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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>102504144

>Beginner UI
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Model Ranking

>Models, LoRAs & training


>Pixart Sigma & Hunyuan DIT
Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels

>Index of guides and other tools

>Try online without registration
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium

>Maintain thread quality

>Related boards
friendship of thread
>model leaks on HDG
>some random XL checkpoint
I sleep til Bigma
Let's continue the discussion there, looks like there's a NAI leak (again yeah lol)
Supposedly Illustrious-XL-v0.1 but that shit is already on huggingface?
there's also this link >>>/h/8218526
trying to piece together the lore myself since i don't browse /h/ but from what i understand it's supushto be... be.... zzzzzzzz...... mimimimi..... zzzzzz.....mimimimi
>Expected Release Date: September 30, 2024, 00:00 UTC.
ig it's an early leak or something
how far the coomers have fallen
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fuck flux where's my bigma leak
>day 23
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Has anyone tried it yet? The hdg fags don't seem to like it
>it's received positively but needs more time in the oven
>its not NAI3
The gens so far look crusty so probably not ready yet
t. naigger
First, there was the age of the furries, but darkness engulfed the world, and a new age of coomers arose from it's ashes. Now we remain in it's limbo, awaiting a new age.. the age of..
bigma will be really good just you wait
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>First, there was the age of the furries, but darkness engulfed the world, and a new age of coomers arose from its ashes. Now we remain in it's limbo, awaiting a new age.. the age of..
>guidance 3.5
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>flux is two months old
>still no finetunes
there are, just bad quality ones
just like I predicted, big boy models have no future locally
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even if i tried i couldnt do a more boring female
the one anon saying the opposite was a larp we all know the average card is not a 40 series
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It can be amazing.
that is not a link but a base64 text, it says

"Honestly, just as a base model this is already incredibly close to NAIv3 in terms of inherent knowledge, flexibility and quality. Add to that the fact that it's free, runs locally (and can thus be used in any way conceivable) and can use Loras, meaning it can learn anything you want, and I would say that I prefer 4th tail over NAIv3 in basically every scenario. Very excited to see what's coming in the future."

>Honestly, just as a base model
I don't get it, I thought it was a SDXL finetune
is flux any good at the control nets?
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trying to catch up after a few weeks away, boy these new video models are.. something
still shit
can you show some pictures quickly, I guess it's still far from Pony's level?
anything better for local I2V than cogvideox5b at this point? would really like to set up keyframes for sequences
eh, it's progress, but it's not enough to be useful
It's pretty obvious the handwriting is on the wall for non-famous actors.
Hmm illustrious seems pretty good, seems to know all the artist and characters I can think of. Also certain artstyle triggers like oekaki seems to work a lot better thank pony.
can i see it?
whats the best free prompt to image online right now
The one you download and install on your own computer
in automatic webui, how do I unload a model so no model is loaded? I'm using depth anything and I just realized my loaded model for SD is using vram
You messed it up, it's more like this (and yeah I also find this absolutely retarded)
Yeah I fucked it up, hence the deletion.
We'll see on Sep 30 I guess.
How do I become more creative for new image ideas? University work drained me harder than a blue balled coomer edging for six hours before finally finishing.
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Hehh, a finetune of QwenVL is always welcomed
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I would suggest two things. Grab random concepts that surround you or that you've recently encountered and remix them, or have some fun with picrel by turning already generated features into something unconventional.
How do I run this
CogVideo isn't that bad, I hope they'll keep improving it
like this I guess?
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left guy got fucked up
he's just special
breds cozier than the last i cant believe it
you can see it now actually he just approve everyone
I don't know who needs this but it was pissing me off, so here's the app.py edit to do batch uploads for the new joycaption:

you'll need to change the file paths to your own
>clip_path =
>model_path =
>checkpoint_path = (not sure if this is unique per download)
and around line 106
>text_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("your file path"), device_map=0, torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16)

I'm using the llama 8b .gguf model downloaded locally in my code, adjust to whatever the fuck youre using if you don't want to use it. you may need to make a captions.json file in the joy-caption-alpha-one-new\9em124t2-499968\text_model folder, here's mine:
(edit path to your path again)

it saves all the captions in a 'captions' folder in your joycaption folder, named as image_0, image_1, image_2, etc. so if you're using kohya to train, get chatgpt or claude to write you a quick python script to rename all your images to image_0, image_1, etc to match for ease of use
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Uh oh...... What do you think caused them to add this disclaimer?
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the crustiness is just massive skill issue by retards who don't know how to upscale correctly.
the model is decent. It's absolutely not there yet with the version that got released and needs more training time but later versions should be a lot better.
as is it's a viable alternative to pony with better character knowledge/depth. It's a hell of a lot fucking better than any of the other attempted XL finetunes that have been pushed out.
can someone please tell me the advantages of comfyui vs plain regular automatic 1111?

like what the hell
No one really cares about XL anymore desu
>the model is decent. It's absolutely not there yet with the version that got released and needs more training time but later versions should be a lot better.
why NAI is still finetuning SDXL, Schnell is way better than it
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I might use that one but, might not deliver on that anime part :D
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why auto and not forge/reforge?
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it's being done by a korean outfit.
it's also months old. the current released model is from may.
>schnell at fucking that
flux is hot fucking garbage. it's a vehicle for a 16ch VAE and nothing else. It'll end up being remembered more than SD2 but man, not by much.
Not saying that XL is good(it's not). But flux just isn't going to be the next thing(neither will auraflow). No idea what will be but certainly won't be flux.
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does anyone know if there's any way to remove the huge error screen that covers the whole comfyui window, or change it to a much much smaller one?
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>flux is hot fucking garbage. it's a vehicle for a 16ch VAE and nothing else. It'll end up being remembered more than SD2 but man, not by much.
>but later versions should be a lot better
Later versions won't be released publicly, dev said if it was leaked before the 30th he wouldn't release the completed version.
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from what I've seen the dev doesn't actually seem to care too much.
my guess is that the "not released by" date was simply them wanting to give themselves the time to write out their dev process/release doc shit.
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Comfy lets you run the image trough as many or as few filters as want. As many or as few times you want. Also you can check the process on fly. A lot like Lego. A1111 is more restrictive but easier to run imo. I've tryed comfy a bit but mostly in a1111.
Parade is working, only need a bit more of that maid part.
>dev said if it was leaked before the 30th he wouldn't release the completed version.
if the leaker knew what, then why did he leak the model then?
>leak model
>people get hyped
>it results in not getting the full model
>hype crushed
is true though, the blurry background instagram headshots poison everything
she looks good here man, did you finally feed her?
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Feed her? Gave her some noise, She was being too quiet. And yet still, she's not talking to me :(
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frying the fucking Unet again
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In style 2 I see. Did you describe the scene or are you doing img2img or inpaint? Very good scene and angle :)
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finished training ron paul flux lora.
search 'ron paul' on civitai if you want to use it
>Did you describe the scene
Nah just some random stuff I copy pasted from old prompts

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Thanks! Always neat to see how others prompt. I must say I've never seen this format b4 "1990s \(style\), western comics \(style\)," is this style part linked to some feature?
Those are booru tags. Check danbooru for example
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Ooh. Is the booru part local? Also I wonder if the tag gets replaced by the explainer part in prompt. thus making the work count bigger.
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Is there workflow for vramlets? Specifically 6GB
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why does tagui require me to be connected to the interent?
It doesnt? Perhaps you don't have the model and it tries to download that. Been using it offline without problems
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Trying to learn how to use SD here... Is it better to generate at lower resolutions and then upscale the good results, or should I generate at the desired resolution at the start?

BTW, wat do when you have a result you like but it's a little janky (picrel). And should I be using hires fix or refiner options?
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I hope this is not 2 spicy
the excessive texturing and slime on the legs makes me want to throw up, ngl. feels like I'm looking at two poop encrusted dicks instead of a woman's thighs, foul
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looks like the rotten wornout cunt of a 60 year old attached to a young woman.
sometimes AI slop is some real hellish body horror shitshow
flux does have a weird thing for granny body types, feel like the devs added a smidge of granny positivity porn into the dataset to poison the normal smut
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someone needs to make that monster energy drink sperging over advertising a copypasta and apply it to this jif peanut butter drink
There are a few just not pony coomer ones
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you 2 got some mighty high standards for women. But I hope you find what you're looking for.
How do you even make a finetune? The only guides are for loras.
Probably because this one is hyper illegal under current laws and dozens of people are currently in jail over it. Like if you make deepfake porn of tswift it’s “illegal” but no one cares. If you make deepfake porn of your neighbor from their Instagram you WILL go to prison if the cops find out.
Men tend to think in geometry so having a visualization of the nodes is helpful. If you have the mind of a woman it’ll be confusing and not good.
>be me, idiot
>try whatever the current SOTA open imagegen model is a few times a year
>every time it’s dogshit compared to closed source, weird melting bodies, can’t do hands
>>oh b-but if you try fifty loras and inpaint and — NO
>do it again when flux comes out
>no melting bodies
>follows the prompt as well as dalle
>just works
Flux is literally the first open source imagegen model
The previous ones were just the concept of a model
I literally saw this image and said “sick” out loud
>Flux is literally the first open source imagegen model
>The previous ones were just the concept of a model
this, 100% this, I made more than 10000 pictures at this point, not a single time I got 3 arms or 3 legs, Flux is just that good
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ok but can it do genshin characters yet?
no, we need a finetune for that :(
>*beep beep*
>Is it better to generate at lower resolutions and then upscale the good results,
Typically, yes
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there are no real finetunes. just lora slop mixes.
Retro rules
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We have genshin at home
How do you finetune? Every time I try to look it up it’s just people that think a lora is finetuning.
I don't understand this because retarded but why is schnell able to denoise an image in 3-6 passes but dev takes 16+?
that's the difference between schnell and dev, schnell is fast but the quality is worse, dev needs more steps but the quality is there
I would like to know more on a technical level
If only because schnell seems to handle the concept of a human floating in zero gravity better than dev does but everything else is worse
I'm not a specialist on that shit, just a regular SD enjoyer, but what I know is that there's flux pro that is the original base model, and they used a distillation technique to create dev and schnell, and supposedly that distillation technique's goal is to make those model faster to run at the cost of quality
Go look at the definition of finetuning.
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Who the fuck is this dude
He got torn a new one on some AI subreddit for spamming some overcooked self-Lora to drive people towards his Patreon
His Twitter is all Israeli drone strike videos
>Flux is literally the first open source imagegen model
flux is a fucking tech demo.
it's hyper sanitized corpo grade shit that has no real room to be improved upon in any way that matters because the way it was built is so ass backwards retarded you'd be better off training everything from scratch instead of trying to work off it.
its only use case is for mass produced garbage that no one will spend more than 2 seconds looking at.
>it's hyper sanitized corpo grade shit that has no real room to be improved upon in any way that matters because the way it was built is so ass backwards retarded you'd be better off training everything from scratch instead of trying to work off it.
why do you say that? Lora training on it works fine, so a finetune would also work fine
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Wow that’s crazy
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>can't train
The meltdown is starting, LOL
He's a poorfag who can't run it.
it's designed to be consistent and coherent at the cost of refusing to deviate.
it's designed very specifically for the use case described. to make shit someone looks at for 2 seconds and then never again. It's only supposed to be good enough to not immediately trigger a "wait what" that forces a longer, harder look but it also has issues making anything actually INTERESTING.
Also NL captions are a strict regression for literally anything beyond tech illiterates wanting something ultra basic.
>Lora training on it works fine
try training a lora on more than one thing and watch how it learns nothing.
> so a finetune would also work fine
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Wow that’s crazy
there's not a chance in hell that's a Flux-generated image lol, it might even be upscaled SD 1.5
I mean I literally released a Lora that adds monsters, demons, and aliens fucking chicks to it, that looks presumably exactly what a realistic-inclined Flux Pony would look like. It takes some horsepower to train for sure but it's not impossible. I just use CivitAI personally, the $ cost of buzz is much lower than any competing equivalent in terms of training costs.
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Bro if a woman’s legs being a little sweaty makes you think of gay cock I have bad news
You can’t just say that and not link it
Man I should make a rrostek lora and give up on ever being human
looks like flux with a burnt lora to me, has the buttchin, the weirdly dirty/wrinkled feeling face despite baby features, the granny bod in the details, weirdly tranny tier elongated section leading to the crotch, the depth/focus blur, semi coherent background image that isn't just a smudge of colors..
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they aren't just sweaty though. they have a weird film of grime on them and a texture that looks like an age spot moddled gran with the wrinkles smoothed out (unless we're counting where the leg connects to the crotch), even a wart of some kind on the lower left (our right). you pull your dick out of a chicks ass and its not fully clean, covered in lube and faint shit smear, thats what it looks like. simple as. its a nasty image, not palatable at all
nta but i have a fetish for that
just search "Unrealistic NSFW Concepts For Flux" on CivitAI
here's a SFW joke pic I did with it of a demon by himself just to prove that the Lora doesn't break text though lol
You need to stop fucking women in the ass
It’s gross and bad for their digestion
if they skin like that picture I won't fuck 'em in any hole tbqh
if they skin like that picture i like them clean like popsicle, yummy yummy, no shower needed
The duality of jeet.
looks like sd 1.5 with an upscale model to me
What does it mean if a lora isn't working no matter what strength I put it at??? I can't get a second lora to work. Can I only use 1 lora at a time? Do I have to enter the lora into the prompt in a particular way (surround with commas or not)?
Some Lora's require a specific strength or CFG. Check.the page you got it from
>we can't finetune it

aka our merges don't work like expected and we need our buzz/money lmaoo
If he bullies a pro release, it would be something.
I'm following the instructions, but it's just not working.

The lora I'm tyring to use: https://civitai.com/models/287690/topaz-sd15andxl

prompt: 1girl, best quality, 4k, bedroom, laying in bed, pajamas, large breasts, thick thighs, <lora:honkai_star_rail_style_offset:1> honkai star rail style, topaz \(honkai: star rail\) <lora:Char-HonkaiSR-Topaz-Pony-V1:0.9>

Negative: worst quality, bad anatomy

Am I entering something wrong?? I'm using the default gen settings.
why can't flux do genitalia yet? SDXL still is better for nudity
I think its the only thing that'd kind of redeem him and I'd still hate him desu
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>Flux gen to flux inpaint works fine.
>Load image to flux inpaint, output of mask is a gray blob.

I don't get it?
>Flux gen to flux inpaint works fine
How? Do you have a workflow for this I could copy?
anyone not fucking retarded and always looking at their own reflection knows 99% of everyone owns nothing over a fucking 3060, not even a 3090. Steam hardware surveys alone showed this, which is what made nvidia and amd's decisions lately even more baffling, those people are NEVER going to upgrade when the cards are worth over $300.
if one has to genuinely ponder how many people are really using flux, let alone SDXL, may your brainworms make loud crunching noises in your eardrums.
Looks like Pony too me.
I train Flux Loras and also run it solely online, I guess people do that probably. SDXL I also train online, but run locally in Comfy.
File deleted.
that's 1.5 you geniuses
turn in your 4090s at the door.

see that's the crazy thing, we've gotten to a point now where you can feasibly offload whatever you can't do to someone else online, i do most of my xl training online and run it locally, i can't run flux at all so im just waiting for whatever the next big step is that's less beefy.

>quite frankly i'm not impressed by what the 3090 and 4090 can do with flux enough that i'll run it when i get my 3090ti
Holy based i kneel to our Turkish God. Who even is that dumb broad? "shady shit" stfu and post tits.
This guy is based. I don't why so many people have a hate boner for him.
anyone try this yet?

tl;dr - train loras on this mildly finetuned version of flux, then apply said loras to regular flux dev while genning, I think?
im constantly baffled when anon cant see flux vs 1.5 or XL kek
>you haven't seen all the tools
flux isn't worth it. what's the point of having bloated shit like 12b params, 16ch vae when it just looks like a slight upgrade over xl. yeah it can do hands but is it worth 4x the inference time, a positive is the prompt following when you paste sentences because t5, even then, training t5 ain't easy.
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Is there any local stuff that can create idle animations for characters? I want to animate KanColle sprites
most anons here have small brains
>yeah it can do hands
i've seen more fucked up flux gens that border on 1.5's anatomy quality than xl at this point kek
no wonder though everyone's had enough time with xl to figure out its quirks and how to get something good out of it, but, like you said for its heft i don't think it's worth it.

i struggled to get even 10 frames of animation recently, we're gonna be waiting a while before this is streamlined at all.
censored dataset, the dataset is the most important part of anything, they're training models without artist/nudity knowledge and expecting anything more than stock photos.
what's taking china so long?
How hard is it to train your own models/lora? Do you need a powerful rig to do it?
Wow that’s crazy
loras minimum is 12gb vram
easy, but getting together a good dataset and tagging it can be a pain
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Vidu does it well. Maybe it has gotten an update, my stuff is old.

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Is it local? Where can I download the weights?

Oh. Not local. Just use burner accounts if you're desperate. Then join the Flux video edging room like the rest of us.
yeah but even the flux loras can't do pussies
Schnell responds better to short prompts while Dev responds better to long prompts.
BFL’s entire premise is stealing all of SD’s research and scraping/training codebase and starting over without making the same financial mistakes. The literally named it the first antonym for “stability”. Pro will never, ever, ever be released. SD’s mistake was releasing good enough models with commercial use permitted. Anything from BFL will have the only usable version noncommercial and a better “pro” one not even released for noncommercial.
your flux dev genitals, sir?
It’s legit less expensive to run and train by renting a runpod a few times a week than to buy a 4090. Even a subscription to one of those generator sites is less expensive since a card only lasts X years.
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Wow, that's crazy.
It’s because they don’t train on pussies because they are RETARDED. They train on PORN because they are BRAINLESS GOONERS.
If you want a COCK you train on COCKS not NAKED MEN.
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>crops the feet
Certified Gay
maybe ill consider using flux when it can one day do THIS
Mental illness
damn nigga that's nuts
it can kind of do dicks decently if you use a consistent angle but even with loras, it has no idea about labias,
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It's just... It's just so fucking over...
wrong thread mein neger

>hot though love the lazy eye
Paging to disk implies you don't have enough ram. That's not the operating system's fault. NT lets you specify a size too if you'd rather have programs die when they run out of memory instead of swapping to disk.
i never run out of RAM is the thing, plus the copious restarts/power offs ive been doing it should've cleared over a week ago.
when i DO end up paging i'm already eyeing task manager and put a stop to it real quick.
doesnt windows itself just panic and crash when you fuck with page file size? Its why i never touched it.
welp whatever, went and resized that shit with a restart. stupid how it defaults to such a fat size and then never clears itself after some time.
What is the right thread
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how was i supposed to use DPM++3msde again? most schedulers give me artifacts.
>forge is actually memory leaking

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> can't train one of the easiest model to do it for
> there are even undistilled versions on the net already

> try training a lora on more than one thing and watch how it learns nothing.

> yeah but even the flux loras can't do pussies

> when it just looks like a slight upgrade over xl

Are we using the same flux? Are you all just that unskilled?
>Are we using the same flux? Are you all just that unskilled?
It's some weird, autistic jeet whose been qqing all over hdg about it, got ignored so came here. I don't think he can actually run it. doesn't understand t5 or that clip also exists. Idk what the point of his posts are, just ignore
So by "finetune" we mean something that's trained on uncensored data, right?
Such as entires boorus and their tags
I don't understand t5 either. Outside how to put it into a workflow and it encodes text I have no idea how to use it effectively.
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>16ch VAE is a marginal improvement
Kek it immediately dated previous models, it's the most distinguishing feature. I cannot foresee a future where models are not expected to use 16ch.

I don't lurk /h/ but the plight of the poorfag is not difficult to empathize with. If >>102517036 picrel works well then perhaps we'll see a change in opinion. It's obviously the most competent base model but i don't think anon truly realized that would come at the cost of such high inference times.
He's trying to get people to spoon feed him.
>Train lora
>It sometimes works, but often does the clothes wrong
>sometimes the shirt is white and the west is black when it should be the opposite
>sometimes just wears a shirt instead of the layered clothes west, even though all training data has the same layered clothes west
So I would assume it's undertrained, however...
>face is often melting unless I lower the lora strength, but then it forgets even more stuff and gets basic things like hair colors wrong
>if I add a second lora, everything gets fucked up and melts even more, unless I set both lora strength to around 0.5, but then it looks nothing like the loras
These are signs of overtraining...
So is it undertrained or overtrained? I don't know what to change. Has anyone experienced this?
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why is comfyui the only competently programmed webui?
>reforge was supposed to just be forge but better
>instead inherited EVERY problem from both A1111 and forge minus a few from forge
>reforge is the FIRST webui to crash my gpu outright with an OOM because it's STILL not handling unloading models correctly
what the fuck, i have to kneel to you comfyui autists because at least your shit WORKED and didn't actively try to allah akbar my system.
Damn you, you Turkish bastard
sdxl, biglust in particular, does better realistic vaginas than flux with loras. Look at all the flux nudity loras on civitai, none of them can get pussies right.
Can ComfyUI
>continuously show previews of the image while it's being generated
>one or two clicks to add a lora plus all of its usual keywords etc
From my experience it's "no" and "you need to create a new lora node and connect all the wires and remember the trigger words and add them mnually"
okay, i know i'm retarded, i figured windows was to blame for my huge pagefile and it turned out to be reforge, but you have to be actually braindead to think comfyui doesn't have either of these things.
hell lora nodes in comfy are better than they are in A1111 because it can pull up a mini version of the civitai page for that lora, giving you both a thumbnail preview and all the tags+other info in one little screen.
Flux can do extremely good cocks though, check this out?
I'm not a gayfag but if it can do cocks as well as in these images, then I imagine it can do pussies the same if someone would train a lora for it
Did you use joycaption? Did you manually check and edit all captions? If the character has a few outfits, it's better to write a long full description for each and then copypaste those descriptions (removing everything not visible) instead of whatever joycaption writes about the clothes.
Where does it do that? I admit I haven't used it much, but I exhausted everything that's visible in the GUI. Must be some kinda third party nodes?
I've conceded that. You can get even better cocks if you combine loras trained on particular angles like pov or sideview
git gud m8
>right click
>vew info

>im officially permanently moving to comfyui now
I used WD14 captions in Kohya. The results look just how I would do it but better. Should I use joycaption instead?
For the captioning, I've blacklisted the tags that describe the character, and instead just prefixed the name of the character.
So for example instead of "Orange hair, orange eyes, etc." I just put the trigger word so it associates all that with the trigger instead.
I also blacklisted the tags that describe the outfit, and instead just put "school uniform" and "scarf". She does wear her uniform and scarf in every image and it's always consistent. So I assume that if I prompt this character, with school uniform, then it should generate the character wearing this particular uniform of the anime, and not a generic uniform.

Other than that, I only added one image in a bikini where I used "bikini" instead of "school uniform" (so that it learns which part of the image is the uniform and which part of the image is her body).
Then I checked the generated tags and manually fixed them up a bit.
Any thoughts about this?
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>right click
>vew info
That's not in mine.
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i THINK im using a plugin to enable this, or it might be from an update, i genuinely can't remember its been like 2 months since i used comfy
i think someone in here can observe our conversation, smack me in the back of the head, and clarify.
but here's your live preview, a million times better than forgeslop.
A few useful scripts for lora captions a LLM wrote for me (I don't know how to use a computer).
This one adds a certain string to the start of every txt file in the folder, save as a .bat, put in the folder and run:
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "text=This is a picture drawn by XXX. "
for %%i in (*.txt) do (
set "fileContent="
for /f "delims=" %%x in (%%i) do (
set "fileContent=!fileContent!%%x"
>%%i echo !text!!fileContent!

This one concatenates multiple paragraphs, to mitigate that problem >>102466495 Save as a .ps1 file, put in the folder, right click and select "Run with PowerShell":
# Get all txt files in the directory
$files = Get-ChildItem -Filter *.txt

foreach ($file in $files) {
# Read each line from file and concatenate them
$content = (Get-Content $file.FullName) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "`r", "" }
# Replace multiple spaces with a single space, then trim leading/trailing spaces
$content = $content -join ' ' -replace '\s+', ' ' -replace '^\s|\s$'
# Write the modified content back to file
Set-Content -Path $file.FullName -Value $content
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Must be some kind of third party plugin because I've installed and updated this yesterday
My Ksampler doesn't have the preview either, or an option to enable it
it has to be. There is a hotlink to civit.
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im looking around now for whatever will tell me what i have installed kek i've completely drained all of this knowledge out of my brain this past month
Brain is filled with Peach' boobs
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>0 custom nodes
u wot m8

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alright buddy im just gonna show you my folder of custom nodes and let whoever's lurking this morning tell you what i have that corresponds with my screenshots
i need my third coffee, and peach boobs. good luck.
Sorry, no thoughts, I don't have much experience with WD tags and trigger words. With t5xxl, full descriptions worked the best for me, I'm getting the right uniform almost every time with this:
>she is wearing a school uniform consisting of a light brown jacket with a green trim and a white shirt with a standing collar underneath, the jacket has a beige sailor collar with a single green line, the jacket is cropped at the waist, the jacket is open at the front, revealing a brown dress that reaches her knees, the dress has a simple design with a straight skirt, the skirt has a green line along the bottom side, she is also wearing white ankle socks and brown shoes.
Also, if you use a full description of the character instead of a trigger word, it will still get her look right, but you'll be able to easily change her hair style or color when genning.
Ah I assume this is for flux training, I did a ponyxl train there, but I'll keep it in mind for when I try flux later
>Also, if you use a full description of the character instead of a trigger word, it will still get her look right, but you'll be able to easily change her hair style or color when genning.
I tried that at first, but then I had to add like 15 tags just to make her look normal, and I thought I didn't want to change her hair anyway
Or do you use t5xxl with sdxl somehow?
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>dev channel
You have been playing.

nta, but I might borrow a few of these. Thanks.
No, that's for flux.
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Looks like you can use PuLID Flux on ComfyUi there?
>dev channel
>You have been playing.

haha lol i didn't even notice this until just now i've been running with defaults
thank you.
>hope those plugins are useful for ya
What do you use for Flux lora training? I only have experience with Kohya so far
sd3-flux.1 branch of kohya-ss
Thanks Anon
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>ComfyUI Flux Accelerator is now only compatible with Linux.
rgthree's nodes are the ones that do it im pretty sure.
what checkpoint?
looks like some SD1.5 finetune slop
>one or two clicks to add a lora plus all of its usual keywords etc
I've never used a lora loading node, they're too inconvenient. I use "Load Lora Tag" node which detects <lora:blah:1.0> in your prompt then automatically finds and loads the lora file from your lora directory.

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I thought I would start with the lora.
sgm uniform 50 steps
>hittin me with that 2girls prompting
impressive, very nice. on a more chill day i definitely want to learn how to do it in comfyui.

thanks i had to do some research on why it was so AIDS, never using it again.
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does anyone know how to get this to run locally?


Please help anons! Im sure some of you guys have it running!
>new to prompting
>google what I should set as GPU weights
>some nigger suggests 23000
even if you have 24GB vram that's a bit too high. got to leave some more space for the image to be generated in before it pages out to regular ram. Try 21000 or 20000 instead.
Yeah, I realized I'd fucked up after comparing my gen times on a 4090. I dropped it to 18500 and it started going much faster. Thank you for the suggestion, will give both a try.
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I got it running, but it fell apart as soon as I did. ollama is trash and after I corrected it I just got stories upon stories.

Take the json files, throw them into your wildcard lists and run.
expand on this pls anon
>Hasselblad 907X with Hasselblad XCD 30mm f-3.5
Oh come on, this is just snake oil, there's no way flux was trained with captions including such info.
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what is it with some SDXL models have a horrible time keeping up with celeb loras? realisticvision and realismengine just do NOT like any of the loras i have when i try to do anything besides 1girl portrait.
tried every possible combination of settings + prompt ((engineering:1.5)) and praying to allah.
someone try that 11gb lora out
There's a 11gb lora?
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suck my cock
excuse me?? show me the link anon kek
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>checking that a random nonsense word has no “meaning” in the model so I can use it as a trigger
>it doesn’t, but one of the gens was cool
>can never reproduce since it was in response to nonsense
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Linux is simply better for AI
I think that retard never understood the concept of Loras, there's no point of making a lora if you go for 50% of the weights, better make a finetune then
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kek the prophecy is true
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>Computing is not a problem for me, but good data is hard to collect
I loathe this cope
>James Cameron, Academy Award-Winning Filmmaker, Joins Stability AI Board of Directors — Stability AI
Jim is always going hard when it comes down to computer graphics.
>he's a hack!
>computer, show me the highest grossing films in history
>I’ve spent my career seeking out emerging technologies that push the very boundaries of what’s possible, all in the service of telling incredible stories. I was at the forefront of CGI over three decades ago, and I’ve stayed on the cutting edge since. Now, the intersection of generative AI and CGI image creation is the next wave. The convergence of these two totally different engines of creation will unlock new ways for artists to tell stories in ways we could have never imagined. Stability AI is poised to lead this transformation. I’m delighted to collaborate with Sean, Prem, and the Stability AI team as they shape the future of all visual media.
Sounds like an LLM kek
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The push away from formal speech patterns and into very casual, unaffected speech in order to "avoid sounding like an LLM" will be disastrous for human communication.

>inb4 I get hit with the "sounds like an LLM"
Anyone know what prompt makes a woman look a little older. I use prompts like older woman, mature woman, motherly, old woman.
But I'm only getting women who looks like she's in her early 30s at most. Looking for someone who looks to be in her 40s
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Can’t you literally just say an age?
>Computing is not a problem for me,
Then make a real finetune nigger
but good data is hard to collect
bruh, go for gelbooru you'll get plenty of quality images
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Is it possible to train my own checkpoints in Flux having a "normal" computer? Or is it like SD where you need a shit ton of computing power?
I have a RTX 3060 12GB VRAM, and 64GB of RAM.
FluxGym officially supports 12GB vram but I have seen on reddit some user got it down to about 8GB https://github.com/cocktailpeanut/fluxgym
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>fine I’ll pay the troll toll to flux for commercial use
>they don’t even respond to me (1 week)
So it isn’t even a “pay to play” thing it’s a “vibe check” thing where only people in the secret club can even pay to use it.
Didn't work. Seems that mature woman is the closest I could get but still looks young.
man i don't like flux prompting. i don't want to write a 1000 word paragraph every time. I would rather just blend concepts together like Pony.
Just gotta wait for the booru finetune
Another bread, on the way...
That would destroy the model. It has to be real language. You can’t list random shit. You’d be better off making a “booru slop prompt to human language prompt” adapter.
Putting the computer in deep sleep generates a gigantic pagefile mirroring the ram afaik.
That's hiberfil.sys
oh yeah
It doesn't default to a large size. It increases on demand by default. When you max out your ram and programs are still requesting more it will use the pagefile unless it's already full then it will grow. Very easy to happen with programs like this that are requesting multiple gigabytes of ram per task.
won't work.
flux isn't capable of handling multiple art styles simultaneously.
you either force it in a single hardline direction or you just get homogenous garbage.
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my lora didn't turn out but gives me an opportunity to re-try it with that new method of training on the partially finetuned model

also got whatever this is

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