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Downhill From Here Edition

prev: >>102440466

>Keyboard recommendation template:
https://pastebin.com/n220xk9V (embed)
(Helps also to mention if you're open to soldering or not)

>Find vendors

>This keyboard stuff is so expensive!
https://aliexpress.com (or Taobao if you are China-savvy)

>Layouts and switches

>Practice typing

>What does ______ do to a keyboard's sound
https://blacksimon.tv/science (Google sheet by a twitch streamer)

>What's the deal with backlighting?
https://rentry.org/mkg_backlight (WIP, suggestions/corrections welcome)

>Should I buy silent switches for my first mechanical keyboard?

>I just want a cheap mechanical office style keyboard
Get a G80-3000 or a G80-1000 second hand

>What is a Dactyl Manuform?
An open source ergonomic keyboard hosted on github. Some anons 3d print and sell them from time to time. You can find the project here: https://github.com/abstracthat/dactyl-manuform

>Should I buy Topre?
If you are willing to pay a lot of money and are fine with a tactile membrane type feel then yes. If you are looking for traditional mechanical keyboard typing feel then you should avoid them

>Should I buy IBM keyboards?
They were good because they were cheap and unique but they are now hoarded and sold at a mark up by scalpers. They are worth it if you can score them cheap off of ebay or e-waste recycling sites. Unicomp and modelfkeyboards make new boards but the latter's creator is a fag
>What is a Dactyl Manuform?
No noob has ever asked this. Fuck off shill.
Newfags do.
What is a Dactyl Manuform?
Newfag here, is making custom switches unfeasible? I've found plenty of resources for making every other part of a keyboard but switch customization seems to stop at switching parts between switches.
why did they switch from QMK to oryx when making the moonlander? I'm thinking I might just go with an ergodox for that reason
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It depends on if you want to make an MX switch or something completely new. Technically, yes you can do either. You can 3d print MX switches, but the only reliable way is via SLA due to the fine details that MX requires. But the resin material available would be poorer quality compared to mass produced MX. You could do FDM with enough tinkering but the level of post processing and clean up would be incredibly time consuming and stems would be a pain in the ass. Void switches are a design optimised for FDM and is entirely seperate from traditional MX with open source customisation. Its the only switch you can make with minimal difficulty, but it is not compatible with any keyboards other than custom 3d printed void keyboards.

Honestly, unless you get into plastic injection as an expensive hobby to make bespoke MX you are better of tinkering with premade MX or 3d printing entirely propriety designs.
I have an 8bitdo keyboard, and I like the feel of the switches but they are a bit loud for me. This sues kahli white v2, I don't know shit about switches, what re my options for tactile switches that don't make a lot of noise? They don't need to be mute just less loud would be fine for me, I have no idea if there's any way to compare feel through charts instead of ordering shit.
Your best bet is ordering sample switches, but honestly MX brown is always a decent evergreen option.
Look into boba U4T, or corsas if you want something less tactile. There are lots of other options for tactile switches too.
Got a unicomp but it’s taking so long to ship goddamn
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I love semi-transparent keycaps like this, they look hella sick. Is there a name for this process? I see it mostly from a few keycap makers like PBTfans, Domikey, andMW
It's just doubleshot, but one of the plastics used is transparent.
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I'm pretty sure they are just double shot with transparent outer layer
Turns out all those broken sockets in my monospace still work. Now my broken-in browns are lubed (very lightly with 205), filmed, and spring swapped to 15mm 80g tx springs which are a little on the heavy side but usable. There's no more metallic noise which was just the resonance from the mx brown spring ping.

Sounds less different from my Brutal v2 now, but still different. Deeper and more resonant still, a bit clackier, a little more hollow, harder typing feel.

Between 80g 15mm and 67g 14mm I think the latter feels better, the extra stiffness makes each keystroke feel a bit more deliberate but over an extended period I'm sure my fingers will get tired.
the problem is I live in a third world shithole and need to pay double shipping. Maybe if there was a kit with a bunch of them but I've never seen one that wasn't just a random assortment of different types of switches I don't care about.
I'm guessing you meant boba u4 instead of u4t, what I read is that the former is silent but not the latter. Honestly seems a bit expensive, I'm seeing $60 for a 90 set and that's what I paid for the whole keyboard .

I'm considering the outemu cream yellow pro which is a bit less than half of that. Has anyone use both or one of them?
No I meant U4T, it'll be quieter than box whites but they're just not silenced switches like the U4. Up to you how quiet you want the switch really.
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How do I get into tenting?
not only does prune juice do exactly what they say it does, you definitely should not drink a pint of it in one go. I feel as though I'm living through a scene from a particularly dumb 90s bro-comedy

this is all just to say I fear I won't get to enjoy my newly built keyboard this evening, as I expect I won't be able to leave my other "gamer chair" for quite some time. That makes this a perfect time to do some online shopping. Any keyboards worth buying right now? Any deals?
>rgb onlyfans lighting
>unusable XBox hueg retro collector junk keyboard
>added more FAQ to talk about wrist-healthy alternative treatments for long-term computer pain management
this is not going to convince anyone to buy a tasteful custom
What full-sized and TKL boards are worth it these days?

I have a Keychron Q6 and a Freebird TKL, with a Scarlet TKL on the way.

I know the Neo80 and Geon's Frog seem to be pretty solid. I don't want shit with screens on it, and I prefer VIA-compatible boards.
What's a good tactile switch with the bump at the actuation point instead of at the top? Bonus points for silent. I have Haimu Whispers and I don't like how high the bump is. I hear U4/T also has the bump near the top.
what is the best 75% keyboard nowadays
the plastic tkl at novelkeys seems cool. Neo80 is great. There's a new cheapo neo80 knockoff from Wobkey that they're selling at Drop. Other than that, idk. WS has their new Paper80 which doesn't really look like my kind of board. They're also still selling those Zoom TKLs. Mode still has their Loop tkl, but the pricing isn't really competitive.

A few months ago there were the Cycle8 and the TB8, and the Geon F1, but they're all done now. That was the time to buy a TKL
the small-bump lichix raw silent probably fits your description, don't know if they're still sold anywhere
>ashkeebs having a sitewide 50% off sale
>everything is out of stock
Lots of things were already out of stock, he's just clearing out the warehouse since the lease is about to be up.
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you could still get GMK nightshade for $70. It's not even that cringe
Don't have a board that fits the theme with it.
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cop or not? (gmk, 50% off @ ashkeebs)

accentless this could look tasteful. idk about the tiny text mods though. and I prefer numpad to have nav sublegends
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GMK Moonlight was a fucking disaster for some people in GB. Worth at the 50%, but if you're just looking to get a GMK just because it's GMK and not because you want the set, you can always wait. Prices seem to be getting lower year after year for older sets. GMK Fuji was $50 few months ago at cannonkeys, and GMK 8008 was $50 at omnitype too.
I was thinking that the colors were pleasant, I own a Keykobo set so I'm not really curious about GMK, I assume it's similar.

But my keyboards wouldn't work with the colors, I think I'm imagining it with keyboards I don't own rather than the ones I do. Best not to make that sort of purchase that necessitates further purchases.
>gmk, 50% off @ ashkeebs
Ashkeebs is doing 50% basically all of their keycaps.

GMK, SA, KAM, KAT, etc.
Oh, KAM Soaring Skies is on sale on Ashkeebs. Highly recommend. It's glossy and really nice to type on. Might pick up the HIBI artisan.
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if my desk was the right size to accommodate a deskmat I would have bought this one immediately. but then it would arrive and I'd be looking at the pattern printed on typical deskmat material and I just know I'd feel let down
the dactyl people made their own thread about ergonomics, we're fucked. nobody cares about keyboards
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>unusable XBox hueg retro collector junk keyboard
Everything else you listed is applicable but what? Thats a fucking beamspring.
from anything other than an enthusiast point of view, it's just a very big very obsolete piece of history.
Despite the cripple gen being older than this thread it has just been surpassed in posts. I think that is a good sign
>from anything other than an enthusiast point of view
This a general dedicated to mechanical keyboards. Out of all the places you are going to go this is possibly the most likely place where keyboard enthusiasts are going to be.
The OP image faces the catalog, ie, all /g/ users. A cool (or provocative) OP draws in new people.
There is nothing more provocative than a lustful image of a beamspring anon. But in all seriousness if you are exclusive concerned about newfag marketing I think you are going about it the wrong way. You are not the same anon that talked about /mkg/ reccomendation integrity for poorfags from a few threads ago are you?
>if you are exclusive concerned about newfag marketing I think you are going about it the wrong way
"Exclusively" no. But greatly concerned about it. What else is there to do but evangelize? I have enough keyboards for myself, I don't need more. I want to see the world filled with beautiful boards.

I don't know what you know about "the way I'm going about it" other than my reply to your post. Sure, I think carefully-framed photos and renders of new keyboard projects (ideally currently or soon available for purchase) shown in their best light, with restrained and tasteful keycaps, is a way to grab the attention of people who don't normally post here. I know enough times a well-chosen OP image has resulted in people asking "what keyboard is this?", although ofc it's always way more expensive than they hoped. Obviously writing long posts about how we can't get noobs interested these days and we're intentionally trying to lure them in and ensnare them is a terrible way to go about it. But it doesn't matter this time because none of them clicked on this thread anyway.

I'd like to hear whatever your thoughts are about the right way to go about it—and I don't just mean I'd like you to give me something to attack, although of course I'm probably going to disagree with it.
From what I can gather it seems to me that you are hyper concerned about keyboards from the perspective as a modern product and you see these threads as like a well informed catalogue. This is not exactly an incorrect perspective as a good chunk of the FAQ is about what keyboards to buy after all. But that is not the only purpose for these threads and a good chunk of posts I see are about keyboards in a general sense. Because of that I think a balance needs to be held.

I also have a metric shit ton of keyboards myself with a good few being old as well as new. My perspective is that mechanical keyboards are a broad and massive topic which is not exclusively about modern mx boards. Stuff like mx gets boring very quickly and is only the modern standard due being cheap to manufacture and the design patent being no longer in effect. Anons will talk about hall effects from time to time in the context of mx hall effects being not the best yet there are a ton of keyboards that use hall effect with totally different switch designs which actually feel nice and unique to use such as the rafi hall effect switches. Its funny because you talk about how we need things people would find interesting and ask about but I remember an anon posting some old nuclear silo control station keyboards and anons were talking about how cool they looked along with asking what they were. You bring up keycaps but a good amount of fashion these days are based on older keyboard keycap layouts. People are obssesed over double or triple shots SA or GK and both of those keycap styles are made to emulate old terminal style keyboards like the beamspring in the OP pic. Even XDA is similar to older video controller board keycaps that needed flat profiles to accomadate massive spaces of keys. Some anons ask what is the latest board to buy, some anons ask or post about different keyboard designs or concepts. Its a mix of everything.
>correction DSA not XDA*
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We just don't know.
>og xbox color scheme
Noice. What switches?
67g tangerines.
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Devious grin
100€ max
>Location (continent at least)
>Preferred switch type
Red/Silent Red
>Form factor
Yes, but ideally no RGB
>Previous/current keyboards
I've been using a Ducky One 2 with Silent Reds and a UK Layout for work for the last couple of years.

I really like my Ducky One 2 and the Silent Red switches, but now I need something to replace my main home keyboard, so ideally a 100% keyboard with an Italian layout. I'm open to trying non-Cherry MX and non-Red switches (except clicky ones). I am afraid the Italian layout requirement severely restricts my choices, and Amazon has either shitty stuff like logitech """mechanical""" keyboards or overpriced Razers and Corsairs. Any advice?
I come to you in a time of need, Anons. I'd like to know if anyone has any cheap solutions to holding switches in place.
My "case" is a shoebox I've cut holes into, but due to being imprecise I've made some of them a touch too wide, leading to some issues as one can imagine.
Is there any hope outside of 3D printing a custom plate for this? I've been considering hot glue but I don't want to risk burning the plastic on my switches.
gorilla glue
I'd have to find an equivalent where I'm at, though wouldn't that be a more permanent solution? I'm wondering if there's any way I could undo it in case I wanted to cannibalize this ""keyboard"" for something else.
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>in case I wanted to cannibalize this ""keyboard"" for something else.

Do you save up your pee and poop in case you've got a use later for that as well?
If only I could shit switches Anon...
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I'm not totally green, I do know most of this. I am under no illusion about where my dolch and retro beige keycaps come from, or my apple set very obviously based on the M0116. I could tell you myself that I think the state of "new" designs in keyboard world is deplorable, and that this leaves us with little to do but mine old designs for aesthetic ideas. The guys who designed keyboards back in the day knew something we don't. That's all true.

Everyone would welcome a new kind of switch to break up the MX monopoly. So would I. But while we all declared how great a thing it is, not enough would actually buy it. Nobody likes the fact that it's MX-only out there, but as long as the only alternative is buying a board that's 30+ years old with ancient connector technology, or breaking the bank to buy a few old hard-worn Alps switches and hoping they all work, then MX it is.

This is all just to say you can't extrapolate my whole view of keyboard aesthetics from a one-off remark about retro junk. (But I will maintain that the IBM 5251 keyboard is not beautiful. It's cute when you have the full set, but it wouldn't work on 99.9% of modern desks.) And I'm not saying the thread would be better without retro boards. I just think two OPs in a row with unremarkable photos of retro boards, one of which even looked dirty, is going to cause the thread to slow down.
If the gaps aren't too huge, try layers of masking tape until you get a snug fit. Hot glue is also an option to fill the gap if it's bigger but it's harder to remove if you use too much.
>Italian layout requirement severely restricts my choices
It does seem so. It seems absurd that companies like Keychron don't offer Italian layout when they have German, French and Spanish layouts (not to mention Nordic or Swiss ffs)

Can you scavenge caps off your old board? You could just stick them on anything compatible
you mean something like these?
they come in all shapes, sizes and colors
Been using electric tape as padding to keep things in place for now. Not too stable but it kinda works, but I'll try masking tape--might be thicker.
Hot glue is something I've been considering too, just dunno how I'd remove it in the worst case. Never used the stuff lol

Honestly this looks pretty close. I'll have to see if there's anything on ali that's close enough, thanks!
>I am afraid the Italian layout requirement severely restricts my choices
Only if you can't buy replacement keycaps.
https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/1005007307683294.html (select Italian option)
I know it's half what you wanted to spend on the board itself, but a set like this could last you years. All you'd need to do with each new keyboard is to swap the caps over and then program the keys to the layout you want, so any QMK-programmable 100% iso board would work.
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(and here's the pic)
Just realized how dumb it is to say the keycaps could last years. All keycaps last years. I meant decades.
I swear to God at this point I think I'm going to do that and call it a day.
Ok these are very solid recommendations, thanks a lot anons
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That faggot OP here responsible for the past few gens. I am half curious to see what your choice in pic would and how you would format this gen be with how dedicated you are regarding presentation and appeal. You have my pinky promise I wont pull the trigger at 280 replies to give you an in at bump limit if you so choose.

Btw does any anons know vendors that 3d print keycaps? Getting tired of settling for whatever aliexpress is permitted to dropship at a given time.
3D printed keycaps are shit
Thought as much. I just find the idea of DIY double shots funky.
There is a reason it's just a handful of chink companies, then GMK in Germany and SP in the US that do keycaps.

The process to produce good quality keycaps is fairly expensive, the molds for an individual key can be $2,500-10,000 so making fresh molds for a WHOLE new keycap profile or type face or whatever gets to be absurdly expensive.
>the molds for an individual key can be $2,500-10,00
Signature Plastics will do a custom keycap face using their existing profile die molds, so you don't get to modify the profile, but you can customize the face of the keycap, and the base plastic color and the legend plastic color, and 4 years ago a full one off custom set would run you ~$800-1000. It's probably more expensive these days.

Which is why most group buys have a 100 order minimum so they can bring the price down to $100-200 range per set.

But yeah, if you don't even have the base die molds at ALL and you need to do it from scratch, you're looking at tens of thousands of dollars in setup costs before you can even make a single keycap.
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Probably gonna be a Luminkey60 LX marketing render cropped to 1:1 for largest possible thumbnail. One of the colorful ones since we've had a lot of beige and black.

I'm not even sure I'll be around right when we hit 311. Just keeping the thread alive is more important than fussing about the OP. Don't worry about it.
See now that I look at this shrunk down, it doesn't even pop really. Too similar to the background. We could do better.
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>GMK Bread
Post more color-matching atrocities.
I want to LAUGH.
lmao obviously I don't know the plastic biz but it seems like it would be impossible to fuck up this badly. Do they not do a test batch to check the pigments or whatever?
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Nevermind the part where mkultra fucked over their customers for this set.
>bought gpl 105 from ali
>it landed in chicago
>i don't live in chicago
Wtf is usps doing. I need it nowwwwwww
postal service is shit these days, the local post office lost my degree twice and my college had to mail it twice only for me to get two degrees in the mail months after completing it.
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You might like this
Operations are now, old man.
Yes, but better...
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Topre's reputation and the fags that used them was bad enough as it is...
I tried looking up what hololive is and I dont get it
You don't know what hololive is? Did you know we have AI vtubers that can now sing on command and hang out with other vtubers?
so it's 3d anime characters? this feels like watching children's television. who is this for?
>I dont get it
You don't need to. It is essentially cam girls with anime avatars but the viewers cum when the "vtuber" reads out their donation message in a moey voice. Its a sad autistic export from Japan and there are diehard autists thst have formed cult like fandoms around each of these Hololive characters which are just grown ass women chosen for their voice. The fact that there might be a Realforce collab as a result is a fucking embarrassment.
Don't expect much, the umamusume realforce was just a stock board with printed grey keycaps. If they use the RGB board it might be promising.
does a split magnet hall effect keyboard exist? that doesn't require me soldering shit
>so it's 3d anime characters?
Live 2d face covers essentially, except Neurosama is an AI so I guess her's isn't a face cover. Honey goblin has the most expressive model in the buisness at the moment:
>this feels like watching children's television. who is this for?
Obviously for you if this makes you think of children's television.
I mean isn't this like "yay let's sing a song together!" and then the song sucks? and the colorful characters talk to you through the screen? I don't know if you ever had children or younger siblings but this is like the stuff they love watching
no you don't understand autistically giving your money to some screeching annoying vtuber is mature, because it just is, ok.
Imagine being this miserable and/or this overly concerned about what other people think of you. Society is literally devolving and decaying around you, but god forbid some degenerate thinks you're weird for not joining in the blood orgy...
ok so the goblin one, this is just like watching a YouTuber? so maybe this one appeals more to ages 11-14, that sort of thing?
>this is just like watching a YouTuber?
a streamer yeah
>does a split magnet hall effect keyboard exist?
>that doesn't require me soldering shit
>Society is literally devolving and decaying around you, but god forbid some degenerate thinks you're weird for not joining in the blood orgy.
Its decaying because of shit like this to begin with retard. Cancer might be terminal and the boulder may roll back down the hill but that does not mean you just give up and cave in go decay.

Anyways anyone know any good video guides on qmk?
fuck I really need to take the soldering pill. I really try to avoid it at all costs because I suck dick at it, but I've seen several posts on /g/ in the last year that claim soldering is way harder than it needs to be if you're using a trashy $10 walmart iron, and getting a good one makes it an order of magnitude easier
>Its decaying because of shit like this to begin with retard.
Sure this is worse than all then breaking the law, retard...
Imagine actually thinking this is a good argument
>Yeah theres wars, rapes, murders, illegal immigration, but you know what the REAL problem is? Fun!
It's twitter/reddit/leftist brainrot. These people actually think that having fun in a way they don't approve of is actually more detrimental to society than the actual bad things in society, because they can't control it.
Soldering is super easy with a bit of knowhow and practise. Desoldering can be a bitch.
-decent soldering iron with a fine tip, too big a tip will be annoying for keyboards
-nice heavy soldering iron holder so you're not unsure what to do with it when it's not in hand
-wet sponge
-solder with the flux core so you don't need to fuss about applying the flux
-solder sucker in case of mistake
I think with just this stuff you can comfortably solder whatever you need to. I've soldered six boards now (four total, two of them twice) and the only soldering I'd ever done before was some headphone cable replacements 15 years ago

There have always been wars, rapes, murders, and invasions. The new thing that really sucks is all the disgusting new ways that faggots are "having fun".
>There have always been wars, rapes, murders, and invasions. The new thing that really sucks is all the disgusting new ways that faggots are "having fun".
There has always been disgusting new ways for faggots to have fun, you're literally one of them.
>Desoldering can be a bitch
desoldering my monospace was fucking awful, I was so sure the PCB was ruined. If I did six switches in a row, getting a good clean-looking hole with all visible solder sucked out, it was 99% chance that all six were still firmly stuck when I tried to pull them. If one came out I counted myself lucky. I could count on one hand the number of switches in the whole board that came out on the first try. Some took 10 minutes or longer trying everything I could. At the end of it all about 1/5 of the board's sockets had been damaged and the back of the pcb looked horribly scarred

but somehow it's fine and all the switches work. w00t
Do you think I feel reproached by stunted creatures like you when you sputter at me? The way you speak, the things you care about, you don't remotely resemble a man.

Solving all the evil in the world starts with fixing the evil in your own heart that makes you do weird gay shit on the computer. Until you can muster the moral courage to give up 'vtubers' you have no right to cry about dead children in Gaza.
>house is on fire
>lets pour more gasoline because pyromania is exciting and cool
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This is why Hololive and moe shit taints whatever it interacts with. Its a fucking general dedicated to keyboards. Less talk about Japanese cultural subversion and more laughing at Toprefags or bitching about how you cannot accept split ergonomic keyboards into the gen despite them being objectively better in every regard. Post Dactyls.
I've just consooomed a Nuphy Air 75v2 with shinethroughs and a Wisteria extra switch set
thank you for reading my blog
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Fags like you were complaining about cards and dice 400 years ago.
I am starting to wonder if there are poker themed keycap sets now
Surely there's been some groupbuy or whatever with poker theming. Many years ago I did have a custom switch plate for my kbc poker with the suits on them.
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There have been a few. This is one of the nicer ones.
I actually like the bottom better
nord is bland asf
but yeah getting something completely different from what you ordered blows
Or just not receiving it at all like a lot of customers did.
Injection molds typically have many caps per injection point, and potentially multiple injection points per mold. No one makes molds for individual keys without a very good reason, as the molds are indeed expensive

A suitable 3D-printer can make rather nice keycaps actually. It's just that a cheapo fused filament printer won't cut it. This dude's custom home printer can achieve rather nice surface finish, and industrial grade professional printers can do better:
It's being announced at the Tokyo games show
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I bought this "ergolite" keyboard from keyclicks half a year ago on etsy and man does it feel like shit to use.
after 6 months I still can't type as fast as I can on an ergodox or redox or lily or even a normal dell keyboard. I don't entirely understand why this keyboard feels so ass, it doesn't even seem *that* different to other splits I've used and I'm even using the same caps and switches, maybe it's just the specific height and angle. however it feels awful to try and do key combinations where it's split across the halfs, like ctrl+m because there's noticable delay even though it has a low latency 2.4ghz dongle and gaming feels fine. but when I talk about it feeling ass I'm not even referring to key combos or the fact the dongle basically has to be touching the KB or it drops inputs, just normal everyday typing/gayming. I wanted less keys than my doxes and more keys than my lily but instead I got cancer

anyone else ever randomly have a keyboard feel awful to type on, for seemingly no reason even when on paper it should be what you like?
also thanks for reading my blog
>hurr durr Thing I don't like is the fall of man
I'm sure after the one millionth time said its actually true this time...
>Do you think I feel reproached by stunted creatures like you when you sputter at me? The way you speak, the things you care about, you don't remotely resemble a man.
I laughed out loud reading this because the irony is that you post here too.
You mean you bought it from ali, because the place you bought it from is a dropship reseller. It feels like shit because they're using cheap shit.
Let me guess, anon has to instead pay $200+ on a sanctioned custom board instead?
It might be too small for you?
Not all splits are equal and the thumb cluster can make or break a board
you're so right, the proliferation of playing cards and dice, commonly used for gambling, had no disastrous effects at all
>anyone else ever randomly have a keyboard feel awful to type on
Usually when something felt awful it was my own fault for mixing things up with the layout. I've never had your problem, luckily. Sounds like your new ergo belongs in the trash
You get what you pay for. Our thrifty aliexpress-loving geniuses haven't figured that one out yet.
My keycaps are just as good cope lil bro
>dropship reseller
do dropship resellers usually have full schematics on their github, even with the old versions showing how the design changed over time, where they talk about their design process? also the PCB is covered in their logos, seems a little too high effort for a dropshipper, no?
lets see the kerning :^)
I don't even know what that is I don't think anyone even cares. Go get fucked in the ass on some nut ball group buy white boy
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kerning is the typeface spacing.

Pic related for example, the left keycap has "Shif t" whereas the right keycap has "shift"

It's usually not a big deal to most people though, like a lot of GMK keycaps the Z isn't aligned properly.
>shifting the convo to keycaps because you know you're on unsafe footing arguing about the quality of aliexpress keyboards
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I like my Flip 6P but the backspace has a metallic ring to it. I've found it goes away if I put pressure on the case in these two places, tightly gripping the top edge and firmly placing a finger next to the enter key on the top frame. How can I use this knowledge to fix the board sound? I've already unsuccessfully tried force break modding the board.
It depends on how it is assembled. But under the assumption it has a front and back plate you could try the following: If it is down to pressure you could try wedging plasticard slices between the front and back plate in those zones. Then when you secure the front and back together pressure will be placed around the plasticard regions which may have the same effect as firmly placing pressure with your fingers as you tighten the backing screws gently. Make sure you buy plasticard of varying thicknesses to experiment with different amount of clearances. You do not need glue or adhesive as the clamping force will keep the plasticard strips in place.
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>society is in decline! people don't obey their parents and they just write books now!
This is how you sound, stupid asshole.
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>thousands of years of empire
>a few hundred years after this
looks like he may have been on to something...
Yea it was definitely because of the book writing and nothing else. It just took 500 years for the book writing to take effect.
certainly not the Justinian Plague...
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cicero sees society beginning to collapse
cites some examples of overall downward trend
children are disobedient
most of the youth are engaged in unproductive pursuits
>lol you sound like this guy, what an idiot
empire collapses shortly after
>obviously wasn't the books!
>laser focus on single point you don't even fully understand
>construct strawman
>see you guys are idiots!
whatever, dude
>500 years later
>book writing is unproductive
Ask me how I know you're a drooling retard. The only one laser focused on a single thing as if it explains a large issue, while assuming it's even an aspect of that issue in the first place, is you. There is no point in time where there weren't retards blaming something irrelevant for "society's decline". Right now it's you.
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>the last 400 years of a 2200 year empire isn't relatively short in context
>every saphead and his unimaginative cousin writing novels and poetry is productive
Cicero never saw the empire, he lived during the republic. The endtimes of the republic, aptly enough
Is it normal to feel discomfort while tenting a split?
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>nitpicking and semantics
I accept your concession
You know what Cicero complained about? Plays, music, and fiction writing. Is this something that can sustain society? No, but does it collapse and make society worse? Obviously no, we have all those things and more now and our civilizations have survived just as long or longer than the Roman Republic. Even before the Roman Republic we've had chants, bongs, and stories around campfires. You're freaking out over nothing. The same people who sing, tell stories, and consume culture are the same people who hunt and work.
kek I meant bongos, or other primitive insturments.
It's a fake quote, Cicero never wrote nor said that.
>>obviously wasn't the books!
It obviously wasn't because Greece was considered its polar opposite and because they were such prolific writers and thinkers the majority of ancient writings we have are from the Ancient Greeks or from Roman preservation/reproductions of Greek books. The thing that is sailing over your head is that the Romans had little to no culture and when they absorbed the Greeks instead of Romanizing the Greeks, the Greeks Hellenized them instead, making the Ancient Greek Culture the most long lived culture, surviving all the way to the late to mid Byzantine Empire (Middle Age) before finally collapsing. More or around 1000 years after the complete collapse of Roman Empire and Roman Culture.
I like to think that all this history and society decay stuff is on topic because anons are just testing their new keyboards by writing paragraphs :3.
I pretty much expected that desu
I'm trying to figure out a good tenting angle and it seems most people don't partake in anything over 20° while I'm doing 50°
What do standard keyboards slant at on legs? 35 or 40? I find that most comfortable but the keyboard I have lays flat and its a little awkward to get use to it.
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>sailing over your head
>while completely missing the point
My keyboard is split so it's not ideal when I'm spread out
I'm pretty much overdoing it to justify my tripod kit purchase
Sorry, I'm learning Tok Pisin when you want to empashis something you basically repeat it or repeat something similar to it and its just rubbing off on me in a bad way.
I don't see how that is missing the point when literally everyone in Ancient Greece was doing what the Romans were doing long before the Romans were a thing...
I made no concessions in my prior post ( >>102545558 )
Yes, dropshippers can easily do that. Just fork ZMK, add in your logo (congrats, that's 1 commit right there), and you're done. I guarantee you I can find a chink one that's exactly the same but costs less than what you bought from etsy.
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Meh, the price difference doesn't seem that bad. Anon didn't get absolute rammed. I know etsy keycap dropshippers put GMK prices on GMK clones and those sell too.
Anon got robbed by the dreaded Etsy reseller
It happens just be vigilant and always double check on ali before making a purchase.
Very very new to this but I'm sick of my fucking logitech keyboard
$100-150 AUD
>preferred switch type
No idea, I like the "creamy" sound (not sure if thats the correct term or not, someone correct me)
>Form factor
yes, no RGB
keychron v6 qmk or keychron k10 pro
>Trying to learn how to tent
>Missing keys let and right
>hand in better position but I miss far keys at the edge.
This shit hurts man I feel like a fucking retard doing this shit.
These are cheap because they are a pain in the ass to use.
Probably one of the nicer looking ones I've seen
What makes them a pain in the ass to use?
>order the wrong keycaps
>wrong order close to home but will have to return it and wait another week for the correct caps
It hurts
every time I press backspace on my Flip 6P I get angry. It sounds so bad

I need to try the other plates and see if one fixes this
How fucking autistic are you anon?
No seriously, you bought a non split and you think there's a difference or some idea of something more?
You are a ignorant mortal that refuses to see the paradise that has been laid out to him because he rather play with fucking ape sticks over a fucking futuristic cyber suit that gives you a free blowjob under the armor while massaging your prostate without sodomy being done.
One thing I'm learning about tenting is how important the home row keys are to be able to adjust. I'm really clutching the memory over tactile memory for locating my keys correctly on the board also I'm placing my keyboard closer to my center vs when i was typing on flat.
I will keep updating on my tenting journey
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i want to get this Evo80 but tkl size feels too big after being on 60% for so long
2 more hours until we get hololive realforce collab.
Looking for some sort of keycap for kailh mouse switches 6x6mm.

Any recommendations?
Glue on would be fine.
alright where is it
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where can i buy a prebuilt with this layout just not split? closest ive found is a keychron q65
>not split
Then why are you even bothering anon?
That's a waste of time if you actually understand the format and the reasoning behind the keyboard type.
Nobody mislead this anon please
That looks like fucking garbage. It's also not split you vtube retards need to get better taste.
Realforce was never going to release a split. They're looking for mass market sales, which means TKL or 75%. You don't make a vtuber collab, then hamstring yourself with a niche layout.
Meh I would only get this to support Wagahai
Why are people against split keyboards when they are the natural progression of keyboards and body preservation?
Because they're niche and expensive.

And the cheap ones suck ass.

I can get a fantastic TKL for ~$100-200 including nice keycaps

A fantastic split is going to run $200+ and probably doesn't include nicer keycaps, depending on your layout, can get quite pricey for split setups.
Closest is alice layout keyboards
You will get a endgame keyboard pretty much and all you have to do is make a semi steep investment. The hours of physical therapy outweigh the buy in price. Many people who do this as a profession will face the reaper why not just prevent this altogether. I think if you have to type all day to make your living this is a drop in the bucket
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>The hours of physical therapy
lol do you actually think most people require HOURS of physical therapy from typing on a 100% or TKL?


alright well, I appreciate the laugh, thanks anon.
>Unemployed Neet that never seen a older dev in the office.
Alright then
I'm 32 and work from home on my keyboard all day long, then i sit on my computer in the evenings for entertainment, which includes a of typing as well.

You're just a retard that has convinced himself he's right based on no actual supporting evidence. Can you find individual people who need physical therapy due to typing? Sure, I have no doubt about that, but the idea that you're preventing a 100% certainty of needing physical therapy is fucking retarded.

There are literally millions of people who have been daily typing on full size keyboards for DECADES who have no issues at all. Some outlier situation SOME people find themselves in, is in no way going to convince anyone of some wider problem you're somehow preventing with your split keyboard.

I'm glad you like it, but don't pretend like you're NEVER going to have a repetitive strain injury from a split keyboard and EVERYONE who uses a TKL or full size WILL need physical therapy.
Let me guess you spent over $300 on a non split
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oof, and here I thought you might not be a troll

sad desu, i wanted to see what other delusions you'd make up to support your position, instead you just look retarded now.
The fact you think 30 years old is old when I'm talking about older devs makes you not worth having a actual discussion with. The seething only confirms you over spent on some group buy or model F junk.
Notice how you don't deny it...
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>just more deflection into how much I may or may not have spent on a hobby
lmao, right well I appreciate you showing everyone exactly the kind of fallacious arguments you have to support your bullshit.

If your entire argument relies on
>well you spent money on a meme i dislike
how the fuck is that going to convince anyone that you're arguing from a place of actual knowledge/experience?

If someone who had a $10 dell full size keyboard came into this thread and read your post, do YOU think you'd believe what you wrote about splits?

You just look like a troll trying to shit on someone for spending money on a hobby and making up reasons as to why they wasted their money when YOU clearly spent your money the "right" way.

IDK about you, but that doesn't convince me of anything and I doubt it's convincing anyone else reading this either.
>long drawn out seething
Talk about critical hit
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I've asked repeatedly for a real argument and I just get deflection after deflection.

I think that speaks for itself.
You used antidotical evidence that had nothing to do with the previous statement as a gotcha only to write a long paragraph of nothing. Regular keyboards force you to probate at a unatrual position that not only fucks up your posture but fucks up your body. A good example of this would be that hippo fag that tried to shit on splits only to make a video where he displays his criptid tier body and posture because he can no longer properly sit in a desk.
You people act like no immediate pain means no issue when you often find many desk jokeys with hunchbacks and cronic pain.
>You people act like no immediate pain means no issue when you often find many desk jokeys with hunchbacks and cronic pain.


and you act like one faggot getting chronic pain means EVERYONE will.

You're just a retard that sits on your high horse acting superior because you've made a fantasy in your mind that everyone else WILL get chronic pain from using a regular keyboard despite the literal 10s of millions of people in the world who have decades of typing experience and don't have chronic pain.

The fact you think EVERYONE should use splits because a tiny fraction of people might get chronic pain is hilarious to me.

Do you also use a vertical mouse? Studies show that normal flat mice also cause your wrists to pronate (not probate).

Now if you could hurry up the next decade of your life and skip straight to the finale where you shoot yourself, we'd all be much happier.
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>not reading the entire post
And yes I use a ambidextrous trackball mouse
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>ambidextrous trackball mouse
lmao fuckin retard, that's still pronate

You need vertical to get the wrist oriented correctly to be as safe as possible for your delicate chronically pained wrists.
Splitheads being annoying as per usual. We're just gonna have to learn how to ignore them.
What if I told you My trackball is also on a tilt dipshit
Just take the L, I also have a vertical mouse too.
Cope post also the above poster proves he has zero fucking idea what he's talking about and most likely has the posture of a down syndrome cryptid.
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Forgot how much I liked this board.
Sounds great with SA, too.
Is that the Ankler braided extended USB C cable found on amazon?
why do you know this?
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Why not?
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do you have these? got a pack years ago on a prime day sale or something
at the time I was using them for my phone and one of them has ended up as the "looks fine with everything" cable for my desk
I got them on sale during the beginning of covid and use them to power my monitor lamp and to serve as the USB wire for my car when using android auto.
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>$7.64 from march of 2020
I'd say I'm definitely getting my money's worth
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This is so ugly
Who the fuck would buy this lazy shit?
Accent keys on the WASD is interesting, is that common on gaming keyboards?
Those come with some keycap sets or are sold as novelties. This keyboard is fucking ugly by every metric and I only expect some obese fat fuck or virgin looking a hollow from darksouls having that in their room
I honestly haven't spent almost any money on clothes, my mom does that for me and I rarely wear even more than half the clothes I own on top of that.
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>chuuba split
Only as one off custom kind of a deal. I wonder if corpos have their official caps or its all bootlegs, cause i see mostly chinesium sets of questionable origin.
welcome to reality
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Going to be getting these powder coated soon. What color anons?
they're not meant to match
I like the way these feel, sound, and look on this board
I have plenty of stuff that is a better "match"
$250 for a open box voyager sounds fair?
>split keyboards suck
>look like this
>sit like this
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>2 buttons thumb claster
I'd rather not, but you do you. 250 for a fab assembly sounds okay, not a steal by any means, but you probably wont get better deals anyway.
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This guy is a retard, but to be fair splits are fussy and often not worth it for your average users. Layers, different behaviors, new layouts, exact parameters for your personal optimal column stagger/splay/keywell configuration, pointing devices, mounting mechanisms, bluetooth protocol implementations, you see where im going with it.
Is that guy the hippo faggot?
I just bought my first mechanical keyboard for work/school. its a protoarc and was cheap af. love how it sounds.
Neon beige
He is reddit/10 but he is honestly pretty useful when you aren't taking his sound advice.
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I want the botan one.
Korone or HLEN ones?
i already posted this at higher resolution >>102562106
I've been using a HHKB for a little while now, I mostly love it and it's almost my endgame but imo the Fn key is awkward to reach without leaving the home row. I'm thinking I should build a custom keeb with the HHKB layout but with the spacebar split in two, one still being space and the other being Fn.

Is this just a skill issue or am I on to something here?
Has anyone here bought a HMKB?
That's a shit tier split desu
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my kebor
KEK, yeah he has tech neck, he needs to do some form of exercise that isn't hunching over.
What would be better?
Why does your keyboard have a mat?
That's most people that have irrational anger over splits
Something with a ortholinear layout
>That's most people that have irrational anger over splits
Other than it being a cool thing to have people look at, I don't really get the appeal. A split deck has to be plugged in on both sides right?
It prevents you from looking like
If you have a job that requires you to type and be at the desk for 8 hours a day. If not do whatever
>It prevents you from looking like
That's more from looking at the monitor or playing games than it is from using a regular keyboard, there's a reason why its also called "gamer neck".
the fuck are you talking about?
i already own this keyboard but no longer want a split board but i like the layout (75% + left macros)
Yes and your anchor the traditional keyboard puts you in a prone position that forces you to sit like that being able to open your chest allows you to sit back and not hunch over.
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>botan is turbohag with aging extra nerds millenials as her core viewers
>neon green accents
Realforce designers should've watched a stream or something, thats a weak showing for what could've been their huge dunk.
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i thought i'd dig the lily white keyboard aesthetic but i feel like im doing to stain it somehow
Human oils
the sun
Not entirely true.
Give it a coat or two of clear acrylic.
If someone doesn't spend 6+ hours a day at the keyboard they don't need a split I can agree on that
Split helps mitigate many of the pitfalls people default to when at the desk all day
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Really helps with posture so long as you're conscious about it, i tend to scrunch a bit leftwards with normal keyboards when i type, for example. Also gaming is much more comfy on split, would totally recommend.
NTA but I have a split board simply because I find it comfy to type on, not because I "need" it or anything.
That's also valid I did the same thing and saw my posture improve so I had a pleasant surprise. I was having bad upper back pain working my 9 to 5 due to defaulting to shit posture.
How do they connect to each other? Do they both connect to the computer individually or do they connect via bluetooth?
I'm skeptical but I honestly haven't tried one so I can't really say how nice or bad it is.
One of the mcus is main this is what pc communicates with, rest are peripherals and connect to main with bluetooth, you can have several peripherals from what i've understood.
Standard configuration is left side - main, right side peripheral. Occasionally people introduce third mcu to become main and use it as usb dongle, cutting down on battery consumption this way and going around necessity of wired connection during early boot phase.
They're miku keyboard must of sold well if they are selling hololive variants now.
chuubas a quite a sales channel these days. Logitech sold a hefty chunk of one particular keyboard just because lots of vtubers used one.
>Miku Keyboard
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Its on the realforce website but since its topre, its pretty overpriced.
I'll be honest, not a fan of her design or the keyboard, only thing unique I can see is the "01" on the board, which is kinda disappointed. I was hoping for a cool Miku Escape cap or maybe an enter button with a leak on it or something.
Any interesting switches out there? I only have experience with linear switches and I'm looking to kinda branch out a bit.
I really liked both of these sets too, I considered joining the GB but changed my mind and was going to buy the extras of them. glad I didnt
>People spend hundreds on plastic merc keyboards but people give me weird looks when I have handmade wooden keyboards, steel keyboards, with bronze and ceramic keycaps.
If your gonna pay near 1k you might as well pay 1k and just go all out to make an indestructible and quality keyboard.
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Plastic merch is a known quantity, you get X body with Y colors, nothing more nothing less, once you go full custom route, there will be design challenges you'll have to find solutions and compromises for by yourself, lots of people just don't want to develop their own keyboards.
Pok3r keycaps. I thought uniform caps would be better?
When you're experienced none of it matters I use mt3 on my moonlander and my dactyl but have no problem offering dsa or xda
Do any of you actually use your 60 percent keyboards daily? I'm having a hard time motivating myself to switch from my 95%.
I don't see a point if you don't like the form factor you need qmk for it to be worth it too

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