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3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
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$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

/g/'s Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
https://fglt.nl && https://files.catbox.moe/u3pj3i.txt

GNU/Linux Games:

IRC: #sqt on Rizon

Previous thread: >>102513208
1st for best distro
that one sucks. the forums are filled with people who get angry if you ask a question that can be found in a manual. every time i make a post "x doesn't work" i get yelled at for not providing more info. bitch fix it for me
Is the penguin female or male??
does it matter? both have holes to fuck
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he is a breeding male kept by the government to produce offspring with high-functioning pineal glands
Sounds like a skill issue to me
Well I've gone back to messing with Docker

I'm using a named volume for the database part, as is recommended by almost any guide or example I could find. Is it me or whenever I rebuild or even so much as do `docker-compose down`, even without that -v flag, I lose the database and it seems a new one is made? That's what it looks like when I go into that container and list the databases from there. Or maybe it's because I'm using a "third-party" image for the MySQL part (tommi2day/mysql4) which apparently mounts the database at /db in the container.

In light of this, I'm less sure how to safely upgrade anything here.
Konsole had this cool feature where you could look up in the bash history by pressing up. For example, if I typed sudo, went back a character and pressed up, it would show all previous commands that began with sudo.
Anyone knows the name of this feature? I think I disabled it, lol.
Did your distro default to zsh and you changed it to bash or something?
It's a fresh install, but I've been playing around with some commands.
After a certain amount of time using Docker, eventually you realise that volumes are trash. Use bind-mounts and mount them at the right directory (e.g /var/lib/mysql, etc)
Install Fzf with the Bash and Zsh, etc, completions. It's a million times better than whatever Bash does built-in.

In my case I can type sudo and then Ctrl + r and it'll show all of my history results beginning with sudo. I can't remember if that's stock configuration or something I did.
yeah i don't think that's stock bash. do this though >>102542509
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>UEFI GRUB (/efi)
>LUKS2 (Full encryption for everything)
>BTRFS (/ + /home)
>XFS (/nvme1 + /ssd1 + /ssd2 + /ssd3)
>linux-zen kernel
>Snapper with automatic pre update snapshots, boot to snapshot from grub with overlayfs, simple snapshot rollback
>Working suspend + hibernation
>Plasma (X11) with carefully picked packages
>pamac-flatpak (GUI package manager for pamac+aur+flatpak in one)
>Flatpak everything that can be
>Opensnitch firewall with ebpf module
>Tweaked and and patched nvidia drivers
Yup, this is peak linux life.
Yeah, I don't think I've seen this kind of thing happen since I switched to bind mounts. I wonder if this kind of thing happens on a current MySQL container. I mean, if something as big as this isn't just a me thing, surely it would have been brought up SOMEWHERE else...right?
man the built-in KDE tiling is missing like three crucial features
>saving layouts, as of right now you have to fork the tiling editor effect and learn QML to get custom layouts
>different layouts by workspaces (or even activities if they aren't deprecating them)
>making it a toggle so i don't have to hold shift to snap windows
It is a stock feature, provided by libreadline, it's just really shit. Fzf is great.
I noticed that sometimes it would stop working if Ctrl+C anything.
Welp, I found one worrying concern about the docker approach to gradual upgrades by switching out images: no easy way to convert MyISAM to InnoDB...or is there?
Convert it however you'd normally do that. Start an ephemeral container if you need to e.g:

# Stop db to convert it
docker stop mysql
# docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash -v ./data:/var/lib/mysql mysql

Now you're in a Bash shell and can do whatever it is you need to.
bump >>102543927
Doesn't work on software manager.
Then none of the filters are going to work either. This is the sort of thing that should really be built-in and given their shitty Muffin compositor is a fork of Mutter which has this I'm not sure why they disabled it or don't expose it.
>linux-zen kernel
>Plasma (X11) with carefully picked packages
>pamac-flatpak (GUI package manager for pamac+aur+flatpak in one)
>Flatpak everything that can be
That's true, I won't deny it, but at least I'm not using a window manager and emacs.
What are those carefully picked packages ?
I am losing my mind
I'm using a wired headphone and lately when I manually stop a youtube video, it refuses to play until I unplug and plug again my headphones
And when changing to another video it doesn't play until I unplug and plug again
Also seems to be happening on twitch

Nobody really has my sympton and the arch wiki has nothing on wired headphones. Completely lost.
Uninstalled pulseaudio, reinstalled pipewire
guys, how do I use bdf bitmap fonts in kde? I installed few bitmap fonts from aur, but they are not showing in font selection menu.
Convert them to a proper ttf or otf font. Pretty much nothing on a modern desktop environment accepts bitmap fonts anymore.
I wanna gaym on linux. I'm using Mint and I usually torrent my shit from repack scenes like FitGirl or Dodi. If I want to install the games, do I go the normal route? Wine or Lutris and execute the installer and it'll work?
Lutris just werks for me
Are there any scanner programs that work without SANE? It seems like such dogshit software, I need to unload my fucking kernel drivers for that scanner before SANE can use it.
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How do I fix the file picker preview? There is no menu to change the view, I don't want list view, when picking a file I want to have bigger thumbnails. Is that possible?
I'm using Firefox + Nautilus
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Is it possible to have a Linux desktop use Pipewire for general audio while allowing special software to access the ALSA device directly? I.e. WASAPI exclusive mode for Linux.
Use xdg-desktop-portal
I've been getting into radio with an SDR and some programs (js8call, ft8) need the audio feed from the radio to work, I can set the input in js8call as the monitor of the SDR however it's a little tiresome having constant radio static playing in my ears. Can I pipe the audio from the SDR to js8call without actually needing to hear it? On Windows you have to install a virtual audio cable program but I'm fairly sure I can do this without installing anything on Linux, I'm not opposed to installing something to make it easier though.
>Keep a count the number of blocks in each inode btree in the AGI. This reduces mount time by speeding up metadata space reservation calculations. The filesystem cannot be downgraded after this feature is enabled. Once enabled, the filesystem will not be writable by older kernels. This feature was added to Linux 5.10.
>Upgrade a filesystem to support larger timestamps up to the year 2486. The filesystem cannot be downgraded after this feature is enabled. Once enabled, the filesystem will not be mountable by older kernels. This feature was added to Linux 5.10.
Does this mean fs would not be writable/mountable on kernel < 5.10, or it means that if I were to, say, update the fs and then downgrade the kernel from 6.10 to 6.6 LTS I would be fucked?
If it's accessing the device nodes directly, no, that's never going to work. If it goes through libALSA then that with work because PipeWire implements a plugin for ALSA.

PulseAudio had a command for this but I don't know if PipeWire has an equivalent:
Copilot says you just have to stop/start the pipewire-pulse service to achieve the same thing.

Not sure how reliable that is:
>Here's an answer I got using Microsoft Copilot, the world's first AI-powered answer engine. Select to see the full answer or try it yourself. https://sl.bing.net/cw9o6mFMZI4
If you're using PipeWire then something like QJack or PWGraph or Helium, etc, should do the trick.

I like QJack (even though it's built for JACK it still works with PipeWire) because it implements session support so you can make it do the connection automatically.

Maybe there's something better though?
*Helvum not Helium
Don't even bother posting this shit next time, faggot. I don't need some clueless curry using an AI page for me.
Read the previous post. There's no direct equivalent to pasuspender but stopping/starting the service should achieve the same thing.
Another words. You can't have both desktop audio via PipeWire and direct access through ALSA at the same time. Only one application can work on your sound card at a time.

I don't know why you went on a rant about AI when you could have just read what I wrote.
Thanks anon, I'll check them out.
Sounds like a complete hack. The thing about WASAPI on Windows is that it just works without messing with services. As soon as you stop playing audio, mixing is available again.
You can get something similar on Linux by defaulting to dmix: and overriding with hw: for exclusive access. This is obviously not ideal.
That's how pasuspender worked with PulseAudio. It sounds like we need a pwsuspender. It might be worth filing a bug for that.
The former. And there is no reason to downgrade below 5.10 anyway.
>while allowing special software
What kind of software out of curiosity?
The software he's talking about it very retarded audio software that wants to assume full control over the sound card. I imagine this is rare for most desktop software but probably exists elsewhere for certain professional software that never bothered updating to allow it to co-exist properly with a modern desktop.
A hypothetical foobar2K for Linux.
But the real thing works just fine over Wine and Pulse, what's to stop this hypothetical from just using the Pulse API?
That's a Readline inputrc option

>"It's special"
There's zero reason for most desktop software to do this. Desktop oriented software can just the APIs offered by the sound server (i.e PipeWire's native API or JACK or Pulse or libALSA without assuming exclusive control over the sound card)
For what it's worth, as long as one makes sure to manually suspend all audio playback, Pipewire and ALSA can coexist without service interruptions.
This is definitely not reliable. If some program pings you at the wrong moment, you're going to get a device busy error.
You already explained the problem.
PW implements the Pulse API too, the server isn't really relevant here.
Bloat. Pure pipewire or bust.
It could also use ALSA or Jack for apps that use ASIO (https://github.com/wineasio/wineasio)

I agree but the PipeWire devs don't want people implementing support for the PipeWire API natively, which is a bit annoying. They encourage developers to keep targeting PulseAudio, JACK or ALSA.
PipeWire uses like 4x more memory than PulseAudio.
That's because it does audio properly which means dynamic buffers, which means sometimes it may size them larger than PulseAudio would do.
>PipeWire uses like 4x more memory than PulseAudio.
And 10x less CPU while running realtime JACK and normal Libpulse streams simultaneously.
>UEFI GRUB (/efi)
This only works on arch, alpine and any other distro that keeps the kernel as a static filename and doesnt append the version name
It doesnt work on firefox, people have got to stop suggesting it when it doesnt work at all
I updated Ubuntu and now the App Center and Brave browser open with an gear icon on the dock rather than just staying on the normal icon.

See pic related.
Someone explain to me why is there no 'create shortcut' option when right clicking folders on mint?
man ln
zfs on a 64gb sdxc with 16gb ar cache
what do we use now for launching gaymes?
i used to use wine-ge-custom and lutris but it seems like wine-ge is not updated anymore?
wine-ge-custom is being sunsetted and being replaced by this: https://github.com/Open-Wine-Components/umu-launcher
Apparently a much cleaner way to play non-Steam games but actually using Steam's own Proton.
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>he doesn't use cmus for playing music
i made my own shell wrapper because lutris and bottles are both shit and too bloated
Steam for Steam games
Bottles for Windows games
Your DE's menu for GoG games
Does anyone know why qBittorrent is so bad on Linux? Speeds are slow compared to when on Windows, and Linux itself freezes and becomes unresponsive. I don't want to change to another torrenting program as I prefer qBittorrent.
sorry senpai, trannysmission 4 loife
its smooth af on my machine
im using arch with hyprland btw
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>paru stopped working
>everyone is arguing over the correct way to fix it
I don't know who to believe. Should I just wait until this fixes itself, or do I pick an answer and hope it doesn't fuck me?
You are mixing up kernels and GRUB EFI executable.
GRUB loads kernels and on kernel updates new GRUB entry gets added. The GRUB executable itself stays by the same name - \\EFI\whatever\grubx64.efi or whatever your distro decided.
I mostly use linux mint for my secondary PCs, mainly since it just works with them being wireless instead of wired. I do want to get into more complex versions of Linux and Unix, but many of them don't have the desktop environment preinstalled with the iso or wifi support. So do I have to get a good network cable during setup or is there a way to set up an iso with certain things I need for it to work overall?
just connect to your wifi...
I don't think some of them detect the wificard, sometimes it's hard to tell since the monitor I use for linux stuff doesn't show the edges of the screen which makes it more annoying to read the terminal at times.
I USB tethered my Android phone to do a netinstall. No issue. Was minimal Debian onto which I installed the fundamentals to make a desktop environment. The only thing I'm wishing I had is centralized configuration instead of hunting down scattered commands and dotfiles and documentation with apropos and stackoverflow results.
Kernel images and the initramfs on arch and alpine are named vmlinuz-linux and initramfs-linux.img instead of appending the version next to it like vmlinuz-linux-6.6.5 initramfs-linux-6.6.5.img
How is grub supposed to load a kernel if /boot is locked behind the luks partition?
Does pacman automatically extract the kernels to /efi if ESP is mounted there?
Thanks, didn't think of that.
Just don't play with freetard distros that arbitrarily leave firmware files out of their install media and you won't have problems.
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>more complex versions of Linux and Unix
Such as? Just reminding you that distributions like Debian and Arch work exactly like Mint: binary packages.
>but many of them don't have the desktop environment preinstalled with the iso or wifi support.
But the installer media does have firmware and wifi tools. And that means you can install those missing pieces into your target installation.
In most neckbeard installer scenarios you are in a chroot of your to-be install doing all sorts of configuring anyway.
Are there typically any issues getting nix on this cheap netbooks?
i remember on the earlier models you had to do a simple hardware mod to unlock the bootloader, dunno about now

*this = these
When will fedora move to systemd-boot?
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my girlfriend yesterday asked me to teach her to "use the keyboard to move in the browser", meaning vim-motions using vimium c
today she's asking me to make her system look like mine, she wants the "numbers" to put windows on, meaning my awesomewm config
I forced arch linux on her over a year ago
my brainwashing worked
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Why use anything but the kernel itself?
>kernel+initramfs in one embedded EFI-executable
Why don't distributions do that? That's what I'm doing (but manually as I don't have distro-wizard skills)
What is the closes thing to "apt upgrade" on arch?
pacman -Syyu?
I don't want to brick my system
you won't brick it
do it weekly
Because you might want to boot another OS or kernel without fucking with the BIOS?
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what happens if i dont do it weekly?
Mustard gas.
you'll try to install some individual package later on and it won't let you because some dependency is outdated, then you'll be forced to upgrade your system before installing it
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>last update: 9 days ago
>my girlfriend
Fake and gay.
Can anyone confirm if Redshift on github for Linux Mint 21.3 x86_64's works? The Software Manager's version is broken as fugg.
>muh efistub
stop this
efistub is retarded as fuck and only works for people who build their own kernels
>not my problem because i build my own
most people dont
-Su will do apt upgrade
-Sy does apt update
-Syu does apt update && apt upgrade
dont do -Syyu
Lubuntu has a backports PPA so you can install the latest version of LXQt on an older LTS of Ubuntu, which is cool

I just installed LXQt 1.4 on Ubuntu 22 LTS (I'm too lazy to upgrade to 24 LTS)

The feature I wanted is a custom command widget on the taskbar so you can show the output of any shell command you want
works on my machine and I don't build my own kernel.
is there a good site for awk+regex puzzles? just something to drill the syntax into my head so i don't forget it in 3 weeks when i need it.
have you tried searching the internet?
are you implying search engines still work to find good tools? i don't want to buy 17 dildos on amazon
>search regex puzzle
>first result https://regexcrossword.com/
doesn't include awk =(
Have you ever stopped to think that people suggest it because it does work and the problem is entirely on your side? Maybe you should go back to Windows.
Is it not possible to force an overclock?
> cpupower frequency-info
analyzing CPU 1:
driver: acpi-cpufreq
CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 1
CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 1
maximum transition latency: 10.0 us
hardware limits: 400 MHz - 1.80 GHz
available frequency steps: 1.80 GHz, 1.80 GHz, 1.70 GHz, 1.60 GHz, 1.50 GHz, 1.40 GHz, 1.30 GHz, 1.20 GHz, 1.10 GHz, 1000 MHz, 900 MHz, 800 MHz, 700 MHz, 600 MHz, 500 MHz, 400 MHz
available cpufreq governors: conservative ondemand userspace powersave performance schedutil
current policy: frequency should be within 1.80 GHz and 1.80 GHz.
The governor "userspace" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
current CPU frequency: Unable to call hardware
current CPU frequency: 1.80 GHz (asserted by call to kernel)
boost state support:
Supported: no
Active: no

I've edited /etc/default/cpupower with max_freq="3GHz" just to have some room but it still won't budge past 1.8, atm I've got it pinned at 1.8(the "maximum") but it still runs at a cool 55c so I think I could get a bit more performance out o fit.
>all my PCs running nixos
>server for my website is hosted on raspberry pi zero running nixos with a simple nginx HTML website with my config hosted
>phone running lineageOS with fairphone and replaceable battery with no gapps just fdroid
>zero jewgle spyware in my life
>I have zero google accounts

Feels good. I've been jewgle free for 3 months and I'm surprised google lets you permanently delete your accounts. They still keep data but I don't have anything damning just bank emails
Asking why distros don't do that for users. There's the benefit of getting rid of an extra link in the chain.
congratulations on your racism and self-castration
I find gmail to be clunky.

Tuta works fine for me and their client is open source and have refused to work with law enforcement.

Everything else I just use FOSS alternatives when I can. Why should I be okay with taking a photo and then its instantly uploaded to google photos. That is creepy.

Good thing lineageos is private.
>Asking why distros don't do that for users. There's the benefit of getting rid of an extra link in the chain.
Bootargs may not work properly unless they create a uki, but then the bios may not work properly because itll only boot from the hardcoded BOOTIA64.EFI path
EFI is just broken and inconsistent across every different implementation, it should just be relegated to a bootloader to handle the kernels
How do I find my kingston slimblade pro?
I don't see it in lsub and I want to edit the keybindings
Anyone know of a more or less stand alone onscreen keyboard that works with wayland?
I've got maliit, but it's too integrated with KDE, which tries to be smart and detect when it should popup and it just completely fails.

I used to use onboard which was it's own program living in the tray and I could just hit a button on my controller to pop it up, but it doesn't work in wayland.

>inb4 go back to X11
The goal was to install bazzite and have it just werks, and it almost does, but if I can't get a useful keyboard I'll probably have out the DM and swap to XFCE or something
why is gentoo the only non-ubuntu distro to still support unity? it's so fucking nice
For me, it's LXQt
I don't know what I did, but lightdm started acting a little weird (wouldn't let me type/ xfce start menu wouldn't pop up) so I rebooted my computer. Now I'm getting picrel when I try to mount one of my NVME drives. Any tips on how to troubleshoot this?
How do I fix this?

 Failed to emerge kde-plasma/libkscreen-6.1.5, Log file:

>>> '/var/tmp/portage/kde-plasma/libkscreen-6.1.5/temp/build.log'

* Messages for package kde-plasma/libkscreen-6.1.5:

* ERROR: kde-plasma/libkscreen-6.1.5::gentoo failed (compile phase):
* ninja -v -j13 -l0 failed
* Call stack:
* ebuild.sh, line 136: Called src_compile
* environment, line 2492: Called cmake_src_compile
* environment, line 922: Called cmake_build
* environment, line 889: Called eninja
* environment, line 1637: Called die
* The specific snippet of code:
* "$@" || die -n "${*} failed"
* If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=kde-plasma/libkscreen-6.1.5::gentoo'`,
* the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=kde-plasma/libkscreen-6.1.5::gentoo'`.
* The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/kde-plasma/libkscreen-6.1.5/temp/build.log'.
* The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/kde-plasma/libkscreen-6.1.5/temp/environment'.
* Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/kde-plasma/libkscreen-6.1.5/work/libkscreen-6.1.5_build'
* S: '/var/tmp/portage/kde-plasma/libkscreen-6.1.5/work/libkscreen-6.1.5'
You DO have a Git repo for your dotfiles, right /fglt/?
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>I'm using arch
Why are arch users like this?
man fuck. pls give any tips on how I can poke around further to figure out what the problem is. disk utility warns me that 'a filesystem repair is not always possible and can cause data loss, consider backing it up first to use forensic data tools that retrieve lost files.'

I have no idea wtf caused this, I switched between git branches without committing my changes.

Is it possibly a hardware error? if so, what do I need to prove it to submit a warranty claim?
Hardware error most likely, RAM or storage.
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>play games on linux
>certain games have features and settings that are greyed out or run like shit
>ask around for solutions
>everything boils down to ''Game wasn't that good anyway'' and ''we didn't need it anyway''
FFS, I hate micrococks from windows and nvijews as much as anyone else but hearing those excuses makes me want to shove a penguin egg down the throat of whoever says this kind of cope.
What's the best Linux distro to throw on an old laptop from 2003?
512MB of RAM. 40GB storage. 64 bit single core processor.
TinyCore probably
You can try and mount the partitions directly, it might be some weird permissions issue.
In a terminal try

mkdir ~/testFolder (this just makes a basic empty folder)
ls /dev/nvme0n1* (this will show the drive and partitions which will be named /dev/nvme0n1p1, /dev/nvme0n1p2, /dev/nvme0n1p3 etc.)

Then for each of the files ending in p1, p2, etc. try

sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 ~/testFolder

That will either error or mount the drive in your test folder. You might wind up mounting a system partition instead of your data, so if you open the folder and it's just got a bunch of weird system stuff unmount it and try the next partition.

sudo umount ~/testFolder
sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 ~/testFolder

Hopefully one of those mounts without errors and you'll be able to see your data. If none of them work try googling "fsck filesystem repair" and give that a go.
>If none of them work try googling "fsck filesystem repair" and give that a go.

yeah but does that risk data loss? I'm not above buying a new drive. Been looking for an excuse to get a 4tb drive honestly.

right now I'm thinking about installing this garbage: https://www.lsoft.net/disk-editor/index.html Someone on a random forum seemed to have good luck with it.
also, tried that with the ls /dev/nvme0n1*, it didn't list any partitions. Trying to mount got me this error.
It seems like libreoffice launches with xwayland since X icon appears for a second, so how do I force it to launch in wayland? also what a better way of checking if a program is running in XW
antix or just use netbsd
The mount and umount part is safe. The fsck would be riskier, I've had it solve things but I'm always suspicious of it as well.

The base nvme0n1 would normally be the physical drive itself then you'd mount the partitions, but that error message seems to indicate it's mountable itself.
If you have a windows machine around you may want to try that chkdsk /f and reboot that the error mentioned.

Also if you want, and have the space to make a full copy of the drive, you can run

sudo dd if=/dev/nvme0n1 of=~/driveBackup.iso bs=4M conv=fsync oflag=direct status=progress

That will make an exact byte copy of the drive and store it as a file, still corrupted, but you can use the same dd command with the parameters reversed (if=~/driveBackup.iso of=/dev/nvme0n1) to put the current data back on the drive if things get fucked up.
thanks, but xwininfo seems better. anyway it seems like only splash screen launches in xwayland for some reason.
well I went through the mental exercise of buying a new drive so I'd have space to back it up, and then decided to risk just running

sudo ntfsfix /dev/nvme0n1

and it works now. According to a lot of googling, ntfsfix may have merely papered over a more serious corruption problem, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Nice! I've found ntfs definitely gives me the most issues but those "magic" fixes generally get it working again
Definitely easier to risk running them knowing you've got a backup though
Is the GNU gnu male or female? Who knows
only grub.efi is in /efi
kernels go in the encrypted /boot which grub will unlock after you type in the password
Magical Girl (male)
I've set up Alpine with KDE and I have SOUND and WIFI. What are some good OpenRC resources?
Looks like I just needed to update @world
I thought people only use Alpine in Docker containers
What's a good pdf reader? I want to comfortably and seamlessly read a programming book while I edit the code in the same screen.
I just searched my apps and I have qpdfview installed and it seems to work fine, I think it's just part of LXQt

I'm sure there are other options too
My custom Arch Linux bash install script is now 1655 lines long.
I've been testing it on an older computer dozens of times to make sure everything works correctly.
The testing of the non-install functions is still not complete, and it needs some more cleaning, but the install is really damn good now and installs arch just the way I want it.
Im moving from arch to an arch derivitive and i wanted to have all my installed software packaged so i can just install the core os then install my environment.
I dont want a list (-Q) i want the actual package. From all the repo's in pacman and the aur.
like this?
pacman -Q | awk '{print $1}'

i promise it won't delete system32
No,not a list
a package i can
pacman -U
with and install on the system
just post like a retard and pretend you fixed it with some shit that does not work and wait for someone to call you a retard and post how to really fix it
dunno how to do that. only thing i can think of is to copy your current package cache and using that, dunno how well it would work since you'll have dependencies that haven't been resolved yet. maybe someone else can chime in. seems like a list would be your best option and just reinstall
I am try to read the GNU/UNIX man pages and feel like I am 30 iq retard gorilla. Why is reading the manual so hard? Is this a prevalent issue?
yeah, they're garbage if you're not used to them. you'll get used to it. find a simple one like ls, look at the structure and work you're way through it.
to just search for something like a flag e.g. -f, type
oh to move to the next matching string use n for next, and N for previous

the man pages also sometimes have examples at the bottom of how to use the program
Can I access every linux resource on Tor?
I have arch installed
could i just take the cachyos iso and extract it on to my arch install?
Depends on the man page. Some are better than others. Good ones for example: bash and fzf. Which ones do you think are hard to read?
there's tldr, but idk if it's good enough
I just had a thought. Could you debootstrap an entire Linux installation and mount in a Docker container? Would that even work? What would you even use as a base image?
(I tried to tell everyone: make TWO partitions!)
No, you don't put images of CD-ROMs in the middle of hard drives, that won't make the drive do anything fancy. What you actually could do is take a partition and install CachyOS from your current running Arch. Assumed you have a spare partition.
I have no idea what mounting in a Docker container means.
Tools like Debootstrap puke out a Linux userland and then you'd chroot or systemd-nspawn to it. Sure, you can bind mount stuff under there??
Resource? Tor routes TCP, you can SSH for example thru it.
Guys at GNU specifically can't make good manual pages, they write some sort of scientific papers instead. This is what you get when things get too "educated" and fancy.
Anyone ever taken any of the red hat cert tests? Do they actually check on your work work experience to take the test or can I make it up? Never worked in IT I do mostly environmental work.
Great. Just great. Not only does the official Docker image for Debian Jessie still use the outdated source list from before it was EOL, there doesn't seem to be a way to mount a working source.list from archive.debian.org. Volume bind mount won't cut it for some reason.
I'm using KDE at the moment but I want to fuck around with a tiling wm. I know I can install one and keep KDE, but will that cause any problems?
Shouldn't cause any problems. Just install and use it. You may have to uninstall the KDE XDG desktop portal though, if you go with something like Hyprland or Sway (or other wlroots compositors).
iirc you can just edit a configuration file to swap portals

hyprland has a window buttons addon. i wonder if you could tardwrangle it into being a floating WM?
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>update system
>all gnome programs now render using vulkan
>mangohud automatically starts a perf monitor on every window update
Is there a way to have mangohud continue to auto start itself on every vulkan render except for the gnome programs, or do I have to go fuck myself?
Used arch from 2016-2022 then used windows 11, after being sick of how shit windows has become I'm back on arch. How did microsoft fuck up this badly? On my lenovo yoga pro 9i I get better performance in gaming and my daw plus better battery life. Windows is driver hell when it comes to laptops. Linux just works after some copy and pasting terminal shit.
gave me a chuckle
When it comes to OEM shit on fresh Windows installs it's best to use the support page drivers on the model's page to get more advanced parts of it working properly, but if you're happy with Arch then it's all good I guess.
I know that, but it's annoying that I have to rely on lenovos vantage software which occasionally would crap out. Also the concern that they will one day stop supporting that iteration of software/hardware. The kernel is on going ensuring you will have support indefinitely. On top of that windows 11 has a lot of visual bugs and performance issues compared to arch on my laptop and desktop.
Don't use the environment variable, which you probably have set in a bashrc/profile or /etc/environment, etc.

Use mangorun to use programs instead.

Also, a fun fact: The Zink OpenGL on-top of Vulkan driver also supports Vulkan layers which is pretty cool. Mangohud works there too without any changes.
The command is
. Not sure where I got that from.

mangohud <COMMAND>
You could also override all of the GNOME desktop apps .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications to run
Exec=/usr/bin/env MANGOHUD= ...
but that's probably more work.
It's pretty funny now that I look at it again
Look at that frame time graph! 500 ms response time when moving the mouse, not even Vulkan can save them from writing poorly optimised software.
What is the usecase for mangohud?
Still getting this error, pls send halp
give address
Just Werks
Freedom Town
Noob here. I'm finally doing it, guys.

I have two disks for operating systems, and I am slowly transitioning my everyday software to a fresh Fedora 41 installation. Some are very easy to move, like Obsidian, where I only had to copy the content folder, but others like Aseprite have required me to recompile the program and manually link it to my DE.

Some software doesn't seem to have a replacement, but this has made me dive into Flathub's content and find some very interesting stuff.

I still have unresolved problems, but I guess finding the solution is only a matter of time. If you can help, here's a list:
>the colour profile is oversaturated, even after installing the manufacturer icm profile
>the system doesn't go to sleep but instantly switches back on
>I'm not sure I have the right nvidia driver installed (i screwed the MOK registering, and the driver no longer appears on Software)
>I can't get different applications to open different types of text files. It only lets me use one by default.
>VLC shows no video (I've been using a replacement).

But yes, for 80% of what I do, Fedora + Zen Browser works flawlessly so far.
I’m getting a new gpu hopefully, should I get a 7900 XTX or 4080 Super?
...and how is grub supposed to unlock the encrypted boot?
7900 XTX if you're buying it primarily for Linux and don't care about AI gimmicks or ray tracing.
Having 6950 I didn't have to worry about drivers once, while a streamer I watch has separate streams for tweaking drivers whenever he's playing a new game.
Manpages are usually easier to read in a browser for some reason
>all gnome programs now render using vulkan
Does it still have opengl fallback or are all older pcs without vulkan support just screwed now?
Maybe list your usecase first because nvdec/nvenc and cuda are still superior to amds implementations
>7900 XTX if you're buying it primarily for Linux and don't care about AI gimmicks

tldr; Its great actually, all you ever needed was pure VRAM space. Speed is just naturally convenient.
>t. AI faggot with an 7900xtx
Most AMD GPUs have ample VRAM the problem was never the VRAM it was always AI faggots using CUDA for anything and everything and ROCm not being that great (it's gotten better but still far from perfect).
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In what, compatibility? I mean sure im sure i cant bitch from my ivory tower, but in my experience;
>It runs
>It works
Is there some issue i dont know about? I know they nuked ZLUDA, which was fucking IDIOTIC but that cant be it. What piece am i missing?
Most software today still developers for Nvidia CUDA first and foremost with AMD being an after thought. You're lucky to even get an AMD backend in the first place (half the time the only reason such a backend exists is because AMD is maintaining their own fork).
Not Linux related but this is my home.
Should I throw away my DVDs?
I have a bunch of DVDs that I could burn stuff into, but I dont think I have anything to use them for I could just get an extra HardDrive and it would be easier on me.
I think I know the answer it just feels wrong throwing them away
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Not to mention how the support for NVIDIA might be a fucking meme, judging by how much they support Linux they might have meant that they mainly support commercial GPU usage like the RTX 6000 that is solely for work. Actually why was AMD supporting Linux unlike NVIDIA before? And didn't AMD also move most of the support towards the AI learning too? I wouldn't be surprised that if by some miracle people moved their server shit used for AI learning to windows, which while there is slight but very small chance since Microsoft is trying to implement some Linux features and what's not to their server firmware or whatever they do, both NVIDIA and even AMD could again stop giving a fuck about Linux. Sometimes I think that the Linux gaming with NVIDIA card or even further future even with AMD card was always going to be a meme and what we got today is best we will ever get when comes to gaming. And only reason we got any support is because it was byproduct of support of AI learning; them throwing a bone because they only cared about the meat; where the CUDA or whatever stuff is the meat. If you go to NVIDIA forum and look up issues that only affect people using cards to play games you will see how NVIDIA will just ignore and rarely if at all give any response.
Please somebody prove me wrong, that I'm being a pessimistic retard and not actually right, I don't want to be right but I'm not sure if I'm right or people just don't care to explain why I'm wrong.
>btrft snapshots
for me it's just running rsync now and then
>What you actually could do is take a partition and install CachyOS from your current running Arch
How do you do this?
What XFS mount options should I use for single disk SSDs?
Purpose of disks is temporary media storage, file storage, steam library, extra backup storage, etc.
Im on arch
have a debian bookworm x86 container
i want to recompile the latest raspbian pi aarch64 image to enable jumbo frames
i know what needs to be changed but how do i cross compile in the debian container?
x86 means 32bit
Are you unable to use a x86_64 container? Or a aarch64 chroot using binfmt and qemu-static?
>trying to type in japanese
>japanese input methods that let me type katakana work
>generic "Keyboard-Japanese" just types english desubeit
How the flip can I get romaji auto completion? Like you type in romaji and it just turns into hiragana/kanji?
i dont want to install qemu and i ment 64bit
I wouldnt get raspibian container working, the reso url is way different and im too retarded to figure out the release-path url to get it to work
open config mode and make sure that input mode is set to romaji
is there a way to fix this god awful font rendering on arch? maybe make it not burn my eyes after trying to read for more than 10 seconds
werks on my machine, you also didnt specify what your problem is
I don't know where that is unfortunately. I have a bunch of config files in ~/.config/fcitx5 and a fcitx5 configuration app with a bunch of config stuff.
i have no idea about config files, i can probably go and look into mine i guess
do you use waybar or something that shows your current IME?
I use waybar but I don't have anything that shows me about my IME.
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you dont have the orange icon in top right corner?
I don't :(
No idea what to put in my waybar conf to get it but I'm searching the internet rn
just use the default one
Which desktop? IME half-works on wlroots at the moment
If the default keybind you set doesnt work, you can also just set in your desktop a keyboard shortcut for fcitx5-remote -t
do this, but backup your previous config
cp /etc/xdg/waybar/* .config/waybar/ 
If and when you have a vacant partition, you can start putting a system there and then make it bootable.
Been trying to tell this to distrohoppers case they start hating their current system they can always start building a new one. Without ever booting an installer.
i hope you use mozc, this opens the config window where you can set the input method
if i remember correctly, its set to kana by default instead of romaji
/usr/lib/mozc/mozc_tool --mode=config_dialog
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Seems like the perfect filesystem for external hard drives were you just create a single partition anyway. Is there a catch?
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Retard here. I've been running an arch dual boot for a while on my PC using Xorg with KDE and i3.
Now I have installed arch on my shitty Zenbook and I wanted to use hyprland. But when I start hyprland i only get a black screen with a mouse cursor and I'm kinda lost even after researching online for three days.
The laptop is equipped with an AMD APU. I installed mesa and lib32-mesa (no idea if i need it, i just tried). I feel like I'm missing some kind of configuration but supposedly it's supposed to work out of the box.
pls help
>either edit .config/hypr/hyprland.conf and set $terminal to your terminal emulator that's already installed or install kitty
>press winkey+Q to open terminal
or watch this video if you're more of a retard than i think you are, good luck
No data integrity, no compression, doesn't read on anything but Linux.
thank you
trying that out now
I just spent 2 hours compiling an open source game. But, now I don't want to play it at all.
Change the icon theme
I got it working. I just didn't have mozc, I didn't know I needed that. Thanks!
so now with umulauncher is there even a point using lutris? doesnt umulauncher bundles all the crap you need (dxvk etc.)
what do you have in your wrapper? do you umulauncher?
Can anyone on fedora check if they can display maliit keyboard
I've got spare ssd's
So just extract the cachy os on to it and start filling in the gaps with my configs/data? then i could swap ssd's and be in the new environment??
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I can't open a Terminal. I tried kitty as the default option and then i tried entering alacritty in the .conf but that didn't work either.
Looks like I'm a bigger retard than thought. But the video doesn't really help since he basically also just says to install kitty and proceed. I can exit hyprland just fine by the way.
Am i correct in assuming that my graphics driver is working fine when i at least get a fancy mouse cursor?
Any more ideas?
Shame, but its something I can live without, maybe when I jump over to Ubuntu it'll have something I an use.
>Try AlmaLinux
>Install KDEconnect
>what do you have in your wrapper? do you umulauncher?
It's based on a freebsd wine bash script called Mizutamari.
I made it before umulauncher was a thing. I only needed it for old ass games like red alert 2 that dont need any of the new proton stuff
why does installing vmware have to be so painful
>red alert 2
ahh the memories
It's kind of a lost cause now after Broadcom bought it out.
not sure where to ask this but I need some help regarding games installation with Lutris. I have a few gog games that are only on windows. Okay, I can install a game but how do I proceed if I want to install an expansion pack for the game? Is it the same? Just "Add Game" followed by "Windows executable" or is there more to it?
How do i enable networking for the client in systemd-nspawn/machinectl? --nethwork-veth is set i the nspawn
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fuck me i installed sway to test if my driver is somehow fucked and it worked which tingled my gonads
so i run hyprland again and suddenly i can open a terminal beautifully
probably some dependency missing?
anyway im happy and calling it a day before i get frustrated at the next problem i inevitably run into (not really though likely just going to obsess tonight)
I'm experiencing this very weird issue when cloning a normal repository in a certain normal directory(not a remote directory or anything), when I try to do
git clone https://repolink
in said directory, I'm getting an error: "fatal: protocol $PWD/https is not supported", if I try to go to the parent directory, I can clone the repo just fine. And to make it weirder I can clone other repositories just fine in the said directory. Anyway I just cloned it in the parent directory and moved it to the problematic directory.
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What Linux is good for me to start with? I'm done with windows, I don't want anymore spyware shit. I read that mint cinnamon is good but then 10 people disagree and name several other distros, I don't know which to get. I want to play games and browse the web and not have to do any complicated shit.
Ubuntu, Mint and Fedora Atomic are good starting points
Distros aren't all that important. They're just the basic software suites that come pre-installed and determine how updates are managed. Just use Mint, Manjaro, Ubuntu or any other distro that comes largely preconfigured.
Literally any Debian based Distro will be fine. Don't overthink it anon, personally I use a Ubuntu with a new WM and called it a day
Debian with the Cinnamon desktop environment.
can anyone recommend a good libvirt tutorial? i'm completely lost trying to wade through the man pages and all the support programs
Does anyone happen to know how to add an AppImage to a launcher like Rofi? I found a reddit post saying to make a desktop file from 5 years ago but that didn't seem to work for me
Why Debian and not mint? Mint seems so much more simple and easy to use
Redshift relies on deprecated location service from Mozilla, you have to create ~/.config/redshift.conf and manually set lat and lon.
LMDE hands down the best.
is there a way to get a down scrolling terminal with the prompt at the top of the screen pushing stdout down rather than up?
You need to install it in the same prefix as the game
>try to add some path to my PATH variable in .bashrc
> export "~/.pyenv/bin:$PATH"
>go to the .pyenv/bin directory and see that a '~' directory has been created
> realize that .bashrc doesn't handle ~ and switch the previous command to export "$HOME/.pyenv/bin"
> now I need to delete the silly "~" folder
>cd ~/.pyenv/
> rm -rf ~

Please tell me there is a way I can undo this colossal fuck up.
Following this https://archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv8/broadcom/raspberry-pi-4
but get dumped in to an emergency shell for some reason immediatly.
I actually did that, its more the GUI doesn't work which is more annoying.
There's no gui to speak of, it sits in tray. If that is not the case, you might've installed redshift instead of redshift-gtk, the former is command line utility.
I'm talking about the tray stuff not working.
Anyone know why I can't send windows to workspace 2 in XFCE?

I have the following hotkeys set for send to workspace n: CTRL+SUPER+n key

It goes nicely with my hotkey for view workspace n : CTRL+n key

But for some reason I can't send to workspace 2 via the hotkey. Only workspace 2 has this problem.
remove redshift-gtk, install redshift only. then run this command on startup: redshift -l your:coordinatesgohere

with the right coordinates seperated by a dot. careful the redshift instances don't save and carry over between sessions.
Works on my GNU/Mint machine.
separated* by a colon*. this is also in the manual (run man redshift)
Mint (LMDE that other anons are recommending is also mint, just based on debian instead of mint)
Anon I...
Look, maybe you can rescue something with a data recovery program like testdisk
>careful the redshift instances don't save and carry over between sessions.
That is what I was afraid of :/
Also I didn't see a time where the color of the monitor would shift to red either. It's something I can live without in the end.
Kek wish you the best anon. If you ^C'd quickly you probably only deleted shit in ~/.cache. At least that's what happened to me when I pasted one of those cool scripts anons share here.
HDD chads win again
Is there any way I can change my fonts so that instead of 7, there's just a black box?
Need Gentoo help

MAKEOPTS is being set somewhere other than make.conf

This is why i'm getting this error. The -j12 -l12 is what the make.conf is set to and is why things are failing.

 ERROR: dev-qt/qtquick3d-6.7.2::gentoo failed (compile phase): ninja -v -j12 -l12 failed 

Where else can it be set? I need to unset it.
Post the actual build logs.
Running it again will post if I get an error again
How do I get nvidia cuda toolkit/drivers/whatever to work on ubuntu 24.04?
This is what I have.


I fixed it earlier by removing MAKEOPTS from make.conf. But now it is set to -j12 -l12 somewhere other than make.conf.
Post the actual contents of the build log, that'll tell you what went wrong:
This file:
Got Redshift working on LXQt. Apparently it used to use some Mozilla service to determine your location but Mozilla discontinued the service, so now you either need a Google location API key, or you have to set your location manually

Linux grinds my gears with how much manual shit you have to do sometimes, but whatever.
Fixed it with

nano -w /etc/portage/package.env
net-libs/webkit-gtk makeopts-low
Has anyone ever encountered this issue where moving the mouse cursor starts creating static noise when the hardware volume on headphones are too high up?
How am i supposed to fix that?
It goes away after you see a shrink about your schizophrenia
Is it a cable mouse? I had this problem years ago and it was because the cable was interfering with the other cables and causing feeback noise.
It's drawing power to your gpu to render that movement. Had to get a powered dac and a noise reducer to my speaker monitors to remove the noise.
How to do something like this with linux instead?
>I found a reddit post saying to make a desktop file
That's correct, make a desktop file, and make sure that you're using

rofi -show drun

when launching rofi.
I had run, thanks anon
you can do it manually but i'm pretty sure there's a bunch of programs that automate this
You're welcome.
Yes its a wired usb mouse
Is there no way to solve it other than taking the wireless pill
The only thing i was ever able to do to solve it is just turning the hardware volume down
>Is there no way to solve it other than taking the wireless pill
Try plugging it in the front usb ports to see if it stops making noise. If it does then it is the cable interfering with other cables, if you can move the cable so it isn't touching the other cables or the i/o plate it should be fine. That's how I fixed it anyway.
Also there is nothing wrong with wireless mouses in the year two thousand and twenty four.

Yeah it's called shitty motherboard with botched onboard sound. Get one of those $10 USB-C audio adapters.

This is probably grounding issues.
You probably need to quote it because of the slashes
git clone "https://repolink"

I always quote urls in the terminal in just about any context because my shell (zsh) interprets random parts of the url as something important which they never are. Not sure why it works in other directories though.
no more searching for random files!
no more looking at a terminal wading through stdout vomit!
everything is now in engrish!
Based AWK lover
I wish I was smart enough for pattern matching
start simple with just words, then add tools from there.
there's a lot of good games online for regex learning
this one is fun
I keep getting this when trying to install a game through Lutris. I thought it was only an issue with NOLF but it happened with a regular GOG installer as well:
Started initial process 57594 from /home/anon/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/wine-ge-8-26-x86_64/bin/wine /media/gamedisk/Non-Steam/game-aliens.versus.predator.classic.2000-(2149)/setup_avp_classic_20160330_(2149).exe /silent /nogui /suppressmsgboxes
Start monitoring process.
ERROR: ld.so: object 'libgtk3-nocsd.so.0' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
ERROR: ld.so: object 'libgtk3-nocsd.so.0' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
fsync: up and running.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
ERROR: ld.so: object 'libgtk3-nocsd.so.0' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
Monitored process exited.
Initial process has exited (return code: 256)
Exit with return code 256

Got no idea why this is happening. At first I thought it was an issue of writing permissions in my disk, but even changing it to write on my main drive instead of another one it kept popping up.
sir your bot is stuck in a loop
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I'll try. Maybe I'll be able to make my brain gooder
why are Scandinavians so overrepresented when it comes to Linux software?
Does anyone know how to enable <SINK> on linux mint? For some reason pulse audio isn't checking or can't check for changes in it.
same reason this board is partially filled with socially inept retards that don't understand why they make people uncomfortable in real life - autism. when i go home to sweden i am much more comfortable than in america, despite being american
We were here since the start of the internet and immediately got into linux development, server hosting, network infrastructure, etc, on top of the already cheap infinite power we produce.
Now google and facebook hosts their main datacenters in our countries and suck our power dry while raising the power prices for the citizens.
Lots of free time.
Have you played My Summer Car? The Scandinavians don't really have much to do so they end up autisming out over something.
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Almost burst a blood vessel trying to solve the first two levels of the tutorial, and then I got it and the first 15 proper levels were a breeze. I'll do more tomorrow because I should have gone to sleep 2 hours ago
when I do backup I do incremental backup with borg from HDD to SSD then rsync from SSD to another computer over LAN. Why is the rsync significantly faster than borg though, don't they both first check modification date of everything then copy over the ones that changed? Is local HDD to SSD transfer that much slower than LAN transfer?
Some KDE devs must lurk these threads. I bitched about how using spectacle to copy a region made me unable to paste it into firefox until after the notification that I took a screenshot clears, and they fixed it not long after without me having made a bug report (couldn't decide if it was a spectacle or firefox issue)
these are fun too. not as hard as they look
I think one does, yeah. Don't remember which.
>I read that (distro) is good but then 10 people disagree and name several other distros
Welcome to Linux!
kek, nta but if Linux stole a lot of QoL from windows and ranged from retard babby's first computer all the way too hyper autist that would be a great. For every use case there is an OS and such.
borg is potentially encrypted/compressed compared to rsync

HDDs are usually not fast enough to even saturate a gigabit connection
New thread:
Why are you even using borg if you don't know what it does? borg is doing random access inspection of the original data and then at minimum applying deduplication and checksums. rsync is copying less data than borg had to read and without any IO wait.

They've been faster than 1Gb for about a decade now.
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>Working suspend + hibernation
Fucking How?
*with encrypted /boot and root
Ensure the swapfile is on it's own subvolume and that it has nodatacow mount option.
UEFI bios needs to allow S3 suspend, and udev rules for graphic card needs to be set up for proper add/bind remove/unbind.

>GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="resume=/dev/mapper/<YOUR CRYPTO ROOT> resume_offset=$(btrfs inspect-internal map-swapfile -r /swap/swapfile)"
>GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES="part_gpt cryptodisk luks2 pbkdf2 gcry_rijndael gcry_sha512 btrfs"

>HOOKS=(... encrypt resume filesystems fsck ...)

>sudo systemctl enable nvidia-resume.service nvidia-suspend.service nvidia-hibernate.service
>HDDs are usually not fast enough to even saturate a gigabit connection
1Gbps = 125MB/s. That's roughly what old IDE and early SATA drives capped out at. HDDs have been over 200MB/s peak sequential for well over a decade, and over 150MB/s (the original SATA limit) for at least 15 years. Modern consumer HDDs peak around 250MB/s.

You need a 2.5Gbps link to not bottleneck an HDD, at least 5Gbps for a SATA SSD, and 10Gbps or faster for PCIe SSDs.

1Gbps is effectively obsolescent for LANs.
I just wanted to format my post properly...
I'd start by clearing LD_PRELOAD so you're not trying to load 64-bit libraries into 32-bit processes.
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I wanna run DNS-over-HTTPS server on a Linux box so my Android phone can use it.
What's the easiest server to setup? What's the least cancerous?

Also: what's the current year preferred HTTPS web proxy? Can be caching and all.

>HTTPS web proxy
Forward or reverse? nginx can do both along with TLS termination, caching, and several forms of CGI.
Is there a reason you can't use DNS over TLS? DoH is garbage.
>best server
Whatever your distro uses by default. dnscrypt-proxy is most based, but not super special unless you're going to use anonymized DNS.
>https proxy
For what purpose?
And oh, currently running BIND9 as a recursive server.
>Is there a reason you can't use DNS over TLS?
Androids don't do that(?)
>For what purpose?
For proxying web browsing.

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