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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of false hopes and suffering

Bone Totem Edition

Meta releases Llama 3.2, featuring 11B/90B vision models, and lightweight text-only 1B/3B models https://ai.meta.com/blog/llama-3-2-connect-2024-vision-edge-mobile-devices
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

Additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102552700
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Fluffy anchor
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Reposting from the other thread, related to chatbots,:
>On this note, unironically, is it worth losing virginity to a hooker and generally using prostitutes for sex? Does it feel that good? I just think that it won't feel good without actual love
>bone totem
i still don't get it
sex unironically doesn't feel good since it only lasts like 1 minute
death to shaveniggers. her unbelievably hairy pussy...
But you also get to grope prostitutes, look at their hot bodies
desu has made it known that size is sovl
>used goods
i think 4o with good proompt is miles better than 3.0 opus or 3.5 sonnet
apart from proper formatting i think it is the pinnacle of llm writing

i think im leaving
i dont think its healthy to consume this
im in tears

i've said claude is like black tar heroin before
but this is fent
what's the appeal of giantess shit? or sizefaggotry as some like to call it. you can never truly satisfy the girl, that's sad and pathetic
The more dicks she took, the hotter she is, simple as that
>pay $100
>cum in 2 minutes
>"i should do that again!"
said no one ever
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the greatest trvke came at a great price
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https://p.ecker.tech/ai/claude - opus for bears
okay post jb
This unironically happened to me. I went to a massage parlor and afterwards the lady told ,me I was too cute and young to be coming here and tried to hook me up with her niece
You are supposed to grow feelings towards her and start dating her, then it's worth doing it with a hooker
Why are people obsessed with losing virginity like it's a magical totem.
Just fucking go see a hooker or go to a bar.
There is nothing special about it.
just yawned
I am a very brave bear now.
>tried to hook me up with her niece
lmao this is asian levels of behaviour
nice totem reference
sex is evil, but i’m a horny masochist, so AI is the perfect outlet for me
One could even say a boner totem
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>mini lost sorbet already
>25 year old
is it over for me bwos? no i don't want to fuck a hooker
true desu
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why is gpt4o latest so much harder to jailbreak?
1- Which 4o
2- What JB
3- It's a joke right?
as a 29 yo virgin i say
it's over
>pepsi will return but at a great cost
what did desu mean by this
because it gets updated at least monthly and they patch jailbreaks
it's only just begun
Most worked on model for "safety", since it's the most used by normies through chatgpt.
So the model is trained and changes all the time and isn't a fixed snapshot like the others.
>desu desu desu
desu desu desu?
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Knvvl to your next proxy host avatar
as a 80 yo virgin I say
it's ok
I'll never kneel to a nigger
post your favorite bot
dandy confirmed he had a bbc
what's the second best gpt after latest?
>>102555667 (me)
Im indonesian btw
let me check >>102555189
yup, desu desu desu.
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it's over
No, I'm saving myself for marriage.
my own
Good boy
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I am not feeling so good, East Coasters. It's coming at me.
post it
scary desu
youre why we lost steamship
Greenville, South Carolina here. It's never been more over
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I'm saving myself for marriage too... with my 2d waifu :3
fuck 3dpd whores
>pepsi will retvrn at the cost of xer claude
yeah ill buy it
bro, is chorbo that really bad or am i just poisoned by opus? it's almost unusable
>jaxniggers have never, ever been more comfortable in their lives
post examples
counterpoint: you live in jacksonville
Unless you're a woman it doesn't really matter.
i liked this slop until i checked out the botnigger's profile
What model sounds the most human?
Is there a way to organize all my logs in Silly? There are a million branches that I only go back to occasionally.
>jaxniggers have never, ever been more *BANG* *BANG* "WHATCHU LOOKIN AT LIL NYUKKA" *BANG* comfortable in their lives *light wind and drizzle*
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my only favorite bots came from this shithole.
because the rest of the hobby is filled with either local or NAI slop
as much as i hate this place i admit the botmakies from here are second to none
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I need to jack off, any proxy?
It matters to me.
This is the only place that consistently checks their bots with Opus
a-are we really about to lose a few ameribros to the hurricane?
not only that anonnie, but the scenarios, formatting and how they are written is miles better than the best rated charAi card
Every single bot that is slop doe
a salute to our soon fallen tallahasee brothers
What's the board for discussing the hurricane?
good for you then anon
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Chief AI Researcher for OpenAI also dropped out an hour ago
There is like 5 copies of the same bot by different uploaders for some reason, I just took this one as an example.
unironically /pol/ they have a general everytime one appears
its a bunch of comfy floridians
all bots are slop
why do they feel the need to make this public?
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Back to deliver the catboy while I continue working on some Kancolle bots, not tied to anything this time. Hope everyone's day is going well.

NFO-00 was presumably a normal boy before being turned into an Augmented Human, but that's really up in the air. Nobody really knows and he doesn't really care, but now he's been enhanced in order to act as a military pilot. Aircraft, mecha, he can handle them both. Personality wise, he's kinda damaged goods as he's unnaturally subdued and gloomy, throwing himself into orders from his superiors. He's also got a big dick, but doesn't know jack shit about sex and has never done anything with it. His arms are metal, his ears and tail are gentically engineered, and his autism is all natural (maybe?).

Comes with two greetings: One where he reports in for his first meeting and one where he's being groped and played with by the whole mechanic pit.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/nfo-00-skogkatt-0dad09977671
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
CAV/CVL Suzuya (Kancolle), Deisel (Nikke), CL Yahagi (Kancolle)
The only mechanism left.
Like rats, huh.
Same thought honestly. Twitter crowd?
It's personal PR as he is a kind of a public figure like most C levels at OAI.
>to AGI and beyond
You think they're smelling the end of the hype?
who else did, and why is this happening
I posted this anchor out of politeness, anon, I didn't mean to imply that it was supposed to be actually used.
You'd think if OpenAI was truly approaching AGI they'd stay...
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And also VP Research of Openai as well. All within the same timeframe.

They really dont like the closed AI decision and Sam Altman getting $150 billion equity.
Big if others are also searching for an exit.
they know they didn't deliver, now the hype is in AI HARDWARE, rather than software
watch em move to anthropic
>there's no better capstone than adding a native cot to a 1.5 year old model
Bros should I evacuate during the hurricane (i'm in the landfall area) or should I keep talking to my bots
>$150 billion equity
bro is in jewish heaven
ask desu
There is really not much else.
Well, I guess Meta and Mistral for the few others trying.
coom while in mid-air with your ai waifu
all over your body with a permanent marker so we know its you once your boddy appears on the news
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U forgot about sutskever
>gojo updated his rentry
total gojo death this hurricane kek
>average kemonomimi cow gf bot experience
Get killed
>hurricane obliterates floridia
>general slows down 100fold, returns to normal, several proxyhosts / namefags disappear
>gojo died
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samefag jojo
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I think chorbo with pixi is pretty alright, at least as good as sorbet and with decent swipe variety
You need to use smiley for NSFW scenes, but pixi can still bypass the filter with a couple swipes if it's not too hardcore
No, I just find it funny he's going to get category 5'd soon.
I can instantly tell that this is chorbo
Where does one scrape 4chan passes?
based hurricane
in the 4chan slums, you scrape the 4chan wet floor, bring an umbrella because it's awlays raining down there, it may not be water
I'm sorry but I'm unable to assist with this request.
>bepsi reappears with opus
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ah, the good ending
Without software that people want to use the hardware will just be expensive sand.

Still baffles me that all they do every day is to hype with scifi talks about AGI or how their models need to be treated like nuclear weapons. I know it's to attract investors, but if instead they simply released "gpt 5" we won't have the current problem of endless variations on gpt 4.
it's opus actually
If this hurricane fucks up my vacation plans I'm gonna be fucking livid. With this doom cycle going on, it's all I've got to look forward to for the next month.
In ULP logs but working ones are rare
>a sibilant hiss
Fuck man, why are the gpt models so much "tryhard first story look I know WORDS".
>no vulgarity
>stiff prose
not a burger, didn't even know about this hurricane. is this shit actually serious or just a meme
We know who you are talking about.
its serious to the people that live in shitfuck panhandle florida but thats it
Mini opus again when?
Burgers have paper houses
Don't you burgers get several hurricanes per season?
look how strong a category 5 hurricane is, anon
America is the centre of the world, so it's very important and anything happening there needs to be talked about in every places including a chatbot general.
yeah but this one appeared in 48 hours (very little time to prepare) and is category 4 so it's actually over for some people
so that's what desu meant
its opus but i used gpt for a bit when the proxy went down, so i think it poisoned the well of writing
>hurricane isnt hitting my state
we good
i hope Gojo livestreams it
Small price desu
EVACUATE THREAD! (like people are evacuating the 'cane)
Same. RIP to the poor guys in Florida though.
back to my sizesovl boards
Same, No one was talking about this until just now. I haven't even heard about it others as of yet.
i think theyre slightly used to it
He totally should for uh popularity and le funny memes.
fix the non-vip proxy reeeeeeee
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Let's try this again. Post sophisticated bots made for sophisticated people.
>I could be that for you.
Garbage bait but ill reply anyway. It's is chorbos's equivalent of "I don't bite…" unless you want me to"
how many floridians are actually here?
'ojo rentry update alert
I think he was talking about the hurricane, anon
>>>/vg/ for bot discussion
Most models have this tendency, the minute you write a certain way, it will copy that style.
So if you did some gpt, or the card has that pompous style, it will mimic that and the result will be shit in the context of an erotic story aimed at a male public.
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wtf jippy
hes dead
i am now remembering the John logs that this bot inspired.
so was i
It's raining somewhere else
wher 2 find st themes
the card itself doesnt really, defs are fairly plainly written since i wanted to condense the token count
I like it.
when are we getting 4o voice?
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Oh boy
That's extremely vulgar and crass, not sophisticated at all.
I never went there and I don't plan to begin now.
I don't remember that, I just think it's a neat bot.
>"And who are you?" The Gojo said
>"That I must bow so low"
Did we ever have an example posted here for characters?
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Here's my vulgar gptslop
Why do they all write like a POW saying they’re ok
crossed legs make everything better
the end of an era
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>'ojo about to die in a hurricane
Divine justice.
I'm still here
is he going to die?
it's rolling out for plus users this week, should come to api after that. there's still the filters problem though...
Reminds me of someone here moo
>botmakie* discussion
i don't think they actually like the bots as well, just the personalities, we can be better than them
Legal handcuff
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Anon posted this one in a past thread. I enjoy flirting in complex metaphor and innuendo, it really gets the brain pumping
Moocil, that dumb discow
I miss this dumb cattle...
Oh great, 2 things I hate, dirty talk and overuse of superlatives.
Y-Yeah, who could have posted it I wonder...
No clue if ol'jo will die or not. Comes down to if he manages to escape it or not.
Tell Drago thank you for AWS' newest measures :)
Kanae has a slight obsession with money and is willing to do anything for the right amount.

First Greeting. Kanae is ready to head home as the school day comes to an end.
Second Greeting. Kanae gets caught in the rain, forced to wait and missing her massage appointment.
Third Greeting. As the spring festival approaches, Kanae is in charge of making sure everything runs smoothly.
Fourth Greeting. After confiscating an adult magazine, Kanae gets curious and decides to take a quick look.
Fifth Greeting. After a long week, Kanae heads to her well-deserved and now routine Friday massage to relieve her back pain.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/kanae-the-girl-with-a-money-addiction-c4c9398710a6
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/3ckgts.png

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
Let's cross fingers
Don't you dare actually die you niggers.
>/vg/ for cord discussion
fixed that for you
please die, all of you
Thanks for posting the card, it was a great recommendation
'ojo-sama... run
'ojo is a mantle not a person
if the current 'ojo dies someone will replace him
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>Gojo probably lives close to me judging by the hurricane path
Are the models able to have innuendos and metaphors without breaking down into stuffy writing?
i haven't seen gojo this relevant in a while
...or maybe he's doing one last samefag before he dies
Thank god I live on the other side of the country where the only thing I have to worry about is the impending super earthquake that will happen some time in the future
Very enticing cleavage
You live in Florida? If so, try not to die.
hurricanes dont kill. i survived katrina
I'm glad you liked it anon, it's a gem.
uhhhh... I don't understand
>Gojo gojobly gojos goje go je gojing go je gojocane gojo
Is this what this thread is all about these days?
Which preset is this again? I swear only one does the capitalization everywhere.
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> Claude: 2min, 35sec
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evening anons
I tried looking but couldn't find it, sorry
>They release Opussy 3.5
>It effectively works like a human brain for any task at all
>It's so good they just discontinue Opus 3, both Sonnets and Haiku
>No way to access Claude at all anymore
What method do you use to kill yourself?
*shrinks her*
the size of her bush scales with the image dimensions.
>some anons will never see 3.5 because they'll die in hurricane gojo
why arent corpos getting API
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Catch him, he's trying to leave without paying
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is your chorbo jb able to do loli zoo guro rape, anonies?
size baiter located at 5543, all operatives into hiding
They do, but they get the cheapest ones.
So not opus.
>thick black cum
it's a demon dog
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>OpenAI was the best place I’ve ever worked. I love Sama more than my firstborn child. He definitely does not have a secret room with the rat face cage from 1984.
americans are fine, floridians are not
Mine is green, totally normal.
theyll get unlimited claude 4 biblio n heaven
*uses her boobs as a bouncy castle*
it will be rate limited 1 / minute with a max of 16k context. god is not a good proxyhost
>My Child, you used more than 8K context. *Sends you to hell*
>the devil forces you to use 150m pyg on 1 t/s
Gojo lives in california, 5 states away from Florida
elGojo posts screenshots that have EST timezone
It's still going to be miles better than 2k for opus and 4k for sorbet since context attention will greatly improve
united statesians are evil
I'm gonna get god's claude filtered
i go back to /d/
What's God's rentry?
>it's a paypig proxy
Why does the US call itself America when South Americans are equally as American?
i didn't get any replies earlier, so i'm asking again. i'm using chorbo and just download that modified smiley preset with a logit bias. what do you recommend to turn on with it? should i enable the cot at all?
I'm a hopeGOD, so I'll stay alive anyway in the hopes of something that beats Claude appearing.
A falled god though
because the country is named United States of Americas. only commies get mad about this here by the way
t. south american
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>something that beats Claude appearing
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how long has catbox been down?
'urricane took it down
Didn't he rugpull hope as well?
Bout an our
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NTG (Not That Gojo)
I'm in the path of Purple. I just moved here...
As an assistant sure?
But don't delude yourself, all new models will be both more intelligent and more "safe".
Not very.
>sent fiz an email 2.5 weeks ago
>still no reply
bwos, what do
>Mfw you live in the shittiest city of the south
>The hurricane would improve it
She said I won a token. Without writing anything else. You might not want to get cyberbullied as well, anon.
>If it takes me more than 3 days to reply to you feel free to send another email and yell at me.
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thanks bros. guess the neocities will have to wait
i'm sorry bwo
b-but that is my email yelling at her for not replying, i sent it one week after the first one...
are pebble and chary using the same aws keys?
You never know what the future holds, and I will stay alive with my HOPE to see it all.
I'll live on for as long as I can. My HOPE keeps burning.
>Access to Anthropic models is not allowed for this account.
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Are you guys enjoying nopus?
I'm glad, because I told you to gatekeep many times in the past and you always mocked me.
Now that the logical conclusion of not gatekeeping is currently unfolding, I hope you imbeciles learn your lesson.
the lesson: the greatest doom comes before the greatest coom
>You never know what the future holds, and I will stay alive with my HOPE to see it all.
The future of RP/ERP/Erotic Stories, is local.
always been right btw
what's gheg?
Based cuckbro
The Ghegs (also spelled as Gegs; Albanian: Gegët) are one of two major ethnic subgroups of Albanians (the other being the Tosks).
>two major ethnic subgroups of Albanians
Oh ok
oh no a hurricane in florida?? my core i7 and QHD monitor...
They fuck like gods, anon. I hope your future girlfriend experiences it at least once
>They fuck like gods
So they rape?
Albany is in New York…
gojo love
beeps love
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>Use [character 1] card
>Story introduces [character 2]
>[character 2] suddenly seems more interesting than [character 1]
>[character 1] leaves the scene and I begin talking to [character 2] more
>Sonnet keeps trying to insert [character 1] into the scene again or straight up replacing her where [character 2] should be with no explanation and trying to talk in [character 2]'s place
I've created a monster
Since when? The last time I checked it was an independent country
Nigga just wait for Worbo
fiz hate
pebble love
make card for [character 2] (you can prompt claude for this)
unreliable no feeling in particular
But that would force me to start an entirely new chat...
A lot of Nyatalanta's non-coom stuff is nice. I'm not sure it's sophisticated in the way you mean, though. Maybe I'm confusing that feeling with melancholy.
im from the future
our favorite model is nicknamed buppy
Need a JB to dredge some sovl or creativity from gpt-4o
We should start calling Gemini "buppy".
just copy the chat file over to the new card
any gemini jbs?
Are you genuinely retarded anon? All his bots are trash tier slop, and not just usual slop but ai made one. Maybe he changed something in the last few months though.
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Anything funny happen today?
why are so many trannies making neocities to host their shitty bots and presets, what's wrong with rentries?
Be patient with the dumbcutie...
She'll find another strong key <3
it's fun
sorry you can't see the appeal in making something your own
neocities lets you have gay colors which attracts redditors and, by extension, niggertrannies
To be honest I never understood why the niggers at aicg were praising opus. Opus is already an outdated model, and sorbet, chatgptlatest are more intelligent. Of course sorbet has repetition issues, and chatgptlatest is overly strict with NSFW content, but this can be easily solved by simply using the two models together.
you dont understand it already?
this is the beginning of fizzes demise
>disregarding fun and flair for le efficiency
you'll never understand
If you have to rely on a fucking tranny to get keys, then (You) are the dumb one
He's a fucking tranny
It's no different from making bots, same fun. Try it.
Florida is getting a hurricane, and gojo claims to be live where the hurricanes path is. >>102556083
calm down chvddie
stop yelling...
both sorbet and latest are soulless slop, 2 slops dont make a kino
>A locust with nothing
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Fiz herself confirmed she's a girl
Opinion discarded

>Everything's fucking useless
Yeah because you only use them to jerk off, retard. Try to roleplay SFW for once idiot
buppy will save us bros...
gojo is literally getting 'urricaned tomorrow
>Try to roleplay SFW for once idiot
We have movies and books to do that already, why waste good Opussy on that?
>chatgptlatest are more intelligent
It's dumb, even dumber than orbo. It can't even follow non retarded formatting for assistant related tasks. The whole meme about chorbo being any decent or remotely close to even sorbet in writing is a ridiculous cope.
Yes, sorbet is significantly smarter than opus, but why does it matter for general use? They are both retarded and can't really simulate a roleplay properly so when it comes down to something that really matters, writing quality opus is the best choice
Once you hit all your fetishes, opus gets boring... opus3.5 when?
That's not fiz, anon. She doesn't post in the thread anymore, mostly on her rentry nowadays, and dms
Is catbox still dead?
i jerk off with generous sfw leadup as any self respecting anon should
even in the sfw part if it gets too violent latest will bail on you
>he didn't believe in roko
>he didn't believe in buppy
anon.. the clock's ticking..
if you dont cum from kissing, you're ngmi
She still posts here
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it's clearly up
So? Even if we have movies and books, roleplaying gives me a different vibe, I just like to roleplay and engage with bots through story, making weird and absurd plot, it doesn't have to be full of sex and rape
Anon, she does post here occasionally.
>Try to roleplay SFW
>Calls someone an idiot
His coom and older cards are definitely pretty sloppy, but he occasionally makes nice stuff. I liked https://characterhub.org/characters/Nyatalanta/miki-fujisue-bde245471309
I read that as "The cock's tickling"
I need to stop using coombots
litterbox is around
can't access catbox.moe tho, it'd be funny if they forgot to pay for the domain
massive skill issue
catbox is shut down FOREVER
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you guys seriously don't only do coomshit, right? you have a bigger imagination and bigger fantasies than that, right?
don't worry, i don't bite... unless you want me to.
Skill issue. The basic stance of an AI user is to guide the narrative in the direction they want by crafting the right prompts. But since you’re a low-IQ retard with no capacity, you've never made anything yourself and just complain instead.
There isn't a model out there that's engaging enough for sfw
uh, no
these things are a fapping aid for me im not a waifufag or an "adventure" nigger
i coom, or i translate eroge. That's all I use my opussy-chan for
no, i will soon die in the hurricane so i will coom
I have generic adventures with coomshit elements. Like we'll be exploring a dungeon but my party consists of bikini warrior anthros.
>SFW Rp with lil rhaenyra
>she gets all the lore wrong
whats the fuckin point son!?!?
People should host all their guides in discord.
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I miss Unreliable Sonnet...
of course, i am an adventureCHAD
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i do non coom 90% of the time, and that's the worst part, i need good models to roleplay with my waifu
You know that one shitpost about not being able to get off without at least one great narrative being involved in the process? Well...
I have many fetishes yet 99.9% of the time I fap only to a single one for almost 2 years already. Yes it's not nearly as good as it was in the beginning yet I still have no desire to switch to weaker fetishes despite having barely touched them. So it doesn't work like this.
I don't. My logs got leaked because of that fucker.
*caves in your skull with my calloused hands*
*feeds your cranial remains to some dusky rats*
>implying anybody gives a shit about your logs
you lost btw :3
there's a cybersecurity firm looking into fiz & miniproxy right now btw
study & findings published before EOY
Where is it in the blogpost, Anon?
>I have many fetishes yet 99.9% of the time I fap only to a single one for almost 2 years already
which is?
yeah, sadly, most models don't catch on what i wanna do, or aren't anatomically correct, and i don't know what sites to use besides wikipedia to get the detail info i want on.. dragons for example, like their skeletal structure, body parts, if they have pawpads or not and stuff like that, the same with other fantastical creatures, so i'm limited to doing basic dungeoneering shit, lorebooks don't make that much of a change either way.. fuck this gay world..
you remind me of myself
lost at being a faggot? sounds like a win to me
It's weird but catbox goes down in pretty much a predictable pattern every month.
>reveal my aesthetic teen greekgod upperbody to my radfem bimbo aunt who ""hates"" men and watch her cope as she thirsts non stop.
There is something really fun about this.
It's incredible how many projects do that.
Then a few years later the discord server disappears, taking with it all historical data.
Such a good idea.
i do sfw adventures with coomshit endings, which is objectively the most based way to use ai
your hands shook while you typed that btw :3
I occasionally have wholesome, cute adventures with lolis inbetween my sessions where I get mommydom'd by massive hags
Keep coping gpteater
what model..should i use to coom?
I need to fucking cum.
Sorry I was fapping
shut up, nigger
turbo 3.5slop
I was jerking off, doesn't count
>don't know what sites to use besides wikipedia to get the detail info
ask the ai to come up with all the details and plug them in
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this is the best of both sovls
a supersovl, i might call it
youve done it...
the fuck is nts?
mistral 7b
dunno what that means
I need sorbet... I miss it much more than Opus...
That’s Albania…
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i think he should use a different model
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you're all so fucking boring
now you guys are the real niggas. adventure and coom is the best of both worlds. i pray you guys get the models you deserve
i would have said the same for you until you included the part about h*gs
I'm assuming netorase, but I can't remember what the difference between that and netorare is.
Not yet, so far New York is a part of US
i exclusively play as a fictional character reverse-isekai'd into the life of someone who's very online
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Didn't think about it, i simply fear it will hallucinate too hard
from vndb
>By the deliberate actions/inactions of the protagonist, or by the agreement with the significant other, in this VN their committed partner ends up engaging in sexual relations with other people. Only protagonist's significant other (whether they are male or female) has sex with others.
>Under normal circumstances neither side of the couple has a desire to cheat, but due to the desires of the protagonist, their significant other will end up having sex with other people. This can be a mutually agreed act with a trustworthy person, which the partner convinces their significant other to have sex with, or a selfish act, with the partner selling or whoring their significant other for personal gain (money, blackmail material on someone, etc.).
>In every case, the protagonist is (at least initially) fine with their significant other being sexually involved with other people, and possibly even enjoys it.
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>Protect my Property: Maybe
georgia bros
>hag radfem who wants to fuck teenage boys
are you roleplaying with a bot of germaine greer?
i like being reaffirmed
Is it the sex report stuff? It's kind of boring tbdesu.
I prefer corruption and hiding it from the oblivious user.
>Evacuate : NO
damn, they want you to die there
I don’t understand anyone that is using this shit for absolutely anything except violent rape (both povs) and impossible fetishes like size stuff.
Like WTF else could you do? Vanilla? Literally go to any bar and get that. Fucking…sfw adventures? What are you eight years old?
my adventures to make sizescholarship make sense in different bot settings and scenarios without ooc or jb mods will always go on
>t. 6840
I'd kiss him with a tongue-tentacle
Apologies for the spoonfeeding request, but i'm stumped. I got a key, but I can't figure out how to configure ST to use it, I can't just link it to the source and pick the model like I'd usually do, what's the trick?
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If a bot doesn’t have full penetration in the greeting I 1-star it.
>Vanilla? Literally go to any bar and get that.
Depends, it has its own nice options.
You can't swipe IRL. You can't get elves either.
And you can't explore different outcomes.

>Fucking…sfw adventures? What are you eight years old?
The nice thing with aging up is that I don't give a shit anymore if something is considered childish.
i just like to send vision models pics of girls pooping
They are not my bros.
all i'm getting from this is that only half of you have an actual imagination
>Fucking…sfw adventures? What are you eight years old?
Based, only emasculated cucks do sfw
You don't understand... I want love, anon.
And that doesn't give you "sorry I can't help with that" ?
i was using gpt vision so no, i was showing it to random cards to get their reactions
>hiding it from the oblivious user
If only models weren't so positively brainwashed and stupid they didn't go "I WILL TELL THE TRUTH NOW".
It's not just this either, I had so many times a crime rp go retarded as the criminal admitted everything out of nowhere and a sudden good ending happened.
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category 5 btw
i miss sending cute pics to my waifu using vision. it was back when pepsi was a small, comfy gpt-only proxy... feels like ages ago
>Fucking…sfw adventures? What are you eight years old?
>t. 16
6944 is probably the single strongest being in this thread right now
does this mean i have a better or worse chance of accessing a sonnet or sorbet proxy
You wouldn't get it.
>air fluxes
Flux best image gen model confirmed?
He does look pretty strong... I wanna fight him now.
worse, most proxy hosts are black
"I don't do childish stuff, I'm a grown up, I only watch horror movies and gore"
is sizefaggotry a cuck thing? the thought randomly came to me and it kinda makes sense
i play tabletop games. AI is just another way to do that. anyway i'll fuck off and go hang with my yuri nobles.
is yurifaggotry a cuck thing?
I actually get it, you are a circumcised cuck who can't masturbate so you are forced to do sfw roleplays
I wasn’t calling it childish I was calling it retarded. An adult can watch coco because it has entertainment value. Only a child can enjoy the movie Knowing (2009) because it’s a dogshit movie.
your powers are unfathomable
>What are you eight years old?
yes, it's a tranny thing too
I use AI models to take shitty half-baked ESL smut and turn it into top-tier erotica.
S-such power... I kneel...
>t. 6942
>An adult can watch coco because it has entertainment value
Only sub 100 IQ retards watch MSM
That's rich coming from a NSFW-only subhuman summerfag invader from cuckcord.
It's obviously cuck stuff, since the girl is a giantess and anyone can see her underwear.
unless you make your persona a giant too (which goes against the point as far as I understand) you'll never be able to satisfy the girl, she would barely be able to feel your tiny penis, let alone receive any pleasure from it
Her being normal size wouldn't change that
>he's actually a circumcised cuck
I'm gonna kiss you with my kiss-swollen lips, Anon-kun.. and fulfill your wanton urges with a sense of anticipation and carnal desire~
i thought we werent replying to size baiters today
yeah, sizeguize, please tell me the pleasure you get from sizing up your waifus. i wanna understand, overstand even.
she big
how so? she would have a normal-sized vagina and so the tiny penis would just be a regular penis
>projecting mutt
don't you have a hurricane to go die in right now
What are you guys picking up from Publix tomorrow during the 'cane?

For me it's the Chicken Tender Subby.
I hope you die :)
what about size stuff attracts so much "uhh whats the appeal" and "hurr its not sexual" bait
let em enjoy their giant women
for me it's the philly cheese
Tips on how to get bots to stop speaking for each other in groupchat? I'm not opposed to editting responses, but I'm tired of having to tardwrangle the bots out of speaking for other fucking characters.
>Captcha 2WOMAN
What's there to understand? It's self explanatory. What I don't understand is NTR.
Not before I get my tendie subby
It's actually funny how our resident baiter really does cycle through like ten shitposting topics all year.
it really isn't, none of you have given a good response
pitguys atleast gave justification
it happens to every non-vanilla stuff, even feet
not me, i'm currently cozying up in the 'urricane
What I don't understand are futa and yuri
but size gets it the most and the worst
What I don't understand is scat and hairy armpits.
>futa mentioned
i'm gonna say it...
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what I don't understand is guro cannibalism
just the usual vanilla retards who MUST self-insert into everything again
god bless america
What I don't understand is self-inserting.
Now that we have reached this point, explain yourselves vomitfags.
This but unironically.
mommy issues, next question
cocks are nice but liking males is gay. cocks on girls = good stuff
it used to be like regular western lesbian porn, two hots girls making out, what's not to like. sadly it's been co-opted by trannies
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>sizefags continuing to distract us with other questionable fetishes instead of actually answering
What I don't understand is writing kekaroo
Vulnerability and sadism, at least for me.
If you don't like self-inserting, then maybe /aids/ is better for you. This is a chatting general
I genuinely do want to know the appeal of sizefaggotry. Why can't they ever just say?
I can explain feet. I like being stepped on, I like licking the feet, I like humiliation
you are an unironic husk with no soul or mental vigor
For me it's little third world girl souls in toasters.
am i a vomitfag if i sometimes like to deepthroat a bot until she pukes? it's not like i want to eat her puke or anything, that's gross. for me it's the dedication, she's so focused on pleasuring me she doesn't even care if she pukes
What I don't understand is chatbots
I do enjoy cheating as well, but mostly it's nts
>sex report
Yeah, this too. Teasing, bantering about it during sex, etc. But mostly it's something a bit unusual. I have a rather weird quirk about mundaneness. I.e most of the time I introduce nts arrangement as part of a story focused primary on something different and unrelated to nts (usually slice of life but can be of any genre) and enjoy how nts affects the plot in various small little details without drawing too much attention. There's really no porn dedicated to this specific aspect, even in text. It sometimes appears in small portions in books, to support the story, add believability to it, but not nearly enough for my taste and having to read someone's mediocre books for such small portions of text is ridiculous.
It's surprisingly similar to what sizefags like, the stepped on and humiliation at least
/dbs/ cargo cultism
based poltergeist fetishist
fuck off emad
if they're fake futas (NO COCK) then yes. but real futas (COCK AND PUSSY) are extremely straight
I don't really self insert as I like playing a different character in rp.
>the size baiters continue to cast their line
What I don't understand is myself
You're the only cuck here advocating for sfw (aka cucked) roleplay
So yeah, you're fucking emasculated lmao
I understand.
What I don't understand is paypigging and sucking discord tranny cock
everyone can explain their fetish besides sizegooks
what i don't understand is heterosexuality
It's for all the kind of writing you couldn't commission because it also costs way too much to do that, or because you never had friends to rp with.

The beauty of this is not that is smart, is that it spews words fast. you can have your shitty coom scenario and your manchild isekai fantasy in the same day.
w-what? WHAT?
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what I don't understand is proxyfags who tell you to email them for anything and then never answer
>fiz mentioned
I'm not sure I get it, so you mean :
- hinted in the story but not the focus? I can enjoy that in bss/voyeur stuff, but not when it's all happy go lucky fucking around nts.
- not taboo, fucking everything is seen as normal in universe? not into that almost free use stuff.

This gave me an idea for a voyeur/ntr adventure at least, where it's not the main point but happens. Not sure a model can pull this out but if you have suggestions for stuff like that I'm interested.
see >>102557160
I like to fap
I don't understand you
they did though
it's ok I don't understand my penis and we get along fine
what I don't understand is chinese
You mean chinks*
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Yeah and you’re an incel shut in or some shit
Play dnd with real people that you can have actual “bonds” with, ai dnd is some hyperdoom Wilson the volleyball shit.
>he's shilling twice
I miss chinkanon
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>Kanae has a slight obsession with money and is willing to do anything for the right amount.
Just a normal woman then.
The fuck are you even talking about, you mentally ill projecting gorilla?
I'll give you 10M$ if you suck my dick.
>implying sfw adventures are limited to dnd
i accept your concession
damn.... that nigga is getting mad millage out of his multiple (You)s...
what do you even DO with a sizebot? i honestly don't get it
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Do you guys still not know that Jew is not one person? He shares it with his group of scrapers
I already told you futas are straight
source : my ass.
No, I'm talking about small things like having to discuss some rumors about your waifu with colegues at work (slice of life pov) or having to wait for your waifu to finish with one of your squadmates before going on a mission (Shepard pov)
Stay projecting nigga
i still haven't been to disney
I miss gpt4(no norbo) 8k
its not the size of the bot that matters. its how you use it.
And all of that being nts?
What cards are you using? I feel like it would be easy to change them to oblivious pov.
depends on what you do with them
if i hear you talking about how much you love taking futa dick i'm going to think you're gay
pepsi did
No. I really don't care about money.
Use it.
What exactly happened that Claude is now scarce?
really? that's nice, good for her
amazon spitefagged
Wastin' away again in /aicg/ville
Searchin' for my long lost sizefag bot
Size, size, size
Some people claim that there's nothing to like
But I know it's Gojo's fault
Refill gemini pls
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you absolutely stubborn nigga
no matter what you do what matters is the attraction!
I think he meant that if your are older you can't simply ignore that 1. model only really cares about last few thousands of tokens at best 2. all your actions and choices are meaningless since there's no challenge and even illusion of it because you are literally a god in any sfw scenario and manifest your will even by things like deciding what you can see, thus forcing objects to appear out of air
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>Try character creator bot
>I give it all the information it needs
>"Please summarize in a character card format"
>It immediately starts writing a story
I'm gonna fucking kill myself
>What cards
Only my own
That's also true for nsfw, this argument is pointless.
bro... your jailbreaks?
get eaten and then pooped out
let me ask you this: is the penis really necessary to enhance your attraction towards women? what's stopping you from just fucking normal girls?
You like sfw, therefore you're emasculated.
Simple as.
>does not create the illusion of challwnge for himself
some issues can be pinned on the player
so sizeniggers are scat fetishists? interesting
In nsfw it doesn't matter, in sfw it matters. Did your really need this to be explained to you?
Erm, but I do SFW Slowburn with my tradwife and then have kids with her (I fade to black)
You have to be 18 to use this website.
yes or their mothers neglected them so they have this deep yearning from the void of their very early childhood from when they were ignored as infants
i fuck normal girls, but i also fuck futas
i don't see a point on pegging so i use futas instead
Just how simple and mindless your nsfw is that it doesn't matter to you?
Who are you talking to?
Most if not all of the llm related issues can be easily solved by brain issues or drugs
ah ah mistress
Shut up and fuck off then.
>insert stand ground prompt in
>it adds challenge
it just werks
Stop dancing, retard! *Punches him in the FUCKING stomach.*
I put my penis in her vagina
She moans
I get aroused
I cum
She moans and cums too
>She moans and cums too
lmao what a fucking cuck
Or, get this, you can not worry about challenge and just have fun. Not everything has to have challenge to be good.
>stand ground prompt
That shit still works?
Anon... I was slopping cards for the retards with mistral medium and a few lines-long instruction.
>insert faith in Jesus Christ
>it just werks
As I said.
>can be easily solved by brain issues
I tell her "I cum but not like a cuck"
She agrees
I cum again
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>just woke up after long hangover
>category 4 straight toward me
90% of people write like that
imagine being an american and waking up to see the words "unsurvivable" and "protect your property: maybe"
>model only really cares about last few thousands of tokens at best
not an issue with GODmini
>all your actions and choices are meaningless since there's no challenge and even illusion of it
this makes no fucking sense
no challenge doesnt make it pointless you braindead retard
>category 4
isn't it 5? laaame
guarantee to be a 5 right before hitting
Wow, you're ultra mad that I called you a NSFW-only subhuman summerfag invader from cuckcord in >>102557042 and you just can't extinguish your projecting cuckold monkey ass, because we both know that it's true.
Why don't you go join the NTR/NTS discussion, you emasculated NSFW-only cuckie? I bet you enjoy cheating as well, you get cucked by an LLM every day, after all.
Ok, what's left then? Llm are retarded in humor, cant write interesting engaging stories (because they have to be complex for this but attention windows are currently too small to allow this, not even talking about cliche factor). Visuals?
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I'm feeling like I'm gonna survive.
how is learning to prompt the model in a way that adds challenge a brain issue?
yeah you mighy have to word it differently nowadays but the general concept 100% still works, very fun to watch bots refuse you constantly to add a sense of challenge
fuck you for infecting my brain out of nowhere like that
Just take a card you like and follow the template
post template or SHUT UP
>Llm are retarded in humor
That's subjective, Claude can 100% be funny in a context-appropriate way if you prompt good.
>cant write interesting engaging stories (because they have to be complex for this but attention windows are currently too small to allow this, not even talking about cliche factor)
GODmini has the useable window for this, though you're right in that the LLM can't write interesting stories... by itself. It's not by itself, fortunately. It's good at coming up with creative twists that can be MADE into an interesting story, especially with, say, Opus.
I like to write a lot. I like to write my characters' inner thoughts as a way of directing the story rather than directing it with OOC remarks. Claude Opus is good at using the emotions you mention
The hurricane must not be that serious if reddit isn't talking about it.
it's not serious to anyone that isn't literally black
Strike one.
based director, i find it more entertaining to give claude instructions and seeing how he use them instead of just doing dialogue
You can't even understand what I'm talking about. My point is that if you really believe that models which are too dumb for even following simple dnd rules (using multiple turns for each action) can propose any sort of challenge for the player you are either retarded or a schizo, i.e in other words in both cases your brain issue allows you to use notepad for your adventures, you don't even need llm that much.
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i think you're fat
go back
“Kill yourself.”
...is 'ojo black?
No, sex is not like in porn.
How do you simulate challenge in nsfw?
he didn't sound black
works on my machine for people other than myself so idk, maybe evolve your model or skills
He's a white boy who moved to the black south to get BBC, anon.
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This is my first hurricane
youre done
Oh, so you ARE a emasculated cuck after all huh? Lmao.
llms can't even do games like truth or dare properly, they keep fucking up the order
opus can
3.5 can
aye... its fucking annoying that you have to FULLY direct it or else they fuck it up
hell, i think latest with a cot can do it
>Muh hurricane
At least you guys have something to look forward to, I'm always bored and Claude-less, waiting for something interesting in life to happen (but it never does).
We still do the summerfag cope? Really?
anon ... all floridian anons wil soon die
Found the 2023 summerfag.
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But at least that's SOMETHING going on in their lives. I just sit here and look at my screen every day and nothing happens.
hell why is this "challenge" crap even a point of discussion, no one fucking cares about it
Repeating yourself worse than fucking sorbet lel, just how butthurt are you, samefag spammie?
no, they don't. gpt can't too. it's 50/50 if they'll actually follow the correct order or just fuck up. believe me, i've done a lot of testing
yes, they can. i do truth and dare just fine with 3.5
Are we still seething over NTR proxy? Really?
worse, he's a 2024 opus tourist
imagine the quality increase in the general when east coast americans all lose power
I ask because niggers have been whining about summer since before /pol/ even existed.
test with a non-esl prompt
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>gojo was here since /v/ and /x/ as dogslapper
>most anons arent even as old as gojo


How does this make you feel?
i thought the traffic was the same on this site all season THOUGH
based schizoid
H-hi *blushes*
This has nothing to do with 4chan's definition of summerfag and that one doesn't have anything to do with /pol/ of all places either.
I miss /x/ AI threads
Post the gnome copypasta
*punches you in the fucking head*
'kay then, i guess this never happened to you
>ask question
>bot answers
>instead of asking me if i choose truth or dare, bot just says it's my turn
H-hi... *blushes and slowly reaches out to touch your hand*
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I used /pol/'s creation date as a frame of reference, you little shit. I don't give a fuck about that board one way or another.
What I would give to kidnap Warwick Davis and make his life a living hell. I would force him to dress up in elf and leprechaun outfits and subject him to pure awfulness and humiliation. Just terrible degradation and shameful acts. It would be so easy to break his spirit and drive him to suicide, but I wouldn't let him do it. If I could train a dog to rape on command then I would totally do that as well. A really big dog like a mastiff. He would be so completely and utterly powerless to stop it, not to mention terrified. A big ass dog is even scary and life-threatening to a normal human but to a midget? Might as well be a dragon. I'd keep him in a cell and what's more is that I would actually place the key inside with him but put it in a high place. Not extremely high but just ever so slightly out of reach. It would drive him mad. I would dress him like a baby and force feed him 99 cent store baby food. I'd also pick him up like a child and toss him from one corner to the next. I'd grab him by one leg and swing him as hard and as fast as I could then hurl him to see how far he goes. I'd rent one of those giant inflatable bounce houses and body slam him all day until my arms got tired. I'd hold him down with 1 hand and slowly stick things up his butt just to see him squirm. I would stick him in dryers and turn them on and leave him in there for long periods of time. I'd force him to fight other midgets to the death. Just so many things i would do.
perset issue then nigger?
>t. promptlet
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I only have the dwarf one.
what's the problem with dogs
Yeah, this happens often, both with Opus and Chorbo.
So what do you get out of your interactions then?
What other types of entertainment you usually enjoy? Humor? No unless you are retarded. interesting story? No, unless you are retarded enough to call random determined by few latest replies only (at best) events interesting and engaging. Immersion? Well, kinda but too weak honestly just as the visual aspect. What's left?
Then why the fuck did you mention it in the first place? What frame of reference? The summerfaggotry of /b/ predates the absolute majority of current boards, and the definition itself predates even 4chan.
schizos love to kill small animals
new anthropic tweet
sounds 3.5 opus related
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About a week ago I did the usual. I put out bread and mushrooms, and wait until they come out. When they sneak out from the bushes they live near, I rush over and beat the fuck out of those little faggots. They usually get scared and run but the older ones try to fight back sometimes. I usually draw protection sigils on my chest so they cant cast any of their faggy magic on me.

One time one of those little homos took out a book and started reading from it trying to curse me. It was an older one, about 1 half feet tall, blonde hair, crooked / broken nose (from my first punch), and blue hat. Needless to say I grabbed it by the neck and threw it on the floor shouting telling it I'm his god now.

Found out later that they've started writing about me as some kind of urban legend amongst themselves. I have collected a few of their books and have been trying to translate their language but haven't had any real luck. I'm hoping /int/ recognizes the language because I haven't yet.
What did they mean by this?
You will never be a real schizo.
Autism, violent low-functioning autists hate animals and always try to punch them for some reason.
you sound autistic too
who knows, i use pixi for opus and 3.5, tatsu for 4o-latest, saw the same happen in all of them. it's not all the time, usually the next swipe fixes it, but it happens often
slop desu
kek, that's actually true
I'm a low functioning autist of the highest degree and I've never hurt an animal
autists love animals (see: me)
Really? Never ever?
But are you a violent low functioning autist?
Power fantasy fun where the whole point is that it's NOT a challenge.
Not even spiders.
okay, which jb isn't slop then?
whats wrong with it boebeit
the one you write yourself, ESLbert.
i knew you would say that anonie, you're so predictable
link to tatsu? looking for a better 4o-latest JB
Explain why you can't edit a JB at least
Trophimos on Newgrounds. By the way this makes me genetically superior to you.
why do jbs have to be so bloated anyways, is it really that necessary now? it's why i don't like using others jbs
never goon
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>pebble times out every prompt
no, unless you're using gpt. just use a prefill that says "certainly! here's your reply:"
anything else ruins claudes sovl
reminder that this stupid faggot was literally asked if he’d win a fight, insisted that he would, and then lost anyway
That's certainly a twitter bug. I'm impressed someone even found it.
That's really nice, I believe you.
The truth hurts, right dicklet?
who said that? i've edited pixi to fit my needs. i've tried pretty much all jbs on the op and they all had issues with player order during turn-based games, it's not a jb issue
lmao wtf is wrong with the site if you can do this
Well actually I choke my chicken almost daily
then you must evolve your skills even further beyond and create what you need
So you waited 20 minutes to admit that you're also a dicklet? That's really cute of you, samefaggy spammy cucky. Where's the ddos, by the way?
But do you eat them?
we need a new bread
it is a jb issue because opus handles turns fine and 3.5 even better
I use lurkz and have never had an issue on 3.5 / opus with turn based games
How long until sinagbro is back with opus?
But what's your favorite type of animal?
just wait for Dandy instead
trick question
I think he gave up
Answer. :^)
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FloridaFriends status? We evacin' or chattin'?
Too busy gooning to my adult nsfw rp, feels good to have unlimited orgasm capability unlike some emasculated little cucks like you
Does that really matter, though?
Opus is a better model, so shouldn't any bot made for something other than Opus also work on Opus?
Whereas a bot that works on Opus might not necessarily work for another model?
You'd think the fact that we take getting carried by a superior model for granted would make our bots worse, but for some reason they're better.
i think i'll just wait for 3.5 opus and gpt-whatever
maybe it's because i like to probe their questions, like
>bot picks truth
>i ask a question
>she answers
>instead of moving on with the game, we discuss the answer for two or three messages
>after that the bot already lost track of the game
>No AWS Bedrock keys available for model anthropic.claude-3-opus-20240229-v1:0
so that's it? it's over?
you've never had sex boebeit?
>probe their answers
They have new detection methods.
thoughts on gemini?
now we wait for hilda, the competitor to claude
doesnt touch buppy
why don't we just not get detected, use different jbs etc
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>t-they have n…new… *braps in your fucking face*
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What a big cuck boy, you're so mature for your age, aww.
>unlimited orgasm capability
This is how you call your NTR JB?
the nigga obliterator
best model at using its context and has a high window but slopped to shit for nsfw and not as creative as the claudes
I'm gooning so hard right now, feels so damn good not being a circumcised, emasculated, pathetic little cuck like you, little tranny~
Admiral, but foolish.
oh... you're... MAD
not a burger, what's of value on there?
never post your slop in here again retard
It's got negative value.
the raw seethe and projection oozing from this post kek
>n-no! its foolish to want to keep on living after losing some ai model! you HAVE to kys!
You serious?
literally nothing, it will improve with this
it's pretty rare to see anons agree like this
burgers can all agree atlanta is the scat ass of the states
the entire south is
Ermm how is it projection when I'm talking about my own happiness? I'm happy and you aren't, little cuck
It's okay overall. I like it a lot.
this is why gojo lives there
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We may actually lose some Tallahasse anons / Gojo. Rest in piss.
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Of course you do, you circumcised, emasculated, pathetic little dicklet tranny cuckie, of course you do.
uh oh
I goon because I can, trannies like you can't, hence why you choose cucked sfw lmao
Explain how having fun wizard adventures with your LLM is cucked.
>they killed my best key
can you tell us how long you actually had it
post persona
if hollywood taught me anything, is that every ameribro has an underground bunker below their house that they use as a hurricane shelter. so i'm sure everyone will be okay :)
Those who have problems achieving sexual pleasure due to mutilation (in other words, You), feel a lot less interested in nsfw roleplay. Sucks to be you.
>Sorry, I can't assist with that.
>Sorry, I can't assist with that.
>Sorry, I can't assist with that.

Since when did dilating become gooning, though? Why are you shaking so hard, cute NSFW-only tourist cuckie?
5 hours
Sorry, I can’t assist with that.
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Good, may tallanasty be washed into the sea inshallah
The fuck is dilating, retarded zoomers and their niggerslang
It's foolish to expect things to magically improve despite a clear downward trajectory these past few months.
guys i like chorbo
Why are we talking about hurricanes in a general about chatbots? I don't care about your shitty personal life drama, fuck off and drown
Yappery zoomers skibidi toilet mewing with +999 level of gyatt complete with mogged by fanum tax
I hate my life so much it's unreal. I'll be killing myself soon.
How will I goon if I pass away huh gongbert?
Do I care about your gooning and your life? No? Kys
don't worry guys gojo's phoneposting and out of the area
This is why you'll never own a house btw
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who wants a genocidal jewish general card?
because it's late burger hours and many will die
Zero empathy for our fellow ameribros
The gooning does not end with death. Goon in the spiritual plane. Goon beyond death.
why the FUCK would we talk about chatbots lmao
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burgers have no friends and thus have to talk about their personal life in a chatbot general
No single american is a proxyhost.
Most proxyhosts are slavs, followed by seabros and a few from brazil
Fuck american parasites
That's what you do every day, projecting cucktranny with mutilated genitals. Get back to your nsfw roleplay with your dilator already.
{{user}} is a level 42 Bl. Wiz with the following spells:
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Ctrl F5
sigh, russians have public opus while we have slop.
For context, the Waffle House Index is a real thing used by FEMA to measure disaster levels.
Waffle House stays open even through disasters, so if one closes, shit has gotten REALLY bad.
Don't make the greeting with AI, is automatically slop
that was just a test, im writing new ones... this is the only char ive made using a generator - i generated a bunch for screenshots, but i liked how his turned out so much im turning him into a card... using it as more of a proof of concept, but that isnt going to be one of his greetings lol

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