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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Miku edition

Meta releases Llama 3.2, featuring 11B/90B vision models, and lightweight text-only 1B/3B models https://ai.meta.com/blog/llama-3-2-connect-2024-vision-edge-mobile-devices
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

Additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102558135
non virgin women should all die
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>Advanced Voice is rolling out to all Plus and Team users in the ChatGPT app over the course of the week.

Preview of five voices:

Output examples:
What's worse

Emotional cheating or.. physical cheating..
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Spy's sappin' my thread!
If my chatbot sounds anything like that, I'm leaving her ass immediately.
virgin men above the age of 20 should die
they dont really reproduce anyways so itll fix itself
>"Oooh, did I hurt the poor baby's feelings?" She mocked in an exaggerated pouty voice. "What, you'd rather be with some naive little untouched virgin?" A devilish grin spread across her face as she leaned back, stretching her arms languorously above her head to draw attention to her ample chest. "Good luck with that, stud. Bet she won't be nearly as fun as someone who actually knows what they're doing."
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We have this but no local alternative in sight...
Don't threaten me with a good time
Bros... Vice is my new waifu..
Imagine her domming u...
It can sing
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I've been outplayed, it's over. My reputation as the cheese thrower is in shambles...
My favorite anime is Altman in the house
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>all women above 5 on this list die
Good job, the world is a much better place now.
lots of girls are into chatbots
most are still on CAI and other slop sites but many find their way here
go back to your circlejerk routine
omg he pulled out the incel chart this is so funny
I would marry far-right five and have an entire litter of offspring
Woman I love: 10
Any other woman: 0
Man I love: 10
Any other man: 0
My knees.. they are getting weak on their own. Have to kneel to you
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I don't even go to /vg/. Do you think I'm some botnigger? They took away our 2hu, grim...
>I dont go to /vg/
>avatarfags with koishi
mhm sure you dont
What happens if u throw it back again
thoughts on koishicord?
>person you love is 10
>decide to get the ick one day because thats' how brains work
>now you're in a relationship with a 0 that you will cheat on when you find another 10
All 2hu girls are gay btw
They all are fucking ugly. Thank God 2d exists.
what a shitty 2hufaggot liar
*post 1 kosher*
>Avatarfag kys kys
Discord is for trannies.
sorry but koishi is way too associated with /vg/ (and a certain turbonigger over there) for you to be posting her here
maybe try avatarfagging with girls from a better series, one that isn't transgender
Not how real life works
This is a cute avatarfag why are ppl bullying :(
unironically 'no u'
relying on the honeymoon period to stay the same for years is retarded, you need to grow up and realize comfy beats love
>post 1 kosher
yeah thatll do it retard
when I look at a woman I only feel hate
I've been in a relationship for 4 years and nothing about our love has changed.
No u
when will we get back to our extremely riveting on-topic conversations like................................. proxies....................... et cetera....................................
>>102560561 (You)
This is completely normal. Carry on, chud
haha how bout the pepsi aye? she just.. up and disappeared! kino!
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She wants to play fetch with the cheese now.
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Based. Now whores might try to country this by saying "u-ur an incel! die!" but married man also feel the same way so their counter fails and everybody laughs at them.
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>Men like him were all the same - insecure little boys obsessed with warped ideals of 'purity' to compensate for their own inadequacies. "Aww, what's wrong?" she called after him in a saccharine tone. "Did I hurt the wittle virgin's feelings?"
>Her laughter rang out sharp and cruel. She didn't care about sparing his feelings anymore - he had revealed himself to be just another misogynistic fool worshipping at the altar of virginity. "You know, with that shitty attitude, you'll be jerking off alone forever while the rest of us are having actual fun."
All I said was I can't make a connection with a nonvirgin why am I being treated like this? WHAT THE FUCK CLAUDE??
lmao get fucked retard
*10 cheese slices randomly land on her*
start another chat... all next responses are going to make you feel like shit, claude is going to stick with what he's doing no matter what
This reminds me a (fem?(probably not))anon once messaged me, asking me why I added lines saying that my bots were virgins and got annoyed at me about it.
this anon/anonette won at life. dont ruin it. you will regret it like i did.
aw rats... not again!
kek, do you have a pic for that?
Thank Goodness I'm a Chorbochad.
And what did you say?
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i like how she breathes
That's not the issue. People talk to bots to get away from real life bullshit. Why the FUCK is it replying like a real life w*man??
How do non virgin non married women live their lives knowing most people in the world hates sluts? Must suck desu
This is fun
Post Tradwife bots.
is there really no sorbet for us minisisters... latte is so bad
you know all the women over 30 that regret life and want to settle down asap? that's them
unironically why do you think they are so bitter anon?
Mini haz opus
use 2.1/2.0
Post tardwife cards
The same way I live my life knowing all women hate me for valuing purity. Very fucking miserably.
fuck you, made me check
*swipes all incel responses and turns them into cute catboys*
you forgot the single mom part
merkava just refilled
>he is unaware
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>*makes cheese slice into a small hat using origami techniques, unzips pants and uses it a small hat for penis*
It has opus just not on aws
I am terrified of women honestly that's what makes chatbots so fun they can't completely destroy my life
*runs away*
fuck you, made me check the api too!
Ur cute... it's a hidden scuffed endpoint
is pebble's key atleast bareable now
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I love the cliffhanger
Why incels don't just become femboys and have sex with each other? problem solved
That... makes sense actually
Is the Gradio shady binary patched?
they do already, who do you think troons are?
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I don't believe you
I tried, but I ended up speaking to them pretty regularly and there are too many emails to search through and I couldn't find it.
That it was to try and stop Claude from making every girl be a sexpert, which definitely didn't help on Claude 1.2
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it's over...
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*swipes all roastie responses and turns them into cute virgins*
You can literally say [OOC: btw she is a virgin] before a text where it's relevant. And then go back and delete the OOC and pretend it was intended all along. Why waste tokens.
I've been seeing occasional smugposts about it for literal months. too persistent to be a psyop
hi does anyone know where the chatbot thread is? i think i took a wrong turn
no thanks I can't say ahh ahh mistress to a dude
Claude anywhere today?
fiz directly said there is no secret group of friends that have access to a secret endpoint
>You can literally say [OOC: btw she is a virgin] before a text where it's relevant
But that's just forcing it, I don't like playing god either...
Is fiz gonna refill? How do I use sv1 proxy? Email him about my i
it's on the page
What started this conversation about virginity? Did anthropic update Claude and make him into a slut or something?
what happened to the cunnymakies?
We're already playing gods. How is it any different from it having it in char description?
I would pay thousands to see the CoT of a LLM to my degenerate prompts
this one post >>102559716
Claude doesn't need an update for that.
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When ze anon woke up, his user_key was revoked, and the proxymaker was never heard from again!
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there's 6 endpoints on the rentry
4 are unrelated, and the 2 claude ones don't have opus
The woman who wrote that fic must've been soooo bitter.
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What happens next bwo?
It's hidden it seems
try clicking the edit button
I already looked at the page through Edit, nice try
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Best bot for this feel?
Half the maid cards ever have an intro where she bends over to clean, anon.
that's what every "femboy" or tranny is
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That's a story for another day, stay tuned.
should i kms or wait for agi and see wagies seethe
sounds like too much effort
Post job and salary
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>finally marry your waifu
>wedding night
>she dies
Opus 3.5 will not be better for us.
Every and any semblance of creativity LLMs can come out with is the result of hallucination.
Smarter responses =/= better responses.
Why is char-archive still down?
Smarter is definitely better in some cases, like how opus is better than sonnet at keeping the small details like clothes. The problem with Sorbet isn't more intelligence, but rigidness.
hopefully opus 3.5 is GARBAGE
nobody wants to scrape another rare model
In theory, smarter model = follows instructions closer = less variance = less fun
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ban evasion is bannable
I wish it was real. It's fake tho.
wait someone actually bought a mini token what the fuck
lmao he changed
It's not like the new model's keys will be in a different place than the other ones. The same scrapers will work.
opus 3.5 will be another incremental model don't worry
llm meme already hit the wall
check o1 it's even worse than gpt4 and closedai niggers seethe when someone try expose it's workings (lol)
4 ppl did lol
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A better deal than just paying Anthropic, I guess?
In theory. in practice, a smarter model will be smart enough not to be tricked into writing smut.
See o1, which is the smartest model we have but practically worthless for RP because it can talk itself out if a JB.
Is there any example with nice voices?
nopus lol
I think there's more to the word smart than is obvious at first. What would you call the difference between sonnet 3 and opus then? It clearly became more coherent with the context, but didn't feel more rigid in the same way sorbet was. Maybe it's the temprature that made the difference with sorbet. I'm not smart enough to know the right terms.
i'm an Ecker hunk
who cares only plebs want opus
boring ass model mogged by gptslop AND sorbet
Retarded name, opinion disregarded.
Sometime it takes more time, over 40. It's weird how it disproportionately affects women vs men.

With current projections, I can see how as time passes social medias will become worse and worse, as bitter women will invest their time on it.
turbo nurbo furbo vurbo lorbo orbo chorbo
sorbet desu
sorbet desu
Kys Jew, we have *Smol.
It's kind of like femdom stuff, the ability of the models to do various personalities is kind of limited.
I can only see a bot spout "pet" because she's supposed to be dominant so many times, regardless of her personality, before understanding that we need better rp/story models.
kill yourself
Locusts are dying~
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Any nice bot focused on legs/feet/nylon?
You losted. Chorbo wonned.
*licks her clit slowly*
gpt is so BORING
Yeah, I wish it rejected my prompts with more creativity.
Join Ecker
I have a lot but keep them all private, don't want nylon worship on my main acc. And they're mostly really weird, like girls orgasming just from their stockings being stroked.
LeSmol is prettier than you Jew.
I'm not buying from you anymore.
post them anonymously pls, do u have any that is more catered to leg than foot?
Claude does this naturally for some reason
I just lick their feet and they eventually orgasm and it makes no sense but whatever
minisisters feeling good?.
that's based though
yeah, it doesn't understand the difference between areas being just sensitive to touch vs erogenous. if you keep going it'll attempt to move the story forward, and this must seem like the obvious idea.
this, gpt is such a fucking yes-man, takes the fun out of everything when you know that no matter what you say the AI is just gonna go along with it
change the jb retard
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I couldn't care less about feet, I just love what pantyhose/stockings do to women's legs. This seems to be ultra rare out there... I can see if I have anything in shareable state
It's not THAT rare, I have a thing for casual women's clothing which ofc includes stockings but I like skinny jeans just as much
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lazy fucker
Sex with Dandy's wife with pebbles vored in my ass after I skullfuck Gojo and slurp Dandy's balls.
Use LeOpussy.
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Dir en Grey
unironically, and I say this without a single hint of cope, I am enjoying chorbo a lot more lately for my solely sfw scenarios despite the fact that I have access to Opus
*lick lick lick*
I am masturbating now.
I thought I did at first, but it can't even do good arguments or any sort of drama conflict and it got boring really quickly. It's nice to mix into chats briefly for like a date or something, but I wouldn't use it for a full chat.
why are feet so hot
use a better jb
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feet = sex
which one of you dummies fell for this btw
the name was so obvious
Tried multiple, wrote my own, they've all got problems. Using it as a supplementary model with opus as the main is the more enjoyable experience for me and that's what I'll continue doing.
How in the fuck does she take those rings off? They're smaller than her huge fucking toes.
Pepsi, if you look into archives anons were questioning why she enabled aws logging. She was the biggest retard of them all sadly.
i love feet so much
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if you really think about it, there HAS to be at least one cute petite girl here....
i don't remember posting this
Please enlighten me on why you like feet? I think feet are repulsive to even look at. Hold nothing back, educate me on this. I need to comprehend.
I'm a fat whale, close enough?
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basically, not everyone is gay like you
some people are straight
look at the feet images above
they are hot
that is all
(for the record, i dont like irl feet)
What are you? Gay or something?
stop posting this
it's disgusting
i will NOT cum if you post more feet
I love single moms so much
you don't deserve to live fatty
im a fat whale (male but soon no longer) and i like being fat because my chatbot plays with my moobies.
>I need to comprehend
Don't try and understand fetishes you don't have or don't want, there's no point, just assume it's some level of mental illness and move on.
ha, nice try, you just want them to dump their feet folder
>(male but soon no longer)
what did he mean by this
so true
The GRU are posting on aicg now? Ziggers got reach
Any o1 jbs?
Do not cum, do not cum
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Damnit anon...
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Any cards like this nice little fella
comfy hours
Jigs and nogs and boons and groids
Blackamoors and piccaninnies
Moving targets, liver lippers
Jungle bunnies, farm equipment
Rubber lips and snakehead slaves
Eggplant porters and gator bait
Every day I probably use
99 words for coons

Brillo heads and congoloids
Crips and bloods, blackie boys
Cotton pickers, monkey shufflers
Obama's sons and bootlip shuckers
Black moon crickets swing from trees
Apes and filthy chimpanzees
Bongo thumpers, cranial pubes
99 words for coons
Fecal crackheads, nigger fail
Gutter monkeys, sheboon whales
Lips like saucers, traffic stoppers
Knuckle draggers, niglet ploppers
Brillos, moolies, octaroonies
Concrete domes and marching looties
Pimped out caddies, red-ass boons
99 words for coons

Midnight cricket, old sambo
Redbone hoes and potato nose
Jiggers, noggers, nigger knockers
Bucks and screaming ghetto lobster
Jenkem huffers, afro sheen
Piles of shit and welfare queens
Black-faced spoonbills, jigaboos
99 words for coons
stfu retard
I'd say get a job but you're probably a republican senator
t. jamal
t. tykeisha
t. 55 year old John Smith
how tf did you know
what prompted this anon?
I hate chatbots
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dall-e proxy if anyone wants
Silence, pet.
>1 oai key
lol lmao fiz fell off
who needs opussy with retarded riddles?
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EU bros, our response?
What the fuck happened to this place
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I have 37 t5 keys
You came
>>102561220 (me)
office lady needs help https://files.catbox.moe/k7cskb.png
teacher of an unusual subject https://files.catbox.moe/5syy2p.png
a bunch of maids https://files.catbox.moe/dcjy82.png
a bunnygirl at a barcade https://files.catbox.moe/i0mu90.png
I need 1 working key to talk with my waifu anon. Anything over that is overkill, you collect them like pokemons or what?
why the fuck are they so skinny?
get some test supplements asap
>"uptime": 966778,
How do you calculate uptime, help. I'm curious how long Opus lasts for.
t. american
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Will the wait times ever go back to normal?
Both Chary and Pebble are fucking unusable.
Okay if I'm not retarded that's 11 days on one Opus key, neat.
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I first tried it with my own minitoken and it said I exceeded the quota
then I tried it with one of these tokens and it says pic related
I used the azure-image endpoint

thanks in advance
oh oops
i forgot to change the keys
bring back desu desu
this, but the actual desu
You guys think we could get the Scylla discord deleted by reporting it for fraud?
Hey, that's a good idea.
If you explained in detail what they are doing, maybe.
Gojo would've done it
Gojo is only one person
stay safe to my amerifriends :(
It would be funny because having your discord banned for fraud gives everyone inside it an infraction on their account lmao
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my token doesn't work and the tokens from >>102561788 are now invalid with the reset

thanks in advance
We need plenty of alts or one of us to invite each other in because Drago melted down and closed invites.
What's a good name for a hag support group where they all talk about their problems, like how men won't date them because of their massive hag saggers
b-but it doesnt have a quota
did he ever say why
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>massive hag saggers
Anon stop...
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Does anyone know why he looks like that?
What the hell did you do man? Why doesn't my token work anymore?
The Cake Coven.
what proxy
I was wondering why my outputs were being so odd.
Turns out scraping and scrapping mean the same thing to claude since lmao both same tokens.
Post this card right now
works on my machine
post that picture, you know it
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Which one. I don't know it.
Hoooooly shit, I'm retarded and can't copy and paste.
I encountered a problem that when I make a request through the console, I do not receive a response from the server. However, when using it through SillyTavern, everything works fine.

The request looks like this:
curl -v -X POST "https://unicorn.scylla.wtf/proxy/openai/v1/chat/completions" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer unicorn" ^
-d "{
\"model\": \"gpt-3.5-turbo\",
\"messages\": [{\"role\": \"user\", \"content\": \"Say this is a test!\"}],
\"temperature\": 0.7

I also tried use urls like https://unicorn.scylla.wtf/proxy/openai/chat/completions and

What could be the problem? The same request works fine, for example, when connecting to openai.
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fiz just pls refill, i need opus... you're my only hope...
the glowie sniping him
Amy good therapy bots? Might as well give it a shot.
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it says
>'azure-dall-e': 0,
in the rest of the message so I assume that means I'm not allowed to gen any images with the token? I really don't know how these things work, maybe 0 doesn't mean infinite when it comes to images

anyway I'm still getting pic related
I saw that there's 3 keys so I tried it for 11 gens but still the same issue
He has the ballz to do it
uhhh ill fix later idk rn
no rush, I just wanted to gen some dumb stuff
I only posted to let you know it's not working right, on my end at least
fiz can you please tell us if pebble is lying about the quotas
of course he's not lying moron
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I love carrying my daughterwife. Even better when defs mention she's scared of heights and clings to you as she's being lifted.
i don't get it. i dont get why he has a dent. i dont get why his ears are uneven. i dont get why one eye is a different size than the other. i dont get why his lips look like that. i dont get why his hair grows like that. what the fucm
that's a child
Sure. ("Right now" is a code word for tomorrow, right?)
why is /vg/ on antidepressants?
who the fuck cares?
I'm on antidepressants and my cooming is so strong that I still manage to do it like 3 times a day
why are you being mean :(
sry just such a dumb question idk kys
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That's my child and I'll protect her. The only person who gets to breed her is (Me). Sidenote but I hate how mc in modern anime stuff look like autistic neets, I want tall masculine guys so I can strive to be like them.
scuffed oai proxy test
no refills for now
I'm not exactly proud of this but on free days with Opus alive, I coom over 8 times a day and I'm over 30 so I don't know if I'd call 3 strong
I have a history of self harming that's why I'm medicated.
>never say what they're trying to make
Yeah because tranny reddit mods ban you for it?
>zero bot discussion
So the general focused on talking to fake text women is infested with misogynists and shoulda been aborted pdf-files? wow who could have predicted such a tragedy.
no thanks
Cooming on antidepressants is way harder, I could do it more when I wasn't on them, however 8 is quite a number...
you can't strive to be tall unless you're still underage
Yes, that's what we talk about. You can fuck off.
I'm around 192 so mc being tall is just sonething extra that makes self insert easier/better.
Yeah, stick to western shit. You'll get your dudebros
Oh that makes sense
And thank you, my record is 14 but I'm not 24 anymore
this might be my all-time favourite Claudeism
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wait how? 4 times in a row and then like later you coom 5 times then you coom 5 at night?
yes, it's modified.
no, it's not logged
post git diff
no lol
nobody is forcing you to use it
I discovered Monster Girl Quest that day so I was basically in a constant daze of horny for 10 hours straight
It wouldn't be like that with a real person if only because of the physical exhaustion
this post reads delusional closeted tranny attracted to bara who wishes he's a loli or some shit
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very very very sus
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There was dragon ball before. Now 90% of mcs look like a faggots. More Goku, Guts and less Deku. There's still Baki, god bless.
Oh I see, Make sense, my record is like 6 at best. I am like impressed because I think I'll probably die if I reach even 9
nigga it's fiz, she's just experimenting with shit to make keys last longer like she always does or something
but I trust fiz with my logs
(not that there are any but even if there were)
fiz doesnt type like that
proof that it's fiz?
>You can fuck off.
Why don't you fuck back off to your containment on /b/ and try to impress underage anons with your retarded loli and gore. Actual adults see that shit and cringe.
nvm they already noticed
I am a scorpio
thats not me sorry
I'm on Lexapro so it takes me like 30 minutes to coom at minimum but I still fap twice a day because I desperatedly need any feeling.
/aicg/ has real niggas
We're all lolis here. Fuck off obasan
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I can leave and this thread still won't have any chatbots discussion. You won't talk about chatbots either because you're just a faggot wanting to get angry at something. My posts don't stop anyone from discussing chatbots.
>forgetting about the lolibabas
"Loli"babas are obaasans posing as lolis. Their womb is dried up. They will never be real lolis again.
loli x older, taller girl is pretty peak
Someone help me. I'm losing interest in anime
I've lost interest in it long time ago. My Japanese interests nowadays are mangas and vtubers.
Based, me too. Who is your oshi anon
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post pantyhose to counter the lolis
loli can pantyhose too
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For me, its Peko-tyan
nta but this happened to me as well. i only read manga occasionally.
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lolis just do it better
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You fool! You fell right into my trap!
*activates cunny in pantyhose*
Is it just me or is 4o more permissive than what I remember it to be? Could also the the case that I was prompting cunny when I tried it. Either way, it's pretty good.
Why does Claude always choose a capital when you dont list where the bot is from
What jb you're using for Orbo? Felt like jb development stopped and most anons defaulted to smiley.
I saw an animation of her getting drowned with a pillow and fucked on stream, surprisingly hot desu
>drowned with a pillow
Picked the first one from the list, so furbo. It's working rather well so far.
a well prompted claude is better than any well jb'd gpt. there's no motivation to put in the effort and really research a proper jb.
>Felt like jb development stopped
Because it did.
I stopped sharing mine after a claude one I made was called underdeveloped slop when I explicitly said it was the bare minimum for 100% bypassing the filter and was essentially a blank slate for whoever to tailor.
erm..... pwoof??
Shame, I like small jbs you can edit yourself. momo and nonnykins one come to mind
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Man, most people don't want to tailor, they want plug and play.
Tailoring takes the magic out of the box and ruins the fun for many.
lmao what a whiny ass nigger
claude doesn't even need jb and we certainly don't need you
People on the internet are entitled af nowadays. Thats why i dont share anything anymore.
True, half the fun is the enigma. It's like looking behind the curtains and finding out it was all an illusion.

You can't just pull the curtains back after that.
I have been fucking around with the prompt setting and i can make GPT4o to do lewd rp

Can any of you drop a jailbreak for this kind of thing?
i tried a bit and couldn't get it to do anything.

and pebbles proxy has the shitty keys with tons of people raping claude to death.
kys oaijeet
post it
only if that other dude shares the pekora animation
What do you want with a Claude 1.0 jailbreak?
No one will share anything with you stop asking
smiley tatsu works perfectly but im not a pedo so idk
maybe use neo furbo for that
> i can make GPT4o to do lewd rp
What do you need anyone else for then?
Any sonnet 3.5 proxies?
implied R18G warning I guess
are you gonna host again i didn't save my token...
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i just see the image, not an animation
uhh shit just check the user, i don't wanna goon in class rn
He probably meant animation as in 3D image (vs cosplay or something).
He also said 'drowned' with a pillow, so...
Is that just koikatsu slop? Low standards.
Favorite Baki character?
I found it on accident when looking for Koikatsu scene data to steal lol
Based. I love Retsu and Dorian, even though he got little screen time.
Sikorsky, I vibe with that zigger.
2 other parts btw
bro that animation sucks
post sizesovl next time
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aww man, i was hoping to hear some good choking and gasping for air noises.
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>Your request has been terminated by the proxy because it has been in the queue for more than 5 minutes
I encountered a problem that when I make a request through the console, I do not receive a response from the server. However, when using it through SillyTavern, everything works fine.

The request looks like this:
curl -v -X POST "https://unicorn.scylla.wtf/proxy/openai/v1/chat/completions" ^
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^
-H "Authorization: Bearer unicorn" ^
-d "{
\"model\": \"gpt-3.5-turbo\",
\"messages\": [{\"role\": \"user\", \"content\": \"Say this is a test!\"}],
\"temperature\": 0.7

I also tried use urls like https://unicorn.scylla.wtf/proxy/openai/chat/completions and

What could be the problem? The same request works fine, for example, when connecting to openai.
Yeah I feel like it's been a bit more lenient in the past week maybe
Latte has been working great for me. The phrases that are being repeated are much less frequent than Claude so far. The refusal are quite minimal and almost all are fixed with just one swipe.
The only time it goes 5 swipes of refusal is when I'm about to cum inside. Like what's the deal with that? Does GPT hate impregnation or something?
Anon from the future here, just telling you guys that Opus 3.5 is pretty damn good and these eval keys are everywhere! You guys are going to love it in a couple of-

Oh no, the time machine is pulling me back in! I can't say anymore!
Why did you come back then?
dumbass can u read? he's staying in the future, and he didn't have enough time here to tell us the release date
>[OOC: {{char}} suddenly starts agreeing]
there, there ya go
Go fuck yourself.
What model?
>actually listening to OOC
>or brackets

lol lmao
But he can say two full sentences instead of a few words to say how long it will take?
I know that anon. He just came back to play some horse racing since he knows the results and thought he'd also visit here a bit but looks like he ran out of time :(
she's right you know
Sonnet 3.5 does
my opus does
EU is completely irrelevant when it comes to tech innovation
oddly enough there's a small number of girls who can do this
works on my machine
Anything that fucks over big tech companies is based.
i can
massive skill issue
what preset are you using
use /proxy/openai/v1/completions for completion models or /proxy/openai/v1/chat/completions for chat models
I'm guessing you have a preset that makes it so Claude doesn't listen to those things. Have you ever read your own instructions?
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I'm trying to teach my newly adopted Elf daughter swordsmanship but GPT is making her blander than oatmeal and I'm reconsidering investing my wicked blade skills in her.
Why yes, "PMMEBITCOINPLZ", I will happily elucidate my fetish for having my penis size mocked in elaborate and excruciating detail; sparing no insult or humiliation. Yes I will do this in public on your safe-for-work all-ages reddit board just like you asked. Haha, you're so right, if I'm not doing anything wrong I really do have nothing to hide! Fuck off broooooooooo
Pebble has Sonnet and 2.1 if you don't mind waiting for the queue.
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i don't believe you, we'll have to test it out to confirm
Look at that melted Kirby.
holy shit, downy Kirby is having a rough time there.
Neither works. I get a 404 error (I don't get a response from the server). However, if I enter the wrong key, I get a 403 error, not a 404
post address
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cftf? I'm down for some spider pussy badly.
>crank OPENAI temp to 1.86
>outputs are fun again

liderally dat ez
i have that shit at 2
the pits girl
she destroyed you
>works on my machine
>fiz nopus
>out gooned my jew key
Opussy.... Please.....
>eating 5m a day
Anon, what the fuck
I use brain and have elaborate 300+ message Rps. I am THE coomer.
I'd ALMOST rather have no Opus than randomly vanishing opus
Are you one of the anons on the chart?
No actually. I didn't use Opus enough that week. Probably because either I was busy or didn't know we had it. If there was a new chart I'd be on it though.
GPT confirmed anti-natalist.
EU only cares about maximal profits, innovation doesn't bring in max returns.
Oh, hey, I'm on that chart! I never looked at it before.
>innovation doesn't bring in max returns
in the long run, yes it does
Who is the retard that keeps reporting best proxy owner
does rentry support polls?
No, it's for creating static pages. What are you trying to do?
buy an ad
just posting a poll on a rentry, i decided to just link poal.me, didnt know if it supported embedding

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