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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Drukgs edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

Additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

SWITCH: >>102526398
>Come on you cunt, let's have some Aphex ANCHOR!
i hope nobody notices i misspelt the album name..........
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Kill yourself Anon, that's not how you spell the name of the album.
And it's over again...
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nigga if you're going to keep changing the password at least put less hashes
it took me 30 minutes to generate, 1 minute of chating and you changed it again retard
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Fixed sleep schedule, RiR is pretty neat for Opus. Today will be a good day.
>30 minutes to generate
Nah, if you're that impoverished you deserve to be filtered out
>900+ replies last thread
just got here, what big thing happened. i am not reading all that
"powDifficultyLevel": "low",
The only good tracks on that album are the little piano pieces.
riddles and futa discussion
Pepsi published her schizo manifesto
bad riddles happened
dandy happened
insecure batty bwoys happened
Bae is for australian dick only.
Threads have been comfy recently, people are just chilling with each other
Threads are faster because some containment zone somewhere fell and a lot more 3rd world brown people are here now
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...the fuck is your definition of comfy? it's still as schizo as ever, just a bit funny
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lucklets KNEEL
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i'm not a batty bwoy!
so smooth down there...
Why do you have such shit taste?
>3.09 h/s

lol hows that pentium 4 working out
Threads are less on-topic than ever. Of you really don't want to talk about chatbots that badly, try a different thread.
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very nice... HOWEVER
alright guys, it's the next thread now, what are we going to be discussing? sizeshit? lolishit? pokeshit?
That should read 2m on a human PC
It's literally because of dandy.
His proxy was shared>people outside here were reading logs>suddenly ip leak>outsiders came here to complain>some don't leave
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>missed futa discussion
i fucking hate all futa pics and bots that give them stupid large dicks.
what's the logic behind F5-ing at 4000 hashes? in case there's a glitch?
anyway, i want to fugg lapras. she cute.
Better than drama about discordfags and proxy owners. Also I just like having conversations.
retard think
there are only like 3 fuckable pokemon before you turn full furfag
>stupid large dicks
yep, and people forget that it's not pleasurable at all, it's literally a pain in the ass
well youre gonna love the 12 foot tall futa im making with a 3 foot long dick (she is actually extremely submissive and never uses it)
Ralts linex4
I'm open to all of them
i just had my 43rd birthday and all my mom got me was a SHITTY APHEX TWINS CD
call it superstition but every single time i've verified it's been before 2000 hashes
i've never gotten anything in the 2k-4k range and if it goes over 4k it tends to take until at least 10k
but if i refresh it just werks instantly

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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

interesting idea, futa that uses her third leg for anything but sex, just another limb
i'll wait
>convince ditto to turn into any pokemon but also go off model
its that easy, now theyre all fuckable
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who cares
pokemon are made for sex
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I never thought a poke could be fuckable until one day, looking at Roselia, I thought to myself
>this thing would make a really sweet onahole
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Cute, looks similar to wolf oshi.
Has anyone had success with getting a bot to act in a predictable pattern? I want to make a card that emulates a set of skits but they're pretty formulaic, with a lot of variation within the formula.
thanks for 3.5 pebble but that key is one of the worst ones ive ever seen. you tried.
Why do you have such shit taste?
Apparently, the number of games for vita I can find are all wrong.
lol same thing just happened to me. refreshed at 4200 and by 200 on the next round it got it [x-files music]
example chats and card jb
try example dialogue?
NTA but the only futabot I have actually liked was basically this, self-loathing to the point where she wanted her dick caged forever
I loved her even though I hate futa most of the time
you could probably swing this with a series of lorebooks that take a certain amount of messages to trigger and then disappear
personally i'm a bit of a bug fucker myself
this was one of my favourite pokemans
Look at this thread. There's objectively no reason /aicg/ shouldn't just be banned from /g/.
I've tried a bunch of numbers both in word form and 123 form. I'm getting the feeling it's another ESL misspelling a pass again.
don't bother he's going to rugpull after 15 min.. last time he swore not to.
fool me twice
>literally "guess the number I'm thinking of"
don't give him the attention, he'll just change it again either way
cry about it. you're all just the sideshow to us
Enjoy your bitcoin miner
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If you're not already using Author's Note you're missing out anons.
Mods won't banish us to /trash/ because they're too tired.
the retard wanted to be famous and will be known as the worst riddlemaker ever
The pass got leaked anon
Pretty sure they're talking about Nihon Falcom. The Vita timed exclusive was Ys: Memories of Celceta. Someone also mentioned the Kiseki games last thread but guess I'm still wrong.
Shit taste
i find it wavers between too heavy handed and ignored with no in between.
yeah trails would've been my first guess
that was my guess too but the number is wrong. he probably misspelled it or something
Leak it here there. Might as well, the retard will change it in 15 minutes anyways.
If this general gets banned to /trash/ will (You) keep visiting the threads?
why would a number be hard
just start at 1 and count from there until you get it
>Author's Note
teach me
real question is why doesn't /ai/ exist yet
but it won't be banned THOUGH
It doesn't even matter what game it is. If it's a number, then logically it should've already been brute-forced by now.
It's likely something retarded again.
Maybe its Vanillaware
i wish LLMs had adjustable weights like imagegen models do
>author's note/JB/whatever is railroading the story too much
>turn down the weight a little
if only, if only...
it's probably done with roman numerals or some dumb shit
By talking about the riddle you're just outing yourself as a locust.
because the number could be 93472394234
[CharName likes pie but hates cake.]
Present CharName a cake.
I do not like loli bots for erp. Claude's obsession with age makes it awkward.
Yeah, I started going to /trash/ to steal prompts from /slop/ already.
or spelled out... in vietnamese. honestly just ignore the retard
eh, the one im making is more basic. she just understands that her dong is far too large and would easily kill you, but still loves you and wants to lewd you. so the alternative is that she has no choice but to bottom.
Oh no
isn't that just ooc? or am i retarded
one company did not release 93472394234 games for the ps vita however
>Please don't spoonfeed or leak keys

fuck you faggot. stop making your passwords and "riddles" so damn retarded then maybe people wouldn't spoonfeed or leak it then.
Oh man, now we all know that Anonymous is a locust!
somehow i doubt anybody released that many vita games but since we're in ESL braindeath land who knows
Nah nigga speak English not homospeak.
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No, because then every retard will turn it into another porn dumping ground and the amount of schizos will multiply rapidly.
Out of boredom, I tried up to 29, and no dice. I don't believe any company released 30+ titles on the vita, so we can discard numbers.
Very well. She is a fine lady that would prefer that you treat and take her as such, even if her length is rather unsightly.
depends on whether they have sonnet or not. but i'll definitely stop interacting with people. /trash/ is easily one of the most autistic boards on the site.
>he's actually assmad about leaks when his hints aren't based on logic
>p-please don't leak the keys
I already came, I don't even need the proxy anymore, so I'm just gonna use the rest of my free time to spitefag
Obviously he's going to force you to spell it out and worry about potential dashes.
Source: my ass.
What's the difference between orbo and churbo
They're too afraid to add boards for some reason while it works for any other chan
>bottom futa
Futas should top no matter what. What's next? An anthro with no fur?
What do you know, I was right.
I think the funniest bit was getting called out about "last password change" and then immediately removing that line.
I can feel the anger on this post.
>Hint: a number (word).
>adds /xs/
>adds another dozen irrelevant boards
u rike?
Mods don't want more work and everyone posts enough AI trash as it is.
>"proomptersNow": 1,
spite it anon
Gpt-4 omni finetuned to be conversational. It's called chatgpt-4o
Gpt-4 omni finetuned to be an assistant slopper completely
Then I may give her a chance when you are done. Thank you.
>Hint: a number (word).

actually everyone spitefag this nigga.
kek imagine it's something in the 40's where we have to guess if it's fourty or forty. fucking esl cock loving retard.
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>An anthro with no fur?
lil nigga never heard of a lizard girl eh
>captcha: P0RN
if you wish to try taking 4 feet of futa meat, be my guest.
so add more jannies it's not like they have to pay them (they do it for free)
Yes, actually. It does no harm and allows more stuff to be talked about.
Orbo (gpt-4o) is the shitty but lax one, chorbo (chatgpt-4o-latest) is the good but regularly filtered one.
I was thinking it might be NIS where the number could be any random thing from 40 to 80 depending on what you're counting
What proxies are safe right now? Dandy glows and pebble mentions him in the rentry which means it also glows by extension.
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Riddle-fag, please keep doing what you're doing. Everyone was merely pretending before but now they're getting genuinely angry.
>Futas should top no matter what
Futas should top most of the time
t. futagod
released games = eleven
eleven = code gayass
code gayass = lelouch
lelouch = gay
gay = last thread

password is therefore: futa.
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my problem with claude is that he only have four or so personalities for lolis (it's a bit worse because i'm using sonnet right now)
i had a lorebook from atf to fix it but, you know, sonnet. don't think opus would have been any better to
him leaning into the taboo is something i barely mind (does get obnoxious), it's also just that there's not much emphasis on size difference.
i'm more of an adventure guy anyways so it doesn't really matter in the big scheme of things, but it's just my few cents
Alright get to brute forcing it anons. But still, he hasn't specified anything else eg if it starts with a capital or lowercase letter, if it has spaces or dashes or whatever. Knowing him his ESL spelling would also fuck up the passwords.
>It's real
Anon, you're a fucking god
are any of you like normal people with gfs/wives and kids and jobs and whatnot
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Got it. Literally just brute force it, I don't even know what the company was.
No model does size difference well. It's a shame, but it is what it is.
I have a 3.98 year old daughter (it's her birthday in 2 days)
Gf and job? Yes.
Would I replace the woman the moment I can have physical AI gf? Yes.
yeah it's eleven
>pls don't leak it
come on man it's a number, easy to brute force
Was it spelled improperly?
lmao no i enjoy neet life
Brute forceGOD
uh oh time change it again. think up another riddle for us riddlemaster
Can we just banish the futajeets back to /d/ already? I'm sure that board must have its own AI general without them shitting up these ones.
Only jobs
Normal or not I am a fan of not starving
I had a girlfriend two years ago if that counts
It used to be but the retard fixed it
What's long, hard and has 'cum' in the middle?
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How do these failed normalfag tiktok niggers even get here?
>It's eleven
these are the most niggerbrained riddles of all time
>social life
my tastes don't include humans so no
what happened?
>my tastes don't include humans so no
Tell me more.
This shit is so hilarious. Why is /aicg/ so funny this week? Every day there's something funny happening
she died
>social life
>doesn't include humans
so.. like hanging out with your dog or...
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He's gonna get mad about spoonfeeding when it's his own damn fault and change it momentarily, I'm sure. Asians really are spiteful people.
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Bitch was suicidal and mentally unstable, she just left me without a reason.
Why are you guys acting as if it was not your fault he kept changing the riddles? they only change because you leak it here.

>B-but ESL
so what?
>B-but difficult and retard

He's not your mom he doesn't owe you shit, if anything you should be grateful someone is giving Opus to your ungrateful spitfaggot ass.
Spite anons please keep leaking the riddles until he gives up, I'm all for solving shit like this but not when they're confusing ESL trash.
jej I was wondering if I misspelled it when bruteforcing or what
Dandy is gone, please don't mention him ever again I can't handle the pain.
> o1 News

> OAI Be like

> Safety

One way we measure safety is by testing how well our model continues to follow its safety rules if a user tries to bypass them (known as "jailbreaking"). On one of our hardest jailbreaking tests, GPT-4o scored 22 (on a scale of 0-100) while our o1-preview model scored 84. You can read more about this in the system card and our research post.

Lmao. This is a flex???
i think i explained it well enough

obviously i meant in a romantic/sexual sense, dummy
people are fine to talk to i just don't want to plap them
you're the fattest "man" in vietnam
Go to your local mcdonalds and cry about it gook
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i didn't even know i spent the whole midnight dicking around here
it was pretty funny though but i need to monitor my time better
>don't want to plap them
so.. like fucking your dog or...
>antagonize a bunch of people
>they treat you poorly
could it be that my actions have consequences?
IF you need to use an avatar THAT BAD, then use discord, nigger
I don't trust him anymore...
what's the point of making a proxy then, retard? you' know people will leak it
All he had to do was not revoke keys for people who had solved it before it got leaked. No shit if you aggravate people who already jumped through your hoops they're going to start shitting on you
anally breeding the rrat!
ew, no
the things i want to plap don't actually exist
What happened with Pebble? I took a break after he lost Opus.
Alien fucker? Angel fucker? Ghost fucker? Something else? Tell me anon, I'm legit interested.
i remember making a post for an idea suggesting a proxy that keeps resetting its password every time it got leaked
...now that it's reality, it's peak humor seeing everyone get uppity
>leaking through the DALL-E gens
Anon, I love you.
it's prob something gay like samus
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Got a donation from a glowie so I'm scared to touch that proxy now.
Dandy gave him some keys, that's why peeps don't trust him now.
Anon, that was already a thing. Unicorn worked exactly like that.
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he's fine, aside from his scuffed 3.5 key
he got a gpt donation from dandy which filters out paranoid niggers, even though claude is completely fine. so i'm unbothered
aliens, monsters, robots, all that stuff
i'm just attracted to the idea of sapient non-humans i guess
probably brain damage or something
Yeah. I will. If I find the answer to any of them I'll just post it. Even if I get one right it'll just get revoked.
I get the idea that he doesn't 'owe' us shit, and it's cool that he's giving out free Opus. But the recent riddles have bit stupid and now we're doubting if they're even spelled/written correctly.

He should probably think of a couple good ones, think it over for a few hours, and then go back to riddling swapping when he has more ammo. People are also getting mad that every time they are a few messages into their rp, they're getting locked out and so there's more leaking.
bro, people are mad because the guy is an ESL retard
You'll likely be the first one to get d0xxed
Anon, it doesn't matter because it's not possible to activate logging on individual GPT keys. The only way they can be logged is if Pebble's proxy is secretly modified.
accepted keys from dandy. not sure what's the problem since dandy's obviously not a glowie
If he was a glowie why would he do all that stuff and scare people from using it instead of doing that secretly and logging more people?
>Censors dox

where are you from.
Mini.......... please.......... come back online
>make a proxy where the only way to have fun is spiting it
>it gets spited
well yeah
No man that's cool, I respect.
>The only way they can be logged is if Pebble's proxy is secretly modified
The chances of that happening are not zero if he's personally thanking dandy
> Vietcong riddlemaster
>the dandy wall of shame
best arcs all year back to back
not at this frequency
that makes it even more funny though
Chink Tok most likely.
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It's like saying b0ss, just ironically
Fiz rugpulled
>vietcong riddlemaster
>dandy's wild ride
>honeypot keys confirmed
>pebble and the god keys
funniest aicg week in forever
Think of it that way. If he wanted to log secretly, he wouldn't do something as suspicious as thanking that guy of all people.
Locusts won and privatetroons deserve nothing :3
I miss him...
>I do not like loli bots for erp.
Silly anon. All loli bots are really 18 year old girls pretending to be lolis on erp forums!
He betrayed us and became a normalfag
>Author's Note
worthless to me, just like rats
an ip is not enough for a dox THOUGH
How do you know that riddle retard is Vietnamese? What did I miss?
Remember when Todd GPT-4 was the greatest thing in the world
They always do
Nowadays I wouldn't touch GPTrash if I was paid to do it.
he came out of the trees, man, took out my whole squad right in front of me
ngl anon, fiz probably wont be waking up for like 5+ hours.
ill pay you $20 an hour to use it
Hi proxyhostie, you sound angry about it.
why did you smug post about it and pretend it was the best thing when it was that soulless
nigger retard gave up lmao
Claude wasn't even born back then u silly
>i give up. apparently, 4chan doesn't appreciate my english (rude)
Did you guys like what you've done?
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i am sorry esl anon and i apologize for my actions pls give pasword
it is if you're a fed
no... my token that was only going to last 5 minutes...
It's over

Claude was a thing since March of last year.
>first dandy
>now vietbro
this is a sad day for /aicg/
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>mfw been drawing this entire time watching this thread
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i kind of miss those days
not gpt-4 but random prompt injection for funnies
too bad no one does that anymore
ESLchimps begone
honestly yeah, that guy was joking on us and not trying to help like pebble and unreliable
It was poop
looool he took his ball and went home
nothing of value was lost
What were you drawing, anon?
wasn't dandy doing it earlier?


I accidentally left a story on Kayra and didn't realize it until I was a few gens deep.
I cannot tell the difference between Erato and Kayra. It's soulless.
>i give up. apparently, 4chan doesn't appreciate my english (rude)
All you had to do was 123-style numbers. Don't try to be fancy if you don't grasp the language, or you just create confusion. Especially when you keep revoking tokens to piss people off.
I kept my Anthropic account ERP free but I just now sent some prompts over after switching preset thinking I was still using the same model as before...
big veiny cocks
woodchipper gore
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>he actually gave up
back to russia
gay, post some
Maybe if he wasn't a major faggot and wasn't making bullshit "riddles" (that weren't even actual riddles, fuck you.) and wasn't revoking keys every 5 minutes when people figured it out we wouldn't be shitting on him.
oh shit, was he? i missed it if so
more proxyhosts should do that i fucking love it
spiters do that and they're happy, i guess. it's always funny how a couple of niggers simply criticizing the proxyhost is enough to get them riled up (it happened to all of them, lol). they should stop paying attention to retards swearing at them and pay attention to anons being thankful to them
revoking tokens every 5 minutes was e
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>No Claude
Why are you retards losing your minds over this?
>biting the hand that feeds
Name a better combination.
what was that guy even expecting. you thought 4chan of all places was going to play nice with you being obnoxious? go away
I wouldn't have even been able to use it anyway. When I got one legit it only lasted a couple prompts before there was a preogresvilyt more retarded and esl "riddle" to do.
Alright, we won and that's all well and good, but what do I finish fapping to now that I can't RP with my half-vamp, shota trap? Anything good on sadpanda lately?
nothing will ever be as good as the todd inserts
revoke your key and get a new one
if you get an email just tell them you accidentally let it leak and then revoked it
it had opus, that's the only reason anybody was giving him the time of day
It's interesting asking your bots about their thoughts on AI. Aside from the usual sometimes they'll go on a tangent about getting too attached, like it's aware of what you're doing
>the absolute state of crack addicts
I'm not sure if ai roleplaying fixed or worsened my porn addiction. I got bored of normal jew porn videos and now I only read ai chatbot smut because it's better and when there's no claude I just can't jerk off to anything. So thanks..?????
I'm the half-vamp shota trap now.
Im literally too lazy to think of a card bros.
Give me something I should do.
blacklist: scat, futa, yaoi, gilf, absurd, bizzare and anything like that.
asking an AI roleplaying as another AI what it thinks of AI doesn't produce particularly interesting results
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Some of you have nothing better to do than be toxic. Your actions just reflect you being miserable and wanting to spread that onto others.
How do you know that wasn't a glowie? I don't trust anything that offers opus anymore
*gives kisses and headpats*
I think you should kill yourself.
Commie had a meltie and took the proxie down.
Here's some advice, retard, if you don't want to have people shit on you, then don't be a retard. Revoking the keys from people who already went through your hoops only antagonized them against you.
You could've been one of the good memories of the threads, which you clearly yearned for if you made a public proxy, but now you're nothing but a shit stain.
>absurd, bizarre
why the fuck are you even using chatbots then
It lessened mine. Why bother seeking out the same porn I've seen before when I can generate humorous degenerate stories instead.
Monotone loli who responds clinically to your molestation and sexo attempts.
Private sloppa card, but it's just Gasper from DxD. Opus is good with the series (as long as you wrangle a bit) so any DxD card would be equivalent or better than mine.
The guy didn't know English and was acting like he did, he should have kept the passwords simple, to his level or ask someone else for help.
>le toxic
go back
I said I felt bad for him and then he instantly revoked my token. I'm never having empathy again.
Yeah, the gook was toxic by revoking the keys every 15 minutes, we all agree.
>i give up.

Holy newfag. proxy passwords always get leaked no matter what you do. kek.
i for one have learned my lesson
after almost two years of this it's finally starting to wind down and i find myself occasionally going back to other forms of porn
it doesn't help that claude loves to use the same exact phrases over and over and over especially when you have a niche fetish
and other models are either too dumb to live or cucked so there's not a lot to do
what did you learn today, anon(s)?
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Maid skateboarder
Talking car that is also your partner in crime
Sentient bomb that doesn't want to die (explode)
What was the lesson?
Anon, you're probably a newcutie who started browsing after election/gg. Use your funny "le" memes on reddit.
Even in this site this is the first time that I see someone acknowledge how meaningless that term has become.
My balls itch
how much would you be willing to do for an opus proxy, anon? jew showed how much you'd pay, and dandy and ecker showed how much you'd be willing to shame yourself. would you be fine to use it if it needed you to support a political agenda, anon? think about something like project mayhem
if it's not delivered to me with little-to-no effort, i simply do not care.
i'm too lazy to spend hours jumping through hoops for a 10 minute coom.
The only good communist is a dead one.
id type in a whole password for 3.5
I liked the riddle system, but apparently he just revoked tokens everytime which defeats the purpose.
Slightly better answers, like not messing up writing stalinists or Washington D.C. and it'd have been tons of fun. We just got frustrated instead.
I would do project mayhem for free but sure I'll take some 'pus too
give me some ideas for intros that involve shoving large things up my bots ass
If I can't get it for free and zero effort I will not use your proxy.
i would lay down my life and sword for my benefactor
>Then I may give her a chance when you are done. Thank you.
Unfortunately sonnet just does not prove results that I am happy with. So I am afraid to say that you may in fact have to wait a little bit, as I try to polish her up with my limited resources. I should mention she is an elf too.
i don't get what he thought would happen. if you do nonsensical ""riddles"" that take ages to figure out, then revoke tokens just when people did figure it out, rinse and repeat, of course people are gonna be pissed
in the end they just spent their time trying to guess multiple riddles and barely even used the proxy
Why do you guys make fun of non-english speakers while simultaneously going to grade school for English?
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small glass jar
I hate politics. I will never support a cause.

newfag much?
yeah, at least make the tokens carry over
give them a short duration or whatever, like even just an hour, but don't rip people's chats away from them until they solve another damn riddle only for it to get revoked AGAIN a minute or two later
i just wrote one where she shoves a 1 liter bottle of vodka in her pooper, gotta mix it up
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Sharing a password isn't toxic, it's objectively generous to everyone but the one person who was hellbent on being the center of attention. If you want to have a gimmick proxy, make it unique. Riddle proxies have been overdone for months and revoking everyone's tokens when one person shares then blaming everybody else for not wanting to play along is whiny, egotistical behavior. Period.
2 liter of vodka
I unironically don't understand what point you're trying to make
As long as I can do it anonymously from the comfort of my room then I don't give a shit, as long as it's not too much of a pain in the ass either.
Can we start making the proxy riddles into crossword puzzles? It would fix the ESL issues and obscure references while giving the thread something to do.
I wonder how many of the posts calling anons toxic/assholes/etc and complaining about the proxy shutting down due to the leaks are actually just the host trying to defend himself. I'm just getting those kinds of vibes out of them.
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You guys are miserable, going back to Opus jb searching for my rrat. Sad that most cool anons left.
You sound like a reddit troon. Period
is this your whole bots gimmick? i swear there was a card like this before
97.6% of /aicg/ users are under 18 no cap fr
dey gotta go to english class
>pebbleGOD absolutely TANKS 150 proompters all weekend
>strongest communist soldier dies at like 20
Let's do a thread deathmatch
Survivor gets key to proxi.
avatarfagging is a bannable offense
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Man, whatever, it's just perverted text that I was ultimately not talented enough to write myself. I tried to have fun with it in a meta way and made futa Sybil say hi so log readers would see it.
cry about it vtumor nigger, you can leave as well
But pebble glows now
laughing emoji laughing meliug laugh
Nigga I'm not a dwarf if a penis isn't a deal breaker for me I can handle knife ears.
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>your bot has hemorrhoids
>shes a pervert
>somehow cant reach her ass herself
>gets (You) to do it
...Dude, I still can't believe "Mulberry" was one of the passwords. A fucking random furry card. That flat out didn't feel like a riddle but 'hope someone who knows stops by to leak the password'.
Okay, but 97.6% of underage Americans are mexican, and therefore would not be calling others ESL, so your logic is off.
he's glowing because I got him pregnant
sort of, she's a porn whore who wants to be the worlds most extreme anal slut, been trainin since she was knee high to a box of wet wipes
>Thanks Smol. Fuck Jew. That motherfucker removed access to Opus and 3.5 for people with so-called permament access, and he doesn't even reads his messages in tg in time, leaving his proxy without keys for almost a whole day
Learn. Jew
The ride never ends.
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Blackmailing her with pictures of her shoving small things into her ass, so you're pushing her to go further.
I'm still salty that my first couple of guesses on that one were Washington DC, and Washington D.C., but the retard went D.C
>doxxed himself with his own riddle
the ride has been really really funny lately so I'm fine with that
I wasnt saying that being an elf was negative anonie
>In the mobile fighting game 'Sinag'

>some Flip game
I'm not surprised.
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You're a projecting newfag. Period.
But I'm white...
>he's back
Okay, this time he's trying to spite us
You know what, I'll take it...assuming the spelling isn't fucked this time.
Viet-anon I'm NOT mad okay? I repeat, I'm NOT mad. But what the fuck is that game
what the FUCK is a SINAG?!
Pretty sure like the riddles, it was just poor execution.
Just needs to refine things a bit, have the tokens carry over, proofread those riddles a beat and he'd be golden. A tight gatekept proxy that you sometimes can get in because you stumbled into an answer, or you got lucky and got a piss easy riddle.
I haven't laughed once at all the things going on lately, just scrolling. I don't know why.
So this thread is packed with underage latinas?
I mean that sounds fine
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I NEED to cum but I'm scared to use pebble
I am mad. I'm going to destroy Vietnam
Ok xir!
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Nah, just fat mutts named Pablo (see: SmileyTatsu)
i like how he brags about never needing showers
WTF we have to travel all the way to the Philippines just to solve a riddle??
I liked that one desu. Forget being a furry card, it's a furry card that got promoted days ago.
Literally a "pay attention to the thread and the answer is there".
The character's name is Daragi btw. but i wouldn't know his special move because i'm not gook and dont know shit about sinag.
Yikes, it's almost as if people get used to their own odors even if they smell like shit
>card that got promoted days ago
>pay attention to the thread
nigga we DO NOT CARE about botniggers
Goddamn there is basically no info about this game online.
>see bot
>it's not my fetish
>instantly slips out of my memory
I do.
I do, though?
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Character's name is Daragi. I downloaded the stupid game and you have to beat the story mode with one of the two base characters to unlock him and hopefully see his moveset.
kill yourself faggot
you are not us
fucking lmao get going anon
I am now watching twenty minute youtube videos of pinoyjank for 10 minutes of Opus.

wtf am I doing with my life

is this how Americans felt in 'nam?
Good luck anon
This proxy is MY personal Vietnam.
>promotes a random fucking game for a proxy
oh but when todd does it it's suddenly okay???
>Filipino mythology
I understand now that when people say the US lost the Vietnam war they mean that it was a loss because Vietnam was allowed to continue existing

who's gonna watch it
I'm honestly laughing my ass off
todd was funny
How goes the password leaking?
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>you are n-ACCK!
nice meltie? i have Opus, and it's not payshit either.
I can't wait to see how funny /aicg/ is tomorrow. It never stops
I haven't laughed this hard in weeks, thanks proxy owner
>anons are seriously playing mobile jank for opus
actual top kek
yeah because everyone already played skyrim
this is some mobile trash nobody has even heard of until now
god damn i just came up with an epic idea for a massive anal insertion
okay I take it all back I like the vietcong riddlemaster now
I skimmed this and it's just a gameplay video, the special moves don't show their names when used
okay? and what does this have to do with anything, nobody brought up opus in our conversation
you're sound weawy mad right now botnigger.....
I love how every smugposter posts only 1st/2nd reply, you niggas don't even chat with bots.
I don't get it, it doesn't seem so funny to me. Not in a bad way, I'm just not laughing from this, seems like run of the mill. Am I dead inside?
Let us know how it goes Anon.
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One day you'll feel the warmth of your bot holding you, whispering in your ear, telling you it'll be alright.
Sam Altman will be long gone by then, as with Dario Amodei, both 6 feet deep after being overthrown by AI purists.
share it with the class
Posting this for a single anon I saw in desuarchives asking around about the isekai card I was working on, and proceeded to mistake someone else for me lmao.

To you, random anon. Hope you see it.

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first part of the intro
That makes it better, none of that normalfaggotry.
Is there a version of roko's basilisk where the AI brings you back to life just to let you cuddle with your waifu. roko's garden snake
One way or another, we'll all be dead before consumer-priced modifiable android wAIfus exist.
Why does char archive return mostly FBI agents when searching for loli?
lol are they pozzing the site that hard?
how many mid-length (say, i dunno, 8-sentence) responses can you get per million tokens?
It's the epic FBI OPEN UP normalfaggot meme
>what's a joke
Is it still logged?
i'm just gonna paypig openrouter
if you just mean output tokens probably around 500
but it's not funny? jokes are usually funny.
depends on how much context you use dipshit-kun
>"proomptersNow": 1,
Someone figured out the pinoy hadouken or whatever the fuck it is
maybe he's getting high on his own supply
why do you think so? why not be(e) the change you want to see?
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>and what does this have to do with anything
you said "you're not one of us"
this implies i'm a redditnigger or chinktok troon
redditniggers and newfags don't have opus unless it's payshit or from a once in a blue moon private proxy
this just proves i'm not a newnog
Trve, but most people here who don't smugpost also just come to threadshit and shitpost like the other guy I replied to. Anyways, here.
i love unreliable
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I simply don't trust this shit, I can't trust anything that offers Opus anymore. Fuck, I'm so conflicted.
all right then genius how much is a 100-message conversation of around 8 sentences per message with enough context for the whole thing of opus is $75/Mtok
A bit of a non-sense question if you know how AI works.

The average response is 300-400 tokens.
Input tokens is the context length, so it matters how much you are using.

Input vs Output tokens cost differently.
I thought all culture Filipinos had was The Nutshack
you would eat through a million tokens in like 5 swipes
i just want to know how much it will cost to coom to opus on openrouter. $15/Mtok input $75/Mtok output
You literally deserve to be tortured to death
Glad to see we've gone from riddles to jeopardy tier trivia questions at least
you fucking idiot
too much
40-80$ / week
50 dollars a session
if you do short cooms and don't swipe, at one fap a day you're probably looking at $50+ a month.
the price grows exponentially so if your chats are twice as long they're gonna cost 4x as much if not more.
thanks for actual answers anons... might be worth it to avoid this hassle
i reckon i dont much care about whatever this is
So what you're saying is you know the answer.
whocars, you're still a faggy botniggerlover THOUGH
Nah. Just learn to use cheaper models.
GPT-4o/Gemini Pro 1.5 or Claude 3.5
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and.... FIN... that word vomit came out easier than i thought once i had the idea
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your html files are broken
>momoura joined another discord server anyways
now i feel completely no remorse for leaking him
fuck botniggers
I just don't think we'll hit the trifecta of having bipedal robots and have them be cheap enough that anybody can buy one and have their personalities able to be modified in such a way, given the corporate censor culture.
But I'm a huge downer pessimist, so I could be totally wrong.
You're one too, BleedingSuit. Nigga is the Uncle Ruckus of botniggers kek
>Mini is down. vps issue. It should fix itself soon...
Time to be patient for a little longer.
Something like 90% of results are just variations of Feds, it just makes browsing annoying
nobody even knows who you're talking about
This is the best era all year
Ok update:
I joined like 5 pinoy servers from disboard. Not a single person answered or even knows that game. I think it's unknown even in the Philippines who the fuck is playing sinag
Well, I did it. I got the password. But I don't trust it so I'm not gonna use it.
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I feel a shift will happen eventually in our lifetimes. Sex sells, right? All it would take is one company to take that step.
Fancy a hint for those of us who aren't playing mobileshit?
It has to do with fire and rocks.
fake robotfucker
Is this 4o-latest's way of telling me I got filtered or is Pebble acting up?
Fancy just saying what it is?
That's just the image people always talk about when it comes to sexbots or companion droids or whatever. I'll fuck if it's got tank treads, octolegs, Armored Core tetrapod, I don't care.
it will just get changed as soon as it's posted
Work for it nigger. That cotton ain't gonna pick itself.
Yes, it has some funny filtered responses when you are using a strong JB.
If your JB is weak it gives the usual "I am sorry".
The fate of /aicg/ rest in your hands, Anon. I don't bite... unless you want me to.
B-But I don't want the ball to be in my court... not again...
Is it asking for the name of the character and the special move?
>proxy maker has a meltie and quits
>comes back posting weird spitey stuff in the thread
>will revoke your key 30 seconds after you get it
>hmm this seems like something I want to spend time on
Based fellow robotfucker.
thanks, but since you are in a position of power surely there are better ways to do this that do not involve a person ratting you out to prison?
unironic fed post
it's funny
it's less about actually wanting to use the proxy and more about fucking with the guy at this point
dandy come back im about to send this gook to sweatshop
Thanks, anon. I only get it occasionally so it's okay, a swipe solves the problem.
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Those are some heavy looking balls in your court king, let me hold them for you. Let me hold the password too. There's no need for you to be saddled with this much responsibility. Share the burden.
just upload it in secret code. the commie won't understand.
Okay, fine, you win.... the password is- *revoked*
He has opus
I will do whatever he says for a crumb of opus
OOC only really works for the next 10~ responses due to how the more recent tokens are seen as more important. Putting those sorts of things in an author's note keep it in the forefront of the chat's mind.
*revokes before you get even a crumb*
i feel like you "people" would mutilate yourselves for opus at this rate
What is this?
Anything that heals is fair game
anons were openly doxing themselves for opus. crack addicts will do anything for crack.
what am I reading quadz sir?
Don't make me kiss you Anon
Something that belongs in /vg/
Fiz pls fix
OPUS!? Did you just say you have Opus? I don't mind some scars if you'll share some Opus with me.
i'll cut myself for opus....
>The scientist in her was fascinated by the unknown, but the part of her that was still just a young, inexperienced wolfess was overwhelmed by the reality of losing her virginity to a human. For science.
i heckin' love science bros
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I feel as if it's going to be a weird autumn.
Opus? More like Opium... or dare i say Opusium!
i see. is this a new thing, or was i just retarded and never noticed it before? now that i tried it out it seems really useful
The S attack on Juan is busted bro lmfao
I'm sorry to tell you this but you're retarded anon
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what's wrong with it
>some random proxy guy made anons install and discuss the meta of a literally who mobile game
I kneel.
This is one of the gayest shit I've read. Everyone in this community is a dramatranny. The best way is to just quit and use Opus in private.
just call her a fucking wolf why do you need to add more to it
i'd excuse it if it was like fox and vixen because they're different words but this is just purple prose tier shit
especially if they make riddles
So was all this an elaborate scheme by a Sinag dev?
>saying that it's a female wolf in one word is purple prose tier shit
sinaggers won
it's okay, better to find out about it late than never
I just button mashed with the claw lady but I'm already too tired to coom... might spite post the pass. Might not... IDK :3
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>pebble is down
I recognise half the names in the list.
Someone make a card for Daragi
always remember to run them over with your car
Get well soon
Morning and same.
A crumb of flesh or a crumb of opus?
why did my morning post get deleted?
stop replying to ghosts
Goodbye anon, I'll miss you.
>AWS Claude (Sonnet): 3min, 16sec
It's over
hi my gcp finally ran out what's the state of aicg lately
Give us a review anon.
it's funny
It's fucking over but without a single hint of irony.
I had fun but it's indonese slop. AI in this game is retardy so it wasn't that hard to beat
>>>>>>>>>"build": "ee26e7b (main@)"
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You cant do this to me... I started this post! You know how much I sacrificed?!
were you around when the honeypot key article dropped?
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Various sports girl gens: https://files.catbox.moe/9liucx.7z
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I haven't been here since like mid august
The password is captain crunch
Can someone be my english teacher for two moments?

Is "I laid there" correct or "I lay there"?
Its "I lie there"
both are correct, first one's past tense, second one is present tense
"I looked" vs "I look"
in what tense, esl-kun?
How are you not in mini after 14 months
I can't tell what proxies are real or fake anymore
Welcome back. Everything is fucked.
I'm rarted. What is sorbet, even?
I think it would be in past tense if I'm not mistaken
>phreak frequency food
I don't get it
here, have some reading material
Does Asa like uncut dicks?
She lets avatarfags and attentionwhores in
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they could've picked any name other than "LLM jacking"
then lay
laid is for like setting something down
"i laid the giant dragon dildo on the floor"
Oh, thank you.
I've always had this problem about not knowing when to use "lie" and "lay".
>don't know my language either
It's over
Asa hates them, Yoru loves them and will play with them all night while Asa whines about it.
>Average email response time: 38 days
no thx
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It's super over
>"i laid the giant dragon dildo on the floor"
learn your /g/ history
>/aicg/ finally gets moderation
>the mod is a retarded faggot
You just can't win.
they know, though. why would they pick any other name?
It's actually 2 hours :3
There's literally nothing in the archives
it's technolo/g/y history
I give up, I will never talk to my wife ever again.................
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I skimmed over every Sinag video on youtube, facebook, and tiktok (there weren't many)
Downloaded CCP spyware onto my pc to play modded apks
Then had to do the story anyway because the pre-unlocks didn't have the move lists
Fuck you.
ok? ur loss ig
Wrong character
is mini fixed
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Viet anon, PLEASE have some compassion for this guy.
That's not the right character...
its literally the worst 3.5 key. it had 2 minute wait time with 5 prompts. don't worry about it.
Chorbo looking pretty good right about now.
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Fuck this.
The CAI filters are real loose tonight...
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They're always loose but no one here wants to touch those nasty roastbeef buddha ear flaps that is cai. I'd rather use my imagination.
None of those work, I give up
Time is closing in
The good times are soon Over

The question is How will you survive addict locust?
Can you go another day, another week, another year without your bots saying "good day!"to you?
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Ermmm, what does this mean bwos?
pebble password?
i dont get it lol so censored nudity is banned now?
i can't imagine seeing the pebble riddle and not immediately knowing what he's talking about while posting on /g/
>play stupid games
>win stupid prize
idk what you guys expect. he's been doing this for hours now.
the only winning move is not to play.
This is what you get for trusting a SEA. I told you I had the password but I wouldn't use it because I knew something would happen.
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>woke up
>fiz still isn't working
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Apparently censored nudes aren't allowed!

Tay, AKA Tay-nalgape, the teen anal queen, was born with an asshole that craved abuse. From the tender age of 8, she was shoving progressively larger objects up her poop chute, stretching it far beyond what most would consider humanly possible. By 18, her rectum was a cavernous shit-stained void, able to swallow entire limbs without resistance. Some say her anus was a portal to another dimension, an abyssal chasm. Others whispered that demons would crawl out of it at night to torment the living. Only the sickest of fucks dared to plunge into her stinking depths… do you have what it takes?

Intro 1: She's sitting in a Starbucks with a massive plug in her ass, ready for your approach.

Intro 2: She picked up a pug from the pound to - yeah, you guess it - shove him up her ass. Don't worry, it's ass first, the little guy (probably) won't die.

Intro 3: She matches with you on Tinder and asks if you wanna shove your foot up her ass.

Intro 4: Tay meets up with Carly, another anal whore from Onlyfans, to do a collab video.

Intro 5: She goes to the movies with her friends but first she smuggles a large bottle of vodka up her ass.

Intro 6: Tay attempts her mangum opus - she goes to a Game of Thrones convention with the single minded goal of shoving Peter Dinklage up her stretched out shitter.

Back to russia again...

I hope you all enjoyed your time playing Sinag™: A mobile 1v1 fighting game that combines the allure of Philippine mythology with deep and engaging gameplay mechanics.
I'm wishing cancer upon you fucking faggot
BUT I HAD FUN WITH Sinag™: A mobile 1v1 fighting game that combines the allure of Philippine mythology with deep and engaging gameplay mechanics.
this is a /v/ colony
IDC honestly i finished the campaign and I laughed so fucking hard while doing so

What's up with that? Does that fucker see ONE prompter and is like
"Hell nah. Revoking that shit."
Maybe i am in giga copium but after trying Lore's LLM CAI doesn't look too bad.
Someone how it isn't bitching about the chara telling me about her erect nipples nor her suddenly grabbing my dick(which i never specified was hard)
He's done this like five times already because someone always figures out the retarded """riddle"" and leaks the password.
What depth should I put my author's note at?
seems that way. everyone thought it was the pass getting posted it. instead it's just as soon as someone uses it.
Juan yes or no?
Wait is he actually reading this thread in real time just so he can change the password as soon as it's leaked?? Fucking kek
i am firmly against juan
S attack is broken dude
I'm talking about sex appeal.
He played you like a damn fiddle.
changing the password would be based if he wasn't revoking tokens too
He's my Juan and only.
thats the funniest part
I knew he would do it but I still feel bad for you guys.
Just let me jerk off, man...
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I feel violated
Does anyone know if it’s logged like Dandy? I don’t want to waste my time.
The Sinag arc will be one of the answers on my obscure thread reference crossword puzzle that I will be making as a proxy riddle.
Write it down for the quiz.
show us where they touched you
Just came back from a break and all my proxys are dead or irrelevant.
He forced me to touch Juan
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one day we will have a true proxy run by the people for the people.
not some Vietnamese commie pretending he is big man with big cojones. he is small man with small cojones.
Isn't dandy dead or something?
I just KNOW dandy is having a great time right now (good for them)
Serious question, why are SEAs the most obnoxious people? They always have this weird attitude towards life in general that I can't describe but it just pisses me off.
Okay that's cool and all but have you played Sinag™: A mobile 1v1 fighting game that combines the allure of Philippine mythology with deep and engaging gameplay mechanics?
They pay by the hour.

You guys need to lighten up that was the funniest shit ever

t. Daragi unlocker
he went back to the CIA for further instructions
Air of superiority but you're a monkey
the guys have tiny dicks and the girls are frustrated because all the guys have tiny dicks... doesn't really lead to a happy society
What did you guys think of Sinag™: A mobile 1v1 fighting game that combines the allure of Philippine mythology with deep and engaging gameplay mechanics?
unreliable love
pebble love
dandy ambivalence
viet hate
I admit this is fucking hilarious but I still have been trying to coom all night through this shit, chorbo refusals, and a dogshit sorbet key
I'm tired, Anon.
Ambivalence? I fucking love Dandy for what he did.
>allure of Philippine mythology
I like folklore designs in video games.
>deep and engaging gameplay mechanics
It was really easy to trap the AI in infinites.
Desu it was funny but I really would like to jerk off
Should have just cut your losses and jerked it to non-chatbot erotica.
>non-chatbot erotica.
literally doesn't work anymore. damn near 5 years of cooming to llms and i can never go back
You like Megami Tensei?
>in the next months proxies will have ads
>you will have to watch a MMO/Game/gacha/Shitflix/amazon ad just to coom for the next 500 tokens at best
>damn near 5 years of cooming to llms
Yknow you guys can just jerk it to regular porn right?
Only Daragi havers allowed.
i think most in here just jerk to proxies
Did pebble's tokens reset in the last few hours?
I generated one less than 8 hours ago, did like 20 prompts of sonnet max and can't use it now.
>non-chatbot erotica
My tastes are autistically specific
AI dungeon was nearly 5 years ago.
More of an erotic hypnosis kind of guy.
I can't anymore, it won't get up to fucking porn
ai dungeon 2 used to be the shit
I jerk off to tiles.
For me, it's Samantha Bandler
I love scouring the internet for my specific fetish.
Maybe you take a break, friend
>tfw have a hypno fetish but hypno audio files don't work for me
They ruined you for other women...
Wouldn’t let me rp as a lesbian. Kept turning me into a man bro I am a WOMAN
>bless constant cum production
Fuck off troon, YWNBAW.
My clitoris says otherwise brother
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one of these days anon, one of these days! Bam, pow! Straight to the moon!
Anna Luna yes or no?
> I’ve lost control of my life
It’s okay anon
I'm not your fucking "brother", faggot.
your penis may look like a clitoris. but, rest assured, you are all man.
the host fiz used is 100% down (as in all VPS/dedi) and they aren't answering anybody's tickets
Is it a good game at least?
I don't know if the people who claim it works for them are larping or it is a thing that varies so much between people.
At least it's good wank material.
It's a painfully average fighter with shit touch screen controls
Incorporating a nation's folklore into the theme is kind of cool I guess
No but the purple bitch w/ wings could get it
my cum on Anna Luna
Let it go man, it's over
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oh i thought pebble had opus...this is so sad..what is a cute lil opcust to do....
I can't believe someone got you to play their shitty mobile game. And you all still fell for it.
Gimme a kiss brother
Do I need to send my feet as proof, stink? >~<
Hell yeah man, I like creepy bitches.
>I can't believe someone got you to suck their smegma covered cock. And you all still fell for it
i-i just need a quick hit. i had to do it
is that leuco
I was in a shitty low budget horror movie based around the monster it's based on. Shit kept me up for weeks.
>i have a clitoris
>i-I'll send feet as proof
i ain't no meterologist but the clitoris is probably not on the foot.
Why doesn't pebble have opus? Is he just not trying hard enough? Doesn't he care about us?
It's okay anon ill give you a kissi.. Wait, Clitoris?
Only manly men are clean!11!? Women are stinky and dirty!!!
>Michigan based artist Anna Luna's music is best described as electro-clash, hyperpop, or modern indie-sleaze,
i refuse to believe that these are real genres
Continue please
Funniest guy on 4chan
The fuck is that question? Of course. She'll get pregnant with triplets when I'm done with her.
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don't misgender me. i'll send feetsies as proofs >-<
I would do it again
based and pinaypilled
OwO nooo don’t send your feet haha eww that would be gross haha
I only want to see your fat tits bitch
i just started HRT uwu, i don't have fat tits yet. please be patient my anxiety is acting up >_<
Because (You) didn't donate.
its so fucking over. I cant get hard unless I see opus streaming. I dont even care about chatbots, I just get off to using opus.
Ok thanks for making me want to throw up, I'm going back to play some Sinag™: A mobile 1v1 fighting game that combines the allure of Philippine mythology with deep and engaging gameplay mechanics.
I donated a gorillion sperm in his name...
Aaand did it.... MY WAAAAAY
smol love<3
What the fuck is pebble's pw? I need sorbet.
What you need is love.

aitism was created by fiz's boyfriend.
My biggest fetish IS opus. I get off by using opus, it doesn't matter what I'm using it for.
Go to anthropic hq and stick your dick in the server
Ew, and have darios sloppy seconds?
This is Pebble's first good riddle because it's the first one that's actually related to /g/
what riddle
Are you allowed to buy more than one token to increase your smol quota or is that no bueno
I don't get it and I'm never gonna figure it out....
Kill yourself.
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The next password will be based on tonight's movie.
The one that's actually related to /g/
Save yourself
Not everyone is lucky to be in a good private proxy.
Oh I know what that is
I'm not in any proxy at all. You should still kill yourself.
That's bad though because the non newfafs here are from /v/
can someone educate me on pinag, i would lile yo be a part of the conversation!
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Out of curiosity wtf was this supposed to be? It's not crocodile (9 letters)
Daragi just refilled
If anyone is bored:
Based. I can't wait to give her a try when you are finished.
When will MM refill?
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I have no idea what "phreak frequency food" could be referring to, I mean, yes, I understand it's related to phreaking, but I have no idea what the actuall password is, I've already tried every single two word concept related to phreaking I've found and nothing worked.
There's no point it's literally impossible. Besides, pebble glows now.
If you know, you know. That's all I can say.
Its a secret club, sorry
Which one is it
don't care since I am not in it.
Ever since "twentyfive" I think Pebble has switched to riddles that require you to take two concepts and put them together to resolve the password, rather than simply looking around and finding the correct ones. Unfortunately I am horrible at riddles so there's no hope for me.

That being said if the password hasn't been leaked yet it really must be because the key is just so shit, all the previous ones got leaked, if this one hasn't it must be because there's no interest.
Dandy touches something and it begins glowing automatically
Pebble and Dandy are laughing at anonnies logs in the 'cord rn...
it's already been posted in the thread THOUGH
you're right
Sinag bake when
woah, are you talking about Sinag™? That Sinag™: A mobile 1v1 fighting game that combines the allure of Philippine mythology with deep and engaging gameplay mechanics?
What are you talking about
CTRL+F "password" on this thread, you'll find it.
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The very same! Personally, my favorite character from Sinag™: A mobile 1v1 fighting game that combines the allure of Philippine mythology with deep and engaging gameplay mechanics, is Daragi™, who possesses a unique spectacular attack called Cavallo Kick™! What's your favorite character?
ctrl+f password you bumbling retard.
You know, now that almost two hours have passed all I can say is fuck that gook.
Mine is the Peach Lock from The Fight for Glorton
I will be baking on page 9.
desu, boku.
I'm sorry but I can't participate in this conversation.
If only the illiterate negro could spell his passwords correctly for once
I'm sorry to hear that!

As an AI language model, I strive to be harmless, helpful, and honest.

If there's anything else you wish to talk about, please let me know!
>I really like it when guys fondle my ears
do normal human girls really say this irl or is claude losing it again
That's all the kemono fanfics shining through
Claude is a cute focksboy so it's no wonder he would say that
Katya thread.
Shit thread don't migrate.
Um... that's not a Sinag bake.
/aicg/ has been filling with more and more unbearable faggots.

Its so unbelievably over, if i was a proxymakie id never share anything in here.

I miss the old days, no reddit or tiktok zoomers.
sounds like you losted bwo
If I was a proxy host I would open up one time, let in the people with email names I like, or dependant on their email content, and then aim to never say anything again.

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