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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>102548479

>Beginner UI
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Model Ranking

>Models, LoRAs & training


>Pixart Sigma & Hunyuan DIT
Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels

>Index of guides and other tools

>Try online without registration
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium

>Maintain thread quality

>Related boards
Blessed thread of pixart frenship
Is there a release date on new pixart or it's just a soon™?
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I asked on stable diffusion general and they were utterly useless, thought you lot might be more knowledgeable

I've only ever used promptchan which didn't really get results like what I want.
What would be the best method to generate pictures with a lot more stylized anatomy like pic related rather than generic anime style?
huffslove, jek, foresttherotten, bandlebro, all that similar thicc shortstack with exaggerated cartoonish proportions. not interested in the generic anime style most often associated with ai
2 weeks anon
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First for I wasn't picked in the collage.

keep strong
autism mix probably. i believe the OP of /hdg/ still has a link to the spreadsheet with all the artists already in that model. if it's not in it, a style lora would work.
>not interested in the generic anime style most often associated with ai
go fuck yourself.

Ask /csdg/.
>how dare you not like the thing I like
This new one https://civitai.com/models/795765/illustrious-xl might be of use to you
Use Checkpoints trained by furries.
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It's official, the RTX 3090 is gonna have 32gb of VRAM
changs in overdrive, i can feel it in my bones. /ldg/ always was and will be the official pixart bigma waiting room
who tf is that guy
Who the fuck is this guy? Why do we have to believe his words?
he asked for help while shitting on people.

because people have been imagining numbers for months.
he has leaked a ton of correct info in the past
how does saying they aren't interested in a specific style equate to shitting on anyone?
>he has leaked a ton of correct info in the past
if this is true it's a good news desu, I really expected Nvdia to blueball and go for 28gb
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LDG has full faith in ChinaMen
I believein the open source community.
Furry adjacent models should do fine, they're surpisingly versatile, especially if you play around with inpainting. I use Pony finetunes for all sorts of monsters and monstergirls. There's also plenty good loras for pony that focus on western or cartoonized artstyles.
>open sores community
speaking of, what happened to that whole OMI - Open Models Initiative thing, did they do anything?
about as much as Civitai's Artist in Residence initiative, so nothing
The only model related news I found on their server mentioned "'working on data and training pipelines".
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give her crystal armpit hair
i miss the old bakers desu they had more spunk
Making a flux jailbreak Lora since all the existing ones suck.
I finally know how gynecologists and urologists feel. I don’t want to see another naked human for the rest of my life.
I'm still here, but usually not around when threads fill up to bake. Either way glad to see my collage initative sticked around.
Stable Diffusion 1.6

Is it available?
bigma anon? do you read me?
You should reevaluate your life
copy that. commencing operation nvidia nuke.
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what are the implications of having 32gb on the comfort of your home?
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>it was revealed to me in a wet dream
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you can run flux dev more easily on fp16, you can add loras, controlnet, whatever on top of it and it won't overflow, training will be easier because you have more vram, maybe it'll even be possible to make a full finetune flux with 32gb of vram
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>maybe it'll even be possible to make a full finetune flux with 32gb of vram

kek, still dreaming about this?
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>kek, still dreaming about this?
I have come to detest this mouth-breathing, glassy-eyed, neotenous phenotype so much it beggars description. I hate the 1girl, I HATE THE 1GIRL
an anon can dream
I meant as a local model.
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Just look at them 2 at the time and 1 girl part will be fixed. Also ignore the fked up fingers,
me too anon, me too
It's a troll
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No, cropping and editing descriptions of 700 highres macro closeups of cocks is exactly where I wanted to be in my mid 30s.
or maybe anon just has brainrot
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I truly fucking hate joycaption/llm sometimes, the cheeky little descriptions you have to go through and remove
>showcasing the artist's skill in capturing the essence of anime.

I might just do it bros, I might just go back to booru prompt training
if your dataset ain't humongous, you could do it manually, maybe you'd teach it some natural language description while at it
Captioning is largely placebo.
I know..
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Wow, that's crazy.
I have about 500 datasets I want to bake into loras most of which are around 150 images each after cutting out the less ideal images, best I'm willing to do is go through what is shit out and edit it
when I don't caption my loras they're like 1000% weaker, to the point it feels like they don't do anything, even when its bordering fried from high LR and steps
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>when I don't caption my loras they're like 1000% weaker

Depends on the dataset. Captioning can make it go either way.
> Also ignore the fked up fingers,
I will ignore the entire image
I used it for a star trek one and it ended probably 60% of them with “The scene has a tone of X and Y, typical of the Star Trek franchise.” It also thought literally every human being was Picard.
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ching chong ping pong
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skill issue.
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So I discovered one way to reliably get shitty social media style photos out of FLUX

Take a photo with the colors you want, and in photoshop hit it with the dust and scratches filter, I set it to 120 pixel radius and threshold 4 levels, so it looks like picrel. Then you use this for img2img and you set denoise to a high number but not 100%, in my case 90% with sgm uniform scheduling.

Flux is strange with img2img. The image's properties stick around even more powerfully than in SD models unless you denoise 100%. So the visual properties of the input have an outsized effect on what you get. With an image like this to start there's a good chance at 90% denoise you get blurry artefact-filled photos most of the time (assuming the prompt isn't fighting hard against that result), whereas with prompting alone that can be very hard to get.
here is an example result where I even dropped the "crappy digital photo on facebook" part of the prompt I'd been using and replaced it with "nice digital photo" to encourage FLUX to work against the inclination of the input image, and it still managed to produce blur and artefacts (although other results didn't).
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Cool, but why would you want your image to have this much jpeg?
That kind of image is weird. It's a composite.
My guess is a pony realism checkpoint
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I would like to train a fine tune of SDXL using 512x512 images to output images in the style of the game I'm making. I know I could use a LORA and 1.5, but I need to be very sparing in my use of VRAM, and 1.5 does not seem to support flash attention using GGML. Are there any guides to easily train SDXL? Could I even end up making something akin to SDXL Turbo?
A while back someone posted a github link to a booru tagger UI that was similar to https://github.com/starik222/BooruDatasetTagManager
but it looked like it had a much cleaner UI

I've been looking through archives for like 2 hours but can't find it. Anyone happen to have it or any ideas what it was?
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also here's an early 2000's nu metal album cover
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any idea if SD1.6 is different from SD1.5?
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Can anybody generate an image that looks like this?
im so lonely
dude, code it. A shitty effort is going to get 400 of them.
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how bad is wot?
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bump for question
1.6 never gained traction. Presumably it's different but you'd have to use the online inference to test since it's not local.

>Why aren't there parts models?
For the same reason we don't have "pussy" models, just models that can do pornography. Perhaps there exists models specifically for autos. Search Civitai or Huggingface.
>I assume that a specialized model would be smaller, faster, more accurate.
See above.
the question was why don't we have specific models instead of generalized ones.

How would you search on these sites? Civit doesn't have a category to eliminate the major models. Other just returns things that weren't labelled correctly. Searching random nouns on HF isn't going to do anything. Is there a search function that I can eliminate things? There are only a dozen base models in the text-to-image space as far as I know.
File deleted.
>why don't we have specific models instead of generalized ones
we do, they are called loras. Having a full model do one specific thing is fucking stupid. You get a lora to bring out the specific details you want.
>own 4080 since early 2023
love it, should have been much more vram tho
>5080 specs revealed
>still 16gb
Lmao, Jesus Christ
Can loras be trained with tag weighting using kohya_ss?
>just search for it
>your idea is stupid

you sure you shouldn't be in /sdg/
you can't read. What you want is a lora for a base model. And yes, your "idea" is stupid. Don't post on 4chan if your skin is that fucking thin.
I'll stop nogen.


Welp. My 750w PSU powering my 3090 ain't enough for this one.

If 5090 actually has 32gb I'll buy it.
If it's 28gb or less I'll buy a used 4090 for half the price.
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>For the same reason we don't have "pussy" models
We do have “cock” models though
That is a hard sell. I would need to run that card 16 hours a day to recoup what you would pay in the cloud. Maybe more if they give another 40% price bump.

interested. Post link please.
>>5080 specs revealed
>>still 16gb
6950 chads drinking FINE WINE tonight.
Well, what happened is that nvidia actually failed to generate ipc gains. :^)
I doubt the 80 series cards will ever go beyond 16GB. They're gamer focused, and higher vram needs are AI or Blender work. AMD can't get their shit together with drivers, so maybe once their datacenter cards flop (let's be real, it's inevitable), they'll come crawling back and make a halo pc card. Or maybe Intel will drop a 32GB consumer card and force nvidia to reconsider. Until then, better get ready to drop cash on a 5090 or hunt down a used 6000 Ada after blackwell saturates.
I HATE FOOD - it makes me FAT
I HATE WOMEN - they are rude or ugly or fat, usually all three
I have decided that AMD will release a 7950 with 64gb of memory. Once I have spoken, as weaver of the fates of men, it is as well as finished.
granted, the firmware is so bad the drivers crash every other gen. And the ram is set on different buses, so cross chip ram latency is extremely high. enjoy.
I hate being fat enough that I got tirzepatide this year. It works and I lost like 50lb but I’m so lazy that I don’t always take it every week.
Still better than giving jensen money.
Did you find yourself wearing dresses and crying a lot?
There’s a penis tag on civit, but I meant https://civitai.com/models/784981 which is mine and was intentionally fried on close ups at a high learning rate as a POC to see if word substitution was useful for jailbreaking. The answer was “yes probably” so now I’m rerunning with a generalized 300 image dataset with multiple word substitutions on “bad” words like “sex” and “cunt” that flux has poisoned by making them mean “person in lingerie”.
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>XL and Pony checkpoints give burned results, specially XL, let's mix them with FLUX, a checkpoint made specifically to avoid these issues!
Why the FUCK are people mixing PN and XL with FLUX checkpoints?
I could understand finetunes since FLUX is a little rigid and anti-NSFW but mix them with shitty burned XL/PN checkpoints only gives crappy results.
Pic extremely related.
>lets mix two technologies that are totally different
to be honest I am shocked you get anything aside from pure noise
To make it look less like AI
browsing /ldg/ and having to scroll through 100 images of shitty deep fried 1girls is like a humiliation ritual
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the fools can't see their own deep fried 1girls, just be happy you aren't one of them
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for the cause!!!!!!!
I think discord friends nailed with mass reports
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flux walked so bigma could run. i too sense the change coming. hopefully it's an art-focused model that doesn't dive deep into synthetic garbage.
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You can actually combine vram from 2 different cards on nvidia.. but they disabled it on consumer cards and removed tgefearure entire on 40xx gen based cards
Bigma balls
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Saying "mix" is disingenuous. They train modern checkpoints on the outputs of old ones, simple as.
>They train modern checkpoints on the outputs of old ones
i vomit
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old woman toes. If you're into those.
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These are soothing.
1/2 head
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Multimodal Llama architecture LLM with native image input/output (video is supported, but looks pretty bad).

Apache 2.0 license. 8b params.

Technically, this does no diffusion whatsoever. Autoregressive prediction for all modalities. Does that count as being on topic for a "diffusion" general?
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which new Pixart?
>looks pretty bad
>Apache 2.0 license
find a better duo lol
>Autoregressive prediction for all modalities
Explain to me what that looks like
SD 1.6 is a closed source variant of SDXL trained directly to be good at 512x512, without distillation like Turbo has. So no you can't download it, it was only ever in the Stability API.
>Does that count as being on topic for a "diffusion" general?

I really only care about the local part.

This thing is too big to deal with for my tastes. The model card mentioned I was unaware of opensora. Anyone try it?
will be fun to see if this goes anywhere. Seems hot.
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Kolors picks up likenesses pretty well it seems. This is almost as good as my Flux Lora for the same person
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Can't read paper, but those images look pretty good for just next token prediction. In a way since something like LLMs are involved it reminds me of Omost. Wouldn't surprise me if this is what closedAI models like Dalle use.

Justina Valentine is a disgusting ghetto ugly musty bitch.
The thing that nobody is mentioning so far is that, if you wanted to finetune this, you technically don't even need to label the images because it can learn to predict the image itself in isolation, not to predict the image in response to the label.
It could also natively label existing images fed to it as input (or be trained to do high quality labels), since it's not an adapter like Llava, it might be more accurate
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is there an online demo? looks really interesting
To each their own. Not really the point anyways lol
sniff sniff... i smell a 1girl poster
Flux with 2 Loras, I'm getting 87sec in comfyui and 54sec in Forge.

(1 image 1024x1024, rtx3090, cfg 7.0)
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loras focused on western artists
interesting, fp8 or 16?
>still masking in 2024
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God damn it. It’s impossible to tune flux without it degrading. Even at e-5 learning rates.
does anyone use this https://github.com/discus0434/comfyui-flux-accelerator

does it work with gguf models?
no, and it's not working on windows either, it's a nothingburger
genning images isn't that fun when it takes 90secs for each one
I know anon, I know, at thie point we just have to pray for Bigma to destroy everything, unlikely but possible
start a batch of 5 and wait a while, by the time it's done pixart bigma should be out and we'll see if it's good or not
I don't know what the fuck I'm doing so please bear with me.
Wat do if I want nude anime girls on really fancy backgrounds? Autismix can't do backgrounds, Animagine (which has pretty good backgrounds, overall style, and even limited nudity) doesn't know what a nipple is.
Do I LORA backgrounds or LORA the nsfw parts instead? Merging? Something else?
I think you answered your own question. First gen with Animagine, then i2i with Autismix.
if he is going that hard then conditional merging is the way to go or ipadapter. i2i takes a ton of time before it doesn't look like one image pasted on another.

He really only need a good background lora.
So which is it? It's not that I specifically want parts of these two, so if there's a good background LORA or an existing merge that's close enough to either, I'll take it. I'm just clueless about what works and what doesn't.
you gotta test and see which works
what a fucking jew
What a loser indeed
is bigma here yet? did anyone try out that new emu model? are we back? back status? back?
i wonder what the hunyuan guys are doing
AI winter is coming.
D.O.A. 48GB was the minimum i wanted for a 5090.
Skill issue with Nvidia devs, this is the start of the end for them. Any card designer that comes out with 48/64GB local gpu will steal the market 25/26
>by the time it's done pixart bigma should be out
>Any card designer that comes out with 48/64GB local gpu will steal the market 25/26

which is exactly why INTEL is tapping out when they've barely started and AMD is tapping out because ???
we're fucked m8, this isn't the end for nvidia, people will still paypig it, and they know that. It's just another layer of fucking over customers, like they do with price gouging enterprise they can fuck us the same way but even more shameless.
didn't china make those bootleg cards where they doubled up VRAM by mashing together Nvidia cards or something
just convince those guys to mass produce
They did, some youtubers also did it.

It's not insurmountable to code amd to use cuda properly apparently, they practically completed the job then fired the dev and never implimented it.
Intel i have no idea, ive got them on ignore.

5090 was never going to have 48gb, most of us were expecting Nvidia to jew it to 28gb and I still expect that to be possible.
But there have been rumors about the Titan AI card or 5090 Ti whichever it may be named, and if the base model is at 32gb then it's very much possible the halo product just might reach that 48gb number.
Will probably cost +3k though.
What am I missing here how is this related to jews
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Hahaha, Ahh, have a seat there Jimbo, It's time we had this talk..
So no explanation, gotcha
Please don't tell anon about birds and the bees, they're not ready.
Copyright lives matter.
You have to be at least 18 years old to post, even on blue boards
Ain't it just QUACKIN' crazy?!
But isn't there a way to link multiple cards together to increase vram? I know one can utilize two 3090's together, I just don't know how to myself,
but I know expanding the 24-36G in very much possible with an ai-dedicated setup
good goy, just consoom 2 video cards instead of 1!
I'm working on a 1B 16 channel VAE pixart
usually the response is "Sli is dead", but as far as i've seen A.I apps can easily utilize two cards at once
good luck getting the psu and motherboard to do it feasibly though im completely in the dark there
All I've found is that it's impossible to pool VRAM, I think 3090s support some form of sli though? Idr
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Have you seen this, looks like a local model that can do image and videos
I should ask around more, the llm people do this, not via 'sli' necessarily since that avenue was doa since Voodoo times, but linking them via a different method is certainly possible to achieve more than 24g
cant see anything about compatibility in comfy/a1111
surprised no one's talking about it.
it was posted here earlier but nobody has tried it yet because vramlet. waiting for ggufs and backend support
iirc you can shard stuff between GPUs (it's how multi GPU via accelerate works on kohya) but it's not the same as having singular or pooled VRAM.. so depends on what you want out of it I guess. It's usually slower/you don't get the full amount of VRAM, since x amount needs to go towards repiecing the seperate GPUs sharded work. Or that's the jist of it I understood, I gave up on it because it was too much bullshit to implement on windows and I hated linux
Did you just made that up? It's SD1.5 finetuned on SDXL's dataset.
Imagine if the datasets people were using went public, instead of training a lora, you publish the dataset, then someone in the future can train a future model with it.
Too bad datasets have NSFW pictures and somehow that stops the entire thing, because imagine someone downloading it and seeing a female nipple and having their brain melt down.
Safety ruined datasets.
noted, also the amount of grief it gave you, i am a techlet so then I'll know there will be significant struggle
Nipples aren't where nsfw ends bad faith chud. Also there's the whole copyright thing
If you're using Linux it's a lot easier I think, it's mostly to do with missing dependencies on windows that gave me the headache
honestly thats why im thinking i might just do a set of 3090 builds rather than consider a single dual GPU build, have also heard its a pain in the ass.
and dropping $1500 each for 2 pc's, on paper sounds like one hell of a money sink, but given i personally do a lot of 3d rendering, genning with SD, erp with LLM's, and i want to get into videogen, it seems splitting jobs by PC is the optimal way to go for the future. Jewvidia's kinda giving us no other options.

>And if LLM's keep getting smaller i can always just use this pc i'm on now solely for LLM's and other light loads since the latest llama 3.2 is a 3b that's as good as any 13-32b i've ever used
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wtf? that's fucking big, I don't think we'll be able to run this shit locally, I guess a GGUF Q8 quant will do the trick though
That's interesting, it's a 8b model, as big as SD3, let's hope it's not really censored but it's made by chinks so It's probably cucked to oblivion, even worse than SAI
>wtf? that's fucking big,
that's because it's the fp32 model, if you quant this shit to fp16 you'll get a 17gb model, and it'll easy be run on 24gb cards, this is a really interesting architecture, seems like there's not a text encoder in there or something?
the images look mid, pretty dissapointing for a 8b model
Chinese AI devs mogging the west once again
need quants and lora creation
someone get kohya to refocus his flux efforts onto this
My favorite big booty latina!
>Chinese AI devs mogging the west once again
lol, the local SOTA model is still Flux, a model made by the germans
>but it's made by chinks so It's probably cucked to oblivion,
Chinqs are actually pretty based, from what I've seen their censorship is extremely minimal ie. just not focusing on NSFW, they don't do all the retarded safety shit the west does even though NSFW is illegal there and they sure as shit don't give a fuck about respecting copyright lmao. I love those lil slant eyes like you wouldn't believe
chang still waiting for pixart bigma
you'll see... YOU'LL ALL SEE
pigma balls
Huh? The few datasets shared at civitai didn't care about copyright.
And the pony dataset is apparently available and full of copyright breaches, and nobody cares.
Why don't we have SDXL's dataset so we could finetune SD1.5 ourselves?
Bigma my beloved...
Flux is fucking boring
Kohya: Japanese
Ip adapter: Chinese
Illya: Chinese
Troomfy: weeaboo
Pixart: Chinese
New tech exploration: Chinese
Yeah sorry guys I'm gonna become a chinqaboo or whatever, our side of things has been tainted by sjwisms safety and non existent legal fears it isn't worth it
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>I'm gonna become a chinqaboo
>this is a really interesting architecture
Isn't this Dalle 1's tech? Predict the next pixel in the same way you predict the next character of a word in a sentence?
Wasn't Craiyon the last one using these before Diffusion appeared in the scene?
I google how to change my windows mouse settings so no Linux for me
I also heard people using Tesla P100's at a steep discount, but with added difficulties
And wouldn't the splitting of systems leave you with 2x24G separate? not the coveted >24G single system
I for one am setting aside for a 3090 upgrade, so I'm not lightning McQuick, will look at the llama 3.2
>CeFurkan: Turkish
the balkans win again
>Tesla P100's at a steep discount, but with added difficulties
teslas aint worth it, they were already sugma months ago and /lmg/ had some serious suicide watch moments over it.
>And wouldn't the splitting of systems leave you with 2x24G separate? not the coveted 24g system
i mean thats the point kek just two systems using 100% of the power they need for separate needs. or even powering the same multimodals to give life to a precious set of waifus.
also the best img2video models are chinese too

meanwhile we got le FLUX, the """"SOTA image generation model""" that behaves like a LLM model with 0.1 temp kek
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hi /ldg/
haven't fucked with this in several weeks.
is this still the best setup for my 8gb vram poverty bracket?
that's just cope anon, the hype on Flux was insane, your Shixart never had anything close to that, when this model came out we went like "oh ok" and brushed it off the next thread
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>the hype on Flux was insane
How was it hyped when no one in the public knew about it until it dropped
If one is doing multitasking then that would be ideal, to set-and-forget a render batch or task, and a free system to play llm's with
yet I wanted to see if there was a way to couple them, to achieve terrible heights of vram
I should google multimodal setups?
I'm talking about the hype after its release, everone stopped talking about anything but Flux, you know it, I know it, everyone know it
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You can also try replacing t5xxl with a quantized version:

Or alternatively you can try running a checkpoint in NF4. Worked better in my case and I'm also on 8gbs
I can't wait to min-max my social credit score, everything is looking up in wannabe Changland
>also the best img2video models are chinese too
sad that Alibaba paper one will never be local
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