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Is 4chan site accessible to disabled
You're mentally handicapped, yet you can post here successfully, so yes, 4chan is accessible.
With all the retarded and pretending to be retarded posts you see every minute I would say yes
I have autism can I sue 4chan for creating a space that is detrimental to my sanity
Only if you blogpost about your lawsuit like the Elden Ring schizo.
but how is it supposed to make me feel better when the business update their site to support accessibility features?
U can get money ?
Are you American? If so, yes. In America you can sue anybody over anything.
Im trans can I sue 4chan for allowing hateful content that has ruined my mental health
Commie trannies needs to be necked
everyone here is mentally retarded so yeah id assume so
Only after I sue 4chan for allowing trans content that has ruined my mental health
>OP already showing signs of mental illness completely unprovoked
This website proves itself.
Nobody forced you to watch sissy BBC
webms and start taking hormones though
no one forced the disabled to use business websites either but apparently ADA compliance firms don't care
pissant plebbitors
Anybody else wish it wasn't?
You can only access 4chen if you are disabled
>youtube closed captions
>it censors words as [____]
why has nobody sued youtube for this yet
Have you no idea how many retards, autists and other types of mental midgets are here right now?
Maybe 5 years ago they'd call that "ruining your mental health", now they'd say you were born trans and 4chan only cracked the egg. You missed out on the gravy train.
America is absolutely retarded
this absolutely does not work for websites gullible ding dongs
>Imagine a country so free, that anybody can sue you to hell and back, because your website doesn't pander to their made-up disability, even though they aren't forced to use your website and in fact, never visited in the first place
Yeah, I really wonder why in the past 100 years the self-employment rate in the US went from over 90% to below 6%...
lmao what about the elden ring schizo?
haven't been around for a while
All according to plan.
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>Is 4chan site accessible to disabled
Not much
Wrong. In America, accepting a ToS means giving up your right to sue => go to arbitration.
What is this 4chan
Only if the TOS explicitly says that. And with some sorts of passive acceptance ("by accessing this website you agree..." at the bottom of the page) you can argue that it wasn't a valid contract to begin with.
a hacker guy, or so I've heard
Does this actually work? Cause a small business recently ripped me off over hundreds of dollars and i scanned their website and it got a 49. It says anything under 90 is probably at risk of accessibility lawsuits
Is there any ADA case that paintiffs actually won?
>any ADA case
*any web accessibility case
wait wasn't america supposed to be Land of The Free™, why does their government force them to layout their websites in a certain way
>[ADA COMPLIANT ALT TEXT] Green frog, wearing blue shirt, looking at viewer
Thanks to Bush Sr then less freedoms under the guise of national security thanks to Bush Jr
[Alt text for stupid fucks who can't read]
I'm autistic as fuck so yes. You have to be a literal downie to get disability filtered.
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Afaik Hiro doesn't live in the U.S. and 4chan's hosting hasn't been there for years.
Schizo who believes that Elden Ring and other Fromsoft games have super duper secret hidden second games hidden in them, and is sueing over it.
My screenreader works so yes
The real question is why wayland isnt accessible.
fippy bippy
The disabled can read 4chan with ease, but they might be unable to post without paying for a pass.
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I posted hate speech around 5 times today. If you think a website that allows that cares about disabled people, you must be disabled.
Doesn't he live in France?
He can still host the site in the US, in fact that would be much smarter than leaving it to eu glowies.
>Only if the TOS explicitly says that.
Yes, but 'the TOS' means 'any TOS you ever signed for any product or service provided by the megacorporation which is increasingly buying up everything': https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/08/disney-fighting-restaurant-death-suit-with-disney-terms-absurd-lawyer-says/

>Tangsuan is a medical doctor, Denney's court filing explained, with "a severe allergy to dairy and nuts." Due to her allergies, she studied Disney's website and "chose to eat at Raglan Road" precisely because Disney and the restaurant "advertised and represented to the public that food allergies and/or the accommodation of persons with food allergies was a top priority and that patrons/guests could consult with a chef and/or special diets trained Cast Member before placing a food order."
>While dining, Tangsuan took care, the court filing said, "specifically" asking "the waiter at Raglan Road on numerous occasions about the ability to receive allergen-free food" and the couple was "assured that her order would be allergen-free."
>Despite reassurances that her food was allergen-free, "Tangsuan suffered a severe acute allergic reaction to the food served at Raglan Road, from which she died," Denney told the court. "The medical examiner’s investigation determined that her cause of death was anaphylaxis due to elevated levels of dairy and nut in her system."

>In May, Disney tried to argue that the wrongful death suit should be dismissed because Piccolo subscribed to a one-month free trial of Disney+ four years before Tangsuan's shocking death.

>Disney terms vaguely hyperlinked in the Disney+ agreement that required private arbitration for "all disputes" against [Disney].

Disney abandoned this defense for this case because it went viral and got reported by various news outlets, but you can bet your ass they'll use it anywhere they can get away with it.
The point of lawfare isn't to have justice be done (winning cases), it's to cripple your adversaries with the financial and resource costs of defending yourself in court.
so whos gonna sue 4chan?
wtf is this jewish racket?
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>grab your popcorn

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