm smart but traumatized
This reminds me of the sigma male cope. IQ is teachable. At the end of the day, most things, within reason, are primarily a function of effort. Using your line of reasoning, everyone is smart but lazy.
You should be prepared for something similar. It's the standard because everyone wants to follow of what Big Tech is doing, and because they've probably hired morons that can't even write a fizzbuzz.

It sucks that you have go through this for the equivalent of <$50k pre-covid. Depending on how desperate you are, I would honestly hold out for something that's 70-80. If you get this $60k shitdev, treat it like getting paid to interview prep and gtfo after a year. I hope you're living with your parents because car+insurance+rent is tight without roommates or a spouse also earning 50-60.
Anybody else stuck in a cycle of remote jobs bored as fuck. I'm in consulting doing data engineering migrations to the cloud, make ~130k with 2 yoe but I'm blowing through the work and just have time to myself otherwise. I thought I was supposed to be nose to the grindstone in m 20s, did COVID kill that?
>IQ is teachable
>Everyone is smart
These are much bigger copes than the cope you are mocking
It's not that IQ is teachable it's that most actual jobs require very little skill. my day to day job is like the easiest level stuff I ever did in my grad program. school is divorced from reality so people get this idea the real world is hard when it's not.
People in poorer areas tend to have lower IQs. The low-IQ conclusion is that poorer people are stupid at the genetic level. The high-IQ conclusion is that IQ is a function of resources. This isn't a novel idea. The only reason you contest it is because you took an online IQ test and think it makes you a boy genius.
I'm in a similar situation except I'm a full-time SWE with 3 YOE. I've been putting in a bit more effort at work, like running a bookclub and offering to help noobs debug. It's been paying off slowly but surely. I get promo consistently. With the other extra time, I keep my house clean, go to the gym an hour a day, and read a lot.
how to devops?
And the difference between poor areas and non-poor areas is magic dirt.
low IQ take
my manager and my manager's boss keep promising to get me in more sales calls but with remote they're not given any time to breath and get me in on calls. I've been developing side projects on my own and publishing blogs on my website, going to the gym, cleaning and getting more into cooking but I feel like I'm totally stunting my social skills. I can't imagine what kind of damage socializing via a screen is going to do to my body language.
learn how to write good yaml files and how to work with the operating system using scripts
bash scripting if you want to work on linux
powershell if you want to work with microsoft stuff
thanks, anon
i know some little bash scripting from using linux but i'll try to explore more
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I need to go take a scream session
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i like to read reviews of places on google maps.
Different CI platforms all have their own unique style, but most run on YAML files to configure jobs and scripts to do actual work of generating builds, running tests, doing deployments, etc...
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how to bullshit my way on jobs needing 2-3 years of experience?
Cut off your penis. 300k starting any job you want.
>used 3-series beamers
this is a based and sexpilled spending option though
If you have at least like 6 months+ just apply anyway
>Recruiter contacts me saying they have numerous software engineering and DevOps positions open in [locations]
>Asks me to send him my resume if I'm interested
>Send him my resume
>He replies with links to job listings on their website, like a third of which I've already applied for
I thought he was going to send me some special unlisted openings lmao. What's the point of this guy's job in a worker-saturated market?
I work full time remote, and my boss is going to start asking us to visit the office (3 states away) at least once a quarter. I fucking hate traveling for work, especially since New York is a loud, expensive shithole of a city. I tolerated this before since we only did it once a year or so, but once every 3 months, I think I'm gonna start looking for a new job
I contest it because gene frequency is measurable and IQ is heritable. Being poor will fick up your potential but being rich will never make you smarter.
i did it. i finally got a job after 2.5 years of searching.
i had a year long gap that turned into 2.5 and became so heavily embittered that I went from shy in interviews to genuinely angry and talking back to interviewers.
now that I have the job, I don't even feel happiness. I want to ruin these people and get them ejected from tech forever. I want to destroy the careers of my peers to where they're forced to work retail and fast food like me. I want to watch every single technical recruiter lose their jobs, get divorced, and blow their brains out. I am hellbent on making these peoples' lives miserable. These are not real human beings. They don't deserve respect or kindness. Down the line, I will micromanage, I will zero in on 1-2 month gaps, I will shame people, I will be a perfect worker.
world would be a better place without you
don't worry, i'll come for you too
please don't say you are lazy datte honto wa crazy
dumb and lazy. coming to terms with being a 100 IQ midwit was painful in the beginning, but after one accepts it, it can be quite liberating.
You experienced first-hand the savagery of the job search ritual, and instead of feeling relief and being more gentle towards people entering the field, just like you, you turn into a monster?

Congrats, you're a bonafide Chinaman.
>digital nomad
so a homeless bum
Lol you're lucky they even responded to you.
>The high-IQ conclusion is that IQ is a function of resources
Blacks in the US are given free housing and food.
No they're not resource constrained, they've maxed out what they're intrinsically capable of and it's not a lot.
What do I need a house for?
running water
>Varsity Tutors, a Nerdy Company
Society deserves no care or sacrifice. Our parents yanked the rug out from under us and left us out in the cold to be essentially raped by foreigners. They deserve only hate.
Hedging inflation
>Put jug with tap on counter.
>Gravity creates pressure
>Viola running water
Not paying $2k a month for that.
Abundance mentality would dictate that you use your influence to try and move as many retail wagies into comfy positions as possible.
But you don't have an abundance mentality.
lol you're more evil than rich billionaires. you think they take pleasure in ruining the lives of poor people like you want to? they don't even know you exist. you're scum.
High housing costs are the result of social cohesion deteriorating. Look at wholesale food and oil on the CME. There's very little actual inflation.
House prices generally go up, vehicle depreciates. You can rent out rooms if you are single.
Scarcity mentality is the only model that has made sense since the dawn of time. Every winner has a loser inextricably paired with them. Forever and always.
I payed $4k for this car ten years ago. It could depreciate to zero and I wouldn't care.
You're lucky. Try not to ruin it
We basically agreed to stop doing society 20 years ago and people are only just now starting to realize this.
>tfw got a house on a 3.3% loan
feels good man. Also makes me never want to fucking move.
Fuck moving
quite the opposite. I am in a cycle of remote jobs that are way beyond my capabilities. at the same time, I don't care about them at all, procrastinate, and always fall behind. once it becomes obvious I am just dead weight, I quit and the cycle repeats itself.
I'll be eternally shitter-shattered that I chose to be a "real" (read: slave) engineer instead of living the comfy life like my bros.
Proud of you, anon. Do as little as you can. Do it for me.
there is a lot of evidence that says intelligence is largely inherited. this is despite the best efforts of a lot of bias academics too.
congrats on acting like a woman egomaniac, seriously
lol same. i view white collar 9-5ers as some of the lowest form of human with limited exceptions and deserving of zero respect or decency. academics are probably the lowest.
average school shooter that got bullied for being ugly and weird
Administrators are literal social cancer.
I think OMSCS is probably a better fit if you're already in STEM, but it's also way more expensive. There's also a WGU MSCS forthcoming if you're not already scared off by blacklistschizo making the same thread over and over and over again. I know there's FAGMAN companies that unironically never hire, but there's also a lot of FAGMAN (and the tiers just below them) that endorse them and everywhere else on the internet except for 4chan doesn't give a shit anymore than any of the other online schools.
>anti-social autist in easter euro shithole
>have collectively like 6 months of experience
>tech crunch hits right as i graduate
>get constantly rejected
i'm not gonna cope by saying i'm actually good at something
i just hope i can be an l1 jeet some day
trying to get a sec+ cert but i heard it's losing value
>>get constantly rejected
whats the goal here, get job to afford living in a shoebox apartment? to reach the moon? you need something big to motivate you
>you need something big to motivate you
NTA but I lost this and just watch YouTube all day now. It used to be getting married in my 20s but I'm 30 now.
>get job to afford living in a shoebox apartment?
i don't have great ambitions and i wouldn't be good enough to fulfill them anyway
my main goal is to be self-sufficient so i can stop draining my parents' resources
then it's just waiting to die
>NTA but I lost this and just watch YouTube all day now
so why spend your time on twg? there's better ways to pass the time as a perma rotter
your big goal has to women independent, anything centered around women and you're doom to fail
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I think you're right.
It's tuff b. I know omscs will be more respected and it's just $7k. It will take longer, though. I think I could breeze through the normal WGU in a year or a year in a half. I quit my job like 3 months ago. Was there for 8 years was tired of bullshit. will probably get a less demanding job and get the omscs at the same time. Worst comes to worst I quit that job and focus on the OMSCS if it gets too demanding.
>i don't have great ambitions
the's the problem here because there's a million+ people who are foaming at the mouth to get a generic tech job, they made everything overly competitive. Unless you have a bigger goal, it's not going to be a uneven march
I've already got everything I want besides women (and I've had sex.) Now I just want to be left alone
>a uneven march
an even match*
Job offer with a 10k range they gave me right in the middle. Job is all around better. Do I negotiate or take the fucking out?
I don't know how WGU's masters degrees work, but I know OSMCS needs professional letters of recommendation to get in. WGU's bachelors programs are easier to get in but gen eds will be a mandatory bitch if your current degree is older than five years old. Up to you, I still can't recommend two bachelors degrees over a bachelors and masters in good faith.
take the job, beggars can't be choosers unless you have more context like a big saving account
What position did you get?
Sounds like management from your description.
>Up to you, I still can't recommend two bachelors degrees over a bachelors and masters in good faith.
unless the school bundles in guarantee of employment at the time of graduation, going to school can't be recommended anymore. It's only a good deal if you went for free on scholarships not if you're paying anything
what does a bigger goal even entail? getting promoted?
i think i'm cooked lol
Uh oh! Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays!
>what does a bigger goal even entail? getting promoted?
this is g, some anons in the /hsg/ want big money to play data center larp in their basements and thats enough motivation to stack the wallet
ye the letters of recommendation will be a pain. It is what it is. I've read other people didn't get GREAT letters of recs and got in. And at least I graduated summa cum laude in my engineering degree...so I got something going for me there. The master's is the goal rn.
don't most HR staceys throwaway resumes if you're not checking that requirement of having a degree these days?
>throwaway resumes if you're not checking that requirement of having a degree these days?
most companies also toss resumes if it's not from their ivy league target school
No I have lots of CC debt like a retard
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women really do hate how little it takes for a man to be happy
>computed function spanning over 200+ LOC
>10+ layers of indentation in functions and components
>components doing 10+ different things at once and spanning over 1000+ LOC
>no documentation whatsoever
I'm in hell and I must scream
that's called job security
replace the car with a dog and now we're talking
>I'm in hell and I must scream
feed it all to claude and tell it to explain it all to you, there's no piece of code you can't understand anymore with the tools we have today git gud
"ChatGPT, review this code for style and best practices, then append comments and a docstring explaining what the code does."
>feed it all to claude
That is a great way to get fired.
>get fired
if your company doesn't provide you with chatGPT enterprise then you're living in the past
Does your organization still not work with LLMs? Most firms are at least using Copilot by now.
>wah wah my company will fire me if use an IDE, a desktop environment, or the internet
jump ship, the one you're on is sinking
based. normalfags love to see people fail. you wouldn't believe how many times I've seen SWEs make fun of older fast food workers or berate them like slaves.
indians are the worst of all
ChatGPT doesn't have nearly as much context.
damn i'm scared mr. 2.5 year gap autist incel!!

luckily game theory proves that mean people always get the short end of the stick, cooperation wins at the end
>you wouldn't believe how many times I've seen SWEs make fun of older fast food workers or berate them like slaves.
I've never seen this but I've been remote almost my whole career. I've never even seen my current coworkers IRL.
>chatGPT is used 80% of Fortune 500 companies
doesn't seem to matter for most orgs
the only people who do that are indians and some chinese people. never seen anyone else in tech act like that aside from saying something along the lines of "damn their job probably sucks. poor guy"
What will you do when I convince HR that you sexually harassed/raped me, huh? Piss me off and I will ruin you.
yea, I does not matter. companies pay for this crap in hope it improves performance, but it never happens. basically modern age superstition.
I'm gonna do it
HRT here I come

post severed dick and bloody home depot garden shears when you're done. have an iron preheated to cauterize.
>I'm gonna do it
or you know, you could actually upskill so that you have a better odds of getting a job
>bloody home depot garden shears
Bolt cutters and garden shears always made me super uncomfortable as a teenager.
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>start new job
>do well for 2 years
>get promo'd
>hate new responsibilities
>become so burnt out that I panic shotgun apply and take the first decent offer that comes my way
>repeat at job n+1
i haven't been able to break this cycle even after 10 years in the industry.
I am kind similar. the difference is that I don't get promoted (or refuse promotions), and still get burnt out after 2-3 years, and need to switch jobs.
>The best part was when he said “IT'S REFACTORIN' TIME” and refactored all over the source code
I was laid off two months ago and in that time I have applied to at least a thousand job postings, it's getting to the point that recruiters are calling me for jobs I've already been shot down for, what the fuck, I have a great resume with years of experience and professional references, this is absurd
how do I into software job anymore??
sounds like revature
Trust me, I will do it at some point.
First I just need to figure out how the fuck everything works
Worst post of the year.
this is on par with that "i am a rapist AMA" post on reddit a decade ago
you have to admit its kind of based
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>fall for the "Denver is a tech hub" meme
>move here for a job
>get bored and want to move on
>every single job in the entire front range is some shitty DoD contracting or space/sat startup
>even Amazon and Google require security clearances for the jobs here
i played myself
you're just a fag, you probably like it when men insult you and treat you like shit
hold up what "I am a rapist ama" post
no i sublimated my homo urges into hebephilia years ago
just get clearance lol
at least denver is nice.
t. houston
germanyfags, im trying to jump ship and I got practical skills i'm confident in;
>strange and arcane make/model specific telephony and FAX knowledge that is useless outside of germany but oh well
>in networking from the physical cables to complex vlan setups
>lots of experience with switches themselves, primarily worked with random cheap zyxel/tp-link/whatever but a lot of work with a few cisco switches,
>lots of experience with firewalls (sophos, pfSense, OPNsense) and many hours fighting ISPs for PPPoE problems on their end
>hyperV, KVM (but not ESXi) virtualisation, was responsible for the setup and am still the girl-for-everything for the admin on site,
>responsible for several HA clusters with ceph for the proxmox ones (and one iSCSI hell) which i've already had to do disaster recovery on
>responsible for several AD domains (and helping the one admin that this would apply to)
>some of these environments were projects I was responsible for, some I planned
>was the only guy the BSI guidelines guy would talk to for hardening our servers
>the only guy outside of the programmers who understands git, "gets to" manage the gitlabs instance
>0 zero certification
At my current place, you don't get certification or learning courses for any reason because you "might leave" like someone in the past left after an expensive certificate. Instead, we spend like 3 weeks or more internally testing anything new or problematic.
I want to leave my current place because the bullshit, which I am entirely leaving out, has become untenable, not because I am in any way bored of my job. I love my job, I just want to do it elsewhere, but I am concerned i would be jumping into a 1st level support position or get turbo lowballed because I don't have CCNA feed and sneed 502 pro.
From ~5 years interacting with people in my field I am confident I can convince any technically capable person that I am competent. How should I play this? Can I just roll up to a senior position?
of course a pedophile would find that cringy anon based
actually it's hebephilia weren't you listening
I’m currently thinking of getting out of Austin. Shit is too expensive, hot, and I can’t find a job
>fell for the Austin meme
RIP. Round rock is nice tho ngl. Being downtown and living close to all that bullshit - big no from me dawg.
Lived in Texas my whole life but making it work in Austin has probably been a net negative for me.

Can’t really see myself moving up north near Round Rock or Pflugerville. Granted, The Lodge is up there and pretty juicy games.
this nigga's gonna get laid off then kill himself lol
I should also add my current deal is ass, with no hope of home office, no flexible hours, some kind of half-legal policy for PTO on the way and zero confidence from leadership that anyone will stay and therefore zero attempt at keeping anyone. I consider myself lucky that toilet breaks and water are provided without question and salary arrives on time, which is god-awful compared to the contracts i've seen literally anywhere else. So no, even if I am valuable at this company and would be able to negotiate better conditions anywhere else, this is not the case here, I would simply evaporate any goodwill I had and lose out on whatever bonuses my boss thinks he's granting me, like not complaining when I take PTO or leave on time.
I actually like Houston. I made the mistake of taking a job in New Orleans - which is a lot like Houston, but day-to-day is worse in just about every way, especially in tech.
christ bro.
I quit my job recently, a client heard about this and called me up asking if I would be willing to relocate...to new orleans.
Nah man nah. That fucking state floods every week. And I don't eat seafood so half of the appeal of that place is lost on me. And fuck me sideways there's cops every 5 minutes on i10 and I enjoy going 20 over.
big W
why the fuck does the car stand higher than you sleeping? you will get lung cancer from the tire particles
why is it even inside wtf
You couldn’t pay me enough to work in Houston or New Orleans. I rather just punch my plane ticket and head to Chicago. I’d go play in the snow.
>he moved TO new orleans not from
>how do I into software job anymore??
start with giving us context, where are you located? US?
some people gotta learn the hard way, b
hope them beignets was worth it
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maybe he just wanted a good boil bag
alright that's enough venting
i'm actually still unemployed and have only been searching for 8 months. when I get a job i'll be the nicest person on the planet
new grads deserve love!!
>*shucks and jives*
>ain't even be seasonin'
>*sells fentanyl to a single mother*
>dey muhfuggun shramp brawuhls
>*shoots you while shitty jazz echos in the background*
you could pay me $500k/year and I'm still not touching nuh-AWHR-linz
i hope you become happier, be it by working with humans with a soul or finding interests that fullfill you outside of your job
I forgot to mention: I am trans, btw
that is SO brave of you
Unironically, what do you do if you encounter a rat like this? Some guy who just latches onto you and tries to get you fired
Imagine being in the opposite case.
Yea because I'll likely die through suicide/wrestling. Either way, they'll probably laugh about it.
talk to other targets
get together to write things down, tell hr about the situation however many times is needed
I'm from there, and it was a substantial raise. Wasn't worth it ultimately; I'm getting the fuck out. Sorry Grandma, but this city and this state is a shithole, and there's no real advancement if your chosen profession isn't "ambulance chasing lawyer".
lmfao that is true. Driving through that state every billboard is for a fucking lawyer.
Just look it up, I found this post hilarious
>You need to have therapy so you don't commit these crimes again. You say that you are in therapy, so you are taking some of the steps you should.
The candidate I interviewed today was 100% using ChatGPT.
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I just did an interview and used chatGPT, was there a tree question in there?
That’s how I am with Austin at the moment. Enjoyed my earlier days but it stagnated too hard over the years and there’s just nothing to do. Have some friends here too and I might have to leave them for better opportunities.
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>Kikes will literally say "fuck you goy go work somewhere else if you don't slaving yourself" without a shred of self-awareness and then act shocked when there are "no skilled candidates anywhere"
Try to kvetch harder next time, Shlomo.
Did they use the word "delve?"
So I'm taking this Princeton algorithms course and nothing is sticking and I have no idea how to do the exercises at all. How am I supposed to use this to apply to Leetcode stuff again? How do I get better at Leetcode, I try to solve it for 45 mins to an hour, then look up the answer, then forget it after a while anyway.
I'd like to stay relatively close for family; so I've been looking at jobs Austin, Dallas, and Houston - all cities where some college friends are working. There's Atlanta, but I think I'd be even more fatigued there than I am currently, but it doesn't seem hot for tech afaict.
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Now I know how HR roasties feel, when they say tl;dr and throw an application in the shredder.
You feel like you did an apprenticeship as Fachinformatiker Systemintergration and are now just, to quote you, the "girl-for-everything" at your current company.
Sorry, lad: I don't know how to help you. It's all looks like stuff that you just need to cram into your CV somehow.
Responsibilities, tools and technologies, bullet points, etc.
Shop around for a new job.

The BSI line did catch my eye; but there you're only the guy that talks to the guy who knows the guidelines (I assume the Grundschutz Compendium?) and not that guy.
You think like a woman, but you will never be a real woman.
Focus on one algorithm or data structure at a time. After solving a Leetcode problem, don't just look up the answer—analyze why it works, and try coding it from scratch after some time. Revisit related problems to reinforce understanding. For the Princeton course, try breaking down the concepts by hand first, sketching out the logic before diving into code. Active recall and spaced repetition (e.g., using flashcards or note-taking apps) can help solidify concepts over time.
houston isn't terrible, I've just travelled a lot for a previous job and there's days i'm like damn, there are pretty places I could live that have a hell of a lot less traffic. If I didn't deal with traffic 90% of my issues with houston wouldn't exist. at least we have good food...and a really great chinatown.
good luck senpai.
good for them
I worked there for a few years, and I'd like to go back. It's not that expensive as far as cities go; because of oil, there are actual high paying jobs.

But then there's the traffic, property taxes, etc - but I'm not really familiar with either the east coast or west coast and their supposedly better job markets. I'm just so tired of the fat retards, crime, and malaise of Louisiana.
not revature lol though I did almost go with them. No it's a large public uni
New thread
Thanks for the advice, screenshoted for later reference

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