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Previous Thread: >>102524295
I did nothing today
I did very little yesterday too.
I dont have any permissions to archive projects so I didnt do much today
I haven't got a gig in months. Is the dev market tanking?
same. not like it matters though
i want to squish that kot
I've been looking for 2 weeks and it feels like 2 months. How do you guys stomach this?
I think it has been almost a year since my last gig. I have been a dev for 12 years now. It has never been this bad.

I started even building my own Saas platform, since I do not want to waste my time. But a gig would be great to put some cash in my pocket.
curious what your background and education is
I haven't done anything this year, lol.
I love being a manager.
Every time you post this, some manager in a small to medium size company flips shit and beats his already burned out and bruised underlings just for the suspicion of not working.
Keep doing it.
If you can do your work from home, its not really that important. Just means it will be easier to outsource it to India anyway.
If you like technology and computers you're a fag. Simple as
Sorry bud, maybe in your next life you won't flunk out of CS and you'll land a comfy six fig wfh job.
I've been thrust back into the world of customer support and I am ready to die
>41 points this sprint
>Manager: "Do you think you can handle this much work?"
>Me: "No."
>Manager: "Well let's just try it out ok?"
I hate agile
I had nothing to do until 3pm meeting. I fell asleep after my lunch at 2 and woke myself up snoring at 4. I lucked out, the company the meeting was with had emailed at 2:30 asking to reschedule.
At least you guys use points. I have to use hours. An "estimate" you know is always held as a deadline.
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>work at msp
>host dosens of clients virtual instances in our datacenter
>just found out that NONE of these clients have fucking MFA set up with their VPNs we configured for them
>currently having a security incident because of this

our networking team is fucking insane what the fuck this is retarded. any client that gets credentials compromised could just get into our datacenter since that's were our vpns go.
pretty sure the gymcel thing is being forced by the CIA. they want an effective cope for incels instead of doing other weird things with their time. plus it gets incels out of the house and consuming products.
sounds like a problem.
I look forward to seeing this discussed on darknet diaries.
we use "t-shirts" because points are too complex for the po's lol
it really sucks
none of our job is that important
good morning sirs I gave interview for product based company mnc as fresher please do the needful 20 lakh per annum hope I can crack it
>his workload is tracked by points and is visible to managers
god i wish
we're given a pile of customer issue tickets and a directive that goes something like "all this needs to be fixed by next image release or millions of people will receive defective products out of the box"
consumer embedded is an absolute horseshit mix of gamedev crunch and helldesk pay
Is getting a cert in legacy systems a good idea to switch services to something with more job security
We still use mainframes
I heard horror stories about Jira for years and finally used it last year. After seeing the point system and scrum in general I think it's theoretically pretty great (though overengineered) if you have a manager/scrum master who knows what they're doing. Emphasis on "theoretically" because I haven't had a manager who knows what they're doing in like 10 years.
Which of these projects, if any, is worth putting on a resume?

>real-time multiplayer battle tetris website
>gameboy emulator
>gameboy homebrew in asm
>personal financial tracking/management system
>webrtc video chat jeopardy with friends website

Or do employers not give a fuck about other projects after you have enough experience? Do I just put education, experience, and skills on my resume?
it depends.
It's called sprints for a reason

This is why you 4x the time.
>Or do employers not give a fuck about other projects after you have enough experience? Do I just put education, experience, and skills on my resume?
some do some others dont
On a bleeding edge project when the customer has more money than sense it works really well with a competent scrum master and a team of at least 5 guys, with minimum 3 who actually work 6-8 hours a day. I’ve seen some crazy projects start from scratch and hit completion in less than a year with agile. But once it’s finished and the money runs out the team disintegrates and you’re back in the misery of slow and spotty work. It’s reminiscent of old WoW raid teams I used to be apart of
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used to work at a smaller company that outsourced to india before covid and I went to the office everyday
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2 days annual leave after fixing a bricked AV rollout, I'm gonna drink beer and build brick garden paths, it's gonna be great.
I'm just gonna go into sysadmin. Fuck webdev.
>Have interview for Network Engineer position
>Find out company has never had a network guy ever
>250 switches and 500 APs - a complete mishmash of vendors and model types reaching far back as 21 years ago
>doesnt want to buy anything new, only wants config changes "to make things faster"
>no knowledge of design
>tons of issues
>When asked about salary, I ask what their pay scale is. The dude gets all pissy and says he'll hang up the call if I make him answer that
>I tell him the peak of my salary range
>call goes deathly silent
I am right to avoid this place right? It sounds toxic AF and ran by retards.
Kodekloud is a great platform for this. It's has great courses on Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, some scripting. All courses have a simulated lab to practice. Its not that great on cloud stuff. If you're looking for AWS, AWS skill builder is awesome as well as Adrian Cantril's AWS courses.
Then go out and make a home lab, document it, and speak to it in interviews. This has worked for me almost every interview except the first but only because I got too nervous. Every other interview I was given an offer.
Best of luck bro, I know you can do this.
I haven't day drank in forever but there's something amazing about doing menial physical labor 5 drinks in on a weekday afternoon.
forgot to say, unless you're a jeet, then go fuck yourself
based nigger
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Born and raised.
i have two non-software patents to my name and most women don't even know what patents are
i haven't had sex in 20 years
Based CIA I guess.
Sounds about right. About half of the scrum shit is a good idea but rarely executed well.
I think patents are what women call their underwear
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>Internal user opens ticket
>Insist on having a call with me
>I cave in, she treats me like shit during the call and it's clear she doesn't understand what's she's asking for
And that's how you make a big mistake: don't antagonize the person that can solve your problems. I'm giving her tickets low priority and only communicating with her through the official channel (comments in the ticket) from now on.
>build brick garden paths
so busy right now
I work with retards.
workplace women are sex
all of these would've been impressive in 2017 or so.
No one gives a fuck anymore.
>but my resume is empty! how do I pad and get an interview?
find a way to time travel to 2017 or ""network"" (beg for a job without seeming desperate somehow). Good luck.
Something magic about getting drunk but just the right kind, where you focus harder and pay more attention to cognitive tasks.
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>How do you guys stomach this?
one day at a time that's how
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>graduated 5 months ago w/ cs degree
>took a vacation for a month
>job hunt during august
>no job until now even as an IT support
what can i do now?
im living in my parent's house and getting fatter and have no salary or income also my savings are slowly going down the drain
>I am right to avoid this place right?
I included projects for a while but took them out around year 8-10.
>workplace women are sex
what's a good city for women @ work?
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Still out of a job.
>graduated with cs degree last week
>gets hired a few days later
Well you fucked up. The upside is that now you'll keep having months and months of extra "vacations."
>do a huge thing to help coworker on his branch (I was told to do this by my boss)
>coworker says before reading it "yea, I probably won't use it"
He could say "anon, A B and C are retarded, fix it up faggot" and I would have done it. He's literally redoing all the work I do before he even had a chance to look at it.
What is impressive in 2024? I'm on the time to do my first hop, and I figured now's a great time to do it. Besides something related to music like a web synthesizer/online drum kit I'm not sure what looks impressive these days.
I look like this
any idea what can i do for the mean time?
really need money at this point
Education wise went all the way through college. But honestly, nobody who ever gave me a job cared about it. The years of experience trump everything.
shitpost on 4chan
Why does it matter? Just put what you think x2. Then when it's late just say it's late due to whatever the reason was. I've never had anyone flip out over it or anything and if they did then hey that's being agile. Why do you guys suck so hard at this?
If you have a competent manager then the ticket system doesn't matter you could be tracking on a spreadsheet.
>just concentrate on other interviews.
Yes, but also a company running that poorly is going to be bad to work for you're literally better off telling them off
Absolutely. Or you could take it but with the intention of just collecting a salary and doing the bare minimum. Even if you were capable of delivering what they want you already know their stupid management will obstruct you every step of the way.
Do you still study about work related stuff at home? Let's say one day your job wants you to start making diagrams while the last time you draw any was 2 years back in uni.
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Are you me? Except i have no savings at all lol
I'm graduating in November. I probably wont have a job until March or April so for the time being, other than keep grinding leetcode and work on 1-2 projects i post pixel art on twitter
All of them, but the main factor that will get you a job is your interviewing skills and networking skills. Start going to tech conferences or gatherings

>just try
I'd need to dig out Uncle Bob's thoughts on the dangers of "trying".
Either in Clean Code or The Clean Coder.
Basically: Don't be a pushover, that let's your manager get away with shoving an "I'll try" in your mouth,
because he'll turn around to everyone else and declare it a fixed certainty.
Instead, give your estimates as probabilities and refuse to say anything else.
zoomers be like "uhhh the market shrunk by more than 50% and number of grads increased by 600%... think im gonna stay a cs major though"
join or make a saas with other unemployed grads. get good at validating ideas and sending cold emails. much more fun than being bored at home.
>get contacted by woman recruiter a month ago

>get contacted by male recruiter last week

both are external recruiters. is this a pattern anons? although my last jobs internal recruiter (woman) was responsive.
What do you suggest instead? Medicine?
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Same, I'll start working for real today (3 hours tops)
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Don't scrum wagies realize how easy is to circumvent this? Creating a basic ass CRUD with a form with 10 text fields doesn't take 2 weeks, but the PM tard doesn't know, likely because it's some stupid roastie doing a "career change".
Based, they understand that competition breeds innovation.
>do just good enough on your day job
>maintain self respect and assertiveness
>go home 5 PM sharp to enjoy the things that you actually like
>don't sleep late
>ignore doubters
>spend time in a community with likeminded people
>reject linkedin and corpo grifters
>reflect often with the help of religion
>Ignore social media

It's literally that easy
>Do it anyway
How do you even counter this? Everyone knows it's going to fail and that you're going to be blamed for it.
Do you sit down and demand the manager takes responsibility when the deadline's inevitably not met?
>>don't sleep late
meaning dont go to sleep late or dont sleep in?
Go to bed at 22.00 and wake up at 5.30
hey at least you have some cool art skills that you can sell in the meantime
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Another day, another rejection letter, what a life.
Can't even get an unpaid internship
I have no idea how people sleep soundly while tech workers.
>Rejected from being a literal slave.
Holy shit this market is tough.
That would be nice, but I don't want to do commissions. After i have a job I'll make time to make my own game at least 1 hour a day. For the time being I'm making free assets. Some people would throw me a dime, giving me a profit of $3 - $10 a month.
too early
i'm happy going to bed around midnight and waking up at 7:30-8AM.
just rejected another job pitch on LinkedIn. why are there no cool jobs anywhere?
>meeting starts at 10
>everybody is on time, have a nice, productive meeting

>meeting starts at 9
>people start joining the call at 9:05
>last person joins at 9:20
>the client finishes setting up their stuff at around 9:30
>meeting starts at 10

they did this specifically so I can't have breakfast, didn't they
>hit mute
this. I always meticulously plan my lunch, so it arrives just in time for long meetings.
>i post pixel art on twitter
I hope you don't post that AI crap, kek
Yep, especially since few places I have tried are remote. So, they would literally not have lost anything by giving me a chance to collaborate.
They could have give 10 interns the same task and then just picked best outcome and ignored the rest.

But this particular internship required permission from the university or unemployment office, so I presume they actually receive government subsidies to take unpaid intern.

So, they are literally taking slaves in order to get paid...
Maybe I should form my own company so I can get subsidies for unpaid slaves as well.

Also, more than 40 people applied for this internship.
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Kek, you got me there.
Currently i can only make stuff like this, but i know in few months I'll get better.
That isn't even 8 hours.
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quitting the HFT hedge fund job where i get to do cool stuff like dynamically remap ELF LOAD sections at runtime and write insanely complicated C++20 template metaprogramming code BUT which also makes me work 10 hour days and stresses me the fuck out

about to start (in 9 months, after my notice period) at my cozy new FAGMAN job where I can WFH, work 7-hour days, and has more prestige BUT it pays a bit less and its mostly in Pyth*n

i think i have made the right choice but id be lying if i said i was 100% sure
At least now you won't be enriching banker jews, you'll just be doing busywork for FAGMAN jews that ultimately does nothing of value.
I'm in the UK
if I've been given some IT equipment for some government work and then the consultancy who is supposed to manage it and request it back has ignored multiple calls *from me* saying I want them to come pick it up, wtf do I do?
it's like they want me to put it on ebay
>getting fatter
At least mow the lawn for your parents you lazy fuckwad
Pooping on company time~
Pooping on the company's dime~
Tell them you're really good at getting coffee.
Gosh I love Guiness. It's just so relaxing.
If you're getting fatter while unemployed you're extremely retarded.
Go for a fucking walk and stop drinking soda. That's literally all you have to do.
I'm not a wagie anymore, I have a salary now. I'm free.
Congrats, now you'll be contacted at 3 in the morning on the weekend because something caught fire as a result of something outside of your control
>coworker keeps 'correcting' my work with retarded mistakes
I cannot take this shit bros, I hate working on any kind of shared document
I wish we could do our documentation in git with PRs like our code.

CRDT document editors are awful.
7 hours with good sleep hygiene >>> 8 hours with poor sleep hygiene.
yeah, not surprised. that's classic 70IQ behaviour.
>9 month notice period
What the fuck
>be me, new grad
>might get bank of america contract job interview
>recuriter told me the hiring manager is uptight about the candidate about python exp
why are boomers so dumb? Ive used python in projects but any midwit could pick it up. dont need exp in it
>and its mostly in Pyth*n
Python is honestly the most relaxing language to work in as long as you don't have some spaz trying to make DSLs in eg yaml.
if u are decent I might be able to give a paid internship (once we release and make money)

hmu at anonisburtsbees@proton.me with ur resume
I actually got offered a job from someone on here once. I panicked and ghosted them.
it was probably a glowie anyway
Probably. They only wanted to talk via some weird app.
that's a nice cartoon
What skills do you need either way?
I haven't celebrated any holidays for two years and I talk to no one. Summer was ok because I got a full-stack job but it ended and job seeking is just as hard now
True, but I'm paid a lot to do this.
kys, might as well send your private infos to a random pajeet bot on linkedin, might be more reliable
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I come in at 9pm and leave at 14.30. I just don't care anymore and it's sadly become a habit lol

>User calls: "Where are you?"
>*Me in bed* "Oh i'm troubleshooting something at location #4, I'll be back in one hour at location #1 "
>user: "Oh okay!"
>comes in at 21:00 and doesn't leave until 14:30
AM lmao sorry
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there is a hot female dev in my office
that underling is me
fuck you
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that is a man
Auto-reject pajeets.
please saar...
Mom, I posted my one joke again!
i wish this guy would stop advertising his cold take twitter here
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one time I was so nervous in a live coding interview that I forgot how to start a for loop

they probably thought I bullshitted everything on my resume kek
I've worked for like 10 hours in a row today. I feel I'm going to die.
good evening sir
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I remember the time I forgot the map function in js and couldn't render a list in front of a techlead

Fun times. I couldn't look at myself in the mirror for like a week
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good morning remote chads
No, Asia. And I'm not asian.

I wish, my man. Well maybe "in a row" is a bit of an exaggeration but you get what I'm trying to say.
>work at msp
>still soon to be the most sr member of engineering
>hating the politics
>enjoy working with specific customer
God maybe Ill just let them poach me
You should have some form of division between clients to make lateral movement hard(firewall with proper policy, tenant systems, routing instances, etc)
What's the best way to put T2-T3 Helpdesk on a resume if I'm looking to get another job above ? Should I keep it as it is or do I put it in a fancier way ?
whats msp
working on reports all day every day is draining my soul
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Why are they like this? I just need a remote job.
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Honestly, ask a chat bot to write a couple bullet points for a general T2/T3 position.
Tailoring how a job function reads on a CV is time consuming and won't really go as far as you think in the long run.

While you're at it, copy/paste the job descriptions in the chatbot and ask it what keywords you should put in and just cram the reasonable ones in a "Skills" section.

Disclaimer: Don't just blindly add the shit it spits out. AI can be retarded a lot of the time. Use your brain to filter the shit.
so less than minimum wage in SF? why dont you post the actual listing you coward
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>start a new job as an EE in June
>work with Norwegians very chill and deadlines are very long or nonexistent
>get after 3 months added to newly created electric team still work with Norwegians on the side
>additional get added as a support to big project
>Norwegian boss says he has high expectations of me
>some chick from different dept gets promoted
>get chosen to do her tasks until they hire someone new
haha looks like the tasks will be only piling up from now on
No. It is from a "startup" that only has a sole Indian man as an employee. Everything from the linkedin to the twitter screams AI scam. I'm just reporting the listing and moving on. Remember to block any job that has India listed as a location.
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>site has an outage
>customer raises ticket
>shitjeets always coming back to the customer saying WE RESTARTED THE INSTANCE AND NOW IT WORKING FINE SAAARRR CAN YOU CHECK
Every single fucking time the customer comes back asking for a root cause / preventative measure, yet, these curry niggers always need tons of pressure on the ticket from the customer to give a half assed, retarded answer

Why are they like this? It seems they are somewhat smart, but they use their smarts to work as little as possible and do their job with as little quality as possible.

When I was working with curryggers directly I was discouraged from giving detailed, useful answers to the customers
jeets always work under the "cover your ass" philosophy which in this case means revealing as little as possible to the client in case it was the jeets that messed up somehow.
It's funny how companies can't find devs and devs can't find jobs. You would think these 2 things are in contradiction. Truth is that there is maybe 1% of these devs that is actually hirable. The rest cause so much muddying of the water that it's hard for that 1% to get visibility. Until the interview, they're not easily distinguishable from the lying incompetent jeets. Get 2 minutes face to face and you'll know instantly though.
>"i'm having connectivity issues with zoom"
>get onto PC
>13.5 days of uptime
>zoom not signed into even though he has a licensed account
>pending updates with a 6min eta for an update + restart
why do people do this before important meetings?
Just had a Hackerrank assessment with a SQL question as one of the assignments.
Why the fuck do companies do this? I get it if you're applying for some data role, but why would you expect a dev to shit out SQL queries without consulting Google and AI? In my 4 years of SWE experience I've written maybe 4-5 queries that went beyond a simple SELECT.
I recently started working for a fintech corporate type gig and I'm thinking it's the final red pill. Fuck startups and tech bros.
How much were you expected to know?
I can do a basic select, I know joins exist (though I always forget which inner/outer is) but shit I'd need a decent amount of preparation if I was asked to convert customer requirements into a database.
I memorized part 1 and part 2 of the Designing data intensive application book. I can spit out random facts like "in an lsm tree, when data is first written, it is usually kept in memtable. memtable is an in-memory, sorted data structure(often a skiplist or a balanced tree like red-black or avl), that keeps the recently written data. with these data structures you can insert keys in any order, and read em back in sorted order(insert/del/search:Ologn space:On)" or something like "two common options to determine the order and timing of how sstables are merged and compacted: leveled and size-tiered compaction. rocksdb and leveldb use leveled compaction, hbase uses size-tiered, and cassandra supports both."
Only getting jeets lying through their teeth in the interview is karma for posting a job listing so bullshit that you filtered all the whites and east asians
We just overhauled the hiring process at my workplace. Its now HR (human resources) driven and the team has much less control of how interviews are run. We can't even ask basic questions during the interview. All behavioral questions are selected from a pool. Technical questions are HackerRank, we have a strict time limit for interviews, and to cap it all off the interview "data" is assessed by some third party "AI interview solutions" company.

The system is a joke. You either got an interviewer who didn't care, didn't have time or was part of a shit system they have no control over. Tech interviews are an absolute fucking joke. No other kind of occupation has a literal cottage industry around gaming interviews.
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>there are still people coping and seething about remote workers
I know you are not even baiting. Stay miserable, we are being outsourced to India in 2 more weeks, right after AI takes over.
If I went over 1.5x of what my previous manager had in mind, he would make a big fuss about it and ask me to fully detail why do I need that much time. He knew this is all bullshit, he just wanted me to work overtime without being rewarded for that overtime.
New manager is more lax but it is only a matter of time he gets pressured from above and starts squeezing us.
All of these are trash. Show me actual contribution to a widely used open source project. There are tons of Linux and Android programs in dire need of maintenance.
They do lose time on you. HR wastes hours on you and IT needs to send you a laptop full of their botnet AIDS stack.
Python can (hint: will always) be disgusting when it is abused and hacked to death.
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or random shit like "dynamostyle dbs allow several clients to concurrently write to the same key, which means that conflicts will arise even if strict quorums are used. conflicts can also arise during read repairs and hinted handoffs."
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We wouldn't lie if you didn't have ridiculous requirements. Good luck on finding the perfect worker who will agree to waste his time through 6 interviews only to earn less than what he could elsewhere. Chances are this idiot will waste a year looking for a worker when he could just take a random senior and give him 3 months to learn your repos.
The job ad mentioned nothing about SQL. Literally nothing. The only db related thing that was mention was that they use GraphQL.
If they just asked simple SELECT shit thats fine, but they asked quite "advanced" JOIN shit and formatting.
That's not impossible, but the postings looked pretty normal to me. What we were lacking was any kind of brand recognition, i imagine. And don't be mistaken, we were getting plenty of asians, and the majority of them were blatant cheaters all the same, with limited english. Whites were the true rarity.
While it's true that almost any dev job will interact with SQL in some shape or form, it's also correct that this may be through ORM or that the technicalities will be resolved by SO/google/chatgpt. I'd definitely ask some kind of database centric question to any interviewee. What was the ask, exactly?
I think I have autism
"replication log problems:
there are few common guarantees that users expect.
->read your own writes
if the user reloads the page, they will always see the updates they submitted themselves
+read the user's own profile from leaders, other users' profiles from followers
->monotonic reads
it is possible for users to see things moving backward in time
+make sure that each user makes their read requests from the same replica
+replica can be chosen based on the hash of the user id, rather than randomly. if that replica fail they need the be rerouted.
->constant prefix reads
if some writes happen in certain order, then anyone reading those writes will see them happen in the same order.
+make sure to put writes that are casually related to the same partition."
*replication lag problems
Was the same for us, under the guise of ""fairness"", HR greatly reduced our ability to properly and quickly assess candidates. Truly it is the essence of their job to enshittify everything.

I wouldn't say that tech interviews are "a joke", they're really the only way to properly evaluate people. But of course it has to be done well, not just ask edge case gotchas or easily-googlable-technicalities. A simple design exercise is ideal.
Why are you fuckers such pieces of shit? I’ve met a handful of techfags that weren’t complete assholes, and most of em I knew before they became techfags.

Other fields are way more chill with better people.
getto desu
Basically a generic election question where you have to aggregate votes and data from several tables into one with some extra fields like vote percentage, etc.
I agree that SQL should be fine, but not allowing to use some form of help just makes no sense.
what is it with you retards? why aren't you getting internships while in college and then transferring to a full-time position after graduation? red hat is literally hiring anybody off the streets
>Other fields are way more chill with better people.
You've never worked in any field.
>not allowed to do real SQL because brainlets like you only know how to use ORMs and spoonfed stack overflow answers
even my shitty junior who didn't know what SQL injection was can analyze an execution plan. fucking code monkeys
>some third party "AI interview solutions
HireVue and their ilk are such a stage iv cancer on not just the tech industry but jobs in general that they make leetcode and hackerrank look like a skin tag
>getting internships while in college and then transferring to a full-time position after graduation
Yep, this is exactly what I did and the process was so smooth. It's the easiest mode.
my team has no LEADER
nobody feels responsible for anything
fuck this
>They do lose time on you. HR wastes hours on you and IT needs to send you a laptop full of their botnet AIDS stack.
Implying these small companies have HR, and the ones I applied were remote, so they wouldn't have even given me a laptop.
I graduated, then lived with my parents for almost a year and still got a SWE anyways, with no projects, nor internships.
You just gotta be in the right place at the right time. Some people drop from opportunities, which becomes your door for that same one.
i despise golang
fuck rob pike and the assholes at google responsible for this utter trash heap language
You would be surprised how many people were never told how important interning is and simply don't realize until it's too late to do anything about it
>No other kind of occupation has a literal cottage industry around gaming interviews.
That's not true lmao. In schools that finance recruits from, frat's and sororities maintain interview question banks from those banks and firms. Get paid like a finance bro, get hazed in the interview like a finance bro.
That shit is totally different and you know it. What other industry has up to 4-5 rounds of interviews, each lasting over an hour where the questions rarely reflect what you will actually be doing on the job? Other occupations have far more respect for credentials and experience. I went to a (top) university and have 10 years of experience at a good company - not a household name but known in the area of tech its in. But its all useless because when I go to interview elsewhere I get asked leetcode puzzles.
Being a dev is just too stressful for me. But I have nothing else so I will just suffer forever.
>getting internships while in college
because my college is shit and i was forced to intern inside the college instead
I literally have not been outside for 6 months besides to take out my trash. My mom feeds me tendies. I work remote, but I pretty much just work, eat, then sleep. I'm going to die.
Have you considered going outside, anon?
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>frat's and sororities maintain interview question banks from those banks and firms

Is this trolling or do you really think that keeping an oral bank of interview questions is considered "Gaming interviews"?
I actually had a technical interview for a QA Software Testing job where the interviewer made his own test for candidates. Not only did I have no time to actually preform the tasks, but in doing so, I fucking broke it. ALMOST LIKE A QA TESTER WOULD DO!

Spoiler: No call back.
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Same except it’s been a year for me
I used to laugh at the foul bachelor frog memes but now that’s actually my life
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when does the socialist utopia start
I’ve worked in construction (GC) and distribution niglet. You’ll never meet as many arrogant assholes as in tech. Not even at a surgical convention or the locker room of Augusta National.
I'm adding something a junior has been given responsibility for for the last 6 months. ITS IS FUCKING BROKEN AND BUGGED TO SHIT. It looks like it works but it does wrong shit that people should notice but don't. The question is this. Do I bring it up and create more work for myself or do I just leave it because I don't really care and it makes me angry to look at.
just left my job lads. they didn’t have a ping pong table
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STOP talking to me like I'm a native, okay? I'm an ESL. Speak clearly, articulate every word, do not patter to me, highlight key words so that I can latch on them.
No can do, I'm ESL so librarian just comes out as whybrayrian.
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>finally got an interview
>the description lied, it's actually tech support
>still full remote at least
>"haha anon you are overqualified but we will take you"
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And, how did you find the book?
Do you think, you'll be using your new-found knowledge at you day job?
I have it on my shelf along with some 45 other unread books on programming.
It does have me curious; but the next books in my reading queue are Specification by Example and Memory as a Programming Concept in C and C++.
Is it possible to be a senior dev and still suck?
Where have you been these past 2 years? It's the worst dev market ever
thats every senior dev over 35. if you're above 35 and still senior dev or below, you're a shitdev.
The last 2 years have been bad, but I have managed to get decent gigs every now and then. But now? Nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada.
It's an absolute must read if you're a back end developer. It's really easy to read and understand. I definitely will be using everything I learned from this book.
What should you be if you're over 35? Principal? Manager?
I tried this last December, my coworker is some Asian guy and we were leaving for the break and I said “happy holidays” for some reason, not even really sure why, I didn’t want to assume I guess. He smirked and in this drifting tone replied “merry Christmas “ and I was instantly shook and never stopped thinking about it. Like this is just my fate now. Either be an inclusive cuck or a micro aggression racist. No winning move.
yeah, staff/principal, or engineering manager.
or working towards becoming an architect.
That's me until I get too old and ageism kicks in and a company lays me off and then I'm unable to ever get a dev job ever again because ageism
I’m 36 and one step below “associate” because I wasted my 20s pretending to be a girl online and cooming and didn’t graduate until I was 34
Was he Vietnamese?
If you have 5-10 years experience in most of fintech you will get 3-6 months notice period. If you work in HFT they'll add on garden leave on top so by the time you change jobs all your insight into the market tricks they're using are out of date.
This is the software job market in a nutshell. There's too much money sloshing about and it causes the signal to noise ratio to be totally off kilter.
post hole
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Someone has to sit down and do the legal paperwork to hire your ass as an intern. This isn't just a farm or a restaurant you could juet walk into and offer free work. Even if it is a one man startup he will at the very least have you sign an NDA.
Automation is comfy.
Jeets fucking ruined everything
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>go on business trip
>come back and start feeling very ill
>let my manager know
>take two days away from the computer
>manager is now mad at me
i didnt even do anything :(
Failed to find a job after several months in this market, thinking of switching to something else. I have 3 years experience as a developer, what else should I look at? I've started applying to Technical Writing jobs and Business Analyst jobs. Would testing be something I should consider too? I'm just an incompetent developer who can't problem solve for shit
I wish I had someone to tell me what to do with a clear goal instead of being left to my own devices
I'm 30 and still have the same job title as I did when I first started working 5 years ago.
They're trying to give me more responsibilities that are not under my job title however, so I don't feel bad for only doing what I am actually paid for.
What percentage of /twg/ is homosexual? Every gay crossdresser or furry seems to work in the tech industry so it has to be pretty high
might quit my job and just join the french foreign legion desu
>I'm just an incompetent developer who can't problem solve for shit
I mean... you should not feel this way about your area of focus after three years in the industry. Am I wrong? Have you been fake working? Do you just struggle with impostor syndrome or something?
this is depressing to hear, I'm 37 and im only staff
Most devs peak at senior. Hierarchies are triangular, so unless you're joining startups or making your own most people aren't getting any higher than a courtesy promotion above entry level tier
That's what I did. I only have a simple bachelors and they hired me before I even actually got the degree, and a couple of people from my class got offers too.
Interning was an obligation for me and because I'm a Europoor, I did it for free epic janny style. Got a job out of it and it wasn't a bad experience so I don't even complain.
Well they gave me tasks like updating algorithms in an already developed Spring Application. Very little chance to actually do any development on my own, and I turned down a chance to do development because of my lack of confidence roughly two years in. Before that, I got tasks like the above or "fix this defect" and I had no clue on how to approach things at all. It's not really imposter syndrome, it's more like I can't do shit and have been failing consistently since I left college (and stopped taking Adderall) syndrome. The only things I've done with programming have been following tutorials but going outside that draws a blank. Not very effective with the ticket based defect fixing system
>Ask friend for referral to company he works at
>Referral needs a cover letter
>Simply applying for the job doesn't
what the fuck
probably because the job posting is not a genuine one
Don't forget to tip your hiring manager Anon
This >>102552355
Big portion of job postings are only posted because they're required to due to policy. Even if they already know exactly who they're going to hire.
to make things short, I am an imposter
Hey anon, make sure you thoroughly document everything you do with lots of comments in your code, an updated wiki page and a detailed README :)
t. someone who never documents anything

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It's a beefy book, but I'll take your glowing praise as a positive sign.
What the Charles Dickens am I doing here, trying to write a reply! I'm off to start reading the book.
Book recommendations from my end:
- Domain-Driven Design - Eric Evans
- Developer Testing - Alexander Tarlinder
- Peopleware - Tom DeMarco & Timothy Lister
>bummed about applying to 800 internship positions last summer and getting 0 interviews, even with decent stats
>peers at school ask to see my resume
>confused why it's a word doc
>word doc prevented me from getting job
i think i fucked up bros... time to use the latex template on overleaf...
>I am right to avoid this place right?
Do you even have to ask, lol.
Everything you said are the most basic red flags.
Yes, women in HR are psychos and lazy.
This is not prejudice, there are studies on that.
dude I don't know what you're talking about but it sounds like SQL is a central part of your job (cybersec?)

the anon said the listing mentioned only graphql, in my years of experience I've only used Redis and graphql, I barely know anything about SQL except its use cases, I've only ever used ORMs for it here and there

it's a perfectly fine scenario, my job was never to shit out SQL, the job in question isn't to shit out SQL, so why is the interview question that
I had this for so long that it paid the cost of my life for 6 months where I was just unemployed.
10/10, best 6 months of my adult life.
There's honestly nothing wrong with staying senior for the rest of your career. Wow, I get to make $150k-200k+ and work fully remote. And I don't want to kill myself with all of the extra responsibility and pressure
do recruiters even read resumes or do they just pass them through a ai scanner? I went to a microsoft career event at my university and the people literally all said to use ai to tailor your resume and one even went as far as to say you should use keywords that an ai would pick up but change the color of the words to match the background so that they are hidden but the ai will pick them up.
the current meta is doing as little as possible so it probably wont even go through a scanner. average white collar wagie does about 2 hours of work per month.
>do recruiters even read resumes or do they just pass them through a ai scanner?
All AI. It's very cheap and to be honest, most places have way too many candidates to be handled by HR.
Have you spoken with someone that works in HR? They are the lowest IQ sector of any corporation. AND EVEN THAT IS OUTSOURCED.
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hello /twg/,
I want to die.
thanks for reading!
yea I know buts like crazy know Ive been applying to places and the one that has reached out to me wasnt even a person it was just a automated assesment. I just want a job
I used to live with my parents and it's real easy to be fat there.
As you said, stop drinking soda. But if you have soda, even if you didn't bought it, it's hard to resist temptation. Once I move out I didn't bye soda and other crap, and I lost weight because I naturally ate good foods. Having the choice to do the wrong thing is itself, the wrong choice.
To my first point or second point? If first then OK he wasted a bunch of time. If second, of course I'm retarded, I don't know the answer. Hence me asking. I'm not gonna ask what's 1+1 if I know it's 2
For real though, how many Amafags will actually quit Amazon over the RTO thing? How fucked will the job market be next year when/if it happens?
actually yea ur right fuck em im just gonna start applying with a bunch of slop ai resumes
>10PM is too early
>I go to bed at 7-8
Holy shit
My gf is quitting over it. 2 other people on her team of like 8 have already resigned. It will not be enough people to meaningfully affect the job market.
>Do you sit down and demand the manager takes responsibility when the deadline's inevitably not met?
Unironically yes. It's not your responsibility that managers and C-suite have unrealistic expectations. Deadlines are stupid anyway. "Here: predict the future with perfect accuracy". If management could do that they'd retired as quadrillioinaires. They can't and neither can you. Just be honest: "no I don't think it can be done. I also don't want to take responsibility if it can't be done, as I told you it couldn't be done." And when it doesn't get done, you have that email in your inbox. If you still get shit, fucking quit. I left a job over that garbage.
Have many CVs tailored for positions. Use their own tools, let chatGPT write for you.
I have been working for over 20 years, not a single time have I ever interviewed with someone from HR that even understood the position.
>Have many CVs tailored for positions.
like 50-100. I just didn't want to lie about shit on my resume but if recruiters aren't even gonna read it.
>not a single time have I ever interviewed with someone from HR that even understood the position.
why tf should i not just lie then
I honestly have 10 CVs per language I can work with. Fuck it, I have sent CVs in multi languages before. In all of them I got an interview.

>not a single time have I ever interviewed with someone from HR that even understood the position.
>why tf should i not just lie then
That's why you lie, to break the HR barrier.
Just don't lie in the stages you are working with people in IT.
The HR part is where you abuse your soft skills and slander. The tech interviews is when you show you are worth shit.
Anyone worked at Locksneed Martin? Is it a chill job where work finishes at 5, so I can get on that LC grind and have interesting projects to branch into higher paying big tech?
yea I know I do that a little my projects and stuff are a little played up. But I think im just gonna copy and paste the job requirements into chatgpt and fine tune it a little to make sure it makes sense make up some shitty experience at a university job or club. thats what I got from the event with the microsoft recruiters. Something that I can probably get away with lying about with no experience
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vm doesnt work lol
There were some sites that built you a CV based on the info you gave, but never tried.
Honeslty? The market is fucked.
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I keep feeling like I'm about to get fired, but the months go by and still not fired
that's exactly what it is and what I did
Are you me? I haven’t worked in a project since June.
I assume it's also distinctly non-jeeted as well.
What do you do with the free time? study something?

I'm in a project still, but I do maybe 2 hours of work a day, i have no more to do. I have no idea how im worth a salary at this point

The project may end in december, who knows what will happen then
Are you worried about it? Maybe volunteer for an interesting project.
I have savings + unemployment benefits so not worried financially, but I am worried about going back to being a neet. Long term unemployment makes me depressed, and it's a real possibility with this job market

On the other hand, my current job is super boring and every morning I feel like I wish I would get fired. I don't know what to do
Split my time between contriving work related to our projects and grinding leetcode and other interview prep.

Right now I am making some testing tools to add automated testing to one of our projects. Working on adding a HAL to our firmware and a POSIX backend so I can run the code on my PC and add some much needed tests.

And also looking for another job because I think my company is not long for this world.
not a hint of curry for miles
Where do you host your portofolios?
Just github or something else?
I don’t have one.
>make CRUD app
>tailor to exact needs of some medium size business
>sell for 1000$ monthly subscription citing "server costs" and "maintenance"
>repeat 10 times
>live comfortably
Why doesn't everyone do this instead of slaving for big company?
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Why are there so many of these in tech?!?!
A plot to produce the HOG (Hapa Occupied Government)
Going to setup a VPN mini pc server at my parent's house. I don't want to NAT my work computer to my personal computer as it's probably insecure. Should I just get another mini pc or get a VPN router instead that connects to the mini pc vpn server at my parent's house?
Which product?
Does being LGBT actually increase your chances of being hired?
Seriously. No chud bias, no direction brain, just pure facts please.
yes. as does being a w*man
No idea but it's a government write off most likely so you be the judge.
Ran into something strange today and can't find a straight answer from joogle.
I was working in an old church today troubleshooting some latency issues at their multimedia station. The topography was god knows what and seemed to be hacked together by some boomer who "knows tech"
At the media station I found an ancient linksys wireless-g router. Not exactly out of the ordinary but the feed was connected to port 1 on the LAN side with two devices connected at ports 3 and 4. The feed (from a UDM) was not wired crossover so I think it's been connected like that for ages.
Question is, if you connect from a gateway to a LAN port at a second router, would that make the second router act as a switch?
I didn't bother to look at the configuration settings since there was a 16 port gig switch right next to that old router powered down, so we utilized it, but even with IP passthrough enabled, that still connects to the network via the WAN port.
> What is impressive in 2024?
...nothing. I said no one gives a fuck anymore. No one cares about your fucking projects, whether it's a synth or a compiler.
>I'm on the time to do my first hop, and I figured now's a great time to do it
do you live under a rock or in the third world? Unless you live in latin america, somewhere in Bangladesh, Ukraine, China or Vietnam it's the worst time to get into tech especially webdev.
The top 10 soft skills all recruiters require despite your profession are the following:

Time management
Interpersonal skills
Work ethic
Attention to detail
>Does being LGBT actually increase your chances of being hired?

As honest as I can be: I don't know.
This is a question you will never know unless you do the experiment yourself. (Applying to jobs with 2 different resumes)
However, if I had money on it, I probably wouldn't in my experience from candid conversations with managers and coworkers. Also I fear that recent public events spell the end of woke company policies. (Pic related)
I couldn't tell the interviewer what the static keyword does in java
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just make everything static. no need to understand it.
Probably, have worked with a gook like this and they are weirdly very Conservative leaning.

However, just like this guy, probably gives off small dick energy and 'goes to the gym's even though he has zero potential with American women.

Sounds about right.
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>happy holidays is a micro aggression
I interviewed two people this week who completely collapsed under the pressure. They were both super bubbly and happy when they came in, and then when I gave them the coding question (super basic algorithm checks) they went silent, struggled, and they clearly knew it. I feel awful when that happens, obviously I can't give them the thumbs-up but everyone's been there, and in today's market they probably realize fucking up an interview means struggling through more applications.
As long as you're not a gay cisgendered white man, we're in the same boat as straight white men now
this but I got leetcode monkey jeets instead
I threw em a good ol' behavioral and watched em squirm
>no hire
Doubt it. I am a staff swe at a fortune 500, and i got offers from most of the faangs last time i interviewed in 2022. LGBT people seem very under represented at my shop, but i hire them whenever I'm interviewing. I think it makes very little difference either way at the big companies, unless your interviewers are also girls/gays. My gf is a senior SWE and she's struggling to find interviews.
t. Tranny
was it HRT?
This was me, but I went ahead and put in my two weeks notice yesterday before it could happen.
are there any good ai tools for formatting a resume
Just ask chatgpt to write it in latex.
wtf lol how are you even desperate enough to ask in here? are you new to networking?
I use rezi. you can click a button at the end to format it to one page or whatever
the jeets learned this from the bri'ish
hear young people from other teams talk about hobbies and shit in the break room over lunch
all I have around me is old people that discuss their health problems
god I don't want to grow old and have to make keeping my body running my only hobby
your question and wording doesn't make any fucking sense. you need to work out what you mean with chatgpt before you pose the question here.
I’m chinese
me play joke
i dont talk to any of my team members because theyre all mexican
hello i'm currently a sophmore compsci major at a local community college. by summer i should have my associates to which i will be transferring to a real uni to get my bachelors. i dont think i like coding and never do it in my free time. what do i do?
pp in coke jokes were made illegal by the CDC in 2020. The FBI is currently investigating this thread.
Find something you like and do that instead. It's not rocket surgery
Stacy PM just cornered me in the employee activity room and raped me on a ping pong table. Fuck my piece of shit codemonkey life.
are you looking to work for a paycheck or trying to find something you love?

work for a paycheck: do cybersecurity
work for something you love: figure it out yourself dweeb
Talk me out of transitioning from software engineer to TPM.
someone please bake
>management finally "cracks down" on off-hour calls after years of complaint from US, Germany, and China offices
>india still gets to make unscheduled calls with impunity at 9pm
new thread >>102558177
they are so bad about lying, it's not even a meme
cope blue collar cuck. Keep destroying your body for a pittance of pay :)
No, but it gives a Chance of Interview buff of 70%
the underfucked women pandemic is reaching new heights
just be competent at web dev
why not just reject their calls

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