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>How do I activate Windows?
HWID2 mimics a valid Windows installation to generate a permanent legitimate license
>and Office?
Same link, use Ohook option
You can also use Office.com if your needs are very minimal
or try OnlyOffice/LibreOffice and set it to save in MSOffice file formats

>What version should I install?
W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021
-10 years support on IoT LTSC, EoL 2032
-5 years on LTSC
-Binary identical to Enterprise except no MS Store and no bloat apps
-If you need MS Store run this in cmd: wsreset -i
-ISO: 4.5GB

W10/W11 Home/Pro/Edu/Enterprise
-Only 1.5-2 yrs support
-No control over updates
-Preinstalled bloatware apps (games, music, news, weather, onedrive, start menu ads, etc)
*W11 specific
*Massive UI usability downgrades
*Removed features and reduced performance in Taskbar and Explorer
*Recall bloat
-ISOs: 6.4~6.6GB

W11 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2024
-Leak is an official pre-release OEM testing ISO, likely updates to retail on launch
-10 years support, EoL 2035
-Only if you fell for the 12th+ gen Intel meme and need the new CPU scheduler
-Same UI downgrades as regular W11
-ISO: 4.2GB

Windows IoT LTSC https://pastebin.com/ywkasnhM
Windows https://pastebin.com/nUMgAr0b
Office https://pastebin.com/G8w5qu6z

>Should I debloat / build my own ISO?
If you need to ask, then no, you WILL break something
If you know what you're doing:

>Windows/Office install guide

>Portable programs & reinstall-proofing

>Useful programs (new install, essentials, utilities, adobe, etc)

>I miss Windows##

Change to .co if links don't work

Previous: >>102506403
sex with me-tan
What's the best debloat / spyware removal tool that won't break shit?
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I love Windows!
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Can I install windows on a removable drive for use on another computer? Should I stop it right before it restarts on the other computer and let it install on the one I'm planning to use? Can I do all this even if that computer is a laptop with no screen that only has an hdmi-connected monitor?

I have a laptop with a broken screen so I removed it, lid and all, then just used a separate hdmi-connected monitor. Tried to reset windows but the battery is also broken, and I must have bumped the charger cable because now it's bootlooping. I tried using bootable media but the bios can't see the hdmi connection. the monitor itself is fine because I can see the manufacturer logo when its trying to boot into the drive. I tried memorizing the keypresses to get into the boot manager but it seems that the bootable media itself cannot access the hdmi port. my current plan is to get an ssd m.2 to usb enclosure and install windows on it on another computer but I'm worried that the fresh install won't be able to access the hdmi itself on the original computer and it'd be back to square one. Especially since I tried installing windows on two other older laptops and they both can't access the hdmi port without downloading drivers, which I wouldn't be able to do without a screen. If I bought a replacement LCD screen I wouldn't even be sure the connection for that is still good; it's been out in the open for months.
Select "english | world" as your region at install time, dont run stupid scripts from the internet
That only stops the bloat (not everything tho), Shutup10 is actually fine I'd say, very friendly as well, apps like the Titus tool do have a stuff that will break everything if you are not careful
Damn anon just put that poor PC out of its misery

For real tho, the USB M.2 trick is clever, as for the drivers (assuming the installation worked), why not just plugging it to the network so it can download drivers?

Still, I'd say buying the screen is just better, just clean the connection with some isopropyl alcohol and you're good to go
can you do a in place upgrade from 10 to 11 on unsupported hardware??
A recent Windows 11 update completely destroyed an entire computer, safe mode and everything. The built-in recovery, that supposedly downloads an entire image from Microsoft and reinstalls doesn't do anything, and USB/CD installers which appear to add one additional restore option only reboot to the installer. The BSOD that appears is "tcpip.sys", but all public issues with that message that can be found through search engines assume the OS can still be booted. A Lubuntu live CD claims the SSD is fine. Is this actually fixable without a complete reinstall? Of note, is that it also seems to have somehow disabled bitlocker.
im poor lmao

problem with that is the reason im reinstalling windows in the first place is because I have some schizo suspicions of my ISP. I had a third party firewall up and periodically a rule pops up that allows all programs under //c: (im on mobile data rn lmao)

if the network itself is compromised is it possible for them to install some kind of virtual keylogger HID device during this process or is that me being too schizo? is it possible to do some usb tethering shenanigans?
that's unlikely unless you live in a hellhole of a country, the worst they do is using their DNS server to steal your history for advertising but that's about it

If you feel schizo about it you could do some research using process monitor and tcpview, free tools by MS, so you can see if there's any weird connections there
I look like this
O&O Shutup10 recommended settings is all you really need. Just remember to run it after every update to make sure your settings are still active.
Or, if you have a couple more minutes you can set the Group Policies yourself so that ms can't change them with updates. You can look up for a list of the most popular GPEDIT settings for privacy.
thoughts on this? its tiny11 based on IoT LTSC 24H2. in theory this should be THE best windows iso you can get right?
What I do is:
1. Use unattended installer for iot ltsc
2. run shutup10 recommended settings, restart
3. run chris titus tool recommended settings, also some other settings in the advanced section, like turning off bg processes. This will reduce running processes at startup from around 130-140 to like 113.

Of course, I tailor the unattended script and chris titus tool settings to iot ltsc so I don't need to check stuff like removing MSstore apps.
I think if you use an Enterprise-based edition the registry edits made by ShutUp10 for example don't change between monthly updates, at least in my experience.
When is W11 24H2's official release date?
Rufus can make Windows to Go USBs so you should be able to flash an install to an external drive with it.
There isn't one yet, though I'm guessing it's around the October update
It's one of the better small 11 install solutions, great for VMs for example.
Do I really have to wipe/disconnect the existing drives on the backup computer before flashing to usb?

After windows installs how do I interrupt the automatic restart? I don't want windows to setup according to the backup computer's hardware config.

Once I boot into the fresh install, will the drivers automatically download before the part where it asks me to input language/region/etc? just so I can tell if it worked or not

sorry if these are very simple questions
When you setup a Windows to Go USB with Rufus it basically auto-installs everything to the point of booting into it giving you the OOBE.
why no? ntdev has released a builder tool and even uploaded a tutorial on how to use it with any iso. seems like a credible/trustworthy person
Certain anons in here will say no to *any* customized ISO because they think they all have backdoors or something. It's been shown plenty of times by other Youtubers and NTDEV himself that his Tiny ISOs are clean, and yes NTDEV does seem like a pretty trustworthy guy especially when he open sourced his ISO builder tool.
my thoughs as well. despite windows 11 IoT LTSC already being "debloated" windows without a TPM requirement, tiny11 goes even further and it being based on IoT LTSC 24H2 should give the best performance (in theory). I will still wait for ntdev to release one based on the official iso instead of a preview tho
why are little girls so
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I've never heard of this new version of Tiny11 cause it isn't by NTDEV, but this guy that made his own variant of it using IoT LTSC 2024 also seems pretty trustworthy with his hash listings and such.
anybody knows why windows enterprise doesnt get activated on new installs when you activated it with hwid before
i remember reading about it, maybe it was something about volumen licenses
I mean if you re-installed and it isn't activated for whatever reason just re-run the HWID activation I guess.
lads, when is the 11 LTSC expected to come out?
Mid October probably
its the most recent upload on his internet archive profile
no wait. uploader is "Mesa3D". idk who tf that is I'd stay away from it honestly
might try it out on another laptop i have and monitor the network with wireshark just to make sure its not doing anything sus
It says right in the description that it's an unofficial IoT LTSC 2024 rebase of Tiny11.
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>have folder with thousands of memes
>every time I open it the viewing order has reset
>takes a bit to show them in the order I want
>open a meme
>win 10 photo viewer takes a bit to open it
How do I optimise my thumbnails and save the folder settings so they won't reset each time?
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>Restart computer.
>Search menu now filled with ads instead of previous searches.
There wasn't an update and there are no options to remove them. Why must Satya Nadella rape my pc?
There's registry entries you can make to remove Search from accessing the net and removing all the superfluous pictures in the search bar. ShutUp10 includes them.
Figured it out. Turned off show search highlights on the task bar and it's back to normal.

t. linux user i hate windows and microsoft
get outta here faggot

t. win user i hate troonix and stalltransman
I don't hate windows users though, I just hate microsoft, but whatever. I am posting from Windows 10 right now, I still need it because linux can't keep up with gaming.
install icaros and enable thumbnail cache
Hopefully you are still around, but try StirlingPDF, its all locally hosted and has its own exe, just wished that the OCR implementation would be integrated with it, running docker or a dedicated Linux machine is inconvenient.

Not sure where I read this, but I remember something about how there is a hard limit in size before it starts bugging out. If you have thousands upon thousands of images, it would be best to set the cache in a different location and have Icaros just handle it (Not in program files).
I'll keep looking and try things. I know there is a way in windows without 3rd party programs.
Is there a way to save a copy of script for offline usage? He's as bad as Microsoft because he's enforcing online only paradigm with his website.
Fuck C. Titus.
Why does a pdf editor need to be "hosted" or run in a virtual machine? Why use something made by a retard who thinks that's any kind of benefit?
You wish

Do you have that image in higher quality?
It's already at its highest possible quality.
whats the best pdf/ebook reader
SumatraPDF just werks
Why file management needs to be so garbage?
What's making you think so, anon?
Can you elaborate? Please tell me you are not still on Windows 10.
what version/edition of windows would hitler use on his personal gaming computer?
Pro Education
lmaaaooooo troontards BTFO'd by the almighty anit-cheat
>but muh steam deck
>but muh proton/wine/bottles
can't play valorant, battlefield, warzone, fortnite, six seige. have fun with the thousands of shitty indie games made by poop finger devs on your glorified web browser memeOS
i thought it meant unofficial as the official windows 11 IoT LSTC 2024 iso still hasn't been released and it is based on the preview
Gaming on Linux is huge copium. It will never be first-class experience, you won't see any tournaments run on Linux. The development is cool that you can run some games on Linux, but in the end of the day why bother?
some time ago someone here linked me a very interesting manga reader
i forgot its name...
mpv really can be anything if you have the Lua knowledge
Search and when folders icons size resetting all the time
I am, my good sir
is the windows photo viewer slow to open

are all download links inside of this dead?
Use the massgrave index to get ISOs these days. That pasta hasn't been updated in a hot minute for certain things.
Enterprise LTSC doesn't support HWID, IoT does
MAS's HWID can activate LTSC (via using the IoT LTSC key) like how KMS_VL_ALL can activate IoT LTSC these days.
Has anyone tried using Server 2022 or 2025 for desktop use? Wonder how they compare to 10 LTSC and 11 LTSC.
I have 2 computers on the same network. Computer A cannot access computer B, but computer B CAN access computer A. I have no idea why. Does anyone know how I could make it so they can access each other?
Windows 10 by the way
Very odd to see this concept.
But it would be better than installing it.
I guess it worth a shot installing it on my NAS.
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Why would anyone use "custom" version of windows?
Is teamOS even trustworthy?
when it does come out will it still be inferior to w10 ltsc?
of course it is, just look at the badass wizard?
It's POS
most people say it's just not worth it, Server is fundamentally different from regular Windows, so stuff will either break or not work a lot of times.

LTSC is just Windows with basic functionality
>Tiny ISOs
I love it because it make a nice VM.
Which is the only reason you would need one.
That's not NTDEV upload.
What's the last Tiny10 ISO?
Thinking about upgrading my Windows 7 install to an SSD. If I clone my Windows 7 hard disk, can I avoid having to jump through hoops to get my USB's working again, or is that a bad idea?
Do the Windows LTSC isos still work? I read somewhere that they patched the last registration patch. What iso should I install if I want to install Windows 10 without Defender or any other bloat?
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Oh shit I just fixed this stupid problem where a file can't be moved and can't be canceled. Terminate shell infrastructure host (sihost.exe) and it works again.
>be linux troon
>want to start gaming again
>install windows 11 education
>copilot shit
>sportsball updates in the taskbar
>pcie wifi card not detected
>install steam
>freezes multiple times trying to enter 2factor code
>eventually get in
>steam crashes trying to download game
>refuses to relaunch unless i restart pc

im tired of computers bros...linux, windows, the internet, youtube, google search nothing just werks anymore
skill issue
Edge yay/nay?
you can also just uninstall and disable all the shit you dont want after installation
Debloat it as much as you can. Its the fastest browser on windows but I only use it as a backup if brave is breaking a site
why not remove it from the start?
Yeah it's good. Run OOshutup10 and chris titus tool (both of these have some edge settings). Just run OO first and restart, then run the other.
Just install iot ltsc, read OP.
What's removed from the LTSC IoT versions?
Where I can read about that? and different versions.
I want to know if stuff like RDP and such still work.
And whats the down side of being on the LTSC branch compared to the regular branch.
>chris titus tool
Never heard of it.
i would use edge, but killing manifest v2 (especially the ability to update ublock filters at any time (and in the background without redownloading the whole extension)) makes adblocking unreliable
How to get the enterprise and where to but the xml file?
I have done so actually
See picrel
https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech/winutil just run the powershell command, also watch some YT vids about the settings.
Forgot to mention, drop the xml file into the usb drive, if unsure look up "windows unattended install" on YT
i prefer to change the things myself so i actually know what i changed
Deprecated by GNU/Linux and the GNOME desktop environment. It's time to upgrade.
i want to test installing windows 11 on an old laptop that has an hdd
will it be usable?
What's the use case though?
it doesn't take more than 1-2 minutes to install windows, and if you plan to install on multiple machines it's faster to do it with mirroring.
If you could install apps than that's different story.
can it be used with ventoy?

hell naw, not even 10 runs well on hdd anymore, pick 10 LTSC
Yeah, it can be used with ventoy via auto install plugin.
I mean, the use case for this is simply having the settings to your liking when windows is installed, with the benefit of it being automated. No need to mess with the drives nor setup wifi. If someone's using non iot ltsc, then they can also have store apps removed before windows is installed. Also setting other registry settings and preference settings as well.
IoT LTSC 2021 runs fine enough on a HDD in my experience
I don't know why people pretend HDDs are obsolete now, they are objectively worse than SSDs but for the most part it's not that big of a deal. Both W10 and W11 work just fine on HDDs, it's RAM and CPU that actually carry 90% of the heavy load.
yeah the laptop has windows 10
runs fine
New Microsoft account leak to come

Updated an old beater and took back the ssd to repurpose it for something else.. returned the original old ass 500gb HDD hdd to it because the difference was minimal.

Most difference came from the ram upgrade I did... don't care about the extra 10 seconds of boot time since I keep it on for literally weeks at a time.
I personally have had a lot of issues using windows on HDD, specially family and friends that often their PCs gets stuck in updates because HDDs are just so slow

I agree that they're better for long term storage and longevity but damn I don't miss having an HDD as main storage at all
big if tru
On 10 or 11?
10, the problem is that normies obviously never optimize their PCs, you can have a nice Windows on HDD if you take the time to clean it, but the average person will never do that, they just install shit and let it run in the background until HDD is working 100% all the time
>run chris titus tool
Why do you run some youtuber scripts on your PC? At least validate what you are running, most of this stuff is basic register or policy edits.
mating press
I would say that Chris himself is an incredibly trustworthy person with a lot of enterprise IT experience. He posted like the only completely unbiased AV ranking on Youtube.
He looks like a cool guy, but this software is unnecessary flashy and lots of marketing in it. I don't trust people who put thick layer of paint on things for no good reason.
I mostly use it to install winget and other apps like vlc, Firefox, etc cuz I am too lazy to download them individually
A person good at tech doesn't always equal a person who knows good looking graphic design
isn't that what most debloaters are anyways? tools that go beyond that are usually the ones that break stuff
Finally pulling the trigger on building a new PC and I have a couple of questions: one, what USB drive should I be using? Two, what are the odds of viruses, faulty hardware, or what-have-you corrupting the install and other files/programs as they pass through my current PC and into the USB? Machine I'm using now's kind of an old one, and I haven't been especially careful with it.
If you think your files have a virus in them or something you could always make a HirenBootCD boot USB and run its included ESET scanner. Back up everything you want to keep from the old PC on an external or other USB etc. and make a Windows boot USB using Rufus, which I recommend using either Sandisk or Kingston branded (and in Sandisk's case you can get like a pack of six.)
So that's two boot USBs- one Rufus for the Windows install, one Hiren for the ESET scanner, and I guess a decent SSD or somesuch for the actual files I want to keep? How much capacity would the USB drives need?
You could just buy a set of 16GB or 32GB Sandisks USBs (whatever your nearest PC/office store has) and be all good. Windows install USBs don't need to be very large at all and HirenBootCD is smaller because it's just a live Windows environment using WinPE.
And you can get an external SSD if you'd like, but a 4TB external HDD would be cheaper, I'd recommend a WD brand one.
my HP probook 640 g4 has 2 drive slots. 1 m.2 nvme and 1 2.5in sata. I have windows installed and boot from the m.2 but I also have a 1tb 2.5in HDD that is used only for storage. I wouldn't recommended booting an OS from an HDD not only because of the boot times but everything is just slower overall.
I was stuck with a HDD booting old laptop a couple years ago and I basically got use to it talking like 40 seconds to boot to lock screen. Going back to something with an NVMe in it is quite good.
Windows Defender's gotten really good now that MS finally stopped giving a shit and told AV makers to fuck off.
any reason you said 4TB specifically? even assuming absolutely everything was essential, I've only got 912 GB worth of space on this thing.

>a 4TB external HDD would be cheaper, I'd recommend a WD brand one
I've got a WD Elements (2TB) exHDD- would that do?
I just say 4TB because they're fairly cheap and you get a lot of space that you'll know will basically never run out, but if you already have a 2TB external then just use that.
I personally used it for OCR and only have libreoffice installed. Any alternatives for OCR?
Correct me if I am wrong, but don't you have to use a crossover ethernet cable? It has been a while since I used ethernet to connect an xbox to PC but I vaguely remember that I had to specifically get a crossover cable to be able to access both computers one to another, in this case a console.
fuck, my post disappeared
i'm not writing all that again, blah blah you don't need a crossover cable when at least one nic supports auto-mdi/mdix when connecting two nics directly together, and nics for the last 20 years have supported this (pretty sure all gigabit nics support it)
most surely plain old Pro. With all telemetry enabled and probably logged in to an ms account.
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>Install has a bug where after logging in the graphics are all garbled on the desktop and pressing the windows key fixes it
A small annoyance, and I'm too lazy to repair upgrade to see if it would fix it.
What will you use after 2032?
Anon that's so fucking far into the future no one would have any idea where OSes would be at that point, but in this case you could just move to IoT LTSC 2024 which lasts until 2036 or so.
not so true tho, behavioral protection is Defender's biggest flaw, for known threats is fine but when it comes to new stuff it's still pretty shitty

Also their firewall is very vulnerable just for the fact that it's the first thing viruses attack

Many people say that Defender is fine for normies, but to me, normies are the ones that can get the most dangerous shit in their machines
there's no 2032, Humanity's season finale is in 2030
hey bros what image viewing/sorting software we using on 10?
XnView MP is pretty great for gallery/sorting purposes.
You mean sisters
>be me
>defender says privacy.sexy debloat script is a severe trojan
>says simple wall is a severe trojan
>says old program used to reset cmos password is a severe trojan

Is defender the biggest boy who cried wolf? It absolutely hates anything not microshit approved and calls it a virus. Ive disabled it and just going by simplewall, Nextdns, brave and common sense. Is this enough or should i run an antivirus program from time to time like malwarebytes? Whats the latest best free option for that?
This is why devs of programs like this say to disable Defender before unzipping and running. Gets in the way otherwise.
The way MAS does it through that PS irm command sidesteps it.

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