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4chan got hacked.

>Pass users raped
I thought i'd never see the day. I'm tearing up bros...
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> feds want your ass
> feds get your IP history from your provider
> cross reference posts on 4chan made from IPs you had at the times you had them
> your honor, exhibit A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J, defendant anon has called for the public hanging of niggers
> shanked in prison
it's all over 4chan pass users are doomed. i can't wait to view the dump boys.
maybe the real frends were the cross-referenceable database leaks we ended up in along the way
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Wait, but i thought 4chan was anonymous?
Wow BreachForums is back up, thought they were gone for good after PomPomPurin got caught by the feds.
It's over for the pedophiles at >>>/int/bra
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Well I'm fucked.
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>Not using a burner e-mail to make an account
Not my problem.
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they have the IPs too though
guess ill have to apologize to my neighbor whose internet im stealing when he gets out of prison.
Do they know who it was? Was the hacker known by a clever moniker?
breach forms
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>The type of data they usually publish reportedly includes full names, email addresses, server IP logs, hashes, and phone numbers.
>pass niggers completely fucked beyond recovery
but he is so cute, how could this happen?
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>server IP logs
does that mean the personal IP of each anon?
how dare they leak the names and email adresses of people that work at...the white house
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If I get fired for posting sex then so be it.
yes anon
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Oh no, they have anonymous users IPs, stuff the government already had. The only people this could possible harm is people who sign up for a pass.
oh no! anyway.
>Oh no, they have anonymous users IPs, stuff the government already had.
but now everyone will be able to see it
is that why it was so slow yesterday?
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Nothing juicy like government official dirty secrets? No ties to P Diddy?
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Free him.
>No ties to P Diddy?
maybe we'll find P Diddy's IP in some 4chan logs in there kek
Yes, how damning, this user at ip said he didn't like capeshit, what a terrible poster he must be.
>is people who sign up for a pass.
I gave
a burner email
to be able to post on /biz/
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every anon that said nigger will be fired from their job kek
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Oh no, now my ISP will know that I called that guy in /vr/ who keeps spamming about 2001 references in MGS1 a homophobic slur
How? They have a dynamic IP and that's it for normal anons.
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Any post and thread I had ever made on this site was satire and was made purely for comedic value, I do not condone the use of violence and hatred against minorities, especially people of color, those with Jewish heritage and those who identify as LGBTQ+
Maybe we'll finally find if Kanye actually made those threads in /pol/ asking for help
loleyng @ the pass-buying retards, lmeyoing, even.
My boss will only be mad that I didn't invite him to say it with me.
>How? They have a dynamic IP and that's it for normal anons.
I'm not a specialist on that stuff, I guess having the dynamic IP isn't enough to know who you are?
Oh, no no no no no. You misunderstood.
Good thing I've been paying with crypto.
No one can be this dense
Well it can
now they know that I roleplayed as an indian for 2 years
any post I've made is just for a laugh
holy fuck you have a based anon, lucky you :(
Yes, tying an IP address to an identity is extremely easy and actionable.
I hate nue /g/. No, even if they had something to correlate it with, it's circumstantial at best. The most important point is no one cares what some retards on a mongolian weaving forum are arguing about except glowies.
Annie-may websight, feel free to leave.
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From how far back?
Since the beginning, better start running.
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Doesn't matter if they had server access and database logs. then probably as far back as 4chan keeps logs. judging by there law enforcement ties. probably since it was released kek.
every post and thread i have ever made is factual and I will go ballistic on everyone around me if I get punished for my based behaviour.
>From how far back?
>In addition to these, starting from July 26, data from another 26 entities have allegedly been leaked, including 4chan, Verizon, T-Mobile, and Ebay.
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>Decides to be based till the end
Why are tech illiterate boomers like you on this board?
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It’s been a pleasure gentlemen
Before we all lose our jobs and get v&d for hate crimes, I just want all of you to know
Fuck jannies
i wonder how many mossad ips have been used since (((they))) abolished the ip counter
probably not even real
fake emails for at least two of the leaks
if real though, problematic for linking IPs used here with IPs used on sites that are associated with your name
I suspect data kept from 4chan is minimal though, that July 26 date will be for the furthest back one, and 4chan has higher data churn
>if real though, problematic for linking IPs used here with IPs used on sites that are associated with your name
yeah, they also have Ebay so it will be easy to know who the person is associated with each IP
>says he leaks everything on Earth
>thinking it's real
he's probably reading this thread and jacking off right now
just tell them you thought it was the "pogfrog" from twitch (thats what my 13 year old cousin thinks it is)
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How do I get out of every other post calling another anon a faggot?
Am I going to start fucking men now to get a faggot card? Apply to be a jannie? My wife wouldn’t like that.
Any post and thread I had ever made on this site was satire and was made purely for comedic value, I do not condone the use of violence and hatred against minorities, especially people of color, those with Jewish heritage and those who identify as LGBTQ+
at least for my ebay account, it doesn't make my name public, so IP alone would do nothing, but if my name is also in the leak then of course it would
one of these alone would be a big deal, so it's doubtful that some no name (but not completely fresh and throwaway) account is going to be leaking it
it's even there in the screenshot "await analysis", and the preliminary analysis says "don't worry aboudit"
>I only bought my pass last month
dodged a bullet lol
sample or gtfo
I delete my 4chan account and make a new one every couple of weeks
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why is 4chan lumped in there?
>shartyfaggot thinks touhou is anime
touhou is sovl. seethe
seems like bullshit desu, but if it was true this basically confirms that this site is a fed honeypot because of /pol/
oh no, theyll find my post about all the crimes the government, banks and wall st. have committed to pplz all over the world.
>Guys, I have hacked 26 important sites and no one noticed anything, and I have everything, their e-mail their Ip... turst me broooo I'm just that good I'll leak this brooo
Sure thing...
>MCMICHAEL claimed this post was a joke.
what is the website in pic'pic?
to my knowledge I don't think I've ever posted anything I wouldn't stand behind.
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>my dynamic IPs got leaked
It's so over.
Tripfags BTFO
Is this real?
# ./hack_free_pompompurin.sh
Fuck fuck fuck
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It's called BreachForums. Actual black hat hackers congregate there to share tools and leaked databases. Closest you can get to outlaw parts of the internet. Tons of larpers there too though. The owner got arrested and the domain seized for some form of conspiracy to commit a crime charge.
Keep spoonfeeding. The more people who know, the quicker the clones can get shut down.
this is why every time I go to post something I ask myself "how would this look in court". I don't HAVE to post my schizo ramblings to you retards. I've only spoken highly of my black brothers on the 4chan website.
unfortunately it seems to be another source leak and not a very interesting one at that
the pii it contains are admin emails, in addition to obscure subdomains and 4chan specific ip addresses
I like how every law enforcement agency remotely involved basically said "put me in the screencap"
is there a link to the site where he posted those links?
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They might become useful some day.
>they added pompompurin's avatar in shackles to further humiliate him
They really hated BF huh
>We are Anonymous... we are legion... we do not forgive... we do not forge-AAAAACKKK
Deserved desu
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There was no hack.
I already looked at this, and they posted the source code for some 4chan status checker.

Literally open source.
And literally just a ctrl-s of the front page they called "the entire front end".
If all the people I said kys to on here actually did it, I'd be the world's most prolific serial killer.
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>If all the people I said kys to on here actually did it, I'd be the world's most prolific serial killer.
Same, it would feel like writing on the death note but this time you don't really know who you killed kek
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>agp tards seething
Go look up what he did to the FBI
There’s a reason FBI "found" cheese pizza on his server after having it in his possession for two weeks
"OTHER DATA" seems to be some kind of scan log from a recon tool, so not really a leak there either
>I self-censor constantly, always living in fear of the repercussions my posts could have should Big Brother find out.
You are truly a model citizen.
Another breachforums clone
They're usually full to the brim with massive faggot larpers
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10,000 hours in powerpoint
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oh yeah, had already forgotten that he got into one of their mail servers and started sending spam from it kek
Conor signed his death sentence right there, specially doing it from the US
what if one day they'll really get our messages with IP? that day he'll be laughing but not us
No, that day he'll be crying himself to sleep wondering why his life sucks so much even though he's been properly taking it up the ass all the time without resisting.
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i live in a vacation rental and only access 4chan

i hope my post history goes public so that everyone can finally appreciate my greatness and crown me as emperor of the internet
the nigger word is le funni and rolls of the tongue thoughbeit
passfaggots utterly destroyed luhmao. those who endured the captchas passed the test
Not particularly concerned about this, because I don't post disgusting or hateful things on 4chan.
Pro tip: Before posting, consider whether you would be comfortable with a close family member reading your post. If you wouldn't be happy about that, consider not posting it.
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I really regret all that blacked shitposting
Everything you post on the internet is public knowledge.
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and it is, just like most things on the internet, but only if you dont commit a serious crime
no log vpns dont work btw
That is just your opinion.
you talk like you sit down to pee
>no log vpns dont work btw
yea they do
OK, nigger.
Not that guy but what's wrong with sitting down to pee? I always do that, it's comfier.
I'm safe because I only say fag, troon, and nigger
wait shit
But I was using incognito mode
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I've got nothing to hide.
Hide deez nuts in yo' mouf.
where is essex when we need her
This but unironically
nothing good is ever posted here so who cares \/o\/
>They only have month's worth of proof of you using the nigger-word
You got off easy, all things considered.
just use vpn to post
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You're a coward.
>captcha: N0GSG
The data from the leak starts from July so they have nothing after that meaning they have nothing on me.
nobody but passfags and IPv6tards should worry about this.
dadgum go back ta is real
its actually up to july since 2007
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Based time travel-chan. FUCK SERN!
ooooh nooo, poor pass users
I like this specific alt right frog. It shoots upwards while crying, which to me it suggests he was about to commit suicide but just shot up at the last moment.
4chan will NEVER be taken down LMAO
Based and I still not updooting. Have fun being compromise.
Any post and thread I had ever made on this site was satire and was made purely for comedic value.
Based? Based on your brain damage lmao get rekt
Only if by (((they))) you mean Russians and by Mossad you mean FSB.
now say it with your tripcode to be safe
You sound like a future victim. I hope no one will miss you.
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These e-mails look legit AF
what's the option to have the pass show up in the post?
still haven't found out what it is since i got it
So this was what the "wipe" from weeks ago was for huh

>gomenne, senpai
I can't read your schizodump. Go away any time.
Oh my GOD, you poor oppressed victim! This is like another shoah!
IPv6 doesn't even work right.
I can't wait until the prosecutor has to read out this post in which I threaten to have my jury killed if they don't acquit me.
You sound like you have a dick in your mouth right now, lol!
And other retarded victim complex fantasies you constantly indulge in.
That was only two or so weeks ago. Didn't that only affect a few boards? The only one I can remember it affecting was /a/.
That's your wishful thinking, faggot.

>4chan management in charge of being competent
Reminder to you that I will always block ads on this website until the end of time.
Gay furries strike again
gayfurryGODS I kneel
fuck, that's my mail...

I always wanted know where the 4chan servers are located physically
Ah they're still using that HR hiring email address from the 90s
>4chan specific ip addresses
what do you mean? does 4chan obscure the real ips somehow, and this is what the leaker got?
Are you telling me OP lied?
Does this mean it's fake news and the 4chan devs are actually more competent than everyone is assuming they are?
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> he has personal data connected to this fucking FBI honeypot
No, they're more incompetent than most people think they are.
where do I check if my password got leaked?


>is that why it was so slow yesterday?
yes, the NSA was working hard on patching the vuln.
This is exactly why real countries don't allow for just IP addresses to be used as proof that you did something.
But they can be used to get a warrant to steal...I mean confiscate your stuff for investigation.
>enters neighbor's router admin interface
>deletes logs
>reboots routers
So, everyone will now know the email I use sign all my git commits already anyway? Oh noo
I stand by every time I've ever said nigger, faggot or kike on this website.
>he spent actual money for privileged posting on 4chan
Doxxed or not, you're a pathetic hopeless rodent and you might as well kys
>1337 hack0r 4chinz hacks himself
now THAT is news.
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my friends and family are going to see all the slurs and problematic things i said
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We're all doomed...aren't we?
theres no sign in here unless pass users were dumb enough to use their regular email address what exactly would they leak that would be a problem?
What makes you think people who pay to use this dumpster fire are smart?
nah, chin up buttercup. there is always a way.
Yeah, but that has nothing to do with this.
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wait what if it is only phoneposters who are affected
I would have saved video games, technology, and even 4chan itself by now.
Stapler, calm the fvck down!
mvb has learned after the last time
>ip addresses
Do you know how I have longed to have a static ip address?
no, and by design it isn't :) yes, everything is intentionally shitty.
Ok nigger
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So that's what this was, huh?
Do they ban you if you post open source code on the leak forums?
They're still making a mistake RIGHT NOW. They aren't sorry they did it, they're sorry they got caught.
fucking kek
Yeah, it would sure suck if the glowniggers kicked down my neighbor's door and confiscated all his computers and didn't find anything.

What are they going to find on his router? Logs of randomized MACs periodically joining?
So... it's fucking nothing?
This. Having mods was the mistake.
>where do I check if my password got leaked?
At this point, yes. May as well get rid of them all and let the website implode.
You have no friends and your family lost hope decades ago.
the lack of transparency is pretty much writing on the wall about how absolutely FUCKED this website is, and it'll be an attack from the inside that screws us to altchans for good.
They'll do it again.
>Pro tip: Before posting, consider whether you would be comfortable with a close family member reading your post. If you wouldn't be happy about that, consider not posting it.
>thought policing yourself on the internetz

if you're gonna shit anyways, why not? It's more efficient.
you are a retard anon. re read the title post again, its unconfirmed yet as nobody has provided public leaks.
Also you don't have to touch your dong.
Considering how I keep running into banned notices over posts I never made after restarting my internet, this isn't really that reliable.
oh no guys not the 4chan pass i bought on a throw away email + posting on a vpn, oh no!
fucking kek
>an attack from the inside
That's what you get when you nepotism is your number 1 way to get new people.
No refunds.
not the hecking edgelord buckerinos
Having mods has never not been a mistake.
>oh now how will Disney ever recover their largest cloudflare honeypot they use bots to persuade users that their fake events need to be thought about one way or the other?
>How will Disney ever recover their largest cloudflare honeypot being hacked to show that 99% of the posts are from bots?!
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>proven to be fake
>people still responding to it
The concept of moderation is good because some people can't control themselves. The problem is that moderation itself is usually made up of people who can't control themselves too.
People love drama.
Now fuck off.
Kek I have CGNAT.
so 10k, a month?
>can’t discern between a tech-illiterate zoomer and a tech-illiterate boomer
go back
I plap and I cum inside Reimu
lol, fag. Any post and thread I had ever made on this site was completely factual and a statement of intent, made purely for informative value.
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> feds want your ass

> feds get your IP history

> cross reference posts on 4chins made from your IPs you had at the times you had them

> you're honor exhibit A B C D E F G H I J K ELEMENOPEE, defendant Nate Higgers called for race wars and admitted to committing war crimes including rape, murder, arson, razing civilian infrastructure, targeting agriculture centers and hospitals, disguising bombs as aid packages, and saying mean things on twatter

> given Based award by the library of congress along with 33 trillion dollars in NEETbux
I completely echo the sentiment of this poster! However, I would not ever threaten to kill my jury! Instead, I would find ways to make the rest of their lives living hells, completely LEGALLY, if they fail to acquit me! Believe me, there are ways, and juries leak, all the time
We don't even have any good altchans left to go to.
Lainchan is alright ig if you're patient enough to put up with a bunch of depressed gay teens.
Unless something that is exactly like 8ch comes around I'd probably just leave image boards as a whole.
Everyone is fucked. Just cross reference anon IPs with any of those other services' IP logs and you got real identities tied to shit posts. The fallout from this will be glorious to witness.
Nobody loves drama. Kill yourself, drama queen.
Someone clearly hacked into my wifi. I love the black people.
all my posts were parody and the intentions were always to be applied in minecraft servers not in real life
Nah, people just don't want the hassle of hosting general use imageboards, the many anime centric imageboards don't want 4chan users and the various 8/pol/ spinoffs think literally everyone else is a fed. Even 8ch at its peak never had the variety of topics this place had, /a/ /v/ and /pol/ were 80+% of activity.
I assume it's the data of people who paid for 4chan Gold. That would mean credit card info.
I love this kind of thing.
It exposes the hypocrites, the fake, the two-faced, the shills/trolls, and so on.
People who misuse and abuse anonymity.
Don't get too excited
Man this sucks! They will now release all my anti-Israeli posts! Oh no! Hitler himself will be ashamed that I am not based enough
Denying reality doesn't make you interesting.
oh fuck off. If I post "fuck Kikes" I mean it and would say it even in court.
nothing ever happens
Trannies i'm willing to negotiate... let's talk about this..

Your ISP is required to keep logs. UK niggers are 100% legit going to prison.
Hallucinating much? Who do you think you're talking to, you toy?
Like management and moderation?
Maybe Hiroshimoot will finally allow VPNs without a pass?
Hahaha no
i enjoy touching my dong
/a/, /v/ and /pol/ are 80+% of 4chan's activity too. The actual activity doesn't matter as much as long as the variety of topics are there in the first place.
Don't forget to dilate later.
I've been using my pass with a VPN this entire time. I'm pretty sure they've been allowing it since the beginning.
Kill yourself tourist
Does this mean I have to change my Google password again?
>Who do you think you're talking to
Certified scum of the earth everyone would be happy to murder.
He already does, as long as they work for the FSB.
oh noes! now niggers gonna know much of an faggot OP is. and of course how much I love to add the word nigger to each sentence. fucking retard. fuck off with your shitter screenshit.
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No anonymous is 4chan.
why are the emails random german words?
good thing everything I post on 4chan is creative fiction and not to be taken literally, just like everyone on this site already understands. Also Fuck You prosecutor.
No it's leaked but it's like leaked by yourself when you open source
I will literally vote to acquit anyone who is a 4channer unless you like killed some kids or white people. Then your ass has to go to prison.
Ha ha ha, that's so channer!
you cant buy a pass with credit cards anon. Its why I dont have a pass to lazy for crypto.
What does any of this mean for regular non-paypig anons?
yeah people like me who use neighbors internet dont give a fuck.
The first two words
>A cybercriminal
Lol, "cybercriminal". What is he? A cyberfaggot?
Public masturbation will not be affected as it's still recognized as a tier 1 religion here.
>Even 8ch at its peak never had the variety of topics this place had
Dumbest shit I've ever read
Not combined with the same relative balance of activity, no.
What variety? There are 0 threads about something else than Linux or Windows right now. No Mac threads, no BSD, no nothing. You're full of shit if you really think the guys on here know anything at all.
Sorry, meant FBI
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They call him 'Peepo' there.
More like bifi
Meaningless if it's mostly bot noise
>No Mac threads, no BSD, no nothing
I'm talking about boards, not threads.
>You're full of shit if you really think the guys on here know anything at all.
And you think the ones on /tech/ did?
If people really believed that the smaller boards here are botted, they wouldn't use them. It's way easier to build an imageboard around a niche community than to try to be another 4chan, but practically the only imageboards made now are endless /jp/ spinoffs. It's not like there's some big migration from here to lain either, the userbase likes the tech knowledge/dev shitpost window dressing around arguing over nvidia, amd, intel and apple.
Oh no, my 4chan Gold account, damn you haxx0rs
Looks like the feds are gonna know I browse /tg/, /g/, /h/, /s/ and more and have a love for archetypal tomboys and on occasion use this website as a cry for help.
Bad news for Richard Trickle my fake-ass burner email name.
It is except if you're an employee, a mod, a janitor, or a pass holder.

Those people all have real names we can look up now lol. Hopefully the real names are listed with tripcodes.
>buy 4chan pass
>use crypto to pay
>use burner email
Mocквa, Бoльшoй Киcлoвcкий пep., д. 1, cтp. 2
But how can the hacker known as 4chan hack himself?
I literally bought my first pass one week before July 26
RIP me
I post from a VPN I dont care
Passholders have been paying with crypto for almost as long as the pass has been around. At most they have an email address.
qrd? does it affect non pass users?
they want your buttcoin history more than anything else
all posts from your IP will be public and searchable
>buy 4chan pass
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>hackers can see years of my degenerate ERP
it's so over
it puts you in a defensively compromised position, should an unexpected outbreak of violence occur. This is why women pee in groups, for safety. If I wanted to attack a man who sat down to pee, I might wait until he is sitting down so I can get a good running start with my pointy stick or a good swing with a club. Do you even human bro?
The people who buy 4chan passes are the EXACT same people who would NEVER said "kill all niggers".
>buy 4chan pass
>he nervously said
Hiro probably doesn't store anything beyond 6-months to a year.
Don't get me wrong, he probably gave NSA a datafeed, but he's not going to waste money on storage himself lmao.
>i admit to my crimes and would commit them again
I hate the antichrist.
Oh, noes, the nasty haxors are going to get my IPv4 address which rotates every time my modem reboots anyway.
Can't you buy pass in crypto onlu 4chan is le evil neonazi forum so visa refuse service here?
I don't care if the nonwhite world knows I use 4chan
I'm not retarded, I use burner email and wallet here.
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I made my 4chan account using protonmail.
Protonmail is safe and encrypted, therefor glowies can't touch me.
worst kept secret in DC
google operation paperclip
users are anonymous with each other. There is no way for me to know who you are.

IIRC jannies don't have access to IPs of anons. They can only report(and timeout) posts that they don't like to mods. Mods do have your IPs and can confirm if you're spamming gore on a blue board etc etc.

Also remember that to apply to be a mod YOU MUST provide a valid picture ID and go on a video inteview on a FAGMAN platform (fuck that).

Also remember that threads are archived in 4chan for about 3 days and of course you have other other internet archivers.

Lastly, 4chan has cooperated with law enforcement in past. If you post "I will do X bad thing to Y person or Z place" the glowies can and will request your IP and hookmoot will bendover.
employers don't have the means to identify IPs, only governments, and they already had access to all this data anyway.
nta but I only bought it so I can post from my VPN
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quite the opposite is true. standing up to pee means you are facing away from the door which any attackers would enter from. being on your feet is no good if you can't even see the danger coming.
read nigga
total passcuck death
>buy 4chan pass
>>buy 4chan pass
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So let me get this straight

Some faggot ran a scraping bot on those sites to 'hack'? Lmao wow dude scraped some public info at best. That's like downloading 4plebs and looking for emails to "hack" anons posting.
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>paid in bitcoin
>used protonmail
>only post from nordvpn
nice try, hackermen. I'm untraceable.
>"Your honor, this man thinks pokemon can consent to sex with human males, and I can prove it!"
they recently added credit cards
Anon..I, -you made a big mistake
>all posts
All posts are deleted after a time, they only exist in third party archives.
Those archives have no access to your IP address.
Unless you have proof that 4chan privately stores ip / post information for expired posts, for which they would have to break multiple privacy laws and pay increased hosting fees for no gain, you're full of shit.
glowies mad they can't track me, sad!
This guy is dead
Thank you fren! Have an upvote.
if you have my name you broke the law and ill break your jaw, since we don't care anymore.
>UK niggers are 100% legit going to prison
there are no places left already lmao and don't bother trying to send me to another country you WEF puppet cunt ill fucking kill you
>don't send me to another country
NTA and not europoor or bri'i'sh (thankfully) but desu "exiling" someone from shithole countries like that sounds like mercy or even a favor actually
desu can do that...?
Baphomet and ShinyHunters took ownership of BreachForums after Pompompurin got arrested. Then it was shut down again this May after Baphomet was arrested. They came back online two weeks later.

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