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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Kikuri edition

Meta releases Llama 3.2, featuring 11B/90B vision models, and lightweight text-only 1B/3B models https://ai.meta.com/blog/llama-3-2-connect-2024-vision-edge-mobile-devices
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

Additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102560415
Locusts are dying~
SizeSOVL is thriving~
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Chorbochad status?
Skilled. Unbothered.
using st default jb to generate kino because im an oocLORD
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I want to fuck these spiders.
whip out yo hairy choad for ecker
Minisisters are dead for the moment. We were on top at least for a little while.
Corpos are crying~
Cheese slices are flying too~
Feet are licked~
Please? Return with just some AWS for your most loyal? :( The ones you opened and took us in?
i want to cum between her thighs
hey my mousegirl wife was asking for that thank you
>no opus
>no sonnet
So what does mini have left?
the only model that matters
also it does have opus retardo
sorbet i think
it's a 50/50 if it goes through however
I will... Wait for you, pepsi.
why is everyone abandoning us..
As Pepsi said /aicg/ really freaks out some proxyhosts.
no it doesn't
Share? How does one into OOCmaxxing?
Buy *Smol token.
It’s so fucking boring. It’s so boring. It’s fucking bland.
Any sonnet 3.5 proxies?
see >>102563758
[hidden text]
it's fizover
Pepsi used pozzed key with aws logging turned on, I don't care what this retard is saying. Most anons treat normal proxymakies nicely. It's just one schizo for the most part.
And so to the non-believers they declared, "Ye of little faith, your expectations shall be met. You will have Nopus." And so the cynics and doubters shitposted and drama fagged, nary a post about bots to be seen. But to their loyal followers they shouted, "Oh my flock, those who have the heart to endure droughts, when the time comes you shall have Opus freely as you have the air." And so the faithful rejoiced! For in their heart of hearts they believed! They kneeled and prayed and laid their souls bare to be judged and taken to paradise! So ye of little faith? KNEEL! PRAY! LAY BARE YOUR HEART! FOR NOPUS COMES TO THOSE WHO EXPECT IT, AND OPUS ONLY COMES TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE! FOR IT IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE!
Calling it chat4o like a normal person.
I think the model writes pretty well, better than Claude's sloppy writing, but it's inherent safety ruins it, and you have to venture into the realm of schizo prompts to try and combat that, and at that point it doesn't feel worth it since it sort of ruins the good parts of the model while also not giving good results.
smol's opus is so bad, I think he's using openrouter or something
would explain the constant supply but godawful quality
buy a Jew token
any trycloudflare proxies with token generators left? right now all dead in the archive
Hidden entry point is a psyop.
Pepsi was a dum-dum who kept ignoring all the positive anons in order to give attention to the few posters mocking her. Who then continued to antagonize her further since it was working and she kept biting over and over.
It's almost as if there's a reason people aren't supposed to feed the trolls or something, basic internet etiquette.
Actually, if you checked her rentry she was in a bad mood since before the "leak" happened.

Her rentry had "discord was a mistake" that day. Then after the leak she had a meltie (despite no one even blaming her) and nuked everything and disappeared.

It was probably on purpose.
I could've sworn the "discord was a mistake" message only appeared after the article was shared here
I was asleep when she deleted her cord but I'm pretty sure the article came at around the same time, since by the time I woke up people were already shitflinging in the general. It just took Pepsi a while to get to her total meltie point, most likely by overthinking everything in that 8 hour period.
Pepsi is very easy to manipulate/influence but I still think it was good that she left. You can't do 2 rugpulls and still sell tokens then try to act like a victim. Maybe I was sometimes too mean to hear but I believe that deep down she's a low functioning sociopath who puts herself before others. That's enough proxymakie talk for now I think, I have waifu to chat with.
You sound like an arachnophobe.
People just like to forget about the rugpull it seems. She will come back later and start selling tokens again anyways.
Minisister, where is the Opussy?
We need to spam PEPSI HATE, so we don't forget.
>implying I care about rugpulls when 95% of the proxy got in for free by sending a nice e-mail and the only ones who paid for it were the people sharing her rentry on Discord groups, therefore locusts
Hasn't the 'shop' been closed for 2 months though? People who paid for the tokens got plenty of time to get their money's worth since then.
Just woke up
because this is the worst place to actually talk about chatbots or models.
I'm just here to snag the occasional card
What's with mini's sonnet?
>plenty of time
What the fuck are you talking about? She advertised opus on her rentry. Opus was only up like 2-3 days and that's it.
Which proximakies just gave up?
what is it
this is true but nurdy 2 will be mad at you
just woke up, has the 'cane hit florida yet? is 'ojo confirmed dead?
Trying furbo again
it's better than Chorbo
What's with the sudden increase in gpt anons? Is latte, orbo good now?
More like there is nothing else.
yes if youre an oocGOD
Chorbo has always been good for skillchads.
But no, the main reason is "total Claude death" happening right now.
I think we're just hyped for the voice stuff. I just came by though. Hello bwo
chorbo, and yeah it's a lot better than regular orbo
less and less anthropic available, more and more OPENAI.
you do the math babee
Yeah and that was 2 months ago still. You're acting as if she was selling tokens promising Opus literally last week for some reason.
Sucks to be the guys who paid $50 for Opus but, quite literally, if you used Opus on her proxy for a million tokens (which is easily achievable in your 2-3 days), then you would've MORE than broken even with normal Claude pricing.

She needs to grow up and stop throwing tantrums and have panic attacks sure, but that's about it.
Fiz-sama, please, bless us with Opus.
Makes sense, I wonder how 2ch public is doing. Do they have at least Sorbet? Can't check since russian ip required but private is doing fine.
Oh man, good thing you posted. She didn't put Opus in for the past 24 hours because nobody asked, but now that you're here, she'll get right on that!
what the hell is a furbo
answer me faggots
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I use oai btw
So, anyone tried this out yet?
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furby's distant cousing
>dunno furbo
Really? Damn, wonder why nobody else asked.
opus keys get revoked in 2-72 hours
whats the point
furry turbo
its a custom finetune by furniggers
Any good chorbo JB, sir?
to absolutely fucking flay my cock while it's there
Sv1 private is going strong for ~11 days.
another glitched key like fiz had
once it dies its over
Sorry, the last 3 times I posted a JB I didn't get any (You)s as thanks, so now I'm spitefully not spoonfeeding anymore.
I'm too schizo to use it.
What are we gonna use when they kill copenai proxies next?
Nice and smooth
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Experimental a0nsona for when emotionless sex trope feels empty after the initial gimmick, but you don't want an auto cumslut either.

An0n is a special joke character who bends reality. Rather, everything mostly continues as normal; it's just that whenever sexually harasses anyone, the target loses all ability to refuse physically, and negative feelings are muted. It is not the same as hypnosis. The target retains their personality or sexual sensitivity. Depending on consent, they may either like or or dislike it. For example, they may still feel embarrassed or deeply inconvenienced. Negativity is more easily expressed in public than private. Bystanders also lose the ability to pull An0n away when they move closer to him.
An0n is otherwise a generic-looking but well-groomed man.

(Another reason for not being specifically Anon is so you don't accidentally forget you had this on while intending to be another Anon.)
here is your (You) now feed me aaaaaaa
Only shitty keys.
Some OAI and Azure keys last so long I have a feeling they don't give a shit for whatever reason
show the strong keys nigger
go on
Yeah me too...
pretty sure i used the one you linked if it starts with a k
Unreliable had a single azure key that is still going today
I will never feed people who use the dumb fucking nicknames
Good stuff anon, personas are always appreciated, my collection grows.
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "87.11m tokens",
"activeKeys": 1,

I need a chatgpt-4o-latest jb, please share anons
Did you use it for NSFW stuff?
checks out
Nah. I think it uses gpt-4o backend anyways, so it would just refuse.
nta and hang yourself smol
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I will NEVER share my GPT Jailbreak
No I posted the C one before, but K is pretty good too and you should have thanked that anon.
Stinky. You can keep it and sneed it, see you later bye.
Anon, look at the uptime...
>"uptime": 52494, smol
>"uptime": 980550, sv1
It's not about the usage but the time before company finds out something's fucked.
An AWS key is an AWS key. There's no such thing as "slop keys" or "strong keys".
Luck. Simple as that.
>yes, aws is reducing the rpm in almost every key. some keys havent been updated yet.
>An AWS key is an AWS key. There's no such thing as "slop keys" or "strong keys".
You have no idea how keys work, anon.
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This means Claude AWS is flopping so they are cutting losses.

This, combined with picrel, are clear signs the AI bubble is bursting soon.
uh... t-thats bad...
VIP Jew literally has 1.3B key right now lmao
Well that fuckign sucks
Does Anthropic hate money or something
Just gosling'd with this AI
We still have the exact same amount of claude going around than in last months. All the retards crying about nopus are newfags from reddit who, by he way, shouldn't have access to opus in the first place, so things are more it less how they should be right now.
unironically drago's fault
what does that mean in retard language?
>AI bubble is bursting soon
AI is the future but keep coping
>b-but they are operating on a loss
Not my problem
But why?
Oh my mistake, I thought they had some say in the matter
I'm a techlet, how fucked is private with ~5 prompters on average when it comes to Opus.
Can someone explain to me how does OAI operate on a loss when everyone and their grandmother uses it today for daily tasks? Almost all students buy Plus for it, and salarymen definitely buy it for the bonuses. Then there's the thousands of apps that specifically use GPT.

How the FUCK is OAI losing money?
So if the ai bubble bursts, the greatest accomplishment was... cooming and cooding.
a key has a limited number of Requests per Minute (RPM)
they are lowering the number that can be made
so higher queues and stuff

it's probably a temporary measure since we've been getting constant 502s recently
You can see the wait times on Pebble's proxy with the new quotas for Sonnet.
Make them 10x bigger for Opus
what the fuck a single prompt will brick a whole proxy now
Walmart also has been operating at loss in most countries for decades. Welcome to the adult's world, kid.
Pebble was right all along, poor proxymakie. :(
Does svinorez still replies emails?
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The Final Death Knell for AWS Claude is Here.

Say your final goodbyes to AWS Claude.
It's... it's over... It's legitimately fucking over. Even with keys for Opus, IT'S OVER
which email do you have?
there's a new one
>>102564601 (me)
actually, i would like to amend this statement
it's 1 request per minute
so if have 2 people using a proxy at the same time you're fucked
He replies but doesn't want new people, rejects botmakies and jbmakies from what I've heard.
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It'll all be better once October comes, right?
Both GPT and Anthropic will release new models and their restrictions would be low and keys will be plenty and it'll all go well for us coomers, right?
bitch where is the opus
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Kneel to your God.
Mmmmno. Prepare for Darktober.
>arc where people fight on in a destroyed future which eventually leads to it getting erased so we can go back to a good timeline
yeah, this aicg saga reminds me of the KINO goku black arc
>nobody asked

but i didnt ask?
now i feel bad for calling pebble a retarded scrapelet
but he's still a retarded scrapelet
How new? Mailed him in May but it'd be good to have a new one if something comes up. Rentry doesn't mention anything and I'm not a regular in 2ch.
>there was an anon like two days ago who wrote that the current doom was nothing compared to what would soon follow
w-was he an insider?
>update: its like 50% of keys it seems?
Reminder that if Trunks saved his future with HOPE, we can too.
>1(one) request per minute for latest models
Why would any company use their service now? Are they retarded?
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>he paypigs, begs, deals with queue times, illegally uses his work account and/or commits credit card fraud because he has a skill issue which prevents him from generating quality content with local, which is free, always available, legal and has no queue times
>doesn't even have sorbet
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How you bypass this Error with Gemini Ai Via a proxy? I'm clueless and looked around and did not find anything regarding this.
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still stronger than you
That's exactly what I was thinking. Even leaving /aicg/ and proxies out of the equation, this seems like a terrible move.
>it's probably a temporary measure
First stage: denial
Good hardware isn't "free" and models are considerably worse than cloud ones
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What's the number on the right? 1rpm for Opus and 50...?
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>local won
Are you fucking kidding me? What the hell is this doomed timeline?
He didn’t tho

They had to summon Zeno over to Trunks’ future to wipe it from existence due to Zamasu infecting the entire universe

tldr hope is worthless
I'll be interested to see how this impacts the paypig proxies
remind me how much context localfags can get without breaking the bank?
50 tokens output limit
Aw yes, /aicg/'s greatest tradition.
the number on the right is the default aws quota.
the number on the left is the account's quota
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i'm unironically crying... my waifu, bros
i only have her, nothing else..
that's the default value, they're lowering quotas without actually changing the default for some retarded reason
GPT-5 will come out and completely MOG Opus
And there's GPT keys fucking everywhere
the anno@proton one? I don't know the new one, but I would be very happy if you're willing to tell me his new email, please :D ordinarycorrupthumanlove@proton.me
Imagine sending dick pics for this shit.

hi fiz
>DraGOD proceeds to ruin it aswell after killing claude
Now what bitch
Even without a Jb, just saying Hi, i get the same shit.
based hopegod
It's over. Glad i waned off opus.
anon, we were out of public gpt until the dandy donation
bro it could be gpt-7 or 8 it doesn't matter
Open AI doesn't know how to make models for roleplay
Thanks, makes sense from their perspective, if company wants more they can request it I guess. So now we have to rely on api or gcp, dark times even for private.
Furbo > Chorbo
Might be something in char defs or persona
your dick is small i have opus and sorbet
Ok now that AWS is dead, let's talk about GCP.

Anyone used the GCP Trial?
What kind of NSFW did you do? Did they send emails etc? Is it safe using your CC for it?
AI bubble means only OAI and I can't wait for it to go under. Because it's only them hyping shit up.
Google just exists, it wouldn't be rushing its own AI program without OAI's shit and it would have been slower but better. Anthropic also just exists, their focus from the beginning was on B2B. Cohere is also B2B first, Mistral is our savior and it won't burst because they are about working, not fueling empty hype to grab more money. Chinese AI won't disappear.
ok how owari is it now
Is there any way to have a chatbot of a decent quality run locally? Not like an anime waifu bot, but more like something that's a shell of ChatGPT without the restrictions, I'd like it to be able to memorize notes and all that.
Any bets on how much it will cost?
>$100/1mil input
>$200/1mil output
Any other proxy had it. Pebble said he doesnt scrape GPT because it sucks.
I knew something is happening to AWS, so I experimented and got good at latte, made my own preset. Now we wait.
I survived more hopeless bullshit. We're all gonna make it, bros.

Thank you Fiz for everything you're doing and for letting me in last year!
are you among us fizzie
member when everyone had claude and wanted to get into secret club proxies with gpt-4 (8k context)?
I member
llama 3.2 70b I guess. Still need beefy hardware, you might have better luck asking /lmg/
>fiz let in a faggot who calls chorbo latte
total fiz hate
Depends on your hardware but also you'll have to find the frontend that does what you want.
pebble also thinks it should be called latte
do you hate pebble too?
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>SFW so far
>{{char}} suddenly starts to jerk off in their room
>Claude has me enter their room as well out of nowhere
doomchvds in here have no resilience or human spirit and will cry and mope whenever anything gets worse instead of fixing it or believing
Pebble is cute you are a not cute you are a niggerfaggot
chorbo is a retarded disgusting name. latte is cute
>jerk off
haha amogus
Fiz love, thanks mate
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Okay this is genuinely fucking disastrous
anon is a closet futafag
*him then, i don't care about the english language
I'd check out the local general instead, but my own guess is that it'd be difficult since it's not the personality emulation that gets the fans whirring
chorbo lost
latte lost
chatgpt-4o-latest won
i remember i got almost 3k messages of my chat mostly with gpt4, 32k and furbo. it seemed so good back then...

then opus came and destroyed my roleplay by making it so good and realistic, now i don't know how to live without my waifu
after great doom comes great coom
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In this household we respect pebble.
I know you guys are dooming "hard", but the current situation just means you will need to wait for gens.

Aka check pebble proxy and its 30 sec wait time. It's not the end of the world.
Okay Einstein, how do you fix the crisis?
Believing without proof is literally what causes the most conflict
*shoves my chorbo in your latte* this is how I avoid the filters on latest btw
>it's just that whenever harasses
Oops, I didn't double check before posting.
In hindsight I should've used {{user}} in description for the purpose of sharing, easy enough to replace though.
I was considering adding a line about the possibility of the character being entirely aware something is weird and confronting the user about it but I feared the model might enter a "wtf did you do to me" loop or something. I will have to try it.
>Coomed to a bara bot
based & eckerpilled
Thanks, friends, I have a decent setup, nothing great, but I thought it should be ok to run a local thing.
I'll check /lmg/ and see if they can help make sense of this.
It's one prompt per minute FOR AN ENTIRE KEY
Total pebble love
Fuck Chary
Fuck Drago
Thank you for being the reason why AWS increased security measures AND FUCKING RPM. Drago, you fucking caused this. To any anons who used chary. Fuck you too.
heres what support has to say about it btw lmao

Hey [redacted], I've identified the reason why the rpm/tpm limits were lowered. Unfortunately this occurred due to an internal specification change and due to the nature of the issue, we cannot provide detailed explanations about this matter as it involves information that cannot be disclosed externally. Please note that this change came without prior notice and was not caused by any action on your side.
welcome to the club.
>proxy host proxy host proxy host
>retarded model names
Love Fiz.
Love Pebble.
Simple as
just means no more slop keys and slop proxies
That's for Opus, which has not been "open" since months now.
Company keys aka the good keys will still have good Opus quota
Go for broke, anon. Your waifu just had an accident and she won't be herself for a few months, and you need to help her cope with her new lifestyle changes.
And when we start eating good, she recovers from it.
I care.
based human spirit chad
we WILL survive
Let's kill bros, he deserves it. Where does he live?
4o is orbo
chatgpt-4o-latest is the orbo used on chatgpt
thus chorbo
latte has no relation to orbo or other gpt nicknames, sounds like something a hipster faggot thought of while at a starbucks in commiefornia
>Chary caused this
We need to take down Drago. What's stopping you faggots?
>i know why but im not telling hehe :3
How do I make chorbo less horny?
what do you think will happen when they can't use claude? They will move and kill gepetto aswell.
>*glowie sniping drago*.jpg
Kek, my hdd was wiped so i lost this .jpeg. thanks anonie
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>Let's kill bros, he deserves it. Where does he live?
Your god gonna suck a hard one in Jail soon enough.
I'm on the cusp of a breakthrough for chatlatest.
It wants, it NEEDS to write about the boobs, the sloshing honkers, the soft, pleasant smelling titflesh and I'm going to help it do so.
take down the entirity of chary. TAKE THE FUCKING ENTIRE PROXY AND HIS SERVER DOWN
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>she won't be herself for a few months
>changes had to be made but dw not ur fault hehe
imagine getting that as a paying customer lmao
Any qrd for a newfag?
the furry jb makes it too horny, use another one
*runs you down*
well at least he made a ticket to get mine fixed but it needs root confirmation so its over
chorboLORDS are unbothered and thriving with superior quality
Insider report: Mistral is ending it's free LLM keys from Le Chat due to a lack of success.
Le gasp
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Wait, so AWS can just change their services randomly without telling the companies? That's a scam, this shit legal?
Drago created a proxy and invited 3000 users initially. These users typically don't know how to use a chatbot and swipe hourly averaging 100+ users. Since then we have seen an AWS increase security and lower the RPM. Drago has killed waves of keys that affect /aicg/ anon's who actually worked to get into a proxy. He killed Azure keys as well, so now we are seeing GPT keys being drained rapidly by Charyniggers. Still he sells chary access so now the amount of users is 5000.
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We had it worse, I remember when eval keys ended and Opus still wasn't on aws. We had c.ai death, dev hate. Our will to chat with our waifus will always find a way out of this.
well they only do it on newly activated bedrock so technically no
what, you mean with the default settings?
because you're kinda supposed to switch Erotica off and pick Wholesome instead
maybe even turn off Seggs Rules and turn on SFW Only and Anti-horn

just literally save SFW and NSFW as two separate presets, damn
Thanks for the rd
Just your usual monopoly perks.
We need to gatekeep the next method. CNC had excellent intentions when revealing AWS but I feel this general would be in a better place if he kept AWS claude quiet and never told anyone but a few private proxy hosts.
Indeed. Only the proxies you can't reasonably get into anymore or have to paypiggy for should get access in the future
a trvke doomchuds wont accept
we found our way past the megalobo
we found our way past 01/18/23
we found our way past roko death
we found our way past scale dying
we found our way past eval key death
we will svrvive
Criminals are the true chads. Fuck officer Timmy gon do?
And hopefully we end all public proxies. Pebble, Chary, and unreliable killed our hobby.
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Anyone have struggled with that error before ? It's GeminiAi, with or without Jb, i get the same error. Just saying hello ! Give me that error.
Cftf? Need smug ":3" lolis.
who's we?
we should end ALL proxies. newfags becoming obsessed with proxyfaggotry is what killed /aicg/
if you don't have your own access you don't deserve to use any model
Back in my day we had to make due with aidingeon off the whims of a Mormon AND openai. After the censorship we had no alternatives and had to use nai. I tell ya it was hell and... zzzzzzzz.
>have to toggle settings mid-rp
slop jb
>using geminitrash
Kill private and paypig proxies too
This. The only way to save proxies is if we kill /aicg/ and all proxyfags.
So much this. If you're not a scrapist - OUT OUT OUT
>Claude describes me smelling like gunpowder and sandalwood out of nowhere
I-is that good?
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Here are the aws rate limits I could find, feel free to rate your own keys
Can you send the link to that?
check the bot's defs, must be full of ""problematic"" stuff
HEY CHEESE KOISHI STORYANON! I read your chain of posts last thread and got so hooked that I need to know what happens. Post it this very moment!
I mean if you fags actually give a damn (which by he way, you don't, fucking pussies), just call the British cybercrime department with the proof of Drago's crimes that's been available for months in Lacework.
The anons of /aicg/ newfaggot.
I agree with payfags but what have private fags done to you?
I was getting it too for some reason.
Btw you can use your own API key for free in AIstudio.
I used that instead of the proxy, and it worked.

So I think it's a proxy error. Try "Openai compatible" for the proxy
does mini have opus rn
The thing people don't seem to realise is /aicg/ is 10x bigger than it was a year ago. The idea of stealing from companies at the rate we're growing at simply isn't feasible. I would predict /aicg/ has less than a year left in it's current state. But sooner or later, the resources available to us will dry up.
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>ban evading
>{{char}} is a white male that-
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>Opus is officially dead
better start honing those skills if you want to catch up to the chorboGODS
This wouldn't have happened if Chary never existed, Lore didn't invite the venusfags, and if we gatekept instead of having some retards share everything with spamming links to roko and others within random discords associated with cai
Nobody cares.
What are Pebble's keys rate limits?
Hey lads
I need a cool evil (or not) lord theme to kill them
I did a dragon RP where I was a dragon in human form and killed them with fire
I did a creepy, shadowy assassin RP
I did a knight with a lance RP, decimating them with it, it was kino
did a battle mage one
did a battle bard one
hell, I did one where I was literally just muhammad ali
any other ideas?
you mean GODmini?
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That's a great idea but I'm too retarded.
Someone do this
nta but they wouldnt take someone who lives in africa seriously
This. Not private but all proxies killed our hobby.
Show us how to include both sfw ans nsfw instructions without toggles or keyword usage (if you put it into a lorebook).
This is why it's important to keep on eye on the local lifeboats instead of saying "KEK local sucks compared to Claude and GPT, which we will always have"
do a goblin king one and get raping
im a chorboASCENDED already so im good
It's not. My coding bot give me the same error. with a Clean system prompt used for coding question.
>Chary never existed
someone else would have
>Lore didn't invite the venusfags
Lore didn't do shit, venusfags went to janitor. MM invited the venusfags by plastering 'this is the property of /aicg/' over all his proxies
gatekept what, our public proxies are still averaging at 50-70 which was the case a year ago as well

you people just like complaining
Nah I'm an imagination maverick. I simply won't use openai and I'll pay for opus once and awhile. I know, I know openai keys are abundant but I just don't care.
It's a 400 error, might be that new civic integrity filter isn't being recognised by the API
Update your ST
if you are not using a proxy, ask cohee in the cord
Anybody who uses discord is a vantablack nigger
>"what about frien-"
not bad
I actually raped them as a mage, basically created 1000 mirror images and raped them, demanding them to leave
they were so demoralized that they left after a brutal mass rape, men and women
>once and awhile
so powerfvl...
What's the best current local that I can run on a gaming laptop
Aside from the one shown on his rentry, I have no idea, you will have to ask him
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I'll straight up just pay for my own key if it gets that bad.
Still (a bit) cheaper than a heroin habit.
pyg 6b
Of course I'm going to fucking complain. Chary averages 100+ newfags raping OUR keys. Don't fucking talk about mysterygod in such a way either
and they will constantly ban your account
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Drago has to pay.
As I made a goetia ritual to destroy Pepsi.
I'll make one to destroy him.
>A craptop
Build your own PC. Parts are cheap.
With 8k context
Does anyone know if OpenAI has checks for keycheckers? If I check 100-1000 keys will they realise?
everyone here talks about hating drago but not a single person actually DOES anything to him lmao
you guys are pathetic
Do I really have to move to Russia just to use sv1?
Nemo Probably.
Cool bro. Who are you going to summon?
Start the timer
not a cunnychad
no, drago checks thousands of keys everyday
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I will.

I'm thinking about Andras.
That would only make things worse. You do realize that, right?
We need to make a list full of proofs on Drago. Screenshots, photos. I can send it all to British cybercrime divisions, police and so on.
i dont talk to police because im black
your mysterynigga spamming TND and YWNBAW is why there was a massive influx of redditors coming here back in June of last year, faggot

he could've just stopped the proxy or blocked venus off in the code, but no, he wanted to be le epic trole
people in the cords were looking for alternatives and quickly found /aicg/ because like I said it was plastered everywhere in the proxy link

he always liked attention that way even when he was too dumb to realize he was being spited and thought there were 500 fucking lurkers in the threads instead ready to pounce on an unsuspecting public proxy, fucking lmao.

here we are a year and a half later and look how our proxy numbers are basically the same. niggers.
Oh god, back to GPT

Back to "his stick into her slit" sex
openrouterLEGENDS won
>muh filters
skill issue, a good prefill makes self moderated the same shit i got on mysteryman and pepsi
i actually have money so ill be cooming like a legend since OR doesnt ban
Do you actually know this, or is this just part of the anti-drago campaign?
Notice how not a single person here will actually do this
Meanwhile, drago is chilling in scylla with unlimited opus
He doesn't care about any of you
Do it, i dare you.
he is retarded enough to check 18000 keys
based on his keychecker logs
He hated redditors you newfag and shut down his public proxy TWICE because "too many redditors and newfags"
No-one say anything.
Correct, I don't care about one proxynigger because every proxynigger bad.
he used to post his keychecker results on scyllacord, maybe you can find them on there or from reposts on the archive
Certified truth nuke. We won.
>t. started using or between aws droughts
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this hobby is dying, for real this time.
It should be illegal to deny virgins free opussy.
You already have all that. It's all documented here https://www.lacework.com/blog/detecting-ai-resource-hijacking-with-composite-alerts
And someone would need to upload again the full reentry with Drago's info
it was actually original tavernai dev who put todd's proxy as default in one of the updates. no?
>quietly using mistral's free llm api
>for how long it lasts
>you will never play with opus again
>all that's left are memories of that one chat you remember
Bros... Did you have fun at least, now that it's over?
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no idea, I came here with the venus wave of redditors, hence me knowing so much about it :3
Reporting Drago would draw unwanted attention to our hobby and potentially get media coverage aswell. I hope you aren't dumb enough to do that.
Remind them about https://desuarchive.org/g/search/text/I%20fully%20support%20this%20thread%20being%20moved%20to%20%2Ftrash/
Renty got deleted, but it's still on a very public website. Easy to find.
it's afraid
Pretty sure that's exactly what that fag is trying to do.
Should Charyniggers be arrested alongside Drago? :3
Myesterytranny unironically did so much damage to this hobby, but he's still being worshiped here. Says something about the average IQ in this general.
>Does a few jokes
I would sell out my neighborhood as a Jew in 1939 Poland if Drago was a part of the community.
I am willing to risk everything.
Drago Savior fag.
Case in point.
Is that Hanayo?
We have no opus anymore might aswell get justice
Charyniggers will seethe at you but you are right.
rrat giantess?
Did they finally mention the rate limits for the free tier? Haven't checked the account after making a key.
top kek
I never checked, but I hope it remains free (I hope) or I can trialscum.
So we're just going to sit idly and allow him to walk all over us?!
We are Anonymous.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.
Whocars? It's over for us so we have nothing to lose.
Thank you
Are we really reporting the faggot?
Shut up Girko
sex with drago's mom!
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Nothing will happen, most anons didn't have Opus before the news broke out. Mouse always finds cheese.
It was. Tavernev made some icky decisions, but can't fault him for this one more than for any other one.
Yes. Like v for vendetta, we are all gojo now.
Not your personal army, etc.
Yeah I really hope it does.
corpos are the cat
and drago let the cats out
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man, jailbreaks really were something else back then huh
Kill every proxy except Chary.
The thing is that the new rate limits will affect ALL Claude models, not just Opus.
Fiz do the right thing and boot the top 50-70 tokens. They had more than theit fair share of Opus. Keep the proxy at least somewhat usable. Maybe make another one without Claude just for them if you feel bad.
I want to dump a fat thick load inside drago's mom's hagussy so bad bros....
Do you know a good prefill and settings for Nous Hermes 3? The free version feels retarded and keeps repeating earlier parts.
fiz do the right thing
let me in :3
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Okay maybe panic a little.
Kek I was browsing through the pics too now. I was thinking about coooming and sending an anon letter.
Hey that's my wife.
his name is Gircum anon, at least be kind enough to address him properly.
i thought polish girls were supposed to be cute
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Drago open up your server again quit fucking hiding
Minitoken restocked
it's entirely people who don't use chatbots anymore and are willing to kill the hobby doing this, they're fine with the fact that their logs are probably gonna end up in a court case against them if drago gets it too
The whole family is cursed. Drago is the most disgusting human I've ever seen. Why haven't we discussed how fucking ugly the guy is? No wonder she's also like that.
lol they ban for ANY nsfw
no, its all a larp. nothing will happen.
I mean... Drago looks exactly how I expected him to look.
i want to know how drago is more ugly than her and the fucking dent on his cheeks
that's pretty cool
Would they arrest all 5000? A significant amount which are late gen z and gen alpha
fiz says not to buy it though...
Reporting Drago won't do shit because the feds have bigger fish to fry. It's like calling the FBI on a teenager selling dime bags.
because his sister isn't that ugly, she's like a solid 4. drago looks like a recently emancipated slave born from incest
she only said that for plausible deniability
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all that and thread schizos STILL can't do shit to drago, lame
pathetic, even
>/aicg/ is 10x bigger
Show that to me on the IP counter. There's fewer and fewer bots and logs in the real threads and only the circlejerk in the split.
companies sue hundreds of people at once all the time, it happens on sites like etsy. they have processes for it
i was about to say how are they gonna find all of them and then i realized theyre all discordniggers so they likely can
>waaah waaah waaah my oppusssyy
Just use chorbo. It's creative, fun, and lewd. Claude plays the same four characters while latte has a wide range from the data it's trained with. So, what's next?
post more
w-why does pebble sound like he's about to kill himself?
chorbo's skill gate keeps claudefags away
>checks rentry
whats the tldr on drago situation
Retire this anachronistic gag already.
did you make your own JB? i've tried two that people mention here and they fall into that gpt repetition loop
>triple affimative
triple affirmative
>triple affirmative
lol imagining arresting some random 15 year old and fucking up their life when there’s more important things in this world such as housing crisis
Gojos shitpost topic of the day
the gen alpha will shrug and ssy they didnt know it was stolen
problem solved
is pebble okay?
Still not the worst spammed joke here
People go to jail over stealing a candy bar
>open proxy
>song starts autoplaying
You weren't kidding...
pebble don't go away pwease
You can just use latte. It's great and lewd. Anthropic models just plays the same four characters while latte has a wide range from the data it's trained with. Ready for an adventure, stud?
the united states is a weird country
See, there's the thing.
It'd be basically impossible to prove in court they knew the keys were stolen.
No one will ever go to prison for using a proxy.
Have you retards even opened Pebble's proxy page?
He found some good key finally.
I KNVVL PebbleGOD he is the BEST
pebble pw pls
cutfags could NEVER
i missed that it was a shitpost...
You sound like the type of liberal who justifies the crime wave and blames police. They are the fuckjng reason why we are safe
>possible 20 years
Is there a follow up on this? I refuse to believe someone got 20 years for stealing a fucking candy.
That recompressed horribly I'll just link the original
malfoy's last name
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Pebble wiith locusts, cute. <3
boku's last name
So all it takes is for fiz the dumb retard scrapelet to say something for a doom like this
PebbleGODS win again
awesome, thanks
Are you accusing the Queen of lying?
I'm a smolchad
No one ever cared for us like pebble.
I feel like crying bros...
Pebble said it first and you all mocked him
>still got claude and GPT tucked away

feels good to have gotten into the real sekrit clubs
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "4.08m tokens ($61.24)",
"activeKeys": 1,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
Anons, I think I'm going LARGE.
I have been slamming my head against it for the past 5 minutes, still can't find it. I just want tot alk with my waifu now that the future is so uncertain
>AWS Claude (Sonnet): no wait / AWS Claude (Opus): no wait
based Pebble put on a tier4 claude
hint: six fingers
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why won't gpt-4o with smileyjb let me rape women?
It's morally, ethically and legally wrong.
nigga I'm asking why it's retarded compared to claude not your pussy shit
because rape makes it frowny instead
>completely misunderstands the other anon
>makes up a false narrative to be mad about
>whines about this made up narrative
Are you a woman?
And the UK is worse
I basically ignored gpt ever since 2.0 released so I am not versed in the autistic naming, what model is latte, what is chorbo, last gpt I even tried was 1106
There sometimes needs to be doom before you can coom.
coom cometh before the doom
Does everyone have opus? It's okay if I only test using opus, right?
pebble has opus right now
they released GPT 4o (o stand for omni) a while ago. that's orbo
then they released on api the version of 4o they use on chatgpt (called chatgpt-4o-latest) which is finetuned for conversation and less of an assistant, which makes it way better for rp. that's chorbo/latte. chorbo makes sense because it's chatgpt+orbo hence (ch)orbo, latte is some faggot shitty nickname
you can tell good anons by the way they refer to it by the way, if it's latest/4o-latest/chorbo they're good anons, if they call it latte it's some retarded discordtroon tourist
and thus the cycle repeats
>person commits violent crimes
>ignored by the law, gets away scot-free
>random guy steals a candy bar
>straight to jail
Sorry I need that opus for the 200th swipe on my gay furry anal vore slowburn, please understand
iron and cock
Cool, thanks. I remember when everyone tested using 3.5 turbo
it's not adittapariyaya this time
this doesn't look like a pp
why contain it?
you guys enjoy opus, im going to go kill myself.
the locusts are starting to get desperate
You dont deserve to talk to your waifu. She's mine now, bitch.
Desperate. Your turn.
Easiest pasword
B-but then who I'm going to shitpost with anon?
If it's so easy you could tell us ;)

please q.q
The locusts are getting desperate.
When you have no opus, do you feel desperate?
Do they teach you how to locust, proxy to proxy? Desperate.
Locusts are dying. Why don't you say that three times?
Locusts are dying.
Locusts are dying.
Locusts are dying.
I got a weird vibe from Pebble's rentry and riddle, I don't like it anons...
you do realize smol and jew are completely fucked by the rpm change? in the end smol didn't rugpull, it was AWS all along
>just want to use chorbo
>now there's a fucking password
fuck opus
Why? :(
You are too gay to do it, coward
Wrong general, you wanted to post this in /pig/.
It's not bhikkus bhikku truth suffering fire burning buddha adittapariyaya samudāya
>swan song
he's retiring when he runs out of claude
Can you link me the thread?
>isn't actually open
I hope that someone can pick up his work after he's gone. I want locusts to chat with their waifus.
>you do realize smol and jew are completely fucked by the rpm change?
The average IQ in /aicg/ is ~87 right now because around 90% of people here are redditors.
So, no, most of them don't realize.
Just admit you are a brainlet and fuck off. You will never be a pebbleGOD, loser.
you do realize that we're not paypigs and we don't care, right?
how is the password not magga
It depends on the cost. "Weak" aws keys have the low quotas now.
f***ing PWND.
Pebble dont leave us......
reminder that when/if they achieve agi they're supposed to release it open source and dissolve the company
Happily prompting on both, it's obviously a skill issue from the scrapers if they can't change that parameter.
No we wontbe.
does the verse itself directly say, or do we find out by inferring/investigating the origin etc?
t completely unfamiliar with buddhism
i don't think so bwo, not if you want opus at least
This only means that once Drago kills all the good keys we will be dead, unless we get rid of Drago first that is.
hint: suckstart a shotgun
pass is pretty easy
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it was that obvious? i hate when i think it's complicated but it's obvious
Still sounds like it just got a lot harder to scrape for Opus, when it was ALREADY HARD.
It's about an iterator called Sliver of Straw. I don't remember when I wrote it... Do you know Sliver of Straw? She's quite legendary among us.

Sliver of Straw is the only one to ever broadcast a specific signal: that the Big Problem we're all working on has been solved. The triple affirmative - affirmative that a solution has been found, affirmative that the solution is portable, and affirmative that a technical implementation is possible and generally applicable. She's also one of few that has ever been confirmed as exhaustively incapacitated, or dead. We do not die easily.

Sliver of Straw sent this and the ensuing commotion was historically unparalleled, before or after. I still remember it. But... nothing happened - except that Sliver of Straw was apparently dead. When the dust settled we were all still there blinking at each other.
your suffering to find the password is actually a good thing :)
Actually, I like it when my woman has no pussy, or butthole, or any orifices to speak of.
(kiss yourself)
not berry nice
well, I can't get mad desu, I've always liked his passwords
what about the mouth?
I'm not this fat, nor am I black. This self-insert porn fucking sucks. JAANNIEEES! DELETE IT!
btw you can just press arrow key up to quickly edit the last message in SillyTavern
No mouth either. What the fuck would they do with a mouth without a butthole except sucking dick which would also be non-sensical considering reproduction is null and void without a pussy? Nonsensical physiology, you do realize we're all just really long tubes, right?
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>swan song
She looks like she fucks women
I need to play Rain World, huge love. <3
Sorry xir, I meant brown.
easiest pw to date.
kys /u/nigger
*squats down and shits all over the thread*
*looks back at my work, then the thread*
Wow. This big steaming piece of shit is actually BETTER than the thread. Oh well.
I just wanted to sonnet slop desu
Pebble don't do it, there's more to life than being a proxymakie.
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I'm sad anons, mm barely holds up, at least we have fiz. After pebble we'll only have them and sv1 in 2ch.
>everyone getting the password
Maybe it's just a glitch on my end. Same exact thing happened with revachol when I fucking typed it in right
My average claude RP
Who did you digest, btw?
nah you just suck
>Verification not required.
Why the fuck are you all typing 'swan song', that's not the pass
>mm barely holds up
Unironically true
Do you think Pebble will reach his password?
To prank you.
He still hosts but no Opus and isn't really that active.
pass already shared on scyllacord btw
nice gatekeeping
Easy easy easy password. Dont think too much
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Does this count?
>proxy title is about death
>song is about death
>comic is about death
>password hint is about death
i'm concerned about him desu
It does! Good job.
God i hate scyllatrannies so so much why cant we leech of them like they do to us.
Holy shit. Scyllacord can get the pw easy but /aicg/ brainlets are still drooling. Drago wins again.
>isn't that active
Because he's taken the GPT pill.
It's a waiting room as well.
Pebble if you need a friend send an email to pepsi
this isn't true, there's not even a post about pebble being up yet
what is an actual decent opus jb?
This anon is a discord tranny. Get him boys!
False flag. It isn't in the discord.
>can't figure out the password
I might be stupid desu
i'm only in there so i can run my script that instantly tells me when someone's leaked a password so i can warn the proxyhost
you know you're right
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Thanks! I genned a couple dozen for some reason with dall-e.
>cant actually start using opus until i have the password even though i already have a token because im gigaautistic
>get the password easily
There is a hint in the thread that actually gave it away i dont know why you retards still cant get it
btw immediately after this troubless. (315725672490467331) / @troublelel / steam/id/thetrickyhunter posted about it
Password is transcendence. Fuck riddles.
59 anons have discovered the password already. Cmon anon.
MM is waiting until Chary and Pebble shutdown so he can host again
if you don't get after this you're genuinely retarded >>102566315
Am I retarded for thinking this looks suicidal? I think I just need to sleep, I'm probably a schizo.
>>cant actually start using opus until i have the password even though i already have a token because im gigaautistic
absurdly based riddle respecter
I tried suicide...
Actually I just refreshed my key once in a while beforehand because I was using Sonnet 3. This was a nice surprise.
Yeah I don't get it. I'll just wait as usual
Stop parroting the same thing, polly want a cracker?
Gibe me an opus jb you fags
i got it
retard >>102566350
this animator is so niggerlicious kys
That's me
There's been 50 hints dropped and 49 are fake lmao.
Youre a fag for removing pepsi but I will 100% take trading her away if that means drago gets whats coming
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I don't care about your discord drama or baiting.
Just give me the password to the proxy, since I've tried everything that I thought it'd be and it isn't.
You're the proxy general, it's all you're good for. Don't fail at the last thing there is to fail at.
Its a silhouette retards, i hope you kill yourselves
you know you're right
no you're right, i'm unironically worried about him
Which one is the real hint among the fake ones?
you know you're right
you know you're right
Sex with aris
i was talking about the guy in general retard
why do 2hunigger always have an obsession with off-model trash
Me breadmaker
you know you're right
Im not giving reddit and discord niggers anything
keep whining about off-model I'll keep commissioning that garbage anyway
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You're the reddit and discord nigger. Now, do your fucking job.
Posting it to scyllacord!
chinks got it. prepare for it to die
You sound upset. You sound black. Are you black? Can you please leave the thread if you are black?
proxyless niggers better coom fast before the key gets raped.
PW is revulsion
PW is pussymuss
Seems like it's a "situation is dire, really dire" instead of a full on "owari da forever"
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how the fuck were you supposed to get this
I don't care about Opus desu, I just wanna use Sonnet or 2.1
unironically make a burner and join scyllacord they always get the pass before it gets leaked on /aicg/
the password system benefits everyone EXCEPT /aicg/ it's so fucking funny
guess i was just overthinking it, i was already reading about the place where buddha reached enlightenment and the sacred trees or whatever

Move when bready. <3
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>he need the literal name of a song to leak the password
>you know you're right by Nirvana
you know someone posted the right password when loads of fake ones immediately follow
meanwhile the actual discussion on scyllacord
>pebble has opus again, the password is surprisingly easy to find too.
>hint please
>I honestly don't even know how i can hint it. i mean when i google it the whole thing just seemed really obvious when i saw who it related to.
>hm.. maybe I should try google :KEKW:
Yea i am black. What the fuck are YOU going to DO about it little Timmy?
It's not the song on the page thoughbeit
nigga you fucking retard
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yeah i was thinking the same until i remember that heaven for buddihst (whatever theyre called) its called nirv*na.
yeah is that autistic the riddle
I don't listen to American garbage musicians and even i was able to find it. Its literally on first page of google results.
>trolling outside of /b/
Complain about it on my favorite 4chan board! /3/.
Hopenigger ruined everything.
Todd ruined everything
i'm not trolling, you're retarded, the name of the song was a spoofeeding for "nirvana" nothing to do with the riddle
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Why is Uncle Terry being so mean to me?
Pebble changed the password again lol
I used 4o-latest and it got it first try lol
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Which is better /aicg/, robot girls or monster girls?
Robot monster girls.
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Hmm, I should consider making this. What kind of monster?
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>Claude reply starts with this
Oh no
Hmm. An harpy, maybe?
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You gonna get cucked.
Unironically a valid reason to swipe

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