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Previous >>102539675
tech is gay and i hate it
taking a stinky poo
>make 80k working 4 hours a day from home
>to match that in a RTO employer, I'd need to make over $200k
>I am definitely not that good
my boss doesnt understand what an ip address is
Do you think every job in the construction industry is blue collar or something? Tradies and supplies don’t just materialize wherever there’s work to be done lol. I have a hybrid office job.
Um, duh. That's your job, not his
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Does making a school system in Laravel would still get me a job saar
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I would like to thank inept Chinese scientists for allowing SARS-CoV-2 to leak from a lab, thereby enabling me to work from home for several years.
they dont? i thought it was like age of empires
I thought it sounded like a good role speaking to my buddy who works in another department there. The way he described the role was completely different.
>All new network gear with a €10,000,000 budget
>Free reign to make infrastructure designs
>Total buy-in from all involved
>€250,000/yr (pre-tax) salary, as suggested by my buddy
I was pretty disappointed by the interview. Seems like there was a disconnect between the IT leadership and my buddy who works directly for the CEO. I have a comfy job already and do not need to change it. The salary is what attracted me the most if I'm being honest. After a few nights of sleeping on it, I don't want to deal with an uphill battle every day, which it would seem like if I worked for that guy I interviewed with.

Then best of luck Frenchbro. Also make a website resume "firstname-lastname.com". Doesn't have to be fancy, just something.
Get the CKA or Docker cert, get the Linux skills but you dont need a cert for it.
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God I hate Indian """developers"""" sometimes.
>Company has an app that stores configuration data for different clients
>Need to connect a new app to its API to get data
>Add the url and credentials to connect to the app in the configuration files
>Post changes for code review
>Pajeet tells me that we shouldn't be adding to the configuration manually but storing it in the configuration data app and retrieving it via the API instead
>Asks me to move the configuration to connect to the API into said API
>Just put the keys to the vault inside of the vault
>Ends with "please do the needful"
tell him "i will redeem"
i started working during the scamdemic, i had a year when i rented to be near the office and like 4 other programmers were there on a constant basis, the rest were hr and management. i am NEVER going back to working in an office.

is there any way to create a global internet without local or national restrictions? i feel like every website knowing my physical location is kinda gay, but VPNs are still localized to whatever location the exit node is at.
Any ideas of things to improve in my department's frontend code? I'm a bit out of touch with the latest and greatest, everything seems good. We've got a react app, it uses redux, makes api calls to our backend java code, we've got microservices for certain smaller side projects and stuff that requires on the spot deployments. It all seems good. I'm a zoomer so I missed out on the big shifts from winforms to angular to react, and no one seems willing to make any big shifts since everyone loves react. Idk beyond people wasting time rebuilding the identical components from scratch instead of using/adding to a shared library I'm not sure what to suggest in a meeting next week.
>java and redux
you are in boilerplate heaven

for new microservices propose kotlin instead of java and zustand instead of redux. heck even context api will work in place of redux for many cases
how big of a raise should I ask for?
is 10% reasonable?
I keep gettin’ job offers from the States, but I can’t go ‘cause I’m a Canuck. I’m almost wrapped up with my degree, but you know any way to speed up the whole immigration thing to America?
‘Sorry if my sentence is a bit choppy, I’m usin’ that Google Translate thing.
Does anyone know if there's a forum for potential business partners/investors that would help me found a video game studio here in the Balkans, specifically in Bosnia? I've been talking to my tech friends and I could easily round up a team of dedicated while also cheap (in comparison to Europe and USA) workers, so if there's anyone interested here as well you can contact me at: futuredevcomp@proton.me
Imo, anything below 10% I would personally consider a failure.
I would say most years have been disappointing, but some years I have done way more, so overall I am above my 10% target for the last 5 years.
Try and reach out to some European game companies and see if they have some tips.
Find some top leadership of some of the semi indi devs, like Paradox, CD Project or the Finnish Max Payne studio, and see if they could help you in any way.
These people made their own studio from the bottom up, and usually these kind of people are willing to help if you are able to get hold of them and respect their time.
I want to die
I don't see how that's happening without global wifi or every device being wired to every other device.
10% what, per year? 3 years? 5 years?
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Why it be feel like dey be no job, nigga?
2 years
I was invited to some meeting for being a "talent", whatever that means.
I don't think they will raise my wage, though.
I'm a zoomer but we're still using Eclipse RCP and JavaFX here lol
got fired twice this year I'm on my third job lmao
what do you do, and why did you get fired? did you have many jobs in parallel or something? how did you manage to get so many jobs in a year?
that sounds like a meeting where they'll increase your workload without increasing your pay, I've been in meetings like that before
How are you able to get so many jobs in this environment? Shit pay jobs, or decently paid ones?
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>Hi [anon]
>Good morning
>Can I call you?
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>People who write nothing but "hi" and expect you to write back and only THEN begin to talk about their actual problem
I hate this shit so much it's such feminine gay behavior.
When I message on teams I slam out an essay about the problem and then I press send. It's like a bomb going off on their screen somewhere.
I winced
>general is totally dead until all the little fags in california wake up
>write back "hi" an hour later
>when they ask the question answer it another hour later
>when the manager asks you why you're taking so long to answer questions, say it'd be done an hour earlier if the question was asked to begin with
I have worked in tech support engineering for 3 years and as a software dev for 1 and a half years.

How do I transition to recruiting? I did some deeper thinking the other day and I think I have more of an ability to see the potential of people, and think I should go this route.

Asking cause I see mostly jobs with the catch 22 experience requirement and I am not sure how to spin what I have already.

Also I want to prevent more pajeets too and do God's work. I know it's not completely possible but to prevent one or two of them from making it onto your teams would make my day.
Tell him no and explain why
this is an idealistic take on recruiting's purpose.

recruiters are front-line or second-line filters in a hiring pipeline. the folks who gauge "potential" are the ones doing the actual functional interviewing.

i would advise seeking some 1:1 time with a few recruiters or watch some youtube videos about what it's generally like.

be aware that in a downturn, recruiters get laid off first, too.
Based normalize the normal recruiter defense force anon bringing a sober analysis of the necessity of globohomo to deradicalize anons tricked by Russian propaganda
>they'll increase your workload without increasing your pay
they already did. if they do increase it further I'll leave
Bros I accidentally searched porn on work profile ...
Is it over for me?
I don't respond to "hi". State your inquiry or get ignored
Any of you guys actually enjoy your job?
I fucking hate my job and I hope to amass enough wealth to retire by 35
>Any of you guys actually enjoy your job?
No. Jobs are not meant to be enjoyed.
>I fucking hate my job and I hope to amass enough wealth to retire by 35
Good luck with that.
My job is the best situation I can hope to have in terms of work expectations and remote but the pay is low.
I have learned that dev is not for me since I don't fit in as much as I thought I would. If I would have gotten in 5 years ago, I would have felt better but now I work with younger Zoomers that are just assholes, and can't stand it.

I think I'm better of going back to tech support engineering roles to be happy again. At least then I could ask questions and help other people on my team.

The silo work makes it all meaningless. I had more joy when I would go back and forth on some dumb dev projects to make the support team's life easier than I ever did having to just get criticized on gay shit like unit tests.
it depends. the work I do? I love most of it, it's fun. the reports I have to write? they are kinda fun but really fucking tedious. I hate having to interact with people.
Working for someone else shouldn’t be enjoyable to you. If it is then you’ve been buck broken.
I'm a backend dev with roughly 1 year of experience. Java and Spring Frameworks to be specific. The project's team lead (also the whole Java team's lead) is a huge bitch. She mistreats her subordinates, shouts at us for no reason, constant backbiting, etc etc.

The main problem is... After my last project ended around February, I've hardly been given any work. The bitch took me under her project, but continued to give me documentation work, creating/comparing Excel sheets, testing on UI the code other people wrote.

I'm beginning to forget what it even means to be a Java developer. I don't wanna go back to the starting point.

What do?
My annual increment is also happening within a week and I'm planning on asking a 100% raise for already being underpaid.
ERP related jobs require low IQ but pay very well
Is she Indian?
All of us at my workplace are yeah, unfortunately
My condolences
Is it Indian culture or something? They all behave like asshole towards people below them in hierarchy
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>mfw someone starts a teams group chat for an announcement instead of sending an email
It is lower primate behavior that they've evolved out of. They think they can mistreat those below them in the hierarchy. Chimps do it too.
Probably. I have one of these at my workplace and am thankful every day that she's not my supervisor.

They can be super nice to you one minute and be extremely demanding the next.

Worst is the one we have tries to threaten HR on people as a joke someotmes and in such badly worded English that is laughable and crazy at the same time. It is nuts.
If jobs are not meant to be enjoyable then how can I contribute wholeheartedly without cutting corners?
No wonder corpo products are all soulless and shitty
I am doing a 2 year internship/retraining as a system technician/system admin/help desk.

I got my own office notebook on which I was previously allowed to use for school or my hobby or for accessing Microsoft learn to slowly get into azure, entra, intune and other tools to prepare myself for more responsibility.

However, due to constant changes of the network I am in while using public transport, the VPN that automatically connects had to use a lot of licenses.

I am currently told I can't access the internet for now.
But all my shit depends on it.

Now, I don't know if that costs a lot or if it's due to some shitty config shenanigans, but I am losing two hours a workday on not being able to focus on what matters while I have to commute.

I am gonna contact the colleagues tomorrow and see what I can do in this frustrating situation, but I wanted to know what you guys thought about it.
Is that possible to at least incapacitate the VPN for these two hours in the train to make up the lost time?
Yeah I know what you mean. I probably should look for part time entry level stuff.
>Worst is the one we have tries to threaten HR on people as a joke someotmes
You guys should inform this to HR.
Just tell them about it and don't worry. If they give you grief about hours lost then reexplain the issue. They probably won't care. 6 hours worked is more than 0 hours worked.
Can't stand scum master jannies
It's mostly Indians and white women who do this shit.
You don’t and you can’t. Not if you don’t own what you create (at least partially).
It seems like most humans do it, with the exception of most white men.
you should not be working while you commute
Bro, I wouldn't even bother. HR is just as crazy where they have allowed some of the most unprofessional shit I have ever seen on emails, messages and overall throughout the place.

I have been looking to get out of here since February but that's because of an incident where a backend dev threatened to fight me near my desk when I kindly asked his team lead to just have more positive productive comments on PRs instead of the nasty negative and mean ones I've seen on mine for multiple PRs in a row but on no one else's. My boss didn't give two shits during a one on one and said to bring it up with HR, even though if he was worth anything, he would have done this automatically. That put the weird pressure for me to do it and I never did.

Mostly because they play favorites at my job and that guy was their golden boy.

Said faggot has since left but he's still friends with all dev team members so I just feel left out and alone since I can't bear to really want to be associated with that guy.

Hoping the next job's team isn't as toxic. Looking to leave dev for technical support engineering jobs again. At least on those teams I felt welcome.
Well yeah because there is no one lower than white men in the hierarchy, lol.
It is definitely gay config shit and it is also definitely the network admins fault for not planning for this edge case. Not your fault.
Someone was trying to save money by buying discrete licenses instead if a site license. This is precisely what the license-sellers wanted to happen.
Yeah, I think they got lucky with me, since I am one of the few support / admin guys that actually enjoy coding in their free time and would love to try it out at the job if given the go.
This current situation makes me kinda seethe when I am supposed to make the best of an opportunity that requires participants to be good at time management with the compressed class schedule along with internship, but then I see two hours a workday taken away from my day.
What a confusing thing to say.
Why don't you retards maintain a seperate laptop for personal use
I know you're young with a comment like that. I am going to be honest, the sooner you realize these companies don't give a shit about you and as long as you meet the bare minimum, you will be just fine.

I am not saying to be lazy but just watch Office Space and realize that the main guy figured out that it's not worth it to give a shit about what you do. It's pointless.

As long as you enjoy some parts of it, you're on the right track. But never truly 'care' about it. Hopefully that makes sense.
>no one lower than white men in the hierarchy
lol, maybe in a DEI pissworld, but lets be real. White men are peak humans. Everyone knows this and those who can't compete on a meritocracy level, resort to low brow behavior to prop themselves up.

We are seen as a threat solely based on our immutable/cultural characteristics
why did the OP get rid of the interviewing links?
I am using it to study in my free time, aka commute.
Also coding my projects, reading up and working on outside-curriculum to get ready in case I have to apply for a position as a DevOps or application engineer.
I need every second and any second wasted is an insult.
There is a big list of shit I need to cross off.

Yeah. I might just try to say fuck it and install a power efficient distro on my t450 and use that instead if there is no solution.

Fuck losing precious minutes.
White men got outcompeted. They fell for propaganda that convinced them to give away their societies to women and racial foreigners, and now they find themselves completely dominated. If that isn't getting outcompeted then what is. You can say it was underhanded but that's the way God made the world. Those who are the most evil and the most ruthless are the ones who thrive and prosper.
I got root access to my company's Ubuntu work machine. How can I find all the tracking software and such? Or is pointless where some stuff is hidden around ring 0 to 1?
This but unironically people were meant to toil not lounge look at retirees most of them are miserable. You're meant to constantly overcome obstacles and achieve goals (doesn't have to be given by a job but for most it is). Traveling is a massive meme unless you have friends to do it with
I am not doing it for them. I need the degree and the skills in my free time to market myself. These two hours sitting in a sardines can with my thumbs up my ass is torture, when I could work on my hobbies or marketable skills or prepare for exams.
Is there any incentive to become a developer in this day and age? Everyone gets paid better than devs
I love how most students/self taught people throwing videos on youtube that are 30-60 mins about how they got the job just go on yapping for 99% of the video and just glance over the fact that they knew someone to help them or knew someone that knew someone.

if you got in trough connections you didn't work for any advice you give is totally irrelevant and you are playing life in easy mode.
Even if you think you need the Internet for a project, figure out how to make it work without Internet access in a VM environment or local instance.

Get a beefy laptop, put Linux on it, start running VMs in containers or even Proxmox. You have to think outside the box Anon.
erotic roleplay jobs do pay more
Most people get jobs via connections. It's just how the cookie crumbles.
Those that can't, teach.

Remember that Anon, since most online devs that post are retarded anyway.
This is true. I made more money in support unironically.
Everyone in software is braindead for some reason I thought they would be competent
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Outcompeted? They need to make laws and implement Talmudic incentives so we don't mog literally everyone else in the world.

Cope more jeet.
The idea that someone is creating laws to keep you down wholly validates the idea that you're completely dominated by whoever is creating the laws, dumbass.
Your scarcity mentality is self-limiting and will only serve to make you bitter. We all can make it, anon. Think back to 100 years ago. It was a preposterous thought that everyone, even the poor, in the US would be able to afford electricity and indoor plumbing.
The synagogue of Satan we have with us always, yes, but do not give in to their attempts at limiting your effectiveness. We can overcome their influence, but no one will even attempt to do the work if they don't believe it is possible.
Well yeah.
But apart from judgements, I want you guys' advice on this.
I don't mind the mistreatment.
What bothers me is not being given proper development tasks. My experience on paper is increasing but I'm not getting any in reality.

The current market is bad. Should I quit? Should I ask for a lot more money?
>tech support ""engineering""
stop tacking "engineering" onto every dogshit job title
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I think your misunderstanding.

Despite their best efforts we are still coming out ahead.
We lost that battle last century, anon, sorry. Engineers fell for a midwit trap that even doctors didn't.
I'm not here to fix society, my retard contemporaries are committed to ensuring that it's as shitty as possible.
I have fully embraced the "fuck you got mine" mentality. Boomers were right.
>I don't mind the mistreatment.
You should. Whatever you tolerate you will get more of.
>My experience on paper is increasing but I'm not getting any in reality.
This is true for everyone. You don't think you're learning anything until some time later you may realize you did.
>Should I quit? Should I ask for a lot more money?
Never quit. I did once and missed out on severance. Never again. You can ask for more money if you want, all they can say is no.
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>Scrum Master arrives to the team
>she actually talks about what she did on the daily standup
This is new for me. Personally I think she’s a narcisist because nobody gives a fuck about what she did and as a Scrum Master her only task is to be a good wagie and shut the fuck up and just do her work.
>I have fully embraced the "fuck you got mine" mentality. Boomers were right.
How do you think we got here, anon? Why would you choose to perpetuate a detestable status quo?
Daily standups can suck my dick
It's such a bogus job role. I don't understand why they're paid so much.
Liberalism has become a death cult, a suicide pact, a global Jonestown, especially after being hijacked by the central banking cartel. None of this can be fixed until it reaches its logical conclusion, which is the race to the bottom followed by mass death. Not everyone is going to make it. It isn't my job to save them from themselves. Not my problem, an old ethos for a new age of gayness.
>You don't think you're learning anything until some time later you may realize you did.
Nah. I'm not doing any real software development. I'm no software developer.
Sounds like a first world thing. We don't have that here.
But yeah I'll ask for a 100% raise.
people do this to justify not working for 2 hrs during the day because of a blocker
Just finished my virtual onsite (mid level) with kinda tier 2 tech company, definitely under faang, but "above average" and well-known I guess?

Did the same on all 4 of the interviews p much, about a B or B-, I got all of them right but needed an occasional poke in the right direction.

On the leetcode one I fucked up and started doing the wrong thing once or twice and had to rewrite my code, the interviewer had p negative feedback to me about not "having a plan" even though I explained what I was gonna do and asked if that sounded good to him.

How fucked am I? Do companies expect you to ace the interviews or can you get jobs if you just did sorta well and got everything right and had great communication?
I pray I never have to work for a company where scrum master is a separate job position. We all just rotate that title and all it involves is coordinating the standup and communicating blockers up the chain. Its one additional meeting a week and everyone does it at some point.
Shut up faggot. There is some merit in the title even for support. Not everyone can do it.
Literally any nigga can do it with a little bit of training
Someone get this schizo out of here and back to /pol/.

Mods should ban this stupid dumbass.
Trust me, they can't.

t have been on support teams where Stacy's have tried, failed, and been fired
Anyone else having problems with aws right now?
Why do I get micromanaged when I'm one of the few ones to contribute anything that isn't the equivalent of updating the readme
i don't drive a porsche and i don't go on vacation three times a year, but i don't have to work at all. The last time I set an alarm clock was 12 years ago and I'm in my mid-30s.
So fuck you tech bros.
because you have a wagie mindset while others were smart enough to set low expectations
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jobless bros, enjoy it while it lasts. you will miss it later.
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I've received an invitation to interview with Captial One. From what I understand it's basically a sweat shop like Amazon right?
isn't that c1 jeet central
>look at retirees most of them are miserable
Because for the first time in their lives they have enough free time to do whatever they want but can’t because they’re old and sleepy and senile and will probably shit themselves at any minute.
Be independent.
At your job do the bare minimum and invest all free time doing what you love.
It will probably not be able to feed you, but you may be less miserable.
>Should I quit?
Look for another job, idiot.
Just don't quit.
Do the basic and practice in your free time.
Try doing your work effectively so you have more worktime for yourself.
Indians and Africans are the worst to work to and from.
If you're white, where do you work?
Because that helps you get certified by companies whose value are invented by the market with certifications that do not matter to clients that don't understand what they are for.
>>she actually talks about what she did on the daily standup
what the fuck
>I don't understand why they're paid so much.
if you ever had a team that had problems you would know. people that can remove these issues are worth a lot to any company.
That being said, most scrum master roles are filled by people that are unqualified for the role, it used to be only former senior developers at one point. The scrum master on my last team had 20 years experience as a developer and architect.
This is pure SOUL
Unhappy people who never pursued what they actually loved doing end up this way. There’s bad advice from this very site all the time that would lead a man down the unhappy work forever path. Your job should be a means to afford your hobbies, your hobbies aren’t a reward for doing your job
How do I get this kind of job?
>shut the fuck up and just do her work.
what work lmaooooo
Become a manager.
Pretty based of them, if true.
I do it as a formality myself and just dump my actual message immediately right after.
People won't respond to it immediately anyways either.
>what work lmaooooo
these threads are like 50% developers saying that they dont do anything all day
SMs do crank that up to 11 tho
Damn that's crazy
i just wanna go back to sleeping in every single day, getting up and playing vidya
>company just announced a branch closure and layoffs
I'm thinking it's certs time
Does adding a Cover letter to applications on company sites help? I've been using an extension to auto-generate them
No, who reads them?
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I was hoping the same algorithm that reads my Resume with matched-keywords would also give me a boost due to my Cover Letter with the same keywords. Why do businesses still employ recruiters?
I genuinely don't know. Recruiters have offloaded everything important to algorithms and then they've delegated everything else to HR who has no other context than 'here's someone go get them in line' and there's zero fucking passthrough to the actual hiring team.
>i don't drive a porsche and i don't go on vacation three times a year
most tech people neither
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I'm a comp-sci student in my second year and I have weekly panic attacks about the job market. I'm terrified that I'll end up homeless forever because the job market is so fucked. Please tell me it's going to be ok.
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Work is fun, but I'm missing the social experience of the internet.

Socializing at work is dangerous and probably most people just want to get out every day asap.
>forgot to mute during meeting
>sounds of furious button mashing on my controller can clearly be heard
I forgot to mute mine when I was taking an elephant sized dump.
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How do random Indians and shit get their LinkedIn posts liked by big name companies?

>tfw chilling at my aunt's vacation home on a road trip
Feels good man. I haven't had a vacation in five years.
I wish I had a girlfriend to fuck on the balcony though.
>TFW you know the Pepe sewer photo
You're implying i will be able to find a job
do you avoid being seen with less skilled collegeagues at the office?
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>at the office
I hate being a dev I'm too fucking retarded for this shit.
Is it worth it to get an AWS Certified Developer - Associate Certification? Lots of the jobs I see require some AWS experience but I have none at all, would this fill that needful? I guess it's better than nothing
AWS just wants to promote their certs, they'll randomly like anyone who posts about earning them.

If you have absolutely no experience with AWS you should start with Certified Cloud Practitioner. That way you can learn the basics about services exist and how IAM works before you worry about tackling how to handle the API.
Can I get hired in tech even though I'm a racist and sexist chud?
>If you have absolutely no experience with AWS you should start with Certified Cloud Practitioner
Yeh I was looking into that too but since I have a little developer experience, I was just going to watch the AWS cloud practitioner videos and skip to studying for the developer cert so I don't have to pay for both
As long as you know the material that'll be fine. The cert can help show you have some experience with the platform if you don't have any professional experience.
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>got my work provided fagbook upgraded from a 2019 i7 to 2023 M3 pro
>stays cool under load and annihilates the i7 in speed
>we use Python 3.6 and it doesn't on M3
I fucking hate crapple. I don't care if it's not their fault, their shitty rosetta can't even handle a Python version from a few years ago? I am half a mind on just firing up a Linux VM and work inside it.
Yeh that's the idea, I have no professional experience with AWS so I'm looking to let the cert show that I have at least a theoretical experience. Plus I'll play around with the free tier AWS stuff.
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>annoying faggot who talks for 90 minutes out of a 60 minute meeting is sick (good)
>meeting is finished in 5 minutes without him
just dropping after 5 minutes from now on
I've seen people turn 1 hour meetings into 2.5 hour ones.
I have zero cloud experience and I'm planning to get the Cloud Practitioner cert as my first one. My company is paying for it, but there are a bunch of exam questions, so if you can pass those, I suppose you're ready for the next level.
no. why would I? they make me look better. you never want to be the dumbest guy in the room.
i know that guy
Has anybody noticed an uptick in resumes that are just solid blocks of text for like 3 pages? I haven't job searched in a while, but if this was always the case and it's like attempts to get through auto filters, my HR side of things is doing a worse job at filtering out this garbage than it used to do.
Like, nobody wants a fucking ul of every jira ticket you've ever done.
Posting this while in a design interview that I'm ignoring and not approving regardless because I hate their resume btw.
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2.5 hours of bullshit meetings and they call devs unproductive? fuck managers. no wonder Zuck is looking for replacement
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>Your job should be a means to afford your hobbies, your hobbies aren’t a reward for doing your job

Not defending the other anon but isn't that just the same phrase ??
>t. mindbroken corporate drone
Maybe, but white men are still asleep. When all else fails then they'll wake up again, and you will know. They'll go from the brink of annihilation to full Leben practically overnight.
survived the reduction in force. Not getting shit done the rest of the week.
Our codebase is so fucking trash and I wrote 80% of it. When will they fire me. I want my freedom from this constant reminder that I'm shit and that they chose the wrong guy to try and "carry" the department.
just try to learn from the experience
try to find ways to improve it bit by bit
I've never been in my office. I don't even know where the building is
no clue
we have shitty hp laptops. id much rather have a macbook
my company has 100,000+ employees and im convinced it's a giant ponzi scheme where everybody pretends to work both up and down the org chart
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fumbled a layup interview. first interview in like a year though. Fucking hell. I'll get better. just need some more callbacks
I am so fucking mad right now. My manager scheduled a meeting for 5pm so I took a shower. And then he canceled.

What a waste of time I could have been napping.
It's over.
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this faggy academic retard knows nothing
>everybody pretends to work
what else do you want them to do? get free money, pour to the streets and start doing monkey stuff?
I'm a system engineer/devops jannie/network admin/shit no one else knows or want how to do faggot. I got fired from my job of 4 years because layoffs are popular now. Then I got a job at an MSP and got fired because I refused to do unpaid overtime that lasted for about a month. Now, I got a real corporate job. You cunts should really learn networking fundamentals because even though it might not be the most high paid or most exciting field it seems no one actually knows what a subnet is and I keep getting hired.
not my problem
come fucking on. when was the last time fed inflated the rate to 5% and refused to reduce it until it became economically pointless?
He's right. Also this is /twg/ and not /fat/.
Is anyone else's higher ups just mentioning AI all over the place even if the product doesn't really make sense with it? They're saying like we gotta fit in AI somehow.
i am idle 3-4 hours a day and have done so for 2 years with no repercussions. my manager says i'm one of the most productive members of his team.
yes. I don't work for a tech company and it's fucking everywhere. and it's clear none of them know what AI actually is. they either think it's magic or think it's a little person in a computer
>found my manager's reddit account
Anybody who interviews people know this is a non-issue other than CS programs often being kind of shitty and students not bothering to learn anything necessary for the actual job market.

I admit it can be hard to get your first real job because you lack any experience and your DSA course isn't applicable to actual work because it's 2024 and not 1984. If your CS program does not include internships then don't bother with it. You would genuinely be better off trying to build real applications and getting the shittiest job you can find for 2 years (the 2 years you should have spent in internships at better companies where you would have learned way more).

I understand the anti-corporate sentiment, believe me I'm with you. But candidates are just such shit that it's unbelievable. The number of abject technical interview failures I see is insane to me. I'm not even a good programmer. Our stock questions are so fucking easy and people still flub them completely and we have the nicest and most helpful, stress-free interviewers you can imagine. Surprise though, those candidates aren't the ones coming from known, quality university programs.
A CS degree from a rando uni CAN be helpful for sure, but unless you're making an effort on top of that to network, intern, get extracurricular experience it's going to be a hard sell to any company with a decent engineering department.
>chewed off my pushover, incompetent manager for trying to cram us with other's people problems we shouldn't be caring about anyways

God I fucking hate non-engineer managers. And fuck you jannies my country is range banned again from uploading files.
>found my manager's grindr account
I had to yell at one of our devs who was trying to force a major rewrite 1 day before our deadline (tomorrow) without any input from the team
>I don't even know where the building is
you will never be a manager
>found my managers vampirefreaks.com account
At least it's just one dev. Imagine having a manager who's such a pushover cuck, he decides to take on other teams' tasks and loaning all of us away to impossible projects and cutting our vacations. The little fucker had the audacity to imply we were being lazy for refusing to rewrite our ETL scripts to validate for changes between data dumps after we told him this is not the right place to add this shit. Then he gets all defensive when we call him out on his gaslighting.
surprisingly no, mine only talks about AI in the context of telling people to use that shit to get their work done faster but other than that I never hear about AI
>we should be doing something about it today
Okay nigger what should we be doing about it? Collecting the dragon balls to wish for more jobs?
>we call him out on his gaslighting
How does it usually happen? Any real-world example? I'm kinda interested in doing the same but don't want to push myself under the bus accidentally.
Like I've said before. Right now is the best market for building your own startup, not for being a wagie.
Just because it is "technical" support and not emotional support does not make it engineering lol
You may be given that title by your work but all real engineers are laughing behind your back when you call yourself an engineer
Just because Stacy couldn't do the job does not make it engineering either lmfao
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Is Comptia A++ really this bad for questions or were they trolling? I saw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCyb-D0XTXI pop up and I do have to take it eventually after learning some micorsoft related stuff. I did take online tests for stuff like AWS certs and more, and they weren't too bad.
Mostly saying in terms of the bad images they provide
i make $80k wfh for 4 hours a day
if i was a manager doing RTO, I'd need $200k+ to get the same hourly rate
I got the A+ cert 15 years ago because I was working help desk at the time, and the cert was tied to a guaranteed raise. Unless things have changed radically since then, most people on this board could pass the test without studying.
>1 quick meal a day
This doesn't seem pleasant or healthy
>no allotted time to cook that meal or clean up after it
Does mom do that?
>3 hours work
Where does one get this sort of job? How is the pay?
Fuck off Nigger. I actually am a dev and still think support engineers are engineers, even if they are log monkeys etc.
That's good, I passed some network related stuff without studying years ago. I was mostly putting off Comptia due to the pricetag for each try, which is more expensive than most other certs.
I’m at work pooping. Getting paid to poop. I’m very bored. The projects I’m working on at home are so much more interesting than what I’m doing at work I really need to figure out how to get my projects to start generating income so I don’t have to work here anymore
i eat during my other free times
see above
see >>102569669
Update on my stuff, even a therapist didn't help yesterday and I'm pretty depressed.

Sucks because I can't really leave my current job yet without an offer because bills, mortgage, wife with expecting kid.

Should I try for a third time to get a different dev job? Are they all this heartless with shitty teammates? I remember it being more positive on tech support engineer teams where we would bounce cool dev ideas into small projects we were working on.

Now, I just feel so wiped that I don't even want to try anymore. I truly don't know what to do, and keep getting rejected for even support roles with cover letters.

Not exactly gaslighting, I'll post a couple of recent stories:

>Leave for a couple days
>Come back and meet with my dumbass boss
>"Well anon I got some news, you're getting moved to <shitty team> on loan and working on <DOA project>"
>Ok, and this is the third time you've pulled this on me after returning from vacation. Why the fuck do these retards need more people?
>"Well apparently the company wants to go public in two weeks and that's a super critical project"
>Well those retards have over 10 devs and they still accomplish nothing and keep fucking up our teams. I disagree on moving to this team.
>"Well your vacations are still untouched at least"
>As they should be.
>"But you're still getting moved to this team"
>Whatever. Can we at least stop accepting requests from other teams?
>"I mean yeah but other teams need our help anon, they're busy and we can help them out"
>Well so are we bro and we keep shrinking and our workload keeps increasing. Apparently we have to take care of other's people problems all the time

>He doesn't even know what to say and we just leave the call

This one is my favourite, from last week

>Get paged
>Our service looks fine. Wtf is going on then?
>Retard boss is paging me because another team broke a service we don't even maintain
>Have to join and basically do all the investigation in this garbage system and find the root cause

>DM my retard boss: Aye boss and how is this our problem?
>I don't know anon, I just got paged by this chick (the other team manager) and she said it was our problem
>The bitch was just looking for someone else to solve her problems and my boss fell for it
>Tell them it's not our problem and a dev from their team needs to fix their fuck ups
>Have to stay in the call because the bitch kept telling my boss we were needed (for what?? For nothing you dumb whore, not our problem)

I'm kinda interested in doing the same but don't want to push myself under the bus accidentally.
Separate anon. What do you do for work? You sound like some asshole backend dev.
(cont. I fucked up the last part)

>I'm kinda interested in doing the same but don't want to push myself under the bus accidentally.

I'd advice not to do what I'm doing. I'm preparing everything to drop my 2 week notice next week and kiss goodbye to this shit company. I ran out of fucks to give and I don't care anymore. If you care about your job, you WILL get thrown under the bus if you pull this shit; that's also what I'm hoping for and maybe get some extra severance pay.

If you have a pushover cuck for a manager then maybe you can get away with it, but again don't do this unless you're going to quit the company anyways. It's suicide mode.
t. platform engineer
You might just be the shitty teammate, think about it.
All your posts radiate bottom bitch energy, I'm honestly surprised you have a wife.
I am not a shitty teammate though. I just have had a few bad experiences with coworkers at this job and just don't know how to cope at this point.

I do my work but it's hard to cope with the people there. A lot of the good people left in the last few months so the support system is just non-existent at this point.

I realized I am ok at dev at best and I am at least grateful to just recognize it now before wasting people's time. It's just that I don't know what to do next.

I am just beyond disappointed.
If you were single I would say quit and look elsewhere. But you're not so deal with it bitch lololol.
>Get paged
any an on-call sissy? lmao
You're right though, if life were different I would do just that. I think I have to just make it fun somehow and stop caring as much.

It's a weird timeline of things since at the end of next month, I will be able to try the ADD meds so I think that might take some of the edge off desu.
*are you an
Yeah. It fucking sucks. Anons don't accept jobs with on-call. Not worth the extra money.
>Those that can't, teach.
in my experience, this phrase has been the last-resort cope for devs who figured out that the "impostor syndrome" was just them being awful at everything they touch
I regret not considering my manager's country of origin during the hiring process. Easily the worst manager I've ever had.
>redditor becomes redpilled
>but only after it's too late to matter
My two best managers were a middle aged Jewish guy and an old Chinese woman so I didn't think someone from this country would be as bad as I was told. I'm sorry.
Am I still supposed to send a follow up email in 2024
>How do random Indians and shit get their LinkedIn posts liked by big name companies?
Pajeets run these accounts bro, no sane white man would work managing social media accounts.
It's all nepotism.
>Is it worth it to get an AWS Certified Developer - Associate Certification?
Yes, the less exp you have the more certs you should get. You can (or at least could) get certifications discount so look for it.
>Pass in first go
>Someone I know had to take it three times
>They get a job
>I don't
>Because I'm disabled
Fuck the tech industry. Bitches want to gatekeep people that are willing and able to pick up shit quickly? Eat my turds.
mentally disabled?
Meetings aren’t bad. You are getting paid to do nothing.
You are only in your 2nd year, don't worry about that shit. Focus on getting as good as possible so you'll be ready when the market is good again by the time you graduate.
You should focus on having fun and getting pussy. Those should be your current priorities.
I have wasted my early 20s for career growth
I will get that JNCIE though swear to god
Chief, your primary focuses in college should be
1. building up your network
2. Getting your dick wet

The job market is screwed for graduates/entry levels either way so why get stressed out?
The fucking MSP I have to work with is so condescending. They are saying shit like, you need to notify us of a system outage with at least 48 hour notice. At the same time they refuse to give me admin which would enable me to do everything myself. The plan is to eventually kick them out and let me hire an IT lackey so we have more coverage. But man, never did I think I would be at the other end of the phone and dealing with all the MSP bullshit. They were getting pissed that I bought my own NAS and backups because that meant they can't charge us $2000 for 3 TB a month. Same thing in Azure is less than a $100 a month.

Being internal IT is pretty comfy tho.
I don't respond to people that send a "hi" or "hello".
One time a guy send a hello to me three times, before I just replied with this link

Then he sent me the question a few minutes later.
>>tech support ""engineering""
I find the worst to be the "cloud engineer" titles. Clicking a few buttons in AWS or Azure does not make you an engineer. It is a decent job, but this is IT and IT support roles, there is nothing "engineering" about it. If I was an actual engineer I would be a bit pissed people used these titles like this.

It is one reason why I don'tike to call myself a software engineer, I just say I am a software developer instead. I am not an engineer, I don't so engineering. Also I don't want to be grouped inn with these bullshit people who use the engineering title for everything.
>hi anon
>[30 minutes of nothing]
>Hi Coworker, did you need something?
>quick call?
didnt get the job, boyos. its over
You pass the interview for your dream job. Big pay and title boost with great benefits and work-life balance.

However, your boss and coworkers are all FOB Jeets. Do you still take the job?
This doesn't take into account 1 hr of getting ready for work and 1hr of driving to work. Please fix. Covid is now over and companies are forcing everyone into the office or else
Yes. I work with Pajeets, and unironically, they are the nicest of my coworkers which is a bit sad.
Yes because it's better than what I have now, even if it only lasts temporarily
Whatever, fuck you.
I mean they sell drugs on darknet. How much less restricted do you need it?

The work required to basically build an untraceable global spy network seems like a lot. Might be easier to actually apply to the CIA, become a spy, and use that network to do random shit
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my entire team is in different states (and mostly in a different time zone)
it would make no sense for me to RTO
God I wish I was you
i used to have a daily standup at 8am. i called into it zero times. daily standup is a joke in 99% of projects.
it's not going to be ok. I'm not going to lie. But stop being a fucking retard. You are in second year, now is the perfect time to switch majors. Most of your gen ed and basic calc classes are required by every other program so you're not wasting much money if you switch majors NOW. Stop crying like a bitch and make a move, don't listen to the coping bag holders here, they'll say things will improve but we have absolutely no idea and this field is new enough that even things that seem "cyclical" may very well be unprecedented.

whether or not you switch majors it's absolutely vital that you network, make friends, and get some pussy. It's as important as your grades if not more, seriously.
Don't take loans.
My dream job isn't working in Bangalore though
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i was like that and then i figured it out. a lot of people don't have it figured out especially at the age you're currently at, and then you figure it out and then everything is okay. don't catastrophize your situation, the sun will always come up the next day, etc.
this poster is right you keep wining about this with the most beta energy imaginable
i swear ive seen you post this story 3 times already
Too late bro
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The sun will keep rising every day even when you're gone though
Senior electrical engineer

>I'm a dev
>log monkeys are engineers
Lmao listen to yourself
Good thing you said dev and not software "engineer" lol
>Senior electrical engineer
do some plumbing, bitch ass nigga
good morning sars
I did some hard work on your mum's plumbing last night
>Surprise though, those candidates aren't the ones coming from known, quality university programs.

its bazaar that you state this and can not clearly see why your candidates suck. You only interview people from top unis, but they all suck. Its almost as if the liberal retard university complex has failed. Keep interviewing people from the liberal elite and complain...
I will now refer to anyone with a job as an engineer now, even if all they do is something like taking out the trash. Why? Because I can :)
>Being internal IT is pretty comfy tho.
God I had a nice internal IT job, been unemployed 8 months and have to go work for some bottom of the barrel MSP. I will be making 50k less than I use to. The glassdoor reviews are fucking awful but I gotta start bringing some fuckin money in. My biggest problem is I just haven't been lying enough or maybe my pesonality is gay. I have no idea. I could throw a rock in 2020-2021 and get hired anywhere 90-120k. I made it to so many final round interviews for decent jobs and just got passed on. Though not even sure if the job was real. I have 12 yrs exp, degree, certs. Day of the rope is coming.
Embedded fags can't do shit. This is small dick cope. Kneel.
>Surely a jeet woman won't be that bad...
How do I transition from being a software dev with 1 and 1/2 years experience to a cloud engineer or site reliability engineer?

Do I have to get certified? Do I need GitHub projects for this?
I’m a pizza delivery engineer
I'm a gooning engineer (working from home)
You're a dick sucking engineer
I've pooped twice this night.
Guess again. My career REQUIRES a degree unlike most of yours
>just do certs and a boot camp
What a joke hahaha
Look at this poop extraction engineer
Spent this week daydreaming about licking my female engineer coworkers buttholes.

Have the day off today and I'm at an Asian massage parlour about to get a massage and a happy ending
Happy ending engineers are closer to real engineers than software "engineers"
That is exactly why people should return to office. It's inefficient as fuck. People complain "but I'd be on huddles all day anyways" no idiot you wouldn't you're team would no longer be scattered
management could just kill all those dumb meetings
AI is killing off 90% of degrees anyway
Not meetings, calling around about what does what and why setting up screen sharing inviting others to look at it. Developer stuff. And it used to take few steps to next desk to walk through.

I did for the first 5 years. Then that job went to shit. Every job I have had after that for the last 5 years has eventually gone to shit. Nothing good last for ever. Its only a mater of time until it crumbles.

I too look forward to the day I can retire from this rat race.

I even had tards from a previous shit company working where I am now, and they are trying to bring a jeet manager on to shit the place up more. If they hire him I am done.
my manager is going to kill me on monday LMAO
why did you do lol
he's told me my output has been low the last 3 sprints so i told him i'd step it up. i haven't gotten anything done since last thursday. i don't like this job and i don't like him so whatever.
>I am not an engineer, I don't so engineering
Maybe you don’t. Some of us do.
Wikipedia defines engineering as:
> Engineering is the practice of using natural science, mathematics, and the engineering design process to solve technical problems, increase efficiency and productivity, and improve systems.
Designing a system to be resilient in the face of natural disasters that cripple an entire data center, or systems that can process millions of requests per second, systems used to securely remotely monitor and control a fleet of IoT devices, etc. are just a few examples of software systems that most certainly involve real engineering. Just because your job involves building web UIs and CRUD apps running on a web server doesn’t mean that’s every software job. But I concur a lot of people that call themselves software engineers are in fact little more than software developers.
based fellow FIREfag
I couldn't care less about tech, it's just the easiest way to make the most money
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Most workplace would rather have a jokester who is literally a deadweight than having a 10x but aloof and quiet
Probably not retire completely, but i do want to be a fulltime indie dev before 2034
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>CS degree
As a member of my IT department's hiring board I'd deny the interview to a graduate from fucking BERKLEY of all places. Would find more talent from an online school. CS isn't a liberal arts do-nothing degree.
No... He will fire you. I did that during my first dev job and got shit canned after 6 months.
Remote is salvation for hardworking autist. My job has 2 of those, nobody can stand them so they're better off as wfh mole people
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do nothing club
Hello, I'm the deadweight jokester
>tech support interview
>asks if i can work on holidays and weekends
>"it depen-"
>"yes or no answer only"
>said no
did i fuck up?
also the pay is barely okayish but i honestly i dont like it
but this is my first proper job
if you don't want to work holidays and weekends and they want you to work holidays and weekends, it was never going to work out.
if i ever work during those days
am i getting paid extra?
There are software engineers out there, I would say most software developers are not engineers. But what brothers me is that people who manage Google email accounts and click on stuff in AWS call themselves an "engineer", since there is nothing relates to engineering about those jobs.
Is someone that works at H&M folding cloths a clothing engineer, or a chef a food engineer. Of course not. So I find the title "cloud engineer" almost offensive.
But then again, that's why "civil engineer" or "professional engineer" are usually a protected title and just "engineer" is usually not.
I'm looking for advice here anons. I've been working as frontend web dev for almost 5 years and I'm tired of it. Most of the time it's boring and I don't really like working with designers. I want to migrate to full stack or backend, but I'm not sure what language should I learn backend with. Going with JS allows me to focus on the actual backend stuff since I already know JS pretty well, then I could simply migrate this knowledge to another language if I have to.
You have a person who's job title is scrum master and that's their only responsibility? Lol.
whos he dancing with
>I can
fast forward
>come pls
>you said you could
>I said I can, not I will
I mean
>The scrum master on my last team had 20 years experience as a developer and architect.
sounds like he burnt out and wanted to coast
>unemployed OP
wtf do u think the OP is supposed to be about? news slop? that isnt practical at all
wtf do u think the OP is supposed to be about? getting a job? you're only supposed to post if you already have one
my nigger, you can still job search even if you have a job

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