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>5. Restrictions
>No Distribution of Modified Versions: You may not distribute modified versions of the software, whether in source or binary form.
>No Forking: You may not create, maintain, or distribute a forked version of the software.
>Official Distribution: Only the maintainers of the official repository are allowed to distribute the software and its modifications.
with those restrictions, whats the point?
why would you obey the restrictions anon
what a shitshow
someone fork it and relicense under the AGPLv3
>No Forking: You may not create, maintain, or distribute a forked version of the software.
That's like saying you're not allowed to git clone the repository. It's also stupid.
muh restrictions, muh copyright.
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jeetfags IMMEDIATELY fixing typos and other bullshit like formatting
christ, get these niggas a peer reading job in academics or something
Amazing patches for gorgeous looks
The source code was leaked years ago.
Someone deleted 100k lines of closed source code after 0a4b7d3
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>Removing code which is not open
lmao what do they not understand how git works at all? This commit and the "don't fork" thing make me think that.
>almost 2GB of "code"
Can someone fork it and give it the +NIGGER license and call it "Nigamp"?
so you can look at it
"It really whips the buck's ass"
I laughed harder than I should've at this
kek incel so fucking obsessed with indians he's now just making up his own narratives
>... SAR...
you're looking pretty stupid right now
Isn't this a media player why the fuck does it need geo ip
So is this just the same as the old leaked codebase, but now in a mildly more official and somehow even less useful form?
>gets BTFO for projecting headcanon
>"y-you're looking a-awfully s-s-stupid n-now..."
>media player
winamp is now a platform to sell nfts chud
I live in Russia, I don’t care about western licenses, what are you gonna do, move to Russia and sue me?
Retards leaked SHOUTcast DNAS source code, left some Dolby code inside and also leaked their cert and password inside their shit.

And more shit will get discovered. This is what they get for their shitty license.
Lmao, what a shitshow.
I'm archiving the repo on my hdd.

No way this isn't gonna end in shit.
Provision for forking is mandatory under github's terms of service. Their license is invalid
SÀRL or SARL just means LLC in French.
Bonjour SARL
What a colossal shit show. lmao
Funny thing is they can't stop people from forking it since they agreed to that via github's tos.
The lesson will be learned: never open source your shit.
Open source is cancer and full of trannies.
>Jean Frenchois Maggot
Linux version when?
linamp when?
glow harder
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I am a simple man;
I see deleted source code commit, I clone.

WinAmp team confirmed BASED btw..
The people who own winamp now don't know even how to code. It's just some company that bought it to start some NFT music scheme. They had no way of knowing that there was proprietary code in the source.
Not necessarily. Perhaps whoever uploaded it does not have the legal right to dictate the license term, so they violated Github ToS and the repo would have to be removed, but the license would still be valid.
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Llama whipping bros, it hurts to see Winamp like this. It was supposed to be the chosen one.
This reeks of incompetence.
I don't think the current winamp team would be able to write winamp.
well obviously; they're web developers
Portt you lazy nigger, you even have the source code now
nobody would use it after a fuckton of work
might as well start from scratch

yeah uhm...
where's the pynose dev when we need him?
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>License BTFO
Port it to linux, it so badly needs a usable player
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it's really weird to make an account to maintain the repository right?
how to compile using tcc?
it really whips the llama's ass
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nice crayon license bro
Look at the code nigger, it's like all win api. Starting from scratch would probably be faster.
shut up racist incel and crawl back in your cage >>>/pol/
genuinely asking
what's stopping me from forking all the code
modifying the files so the binaries dont match
modify the gui
release as my own?
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bro this timeline sucks even winamp is pozzed
*public domain
fixed, sick of muh restriction retards
that's not how any of this works
Wonder what Justin Frankel thinks about this release
Literally free labor. This is the ultimate cuck license.
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yeah that worked well
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Guess you could say it really whips the freetard's ass!

Haha this sucks.
Based and bluepilled
>The Winamp Collaborative License is a free, copyleft license
AGPL really kicked the freetard mental gymnastics levels into overdrive, so now you can call every super restrictive license free and copyleft.
Freetards are genuinely retarded to think that all of these licenses are anything but a huge fucking leap toward less free software. Meanwhile, actual free software in 2k24 is licensed under the BSD (for "based") license or MIT, which is actual freedom.
I hacked into their computer using html and css. This was their google search history:
> copyright lawyer Florida
> how to open pdf
> how to delete fork button from github pdf
> how to delete fork button from github
> how to check if code saved after power outage
> how to exit vim
> how to add commit to git
> how to upload code repository
> btc usd exchange rate
> how to fake competence in it job interview
> bbc cuck porn
What the fuck, I don't work for Winamp
>lol I forked it I'm so clever. clearly they don't know how git works
the reason they released the source code was because they no longer believe it to be valuable other than a curiosity of internet history. the reason they retain draconian licenses on it is in the off chance that it becomes valuable in the future so they can cease-and-desist clones to oblivion, not because they actually care if people actually build it themselves

the reason they did >>102535802 was because they remembered that code was contracted by third a party and that showing the code is probably technically a violation of a contract, but the company probably no longer exists so they don't really care that much (hence not --force deleting the history), they just want to appear in compliance

that's my read anyway
Good morning sarl
Kindly redeem sarl
Indians are subhumans sarl
All I want is a version of Winamp 5.51 (the last one compatible with all plugins) that highlights the song being played in the Media Library.
That's it. That would solve ALL my problems.
I'm guess I'm lucky to have an almost hassle-free life where the only problem I have is that the song I'm playing in Winamp does not highlight in its Media Library when it's being played, but I'm so close to it it's unreal.
There is nothing special about the source code. With those restrictions you can't even copy small parts of it, legally ambiguous if you can even "learn" from it to create something similar.
The license doesn't allow you to fork it or distribute modifications.
Anon, you can do anything you want with files you find on the internet. Nobody is going to stop you.
Open source forces you to have code hygiene since it's going to be public from day one, instead of accumulating garbage
You haven't looked at Gradio, have you? Huggingface spaces are powered by it and yet it's mostly garbage code that breaks on the next update causing anybody restarting their spaces to find they no longer work without a way to fix it and having to take hours on code changes to upgrade to the latest Garbagdio only to see it happen again on the next version.
That happens when they don't use their own code and don't care about backward compatibility.
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Well the first thing I see is a well written readme file with the knowledgebase required to start working with it instead of a vomit full of typos
So, create your space and wait till you have to spend hours fixing it because new code changes completely break it.
At least you'll be starting at Gradio beta 5 so it'll work for a while.
And it's not like there exists any competition to Gradio, when it's Gradio or nothing, they can do whatever they want.
>Assignment of Rights: By submitting contributions, you agree that all intellectual property rights, including copyright, in your contributions are assigned to Winamp. You hereby grant Winamp a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, copy, modify, and distribute your contributions as part of the software, without any compensation to you.
>Waiver of Rights: You waive any rights to claim authorship of the contributions or to object to any distortion, mutilation, or other modifications of the contributions.
This requires a signature tho..
And probably consent from your employer if you program as part of your job.

lol why not foobar2000, it is still developed to this day
Um, Winamp's title formatting?

This is what I use:

[$ifgreater(%length%,101000,$ifgreater(%length%,394000,$null(),$mod($div($sub(%length%,101000),1000),18)$mod($div($sub(%length%,101000),10000),10) ),$sub(100,$div(%length%,1000)) )]$if2(%title%,$filepart(%filename%)) $if(%bpm%,%bpm%bpm,$null())$if2( - %artist%, - %folder%) . $fileext(%filename%) $if(%rating%,*%rating%*,$null()) $if2(%playcount%,$null())

It allows me to create titles for songs and sort them by length or the last time I listened to it or whatever I want on the Playlist Editor, I never managed to make something like that work on foobar2000, I think that was the decisive thing to stay on Winamp.
Doesn't work on Linux without wine
Why not just use audacious with winamp skins?
Can it play miniUSF files like Winamp?
There's a plugin https://github.com/joshware/audacious_lazyusf
who cares its abandonware
The other Anon is right, Gradio is hot garbage. Fuck that shit.
no Album List plugin.
64 bit version broke most plugins.
In many countries moral (authorship recognition) rights cannot legally be given up even by contract.
So possibly if you live in one of those you could contribute and then sue them if they refuse to give you credit.
They accidentally published a bunch of closed, copyrighted, and NDA'd source from Shoutcast (which they no longer own) and Dolby
Their stupid license also violates GitHub's TOS, which say you can't publish a public repo unless forking it is allowed by the license
One of those countries is Belgium, which is the country the license says is its governing jurisdiction
SAAAR do not redeem!
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who the fuck cares?
It still is okay to use, but whats the point when there is Strawberry as an alternative? Its the superior music player
Cool I guess but that license sounds kinda stupid. They're basically just asking for free labor. Which again, cool, I guess but.. come on winamp it's already over for you.
If only this was an open source project with multiple tags so you could back to the version of winamp that was not infested with nft and other tryhard-ware
so pretentious. it's like gmbh. just say inc or co or some shit, grow up.
What can they do if some chinese nobody rebrands it?
>No Forking
Nirvana wen?
They are different legal structures. Companies often have branches with different legal structures for tax evasion purposes.
Frenchfry bros, why u like that to them?
who gives a fuck? winamp sucks. I am as interested in winamp source as I am geocities source or bonzi buddy.
so, are you bonzi buddy or not?
Yes, remember when the downloading button would get stuck, and the only way to continue was to restart the UI?
So they implemented a cancel button, hurray!
But then the cancel button would get stuck and the only way to continue was to restart the UI.
Does Strawberry support SNESAmp?
Apparently I hung up to Winamp because of my chipmusic.
Imagine being one feature in a music player away from Nirvana, and decades later it's still not there.
It already runs with wine just fine at least when I tried it. Don't notice any difference.
He's right. What the fuck are they gonna do about it? Sue an ip address?
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The audio player? Wasn't it discontinued years ago? I thought I was the only one still using it.
you can do whatever with the source for yourself
if it breaks copyrights it will get taken down from all reputable platforms, no distribution will provide packages
and nobody will download it from some shady site
Protip: If you get static or distorted plyback in Winamp on Wine, go to
>Preferences - Plugins: Output - Nullsoft DirectSound Output - Configure
and enable "Create Primary Buffer"
is there any link of the source before the mass deletions?
the code point is still there:
you can even see what was deleted: >>102535802
You can start with personal modifications, copying, changing over time, and eventually wind up with something so significantly different that the source code no longer resembles the original. That's how a LOT of projects come to be, especially open source projects.
Wait what the fuck. I don't know anything about git but nothing's ever get deleted? I know you can access hidden revisions using the hash. But it makes me wonder how the fuck can you recover if you published private certs and sensitive information.
>how the fuck can you recover
you don't, mr.satan
you can't.
you can edit history and force push but it's useless if other people have already cloned and/or forked it
>nothing's ever get deleted?
by default nothing gets deleted (that's kind of the whole point), but you can force push a version without the history. or just delete the entire repo and start over

>how the fuck can you recover if you published private certs
By invalidating the cert. You can assume someone already cloned it even if you delete the history.
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so they can 100% get sued over publishing NDA'd code?
It'll be funnier if AI gets trained on proprietary code and somebody scans for fingerprints. I can't imagine the massive shitstorm, it's like they used AI as a way to fuck over every company using it.
Best way if to delete .git, which removes all history, create the repo new and force push that. So you reset everything.

There are ways to remove specific files from the whole history and change every single commit to not include that file anymore, but it's kinda worthless, since the data is already out there if you pushed to any public repository where anyone else could have pulled from.
Wait GitHub is actually based for once?
This entire controversy is absolutely retarded. The proprietary code is 20+ years old and the binary was free even if the source was closed. Nobody even used this shitty bloated nu-WinAmp anyways which is why it faded in to obscurity and became abandonware. Because it's shit. The older versions had soul but that source is nowhere to be found. Now and entire generation of no-code retards is jumping on the bandwagon thinking they are "pwning" because they are forking an old repo with a couple proprietary header files in it and getting lulz from an unenforceable license that doesn't mean shit for code that is unmaintainable and there will never be a community fork worthy of using ever. Get a fucking life you retards.
Dude, is fucking 2024! Who gives a shit about Winamp?
wow thats a name i haven't heard in a while
living in Russia is enough punishment for you
Lol they went absolute retard with the license. Should've just used AGPLv3.
thats the part missing from the story. was wondering what made them release it out of nowhere
deadbeef works and feels very similar
typical FOSS cuck writing code for free
your integrity
your moral compass
your fear of being punished
*punch kick noises
pow boom pow HIYAA! (anitfa and blm thugs go flying)

oh, I just got back on /g/ after beating up some shitlibs, I recommend you check out the FOSS project audacious and how it supports classic winamp skins.
Many such cases
Sorry goy only (((Stenzek))) can relicense other people's work.
that's even worse, patching readmes is solely a jeet job
You can recursively delete files from every version using git. Its not recommended in any safety critical environment since it rewrites basically every commit that touches that file.
has cool themes
simple interface
plays music

many,pre-2007/08 retard phone wave intardnet, do
I use aimp3 since like 2014, aimp4 is a shitty souless flatshit tho
Fork it as винaмп
Holy shit, thanks for this. I finally found the Gogeta winamp skin here that I used to use back in 2004.
Easy points for their github profile. The shoutcast code they had to delete after opensourcing this because they didn't notice it was there is more egregious.
/g/ is too low IQ to realize this is a roundabout way to release code they otherwise couldn't have done without getting sued

kids here need to learn what plausible deniability is
>>No Forking
they cant say this
maybe they need to read github's ToS
not the no forking part
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Was all this included in the leak from years ago?
The leaked repo is a mess so if it's under some other paths I can check there, but otherwise I'm not looking myself.
Repositories of patches like Opera 12 had but less gray area
>all the furries making Twitter tier shitposts in the repo
So you're telling me the stable diffusion ui is broken all the time, not because of the project itself, but because of the shitty ui framework it uses?
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I'm gonna check random files
What's a file that displays the programming quality of the author(s) ?
now this whips the llama's ass
They eventually rewrote the Git history to exclude the code that should not have been released from the start. However, because Github stores the code of all forked repositories together, you can still access this commit that's part of countless forked repositories through the original link.
Just like the Shoutcast leak, this smells more like incompetence than plausible deniability.
shitty UI frameworks and their consequences have been a disaster for cross platform usability
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Wouldn't this also overrule Copyleft GPL-style licenses on projects submitted to Github? You can add fineprint that forbids Tivo from using your sourcecode without releasing theirs, but by submitting that code to Microsoft Github as publisher, Microsoft expressly grants Tivo the right to fork it and modify it and use it as they wish. It is Microsoft's sourcecode.
Not that. sc_serv3
What is the modern day equivalent to winamp and foobar2000?
I use qmmp as a winamp replacement
I enjoy audacious
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Absolutely disgusting
don't spill your soya milk
Is milkdrop2 in it?
We should port milkdrop2.
>5. Restrictions
https://github.com/projectM-visualizer/projectm this is in qmmp
What a glorious pile off shitcode.
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I won't use a music player that can't show album covers on the album list
Cool thanks, gonna take a look
If the uploader did not actually have the right to distribute the code, then others also aren't allowed to do anything with it. Github ToS does not override copyright.
for me it's still foobar2000
Yeah, it's busted
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Works on my machine
imagine how much better the world would have been if you had just posted the image instead of a screenshot of a xeet with a thumbnail of the image
makes RE trivial since you have actual source code instead of decompiled code.
i don't expect anyone will bother to RE that crap in $CURRENT_YEAR, mind.
they are the same crowd in /g/ that define everything in terms of "jobs". which means code monkeying jobs of course.
the first time i saw the term "GitHub Portfolio" used (unironically) was here.
the shrinking "job market" is the best thing that could ever happen to hacking culture. much less rando retards around who think they can bullshit their way into dictating every conversation.

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