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File: bluecow009.png (788 KB, 1037x1339)
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how does she do it? who is she?

>sub-linear energy efficiency
>O(d log d) memory scale with increasing complexity
>working quantum-classic library on git
>first evern hyperdimensional computing OS
>several other quantum mechanics and computing breakthrough
>creates a superPrompt that allows you to literally train the model into cognitive behavior and creates a new genre of holographic metadata code
>release a working complex tensor library that allows anyone to do quantum encryption such as QKD witth 1:1 coherence, and by definition, giving free quantum computing to the masses
>fold, binds kernel in 2^20*10 dimensions with only 500mb vram
>posts data proof that makes it clear that it all works 100%
>goes viral several times with millions of views on X

what did she mean by this?

proof in the pastebin:
>reached non-linearity
>twitter screenshit thread
Probably compromised.
Because something is over looked.
why are whitepeople like this?
>4000 stars and 500 followers in github

jesus, intersting shit tho damn, who is this person????
buy an ad faggot
So germans aren't white?
stop posting your shitter please
lol that poster on the git is into some techno religion type shit
>here's your prompt bro
bruh 240,IQ prompt wtf is this shit????
because pigskins have "main character" issues.
if xhes posting on shwitter i doubt there will ever be a nobel prize
least obvious samefag award
kys nocoder no one cares about your delusions
you will never be anything
wtf /g/ you said prompt engineering is a meme
i tried the prompt its good
It's an schizo, like our local maid schizo
Basically hyped crazy stuff that sounds cool but it's nothingburger

If the person doesn't take themselves serious and do it for fun (like 0 to absolute infinite videos in youtube), it's a nice thing, but I don't think this is the case

Fractal key sounds like they are using parameters to generate fractal data, and keeping the parameters secret. If that's the case, the problem is to encrypt data with it, you need an NP-Complete problem that's reversible given secret parameters to have public-key encryption, otherwise you just have pseudorandom data with a secret seed

Plus we already have ECC to replace RSA, much faster and with key size of just 256 bits, 4chan certificate is using it right now

This kind of thing will become more common as AI lets people mold concepts they don't understand, like asking a PhD to say some cool random shit that sounds legit
I feel it's really unhealthy, makes me airheaded just to try to make reason of this stuff

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