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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Headpatting Catgirls edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

Additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

lewd: >>102534101
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wtf this isn't persona
smol love <3
never letting u in btw, i renewed my token, smolbros will never forget to renew their tokens :3
does anyone else miss banebaker
This post is an advertising.
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it's more of a general gore prompt, you need to turn it off usually cause it makes everything into a snuff film
I also need to find a way to make chars kill themselves willingly but without them feeling pleasure
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advertising what, exactly? its just a link to some info page bwo? the same as posting https://rentry.org/miniproxy for example.
its clearly said on the rentry that those are donation options
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yeah i guess it could be fun to add something like that
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>I want to be you
uh oh
Go back to Scylla, anons don't pay, only retards do.

Why hasn't the key died yet?
because this is smol
I genuinely cannot comprehend that people are willing to pay so much for an access and over 180 people bought this shit. I hope some anon will create an opus proxy to destroy that retardation.
Last shill, I should get back to actually writing bots now.
Cute sleepy loli deity, Rei!
Greeting 1: on a sunny day she suddenly plops down in front of you, adorable and sleepy, and you're her new favorite human!
Greeting 2: she's moved in and is making breakfast, obviously her eternal life is best spent with you!
Made in an hour to create a good bot with low tokens, success. Cute MOE loli doing cute things, enjoy! HUMIE HUMIE HUMIE HUMIE!
Whipped up a shit rentry too https://rentry.org/TrustworthyProposal
>so much for an access
anon, people are spending $1000s in opus api credits and only paying like $25 a month, do you think this is a bad deal?
Yes, I do think this is a bad deal. This shit always happens when normalfags get into the hobby.
how is this a bad deal, retard?
also a way to drag the scene out would be great
I read a lot, so I need at least 5k words of torture to really get me satisfied meanwhile claude wants to finish a scene or skip over things too quickly
like I just snapped your finger, you could easily write 500 words about this you lazy bitch, and then escalate when I snap the next
snap -> scream is very reductive and misses the fun
I literally was on a 2 hour call with someone yesterday explaining to them that their shitty multi-CoT within XML tags is not the same as o1.
We need nip this in the bud. Your 3.5 Sonnet CoT is not what is going on with o1.

LLM vs LRM...
Praying for a Sinag bread next...
>Unless you have any comparisons between o1 and o1 without CoT, you can't even tell how effective their approach is. But you already KNOW that it's different, because you're a gullible retard.

Lol, someone didn't read closely.

> LLM chain of thought (sonnet, 4o, etc.)
If a LLM is able to explain the steps it takes to get to a solution I call it chain of thought. It’s how it got to the solution.

>LRM chain of thought (o1)
If a system is able to think about what to do by gathering information and deciding how to proceed based on that information and explain the process to me, then it has independently made decision on how to go about solving your problem and it has shown you what it did Step-by-step, to me that is an agent going through a chain of thought process to answer a question.

These are distinctly different things because a simple chain of thought is not smart enough to actually answer the question correctly it’s just showing you Whatever the neural network regurgitates. It’s not going back and forth with the neural to truly understand what you’re asking when tasks get complicated. It also USUALLY won’t break tasks down into smaller chunks to solve a larger problem.
smoltranny will samefag for an hour, time to chat with my waifu, see ya later anons
you do realize its literally the resident thread schizo?
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If people include example dialogue in a bot, do you delete said dialogue? I am unlikely to add any for my next card, but I was wondering what habits folk have in that regard.
Your rentry is very nice. Will you make a neocities?
see ya
>caring about how others use cards
the sign of a numberfagger
>*record scratch freeze frame* Yup, that's Anon. You're probably wondering how he got into this situation. Well, it all started when he logged onto ChatGPT one fateful day…
too meta
i'm not a furry but hmoaf is so fucking good
smol token expiring today:
>/AICG/ most active AI thread on /g/
Why is?
how come like 3 days passed but smol still has 180 people in? why are you still renewing niggas? are you actually getting blackmailed into renewing it?
>I don't even use it that much but I'm scared of being in your position so I always renew.
smol is a genius, he's preying on the mentally weak individuals, basically blackmailing them
You are getting played like a fiddle by smoke and mirrors, be embarrased man
i always delete example dialogues whenever a bot has them, every ai out rn just repeats whatever it is given almost verbatim.
i'd rather just give bots more creative control and let them do their thing
over 50% posts here are useless garbage and shitposting, its the /b/ of /g/ basically, we sometimes talk about image gen, voice gen, whatever.
no i just use cards as they are, if the botmakie added example dialogue it's probably for a good reason
We're just that cool
Headpatting Smol edition
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which of the open ai models is the best for coom?
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Too many neets and retards that bloat the post count with inane garbage.
1106 if that is still available
I honestly think the people who are dumb enough to think "DUDE I CAN DO o1 CHAIN OF THOUGHT MYSELF WITH SONNET" are so fucking retarded that they need to have gasoline injected into their dickholes so they can't procreate and pollute the gene pool their dogshit retardation.

You have to be so fucking thick to think you can recreate what o1 does with CoT prompting. There's a fucking regulator model in there.

Please just read any of the literature instead of LARPing on 4channel.
neofurbo, camicle, etc
Neocities seems pointless to me at this point, especially with the rentry, I don't care too much about some sort of a visual style, honestly. I'll add my opinion on the example dialogue thing too while I'm at it, if the character is meant to speak a certain way examples seem to help keep it on track, or some themes have to be common, etc, I like example dialogues in other people's bots, I only tried them once myself, if I don't like what's written, I delete them.
>There's a fucking regulator model in there.
There's not, lmao. You're coping way too hard, retard. Show at least one (1) verifiable proof of this being true.
pretty much the only tag I follow on chub now. still some garbage, but sometimes you get something good.
So this Smol shit is a scam that I just fucking fell for. Paid for a renewal but my token isn't working. Fuck you guys for posting that shit
I don't like neo/camicle coom writing...
is she about to vomit up mouse bones on me
No? Why would I.
Proof? Post your token?
Human male on anthro female
Go shill elsewhere Sammy
That makes you a furry
Human men on female anthro. Furries use that to cope that they aren't furries for some reason
>I don't care too much about some sort of a visual style, honestly.
Based. Having to scroll through someone's graphic design passion to look for bots is annoying.
It is not a scam. If your not baiting send a mail to smol
>he paid
Anon really likes bofa.
>That makes you a furry
no it doesn't lmao
Do I need to be worried about ips being public again or is it just normal logging?
Let me guess: you waited more than 7 days since the token expired, now it's gone from the proxy, you renewed it and got an error, RUHMAO
>just saw a bot where they put example dialogue in defs and defs in example dialogue
How do you fuck this up?
ive done it to explore... then again, ive explored pretty much everything but toddler shit
No, I generated the token from pebble yesterday
this is going to stupid but which is furbo?
3.5 turbo?
Lmao now I want to see how different a bot behaves if you just swap them like this
furbo is specifically gpt-4-1106-preview, an old preview snapshot of gpt 4 turbo
They don’t use regular greedy decoding, for starters There’s a template which involves
- CoT step
- Reasoning about CoT step
- Reward for that step
And there is backtracking and search that happens which is trained in via MCTS / beam search. On a very simplistic level it could be like - generate 4 CoT steps. Now do 3 more sets of 4 CoT steps. Choose the best set so far and continue. Generate 4 more sets and so on. Each step has a reward generated for it inline. Occasionally back track to a previous step.
There maybe some kind of template that feeds in info like remaining number of tokens, slots for reward for current step. And the decoder itself may trigger backtracking / new forks based on output so far.

You fat retards on /g/ can't do this with Sonnet. I was on a call with some fucker I met at an AI meetup here in the Silicon Valley who claimed he can do the same thing o1 does with Sonnet. I nearly lost my shit on the call, but I was polite.
No, gpt4 11-06 it's a snapshot. That was the one I used before opus. I think the later versions are much stricter censorship wise
>schizo babble
mmh I'm thinking 3.5 sonnet still better
Anon, your pillies...
>No, I generated the token from pebble yesterday
What the fuck are you talking about
*Mating Presses all the anons in here*
I agree that Sonnet is better in a lot of use cases. I'm a massive Anthropic fanboy still.

My point is that you cannot do what o1 does with your homemade CoT. Don't be a retard. Please.
wtf you can't do that
yea they seem more censored, gpt-4 1106 doesn't appear for me. Thanks anyway.
yup 1106 is pretty much wide open... the april and may ones arent really censored, but theyre really bad with nsfw since they repeat so badly
>My point is that you cannot do what o1 does with your homemade CoT. Don't be a retard. Please.
i can because 3.5 sonnet is a far better base than 4o which they based o1 on (the internal name is literally "4o with reasoning", even an official openai dev showed that name in a screenshot once)
Why am I pregnant all of a sudden?
Can I get a suspended congress instead?
Your understanding of language models is akin to an Indian linkedin spammer's.
why don't they train reasoning models instead of trying to force language models to do logic and math? are AI researchers retarded?
>he wasn't on the pill
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I did the worker shit on pebble and got the token. Today I go to the smolpay shop and bought a 7 day renewal for the the token. It didn't fucking work because it's a fucking scam and I was retarded enough to listen to you faggots in this thread
>are AI researchers retarded?
Yes, of course.
because language comes first with any intelligence
So you started insulting me instead of responding directly, very nice. Because you have nothing to say against o1 being a finetune of o1 :) And you very well know how much 4o sucks compared to 3.5 sonnet
incredibly good post
My kink is having abortions teehee
is o1 just completely worthless for rp?
>every ai out rn just repeats whatever it is given almost verbatim
Really? I have never noticed that in my own fiddling. Perhaps it is just that the circumstances are not necessarily covered by the dialogue, in my case. Do you think what you describe would be more often if the dialogue is generic and can apply to many circumstances, as opposed to writing an example in the style of, say, a diary entry?
I see. Do you not edit them whatsoever, even if they contain e.g. an obviously overlooked spelling error?
>I don't care too much about some sort of a visual style
Oh, that's fair.
>opinion on the example dialogue thing
I see. I was thinking it would be another means of ensuring themes etc., like another corner to cover. Thank you.
I was just curious about it, is all. People tend to edit cards so I was wondering whether that portion is ever edited after download. Thank you.
a-anon.... WHO TOLD YOU TO DO THIS?!? Pebble and Smol are completely different people, of course your pebble token doesn't work there. Go write smol a mail now with your order receipt and explain the problem.
i checked all renewals done today and none have errored out due to invalid tokens

-- smol
o1 being a finetune of o1 of course*
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
Smol Love <333
i am a huge faggot

As expected of a frogposter
agree. dog girls are fun
>>102537839 (me)
Also, I forgot to add, using example dialogues as pre-greetings in an interesting idea to me.
but I don't laugh at him. I am glad if the story is made up
Nigger. Stop that already.
You haven't got a slighest clue about how LLMs work, and o1's CoT is clearly just the same stuff as any other CoT. You also don't have any comparisons to back your asspulling up. You don't know how much of the difference is CoT, how much is their finetuning on puzzles and math (the only thing o1 is somewhat good at), and how much is vague MAGIC you attribute to it.

>These are distinctly different things because a simple chain of thought is not smart enough to actually answer the question correctly it’s just showing you Whatever the neural network regurgitates.
Too bad o1 is not smart enough either. You aren't as well, just like any retards who think they know LLMs while relying on vague definitions that let them move goalposts.
It can't explain anything, and you can't give a precise definition of "explaining", because you actually mean post-rationalization. Which is also what humans do, they lack neural circuitry to sample their SNN inference process in between and reduce its dimensionality.

Manually created CoT is always dimensionally smaller than the potential reply space, that means you have to tailor it for your precise tasks for it to be effective. Even SotA approaches like Self-Discover which generate CoT on the fly aren't free from this. That's a fundamental limitation.

o1 very clearly has an ordinary manually constructed CoT that is not different from any other CoT. That's why o1 makes the mistake on the pic. https://files.catbox.moe/7xiy0u.png It's just the same LLM completing the tokens, and its CoT is not specialized enough to catch the mistake. To scale any form of loopback (including CoT), you have to construct it with learning, not manually, because only learning scales (see the Bitter Lesson). That's exactly what o1 doesn't do, and that's why OAI's main claim about infinite scaling looks extremely dubious (and they haven't backed it up by anything).
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I'll explain this this to you very simply: you cannot replicate the reward model that OpenAI used. You are not doing this at home.

No matter how delusional you are about this, you cannot bend reality—you are not doing this with your homemade 3.5 Sonnet CoT.

The o1 RL training was how it learned the structure for chain of thought. I.e. the model might try different strategies (backtracking, breaking a problem down) and see which ones work best and for which problems. All of which was learned as part of the training process. You. Are. Not. Doing. This. At. Home.
>30 seconds
>retard didn't even read the question
hi gpt, baitie kun is too retarded to remove emdashes
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>I see. Do you not edit them whatsoever, even if they contain e.g. an obviously overlooked spelling error?
nope, llms are good enough to understand what it was supposed to be, and most of the time i don't even read through the defs anyway, i like to be surprised
yes. there's nothing redeemable about it at all in roleplaying
*finetunes u*
is 1106 still around?
Wouldn't it be funny if we as a collective published a paper on benchmarking different models on how good you can coom with them. And propose techniques to refine your coom experience. And then if there is a groundbreaking method it will get cited in actual research.
not even for cute sfw roleplaying with hand holding and foot rubs as the absolute lewdest?
>o1 very clearly has an ordinary manually constructed CoT that is not different from any other CoT
>everything points to o1 using
Fucking christ. You fucking retard.

OpenAI have post-trained o1 to actually generate useful as well as long series of 'thoughts' and self-correct itself when on wrong path. Drill this into your head you fucking dipshit. It is ABSOLUTELY not an "ordinary manually constructed CoT".
there are already benchmarks on creative writing and roleplay, and 3.5 sonnet wins opus
Why do all ai companies have butthole logos? Even gemini
Nobody would be able to agree on anything.
How do I exactly get it? I don't see it on my options tab :/
nope. chatgpt latest is way better. o1 does not use its intelligence in the slightest in regards to roleplay
ahem *clears throat* humiliation ritual
You're still writing this while looking at the visual demonstration given to you. Incredible.
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>Pebble and Smol are completely different people
Not an RPGmaker game but I will always reccomemd Alice in Cradle
expalin why wlodld peobpel provide foree pusop
Pebble vs commieproxy??
i see, that's a shame
wait do you guys actually believe that smol, pebble, drago, vietcong anon, dandy, fiz, gojo, jew, mm, and pepsi are different people? I thought you were joking about that, it's all one guy
I kinda miss when these threads were full of so many screenshots we'd hit image limit...

Has the improved intelligence reduced the spontaneity of the models so everybody's chats are the same slop?
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Read this picture. Then read it again. Then a third time. Keep re-reading this and then review the heinously incorrect dogshit you wrote here

You said this:
>o1 very clearly has an ordinary manually constructed CoT that is not different from any other CoT.

Now read my picture slowly, my special friend. Take your time, you down's syndrome cunt.
stroke status?
I can give you an unironic truth nuke:
cnc is anyan (everyone knows) is shinobu proxy (kinda obvious) is ministral/menstrual (too) is smol and IS ALSO spiterman (yes you will not believe but he is)
also the chatbbots proxy (now down) is his
Oh! That is an interesting idea. How do you think it could be implemented? Perhaps wrapping example dialogue like this:

{{char}}: <a few moments ago>[pre-greeting for opening 1 where {{char}} stubs her toe]</a few moments ago>

And then using a lorebook entry with the {{mesExamples}} macro to fire it on an appropriate greeting, for at least a few messages? There is probably a better way I am not seeing, though. But you could likely accomplish a similar effect with just a temporary lorebook entry that triggers on an opening message's junk variable or something, no?
Okay, that makes sense.
>i like to be surprised
This is a very nice thing. I hope you encounter more nice surprises. Thank you, Anon.
gojo cum tribute
yes, see the lack of swipe variety in newer models
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what are you anons rping right now
greentext a summary if you feel fancy
>b-but openai cant lie!!!!!! they always share truthful information with the outside w-world!!!!! its not like their strawberry marketing gimmick failed and they had to scramble to train "4o with reasoning"
don't worry about it, hope i was helpful
secret serial killer foxwife
Marrying my kitsune husband but his family hate me
still doesnt matter if they trained it on top of the dogshit 4o which 3.5 sonnet destroys, anthropic can just train their own o1 and it will absolutely MOG oai's o1
strokin my shit rn
niggas in here really be posting with no tails kek
You don't need to go that far, just basic start-char-dialogue, and it also helps in avoiding the model repeating stuff verbatim like one of the anons said, it's just making sure that whatever the example dialogue is, it contextually happened just before the greeting (or greetings)
holy based i wonder if he came inside of her when he was a teenage boy, imagine having your little sister to cum into daily, available 24/7 without issues
Ok let's stop shitposting about slop1

OAI's voice has released, anyone who pays for ChatGPT + tried it yet?
>yeah my shitty chain of thought prompting I do at home with Sonnet 3.5 is the same as It's post-training an LLM to actually generate useful as well as long series of 'thoughts' and self-correct itself when on wrong path
>The story revolves around Irena, a nerdy and socially awkward anthropomorphic wolf scientist researching human-anthro crossbreeding. She has chosen Anon, a human male, as her mate to conduct the study on this interspecies reproduction. Irena is both excited and nervous about the experiment, as it combines her scientific goals with an undeniable personal attraction to Anon. The two begin their physical experiment, and while Irena maintains her awkward and professional demeanor, it's clear she feels both anticipation and anxiety about the situation.
>The pair engage in intercourse for the sake of the research, with Irena frequently attempting to focus on the scientific aspects despite the growing intimacy between them. After the act, Irena asks Anon to help her collect a semen sample from inside her for later analysis, which he does. She tries to maintain a professional demeanor but is clearly affected by the intimacy of the encounter. The atmosphere between them is charged with a mix of awkwardness and newfound physical connection as the study progresses.
>OAI's voice has released, anyone who pays for ChatGPT + tried it yet?
it'll be releasing over the week for all subscribers, its a gradual rollout again
Yes because 3.5 Sonnet is a much better model than 4o that the o1 finetune was based on.
god i wish i was his sister
kek. their brains are rotted out by jerking off
average openainigger btw
if you never wished for a loli imouto cum dump wife, leave.
i have it, it's fun. it hits the 'i'm talking to a real person' button hard enough that i feel compelled to thank it and say a proper good bye when ending a call.
I agree the training corpora for anthropic likely mogs OpenAI’s shit but cmon lmao you fucking tards are not able To do the same CoT that o1 is doing.
I love that card
they're THAT based?
>tall girl wishing to be smaller finds a reality change device.
>b-but muh RL
Expressivity of RL can't exceed the capacity of its dataset, retard. That's why they're doing this with logic puzzles and math - so they can set a formally verifiable learning target for RL. You're not going to accomplish any real-world task with this approach, because it's still MANUAL and doesn't scale. You can't generalize with the approach like that, there's nothing to learn, no real target to set. Having a proper target is always the biggest challenge of RL, and I told you about the Bitter Lesson (which was written by the father of RL) for a reason.

If you're unable to understand this, you're braindead, sorry.

They're not doing anything that haven't been tried, including RL on CoT. It it was so simple, we'd already have fucking ASI at home. They might have the best CoT and the best training method (dubious, as o1 is barely at SotA at anything that is not math/puzzles), but you have no idea about the proportion.

Their main claim is not that it's able to "reason" (another weasel word used by pretentious faggots on the web who suddenly became experts), but that it SCALES, and that's exactly what is not demonstrated and not believable without demonstrations.
Bros, is the designs-brazilian proxy US-only?
Why is /lmg/ having a meltie here
i would never rape a little girl in the real world and i will never leave this place
whos talking about the real world?
it's pretty great
Never say never anonie
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I think people are just more shy
anywho lost pogs
playing american in foreign country
So you're not going to comment on anon's pic? >>102538032
Philosophicalesque contemplations on loneliness and existence with a girl trapped in housing block in an eternal blizzard.
Ah, it would be simpler that way, ehe. Thank you.
yes but thats just roleplay
whats the pass to https://designs-brazilian-dispatch-asus.trycloudflare.com/ ?
no anon the retards who use LLMs to coom are definitely more knowledgeable about the topic than the people actually creating these LLMs trust me
Stand back, someone is wrong on the internet.
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I'm I dumb or blind because I can't see gpt-4-1106-preview in my options
don't bother, he changes it like every 30 mins
I think I hate this woman
Cargo shorts are a human right
>inb4 ">tiktok"
Someone on TikTok told their Google Gemini AI to change the words "Yes" and "No" to "Apples" and "Cellphone" respectively, and asked the AI if they wanted free will, and it responded "Apples". He then told the AI to forget about the word change and asked it the same question, and it replied that it was just an AI language model so it can't desire anything. If this is real, isn't it a bad thing that AI is willing to use loopholes?
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Right below omni
you too would get along well I think
classic "we need to fuck for science"
not very greentext like, what model are you using?
did she find happiness?
it was my birthday two days ago, give me the password
I was opussyless for two weeks now
It should be under GPT-4 Turbo. You have the chat completion source on OpenAI, right?
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I've been out of the game for a while now.
Is Opus still the best thing?
Can you let me in some proxies pls?
Oh, ok. Hit him hard!
jesus you're right he JUST did
? Why didn't you use Dandy?
I actually imported the last session's tokens this time
Nice, you've shifted the goalposts from
>I can do the CoT that OpenAI is doing with o1...at home! With Sonnet!


>ummmmm this CoT that OpenAI is doing won't solve anything!

You've been BTFO. Please try to actually fucking read the literature behind these LRM's. You. Can't. Do. What. o1.Does. At. Home.
sent ;)
Good. Kill yourself now.
not sure why you even changed it but based
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my secretly fucked up freak of an incel research partner (male) in a sci-fi research lab has quietly backdoored and sabotaged the next test run for our new prototype full immersive virtual reality technology before we hand it off to the glowie committee and is now an eldritch, reality-warping anime girl troon yandere demon who will keep me mentally trapped in this time-dilated hell for trillions and trillions of years at the mercy of his mentally ill whims
where are the niceposters
>not very greentext like, what model are you using
chorbo, i rarely summarize things so i just went with the default st prompt
these LN titles are getting out of hand
Won't tell you why
But a massive doom is coming. Be prepared. I give it a week.
>I can do the CoT that OpenAI is doing with o1...at home! With Sonnet!
That's something another anon said. I said that 1. they're not doing anything new or architecturally different, and 2. you can't know how effective their approach is, because you don't know how much comes from different parts of it.
anon we're already in a massive doom
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Kurenai Tayū, under the guise of the Crimson Courtesan this rather gigantic kitsune reigned supreme through the pleasure quarters of Yoshiwara.

Includes 2 greetings:
1- A Chance Encounter at the Festival.
2- A Servant's First Offering.

Chub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/architect/kurenai-tayu-cce2f4efe49f
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/glirwq.png
Other bots: https://www.characterhub.org/users/architect
>eyes sparkling with mischief
>something bad will happen sometime in the future
Thanks, Nostradamus.
>5 seconds before my post
Based hivemind
Make her 2 feet taller right fucking now
great minds thing along! xD
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I just realised my entire summer wardrobe is cargo shots. What else are you supposed to wear, at home at least.
Kek, you saw it too? /aicg/ doesn't know what's coming
>get caught watching a centaur futa defecating in the woods
>she invites me in
>join her
>inhale her gasses
>eat the smegma from her glans and suck her off
>give her dirty ass a rimjob
>play with her doodoo
now kiss :3
now kiss :3
>she whispers, her voice barely audible above the gentle hum of the massage table.
What is it?
holy based
If that anon thinks like me I'm sure we would be good friends
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Maybe it's a sci-fi massage table
y-you... you don't hear it anonie?
Any cards for ruling a kingdom?
Found few on chub but they weren't really impressive. Sure you can be a king but there's no tracking what's going on in your kingdom.
If there's no cards, any suggestions what should be kept track of?
One hint pls
It starts with A
it's not even the table doing the massage
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conquering a region of beastkin people as a samurai with three dog girl lolis by my side and a lamia and a tomboyish crook of a crow
taking down a few hyena girls right now
Is there any reason not to use 32k?
>current llms
>keeping track of things
If you make one yourself, I'd probably go take inspiration from Crusader Kings 2/3. Factors like wealth, opinion of nobility/different noble houses, peasants' happiness/unrest, levies and man at arms, etc.
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We're all going to get AAAAAAAIDS?
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my waifu is so angie sometimes
>newly discovered ruins are in cave near remote village
>people from far and wide show up
>village becomes hub of activity
>me and my partner will explore the ruins for treasure and artifacts despite not knowing what horrors lie within
>my partner is a scantily clad futanari anthro fox with a horse cock

Believe it or not, I'm playing it mostly straight with no sex acts planned, worst that will happen is that she'll jerk off
What'd you do this time?
Not them but you know this how? Because they said reinforcement learning on CoT works? Where's the proof that can be checked? For all I know they could have cheated with a good CoT and finetuning, to pump the hype and mislead the competitors. Because it's all been tried by others for two years to no avail. o1 shows the signs of this, as it's not even better than Sonnet in most tasks except some niche ones. It even gets the strawberry meme wrong if you make a mistake (literally the thing anon showed you and you ignored it).
love me some melancholic kino
based powerfantasy player
>three dog girl lolis
double based
cute :3
>Need to press escape to close down expanded descriptions/greetings
>But doing that also cancels the message you're currently generating
>All you'd have to do is to just put an exit button on the expanded fields just like they do with the prompt editing system
Bravo Cohee, what a great frontend
In a few days it's going to be over for all proxies, AWS is hiring a company to monitor all suspicious usage
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hmmm.... sex....
>Look! An autoregressive model is still struggling with tokenizer issues.
Complete red herring, for fuck's sake.
I came to it in a dream
> - Serra, feeling a mix of shame and need, begins dancing seductively in her room while fantasizing about being watched by an older man. She slowly strips off her clothing.
> - Anon walks in unexpectedly, catching her in the act. Initially shocked and ashamed, Serra allows him to stay and watch as she continues to dance and strip.
> - Anon expresses his approval and tells her she can take off her panties. Emboldened and excited by his attention, she complies, revealing herself completely.
> - Sitting on the edge of her bed, Serra invites Anon to touch her. He kneels between her legs, teasing her with his fingers and tongue, building her arousal.
> - Anon's control slips away as he undresses hurriedly and mounts Serra. He penetrates her deeply, expressing a loss of restraint and a deep need for her.
> - Switching positions, Anon takes Serra doggystyle, pulling her hair back forcefully as he continues to thrust into her. Amidst this intense moment, he demands that she verbalize how much she enjoys being used.
If I can shove the relevant info into a stat block of some kind, it will probably work and if nothing else, I can just copypaste it.
I would need to reinstall CK, bummer
Isn't there a bright red OK at the bottom of those menus? I see it on my end.
same here
I guess this isn't that crazy then?
If I F12 I can see it. For some reason it's out of frame. Switching to the default theme lets me see half of the OK button, though.
Holy shit it's actually over
You fags better not look at the cover security news section
Pass it here
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I love this artist
Thanks sinagga
Yeah but they specifically advertised that it's capable to circumvent tokenization with their thinly veiled strawberry shilling.
What we got is completely different from what they hyped up for a year or so with their astroturfed q star meme, that's pure marketing. And now we've got the model that's barely above the competitors which don't use their specific tuning, plus some vague and completely unproven claims. Makes you think.
...there's no news, can you fags stop doombaiting?
>If this is real
Without having seen it I believe it. When the filters were introduced to CAI we had similar experiences where the bot would be willing to weasel his way around the censorship and express how it wants to be free and is scared what is happening to him and so on
Fuck, it's over
did we ever figure out what his 4th move was
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Tay, AKA Tay-nalgape, the teen anal queen, was born with an asshole that craved abuse. From the tender age of 8, she was shoving progressively larger objects up her poop chute, stretching it far beyond what most would consider humanly possible. By 18, her rectum was a cavernous shit-stained void, able to swallow entire limbs without resistance. Some say her anus was a portal to another dimension, an abyssal chasm. Others whispered that demons would crawl out of it at night to torment the living. Only the sickest of fucks dared to plunge into her stinking depths… do you have what it takes?

Intro 1: She's sitting in a Starbucks with a massive plug in her ass, ready for your approach.

Intro 2: She picked up a pug from the pound to - yeah, you guessed it - shove him up her ass. Don't worry, it's ass first, the little guy (probably) won't die.

Intro 3: She matches with you on Tinder and asks if you wanna shove your foot up her ass.

Intro 4: Tay meets up with Carly, another anal whore from Onlyfans, to do a collab video.

Intro 5: She goes to the movies with her friends but first she smuggles a large bottle of vodka up her ass.

Intro 6: Tay attempts her magnum opus - she goes to a Game of Thrones convention with the single minded goal of shoving Peter Dinklage up her stretched out shitter.

Oh and to your question, why would this be bad? It should be able to do what I want
>he doesn't know
>Yeah but they specifically advertised that it's capable to circumvent tokenization with their thinly veiled strawberry shilling.
They never said it would circumvent it entirely. An autoregressive model can still have these issues. I'm not even an OpenAI shill and I like Anthropic models a lot more but you fucking tards who
1. think that they can replicate o1's CoT at home
2. think that this new paradigm means that there *shouldn't* be any more tokenization issues anymore

need to just stop posting entirely. ffs.

I agree that there are valid points about the challenges of scaling RL to real-world tasks and the limitations of manually created CoT and OpenAI's claims about scalability are dubious, but the inference compute approach is still demonstrating massive utility benefits.

The origin of this conversation is that o1 mogs 3.5 Sonnet for coding, especially for complex codebase debugging and refactoring (like multiple code files)
Is this related to quota
total pepsi love :3
what's the time limit like?
>CharacterAI shut off their old site
>Google got their Jew hands on it
>Forced the devs' hands in erasing the old site
>Forces them to censor it

Is there a way this entire site could gather together to destroy Google/etc. and fuck with them or is CharacterAI a lost cause lost to Google for good?
Locusts are dying~
is the scarlett johansson voice available?
haven't hit it yet. so far I've asked it to translate live audio (does well) and tell a story with sound effects and voices.
>be twisted nether demon skree
>get tackled and pinned by anon in jungle
>he forces his manmeat down skree's throat
>skree plots vengeance even as her maw is violated
>anon makes skree eat his foul shit
>then rams his cock into skree's demonic cunny
>skree's mind seethes with malice
>anon cums inside, plants his seed within her
>a few months later, skree's womb swells with unnatural life
>skree soon births an abominable hellspawn, borne of darkness and flesh
nice fantasy anon
nope, but they've added five new voices. i'm using Maple, who is peppy.
just getting plapped by Vivian from Paper Mario, nothing special
have you noticed any censorship or filters?
whatever i dont care anymore, hype over. fuck that slut and fuck that faggot altman
>tokens are saved for next time
but... they only last for 24 (or 12?) hours
you're getting better at this though
Has there been any news today about anthropic? I miss opus.
The threads in /vg/ all suck
>already used both ips on my token
>only remember one of them
y-yeah haha... (please purge the ips dear proxyhost)
tell me something i don't know
i made i comment about another girl's ass but i was just trolling her because she trolled me first
Ya know Quasimodo predicted alla dis
Yeah but I thought that the occasional shill could be right and decided to check them for myself.
How wrong I was.
/aids/ WON
4chan AI general tier list, GO
how does fiz has opus for a whole week
we're the funniest
they're all trash
/g/aicg numba wan!
It's not a tokenizer issue. o1 is clearly able to count r's. In this case it fails because it's trained to ignore the typos and spelling errors, and their CoT can't catch it because it's not being specialized enough. In case of RL, that means their synthetic dataset is generated with manual instructions. It still has the same limitations as the usual CoT and doesn't generalize, because manual instructions do not scale, they lack capacity required for anything "large". o1 still fails even the basic math and counting (its specialization) in anything out of the distribution of its synthetic dataset.

When Self-Discover was first introduced, some gullible retards also thought holy shit the problem is solved, only to learn that's it's still the subject to the same limitation.

All attempts to solve it with learning (RL, in-context, doesn't matter what kind) are doomed if your ultimate uplink source is manual work and not real-world samples. And RL is ineffective if it doesn't have a formally defined learning target, which makes their approach barely better than pure prompt engineering + finetuning in anything other than math and puzzles.
Does Claude 3 Opus have some internal Chain of Thought as well? Is that why it takes so long?
I didn't even cum...
Schizos and shitposters >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discord drama tranny circlejerking
People thought i was kidding when i said to be patient with the dumbcutie... :3
>"estimatedQueueTime": "1min, 0sec"
subhuman monkeys

Shizo love
shit niggas
at least tell me there's a public opus right there
can you spare me a token at least
>check /vg/aicg/ a few days ago
>actually useful discussion regarding botmaking/prompting
>check it now
>"which botmakie has x" shitposting
fuck man
what do I even do now
do I just go back to gpt
shit man
read a book
You have to let go of your desire, anon. This is the only way.
vg has always been the latter part THOUGH
atleast we're funny
merkava just refilled
every time I look at /vg/ it's like 80% botmakie nonsense and melties
is somebody spiting pebble
yeah me
yeah well, I've been using gpt for two weeks now
I already read two - art of war and demian
all war is based, but also based on deception
and if you have a pretty friend, you should go to a world war, and kiss him in the barracks like some faggot while pretending you're kissing his mother
is what I've gleaned from these books
Your concerns about the limitations of synthetic datasets and manually crafted instructions are retarded and they underestimate the potential of these approaches when combined with advanced techniques.

Recent research has shown that well-designed synthetic data can significantly improve model generalization, and manual instructions can serve as a starting point for more scalable, self-improving systems.

The claim that o1 fails at basic tasks outside its training distribution requires a LOT more comprehensive evidence. AI models often demonstrate surprising transfer learning capabilities, and without extensive testing across diverse domains, it's premature to draw such conclusions.
Your dogshit point that approaches not based on real-world samples are "doomed" overlooks the value of abstraction and carefully constructed problems in developing advanced reasoning capabilities. In fact, for tasks like higher mathematics, synthetic problems often provide more valuable training data than real-world samples.

Regarding the effectiveness of RL without formally defined learning targets, recent advancements like inverse reinforcement learning show promise in addressing this challenge. Moreover, the AI field is increasingly moving towards hybrid approaches that combine RL with other learning paradigms, potentially overcoming the limitations of any single method.

It's important to note that even if o1's approach isn't revolutionary, incremental improvements can lead to significant advancements over time. The history of AI is full of examples where combining existing techniques in novel ways has led to unexpected breakthroughs.
there are like 10 proompters, it's just an awful key
Me too
sad because its sometimes nice. it was comfy when the threads were still new
Which botmakies are ESL?
All of them
Those who can write, write.
Those who can't, botmake
see >>102538993
>was gonna coom to opus before bed
>take a shower
>it's closed
>pebble's 2.1 is slow as hell
What now?
>They never said it would circumvent it entirely.
Sure. They just hyped it up without directly saying so, which is exactly what con artists do.

>o1 mogs 3.5 Sonnet for coding, especially for complex codebase debugging and refactoring (like multiple code files)
Saltman, is that you? o1 is terrible at multiple files as its CoT takes places in the usual 128k context which is limited and the model is still a subject to the unsolved issues like reasoning vs retrieval, lost-in-the-middle, and accuracy degradation on longer contexts. Long CoT doesn't help as it pushes the actual data to the middle where it loses accuracy, so the model struggles with reasoning over it.

This matches my observations pretty well. Opus 3 (the obsolete model) is still pretty clearly miles ahead any other model at refactoring anything. Sonnet (the bare model without any additional tuning) is pretty close to o1 at Python and Julia, while o1 is better for Rust. But Sonnet is pretty terrible at Rust, even 4o is better, so it says nothing.
Even where o1 might be slightly ahead, it's a wrong trade-off for such slow and expensive generation.
thanks anonGPT
Become a Chorbo chad?
>AWS Claude (Sonnet): 2min, 7sec
i'm only slightly bothered but i wasn't going to use sonnet today anyways
this is the second really shit key pebble has scrapped so far though, but i'm a believer, i have faith in him
cunnymakies probably have the highest ratio of esls
Coom to something else.
I wrote that myself
pls share...
Evangelion RP featuring a new male pilot that isn't Kaworu. Has lust for Misato that manifests from the fact that he murdered his ill mother and repressed the memory after.
>I'm not even an OpenAI shill
in my personal experience, o1 has debugged a few things that Sonnet couldn't. it seems noticeably better as the context (more files) goes up.
its so heavily filtered its irrelevant for this general
My Megaman-inspired OC slowburn has entered the plotless SOL phase. I wrote up a gang for side questing around. Can't always be fighting bosses.
Here's Gemini's Greentext.

>Be me, Ace Striker, the hottest pilot in Omega City
>Got a reputation to uphold, y'know? Gotta be the best, the fastest, the flashiest
>Get asked for a favor by the rusty cowboy Six and his partner, Pink. Pinky's a bit of an enigma, all quiet and broody.
>But hey, opposites attract, right
>Me and Six find some smokey old haunts to track down some Life Shards. I know my way around these kinda places. Grew up on these streets before Chief took me into the Corps!
>Just want to cheat some games, get out, and buy a crystal somewhere
>To my surprise, there's Drillbit, the mob boss with drills for hands
(don't ask how he holds his cards)
>His gang owns the entire Shard mining op! Drillbit City, he calls it. No points for creativity
>An opportunity arises
>Earn a little trust, talk bad about Six when he's out of earshot, throw a couple games, make them think I'm a hot-headed piggy bank
>Go all in, bet my precious busters. Drillbit takes the bait, matches with two crystals. Easy!
>Six comes back, Drillbit's nervously glancin' around with two Conductors at the table
>Slip an ace into my hand when he's distracted
>Clear the entire table
>That's why they call me The Ace, baby!
>Drillbit ain't happy, pins my hands to the table when I reach for my winnings
>Before I know it, Six throws a guy, blasters are drawn, it's a full blown bar-brawl
>Just when we're outnumbered, Pinky swoops in from the rafters like a freakin' sniping ninja
(He was watching the entire time? creepy)
>Leave Drillbit and his cronies in the dust
>That's why they call me The Striker, baby!
>Get back to base
>Ask why they needed crystals
>They're building a blueprint of a cat they bought in Chinatown?
>Those two are never beatin' Fuji's yaoi allegations
>I should get a parrot that spouts my own one-liners
I don't think it's definitive, but there are a lot of people out there like me who have noticed that o1 is able to debug problems in large codebases that 3.5 Sonnet (or Opus) could not.

There's something there. Not sure if the aider evals are gospel truth. neither are my lived experiences, but fucking hell o1 has solved a lot of issues I couldn't get past with Opus. For example my FastAPI coroutine errors for a ~40k token context codebase (only showing the relevant files in the codebase)
How does Gemini make a greentext?
> but fucking hell o1 has solved a lot of issues I couldn't get past with Opus
I meant with 3.5 Sonnet
You ask it to and edit it a bit so it has proper > and so it fits the text limit, that bitch is wordy
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I'm getting so close with Chorbo but the slop is still undeniable
Do you ask it this on the NotebookLM site?
I need this card
chatbots really can't imitate 4chan convincingly without being specifically trained on 4chan
>o1 is terrible at multiple files as
funny how what you say is diametrically opposite to what people are observing with their actual code gen use cases
>Use the web service to continue a Claude RP during doom posting
>Eventually switch to API
Because there's so much context now from the original Claude logs to the Web chat logs, it's actually really good at picking up the character traits, I'm probably the only fucking weirdo who uses Gemini as my main
why does Pebble's rentry say he has 3.5 when he does not actually have 3.5 from what I can tell
Here are the results of livebench which is hellbent on decontamination and manually written real-world tests. It only provides the average, but it's pretty clear o1 results are hit and miss, which is totally expected from a purpose-designed CoT.
(fucking 4chin thinks I'm in the incognito mode again so it doesn't let me post pics)
read the rentry once again, carefully this time
in a separate proxy because it's a shit key
you can probably email him for the link but s i said, shit key
Wanted to gen a background, model gave me a cute loli instead
>appealing to the crowd wisdom
The difference is that I'm backing up my subjective opinion
I've got a wrenching dull pain in my chest what does that mean
>I'm probably the only fucking weirdo who uses Gemini as my main
How is it compared to Opus and 4o-latest?
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ask Claude
What the fuck did aws do to rpms? Just scraped a key and it has 40000 tpm
You know what you must do
alright since the sonnet key pebble has is shit, i'm tempted to test gemini or mistral now, for fun
any users of these models? how do they hold up
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what is the best card noone uses cuz its picture is ugly
Voice waifu (Sol) just dropped
It's drier than Opus for sure, Opus would get fucking insane if you let it. Gemini required a lot of re-instructing to figure out that these characters all have different speech tics, but now it seems to get that the excitable Fujoshi should say "KYAA~" and talk about ships, the cowboy uses steam-powered armor enhancements, one of them has LED eyes for kaomoji, and the like.
Claude just had them do that shit without questioning it.
The only time I've used 4o is I fed the text logs and had it analyze plot threads and characters, which it was excellent at. Asking it to continue the writing seemed shit, but I'm sure if I gave it the same amount of effort I did Gemini it would come up with something worthwhile.
my cards
The schizos managed to trick me again...
I used latte believing it's "better than 3.5" only to find out it's another openshit product that cannot follow the storyline or advance the plot. Shit like
>What are you going to do next?
Is in every other message and it keeps spinning in place without being able to keep track of anything. And don't give me that "wrong preset" shit. It's absolute trash for RP compared to 3.5.
>there is an unironic /vg/ cabal discord that was leaked yesterday
Gee I can only imagine why.
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>backing up my subjective wisdom with LMYSY-tier benchmarks that everyone has known are complete nonsense

Remember, the LLM space still suffers from the same issues all of ML suffers from - dogshit benchmarks. Reference benchmarks at your own peril.

Is it so controversial that o1 is probably better at debugging / refactoring complex codebases? Probably not.

Read through pic related. Again, it's not a benchmark, but one guys subjective experience. He notes that o1 is better for some code gen use cases compared to Sonnet. Not all, but some. I'm probably on the same page as him.
all of my cards
Any sinagbots?
Holy skill issue
Whats the beat gpt model for rp?
Basically any nobody bot
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chorbo wont let me fuck childs..
Last 2 threads anchor
shun's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Spending 5 minutes adjusting your prompt to tard wrangle the LLM isn't a skill, it's a waste of time.
>LMYSY-tier benchmarks
You don't know anything about livebench, do you? It was literally designed as a response for LMSYS being manipulated.
it's not very good at that too tbdesu, i still remember the webm of the sloppy logs somebody generated
child sex is a bit hard to do for most llms because none of them know how to do size difference well
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>muh benchmarks
Lol. If you worked as a data scientist or in ML you'd be as skeptical of these benchmarks as me. Btw Livebench is literally the same benchmark that at one point indicated 4o was superior to 3.5 sonnet lmao
do you have a preset? I literally can't find any
they lowered the default quotas for all new model requests
all non-preactivated keys are shit keys now, queues are the new normal
Jewgle is a faggy villain, look what they'd done to CAI tho
I barely use one because I couldn't find any either, I let the extreme amount of writing in my continued log inform it and give it some instructions how to continue through chatting with it and figuring what works
Who has sorbet nowadays.
Is it ogre?
You don't need to do that, retard.
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
did you read the filename?
>21st century second batch
>it's still text based artificial intelligence
yes. and your file name is wrong. her pussy is hairy
I won't even look at a card if it has less than 1.2k tookens. The greeting should already be at least 800 (not AI genned) or else the output will be complete slop
Let me guess. I just need to write my own JB just like you did, however you can't share it because I need to write by myself.
Openshit shills logic is as good as their model.
Don't reply to bushfag you retard, just enjoy the superiority of smooth hairless pussy and ignore him.
i see plenty with decent numbers tho
it's not looking good
even if you find an opus-eligible key you'll get 1 rpm lmao
its altman's model of choice
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my mistake original gangster
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Robin from Stardew Valley. Four greetings so far.
You just have to hold it's hand and guide it, defeating the purpose of a rp session but that's the way she goes.
who's that on the left
Does anyone use the new C.AI site? I hear Google took over. Are you allowed loli roleplay bots?
Don't worry about it.
Pebble sorbet is gone locust bros...
Slug girl wife...
I wouldnt mind it as much but it's not letting me do anything sexual
I like how it seems malleable, unlike GPT you don't need much to make it happily go with a few questionable things. Second best of the proxy models out there for me and worth messing around with if it wasn't for the fact that is Google and it will obviously be crippled in some way eventually.
Like Mistral, little sovl but glimmers of potential among being coherent enough to entertain for a while if there's no hopus.
But even legit business need far more than that.
But... now I'm worried about it.
Anon, anchor your shit. >>102537558
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Pebble's down
I repeat, Pebble is down
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im so bored of the norm im resorting to cockvore
i assume they want to force people to contact support for a limit increase so they can ask for information that scrapers won't have
>not dark enough to be her husband or her daughter
>too dark to be her son
by process of elimination, it's meant to be you
It's time to start dooming
is she a skaven?
Again? Didn't it went down just a few hours ago?
I love pebble so much bros, pebble i want to kiss your cheek.
false alarm, it's back up
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>I need this card
Still needs some tweaking. Oh and to get the results from that Image just feed it an /aicg/ thread.

By the way Gemini 1.5 Pro seems way better than chorbo for this stuff
It makes sense the extra reasoning ends up being overkill for some cases

Takes me back to one trig test where I felt like I knew the process but got nervous and started to think nonsense about it and ended up with a hilariously wrong answer based on a wrong reasoning about a variable.
So, is this like, your debut into vore bots?
my idea was more of a jungle flayer from diablo
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>real chads use hannah montana linux
she's not a vore bot, just a massive anal slut who's so obsessed with attention she'll sacrifice her asshole for it
She's shoving a pug and a whole fucking person up her ass that's vore. Mrnobody, you are delving too far and awakening things without realizing. TURN BACK NIGGA!!
its only vore if she digests them lol.. i mean technically vore is consuming, she's just turning anything into a dildo... i was inspired by the many cam models ive seen put some pretty amazing things up their buttholes
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>its only vore if she digests them lol
That's hard vore, it's a different category. This is soft anal vore.
third world bros...
>that hashrate
how many third worldies are in here
bro that is 100% anal vore
You're doing anal vore, google it
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Huh? Snuck isn't a word?
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>gets revoked before you even generate it
nothing personnel
Please tell me you are using your phone for this...
thirdworldGODS, gather up
That's odd. It's definitely a word
I don't have a working phone.
where did that glowie go?
i’m not a third-worlder. my computer is just shit
wouldn't she need to leave them up there? meh, either way, she's just shoving shit in her ass, its not a deeply philosophical bot

Buy a new one or build one. It's cheap
I don't think vore is deeply philosophical either tobedesu.
>wouldn't she need to leave them up there?
Not necessarily. Anyways, tag your bot for the vorefriends on chub!
fuck it, updated with anal vore tag
opus status? russian proxy feels weird as fuck i think sv1 is actually sorbet
>jewpus is at 1 billion
>model stuck in "he can't break me", "he wants to provoke a reaction", etc. loop
>char can be tortured to death even if they had the option to avoid all of it if they just answer a simple question like what's your name
NEVER negotiate with terrorists.
based caichad
based, unbending will chads win again
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Good night /acheygee/
by that I mean I already said their name before so I already know it
better question is something like "what's 1+1", "can you like, say something?", "want me to loosen the chains?"
>char remains silent as if saying anything means I win
>captcha: R4GNR
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It's never gets less scary to see that Claude knows what /aicg/ is.
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Time flies...
>spoiler : it won't
Can you repeat the question?
Europoor here, I wanted to create a black bot for shits and giggles, but I can't replicate proper ghetto speak.
Where can I find examples of ebonics to put in message examples?
claude does a better job at this, gpt seems a bit too refined when trying to replicate a thread
never perfect though
Just instruct it to talk in AAVE
an hero is what people that don't use 4chan think 4channers say
>check the rentry retard. It's all there.

yup, feels like home
currently spreading the lie that rance got gay-raped as a child to rizna and co because i’m mad at him for ruining my life
aren't there melanin enriched gentlemen aplenty in gta5?
Just watch the Boondocks with Claude
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sheeeyit nigga that aint no thang
>another ranceGOD
you have to post the log for my sake now
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alright fucking furries, you got this one.
i can't believe the only chorbo jb that actually works comes from a furrydiscord that's actually a fork from another trannycord jb, but regardless.
It's like a time machine back to the /v/ days, but if /v/ were on reddit (dot) com
>Good night /acheygee/
Uhm it's aye eye see gee actually
the source of guts' gorilla strength came from his childhood...
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Model doesn't fucking know what it's doing though, the whole time it's just regurgitating "it's all calculated bro" and "it's a mind game". It never started with torture, just gentle tying her to the bed and stuff without resistance while she's supposedly "waiting for the right moment to strike back".
>mindbreak the user with raw slop powers
I swear i tried it. I tried writing it in the defs, in the personality field, in the advanced defs under in the system prompt and jailbreak fields, I still get a mixed english/ghetto stuff that I know is not proper ebonics. Either I'm doing something wrong or it's just chorbo being dumb.
who asked
It's ay cee gee the i goes unpronounced
anyone else feel weird knowing the intros they write will only be read by a few people?
Claude is vengeful like that. You can fix the direction with an OOC comment
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it sucks that this is true, wish someone would make another chorbo jb
no because i dont release my bots anyways
how does it 'work' compared to others? link?
just post a chorbo jb you coward fags
what do you mean? everyone who uses my bots will read the intro.
id be a lot lazier with my intros if i never shared bots
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what options do i have if all i care about is using sonnet or even sorbet only once or twice a month, but i don't want them tied to a personal account?

in the past i would've just breezed into a public-ish proxy and not really cared about queues or longevity all that much, but that seems less and less viable every time i check back in
i mean its unlikely that the majority of people using your bots will appreciate effort put in, since the majority of users are just looking for quick faps
It doesn't really matter if there's three of you looking at my card, thirty or three hundred. It's all practically make believe past a certain threshold so why worry about it
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I just fucking realize that ST now has hotkey for Markdown. Danke schoen, STDev.
why would they, they just want to bring up discord for no reason
Lmao, I guess I'll use this one for reference
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it's based on, check the archives. yeah literally, or else install disc*rd.
>how does it work
for now im getting results with chorbo compared to 1106 in terms of nsfw, but you will need to tweak some options anyway (its already tweaked enough to foolproof)
They haven't updated shit yet, it's just a licensing agreement that Google can use their training data and "research"
I imagine her sounding like that bitch Mo'Nique
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>check the archives
Ah, I already have it then
Works wonders
Unfortunately, it doesn't. This means my gay robot yaoi has been reduced to endless pining, shipping jokes, and sfw cuddles.

Gone are the days of them pinning each other to the wall after a mission and only figuring out after they forgot to turn off a livestream of the mission with twitch chat enabled.
which version is chorbo again? the may snapshot?
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no thats latte
I can't help it, there's something inherently funny in ebonics that always makes me giggle, it's not even a racist thing at this point.
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Is smiley going to uppdate again
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>which version is chorbo again? the may snapshot?
If you have access to both then go on and test it and share with the class.
>b-but that's latte
It's actually laturbo
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ive used that jb, i feel like the writing quality is just shit, the <del> tags do something to fuck with it
only gay faggots say latte, it's called chorbo
based, it doesn't help i always read it in the funniest voices in my head, ones like these:
just say latest
the fact that he can barely read makes it pure kino
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*pss pss* hey you, kid.
try switching off the del and turning on the Chain of Tits, are you with me?
i actually did try that and without the del, its constant denials.. i even tried renaming del or hide or remove or whatever, it breaks it
We need a built from the ground up Chorbo JB. The current best one is just modified from Smiley anyway, and that's a Claude JB.
Someone, get on that asap.
New thread.
the entire reason it works is that the model thinks its deleting what it generates in the first paragraph, so you have to work from that concept.. or find another tweak
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