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Asano edition

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference and music examples
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>EQ Guide (Measurements, Targets, Equalizer, etc.):

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• EPZ Q1 Pro / G10 (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Kefine Delci (bassy neutral) - $75
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• Faaeal Iris 2.0 (warm) - $10

• Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• Shanling M0s - $100
• Hifi Walker H2 / Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
• Tempotec V3 - $200

Previous thread: >>102507423
This girl poops and farts sometimes
Why are her eyes bulging out like that?
Frankly it doesn't make a ton of sense that you have a very small sample size of two other earphones, one of which you like, and want to jump to $700. There are many types of tunings to try (or EQ your Blessing2 to) before committing to a heftier price tag. Anyways, Softears RSV.
This is a physical problem. There is no way to circumvent reality of your ear having wax and it sublimating / depositing onto an object inserted inside. Cleaning and maintenance, use a 300-level mesh filter as an additional filter element to capture wax before it goes deeper into the IEM.

>or get two separate dongles like the fiio ka11?
iPhones generally under-power / nerf the specs of most "powerful" dongles anyways. So stick to Applel dongle unironically. No, in my opinion it is not driving S12 pro or Xenns Top to full potential, but for your phone it's the optimal solution, and it's not bad for PC either. Maybe get a desktop stack / AIO and reserve dongle for mobile phone use.

>Looking for something very specific
State budget. Sealed all-balanced armature design probably suits your use case.
Hisenior T4 or Kiwi Ears Orchestra Lite
thoughts on a sliivo + space combo
space is outdated, get luna or some other fotm dong.
sliivo shit is meme as fuck. you mean the 1+4 tinnitus blaster or the sa6 re-package tinnitus blaster?
>slop or slop
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I am a girl!
Oh I see, it's the makeup!
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(Guy In Real Life)
the sl-41 mk2 so I guess the 1+4 tinnitus combo?
what iem and dongle can I get in this price bracket
allegedly the sliivo is better than the pula/ck
kara is unaesthetic
chopin is ugly
dawn pro uses some gay app
luna too many coins
smsl d10 bigger than the space
>allegedly the sliivo is better than the pula/ck
nah senpai
Please recommend me decent IEMs for $20 or less.
Don't want any of those with moisture problems. I want something comfy that lasts a decent amount of time and won't give me tinnitus.
I would look at OP but apparently it is severely outdated.
>but apparently it is severely outdated
The rentry? It's up to date.
>I would look at OP but apparently it is severely outdated.
Even when it's not outdated it's usually just a trap.

>won't give me tinnitus.
Then stay away from IEMs altogether, it's not bad tuning that gives you tinnitus but the tendency to keep the volume too high when wearing them.
3 1/2 hr canjam preview wow
Looks like they have seen some shit
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Should've known the 1khz scoop was a fucking Psyop. Neutrality can kiss my ass, I like my mids being forward.
Based female vocals enjoyer
gate is so fucking trash it's not even funny
feels like putting bottom of the barrel landfill in your ears
what do you expect for $20, at least its better than edcpro
chu 2 costs the same and it's metal
dayum this bitch ugly i regret zooming in
anon specifically requested something that doesn't corrode or clog like chu 2
Not landwaste
What's bad about it though? Cheap shell, tuning? Can it be the drivers? Seems like the same driver that's used in Hola and Hexa and possibly more of their iems though.
Is it just Truthear in general?
>at least its better than edcpro
...which can be as low as $5, if Gate is better at all, then marginally at best, not "4x the price better"
no its 4x better, i wouldnt use edc pro even if it was free so it is in fact infinity x better
who cares what you would or wouldn't use, your personal kzphobia is entirely subjective
n-nobody wants to discuss Canpur CP622B?... just lunch money pos?
your personal kzpedophilia is also subjective pagpag cultist
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Budget: Less than €35, I live in Spain.
Use: Lay in bed and watch porn with volume, walking down the street, maybe while riding a motorcycle especially if I can find a helmet with a spot to hold them outside of my ear canal so that I can still hear traffic well.
I don't know anything about frequency response. I listen to shit like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tGRKzUcFlY
and 2000s metal like Disturbed and Sabaton.

I have been using a Sony WI-C200 for the past 6 years that I bought for 10€. I have no complaints about them except that it's difficult to clean them and my ears hurt after 30 minutes. I think I have sensitive ear canals. They might be small. I don't know. Something that prioritizes comfort or some kind of jelly material is probably important.

I also hate having shit in my pockets. Absolutely hate it. So I want something that when I take them out of my ears, if I have to put them in a case, the case isn't bulbous.

Another thing, I have two laptops in my bedroom and my phone. I want my headphones to connect to laptop 1 if it's available, and if it isn't then connect to the second laptop, and if neither are nearby or don't have bluetooth turned on then it should automatically pair with my phone. It's annoying turning my headphones on and they automatically connect to the last device and I have to get up and go turn off bluetooth on the other devices.

Normally I research the ever living shit out of things before buying them but this causes me to not get anything done. I've wanted to buy new headphones for years already. I'm ready to just stop caring and let the companies win.
For $3500 I expect a metal shell, canpur looks like a $500 iem at best. Either way what's the point of discussing something nobody here owns or is interested in buying?
just get space travel or some shit bruh
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>For $3500 I expect a metal shell
i gotchu b
>EDC Pro keeps getting mentioned in every thread
you can't deny it's already a classic
vox populi, vox dei
I've never heard of these.

That square ass case looks like it would feel horrible in your pocket.
stfu sweet baby inc shill
Of course, ones like >>102536395 can't even hide the sheer terror they're feeling when seeing the name anymore.
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The absolute state of TWSfags.
>maybe while riding a motorcycle especially if I can find a helmet with a spot to hold them outside of my ear canal so that I can still hear traffic well.

I don't think anything that goes in your ears is good for traffic usage, even with ANC Transparency, it just doesn't let through enough. For that bone conduction memes would be better.
His eardrum didn't rupture, it only deformed.
you just know lil thirdie bro tryna get a payout. he set those buds to a fire lol
Earplugs are recommended for your health. Earbuds are illegal. I might look for a helmet with a slot to put earbuds into so that they act like tiny weak speakers. There are lots of helmets with built in speakers. If I can put some cheap earbuds in a slot it would save me hundreds of euro.
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>Mossad can hack into your TWS pos and make it explode in your ears
That looks like it was set on fire
Real music?
>not posting the standard Trailli which are a 6000$ variations (basically the same drivers lmao) with a hollow plastic nylon shell
this guy says the ck is better but the pula isn't, and is the only one implying the ck and pula aren't the same iem
not sure who to trust though since I don't know better
figured I'd get the sliivo, because nobody else itt has it
sl41 is a peaky mess bro but do w/e u want
100 confirmed?
so I should get the ck instead, even though it's aesthetic isn't my most favorite, because someone said the meyer version came out first and the pula allegedly has some qc issues?
>someone said this
>apparently x sounds better than y
bro just get the damn sl41 and cope when you get it. you'll learn for yourself why listening to impressions is a load of horseshit, or you have a pos you enjoy. either way you win. they're all coming from the same OEM with a bunch of chink occlusion to hide from customer service QC responsibility.
get what I want but now I'm bothered by you saying they suck ass and are literal trash
I don't want buyer's remorse
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"Looks fine"
Jude Mansilla, founder of headfi
>not using any pos + eq
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>"Sounds better than the graph suggests."
bro i'm just meme'ing and don't think i went that far. i called them tinnitus canons or w/e in jest, but to convey the point that they are peaky and pushed in the upper mids - lower treble. look at a graph and decide for yourself. do you like brighter, more forward presentations? then it's prob fine. if you're on the opposite end and prefer warm, balanced, bassy, then you're looking at the wrong pos for sure.
>not using the most comfortable pos + eq
A-Are they worth it???
i prefer the latter but i have good headphones with eq for that
I want IEMs and a portable dac for when I go outside
thought I'd yolo the sliivos to be different
I do have tinnitus btw
There are no good headphones.
>go outside
also consider that it comes with a chonky audiofool cable too then. maybe you're fine with it, maybe you'll hate it and it'll even negatively impact wearing comfort / ergonomics. it's a good cable as far as thick ones go, but it's not what i'd choose for an out-and-about cable.
I feel like big cable and portable dac for outside is no issue for a manly man such as myself
Nooo you must consoom blueslop.
perfect for the edc pro tinnitus blaster
Pagers then walkie talkies, now this?
honestly I'm sure I could tell the difference in sound between any IEM in my desired price bracket, but at the same time I'm sure they'll all sound good in their own right
I feel like aesthetics, build quality, and comfort are most important
$150 iem or $50 iem + $100 player?
300 iem and 300 player
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to be honest, if they're not electrostats they're shit.
you are so fucking gay in so many different ways i don't even know how to start
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I asked in a different thread but this is probably the place to ask. I need a music app that lets me play an entire album and then pick another album at random and play it on its entirety.

If possible at the same time I would like it to play a song and the app would remember where you stopped and return to that spot when you return to the song after playing others?
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Recently got space travels so i made a little case for it since i didnt wanna buy one
Idk if there's any player that lets you do any of that, besides you can just put everything in a playlist and choose the next album to play.
iem market is solved by $5 pos + eq. i dunno what everyone is arguing about here.
it's not solved yet
someone needs to clone IE shape for cheap
all cheap iems are ugly af and you cannot eq drip
>canjam video drops
>0 interesting releases
I'm very sad.
SIAS is the real deal now
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Grab any tiandirenhe and eq them if you care about looks that much
Can u make me one
Fox IEM solved that problem.
You can literally make one yourself, get yarn and either a 3mm or 4mm hook, put some yt tutorials and you're set
>coreir brass tips won't turn green
Sorry chud, but you can't EQ out coping and EQ in techs
Doesn't look green to me, what gives?
>that cable
>those tips
>some boutique overpriced pos
head-fi tards deserve everything that comes their way
>Doesn't look green to me, what gives?
and now?
Lucky me for getting Al Alloy version
Elysian Apostle, DUNU DK 3001 BD, Aroma Audio Fei Wan, Forte Ears Macbeth, Softears Enigma, AME Raven, Melodic Artification Alter Ego, Unique Melody Maven II Cresent, Lime Ears Terra piqued my interest. Other budget stuff should appear via headpos dot com, linsoul, leyin, dunu, letshuouer, probably moondorp/transjim/turdear, etc.
>Check canjam posts and footage
>Find nothing worth buying
>Already happy with everything I have
I think Im going to spend money on cars instead.
is anyone going to attend the seminars? mainly the sean olive one and the mems speaker one too
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>Intentional eye bags
I now love Korea.
no after going last year i dont really give a shit about the seminars.
Enigma is okay albeit massive, the rest of those which are graphed range from bad to horrible.
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imagine paying 3K+ for that
looks okay to me
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imagine if it's just 1dd playing
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What are the options for musicians here? Specifically a drummer. Option for 100$ and sub 100$.
kefine delci and artti r1 will give a nice full bass sound, but metal shells aren't really ideal for musician performance
epz q1 pro and tkzk ouranos should fit a bit better for stable fit and noise isolation but aren't as low-end-kick-specialized
oh and at the very cheap end, tangzu waner or celest wyvern abyss.
slightly above budget, aful explorer
IE100 Pro
can't go wrong with German engineering
the new changzu looks so hawt bros, i want to redeem!!!
I'll take a look at those, comfort is important, its been years last time i tried iems that had a nice fit.

The graph on the Aful looks weird tho, all bass and mids but no treble? Can't imagine how that sounds.

How love to go that route but i always heard bad things about their iems.
reminder if you order from place like amazon returns are ez. try 1 / top 2 picks out for a bit and return what you don't like or what doesn't fit well.
netherlands, please release my pos...
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so fucking sexy bros...
i mean it's aight bro, jeez keep your pants on...
damn right there's jizz in my pants, look at that thang
Raw Techs
imagine the gunk accumulating in there
the d*tch will never let it go
sweet mother of instrument separation, resolution, macrodetails, microdynamics, transient, trailing ends of tones, punch, slam, imaging, attack, musicality, soundstage, decay, naturalness, plankton, impact, rawness, openness...
I still believe this is possibly the single greatest piece of music ever written. That's why it's so popular.
Ultrasonic cleaner + anhydrous alcohol
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What do I get to upgrade from an HD650. I don't mind slightly worse vocals for like better everything else. Under 1K either IEMs or headphones would be great. Focal and Audeze stuff I can demo if need be.
any pos + eq guide
take any IEM (people will bitch about hybrics/planar/dynamic, but distortion isn't an issue if you listen at normal volumes lmao)
EQ it to how you think sounds good
hi bros, please recommend an IEM (on Aliexpress)
budget: 50$ but I can pay a little more (+20$ max) if its life changing or something (never had an IEM before)

just want one for listening to cute girls talking in my ear as in ASMR (very important) and listen to some music. Noise cancellation would be cool too but its not a must if it gets too much expensive.
So techs is when music only has 25% of audible frequencies, interesting.
Kiwiear Cadenza
moondrop lan is under $30 on ali right now. that or celest wyvern
New pos!!!
>Exciting New Audio Products Shenzhen International Audio Show SIAS 2024
>Hiby R1
CS43131 with R3's screen estate at $60? What a time to be alive
I always thought that May without DSP is shit, but on the graph it actually looks good
Graphs don't show micro/macro detail, timbre, texture, tonality, body, air, soundstage, imaging, and resolution lol
what's with those jonkie bags under chingchong eyes
stress and malnourishment, or perhaps just added with make-up to give the malnourished look
Those cables are just peak autism

Do you have Lan? I've rarely ever seen anyone recommend them.
Convert your music files to album + cue. Load a playlist of album files on shuffle but because you have cues you can still play individual tracks. Any decent player can do this.
How do you think DSP improves any of that lmao
Why on God's name would someone.purposefully do that
It makes people look thin and beautiful
Nothing more beautiful than bug eyed junkie. Nips are fucked in the head
Fish9 anon here with a update. Only had them since yesterday. Cable is easily the best cable I've ever had come with a pair of IEM, two sets of triple flange ear tips, one is grippy silicone and the other smoother and softer. They respond to EQ so well, huge subbass rumble out of these little tiny BA. Tonality is a bit off but that is probably because I am still dialing in the EQ. They are comfy but not as comfy as regular IEMs but they definitely block out a lot of sound and I cant even get them in super deep. Good set IMO
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>he still uses delta sigma
cya nerds
is Gato good for female vocals?
>dipped 6k
how to make the most bland neutral
>buy R2R for warm sound
I look like this
They look cool but at the same time seem so long and thin I'd think twice before putting that in my ears.
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I'm still here hoping for recommendations.
Just got KZ Castor and contrary to what the seethng anti-KZ shills keep dropping here, it's pretty good.
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Pos? At least not another copy pasted graph.
this is wrong since a mid scoop would let you easily listen to things like miku or loli/noisy voices in anime shows or asmr/drama cd
a "thicker mids" enjoyer indicates that they love male vocals and is gay for male vocals or otherwise they fantasize that they are what they hear (lol)
it's not about neutrality.
the problem is the way they master music, the vocal compression effects would change the way vocals always sounds making 1k more forward. a scooped 1k means it would sound neutral as it counteracts the applied compression. in fact when I do listened to streamers when I had ear infection I had to scoop 1k down to -20dB.

now what I'm saying is that vocal compression is applied by people like streamers in OBS or in mixing studios but also the fact is that even a flat mic can have vocal compression due to how the flatness the mic makers decided was based on having compression or the flatness of flat mic is based on actual hearing data (where ear canal modifies lots of gains) now that said the only way to truly get untouched is to do so with mic that has no built in compression like phone's mic or a asmr/binaural mic who uses actual ear dummy as the way to compensate for the flatness (a compression in the form of physical) or a simulator occlusion in form of metal or ear again like the asmr/binaural mic but also not let the raw data be modified or "compensated" or "loudness compressed" that way you can listen to vocals in perfect reproduction even with a compensated device with thick mids.
that said most music makers do loudness compression on mids since male vocals are too low it is mudded in the mids but in effect this destroys the soprano
looking forward to this too, maybe it's the M0 Pro upgrade i've been waiting for
Just noticed that's $600 not $50 one. Hell nah.
>I do listened to streamers
I listened to streamers*

also the thing I;m saying with why binaural mic is even more neutral despite having like a fucking compensator or the ear canal or ear dummy rubber thing is that most binaural recordings typically do not require people speak directly into the fucking ear drum but rather when someone speaks in front of stereo mic they speak in front of the stereo mic which the behavior is different and is even going to be modified by the room shape if it is reflective or not. the flat studio mics don't and singers sing in front of the flat studio mic or in some cases it isn't even flat and has its "in-house" compensation which sometimes even a singer in music industry would not sing unless they use the mic they're very used to! (contrary to audiophiles who are consumers, true singers or producers focus on the microphone)
so conclusion, vocals all sound weird.
they are pre compensated in mids since they're meant to be played in a room speaker or car speaker. (in fact 1k is not even mids anymore and it is soprano range note in first harmonics that is why hearing tests only up to 4k lol which is like 8kHz in sample but also there's not a lot of instruments or musical natural things that mimic or is in freq beyond 8kHz, even the picollo can only do 2kHz at hearing range or = 4kHz in "file" sample rate).

yes mids always sound weird since they are all mastered differently depending on the artist or audience preference/input + the mic and its hardware-coded compensations + the producer or sound engineer/post-production inputting compressors and crushing compressions by boosting the tail end harmonics + the label making shit louder to make it standardly loud despite already distorting lol so they apply a distortion fix + plus the preference of people over time to prefer distorted vocals which some claim it sounds comfortable since it reminds them of their childhood radio distorted voices and fake voice due to those fancy mics
invest in eartips, there are known manufacturers and new technologies such as moondrop spring tips or trn t-tips medium which I like a lot as it fits my ears but it may depend on your ear shape and iem. there are also other ones like azla sedna which can have SSS size. if you have old earphones you can try using its tips. also if it's your first time using IEMs or earphones at all remember to tone down that volume, instead clean your ear wax which definitely makes the sound better than buying audiophile stones.
Tanchxixtas, bunny is perfect for metal !! New driver has better techs and res!I can't wait for it! https://youtu.be/9FiNnfRk24s
Saint was right all along
Received Quintet today, I was looking for upgrade from Shozy P20 mainly because of fit. The Quintet soundstage sounds very narrow compared to Shozy and I don't understand, are planar memes really that good when it comes to wide soundstage sound?
That's aegyo-sal or "baby fat", it's a symbol of youth. You have this too if you are younger than 30 and especially when you smile.
should i expect a hifigo sale on Oct 10th like it says i the OP
>anything metal
Yeah, they love matching the day and month for sales 10.10 and then 11.11 that usually has the bigger discounts
Very cute. Nice knitting skills, xista.
>scrolling /g/
>In-Ear Monitor
I haven't met anyone who looks that bug-eyed in real life so gonna call bullshit on that
>driver meme
how do 10.10 sales go on that website usually?
20% off site wide?
1) Multi-driver vs. single-driver
2) Multi-driver: Harder to achieve good channel matching and cohesion
3) Imperfect channel matching -> Worsened imaging perception
4) Single-driver: Cohesive sound - smooth transition between frequencies
5) Tuning: If the units you received are similar to the common squigs seen (not guaranteed), then there are significant differences particularly in mid bass and upper treble air
6) Mid bass: Associated with a perception of depth in lower frequencies. In comparison, thinner mid bass then lacks depth, lacks rich body and textured resonances of lower frequencies
7) Air: Associated with sense of space. Gives upper harmonics of treble sounds extension and brilliance. Lacking air then means that treble sounds decay and roll-off, have less life.
8) Quintet has real mid-treble peaks which are masking details.
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I am just starting on the headphone hobby, so please bear with me
>Budget $75 (mexico)
>intended use: Calls, media, maybe vidya. Just a clear sound.
I am still learning about frequency response... but something that could enhance the experience when listening to electropop, synthpop, electronic, post punk music
>past gear
>hyper X cloud stinger, stf aurum headset
> Thoughts: My old Hyper X headset kept me good while listening to music, but the jump to the aurum headset was a downgrade at first but I got used to it.
Now I am tired of headsets now i want to use headphones for more comfort.
Techs is essentially FR and can be fixed using EQ with sine sweep manually. The best way to EQ is to fix channel imbalance caused by unique ear gain for each individual ear canal. Equal sound pressure throughout the frequency range can be achieved only using EQ for both channels separately. Any pos with EQ preset and both channels equalized sounds better than anything.

So IEM market is solved by $5 pos + EQ. The best appearance can be obtained by ordering IEM with custom face plate. The only remaining IEM issue is durability.

I also have Fish 9 and ER2XR. All the Etymotic like pos have terrible channel imbalance which cannot be fixed due to constantly different fit no matter how you set them. Also nozzle filters are clogging pretty fast and channel imbalance becoming even worse. Despite that they have superior passive noise isolation.
>>102548836 (me)
>The only remaining IEM issue is
I also forgot about fit issues.
>Doorbell speaker tech
ahahahahahahahahaha so exotic and audiophile! such resolution and detail! bahahahahahaha
I fixed my Quintet timbre using EQ. It sounds neutral at high frequencies. Pic related is measurements with EQ preset overlay.
if something is wireless and small enough to fit under helmet, it probably sounds like shit.
so deal with the wireless options that do exist (and stop being a picky beggar and a chooser), or switch to wired (with all that implies, getting a dongle for your phone if it lacks 3.5mm, etc).
scarbir, rtings for twshit reviews. soundpeats, jbl are decent brands in general.
we deal in earphones here chuddy.
kefine delci overall pick for comfort and sound.
if you "need" calls and in-line mic, then tanchjim one dsp or simgot ew300 dsp.
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Kinera Celest IgniteX Beast
>Have you heard it
celest going ham with the wyvern re-hashes huh...
thinkgen of getting sliivo + tanhim space for when I take walks
It reminds me of when I was new to the hobby... Very poor choices
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I really want to like IEMs but everytime I try a new pair I run into the same issue, the treble just generally rapes my ear while I don't really have that issue with headphones
cymbals always sound super distorted to me even on high dynamic range records

was I just unlucky with my iems so far or am I missing something else?
my current pos is Tangzu Wanker
>Graphs don't show
that's exactly what they show, retard
it's just treble beyond 10k, clearly visible on graphs even if we take the infamous coupler resonance into account
even that is partially possible to see on the graph
what get instead
eq guide. a pos sealed in-ear creates resonances (peaks).
or pick a non-pos
and provided everything with your source is good, as far as "super distorted cymbals" (you're probably not using distortion correctly), you *should* be hearing the more granular, accurate sound from the iems, not the headphones. so your headphones are smoothing over the detail, whereas you're hearing the fine detail with your iems for the first time. the recording is shit, very common. feel free to post specifically what tracks.
using eq isn't piff nor peng
Space is ~$80 and outdated, buy a cheaper but just as good dac/amp like Fosi DS2 and put that money on a better and less obscure pos...
Any? So I can just get the cheapest KZ like EDC Pro and be done with it?
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Yes, it's like a better Elysian Anni (S+ ranking) without tinnitus air
If you get KZ you'll have to EQ entirely by ear.
arent all these cheaper dacs all the same in specs with the space just being smaller and with better build quality?
if I were to get a dawn pro for example though, what iem do I get if I contribute the dongle price difference towards the iem?
>All EDC Pros measure the same on squiglink
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>A pair of EDC Pro doesn't measure the same at all on the same rig
>If you get any pos you'll have to EQ entirely by ear.
Fixed that for you. No thanks.
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>Three independent samples of EDC Pros measure with consistent channel imbalance.
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>noob operator
>borked cable
First and third are the same picture.
>borked cable
>anybody's fault other than KZ themselves
>most are perfectly matched
ah so kz sells channel imbalanced units AND shit cables. but we all knew that already
nonono don't worry bros. KZ EDC PRO 2 X will solve everything and be even more endgame than the last!
>buying last month's kz slop
>not waiting for next weeks slop
lol newfags
>it's still miles ahead of final and 64 audio matching
Why not both?
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Guys, it's been a fun ride.
But now it's over.
Fix your KZ garbage lol.
>rando source
>very likely a user error with the 2pin
>can just flip it
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EDX Lite is also good.

Fix your ego.
good as in sounds like shit? lol feel free to share irl pic of yours with timestamp or graph of your unit from your coupler. waiting.
>sounds like shit
>1DD minimum phase with awesome extension
>can just EQ to whichever you think is good
skill issue
ah nvm, you're just shilling slop you don't own to unsuspecting victims.
again, skill issue on ur end
Isn't the stock tuning largely irrelevant on a 1DD pos? It's like criticizing a smartphone b/c you don't like the default wallpaper.
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I want to make my own custom earpieces in silicone. Which iems should i put inside? I'm going to take the plastic shell off probably, but which iems have a slim construction that don't stick out of your ear?
delci and tinhifi t1s/t1plus on the budget side
as things get more and more expensive, they also get bulkier and bulkier, at least for chifi
western pos like shure, westone, sennheiser, etc are still pretty slim
You won't hear the difference with inverted and straight phase response. It can be emulated with Equalizer APO filter:
# Copy: L=-1.0*L R=-1.0*R
You can compare it by yourself.
aful performer5 or cklvx
*won't hear the difference in most contexts.
important to differentiate between audibility in ABX testing vs in real life with different tracks
either with eq you faggot
I can hear it and I can pass the blind test
i refuse to eq
EQtrannies are on the loose
How do we save /iemg/ and get to talk like actual pos instead of having a herd of malding EQfags spamming their shit
by including it in the op in the advice format thing. eqfags would be based as well if it weren't for their crippling autism
Actual pos doesn't matter beyond the comfort and the looks, which is all individual. If you care about sound quality you EQ.
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KZ/CCA release decent, even great sets from time to time, but they usually aren't ones that I'd gravitate towards or recommend, especially with what is known about their frequent stealth revisions.
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Do you ever go outside wearing a fancy (+100 dollar) pos? It's always some cheap pos when I see someone using them outside, but to be honest using one of those shiny colorful ones in public is kind of awkward.
Outside I only use Etymotic, inside everything else (cheap pos, that is)
Make sure to use white silicone for the jizz-filled-ear effect.
nah bro. outside is what beater pos and tws are for. i protect my good pos
ABX test relieves you from self-suggestion factor. Your mood can affect the sound perception stronger than objective factors.
Depending which one. If you invert only one channel, you'll certainly hear the difference. But fully negative phase response is really hard to recognize.
The problem is the local audience is made up of people who have been duped by marketers and spent huge sums of money on devices which vanishing costs start about $5.
Locals need the help of psychologists to cope with this injury.

If the pushback against scientific knowledge (Harman research) and objective methods of sound change (EQ) wasn't strong here, this place would be much more interesting.
when was the last time you stared at some strangers ear
that's right, never
wear whatever you want, nobody cares
you look way more schizo taking calls over tws, it just looks like you're talking to yourself and its impossible to not notice
bro harminge """research""" and eq are not in the same boat. eq is based. harmeme is pseudshit.
blud we have enough brownoid kz shills, if the entire thread were like that holy shit it would be worse than a thread full of chuzos
chuzo > gaymousetranny, on dogs
fr fr no cap ong
we really peaked with the eq guide huh...
i was thinking just black for a fetishy sensory deprivation type of look
Used to use Variations but it's obsolete now.
...by what?
Any research gives you some knowledge. The Harman iem target doesn't match individual preference due to individual ear gain not accounting in it. This is due to approaches of extrapolating over ear headphones target to IEM and not because of the whole preference target research being misleading. That's the only most consistent research on the topic.
KZ is very controversial pos manufacturer. QC issues and silent revisions cause justified doubts on their production. But not in the ultra low-price segment, where quality control of EDX Lite is better than Moondrop Chu 2.
brownoid reads a paper and thinks sheeeeit im white now
Trying to EQ them to make the sound more smooth and airy, do you think I'm in the right direction?
he's pretty on point, it'd be nice if you had actual worthwhile points but here you are being as obnoxious as everyone else
>more smooth and airy
>cuts out air
>no narrow filters
do yourself a favor and read the eq guide man
What's that app?
shut up nigger
Fiio control
>do yourself a favor and read the eq guide man
Shit, I completely missed this link, thanks, will read.
>Moondrop Chu 2
Chu 2 doesn't have QC issues, it has material & design issues unrelated to QC.
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>oh my gosh i found a unit that the matching isn't perfect therefore the QC is bad
Okay, instead of quality not meeting standards for some percent of units, all the Chu II have issues with filters being clogged after a month of use and peeling paint from wet air during the rain.
pos wins again
>have quality issues
>it's unrelated to QC
nta but do you not understand what QC means?
Do you? The entire point of QC is to make sure every single product has the same quality and no defects. That anon mentioned it has material & design issues, that is definitely a QC issue
why do people post so many fq charts but no technical performance charts
why dont you start then moron
no, that is a design issue, and has nothing to do with QC/QA.
moondrop's teams designed it as such, and production has to maintain good QC, which they do by meeting the specs laid out by the design/eng teams.
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>guy who exposed KZ silent revisions, useless drivers, etc is now a KZ fan

Times are changing, fellas ! KZ has some bangers ! Praise be to EDX Lite, EDC Pro, Linglong, Trio, and Castor black !
forgot CCA Polaris and D-fi (cheapest meta)
Then how come it doesn't affect every product and just some percentage of it? They're being retarded if they didn't do a stress test before approving the final design
>15db ear gain
depends. the use of brass nozzle is responsible for both oxidation (annoying but not harmful to the experience) and condensation. the use of that particular filter, which is mostly just a paper-like mesh is also pretty bad
the reason why reports are inconsistent is because of inconsistent contexts. the clogging filter issue, however, is prevalent across many of their models. this could be a qc issue, sure, but i lean towards the idea that the filter itself combined with a lot of condensation leads to these results.
seriously wtf is wrong with you greyrat? go do some shit besides dickriding tyvan and obsessively following niche chi-fi forums. nonody likes you, nobody cares about the shit gear you've burbed money on.
Because you can't measure mental illness.
When will golems learn.
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Intuaura's waifu.
sovlless chinkslop ai
long live asano tenki
Presenting the first ever techs graph. This is empirical and scientific evidence and not up for debate.
What about PRaT and plankton.
unfortunately the 5128 is unable to measure those statistics, i will buy a klippel though and we'll get them next time
your pos doesn't score a 4.9 MDAQS? lol!
Now do one for cables and another for sources
Unfortunately I am a stock cable enthusiast so I don't have any relevant cables to list. I can do sources though, no problem.
>stock cable
say less. your opinion has no weight in the world of audiophilia.
techlet cope, stock cables are carefully tuned by the manufacturer to have the most harmonious sound with the pos
cable rolling is like eq, its cope
Budget Softears Volume? I'm gonna cop
That sounds like more blueslop.
Best noise isolation if money is no object?
Simply build your own country without anybody around.
64Audio A18t CIEM
looking for iem for prog and death metal focused
max budget $300
FiiO FA7.
No, not like that.
honestly genre doesnt mean much, people still have vastly differing preferences for how the music is presented. do you like it to be aggressively sharp, or dark and bassy? and everything in-between. see shopping renty and eq guide. start somewhere (if you can order from amazon for ez return, all the better), then you have context and a baseline.
Etymotic ER2XR
I recommended them because they have very punchy bass.
it's a pos from 2019 nigga move on
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sooo... is having batteries in a stem safer than this round/ball design?
Not using blueshit is the right choice.
stop posting this garbage. some poorfag teenager held some buds to a fire and posted them online.
>you're probably not using distortion correctly
yea, I think it's more of a ringing noise if that makes sense?
in certain tracks it's unbearable and essentially masks everything else for me
>feel free to post specifically what tracks
these for example feels very agressive in general with IEMs and not so much with headphones.
I think that's probably just shitty japanese trebly mixing though

also if you have pos recommendations (or non-pos preferably) I wouldn't mind hearing them
If the battery did explode, it would've looked different
>stop posting this garbage.
Only if you learn English rules of capitalization.
editor here, havent been keeping up so if theres anything that i missed, lmk
I like the space travel knit case, vote to add
Eh so neither of those tracks are recorded and mastered great, as suspected. Speakers aren't magic, they can only play back the recording as it is, and it's not good quality. I don't have a particular issue with cymbals on either track, but the second track "Cuckoo," has some interesting ultra high frequency noise starting around 2:25. Anyways, that's my hearing and the IEMs I'm using (picked up Artti T10 and SeeAudio Yume II, not endorsing them specifically, just what I chose). The basic gist of it would be to identify the "real" 8khz peak of Wan'er. It might move around between 7-9khz depending on your ears and how the IEM is inserted. Lower that a few db and it should resolve the issue. Read the EQ rentry guide in OP, play around. And well, your best experience critically listening to gear and identifying issues with their sound will be with better mastered music.
loli feet
Hag love
What is the iems for milfs?
Cadenza 4
>Then how come it doesn't affect every product and just some percentage of it?
Because they're not being all used in same conditions. Some are used in wet climates, some in dry climates. Some users sweat more, even the chemical composition of sweat could be a factor and is different depending on diet, health and ethnicity. There's way too many factors that could explain why not all are affected.
Either way the important thing to say is that the known Chu II issues here are not some chink factory worker doing a poor job here, it's the design/engineering teams doing a poor job. The sweatshop worker is making the final product up to specs he receives, hence it passes QC, it's just that the specs themselves are flawed.
And by no means I'm defending Moondropped here, because the issues remain whatever their cause is, I'd say it's even worse if they're potentially pushing a poor design to be manufactured.
so chu 2 is only a problem for fats and thirdies, I'm thinking based pos tbqh senpai
but for real what were they thinking not using stainless or aluminum, the nozzle isn't even visible 99% of the time there's no point in using brass
>Fats and turdies
That's basically the entire general
You've just never had anyone smile around you.
Not true, I remember an anon posting his 64 volur before
No but with my binoculars I see them smiling to each other
>but for real what were they thinking not using stainless or aluminum, the nozzle isn't even visible 99% of the time there's no point in using brass
Steel would probably be more expensive to manufacture as due to its hardness it requires better tools, not sure about aluminium though. I've seen aluminium do weird shit with moisture too, though.
most likely a fat firsty
Hi guys, lately I've been thinking of upgrading to a better pmp as I've been rocking with a crappy one for almost 15 yrs. Requisites are decent audio quality and small size because I plan on keeping it in my pocket mostly. So basically anything longer/wider than 10cm is off limits (one smartphone is enough, thank you). Both Hidizs AP80 Pro-X and Shanling M1s seem good choices to me but I'm not quite sure. Does anyone have recommendations?
Shanling M0S, or wait for the Hiby R1, see >>102544531
Just read on head-fi that KZ is about to spawn another planar, PRX this time. I wonder if this time it'll be any different from PR2 v2 or just like PR3 was PR2 v2 v2, now we're gonna get PR2 v2 v2 v2
That neck looks very breakable.
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I got the IE100 Pros but their comfort is not as good as I thought it'd be at all, they're pretty average. So now i'm looking for an IEM. My budget is probably like 80 dollars or less but the cheaper the better.
I don't care about sound quality that much, I much prefer comfort (I know it's a bit subjective).
I like hearing vocals clearly.
What are some decent options in this price range? I'm considering Kiwi Ears Forteza, Moondrop Lan, Simgot EW200. Any other options?
Epz q1 pro is the most comfortable for me, ew200 is also good.
Check gazette archive for measurements and extrapolate from there:

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