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Previous Thread: >>102514096
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We made it through another one bros
another monday wrapped up
My coworkers used to say happy Monday to each other ironically but I've noticed they're now saying it unironically because they're in thousand-yard-stare robot mode and not even considering the irony
When will my coworker greet me like this at work
a girl hugged me once in middle school summer camp
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Why are software engineer job postings so specialized, now?
It used to be
>Senior Software Engineer
>Duties: write code, take showers
now it's
>Senior Software Engineer (Advanced Media Streaming Expert, Networking Guru)
>Principal Software Engineer (Storage Specialist)
>Senior Software Engineer – Front End, Backend, or Full Stack – Lunar Permanence
>Software Engineer, Motion Planning: Behavioral V&V
>landscape surveying software engineer (real one I just saw on CuckedIn)
So now not only do you need 10+ years of experience building, shipping, and leading teams, you also need extremely niche domain knowledge to even be CONSIDERED for an interview?
Jesus Christ, I need to up my savings rate and get out of this nightmare career.
Because they have an internal hire or h1b they want.

But yeah, get into management.
pls saar...do the needful and hire cousin
How much more difficult is frontend compared to backend? I currently do backend and at times it's too technical for me. I hate setting shit up and there's too many systems working together that I have to learn about.
Today in JeetNews, some of our Jeet engineers screwed up an AV rollout so bad months ago that they just kept powering ahead without telling the PM and after some reporting, have basically borked the rollout so bad it can't be salvaged.

I'm going to the gym and look forward to reviewing the post-action when I'm back.
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>Motion Planning: Behavioral V&V
Would be me but I wfh
Are there modern PC cases that look like this?
Why are there so many more blacks in shorts?
low attention span and impulse control
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thoughts on setting this as my slack profile picture?
The best reaction you could hope for would be "I don't get it." Likely reactions range from "what's up with that weird pic" and "your profile picture makes me uncomfortable to "isn't that one of those alt-right memes" and "you're fired."
its the only way to cope. ignorance is bliss.
Pretending I didn't know what it was, I'd just assume you were kind of weird.
I would assume you're weird but funny
They should make the White hand emojies in Webex red with a Swastika on them because you know that's how everyone who's White feels when they set their skin tone.

Literally everyone where I work who doesn't use the default yellow is some shade of brown.
I work at a defense contractor and 2/3 people voted trump so I doubt it

I am weird
who here works at the state of WA? are the tech job requirements strict? I feel like I remember reading that the state is more lenient than private with their requirements to get the foot in the door.
There are no states.
those are still normalfags. also work in defense and my coworkers are trump voters but also israel bootlickers. you don't want to be associated with "gas the kikes" 4chuddery.
As are we all, it's just a matter of how much you want that to be your thing.
I mean, it wasn't even necessary to use anything other than yellow. It was only to appease niggers and shitskins, and white skin was sort of an afterthought.
It's not like some whitoid went to Unicode to bitch they weren't being included or whatever the fuck.
It was probably some jew desu.
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Conceptually, frontend is easy. The bit that makes it hard is that you're usually cutting through layers of accumulated filth three generations of developers thought would be a good idea to do.

Pick a path:
>Vanilla HTML / CSS / JavaScript
>Know exactly how and why everything works the way it does
>Every other developer on your team wants a 3rd party library to handle one specific thing, but they do this process approximately once every two weeks and when the 3rd party library needs to be updated for the security risk, everything breaks
>Have to cut through every third party library to code in a way that makes sense to you
>Become the go-to guy for eldritch async resolution debugging


>Code every site in a specific framework of your choosing (React or Angular)
>No clue why things work, but the magic abstraction machine produces results for bossman more frequently than everyone else
>Either fully commit to one language or eventually weave in every other library known to man
>Either spend more time managing dependencies your coworkers inject than writing code or explaining why things can't be done because your framework doesn't support it
>Can't write basic functions, but you find cool dependencies you then end up managing
>Become the go-to guy for bossman's good ideas


>Weird language man
>Every website can be coded in [specific language with no third party library support]
>Spend most of your time redeveloping other frameworks and cribbing code off github or stackoverflow
>Become depressed
Frontend is far easier and less stressful than backend. I switched to frontend a few years and don't regret it.
Frontend has its own challenges for sure, but it's much harder for something to go wrong. If you fuck up a DB operation, perhaps you just lost all your company's data... if you fuck up the frontend, yeah maybe the website crashes but it's nowhere near as bad. A lot of frontend stories that go through our pipeline are dead simple like "Add this link" or "Change text on button" or "Display new field from API". Nice if you're lazy like I am and just want to coast along.
I just can't stand the dependency churn. Fuck me it's like every year they decide to do everything totally different and you're considered a retard for not getting it.
>introduction to the topic
>structures.cpp globals.cpp
>start writing code
>if missing knowledge get knowledge, if not scaling refactor
teachers are nocoders though
Do you think my experience in backend would help me get a job? I've only really done frontend in college around 4 years ago. I remember concepts, but everything probably changed.
Idk if it's backend specifically. I think I just hate agile deadlines and there's just too much to learn in such little time for me regarding all the shit I need to setup and connect to. Front end seemed much easier to understand, at least during school it did. I realize actual work is completely different.
I just interviewed for a junior position and it only lasted 30min of the 1hr time allotted. It was a panel interview where they asked mostly behavioral questions rather than technical. Did I dun goof?
When I see posts like this I always imagine my most retarded junior making them. Yes you goofed. Fuck off and never message me again, you never actually do what I suggest anyway.
I went through a 15 minute phone screen that turned into a 30 minute call. I then got to talk to the director that was suppose to last 30 minutes but turned into an hour long call. Guy was really curious about my relevant experience and felt that I’m basically ready right out of the box. Did I dun goof?
oh no no no it's over
>giving away his voice for AI training
the absolute state of jobcels
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>has no ancestral land
>couldn't capture a mate
>has to beg for permission to be a slave
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did like 10 minutes of work today. pretty productive for a Monday really.
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Just started out as a technician at a repair shop. Any advice bros?
i posted earlier about it but my 30 minute interviews turned into 1h15m each about, and I got along so well with the team, they kept complimenting me and acting really surprised and excited that I knew what I was talking about, etc. then still got rejected. this world fucking sucks
>try to return something on walmart.com
>first guy picks it up, no fewer than 10 delivery wagies show up afterwards asking where the packages are.
If any if you work on walmart backend systems fucking LOL
based jeets wasting wagie's time with their broken gpt code
im too lazy to return anything i just throw it away kek.
>interview goes great
>they proceed to the final background check
>HR finds your page on rapereports.net
Start stealing RAMs and SSDs
add this to the sticky next time
Tech Union
Quit. I worked at on once (not technician tho), and all it was was scamming old people. Get them to check their computer in for $80 for a """diagnostic fee""", wait a week, tell them it will be $700 for a new battery, and then they almost always say yes because "well I've already paid $80, might as well go the rest of the way".
And of course this place literally bought their parts from ebay.
Get a trip nigger
it's funny because you can get a basic car diagnostic cable for like 25 bucks on Amazon, and a multimeter for like 75 because sometimes they don't check the alternator or current battery to see if the alternator is the problem.
Same happened here. Not even just rejected but ghosted
They haven’t messaged back to me since my Thursday interview. Boys, I’m scared. I need this fucking job. I don’t want to tap into my emergency-emergency money.
send follow up email, its boomercore but they will usually at least say something
start your own if you can
kek @ pic

this made me wonder...
how do teachers do it? most of them don't know shit, yet they are able to teach stuff they never actually practice. how are they not ashamed of themselves?
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India is poised to lead in the "Intelligent Age," driven by AI, robotics, biotechnology, and quantum computing advancements.
Videos you can smell...
Newish programmer here, only worked for one company but I was curious. Do you guys get any professional development time to study/learn/keep-up with tech developments? Asking because there is so much shit I need to stay on top of, it's hard to stay 'up-to-date' on everything.
Do they read your 4chan posts for TS/SCI. Did anyone ever get asked about their 4chan posts
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If 1.8 or w.e billion people can't produce a few geniuses that would be pretty sad.
People who spend all day "keeping up-to-date" on fake developments are the people who waste company time endlessly re-implementing the same features only worse with new frameworks every year while deploying them on ever-more-expensive cloud abstractions just so they can pad their resume for a future position that no longer exists.

If you want to keep up to date with technology that's relevant then step 1: identify your use case, step 2: identify potential technology that might satisfy your use case, step 3: stress test the technology under a simulation of your use case's load, step 4: rtfm. If it doesn't have a manual then start over because you failed step 2.
today I made bread
I've tried out MGS4 on RPCS3 today, it's something I've always wanted to try but I didn't feel like as if I had time to mess around with configs. Some dude on YouTube figured it out so I just copied his config, works pretty damn good. I'm impressed with how well it runs.
>manager acts confused when finds out I'm not monitoring the performance and reviewing the work of a coworkers with the same position I have
I honestly don't know what part of "I'm not doing anything I'm not paid for" is up to interpretation.
Your manager is a fucktard, another dopey cunt who has failed his way upwards. Have you tried RPCS3? It's pretty good.
Yes and it worked surprisingly well considering how old my computer is. Demons Souls shat itself as soon as I broke a barrel though.
I'm black. I'm ngmi. Time to study leetcode and do more gamedev until I die.
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Why does it always have to be the case? Why do I have to be looking for a job constantly?
A variety of factors at play:
1. Last minute decisions to cut hiring from corporate due to budget reasons
2. Company restructuring or downsizing
3. Biases from upper management influencing who they hire
Personally I had the pleasure of jumping through 5 rounds of behavioral and technical only to be rejected because the team realized they had budget only for 1 and went with another candidate.
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Remember bros
This was what exactly I did because I inherited so much tech debt at my last workplace and everyone had their hands fulled with their own projects.

Pull all nighters for days and worked weekend only to receive the employee of the month award and no compensation. Meanwhile the other zoomers barely showed up to work (clocks in at 10am leaves at 3) got their permanent contract while I get the boot. But's that on me buying into the meritocracy meme which the company likes to paddle so much.
>decide on your own volition to re-write everything to their own arbitrary standards
>"I don't need to consult anyone, because they're too busy"
>"I don't need to question if any of this is work that needs doing as long as I use the term 'tech debt'"
>didn't get the job, still can't take the hint that they binned every line of code you wrote because it wasn't done with any oversight or purpose
>muh meritocracy
Yeesh, I'm glad I'm not _this_ autistic.
>go to interview for sales position
>interviewer talking about the online order system they use
>"Anon, I see from your previous job that you're familiar with computers?
>"Can you touch type?"
>no idea what that is
>"on a keyboard?"
>still don't know
>"...Let's just move on to the next question"

what the fuck..? what kind of zoomer shit is this? I had to google what touch typing even was, I didn't even realize it was considered a skill and now that lady must think I'm retarded. I thought she was talking about touch screens or some shit.
that's just retarded mumbo jumbo garbage. you dodged a bullet
in 2040 we will still see gore videos of them getting fucked by trains. screencap this.
Do you browse this site on your work machine? In a sleepy brain fart moment I visited it on my laptop earlier today. At least I wasn't browsing it via the office network.
lmao no. you're fucked
If you don't know a term ask him to explain what it means. This at least shows some interest. Technical terms can be retarded. My company has a literal database of terms they use, many of them overlap with tech lingo and common abbreviations.
A classical example where some stranger thinks he knows it all by reading a few lines of words.

I kept a journal and a to-do which is checked with my senior engineer and team lead to ensure everything on the priority list is on track. We review the list every week to discuss those design bottlenecks but my manager said he was unable to provide additional resources within our group because my company was downsizing.
>binned every line of code
I am still in touch with my team and my team lead told me they were still using the stack I developed.

My manager and himself also vouched for me when I interviewed with the parent company so it's not all doom and gloom.
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I see
Actually Tom Scott told me that it's a completely heckin' valid expression of human diversity. His keyboard makes him an authority on this subject and I have no choice but to accept his opinion as correct
turns out i still have to make money and interact with people outside work.
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I run all my errands and do all my house chores on company time.
as long as you do your job nobody cares. just don't boast about it, faggit managers outside of stem may pitch a hissy fit
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if you have at least 3 YOE in your pocket, you'll be fine.
>boomers are firing zoomers to solidify their place
what else is new?
>finished task
>only remaining tasks on jira are anal aids high responsibility go talk to tons of people then write a proposal and we'll say ok :) flat heiarchy btw so you can pick that up even though I get paid more :)
i'm just not gonna work
My contract expires in November. Is it delusional to hope for a renew + pay increase?
Why don't you try switching to frontend in your current job? Surely you guys have a frontend right? Just give it a try and see how it goes.
Just make sure you guys are using a modern tech stack like React or Angular or Next.js or something, not PHP or raw HTML.
I'll admit I have no clue, but... how would we know? you didn't even give us some info on context.
IMO you need to talk to your employer.
>3 years actual experience doing actual shit
>interviewer asks data structures and algorithms
Why is the industry like this? Do they want people with actual skills or leetcoders?
they checked my torrent downloads and furaffinity account
Just looked at my paycheck YTD info.
Have paid over $15k to the god damned satanic federal government so far this year
What a fucking blackpill man
month 5 of leaving the tech industry
Holy shit, third time typing this, my posts just don't seem to upload.
My employee requires me to do a cert each semester (metric and all), is the java ocp or the kubernets ckad feasible to pass in this current year? I can only get reimbursement if I pass.
If not, I'll just do an easy one like java foundations.
leave this thread
ckad is not easy at all lol esp if you don't have exp w k8s
>My employee requires me to do a cert each semester
You should probably switch jobs.
>Doesn't know what touch typing is
Well, Anon, now you're older and wiser.
Touch-typing is the general ability of typing on a keyboard without looking at the keys.
Measures of how well you touch-type are speed and (lack of) errors.

>what kind of zoomer shit is this?
Touch-typing has been a valued skill ever since the typewriter was popularised.
He knows what it is you dense subhuman retard.
He's saying he's never heard it called that before.
I guess the "joke" is that you pretend not to understand that? That's hi-LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-rious.
kind of pathetic you'd stick around to read this shit after leaving the industry, don't you think?
>Touch-typing is the general ability of typing on a keyboard without looking at the keys.
I'm of the opinion that it's only called that by boomers who didn't know how to type and had secretaries to do that for them
The amount of people who can't touch type in the digital age has to be staggeringly low?
No, I'm not joking: If there is a joke, it's me being Captain Obvious.
And I stand to what I wrote: He's learnt the term to a concept, with which he was otherwise familiar.
If that makes me a dense subhuman retard, then so be it.
not really, tech is my passion, I'm just done being sodomized by the tech industry
staying up to date is as entertaining as watching any trainwreck happen, as well
Yeah, figured, I have only some light experience, as I used openshift web interface for most stuff.
How about java's ocp?

Nah; they're cool, work is good, only 6 work hours.
I like the Idea, is just that I only read about it this month.
FUCK I forgot my ssh key passphrase.
vim fucked up my ability to touch type.
>I'm of the opinion that it's only called that by boomers who didn't know how to type and had secretaries to do that for them
Well, it's always possible that I'm out of touch with the modern vocabulary.
It would beg the question, what being good at typing tests is then called nowadays.

>The amount of people who can't touch type in the digital age has to be staggeringly low?
Even given that I said the skill's been about as long as the typewriter has, you'd be surprised at the amount of people who exclusively use the index fingers to interact with the keyboard...

Vim motions for the typewriter when?
euros, do you work your ass off during probation period?
I don't think anyone on my team is doing anything. Particularly the "lead" who just seems to attend a couple meetings and nothing else.
Fuck me

Literally how? I can't imagine hunt-and-pecking through vim motions
'H' isn't where you home your index finger but it's natural to rest it there when you're first learning vim.
what can i do in the meanwhile to make money while i'm job hunting and practicing interviews? blogging? lmao
I worked my ass during the first year and I've been slacking off since then.
Five years and counting.
I'm going to start a video essay youtube channel myself.
That might be worse than neeting
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Tomorrow is my first day as a white collar, I graduated and was hired by the company where I did my internship. All of it has been extremely simple and smooth, I don't relate to anyone's doomer experience on here.
I'm desperate for money, and at least there is no 2 yoe required to upload a video. Applying to SWE roles right now feel like playing the lottery.
Daddy is the CEO
Nope, I knew nobody in that company. It was all on me.
I've never worked a "blue collar" job in my life.
I'm still a doomer though, unless all you like is staying inside and playing video games it's obviously unwinding.
fixing my project shitbox is all the blue collar I need
Even video games are fucked now.
tips on getting an internship? going to my first career fair (virtual) today and next month I'm going to an in-person one.
I listed on my resume all the interesting projects I worked on in uni, it was mostly machine learning stuff in my case. I briefly described each project, mentioned all the tools used, I also put my github on there. These projects did interest multiple employers, it started conversations and showed what I could do.
I got mine from a dinner party my parents had with some of their friends from church. I think that's pretty much the only way to do it.
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Okay I want to leave shitty Canada, I hate the shitty costs of living and don't want to pay $380k for a 1 bedroom condo and would rather tour around the world while I'm still not an old man doing secret remote work. I dev on an Ubuntu machine given to me.

What setups do you guys recommend? Some VPN company done via router? Setting up 2 VPN routers and hosting it from parent's house? What routers? How should the VPN be setup? Should I bring my expensive work desktop? Leave my expensive work desktop at parent's house and remote desktoping to it?
what job? webshitting?
>hosting it from parent's house?
Your parents would need to be at least moderately technically inclined, supportive, and tuned in. That would be the only way I'd do that personally.
I'd run either IPSEC or wireguard on my personal laptop and NAT the work laptop behind it. You can't just SSH because of the TCP ACK explosion and you'll absolutely need to keep everything off your work laptop.

You'll probably want to time it for right after a hardware refresh since you'll have to travel back to Canada for that. Make sure you can get enough of a heads up for that. International flights on short notice can cost upwards of $8k which might wipe out most/all of your savings doing this for the year.

Better is to just move back into your parent's house. That way you get the savings without doing anything wrong. Maybe offer to pay them something like $300 a month for "rent" so they feel better about it.
>slight wrist pain
>tech is my passion,
>I'd run either IPSEC or wireguard on my personal laptop and NAT the work laptop behind it.
Why not use a VPN router instead of a NAT?

>Better is to just move back into your parent's house.
I've literally been doing that for the past years and I can't take it no more. I was considering getting a place here but this country is so garbage economically for housing, food, etc; it has great people and landscapes and so on but the country is going to shit. Also I'm getting old and I don't want to delay enjoying the world.
I would prefer living in South East Asia, Japan, Europe, and USA for their visa lengths.
>Why not use a VPN router instead of a NAT?
All those are are cheap computers you don't have a shell on. You'll want to set this up yourself and *know* what's going on because *you* need to fix it when it breaks. If you don't feel comfortable with eg PF/IPtables you should absolutely not being doing this.
>and I can't take it no more.
Take vacations to luxury hotels, get a cheap used sailboat to camp out in or live in your car.

I do this. it's great and I think it still ends up cheaper than living in a third world country.
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Why shouldn't I just become a freelancer on upwork or whatever?
I have never heard the term "touch type."
When I learned keyboarding in middle school they called it "home key position" or something.
I did this in college and it absolutely fucking sucks.

Zero job security and you do the work of HR, accounting, and marking all on your own *and* you're *WAY* underpaid and overworked even without all of that.

No never again. Fuck. That.
It's crazy how my 1 day a week in office removes so many possibilities from my life.
That 1 day a week stops me from so many ideas. Without that 1 day a week I could do almost anything.
I thought it was just about securing a contract with some guy, getting paid a daily rate and once the job is done, it's done. Not necessarily being a mid/long term freelancer for a company.
Have you tried just missing that one day and working remotely sometimes?
What are they going to do? Put a bullet point in your performance review about it?
You spend like half your time securing contracts if you do that (and it's not just securing contracts, it's figuring out how the other person works, them figuring out you work etc.)
Mid/long term saves you an enormous amount of work. Contracting like this is the work equivalent to hooking up on Tinder. It just fucking sucks.
Why suddenly everyone wants to become a data analyst or a data engineer?
Man. I just finished my degree and the only propositions I got were 1. literally minimum wage or 2. unpaid internships.
I think I might unironically just stay on neetbux.
Yes they monitor badge swipes and the threat is if too many people are missing their 1 day a week, then the whole group will go back to full in office.
wish I had a degree so I could coast in some megacorp without repercussions and get my work spoonfed to me
instead I'm relegated for life to small companies where you have to be le self sufficient agent of productivity, worrying about what you should be working on next all the time
what's stopping u DORK
Damn, Echo is barely better than Method, who literally have women in their raid team lol.
The minimum wage is good if it's just 9 to 5. Third worlders gets minimum wage forever until they die and they have to work 6 days a week for 12 hours each
No they don't. They lay on the ground in their little shanty villages for 90% of the day.
I figure the interviewer has no idea what they're doing and just did some googling on "computer science" and threw together some questions that they don't understand themselves but have answers.

The other possibility is they do know what they're doing and they want to shit test you and think that forcing someone who's already proved themselves to go back and review undergrad shit purely to pass an interview shows "initiative" or some bullshit like that.
Sounds like a great idea. I might do that in the warmer countries. Though the plan is to meet girls in actual big party cities in my off hours.
I get min wage already just chilling at home. Why would I work?
No they immigrate here and work the way GP said.
>you should absolutely not being doing this.
Using VPN routers? So a NAT is the safest bet? Also what are you connecting to? A commercial VPN near your work location?
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>work for state gov
>obviously things move slow
>my team is brought in to clean things up
>we do so and do it well
>we get a new application onboarded but we need to make like 50 changes to bring the state in line with security standards
>my boss decides to shove them all into 2 months and flood the change process
>agencies hate this
>one of the changes blows up entirely
>now agencies are forcing us to slow things down dramatically and every change will take possibly months

Your tax dollars at work folks. Simple things like clicking a radio dial in the backend or running a 1 line powershell script on the tenant will now take minimum 30 days.
I guess they are just more virtuous than us and deserve to be here then. Who can argue with that? Only evil people, that's who.
because it's easy
>Also what are you connecting to? A commercial VPN near your work location?
If they care about your IP address you should absolutely not do that.
Locate the other end at your parent's house and make sure they're capable and willing to keep it online (if they aren't that's a non-starter.)

I don't think there's anywhere else I'd put it. If you're thinking about doing this you probably don't have any friends close enough to do it with otherwise (I'm in the same boat.)
>I guess they are just more virtuous than us
Obviously not otherwise their countries wouldn't be such shitholes.
why not roll up these smaller changes into a few scripts that logically group related updates? seems unwise to try and process 50 things without any integration testing or rollout process.
So what do you use for the end node? You were saying that using a VPN router isn't ideal. Did you mean having a server/VPN always online in your parents house? If so what's a good product for that where I don't have to custom build a PC for such a small use case.
Buddy I agree, but I do not make these calls lol.
Stick a PC there and port forward it. Set up ssh as a darknet service so you can get to it when your parents inevitably fuck up the network. You might consider additionally getting a data plan and an EG.25 modem so you can get in if things get really fucked.
And stop looking for products. Anything that works well will be way more expensive and 100% of consumer electronics products are unreliable shit.
>tfw finally got my new AULA F99 keyboard
Oh my god Im jizzing with every stroke
>where I don't have to custom build a PC for such a small use case.
Why not a mini PC?
Any recommended mini PCs?
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Cute, report back after two years. Also this is a doomer enabler community if you haven't noticed.
piss easy job, just like QA
meeting new people isn't all that bad
but honestly, find the kind of work that you actually can give a shit about. not webshitting, for example.
nigga report back when you get ONE interview
>the kind of work that you actually can give a shit about
I should just join a monastery. Being a code or data monkey can never be meaningful
When I've done career fairs on the employer-side the main things we're looking for are: growth mindset, interest in the problem(s) the company solves, and proof they've coded before. (Roughly in order of importance.) Companies hire interns so that they can pick up great talent on the cheap and transition them to full-time roles when they graduate from college or whatever, so the combo of "learns on the job" and "will stick around" is what they're looking for.

When a (good) company is hiring an intern, no one expects the to know what the fuck is going on, especially if it's their first "real" job. The first ~month is spent training them on company processes, the codebase(s) their team is responsible for, learning/filling out their understanding of the programming language they'll be working in, etc.

When I'm filtering resumes (as a Team Lead at the career fair doing a first pass, not HR), if they have a GitHub with a hobby project in a similar language to what they'll be working in, I put them at the top of the stack. If they've got some experience with the company's business domain and seem genuinely interested in the problem space, I put them at the top of the stack. As an example - working for a company doing industrial IoT, if someone showed up with a hobby project where they used an Arduino to read a soil moisture sensor to let the know when to water their plants, I'm literally stapling that candidate to the top of the pile.

Some of the best developers I've worked with have come in through the internship pipeline. What made them great developers is that they genuinely desire to continuously improve themselves and their understanding of our customer's challenges and how the business can solve them.
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the things we thirdies do for a work visa
let me guess: eurofag making 25k
Who the fuck is making 25k in tech after graduating? Fucktard.
most of eastern europe
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europoors don't shut up about their "free" health care and whatnot, as if the money from that doesn't come from their pathetic salaries and absurd taxes
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Does having a security clearance make switching jobs easier? I work in the defense industry already as a SWE and wanna move back to the east coast.
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Absolutely, a lot of companies don't want to bother with sponsoring people and prefer someone who can start right away
Im assuming most defense companies are also still doing leetcode bullshit though right
>health care comes from taxes!!
No shit you mongoloid fuck
makes me laff a bit. last time I checked, germany would cost me about the same for their public plan taxes when compared to my private plan here in USA. Except here I can see any specialist within the week just about and get same week MRI's or any damn thing I need.
>Meeting last week to review and plan for a meeting this week to review and plan for a meeting today for a new workflow that will be implemented next week
>Asked to do a fucking presentation on it
>1 hour before the meeting everything was canceled indefinitely

The first two meetings could have been an email. What was the point...
None of us are talking about the NEETs that hang out here.
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nah the hard part is getting the interview
contracting companies get paid for putting asses in seats so they have an incentive to hire the first person who meets the requirements on paper and isn't unpleasant to be around

Pleas kill yourself.
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why are we mass importing jeets again?
i don't think he's upset there's a test, rather it's depressing one is necessary
as in, that people can't be trusted to self-identify that they've learned the language at a level that lets them function at the professional level - now everyone must suffer the trivial english test, treating applicants like the lowest common denominator of retard
and he feels compelled to complete the humiliation ritual to accomplish his dreams of improving his condition
I don't know what is happening but it's raining InMails for me on Linkedin recently. I am starting to feel like in the good ol' days. are we back?
my company is interviewing people but have zero intent of hiring
>trusted to self-identify
>trust a jeet
are you retarded?
>pass all interviews
>get to pre-hiring benefits call
>send a check in email every 2 weeks to HR
>'we'll let you know when we hear next steps'
>this has gone on for a couple months, 'still in consideration'

Should I just reach out to senior leadership on linkedin and ask for a meaningful update? HR clearly isn't doing anything for me. Fucking ridiculous. Literally 4 months since they said 'we should know by next week!'
contrary to popular belief, it is so fucking over
forget it and move on
Is that a job website?
the point is that it's depressing we live in a world where competent applicants are forced to complete middle-school-tier english tests to prove they're not a shitter
it's understandable that it's necessary, just a depressing reflection that the average human is a selfish ape willing to make the lives of others objectively worse in exchange for improving their own
i'm not the person who posted the screenshot of the test, maybe i'm giving them too much credit, but i understood is as a demonstration of their resignedness to this dystopian world we're created for ourselves, and that they're forced to debase themselves to beg for entry
What's the harm in a hail mary harassment campaign?
I appreciate it anon.

would you text a girl

>please, please let me put it in your ass! please :(

Yes. Who cares? It's a job. I've already prostrated myself with the application process.
Yes, can't hurt
2.85 million dollars is apparently riding on a couple commits I have to make by Thursday afternoon. I'm going to fuck it up and get fired. I can feel it.
fucking SAP developers....
you want to spend hours and hours trying to get a job instead of trying to build your own business.

Carry on then
you want this too much. apply, do your best in the interview, and forget. don't make them think you're desperate. I've had companies come back to me with an offer as late as 3 months after the interview.
>3 months
They don't respect your time they can fuck off
nta but why are you so butthurt? was it his comment about the current state of tech or the fact that he freed himself from this crappy industry?
I don't understand this mentality. It's not a fucking girlfriend it's an income. Of course I 'want this too much' it's a job. I need a job. I want and need a job. I have every rational desire to want to pursue something to a complete end.
you take this way too personally. it's just business. just concentrate on other interviews.
They spent the last 20 years turning a bachelors into a high school diploma and require you to spend $50k+ for a chance at the job market then complain Gen Z isn’t gonna work to break even on monthly expenses.

What is Gen Z’s long game? Wait for their parents and grandparents to die and leave them their houses? How does a 16 year old even buy a car to drive a gf to the theaters today? No one seems to care the youth can’t buy anything.
My secret tip is once you're on the inside, find someone who will act as a mentor. In the best case, find two - one on your team who will take a personal interest in training you up on the product you work on, and one outside your team who will introduce you to other people. Not only is this good for you personally (because the more people who care about your success, the more successful you'll be), but it also makes sure there's lots of people who like you and will vouch for you when they're deciding which interns to hire on full-time afterward. Make sure you make it clear that you appreciate their taking time to help you and teach you things. Give credit to people when they help you - for example, if you work at a place with daily status meetings, mention by name the person who answered your technical question or showed you a cool way to solve a problem. People enjoy the opportunity to teach someone something, especially when the person learning demonstrates they've internalized the lesson & go on to tell others where they learned it - it reflects well on them too. Attend company functions, even if you think they're lame; don't go overboard, but showing up for the company happy hour where all the bosses hang out is a good way to get them to recognize your name and face.

Good luck anon, I'm rooting for you
>No one seems to care the youth
That's because they're irrelevant. All that matters are the boomers and then the hordes of third worlders the new elites will lord over after the boomers die. The native zoomer population can get fucked.
>I don't understand this mentality.
what's there to understand? you have no control over it. you may as well take it with a bit of dignity, and not whine like a bitch. that's not sexy to anyone, especially employers.
If I'm already submitting my professional life to a company, my dignity is stripped. I'm in limbo. I want closure one direction or another. That's me being responsible to the concept of the job that I applied to and interviewed for.
i’m wearing my programming socks and scrum panties and nobody knows
it feels good to be hybrid
>my dignity is stripped
not good anon. recruiters can smell desperation and resentment. that's not the mindset you should be taking to interviews. you may end up being jobless for years.
>I'm in limbo
you're not. there are surely more jobs you can apply for.
>I want closure one direction or another.
you may not get it. cope.
>scrum panties
I'm going to Alibaba now so I can make this a real product.
Being a white oppressor has a cost.
At least when you are beheaded by your Haitian masters you can feel good about being morally superior to the white trash chuds. Lol.
>Being a white oppressor has a cost.
We're the ones who freed the slaves retard. We've been the least oppressive group in a long time (possibly forever.) The Arabs (the ones who started the slave trade) systematically castrated the blacks. We didn't because we considered them human and it's looking more and more like that was a mistake.
i saw them implement this at my job after me being hired without it
it's literally a scam to hire more indians
you just use "data structures/algorithims" to say you are being unbiased
otherwise they'd just hire whites
don’t forget the debug bra and linting skirt
god what an annoying little faggot you are
>We're the ones who freed the slaves retard
lmao, you were literally the last ones in what can be described as western world to abolish slavery. you fucking heros, you.
Any houston area jobs hiring
If Whites are so terrible you're very much invited to fuck off to Africa.

And no it was the British Empire that freed the slaves globally and the American hegemony established after WW2 that kept them free. Go live in a black majority company if you think Africans are so great.
>non-tech savvy co-worker is suddenly interested in learning how to do one of my tedious tasks and wants me to teach him
>no matter how many times I show him it doesn't stick but he wants to do it himself anyway
for fucks sake I just want to listen to music or a podcast while I do this boring shit, not spent 2-3 times as much time every week making sure this guy learns how to do this and not fuck it up every time (and he will fuck it up anyway)
I am not black, I don't like blacks, and don't want to have anything to do with them. I am just saying you are full of shit.
>How does a 16 year old even buy a car to drive a gf to the theaters today?
They take an uber. The shame of not owning and driving your own vehicle is not existent with that generation.
Ubers cost like $50 per ride. I doubt they're doing that.
$50 gets you an hour long ride to the airport. Lmao, where the fuck do you live?
>can only get interviews far away
>they never pay enough to live anywhere
>jobs I have immediate skills for would be 1 hour commute
>possibly 1.5 back home depending on traffic
>otherwise, do a lateral move and take a decent paycut I imagine and have less commute
ugh. wife doesn't want to move. But I'm just spitballing here, it would probably be a cut down from $180 to $140k for anything not requiring a move. Also not keen on moving, myself...
the jeetification will continue until morale is improves
the way government jobs work is you're punished for actually doing things.
>1 hour commute
>possibly 1.5 back home depending on traffic
I did this for years and its absolute hell. At 5 days a week that's 12.5 hours a week wasted sitting in your car and navigating traffic. You essentially work 6.5 days a week. Even with hybrid it sucks ass and you'll never get that time back.
no, you tell them
>I have very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you
funny. usually they just ask if I'm ok with relocating and I say yes and they just don't reply again
I grew up somewhere extremely rural. Everyone always freaked out about me having to relocate so all of my jobs have always been remote.
tru. one of my short stints at a client site had a similar commute and it sucked.
>he carefully avoids using the nigger word because that's a hate crime for doing a racism in his shithole yuro cunt
this is why I never want to RTO
unless the pay is absolutely live changing I'll never pick a job that isn't remote
it's absolutely hell, I did it for like 2 months and quit
I was able to lock in a $2 mill contract with last minute changes to production
>send email to users that we're transitioning to SSO from our department email and IT Department will contact them but to install the app for SSO to their mobile devices to make setup easier when I reach out
>people email my boss asking wtf is this are we being hacked!
>boss instructs us not to put links in emails(???) because it confuses users
Awesome so now do I not only need to call every user I need to instruct them on how to download a mobile app because links in emails are scary
Being homeless would be better than RTO. It's essentially at least 50% pay cut.
kek, small fish money
this shit pisses me off legit. Had a similar thing where we were getting alerts from our APM software and it had the big scary red "outside email" thing, and people were freaking out even though everything else clearly said the name of everything.

The sooner Boomers are gone the better.
I'm training some people right now and I'm completely flabbergasted
Zoomers just do not understand computers at all. They understand ifone.
How do I become an absolute savage?
I am talking about a total transformation into a tech rockstar.
it took me a long time to show someone how to setup their vscode environment, even though I sent them a full end to end demo recording, they just don't comprehend anything related to Linux, bash, shells, configs, anything. It's like magic to them.
desu these big ides are confusing. I don't use vim because I'm smart I use it because I'm stupid and hate fragile editor configs.
Zoomers are legitimately retarded while also being massive try-hards. It's a horrible combination. Deep down, they know they will never touch millennial greatness. And it destroys them inside.
give job
That taking some time to absorb makes some sense.
We are doing the most basic of MacOS shit.
Files? Impossible. Understanding the divide between software and hardware? Impossible.
It can't be that bad across the board can it? This has to be HR handing out applications to folks hopping off the short bus.
tons of people got into cs without even having used computers much. much less to be comfortable at all in linux
learn 2 code guys
Like every generation prior, we millennials became our parents.

"These kids today, with the hair and the music..."
>This has to be HR handing out applications to folks hopping off the short bus.
Where have you been for the past four years? Having standards is racist.
I for one always felt this way even when I was a teenager.
I should have said "exclusively handing out applications to people hopping off the short bus"
Having a few dimwits in the mix is to be expected. I have a batch entirely made of dimwits. All young. I'm in disbelief.
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there is nothing better than somebody important coming to you with a elaborate issue relating to a specific tool or something you're really good at and you solve it easily and they think you're smart.
my ego is in the sky
Post actual examples
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hasn't happened to me in like 5 years.
It's been so long since I've felt this.
then fuck off larper. I can go to twitter if I wanted to read "wow zoomers are le dumb"
What is a recommendation for an easy second job with minimal experience but a finance degree and some shitty certs. Currently have a WFH job from 5am-2pm want something for the afternoon. Any ideas that require minimal training?
this never happens to me anymore it's usually retards not knowing what they're doing and then I have to explain to them why they're retarded
It took me about 4.5 months but I'm up to making $600/month just genning AI smut in my free time while I watch shows. its amazing how fast this market would fall apart if normies realized their prompts were all in the metadata of the pictures they published kek. I've cheated my way up
>bro violate your NDA on 4chan for my amusement
good luck on the job search
Spent the entire day bored as shit looking over pull requests.
thanks for sharing.
you're such a good goy.
You're welcome
Don't make us antisemites look retarded.
you're a moron if you can't share a small example of what you're doing at work and so kiked up you resort to "MUH NDA". I said we're doing SSO onboarding, am I going to get fired over it? You're a fucking faggot
Ball polisher
Nnoonononon bro you can't say this you're breaking your NDA Mr. Goldberg will read this bro!
boohoo bitch.
Is this an offer?
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23 yo junior at my job copies and pastes by right clicking. Me alt tabbing and control selecting words looks like wizardry to him just like how vim experts and their macros look to me.
oh and this is in eastern europe, kid's from the best CS uni in country.
Like >>102536630 said, there's a lot of people that werent nerds before going to uni for their CS degrees so they dont know basic computer shortcuts because all they used it beforehand is netflix, youtube and MAYBE some vidya on steam.
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I've been filtering all incoming emails from hr for 6 months.
I did when I started 4 years ago.
Currently on 37k.
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>company wide celebration of new milestone
>not a mention of raise/bonus
uhh yeah I don’t care
Bro you can't be serious, I was just hired for my first job right after graduating and my salary is exactly 37k.
37k for an Eastern Europoor is pretty decent.
Who mentioned Eastern Europe?
At least they're somewhat self aware
tech is fucking gay
put your programmer socks back on, mr.
I literally don't give a shit, I let the town halls play in the background because it literally doesn't affect me
I hated every aspect of millenial culture since I was 12 so no. I think I actually prefer zoomers on an emotional level despite their insanity.
I went in the other direction. I was born in 1985 but I identify with Gen Xers in many ways.
millenial culture was always so weird

>dressing up and wearing heels going to the club instead of being comfy
>MCU core slop
>collecting useless shit
>tumblrcore outfits
>caring what other people think
>pleasing your boss
>Eastern Europoor
Nah, I'm German in (West) Germany.
One problem with all of these "generations" is that they're too wide-ranging. There's a big difference between someone born in 1981 and someone born in 1996, and to use the term "millennial" for both is rather silly.
Ha! I kick up a fuss every time it comes to "installing an app on my phone for work purposes".
Because "if it's for work, then work should provide me a phone".
I believe I'm the last holdout in my company without SSO...
How do I approach a cute coworker I have a crush on? I've never talked to her, don't know her name, and don't even know what she does, but she sits by herself at lunch every day and she's cute. I hate my job so I don't care what HR thinks.
You sit with her and talk to her, I can't believe you haven't even done that yet and you're asking us what to do. Come on.
idk but we used to have really cute female interns they would wear the tight dresses and skirts and open toe footwear, was a literal footfag's dream. Just ask them out lul.
I am a kissless hugless handholdless touchless virgin
Upboat for being a midwit kb user like me.
Honestly, I was going to give the same advice as >>102538353:
>"Hey, do you mind if I sit here?"
>"So what's your name?"
>"How long have you been at the company?"

But then I realised, I wouldn't even follow such advice, because I see myself in such a light:
Well I'm not and I got the number of my work crush, you have to talk to her and get to know her, it's just common sense. Try to be fun to be around.
you will cause an HR incident little chuddie, hot interns are for the big millenial chads
just b yourself lol
Where did I say that?
ask them to a monster truck rally, chicks love that stuff
Let me guess, you "don't care" about anything, so much so that you try to interject into any conversation, but particularly one involving boomers or millenials, that you "don't care". Am I right?
yeh, hence early millenial and late millenial
I identify with the silent generation. Fuck all this post modern bullshit.
gotta love when someone dumps a task to be done eod at the last minute
I'm not a fucking genie
get to it, wagie!
faster wagie! those buttons won't build themselves!
Ours do, it's all dynamically generated from some yaml.
>AV rollout
Antivirus? Audio and Video? Auto-vehicle?
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How new? It's obviously Adult Video.
>India is poised to lead in the "Intelligent Age," driven by AI, robotics, biotechnology, and quantum computing advancements.
Bout time humanity ends.
>I hate tech but I love the money!!
anon, I think you are in the wrong place.
Accepted fully remote offer. Any tips on double dipping with my existing hybrid job? Gonna make excuses on my on office day as long as I can.

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