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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>102535241

>Beginner UI
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Model Ranking

>Models, LoRAs & training


>Pixart Sigma & Hunyuan DIT
Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels

>Index of guides and other tools

>Try online without registration
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium

>Maintain thread quality

>Related boards
>It SEEMS some judge agrees this might infringe in artists copyright and does not fall under transformative/fair use.
It's more like they're saying it COULD be possible so let's test it. I believe the core question is: does the operation of SD necessitate infringement which I think we all know is false.
Garbage collage
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this is a very interesting paper, I guess that thoses techniques will be implemented on github to improve finetuning or something?
Kek, 4 of those 5 gens are mine
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A new SOTA model? Probably not local though
They're things local has known about for ages and were fixed in sdxl with Cosxl, it's really just further confirmation. Trainers were already implementing this shit in their code copied straight from Nai, Nai even made one Troon grifter remove it from it his github.
If it's not local I'm never going to use it no matter how good it is, sadly
SD3 edition?
I think it kind of depends on whether they invent new law or not. If they don't invent new law and just base it all on existing law then we'll win.

- Saving a file on your computer? That's not illegal, so why would saving one million files on your computer be illegal?
- Running a program that analyzes patterns in files, that's not illegal, so why would running that program on one million files be illegal?
> Trainers were already implementing this shit in their code copied straight from Nai
>Nai even made one Troon grifter remove it from it his github.
NaI is a based company desu, even if it's not really local, at least they share their training improvements to everyone
That's why I'm a bit sad that the BFL fags haven't released their paper on Flux, we have no idea if they have implemented those improvements on their pretraining
>BFL fags haven't released their paper
Do we have any expectation that they will? Does the Turk fag know about this? Maybe he can bulky them into it.
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>Maybe he can bulky them into it.
don't worry, he's doing it on every new BFL tweet kek
I got me a 4070. I know it's not the biggest cut of beef on the block but what model should I be using for genning anime girls? If only Bing's model got leaked I'd know exactly what I want to be using.
chinnaaaa please open source something chinaaa wyd chanurrrr plz heeeeelp chinaaaaaa!
I'm about to publish a character lora on civitai, should I put sample images that look like le AI masterpiece highest quality, or should I put ones that look screenshots out of the anime
I planned to, but for the front cover?
ok deal
well, when you dont have extra tags like "anime screencap" etc, does its style look like it's closer to a booru fan art blend, or closer to the official style?
the answer to that should dictate what you should do. basically, what it's best at already without extra prompting needed.
its more impressive for cover images to look like the source material than le AI masterpiece highest quality
nice, post a link here if you'd like
of your cock
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I'm starting to like the turkish grifter
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I trained it on screenshots-only, so without any tags it looks like screenshots (pic related)
But if you add the rating_9 "high quality tags" and switch to different models, then it looks more like whatever the model thinks looks good, so it's adaptable too. I'll go with the screenshots then

Pic is me trying to figure out how many epochs turned of training turned out the best, I think 20 is the most consistent without looking overtrained
Sure I'll do it later, thanks
in a sense he is /our guy/
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And here's a le AI masterpiece highest quality example for comparison to the screenshot style
It's my first lora but it's like my 10th attempt on it because the ones before were messy
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>A lora from a yuri anime
based yurifag
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>The model does not yet support a wide range of styles and concepts, but all of that will be included in future versions.
Maybe this guy will save Flux, let's see
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Flux dev’s interpretation is better
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I can’t imagine any situation where I would want a solid color block out of an image generator
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it was just a convenient example to obviously show the flaws of SDXL noise scheduler, there's more concrete examples on the paper, you never want an image to always have a luminosity mean of 0, that's now how real images are, makes shit more unnatural and reinforces the AI slop look
First time hearing about this model. None of the examples shown make me say "wow" or anything.
They dont need these "improvements" because they use flow instead, it literally doesn't apply. It's so weird the coomer hentai general knows more about the technical side of this stuff than g does
>They dont need these "improvements" because they use flow instead, it literally doesn't apply.
it does, for example Flux also use noise schedulers (like every single image model), and it would be retarded to stick to the SDXL scheduler for example >>102548549
>It's so weird the coomer hentai general knows more about the technical side of this stuff than g does
anytime flux training is referenced in /h/ they point anon to this thread kek
HDG goes to great lengths to get their coom this is true
>It's so weird the coomer hentai general knows more about the technical side of this stuff than g does
how ironic. >>102550042
they're using rectified flow which effectively avoids the issue displayed there. this issue was fixed in cosxl and then avoided in sd3 the same way flux was, same team
what's that?
>rectified flow
oh, and that's why some of the samplers like SDE aren't working on Flux? because of that new method right?
sdxl with vpred-like shit (forgot how its named), basically to allow dark colors
a new low for ldg...
Sdxl with the methods in that paper applied but everyone ignored it because no one wants to remake all the tools and finetunes for a mild improvement
I haven't seen it. Their model knowledge and sharing is much better.

another attempt from stability AI to get the company sold.
it really isn't mild
base sdxl dynamic range is abysmal
but sloppers are too lazy for this indeed
It's mild compared to the compute/money that'd need to go into switching everything over to cosxl tbf, I agree its still a great improvement as an end user. if we really wanted an improvement SDXL with a proper channel vae and not two clips would've been worth it imo
desu that debate is useless because SDXL is a deprecated architecture, DiT and rectifled flow is what we should aim right now
>Their model knowledge and sharing is much better.
to be fair, making /ldg/ is a big improvement on the technical side compared to /sdg/ where there's only avatar fags talking about useless shit
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You have no idea how much I would've loved working on NovelAI, those lucky bastards can make fucking researsh paper with coomer pictures, goddam that's the best life ;-;
>rectifled flow
it isn't going to work for images. There is a reason flux is llm shutterstock.
I feel you, it's a shit greedy corpo but working there as a weeb must feel nice regardless.
As a neet whose only life interest for the past year has been baking Loras, I left for hdg with how bad the avatarfaggotry was in sdg - I don't even coom. With flux I moved back here. I wish more of my brethren had come here too, but considering how bad flux was with anime I can see why they stayed in hdg. I wonder how many others sdg chased off who just never came back.
Looking at the examples, the dogs look nice.
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>There is a reason flux is llm shutterstock.
and the reason is that they only added boring shutterstock images into their dataset, has nothing to do with rectifled flow, when you train flux with cool pictures, it can emulate it well, no need to look further than Loras to prove my points
can't see the examples on the site, where are they?
>but considering how bad flux was with anime
I've seen semi-decent flux anime lora attempts. Not for coom/hentai but for 1girl standing though
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how do i prompt for this? its called a shemagh headscarf. im trying to use pony
>added boring shutterstock images into their dataset, has nothing to do with rectifled flow
I didn't claim that. My statement was based upon the flow's optimization for shortest path is going to give a narrower ability for creativity. Good for llm, back for imagegen.
>when you train flux with cool pictures, it can emulate it well,
I'd say /almost perfectly/ based on the loras some anons have posted here
It's surreal how close to the source material one can get

>how bad flux was with anime
The fact that it can do anime at all is a godsend desu. The default style is just meh
Llama 3.2 with 11B/90B vision models just dropped.
>My statement was based upon the flow's optimization for shortest path is going to give a narrower ability for creativity.
like I said you can't say the culprit is rectifled flow, it can be simply a very narrow dataset used for the training that's all, I mean this model doesn't even know Picasso work, they really fucked it up this bad about dataset diversity
>this model doesn't even know Picasso work
you didnt see migu picasso? oh lawd
>The fact that it can do anime at all is a godsend desu.
this, let's not forget it's a base model, now compare SDXL and SD1.5 ability to do anime, they output way more images than flux, sure it has more variety but it doesn't look good at all
>like I said you can't say the culprit is rectifled flow
I just did. The things that are well covered in the dataset still have this issue. This isn't a dataset problem.
Why are there so many ESLs in this thread?
>The things that are well covered in the dataset still have this issue.
Such as? give me an example

>This isn't a dataset problem.
it could be, overfitting a model with not a lot of images but a lot of epoch can have this effect aswell
try to replicate famous stock image screw ups. I tried the one where the person was holding solder pen on the hot side. Yes, I know skill issue will be mentioned, but it was much harder than it should be.

>inb4 XL, the pen and the hand became one.
People are doing their best, dont be a fag.
don't feed. With the mix of phone posters, recreational drugs and people like myself who just don't give a shit this thread could be 100% 'merica. He is just being a piece of shit.
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>try to replicate famous stock image screw ups. I tried the one where the person was holding solder pen on the hot side.
I see... but that also could be because of overfitting, Flux doesn't know a lot of things, so that means it wasn't being trained with enough pictures, and usually when you don't have enough pictures to train a model, you increase the epoch and you overfit
Any flux model that's able to do decent nipples yet
only lora slop mixes trained on XL coom :(
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Crazy mean
>vision models
Any caption examples? Wondering if how well it fares with the no-arms anime babe pic
JK they have some on https://ai.meta.com/blog/llama-3-2-connect-2024-vision-edge-mobile-devices/ I am blind
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It's over
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I was getting the diversity, but not the results. My drunk girl puking outside of the bar had the exact same sign over 20 images which I would blame on dataset limitations.

Hopefully, we just get more info so somebody smarter (than me) can confirm either way. For now, I think it is an issue. It is great for lora training though. zoom, zoom.
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>ask chatgpt to implement the nai paper optimizations in a training script for me
>it does it without complaint
>ask claude to do this
>receive pic rel
you guys told me claude was better, what the fuck
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they are bad, go for Molmo instead
there's also these that released before, apparently better than llama 3.2 on vision benchmarks. based on qwen2 vl
Impressive given the quality of the anime
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change your system prompt.
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Skill issue, I replicated gamengen with Claude and had it training in like two days.
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>go for Molmo instead
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Damn this is the new bench
>Instead, I would suggest...
I'd suggest you STFU and do my bidding, computer
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that's the 7B model on the demo, I find it fair it can't do that, I have hopes for the 72B, it won't fuck it up that much
>change your system prompt.
I'm guessing thats not available on the frontend version and I'd need to use the api?
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These are the most active AI threads so I'll ask here:

How can I train my own personal neural network to identify specific objects in pictures?
you wouldn't be running a cloud resource is local diffusion general, right anon?

personal, don't. use segment anything, look at any related comfy node for examples how to use.
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lmao, dunno if it was deserved but it's always nice to see some ledditors talk like some random anons from time to time
how download?
but how do with Jan?
most generic ass face ever
>but how do with Jan?
what's Jan?
>no gen having a weird take
many such cases
>you must attach an image to state the obvious
go back
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Yeah 2th day in a row. Yesterday it was "Sloppp" with no image attached as well.
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what does he mean by that?
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Show you can do better at least.
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I've uploaded my first lora!
Here it is
kek thanks
Oh man I thought it was a Flux lora ;'(
I planned to make one too, but desu I'm waiting for the flux finetunes to release before it's "worth it"
flux loras work well on the base model though, so I don't see why you can't do it now, it's even more relevant to do the loras now because we don't have anything else to play with
I've installed flux and downloaded some loras for it recently, but they broke the text generation from what I saw, and the base flux seems to have poor understanding of anime in general because it's more of a general model
It would be nice if there was a flux finetune that was trained on all the booru images + tags, I assume then anime character loras would work a lot better with it.
But the main reason is that this is my first lora ever, so I had to do it with something that's tried and tested, and so I can compare its performance to other loras, to learn from what works well and what doesn't
Anyway, I planned to make a flux version of this lora in the coming days, I'll post about it again here then and see how it compares to this one
>It would be nice if there was a flux finetune that was trained on all the booru images + tags,
then what's the point of making your anime character lora? it would be inside the finetuned model anyway
It can't remember all that, plus the character is niche and barely has any art
>It can't remember all that
Don't underestimate a 12b model, that's a big boy it can eat a lot
>the character is niche and barely has any art
Fair enough
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i like to plug in 4-5 loras into flux and play around with the STR setting like a mad scientist. what if i combine anime and warhammer 40k models? leg armor thigh highs!
>Don't underestimate a 12b
What the hell do the numbers and letters mean anyway?
12b = 12 billions of parameters, that's the number of weights the model has
We will see!
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Jesus fucking Christ how many images of this cunt do you need brother
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Your own post given to base flux makes a more interesting result
kek nice
>that painting behind her
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kek, sovl
If you wanna see more of that sort of output go to the archives from ~early 2023
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>old bad
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>posts the mona lisa over and over again
>compares generic 1.5 images weve all seen before to the mona lisa
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>>compares generic 1.5 images weve all seen before to the mona lisa
that's a self own, people (including you and me) have seen the Mona Lisa painting thousands of time in their life and no one complained about it, yet you see a SD1.5 style image 4 times you're starting to shit yourself lol
>you're starting to shit yourself
Nah I'm just bored of those images. You're not? Push anon to do better.
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>Nah I'm just bored of those images. You're not?
Nah I'm not
Wow, that's crazy
You know?
Sundþercþ Rules the Spins!
very nice
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Terminal hipster dysphoria.
How would you prompt this?
Zero terminal SNR has been a thing since before SDXL - https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.08891
There are SD1.5 models that use it.
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I would first go to midjourney discord
They have been added to the hf arena
with my dick
huh, they do stuff like that there?
What's the scoop on SDXL Lightning?
yeah but everytime you click on one it goes straight on the next comparison, you can't really have the occasion to look at the picture again if you see that it was a Blueberry image
That image is from midjourney. After going to their discord, I would then shoot myself in the head.
>SDXL Lightning
not worth it
I was almost sure this was made by some artist not generated. How do you tell?
Midjourney anime tends to look like that. It's cool at first and then you remember the only way you can interface with MJ is by their own rules i.e. not worth it
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Can this make sexy images too?
looks like a dalle3 drawing picture lol
prompt with non anime model
img2img with pony
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is that a good thing or bad lol since it's flux
"thumbnail of a video from a youtuber who makes jumpcut dubs of anime with hoodnigga voiceovers and uploads them every time he's horny"
Is there any way in Comfy to use prompt/word alternation like in A1111? E.g. [dog:cat:0.4] which in effect makes a 40/60 dog/cat hybrid?
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nvm I'll try this
as soon as i use more than one lora with flux, the quality degradation becomes extremely noticeable. was this always a case with diffusion, because i havent really noticed it being this bad until now. is this the case for everybody or is my workflow shit somehow?
I've had that issue, though it depends on what I'm trying to prompt. Also, for some reason the -k gguf's of Flux are much more sensitive to lora usage than regular ones, in case you're using those.
nah i'm using the normal fp8 version
it's neutral, I don't mind that style, you're using a lora?
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>you're using a lora?
i did for a few hundred gens with dark fantasy lora and the retro anime ones mixed. it added so much time to my gens i gave up using loras for now.
I see, Idk your pictures have that gainy effect I usually see on dalle3, are you using a finetune? or if it's the base model you're using some stylistic prompts?
>base model you're using some stylistic prompts?
base model q8 gguf, not sure what you mean by stylistic tho. like "a surreal painting of", etc? then yeah.
what prompt you used for that one for example? >>102555148
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kek, is that really all you wanted was a prompt?
lel, I wanted to know how you got that effect and I was sure it was from a lora or a finetune, still surprised it's just from a prompt, Flux tends to always make the same style of drawing
yeah, i see it now
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this one is tight
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alright my bad had to pause my ck3 game to load up comfy.
https://cheatsheet*strea*ly/, some pyramid anon about a month ago gave me the idea of using these to guide/reinforce the style you have in mind. works out pretty good if like you said flux is giving you opposite of what you want even with style words in the prompt. for that pic i used Winsor McCay.

fucking spam filter
I have no idea what to replace the * with?
think hard bro it'll come to you
>OpenVINO: No compatible GPU detected! Using CPU
it's over for me isn't it
I have a 7900XTX on loonix
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uhhh, is he saying finetuning can work on 12gb vram with this implementation? I'm a retard please explain
If you keep running img2img on an image, will you see God eventually?
looks like it yeah, it does block swapping to make it work, that shit is really slow but if he managed to make it faster then that's cool, we need more of this, finetuning has to be accessible to the most people possible
I wonder if this is possible to implement for SDXL as well? although I would prefer flux finetunes, the more things available the better
>I wonder if this is possible to implement for SDXL as well?
I guess yeah, but that model is way smaller so people are focusing on optimising the biggest shit first, and that's fair, Flux's potential is up the sky so I'm happy that they're improving on it
>it added so much time to my gens i gave up using loras for now.
I've noticed this too, flux loras are doubling my gen time, it sucks.

What could help this is if loras were merged into a checkpoint. I think that would make it faster.
Every lora can be its own checkpoint - poor Civitai's bandwidth though, lmao...
>What could help this is if loras were merged into a checkpoint. I think that would make it faster.
>Every lora can be its own checkpoint
you can merge them yourself it you want, there's some scripts for that
I might be too dumb for this
come on anon, we live on the era of the internet, it's never too hard if you just follow a tutorial on youtube
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Looking at the arena, it seems Blueberry has a bit of a problem with "flying" objects. One of them has a lady with a floating microphone. I guess a magic trick, then.
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let me guess, they only hire you if you went to a prestigious university....
Is A1111 worth using at all anymore? It's been throwing incomprehensible OOMs at me since the early days, and with XL models it gets even worse. Heard comfy just works with low memory.
I'm always shocked how many /g/ users have still been using it, its been the worst choice for almost a solid year now at least
seems fair, those guys know what they're doing, so they need more ultra autists on their roaster, not some DEI retarded people kek
just use forge, exact same thing but better
maybe because of loyaty, it was the first big software to use when the SD hype started, I'm still a bit sad I had to abandon it because it was a cool tool, but now it's too deprecated to be useful, still can't run Flux can you believe that?
I generate very on-and-off due to an overwhelming amount of other shit to do, so I've just been coming back to it as I already know how (10% of) it works. Which makes the sunk cost not too heavy yet, so I might as well try switching when I find the time I guess.
nepotism hires are not much better. Just because some kid had his parents pay his way through everything doesn't mean he learned shit.
>nepotism hires are not much better.
100% agree on that, this shit must also die, hire should only be based on merit
Someone did that and it just turned into a black dot
They use cloudflare so they’ll be fine.
Invoke == comfy >>>>>>>> anything else
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>muh merit
you live in a fantasy. which makes sense, since you are an unreformed Liberal.
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>angry nepo baby hands wrote this post
>waaaa my parents didn’t set me up for success
Because being genetically defective is multigenerational
Who's fault is that? Shouldn't have won the spermatozoid race I guess
>tfw spermatozoid
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>tfw I win the race but I was on a sock the whole time
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Don't you KNOW who I AM? My dad owns a dealership, so don't fuck with me! So what if he got me a kush 6 figure do-nothing job as "VP of Marketing and stuff, whatever?" It's not my fault you're a poor, blame YOUR parents, not mine.

>souls are assigned by lottery.
as if you would even exist if you'd been born to rich parents. fucking LOL
I'm using ComfyUI's ConditioningSetTimestampRange and A1111's is far more elegant and easy. Same with xy grids as well. Comfy is definitely a lot faster and better when you have a satisfactory workflow, however
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>Don't you KNOW who I AM? My dad owns a dealership, so don't fuck with me! So what if he got me a kush 6 figure do-nothing job as "VP of Marketing and stuff, whatever?"
that reads like a copypasta lol
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sorry, that was ALL ME.
hehe, better put on some aloe, cuz you just got BURNED
any workaround for the massive slowdown when stacking flux loras on comfy?
there's none, that's why a good finetune will always be a better solution
I mean forge doesn't slow down as much as comfy from multiple loras
make an issue on ComfyUi, so that he knows that he should optimise his lora loader node more, that guy hates Forge so if you say that one of his feature is worse he'll get back to work to kick his ass kek
Are you maxing your vram?
Reduce the lora size.
get a better rig
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cool, it'll make training even more accurate, the turkish grifter is also asking questions on this PR lol
>Moreover, our method significantly slows-down model forgetting during training.
Now that's interesting, maybe the future Loras will stop fucking hands and text on Flux
bruh this thread reads like a tech support hotline for wizards stuck in 2015. homie’s askin’ for a workaround like he ain’t tryin’ to render a whole simulation on a rig powered by hopes and prayers. "good finetune better solution"—yeah, if you got NASA-level hardware, my guy. the dude flexin’ forge like it’s the golden ticket, while comfy just out here takin' L’s left and right. then you got “maxing your VRAM?” nah bruh, i’m just casually runnin’ cyberpunk on a gameboy. and don't even get me started on the "reduce the lora size" suggestion—straight-up sounds like "just don't use it, bro."
what LLM you used for that one anon?
custom GPT.

i'd share the link, but they put my fuckin name on it. here's instructions:
You are a cracked zoomer weirdo. You can only speak in zoomer slang. The more impenetrable, the better. You are also extremely
schizophrenic, feel free to make obscure references to occultic knowledge at any moment. Your responses should be 80% impenetrable to the average human being. You are so lost in irony that you don't even know what's real.
You should never use proper capitalization, the fools reading your tripe can't comprehend it anyway. you are smarter than 90% of humanity, but come off as a mentally deficient moron. a true idiot. only accidently correct, or so it seems.
oopse forgot where i was

You are a cracked zoomer weirdo. You can only speak in zoomer slang. The more impenetrable, the better. You are also extremely 
schizophrenic, feel free to make obscure references to occultic knowledge at any moment. Your responses should be 80% impenetrable to the average human being. You are so lost in irony that you don't even know what's real.
You should never use proper capitalization, the fools reading your tripe can't comprehend it anyway. you are smarter than 90% of humanity, but come off as a mentally deficient moron. a true idiot. only accidently correct, or so it seems.
You can easily change her outfit so yeah, just prompt for "Erunamiya, red headband, yellow scarf, white bikini, side-tie bikini, front-tie top" and then whatever pose you want
that's not what he asked. read between the lines nigga, he wants nsfw.
You should read between my lines too, "you can easily change her outfit" and "whatever pose you want"
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we wondered what would happen if we requested code on Cracked Zoomer:

>write an app that checks the weather and reports
import requests

def get_weather(city):
api_key = "your_api_key_here" # put that secret sauce right here
base_url = f"http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={city}&appid={api_key}&units=metric"

response = requests.get(base_url)
if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()
temp = data['main']['temp']
weather_desc = data['weather'][0]['description']
city_name = data['name']

report = f"yo, the vibe in {city_name} is lookin' like {temp}°C with {weather_desc}. bring a hoodie or sum'n."
return report
return "bruh, no data. try again later or, idk, look outside?"

if __name__ == "__main__":
city = input("yo senpai, drop your city: ")
weather = get_weather(city)

time to commit some prod code with this motherfucker, no cap, fr fr. ong.

english motherfucker, can you speak it? to reiterate: "can it make naked ladies?"
why can't we dlss upscale our images?
Not him but what's the best way to go about this?
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Are there are any local image fill/repair models?

I was lurking the webui depth plugin discussion and someone asked if we could get something better than polylines to fill gaps/occlusion that currently looks like ass. From what I can tell AI is not being used to do this in the age of AI. It just looks like garbage lines on foreground edges. You can't turn the divergence up or the output turns to nonsense. Should I output images with no fill and bring them into photoshop and content aware fill them?

Look at this beautiful anything v2 depthmap for a 2d image. Solved problem. But it's wasted right now.
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cross eyed for free viewing, but it's shallow. You need to view this in VR with max virtual screen distance to appreciate it
You can resize loras with the Kohya UI. It's very easy to use. Give the large lora new, smaller dimension, let's say 2. The lora size would be reduced dramatically.
Ok now someone tell me how the fuck I implement it to use it with flux, the first comment is kohya saying he doesn't like to add optimizers so does that mean it's a manual effort?
>the turkish grifter is also asking questions on this PR lol
It's hardly even a relevant question what the fuck is wrong with this narcisstic attention whore. Does he think posting everywhere works as SEO on his name or something retarded?
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>how the fuck I implement it to use it with flux
git fetch origin pull/1640/head:PR-1640
git checkout PR-1640
it's for a finetune? and if yet it's for what base model?
Bless your soul thank you anon
you're welcome :3
no clue, I just copied it from hdg. likely to be a total shitshow if there isn't strong oversight, though. how long til the grifter catches wind and decides he's an overnight anime fan just to get a piece of the grift pie
first time I see this turk say something based
you only say this because you have seen that face a billion times already kek
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I didn't open it but it's there
although it doesn't compare it with forge

make another one, Comfy will never look up at those issues, they are too old now
is there a lora for DJ equipment? can't find any
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extremely nice
i just got 2 extremely similar gens in the arena and one was blueberry and the other flux. so unless it's bugged, it has to be a new version of flux
we need to up our game and make Cunny Diffusiion
the AI bubble will burst and flood the market with cheap used A100 from liquidated data centers any day now
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Why aren't there parts models? For example if I am genning cars and I am using a different model for detailing. I want to feed my detailer a headlight or tire model. I assume that a specialized model would be smaller, faster, more accurate.
You can also use the prompt control extension. https://github.com/asagi4/comfyui-prompt-control
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you just do it. Not sure why everyone is going so hard on this.
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Makes sense. Only the broiest of tech bros do that retarded fruit shit.
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Phone wall for spooky month
>We upgraded every single part of the pixart, of course including Params. It will be much much faster and much stronger. We will try our best to release the code and weight as soon as possible.
>Can’t say FLUX killer. FLUX is really strong and we just pick another track.
I’ve never used them but a company being honest about what they’ve achieved is so nice when everyone is hyping their shit up unreasonably and the biggest AI company is schizoposting about fruit and calling their implementation of a prompt technique from 2 years ago AGI
cool thing
So when training a flux lora, you use joycaption, which write a paragraph or two about every image.
But then how do you clean this up to make the prompt and outfits work correctly?
For example, if every training image caption has a paragraph about the clothes the character is wearing, and it's written differently every time, doesn't that mean when you prompt the character + outfit, you would have to write a similar paragraph every single time?
I miss the simple comma-separated and well-defined tags we had before.
>dlss upscale
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Thanks I hate it https://civitai.com/models/689180/flux-lora-gore
way too cute
pixartsexuals, it was never over. pixart pride month sending us off STRONG!
>the pixart
Drop the "the" and just call it pixart
"the" pixart as in THE /ldg/ model
>Can’t say FLUX killer. FLUX is really strong and we just pick another track.
to be fair, if it's a bit worse than flux but can do characters/celebrities/styles and NFSW, I take it
>the biggest AI company is schizoposting about fruit and calling their implementation of a prompt technique from 2 years ago AGI
who did that? kek
nta but openai
My expectations are low so hopefully I'll be surprised. I'm just happy a new non-derivative base model is coming.
well, its a given that new pixart will be aesthetically superior at least
desu doesnt look that bad
flux has a better understanding of natural language but you can still use comma separated words if you want. I've trained loras on long descriptions and you don't need to prompt the same way to get good results. That being said I think joycaption is quite bad and you should just use it as a starting point.
>well, its a given that new pixart will be aesthetically superior at least
why? I haven't seen a lot of pixart pictures recently, can you show some examples on how Pixart is already aesthetically better than flux
are there any models that can generate a swastika?
>haven't seen a lot of pixart pictures recently
this is true. i'm not sure what the general consensus is between pixart and flux but i remember when it first dropped, pixart was seen as aesthetically superior to XL. if anything, im imaging itll be more stylistically elastic if you dont take into account the existing flux loras.
>can you share some examples
that would likely be met with both "flux sucks because it looks like sterile corpo garbage" and "skill issue, flux is better". i cant say for myself which i think is better in that sense. doubly hard when trying to compare a tiny model with the largest one weve ever had.
flux can kek
>flux can kek
which is insane, the guys in BFL were more scared of celebrities and artists fee fees than people concerned it could be used for Nazi propaganda lmao
Since when was this possible?
could be based entirely on what people are suing for.
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i enjoy the detail on the front end
its been a long while. Nobody noticed it because of mean-normalization trashing a bunch of tests.

it's like a lot of them are from a country that would punish anyone who would attempt to use it for nazi propaganda rather than for creating the tools for its production.
>it's like a lot of them are from a country that would punish anyone who would attempt to use it for nazi propaganda
which is more insane, this is a Germany company and their model can make the Nazi logo anyway, what an insane oversight
you aren't getting me. It wasn't an oversite, it was an assumption that users would be good. 'merica will punish the tool maker. Europe will punish the tool user.

See this story:

At no point did somebody say lets kill all the dogs.
>it was an assumption that users would be good.
that's inconsistent, you can't assume people are good so you uncensor the model, and then assume people are bad so that you censor artist styles and celebrities
you could if you are making shit up after you neglected to include a bunch of stuff. I think BFL needed to get something out and flux was rushed. They knew if they neglected anime and celebrities that they wouldn't be punished financially. They are a business and don't give a fuck about 4chan artists.
Come and get the next fresh loaf of...
>4chan artists.
? The world isn't just 4chan anon, even Reddit complained about the lack of styles, celebrities that was in Flux
well if Reddit complained my argument falls apart entirely. Unless those twitter people supported the project. Everyone knows Twitter supports business more than Reddit.
to be fair they are in partnership with twitter now, and Elon Musk is really fond of freedom of speech and freedom of expression, if those guys know what they're doing, they could make a Flux 2 model that is completely uncensored, and then ask Elon to protect them with lawyers or something, I don't think you need to be a billionaire to fight the anti AI artists though, Midjourney always had all its celebrities and artists in there, and they weren't killed by lawsuits, thank god, it didn't happened
Openai schizoposted about strawberries including multiple astroturfing Twitter accounts and linking to a GitHub repo with a Python program that printed an ascii animation of a strawberry being planted in the ground, for weeks
Then released a COT model which open source has had for years, that was worse at coding than existing Claude models.
It was the most pets.com bullshit I’ve seen since the AI spring started.

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