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what does I do understand by this?
Not clear. Is longer half life good or bad? Why? Maybe you can find out by clicking "show more". I can't do it for you because you were a fuckstick and only posted a screenshot and no link.
That Linux kernel is not following today convention of randomly breaking ABI.
ESL-kun, pls
i dont think he usually posts explations of his posts
i usually get but i this time around i do not
i don't fully get it
he just seethes about open source software and both Linux and Wordpress.
It looks like shit, duh
Consider all that WP stuff is before the block editor was added. Imagine what it looks like now...
>the ultimate /g/celeb crossover
Well then you can safely ignore him.
dude, he retweeted someone else, click the full thread, the whole thing is explained there
I think the point is the longer a codebase exists, the less is added to it and the less life it has left in a radioactive half-life sense of exponetial marching towards death.
words born of late night drug abuse. ie: ``dude, my hands can touch everything butt themselves.''
i got it just after i posted it
What did you get? I would like to know.
>Blow J
I got what the graph really means
That is ``what'' I asked you to explain.
I don't have an X account though
It means that a competent senior dev should be capable of building a knockoff of WordPress from scratch in a month
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the graph shows how much code from certain years stays not deleted in certain upcoming years
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Changing stuff too often makes programs unreliable, as you remove mature code for immature code

2006 linux code have been studied, tested, fixed, so it's good to have it, while wordpress completely removed their mature codebase

The original post says that "Change bursts increase maintenance, complexity, and are likely to introduce bugs that persist well after the release date.", meaning that sudden changes are correlated with defects
Seeing as you cannot even construct a coherent sentence, my guess is you understand nothing.
Go be a nigger somewhere else.
God what a fag he is.
Thank you, I missed the subtle deletion of code in the graph. Good job.
>Ah yes I'm so fucking edgy
Jonathan useless-retard Blownjob
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This shit stupid ahh hell mane
this will make the rustroons seethe even harder
Does wordpress even delete code ever? Their code is ancient.
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It means Jai will never see a stable release.
Three times as fast as linux according to that graph.
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pretty shit comparision
c has changed very little over the last 20 years or so while php has changed by a huge margin
even if wp kept the exact same features as of 20 years ago and only updated the code to run on modern php it would have higher code churn than linux
Blow is a joyless pretentious faggot that is what you're supposed to understand from this image
So Laurie be still alive? How come she isn't spammed here all the time anymore?
Imagine compare the quality of something by complete rewrite of text on wikipedia site of thing.
Apply shitty statistics to codebase phenomenology.
why would anyone make such retarded charts instead of normal line chart????
you are a pajeet.
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It's funny because there are no niggers, pajeets or trannies on the Clojure foundation. Maybe that's the reason why everything is so well rounded.
He is under the (mistaken) technical assumption that every line of code in a project runs so a project with more lines of code will be slower than one without.
He tries to dress it up, and if pressed he will say that he doesn't believe this, but he does.
Looks like it's been dead since 2011, probably them main guy left or can't read his old code anymore.
>no units on the axes
into the trash it goeth
>no brain in the head
If you use a shotgun you might find some.
And why pray tell would they
"update the code to run on modern php"
and what does that even mean.
You don't need to constantly add code to a project. Once it's done, it's done.
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This. Updooters can't fathom that
That's my point, the image you posted they are constantly adding code and they are unable to remove legacy code.
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what are those bullshit about?
The point being raised, if code is being rewritten all frequently it implies it wasn't written in a sensible way in the first place. This isn't necessarily the case, if requirements are changing then it probably would require some refactoring of existing code to avoid mess. But these graphs don't look comparable. Why is the Linux graph starting with ~5000000 lines of code in 2006? Linux started in 1991, so maybe it's showing that Linux already had 5M lines of code in 2006? It seems to show that more than half of its 2006 lines remain at the end of the graph, but if that's 1991-2006 then that's not impressive. Also consider that Wordpress has a lot of UI code and had to support changing browser requirements during a period of rapid change. Not saying that Wordpress has good code quality, but comparing a UI heavy web app with an OS is not really fair.
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>remove legacy code
That's called backwards compatibility. It seems like they've done a great job going the route that Go has also taken, which is to have most churn before a 1.0 (or in Clojure's case 1.1) and keep a good backwards-compatibility guarantee on top of well-chosen interfaces thereafter. I guess minimal code churn follows?
Also notable that Clojure's codebase is 60KLOC (Clojure/lisps are known to be very compact in LOC metrics) and Scala's is 250KLOC. Maybe having a smaller codebase helps reduce churn because exponentially fewer changing interfaces cross-codebase.
I don't understand why a single code base has to support backwards compatibility. Why not allow the usage of old code as is? maybe patch for security vulnerability if it's severe and update everything once there's some insane breakthrough.
Backwards compatibility doesn't need to be continuous, as in, you're free to break it until you advanced enough, then you reintroduce it with all the benefit of hindsight and experience.
So linux is built like a pyramid, always preserving old code mostly, while wordpress is constantly destroying and rewriting old code?
Are rewrites bad now?
because the language has vulnerabilities? because the dependencies have vulnerabilites too and in order to update them you need to run a newer version of php? because hosts wont allow hosting sites on old php versions? what kind of retarded question is this
>all legacy code is related to backwords compatibility
Why even make such a wrong on the face claim, are you even interested in the topic or what?
cloujure is a much higher level language than something like c, it's more akin to lisp, so who knows how much of that is meta code. In any case it's hilariously sad that you think 60k loc is compact for a language build on a virtual machine.
I know you don't believe your own bullshit, but still imagine just spewing it. "yup this code right here is sterling we just spun 10k loc java/cloujure code in a year. We totally planned it all through and everything, trust us."
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>created the only LISP actually used in the market
>created Datomic
>pretty much founded one of biggest fintechs in the world (numale bank)
>CTO of Cognitech
Yea, just discovered that Hickey is a retard and an anonymous pedophile on a tranny imageboard is actually a genius. Thank you for opening my eyes
>numale bank
good one
Jai is stuck in a perpetual state of rewrites and refactor? Jon has terminal autism confirmed.
>why would anybody be excited for a terminal from microsoft? Why isn't that something that 1000 college kids did over the weekend?
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>php dude is retarded
the other years below red are also being removed, my slow friend.
Linux: what is added tends to stay. Old cruft is removed only slowly. This might reflect good code review and API promise that are held.
Wordpress: Most of original code went out of the wndow, later code tends to stay, suggests a major shakeup in quality and probably getting more professional.
Anon, I...

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