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Vintage edition

Previous: >>102463309

Temp wiki: https://igwiki.lyci.de/wiki/Home_server

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

>Why should I have a home server?
De-botnet your life. Learn something new. Serving applications to yourself, your family, and your frens feels good. Put your tech skills to good use for yourself and those close to you. Store their data with proper availability redundancy and backups and serve it back to them with a /comfy/ easy to use interface.

>Links & resources
Cool stuff to host: https://gitlab.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
RouterOS's: https://igwiki.lyci.de/wiki/Routers
List of ARM-based SBCs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PGaVu0sPBEy5GgLM8N-CvHB2FESdlfBOdQKqLziJLhQ
Low-power x86 systems: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LHvT2fRp7I6Hf18LcSzsNnjp10VI-odvwZpQZKv_NCI
SFF cases https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AddRvGWJ_f4B6UC7_IftDiVudVc8CJ8sxLUqlxVsCz4/
Cheap disks: https://shucks.top/ https://diskprices.com/
PCIE info: https://files.catbox.moe/id6o0n.pdf
>i226-V NICs are not suitable for servers
>For more SATA ports, use PCIe SAS HBAs in IT mode
Cockpit is nice for remote administration

RAID protects you from DOWNTIME
BACKUPS protect you from DATA LOSS
>click to enable PCIe passthrough
>"you must reboot host before change takes effect"
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.....
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How does one approach CPU cooling for server motherboards (read: offset by 90 degrees ala ASRock Rack B650D4U-2L2T/BCM) in a traditional tower case?
>m-muh enterprise, why u no rackmou-
Not interested right now, repurposing a fractal meshify. So besides a closed-loop cooler, what are the best options for cpu cooling in such an environment, aside from just stuffing the top of the case with fans as well? Obviously not too worried about cooler height as much as width of the cooler itself/proximity to ram.
Post your racks
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Anon.. I..
What? Just plug in some exhaust fans at the top.
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Sounds like a plan, thanks anon.
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looking to get into babby's first home server activities, learning virtualization, NAS and all that neat stuff. would this be good hardware? probably going to go wth proxmox and see where i go from there. i know i can use some old shit but i want to also have the ability to use this stuff for as long as possible.
>would this be good hardware?
If you have zero experience, you're far better off getting some second hand thing or using an old machine. When you actually know what kind of specs you need for what you want to do, then you can build something. Otherwise you're just wasting money. For one, I don't think that processor even supports ECC memory. And getting 1TB disks is a massive waste of money.
i was hoping to just build something thats kind of general purpose sort of like a home lab that would also function as a NAS when i'm done playing around with things.
>And getting 1TB disks is a massive waste of money.
this, buy fewer but larger drives
>My proxmox homescreen (:8006) is rejecting my caddy endpoint reverse proxying it
That is to say, I set my proxmox endpoint in Caddy so I don't have to type the port number, but the request always fails. My other endpoints are getting reverse proxied just fine, but only proxmox rejects entries that way.
What's up with this? Do I need to set up certificates/https or something?
i get that but i kinda wanted to mess with raid configs. i figure this is a cheap way to do that. if anything i'm just going to wait a bit longer as well to see if there are any black friday deals on any of this stuff.
Reposting from previous bread, does anyone sell boards in traditional formfactors (ATX/ITX) with any of AMD's low-power chips like the 7220U or 7320U?
why have i been seeing so much van damme on 4chan lately
why not just buy an epyc 4004 cpu if you're gonna build for server applications on the am5 socket?
not a thing
My money's on a PGL fan finding their way to scuffed realtor, and by extension some really fucking funny jcvd jokes.
Kind of blown away by how nice some of these look for the prices.
>not a thing
Damn, I was hoping for something reminiscent of an N100, but on an AMD platform.
>My money's on a PGL fan finding their way to scuffed realtor, and by extension some really fucking funny jcvd jokes.
in English, doc?
>in English, doc?
>Damn, I was hoping for something reminiscent of an N100, but on an AMD platform.
Shit Negro, That's All You Had to Say!
Tl;dr is these men work for sam hyde as comedians.
>(you) > 4chan > sam hyde > PGL > nick rochefort > jean-claude van damme jokes
He figured it out.
Oh, it's an 8000 series, I see, I see. I was hoping for something previous gen, just to try and save on cost. But this is still neat.
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Will a raspberry pi 4 be too slow to host a gitlab and jellyfin server with on external ssd? I'm already using samba on it for long term network storage.
As long as you don't have to transcode it might be able to handle it.
If you get into transcoding though then I would think definitely not.
Ansible seems pretty dang cool. Thanks, anon who recommended the Jeff Geerling series. I think I might actually use this, I have to rebuild everything on this server anyways, so I might as well do it right this time around.
>I don't think that processor even supports ECC
4650g pro supports ecc
>Kind of blown away by how nice some of these look for the prices.
they're all shit except maybe the xeon w
Ansible is fucking garbage, but it's still probably the best tool for it's specific niche
What, in your opinion, is wrong with it?
post better ones @ the same price
the lack of bifurcation is kind of disappointing (it would be really nice to have two 8x slots) but that's still a pretty appealing little board.
QUICK! Best vpn server for windows server
uh, don't
Probably a retarded question, but can I use a raspberry pi with pihole and as a NAS or am I gonna run into problems?
depends entirely on system load but I would say you should probably just use something that isn't an SBC for anything you give a shit about.
linux sucks
Thanks for nothing, using Wireguard
These questions belong in r/techsupport or r/shittysysadmin. Did you even bother using a web search engine first?
got wifi 6E mesh routers from my isp,
with only 1gbps ports

what's the point of having faster wifi speed than the lan port???
>hey that n100 board looks nice
>hey that 8000 amd apu board looks nice
lmao even.
I have to clean up an old desktop I turned into a server and maybe upgrade the ssd as well but I can't take it offline because it's constantly in use and my entire network depends on it. Can Kubernetes help me move all my services to a underpowered machine while I clean it up? I know it can split services across machines or something but I don't know what it's actually capable of. All I really want to do is minimize downtime as much as possible and it would be a good excuse to learn Kubernetes too
The main benefit of 6E is additional frequency space so you don't have to share your waves with plebs and can actually set individual channels for each AP with no DFS bullshit.
which windows server
Do you use any webgui such as cockpit to manage your home servers?
I'm fine with doing everything via ssh, but especially in the case of managing libvirt vms, you just want to have a gui
ever tried webmin?
I like COCKpits VM manager . never needed to use the command line to manage VMS because of it .

You can also just use virtmanager from a remote machine also
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I want a NAS.

I want at least 100TB with room to grow.
It will store game ROMs, camera RAWs, all sorts of media, old software installers and various content I want to archive.

It potentially may host game ROMs so my consoles can network boot them so I don't need to keep 3 separate copies on my emulator PC and the consoles themselves.

Would you recommend just buying a NAS, or building one out of my spare hardware (I have tons of 5-10 year old gaming hardware just sitting around).

I would also like to host Jellyfin. While I'm not sure exactly what the installation looks like, I am assuming you can install it on a separate box from the main NAS so I can place it in my DMZ, so I don't have to expose my NAS to internet traffic directly. I'm assuming that's a supported configuration.

I'm in planning stages right now. The goal is a reliable storage system with fuckload of storage and expandability, and ideally to use some of my old hardware laying around if it makes sense to do so.

Would you use SAS or SATA? I feel like for my applications it's sort of a toss up.

How would you handle backups? A buddy and I were considering doing site to site DR between our houses, with appropriate encryption of course so we can't access each other's shit. Would I be better off chucking the data on some external HDDs manually once a month or quarterly or something?

I want to avoid paying any subscription costs as much as possible even if it might cost more to provision in the end.

Thanks for coming to my schizo ramble.
>whatever board and CPU that has enough PCIe lanes
>old GPU for jellyfin
>used controller card to hook up HDDs
>18-22TB HDD's depending on $/TB prices in your region
>SAS or SATA shouldn't matter even a cheap controller should be able to handle both
>RAID-Z2 or RAID-Z3 for fault tolerance
>maybe chuck in 1-2 spares in the array
>similar server offsite (colocate or friends or families houses)
what reason do you have to start off with 100TB? do you already have a sizeable media collection?
My friend has a media collection that is about 40TB I would like to mirror for him and add to, and I have about 10 currently that I've had to delete things to make space.

I'm also planning on upgrading my DSLR soon which will shoot the same 4000x6000 RAW files at 40fps instead of the 5fps I have now. I will probably fairly regularly be coming back with half full 128gb or larger cfexpress cards.

No I don't do anything professionally. I might some day. But it's been 10 years and I haven't. I do it for me.
sounds like a decent plan then, go for it
I love you, Home Server General anons.
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wove you too
is there a reason to use physical switches now that they can be virtualized? and i guess that goes for all other networking equipment like firewalls, routers etc, and assuming you're in a home environment with fairly good consumer pc hardware.
>so I don't have to expose my NAS to internet traffic directly.
Don't expose jellyfin, either. Set up a VPN.
You still have a network if you need to bring your hypervisor down for maintenance. Many exploits have existed over the years that allow malware on compromised VMs to attack the host OS. Also, performance and scalability.
got proxmox running at my place and trying to achieve decent speeds from my parents house

wireguard is running on proxmox and mikrotik doesn't show invalid errors now (i redirect www traffic so it just do dns and then go out of tunnel with full speed) but still when i try to copy files from local speeds are about 20mbps

changing mtu not showing any improvement
used iperf to check too, same ~20mbps

/sqt thread is at end and i feel someone here will more luckily know what it can

i just checked ping is ~30 on 100 packets but not stable, tho more stable ping on phone show same 20mbps so idk anymore what to try
Yeah good idea. I have a raspberry pi with a PoE hat and multiple 10th gen and older Intel NUCs. One of those boxes should be able to run a VPN concentrator.

First step is just getting the NAS set up, organized, and serving files to my local network though. I desperately need to offload files from my PC.
and yeah, cpu not throttled
nevermind, i figured it out
is there a good dhcp/dns server alternative to windows server?
i like how its set up and how it works but i dont want to run a windows vm just for the dhcp and dns server. preferably something that can do local dns suffixes.
right now im using openwrt on an old linksys wrt 3200acm but im planning to migrate to either a opnsense box or get a second hand fortigate i really like how the dhcp stuff is presented in windows server though. is there anyhting like that? preferably as simple as openwrt is to set up.
do share anon. im planning to get a mikrotik and set up wireguard there too.
what was the issue? was it on the mikrotik side or the proxmox side?
just run dnsmasq
i think openwrt uses dnsmasq under the hood.
is it difficult to set up from the terminal and configs or is there a good webgui ican use?
>spend 10k on ubiquishit (3 ports used)
never change /hsg/
just learn to use a command line, it's not that difficult. I don't understand why people start getting into this shit but they want everything to be automatic point and click. what's the point?
its not about t he command line being difficult.
its more about not having time to invest into learning configuration schemes and settings from scratch.
there is room for both anon.
you can have the convenience of an easy gui and the fine control of the terminal and configs.
i also specifically asked for something easy and quiick to set up.
>bring down server for maintenance
>everyone hates me for taking down the network
There's a reason to make separate physical devices do that kind of work. If you don't care about the resiliency of your network then sure, you can do everything via NICs are VLANs but the moment you lose power to that server your entire network is getting fucked up.
Let's be real if you're running a network where uptime matters and aren't redundant anyways you had issues long before virtualizing the network.
I mean pi-hole is basically dnsmasq, DHCP, and its add blocking lists. You could set up pi-hole on a container or on an actual pi (or any other hardware, really). Its also stupidly easy to setup, use, and to add DNS entries into.
is getting a used cisco managed switch off ebay worth it to just play around and learn, or am i not going to learn anything i couldn't learn in gns3?
if you're just trying to learn about vlans etc. you can just buy a $30 8-port managed switch off amazon or something
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recently finished segmenting IoT stuff onto its own network and adding cameras.
Ansible won because it is practical and easy to learn if you already now the OS target.
But fuck YAML.
Dust off your rack anon.
Fuck you. Now I want to extend the lab and wife ain't gonna be happy. Good finds.
I do like once a year. Ish.
It's near the cat boxes so dust accumulates very quickly.
I'm migrating a few disks from one server to another currently, and want to double check before I fuck something up. I've exported my raidz1 pool from the first server, and I'm getting ready to import it to the next. I'm preparing to attach all three disks to a VM hosting TrueNAS, and want to confirm whether or not I need to attach them in a specific order. If in the first system they were in a particular order, will it cause problems if I attach them in a different order to the next?

ex. scsi1 = disk3, scsi2 = disk2, scsi3 = disk1
forgot to mention, this is ZFS
Responding to myself with the solution that currently works:
pve.home.arpa {
reverse_proxy {
transport http {

Obviously this isn't safe for anything exposed to the internet, but none of my setup is. I'm looking into how caddy handles certs so I can do the more secure thing.
what are you using for your nvr? I've been looking into frigate lately for my own network and it seems like a decent choice for object detection
Ubiquiti UDM pro.
Its kind of obscured by the patch cables but it has a single 3.5" hard drive bay that i chucked one of my old 1TB WD blacks into

It can be a basic NVR, firewall, unifi controller all in one appliance. It's more like a server that can run various Unifi applications. The network stuff is in one application, then all the cameras run under the Protect application.

Remote access through their portal, no camera licensing, no subscription cost. I believe it's also confirmed that the next version of Unifi protect will allow 3rd party cameras using ONVIF to be integrated to the system. Right now you pretty much have to use their cameras.

Thing with Unifi is, if you're gonna drink the kool aid, it makes more sense to chug. If you're setting up a Unifi controller for like, one device, it makes a lot less sense. But if you start buying their other stuff like APs...Switches...Cameras...etc...Suddenly you've got everything viewable and manageable thru a single pane of glass.

God knows what of my data they're selling to be able to provide free cloud access. I can manage my network exactly like I'm at home by just logging into their website. I try not to think about it.
Depends on what I'm hosting. If the service has its own decent webUI, I'll use that. Otherwise, if it's a docker container, Portainer webUI works for me. If it's a VM, Proxmox webUI or ssh into the VM for management.
>Thing with Unifi is, if you're gonna drink the kool aid, it makes more sense to chug. If you're setting up a Unifi controller for like, one device, it makes a lot less sense
This is my problem with it. Each device they sell seems to be less value than direct competitors, but if you buy into the entire walled garden, it seems like a good experience. Can't decide if it's worth it or not
My buddy uses them too, he's of the opinion that a lot of their gear is fairly poor value vs competitors in order to offset some of the stuff like cloud access being given out for free. Optimistic maybe but seems plausible.

You can still choose to use non-unifi stuff wherever you want, but my point is doing so, unless there are very specific features you need, you end up degrading some of the value proposition.

Now until they announced the next Protect version will allow third party cameras, you basically did have to use their cameras with their NVR. They also had a 24V Passive PoE standard that was proprietary to their equipment. However in more recent SKUs it seems they have somewhat shied away from that, or at least support both their 24V Passive or 802.3af. That 24 port switch in my pic for instance supports both, but a cheaper 8-16 that was available at the time, only supported their 24V passive. Same thing with my APs. They're 24V passive powered, they came with injectors, but still. Why not just 802.3af...

They experiment with shit like that a lot. Look at the new EtherLighting switches. Very cool but a total meme really. But then they still support fairly standard switch features.
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Hello frens. This is my current homelab after moving into a new place. It's a little messy...

The PC is running proxmox to virtualize a few things. I plan on moving it to one or two of those rackmount SuperMicros and do HA.
basically now ESXi won't boot unless there's a GPU in a PCIe slot. if i take it out, all PS/2 keyboard LEDs flash 4 times, go to numlock only, then off, then scroll lock only. ethernet is stuck at 10Mb. none of this happens if i just give it a GPU.

what the fuck is happening?
What do you want linus, he said mobile. We're scrapping the barrel with some of this chink shit and you know it.
im in the position where i download a lot and fill hard drives pretty quickly
my current set up is a nas (a wd one which i know you guys dont like too much as oppose to building your own) and then a usb hub with (so far) three external hard drives attached that is then connected to my laptop
im just wondering if there are any methods that i have overlooked when it comes to downloading things to hard drives that are the accessible on my home network?
if there was something like a device that i could connect my external hard drives to that would also be able to connect to my wifi that was also pretty small
i know about raspberry pis which i may look at, but are there any other options too?
you'll learn more if you DIY your infrastructure from scratch

just build a proper NAS for fuck's sake. It won't be long before you end up spending enough money on stupid shit that you could have just spent it on a real machine instead and saved yourself the headache.
it was for /sqt no issue w mikrotik, bang for the buck
>is there a reason to use physical switches now that they can be virtualized?
You can get a kickass used procurve for like $20. Why wouldn't you do that? Run virtual networking inside your hypervisor, but you still need to hit the real world, and a shitton of quad-port NICs in a box is just annoying as a switch unless you're doing something REALLY unusual with SDN.
>and i guess that goes for all other networking equipment like firewalls, routers etc, and assuming you're in a home environment with fairly good consumer pc hardware.
I run a virtual openbsd firewall/router and also a physical pcengines APU2 and run HA between them with CARP so I have no problem bootstrapping after a long power outage, going through unusual maintenance or limping through any other strange circumstance. Virtual is great, but pairing it with physical can be even better when you're smart about how you partition things between the two worlds
>post better ones @ the same price
>$500 + minimum $20 shipping

https://pcpartpicker.com/list/D2yxDZ - $561
this is before looking at cheaper used parts from local classifieds, CPUs and MOBOs are easy picks. A 5600 non-X brings it to $530 and still beats that Xeon on multicore. But for the sake of splitting hairs, I put the 5700X in for 8 cores.

>b-but muh 128GB of ECC
okay get yester-year e-waste then, you're not getting any modern options at poorfag prices with ECC
>where is the GPU
didn't know we were building an HTPC, you don't have ANY other loose GPUs for a temp display out? Consult classifieds or consider earning $50 extra per month
opinion discarded, go back to >>102536104
Does a huge PIM really make Veracrypt much more secure?
it's not secure in the context of your local network, because traffic interrupted and forwarded by caddy is stripping SSL and not negotiating a new secure connection just HTTP. Anything hitting you from Internet goes to Caddy I presume where you need to have SSL and that's "secure enough".
If you designed a network at a company, having secure internal comms would be nice but not so much on home network probably.
>pihole stopped working again
I know most people here like to larp as a datacentre, but offsite backups are still important. What cloud service or offsite solution do you use? From what I've gathered the most competitively priced ones that support rclone are idrive, Gofile, 1Fichier, Koofr and OneDrive with the Apple Turkey subscription.

Can lifetime subscriptions ever be trusted? I know pCloud and Koofr offer them but isn't it financially unsustainable?
From what I've seen cloud backing up your whole porn stash is completely nonviable financially.

I'm working through the same problem right now. I don't think I could cost justify a "service" to back things up.

My plan currently is as follows, in order of most likely to least likely to implement:
1) Mirror critical files (~10% of data load, so personal forms and documents, and photography stuff, maybe music and memes as well as they're small enough not to think too much about) locally to my PC from my NAS, the NAS then being primarily a backup than actively serving files.
2) For everything in 1, plus all bulk data on the NAS, periodically copy everything to an external hard drive(s). This would happen perhaps once a month or whenever I made a large or highly time consuming amount of changes to the files being stored, and they would get stored in a secure location offline.
3) Once a year, copy data from #2 to a series of (encrypted) hard drives located at my parents or a friend's house.
4) Pay a nominal fee for cloud backups of the absolute most critical files like personal documents and photography.
5) Set up a mutual replication service or at least off site backup hosting with a friend on each other's networks. Potentially using the same NAS as #1 to store encrypted copies of their data, and deploying my own secondary, smaller NAS to their location for backing up my own data. A manual offline backup would still be taken once a year I think if this was done. This is a bit more complicated as it then involves provisioning two separate NASes and working out a deal with a trusted friend or family member.

I don't know that anything I have is so critical or time/work sensitive that doing a manual backup every so often and chucking the drives in a drawer or fireproof safe wouldn't cover me.
I don't use cloud. For offsite I just use a HDD and ask my parents and siblings to keep it safe.
I also spend money on a safety deposit box and have a couple of HDD there too with the original physical copies if they have one.
>What cloud service or offsite solution do you use?
None. I have tape backups at two offsite locations. At the scale of more than 5-10TB worth of data cloud backups become completely non viable on price and I'm not going to wait 9 months to upload my shit either.
>tape backups
Expensive as fuck, ain't it? I still use Blu-ray backups but I only have ~1TB I want to save.
You aren't running it on a pi right?
it's called pihole, why wouldn't i run it on a pi?
Still orders of magnitude cheaper than using cloud or servers to store backups of 200TB+.
If you have a tiny amount of data just use dropbox, apple, mega, azure, whatever is currently cheapest. But beyond that you're not getting around a tape library for offsite backups. Doesn't mean you have to buy current gen LTO, just take the hit on capacity per tape and use a library that's a few generations older but much cheaper upfront.
since i'm talking to myself this whole time anyway:
seems like my MOBO simply requires a GPU to POST. had no idea that was even a thing. now i know.
Enterprise Schizo pls help
This >>102548205 nigga needs your guidance
Are you using a consumer tier board? If so you should have mentioned that from the start yeah they (not sure if it applies to all but it does to a lot of modern consumer boards) refuse to boot without a GPU. A friend of mine figured that out the hard way when he spent a week wondering why his brand new board would always report a GPU or RAM issue and refuse to post.
Any pointers on what to read to get started on tap backups? I have 0 knowledge on it.
Not sure where to direct you to but from my experience here's a few pointers.
Look for LTO-7 drives, LTO-7 tapes can hold 6TB which is reasonable and should be reasonably cheap when bought used. LTO-8/9 are still way too expensive to make sense imo.
Keep an eye out on how to hook up the LTO drive, some run of SAS but I have seen ones running off of SCSI and other stuff before so beware you can actually hook it up at all.
The tapes themselves should be stored under constant conditions, so no -20°C to 50°C temperature swings, try not to store them under a leaky roof or in a room with a 24/7 humidifier, common sense shit like that.
Personally I store them in airtight pelican cases that I rotate when new backups are due. Why airtight cases? Dust will kill your tapes. Heat and humidity aren't really an issue unless you plan on storing your tapes under a roof while living in Arizona or some bullshit like that. But dust getting into the cassettes is going to irrecoverably fuck them up over time.
Just fyi there are tape storage services that will keep them at constant X°C and Y% humidity but even for me they're overkill and cost too much, I'm just keeping backups of personal data not business critical shit.
If you just want to learn more about different LTO standards the wiki article has a very good comparison chart. Also ignore all "XX TB compressed" claims, that's an ideal case scenario that you will almost never see real world so look at the uncompressed capacity when calculating how many tapes you need to do a full backup of your dataset.
>which is reasonable and should be reasonably cheap when bought used
Just to clarify because I am retarded I am talking about used LTO-7 drives not tape. Buying used tape would be beyond retarded.
tldr: what would be the sanest way to remotely reset a PC that's frozen?

I have a rather poor setup at home, consisting of an asus router with merlin and a desktop PC. I run wireguard on the asus router, so I can access my LAN (and optionally WAN) from my android phone. I keep the PC on at all times, but it's auto-sleeps after an hour of inactivity. Wake on LAN via Wireguard is working fine from the android phone.
Also, I was able to set up the PC's bios so that it starts up automatically after power outages.
But in case I'm traveling and the PC happens to freeze (which didn't happen yet, but I want to be prepared for this) I would have to press the reset button on the PC's case. Can anyone recommend something that could achieve this?
>Can anyone recommend something that could achieve this?
If the PC has no inbuilt remote management ala IPMI etc my next best guess would be a smart power outlet that you can turn on and off remotely?
that should work I guess. and I was meaning to get into this whole tasmota thing anyway, so maybe now is the time
nvm it was my fault i need to run a vpn for my work and it was screwing with pihole
I would use
what this anon said given the listed assumptions.

We used a brand called iBoot. Network enabled power switches. No idea if they're still around.
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It finally happened. I have more porn than other types of data.
feels bad man
borg. for backups. is it good? It sounds good.
(right now I am using rsync on my home folder, like

rsync -aXHv /home/dumbguy /media/egg/2024.09.25

hopefully this is non-retarded)
And I'm not sure why, but rsync creates the folder 2024.09.25
Is tailscale cheating? Should I use wireguard instead?
Using Tailscale isn't cheating but it does make you a cloud cuck
In addition to the other setups that those other anons mentioned that are probably a lot easier to get going:
I've read of setups that using the pinouts on a pi to trigger the reset pins on the motherboard of the connected PC. You connect the pi to the network via its ethernet, and it acts like a remote management console for the PC's power status.
For full blown autism mode there's https://pikvm.org/
I decided to go with nous a1t wifi plug with tasmota preinstalled
I'll order two of them, with the intention of also plugging the router into one of these and setting it up so that it power-cycles the plugged-in equipment in case it doesn't receive a packet in a couple of hours. Then I'd configure the router to periodically send packets to the smart plug as long as internet connectivity is up. So if the router itself hangs or the WAN interface goes down, the router gets power-cycled.

btw, I was never diagnosed with autism, but I have a feeling I may actually be autistic
There's also the option of a mechanical button presser but a smart outlet as much as I personally hate smart stuff is the easiest option.
i confused myself initially, thinking this had something to do with me enabling passthrough in ESXi, and also i've just never had this happen with any other consumer board before, so i feel like the whole "issue" is just intel being jewish

I was really hoping this lsi hba would work in an x4, but the OS isn't recognizing it

feels bad man
>use PCIe SAS HBAs in IT mode
What kind of model would I need for 8x18TB?
But do you actually watch the porn you're downloading?
You're gonna get 4 lanes per connector, and most of them have 2 connectors, so you'd be fine with just one HBA. For more disks than that you'd either have to use some of the connections on your motherboard (assuming you're using SATA disks and not SAS disks), get another HBA, or if you're pushing a lot of disks you'd realistically use a SAS expander.
actually doing some more research it might not be the 4x slot that's the issue. it should work fine in a 4x (like I expected), but reading some forums some people are saying their HBAs wouldn't start correctly if the pcie lanes went to the chipset instead of the cpu

anyone ever encountered something like that?
80% of it I shotgun archive sight unseen.
10% of it I randomly shuffle through my image viewer.
10% of it I saw once, saved, and haven't revisited.
I don't want to delete it because of the possible futures of porn being paid-only, id-required, or outlawed
Where can I get dirt cheap enterprise refurb drives?
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Alright, trying to figure out the best setup. Old PC:
>9700KFC (no quicksync)
>Nvidia 2070
>32GB DDR4
>~30TB of HDDs
>Asus Router which supports OpenVPN
Need to setup a system that can be fuly remotely managed since I will only have physical access to it a few times a year at most. Server will be primarily QBt seedbox and Plex server, and maybe backup. I'm guessing the best option would be
>OpenVPN server on router
>Proxmox and/or TrueNAS Scale on PC
>QBt, Plex, rsync on PC
Doesn't sound too complicated in theory, but actual execution might be difficult. Already have DDNS working on my router, and a UPS connected to everything, but lack of physical access will still be a pain. BIOS already has Power On after AC loss but no clue if that'll be enough.
>ARESGAME a certified gold rated 850W explosive
people use SSDs in 2024 anon, your whole build is meaningless, get a free optiplex tier prebuilt if you are poor and get an SSD
if it's that difficult for you to get physical access, you should really consider getting a board with ipmi or attaching something like a pikvm

>openvpn server on router
just use wireguard
Smart. You can always buy another drive, you can't buy those classic bukkakes.
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Wireguard on the router is only usable through a flash drive. I'm not risking the network being inaccesible due to failed flash drive that I won't be able to replace immediately. Unless you meant wireguard only on the PC, in which case I'd need to figure out how to set that up, but I will likely still need OpenVPN on the router either ways. And if i were to spend $400 on a mobo with IPMI, i'd rather just buy a low powered NAS and use a wifi connected switch instead. At least I'd get quicksync with that. My use is low powered enough that the NAS might make more sense, but I'm just trying to reuse a system that might end up collecting dust otherwise. The whole purpose is have as minimal of a setup as possible to reduce chance of failures within the system.
I just bougth the wtr r1
>Wireguard on the router is only usable through a flash drive.
AC86U doesn't have native wireguard. Has to be installed on flash drive as an addon script, and I have no idea how stable that setup is currently.
I probably could get by with that. My large drives are 2x12TB and the N100 should be able to handle seedbox+Plex+backup. $100 extra for 2 extra slots and a better chassis is tempting though. I'd be able to use the other 7TB in spare drives or spend another $150 to bring capacity to 48TB.
are patchpanel keystones standardized?
i want to get a patchpanel with keystone holes for the felxibility but im unsure if i need to purchase the keystones from the same manufacturer or if i can use any keystones.
googling has not yielded any insight.
nvm i found the info on like page 7 of googling.
yes keystones are standardized. they all have the notch at the bottom and the clamp on top and the size is standardized.
finally someone using LACP on real networking equipment
all of you untermenchen take note
retarded idiot go back to the goon mines
Having a weird issue. I've got an NFS share configured on my NAS. On this other host, I can mount the share just fine. But I want to run a docker container on the other host. Whether I try to mount the share on the host and bind the directory to the container, or if I actually create an NFS volume in docker, the problem is that the container just hangs. It never starts. I can't ^C the command, either. I have to actually stop the docker daemon. Looking at the logs on my NAS, I can see NFS logging that a client has attached successfully, so I'm not sure what the problem is. Any ideas?
a multiple nic card is 75 million dollars in my country
What other stuff you got in the pcie slots?
unplug everything except your card and see if it works
On some consumer chipsets certain PCIe lanes are shared between some of the smaller PCIe ports and things like an M.2 port or particular SATA ports. You need to check your motherboard manual and see what PCIe configurations are supported. It is also possible that you have a setting somewhere in BIOS that reroutes the lanes you need, something like x8x8 to x8x4x4, although I think that's less likely to be the culprit.
I'm looking to connect about 8 ip cameras to a computer instead of the cheap chink shit recorder box they came with. Do I use a regular PoE switch?

They also have a splitter for rj45 + some weird video connector that you screw to secure.
hey /hsg/ illuminate some stuff for me.
imagine this:
a nas that is connected via 10g sfp+ to a switch.
other devices are connected via 1g eth to the same switch.
does that mean that if up to 10 devices get 1g to the switch at the same time or is there some sort of diminishing returns?
lets say if the nas can send the full 10g and i have 10 clients all reading data each one would read at 1g correct?
Unraid, Truenas, Proxmox, or something else for NAS and homelab?

I have 4x 14TB HDDs and 1x 12TB HDD I'd ideally like to combine into one raid that maximizes capacity, so unraid seems like the best bet. But for the price of a license I could buy another 14TB HDD. So not sure.

Typical NAS/homelab usecase otherwise.
TrueNAS is free unless you need HA or fiberchannel (you don't) basically. What are you trying to do? I'm highly considering TrueNAS core for my NAS build.
Just a NAS for media storage, plex, photo storage, seedbox, etc.

I don't want to pay the Unraid Jews, but it seems like the best solution since I have drives of varying sizes. SnapRaid+MergerFS seems like it has worse performance for anything that requires more frequent read/writes, which would kill the seedbox portion.
unless you want to put a poe injector on each camera yes. a switch would be the best choice.
what you need to take into account when selecting a switch is if it can deliver the power all at once.
most switches can do poe+ easily enough but not all at once.
look up power usage for the cameras and then select a switch that can deliver the minimum required power for all cameras to operate at their maximum watt usage.
that way you have breathing room and peace of mind.

Are intricate home network setups like this actually useful or is it pure autism? dipping toes into learning networking and this eceleb faggot has multiple vlans and firewalls for every device in his house for "security" purposes. This just seems like pure nerd autism. Companies sure, but what security risk is there for a normal dude's house where this much security is necessary?
>seems like it has worse performance for anything that requires more frequent read/writes, which would kill the seedbox portion.
to get around that you can buy a cheap 500gb ssd and set it up as cache.
you can do that in truenas and omv.
selfhosting is great. his setup isnt that intricate but the hardware he uses is overkill for most people.
It's cool, no shame on it as a nerd hobby. I'm just wondering how useful this level of security is for a home network. I'm not a cyber security pro but this seems overkill and just done for the hobbyist aspect
you can never be too secure anon.
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Was looking into Unraid but found a personal showstopper. Why the fuck is unraid installed on a flash drive when even the shittiest SSD has an order of magnitude higher MTBF than the best flash drive? Are the devs fucking retarded? There's no way the devs are so incompetent that they couldn't figure out a better option than to tie the license to the flash drive's serial number.
I agree with anons here. A used server would be far less likely to have compatibility issues. But I understand the need / fun factor of DIY.

I would go with a 5650g pro and b550 board just for zen3 and more lanes. Same price pretty much but you have to get the CPU via aliexpress.

I wouldnt go with 1tb drives, even with how cheap they are. A refurb 14tb can be had for $75.

Also go with a titanium PSU since a server will be on 24/7 and saving 10-15w 24/7 adds up over the years. Plus they are just built far better quality wise and can be had for $100.
No idea what board, but some motherboards have to enable headless in BIOS. For example all MSI boards need you to enable IGNORE for the setting for VGA detection. Asus, asrock are all similar. No idea if EXSI is the problem, but I suspect the MB bios is the problem.
This works, but from my research the 9400-16i, 9500-16i are pretty much the same price, use the same power and can do more drives later.
I second Truenas. Community is helpful, the GUI is great, and there is a lot of advanced features you can use if you want (i.e. VMs, K3s, dockers, etc.). Dragonfish has been rock solid for me since release.
you can also be secure by not running tons of shit

I have two vlans, one for modern secure stuff, and one for insecure stuff (vintage, learning/experimentation). even that's overkill; if I don't trust a device or piece of software, I don't use it.

if your home network needs gitops to stay online, you've fucked up big time. using these things for learning? totally reasonable, I have a kubernetes cluster for picking up some skills. running your house like a large corporate data center? the road to insanity. teams get paid to work full time on this shit.

best practices? minimize your attack surface.
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shit the price is too good, probably gonna bite. got a spare 512gb NVME anyways, and 16GB of DDR4 is cheap. won't need any more for just a seedbox and media server.
I did this for my bittorrent cache / incomplete files, as well as a software drive for apps, jails, dockers. It was an old M2 512gb I had and works great.

For q bittorrent, I just enabled the the incomplete files to be downloaded to the M2 drive, and then when completed it auto transfers to my massive storage vdev.

Regarding "cache" (L2arc) less than 0.01% of users actually benefit from assigning a dedicated SSD to this purpose. The latest truenas versions do a pretty good job of doing this in the ZfS cache files. I have two minecraft servers up, qbittorrrtent, plex server for 10+ users, adguard dns, home automation, unifi AP controller, SmB files for my home.office, etc and I never got under 98% hit rate for my non-dedicated L2arc file.

With Truenas more ram >>>>>>>>>>>> cache files in every conceivable instance regarding cache. Dragonfish does a pretty good job of "filling" up unused ram for ZFS cache files you access commonly.
its not installed on a usb drive.
the license file is on the drive and the drive has to be present.
almost every single enterprise software does this anon.
save yourself the headache and use proxmox or truenas.
if you really want to use unraid pirate it or pirate esxi.
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>its not installed on a usb drive.
this is the dumbest shit
Dodgy nic tho
there literally are no other slots, it has a single only x4 slot
Extremely confused. I updated some things today which necessitated restarting my pihole container. Now, every 3-5 minutes, reliably, pihole just kind of... dies? The container doesn't die.I can't find any events in the logs. The container just seems to drop network connectivity or responding to queries for a solid 30-60 seconds. I haven't changed anything outside of pihole (I was simply moving the machine to a new chassis) so I have no clue what could be causing the problem. I thought maybe it was because I pull the latest image in my compose file, so I tried reverting to some older images but the behavior persists. Connectivity to the host is totally fine, so it's not that. The system isn't under heavy load, either. Man I fucking hate docker.
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are these temps too high or is this normal during a 15 hour parity sync?
>if you really want to use unraid pirate it
I'd probably try to improve the cooling, but as long as they're not staying there too long or getting hotter, it's whatever.
They seem to be i226v. I know the i225/226 are dodgy but I haven't had any issues for over a year on my current network. Since it has wifi I can probably just use that as fallback worst case.
Yeah I can improve the spacing between them.
>does that mean that if up to 10 devices get 1g to the switch at the same time or is there some sort of diminishing returns?
>lets say if the nas can send the full 10g and i have 10 clients all reading data each one would read at 1g correct?
Its reliant on how good the switch is but based on my reading there's virtually no real overhead on switching. So yes, I would expect any decent quality switch to be able to max out each connection.
Monitoring the instance with watch dig +timeout=1 @<hostip> pi.hole. Every few minutes the digs start failing.

I stood up the same exact container with the same compose file on another machine, using the same watch/dig command to monitor it. There are absolutely no issues. Why would this only be affecting one machine? I don't understand. The two machines are even using the same OS and both are updated to the latest packages.
Pihole's FTL is probably dying. Check its logs and see what's up.
The latest thing in FTL.log is the init messages from over an hour ago when I restarted the container. There's nothing.
Interestingly, the command `docker exec -it pihole sudo cat /var/log/pihole/pihole.log` ALSO hangs while the issue is occurring, but `docker exec -it pihole sudo cat /var/log/pihole/FTL.log` doesn't.

Only thing I can say is I managed to fuck up my pihole last night by adding some CNAME records and it choked on them so I had to revert back to A/AAAA instead of redirecting via CNAME. And yeah it was killing the FTLDNS so I had to get to my pihole via its IP address instead of its pi.hole DNS name.
Try getting in via <ip-address>/admin (always need the /admin or else it won't give you a page) and see if you see anything. Mine was spitting errors out on the settings page telling me the FTLDNS was dead. Restarting the DNS didn't fix it until I cleaned up the CNAME stuff, in my case.
>Try getting in via <ip-address>/admin (always need the /admin or else it won't give you a page) and see if you see anything
I have, it's totally dead while the issue is occurring, whether I try to get in via IP or hostname.

Originally I had pihole pointing at my dnsmasq instance (for local hostname resolution), which then forwards requests to an unbound instance. I don't use pihole for anything except adblocking. But while testing I completely replaced the configs with vanilla and set upstream DNS to No dice.
Okay, I think I might have figured something out. Whenever there's an outage, btrfs-transaction is pegging a core at 100%. As soon as the process is finished, pihole comes back up. /var/lib/docker does live on a btrfs array, so this might make some sense. I'm guessing the overhead might be due to quotas? I don't remember enabling them on this fs, but they're enabled. It's somewhat old CPU, so maybe? I'm not using groups for anything, so I guess I'll try disabling them. I should really upgrade this machine anyway.
Kek, I remember on my setup my entire setup choking when I woulds start a torrent, because the NIC was just 1 gig and I didn't limit the torrent to below that. It would max out the entire bandwidth, and cause my (at the time) LVM pihole to lose its ability to resolve DNS requests because nothing could make it in.
Fixed that my upgrading to 10 gig SFP+ and moving my pihole to its own physical device.
Use disk UUIDs (
) instead of
You'll need to mount at least two out of three disks at once.
Sir, this is a home server general. Do the needful and go back to >>>/g//pcbg/ sir.
>it does make you a cloud cuck
That's a positive and desirable thing for security here. FIDO2 authentication, MFA, IdP all there.
>use wireguard
How about avoiding using experimental and unsupported protocols in tech preview and without support in enterprise firewall hardware/software.
Unmanaged switches, without EEE?
I'm thinking about buying an EPYC Milan server. I don't have a specific one in mind yet. Do y'all have any suggestions?
Would you ever run a website on a home server or is that just asking for cyberattacks?

At least if people try to attack your site running on a VPS, it won't affect your home network and home devices.
VLANs and firewalls.
>Would you ever run a website on a home server
For intranet, yes. For external access without a VPN (without business connections to the Internet), no.
>At least if people try to attack your site running on a VPS, it won't affect your home network and home devices.
This may be false, if you don't happen to have a restrictive firewall policy at home and/or the attacker finds a i.e. remote code execution vulnerability.

What's hosted externally is going to be far more resilient for failures than what you can have at a typical home, re: redundant electricity, Internet, cooling systems and whatnot.
lol what is a DMZ? what are VLANs? what is a VRF? what are virtual machines? what is docker? you can definitely expose services to the internet completely safely without any potential damage to your internal network. it's just an IQ test.
I'm aware, and I agree. I wasn't very clear enough, it's written between the lines. Security isn't the reason to not host it at home, but resiliency for the public's use is.
But even if you think you've covered every base, there could be vulnerabilities you don't know about. So yeah I should probably just run websites on a VPS or something like that.

Good points to be honest
I've run out of PCIe lanes for things I care about in my home server. What do?
A)Buy a used Epyc mb/CPU/ram off eBay and eat it's higher idling power usage and direct cost. Likely would get a 128gb RAM kit.
B)Use a spare server case and a z390 mb/9900k and just have a second server for the more compute stuff. The 9900k would be under locked and also idled pretty well when it was a desktop. Only have 32gb of RAM for this setup.
Prefer homogenous environments. Avoid desktop components you can't remotely manage, that hardware also don't have validation for server operating systems and software. Z390 in particular doesn't enable ECC memory.
When you need more PCI-E lanes, the typical answer is AMD EPYC or Intel Xeon SP processors.
In what way is wire guard experimental or unsupported ?
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I've got a g*ming PC with an i7 13700kf + 4080 and a homelab with an i5-4590 and no discrete GPU. The homelab simply can't handle some of the jobs I want it to do (particularly because the iGPU doesn't support Vulkan) and since it's in a quite full SFF I'm not really sure about buying a discrete GPU and an enclosure for the HDD that I'd have to move outside the case. My gaming PC is on roughly 16 hours a day anyway so I'm thinking about just shutting my homelab down and having my PC handle that stuff. What are /hsg/'s thoughs?
He's being retarded. Whenever you see retarded shit like that or >>102569788 its the enterprise schizo. For some reason the jannies allow him to endlessly spam and shit in this thread.
First ask yourself, who your server is hosting for?
Just you? Then why do you even need a dedicated server?
If you have other people using your server applications then get a proper server. I started with a mini pc server and I realized quickly that I need better hardware to serve for my family's needs.
For the raspberry pi I have seen something that allows you to connect 5 drives. It wouldn't be particularly fast but if you only have a few clients over gigabit ethernet probably fast enough. I get about 700MB/s reads from a drive on mine.
>who your server is hosting for?
How about a grammar check server for YOU?
What better hardware you used?
>Then why do you even need a dedicated server?
I thought it'd be a fun project (and it was) but I'm starting to feel like it's esrved its purpose
Thanks for the input though. I might just go ahead and migrate
Started with a mini PC. Then got myself a really cheap Supermicro board, the really old one that still used DDR3, was an X10 board. Then upgraded to Supermicro X11SSH-F.
I still really liked the simplicity of the mini PCs so I started buying some cheap Lenovo ThinkCenters, haven't really decided what to do with all of them yet. Maybe I'll separate my Jellyfin into two, one dedicated to videos and one dedicated to music.
I bought one, so far so good, using it with windows server 2025, 4 days uptime with no issues whatsoever.
Is that a linux thing?
>windows server 2025
how do people remotely manage windows servers? RDP? I'm still trying to figure out what setup to use on mine since it's still a week out from delivery. But as a seedbox/media server, it feels like it should be no different than my current setup which is just having my PC on 24/7 with the programs running in the background, which makes me wonder if it's even worth it to do all the proxmox/truenas crap, or to just stick with shit I'm already familiar with.
Windows Admin Center (web UI), RDP, WinRM, SSH, Server Manager, SCCM / Intune.
Currently, what's the sweet spot for HDDs, in terms of $/TB? 12TB?
Go to google and search diskprices. It will tell you the best price:TB for your location. It's all different on where you live. In my area the best ones are 12TB HGST ones.
From my searching, it seems to be right around 12TB. You can find some quality refurbished drives for roughly 80-120 dollar (depending on make, model, and reliability of refurbishment reseller).
All of my recently bought HDDs were 12TB and about 105 dollars a piece for refurb Seagate Ironwolf Pros.
Anyone get refurbished drives dying? What's the minimal sort of setup I can do that can withstand two failures? (Plus I'd have a backup as well of important data).
Raid1 + backup of important data
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>put OS on some chink usb
>forgot to offload to ramdisk
>still took a month to die
>bought a kioxia usb
>100% wait-io all the time
>still slow even with offload

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