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Previous >>102489339

>What is DALL-E 3?
It's a text-to-image generator made by OpenAI.


AI Slop

>How does it work on Bing?
In Bing's Image Creator, "boosts" are used to speed up the image creation process, each user starts with 15 boosts. When you use a boost, the AI creates your image quickly. If you run out of boosts, the image waiting time can increase, usually if you refresh the page you can get the picture earlier.

>New dall-e proxy

>Landscape and Portrait regeneration
Follow the instructions here:

>Prompt Generator


>Related Boards
what brought you to /de3/ since we are nearing the 1 year anniversary. what were your first generations?
My first gens were wrestling related due to a thread on /pw/ where everyone was posting wrestling ai gens. it was a ton of fun. I still have my old gens in a folder. This was the first gen I made
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My beloved chinese vampire was the first one I made. /his/ wasn't really interested in ai compared to larping who's the biggest traditionalist or revolutionary so I came back to /g/
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My oldest saved gen is "Orc simp flexes in front of Elf ladies" (4th Oct 2024.)
(Today I can do better.)
haha love the evolution in skill to gen better over time.
used a different painting i found
Albert Aublet (French, 1851-1938), "Selene"
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>what were your first generations?
BMW SUV built in th 80's

At the time, I had no prompt knowledge. I don't master the artstyles, colors or any gen modifier. I learned everything here.

>what brought you to /de3/ since we are nearing the 1 year anniversary.
everyone had left "AI generated cars" in /o/ and /g/ had known DE3's thread.
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>what were your first generations
Oct 7th. Essentially character portraits for some old D&D characters.
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iirc that stuff wasn't a problem until some guy that was lurking their threads started selling them on Twitter kek. Would just save the stuff they posted and repost, until it caught headlines
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Oldest one I have
I enjoy the creativity of this photo
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Detailed 70's anime sketch, sharp edges, faced colors, soft pastel green & yellow palette. Comely young caucasian woman (pale skin complexion, chestnut hair, tactical outfit) piloting a mecha, inside view.
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Actually that was way off, found this in another folder from October 3rd. Who knows why I saved it
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Oh man this old saved stuff
picrel, bleeding cyborgs mostly. That's what I was genning on Dalle2 as well. Then I made lots of funny stuff like cats skating, nonsense food like spaghetti with jellybeans, police bodycam footage of ufo crash etc.
/de3/ was different, we were talking to each other, greeted each other. Many liked my faggotry and posted their own.
Way back I thought "wow this will only get better!" and just look at the state of it, what we have today is a massive regression.
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For what it's worth I do not believe it was organic. I am pretty sure it was either fake or orchestrated. I refuse to believe that celeb shit is that much of an issue to make the biggest AI company to lobotomize their models for it.
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This remains one of my favorites that I genned back then.
i can tell most of you fags are newfags (fagposter mascmen spammers) the real oldfags left for a better place
all of these fagposters are trooncel and faggercase fage taking off their trips and names to harass others
real oldfags hated 3dpd
those are all very neato opinions you shared with the rest of the class.
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imagine writing schizo fanfics every day about a 4chan general lmao
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how did you get that visual style?
my call out post may be censored but you know who you are
I think "dramatic intense sky" is what helps
>16bit game screencap of fantasy demonic castle, red river, dramatic intense sky, bismuth rocks, Extremely high quality in realistic details, 16bit dithering intricately pixelized game, extreme brilliance
>16bit game screencap
that combined with the dramatic intense sky is probably what made such a sweet visual combo. Thanks anon I will play with the prompt in just a bit.
I think the novelty wore off quickly for a lot of people. Not to mentioned the repeated upgrades to the filter and downgrades to quality, just making it less fun to use.
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You are welcome and enjoy. Works well with basically any concept. I am using Dalle API these days and this pixel style makes results more "imaginative"
oh my that is a very beautiful result. I like it alot.
And I will enjoy. I already planned on slipping in some prompts and changing a few things and seeing what I can build off it. Should be fun. thanks again
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That's right. This gen is so hot, omg! Hopefully one day we can make these gens again
oh also wanted to add... if you want some more sky variety try these 3 (not all at once but seperately, ive never tried all 3 at once).
>sky with nacreous, chatoyant or twilight hour
And this is what I got for result using your prompt unedited. very nice
i meant your gen is hot

I'm glad my prompt inspired you. Yes that three are very good keywords, I posted them. Once I wrote a long list of visually popping keywords but i don't have them anymore, I'll post them tomorrow if I find it. Keep up proompting!
>ask for tummy paunch
>actually get tummy paunch
indeed. i'll play with the prompt a bit later at the moment im playing with dot matrix, dithering, scanlines and various prompts after for some cool results.
Kinda looks preggo.
but how it feels matters most
>16bit game isometric pixel art. An urban city stoplight intersection at night during heavy rain. Extremely high quality with rich details, 16bit dithered and intricately pixelized graphics.
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where is everyone?
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ded thread lol.
I noticed. Sad
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highly detailed isometric map, watercolors. A coastal bar near a tropical forest, patrons sitting at tables.
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Poster for a James Bond spy movie. Cyan and orange hues. Bright flat colours, strong contrasts, deep black shadows.
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rough brushed oil painting. dark fantasy. heavy shadows. cell shaded, thick lines. skull. magical skull with an ice crystal on the top. skull floating in a cloud of mist. shard of crystal ice. skull fragments. glowing crystals. ice crystals. shattering. shattered glass.
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fixed hand
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ANY news on dalle4?
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First pic I created with bing
Fellas, what do I use to edit my generated images?

I know there's services that offer "inpainting", as in you edit just a bit of the image, but last time I heard about it was half a year ago and I don' remember which it was. What should I use as of now?
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I think the mistiness ought to be worked into the render description itself, to push the painterliness.
NAI is 25 bucks. super easy inpainting
otherwise SD, which is finnicky and then there's stuff like lamacleaner
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It's called Sora, and no.
>Sora is an upcoming generative artificial intelligence model developed by OpenAI, that specializes in text-to-video generation
>video generation
Well they sure as hell aren't working on another image generator when they haven't even released that.
so how do I use de3u again?
all I am getting is a blank browser window
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You need Python. I would say try using doll-e here, but .. I just noticed it's broken for some reason. Oops. https://twinkle-toes-doll-e.hf.space/
guess how I got the blank browser window
I did everything required to run the python script along with creating virtual env not to clutter my system stuff
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What URL is in the browser window and are there any errors in the console? It should be loading
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g-g-guys? where are you
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tested 10 prompts I saved and used like 6 months ago and every single one got dogged. sad times.
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Making awesome visuails
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Fucking tank controls
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I miss the early days of /de3/ before they started banning every famous name you could think of.
>Macho Man Randy Savage wrestling Macho Man Randy Savage in a wrestling ring. The entire audience is Macho Man Randy Savage.
I will never forget this prompt and the awesome it would generate.
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I liked unhinged Steve Austin
gah I miss the early days for wrestling gens. I used to think of shit like this or sci-fi marine suit steve austin with a merc team or a giant andre the giant fighting an actual giant. tons of good shit was done. and now you cant do 99% of it cuz they have to restrict everything to the point its not as fun. ah god damn I got hundreds of dumb wrestling related pics crossing over into shit like warhammer 40k and super natural stuff and riverdale with archie and other dumb shit. good times were def had during that era.
Why don't you try it with FLUX.1?
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can somebody explain why dalle messes up text like this all the time? why its so hard to make create the ikea logo it clearly has knowledge on. Im potato when it comes to understanding how this works.
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Dall-e 3 was never that great with text.
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this question is always being asked in burger hours when yuropoors are asleep
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virtual witch
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Am I the only person who, while using Bing, feels like I'm still living with my ex after the divorce?
Your ex was a beautiful man
Excuse me? I am that Goblin.
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How come we don't have any AI Audio slop?

Udio is fucking amazing. You get 1000 credits per month FOR FREE and you can generate 30s of audio just to see what the song will sound like. You can remix it.
You can even download the sound stems to modify it properly in FL Studio and other stuff. No more useless AI files you can't modify, it's all open source.
We used to.
There's AIVA but it does't use prompts when by now they should.
Since AI generated images became a thing i have been trying to generate images of women made of metal being used as weapons. Like, sculptures of women being wielded as swords or guns, stuff like that, but i have never had any luck with that, is it even possible to generate such a thing? Anyone knows?
Welcome to the world, little one.
My first saved gen was this, file is dated oct 1, 2023. It was in a /v/ thread, the first few /v/ dall-e threads were about generating images that looked like retro game screenshots.

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