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wireless earbuds are totally saf-ACK!
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>I need little speakers in my ear cavities
Shouldn't have been listening to loud nigga turkish rap
what's the use case of hearing?
she voted for it
Shouldn't have been listening to anti-jew music
why did mossad do that?
Based take
Stuxnet escaped containment and threatened to shut down water treatment plants all over the world.
Jews don't care about collateral.
> Turkish
Probably had something to do with whatever cutrate factory in that muslim hellhole samsung hired to manufacture them over there
Mossad strikes again.
>in turkqueef
don’t be a third worlder buying third world garbage and you’ll be ok
>buy Samsung device
>surprised when it explodes
User error to be desu.
What makes you think safety is a metric?
>Galaxy™ Note Buds 7
>Your ears are going to have a blast!
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I'm sure the third worlder ran over it or put it through the wash and thought "it still works, it's good." wouldn't expect any less of someone buying true wireless e-waste
don't care
i use apple products and don't have to worry about jeetdroid shit exploding on me
that's it bros, i'm switching back to wired
>he thinks the jews can't just remotely wrap the wires around your neck
>boomy bass
the kike will (probably (unfortunately)) find a way
They also fall out and roll or bounce really far
It’s Turkey, so the chance of them being knock-offs is pretty high.
shouldn't have been a khamas sympathizer, turkroach.
>letting your girlfriend use your grimy buds
>planned obsolescence battery crap that shits itself after a year and explodes randomly
>now in your ear canal!
another problem I've never had
Fucking ghouls in this thread, that sucks for her.
Weird, my airpods didn't explode.
>They also fall out and roll or bounce really far
literally the most annoying fucking thing about them
CSAMsung user cope
I used wired headphones, nigger.
why isn't there a dongle cord +battery anyway? You could extend any normal earbuds to bluetooth and it could be used for both wired and wireless.
I once looked in on making one but damn all the usual dev boards are way too power hungry.
nigga youre not a twelve year old on roblox
Turns out putting batteries in your ear is not a good idea. I have Sonys so I'm relatively safe, but when my contract renews next year I'm going to buy an Xperia so I can have a proper wired IEM.
iToddlers aren't worthy targets, they're the low IQ apes that will be kept around to turn this world into real life idiocracy
>turks = arab
>gf associated with Hezbollah
>tampared tws blows up
>oh no tws bad!
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but enough about loonix jeets
mine are sony. is sony jewish?
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Fox IEM doesn't have this problem.

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