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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
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Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

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Previous thread: >>102541086
Snapper is officially better than Timeshift.
Timeshift has issues with /boot being on a different partition which prevents restoration due to kernel version mismatch.
Here's the packages needed for a good snapper setup;
>Pacman: grub-btrfs inotify-tools snapper snap-pac
>AUR: btrfs-assistant btrfsmaintenance snap-pac-grub snapper-rollback
>Add to end of HOOKS+=(grub-btrfs-overlayfs)
This setup will take snapshots before every update, and also allows you to boot into read only snapshots as if they were a live USB stick.

Setup for an existing @snapshot subvolume:
sudo umount /.snapshots
sudo rm -rf /.snapshots
sudo snapper -c root create-config /
sudo btrfs subvolume delete /.snapshots
sudo mkdir /.snapshots
sudo mount -a #assumes you already have mount options for @snapshot in your fstab
sudo chmod 750 /.snapshots
sudo chown root:wheel /.snapshots
sudo sed -i "s/^TIMELINE_CREATE=.*/TIMELINE_CREATE=\"no\"/" /etc/snapper/configs/root #turns off automatic snapshots every X hours/days

Also if boot is on a different partition (MUST BE BTRFS):
>sudo snapper -c boot create-config /boot
>sudo sed -i "s/^TIMELINE_CREATE=.*/TIMELINE_CREATE=\"no\"/" /etc/snapper/configs/boot #turns off automatic snapshots every X hours/days

>snapper list
>snapper-rollback <snapshot number>
To add to this; The modern standard is to keep /boot on the / root partition while using a separate FAT32 /efi partition as ESP. (Minimum 36MB)
This has the added bonus of being able to both encrypt /boot (with GRUB+LUKS2) as well as easily snapshot /boot along with the rest of the system.
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>Everyone shits on Fedora's installer, even the Fedora maintainers themselves
>Except is completely superior to every other installer available on Linux righ now bar bootstrapping an installation yourself
>Literally the only one that supports reinstalling to existing BTRFS subvolumes without deleting them, not even fucking Opensuse's does it
Am i missing something? Ubuntu's is honestly slow and mediocre in comparasion, except for the part of offering to install propietary codecs in the end.
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Best mpd client on qt toolkit?
>lust inducing image, etc.
Anyone know why I can't send windows to workspace 2 in XFCE?

I have the following hotkeys set for send to workspace n: CTRL+SUPER+n key. It goes nicely with my hotkey for view workspace n : CTRL+n key

But for some reason I can't send to workspace 2 via the hotkey.

Only workspace 2 has this problem.
Are file updates/overwrites in Linux atomic operations?
I'm trying to use voice chat on TF2 but every time i use the voice key the audio muted for a second, then becomes very low quality for as long as i hold the voice key down, and when i let it go, it mutes briefly again, and then returns to normal quality. Pls help I want to call people faggots so bad in voice chat and it's difficult.
aren't they planning to replace it with a web app or something? grim

it just needs confirmation buttons in better places.
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How do I proxy specific programs, like mpv+yt-dlp?
I use foxyproxy in my browser, but I don't know how to proxy specific programs. It's important for me not to proxy the whole system but only specific programs.
I know that a lot of things that work with the internet have configs for proxy, but it would be nice to have one centralized solution with a blacklist/whitelist.
Right now it's writen in some crusty Python GTK bindings AFAIR so anything is an improvement, but the current interface design does a great job at exposing all its features in a simple manner. Surprised how advanced their partitioning and networking sections are for something you're supposed to click through. I hope they don't dumb it down too much.
I was fearing they were ditching it for the overrated Calamares, which is barely better than Ubuntu'a cause it has less clutter.
I don't use that Distro but i have to admit, the logo is sick.
If you're using pulseaudio you could try pipewire.
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I designed it. It's based on a Quartz Composition.
The intended use case for proxies is programs connect to them on an individual basis. Which mpv and yt-dlp can if you read the manual. There are programs which map a tun adapter to your proxy so you can use network namespaces or user firewall rules to effect a 'system proxy', but you're far better off using a VPN for that.

What you absolutely don't want to do is install some ebpf abuse crap like opensnitch and try to force traffic through a tun adapter hooked up to a proxy on a process name basis.
Is there any other fix you can think of
set the environment variable https_proxy: https://www.shellhacks.com/linux-proxy-server-settings-set-proxy-command-line/
Why does my cursor get really big in firefox compared to just over my desktop?
>try to force traffic through a tun adapter hooked up to a proxy on a process name basis.
That sounds like a terrible idea. You can probably do it more reliably with CGroups though.

Really though the solution is to do what they do in the enterprise and use the proxy for everything and configure a pac file with rules for what should and shouldn't be proxied but not everything accepts pac files. Browsers and anything using libproxy should though.
Welcome to client side rendering.

It's a bug in Firefox, possibly your GTK cursor size is different to everything else.
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What file manager has the best plugin system?
I'm not asking what has the best existing plugins. I want to make my own.
I tried Nemo but apparently you can't send multiple selected files to a script via actions, only single files, witch is dog shit.
No. Concurrent operations from multiple threads on a single file descriptor are atomic relative to each other up to a small system-specific size, but without ordering guarantees, which will fuck you up unless your data format can deal with that. Write-ahead logging is an example of it.

Use mutexes and organize your code to minimize use of them. And never use spin locks (or spin lock "optimized" mutexes) for I/O, you're going to make syscalls anyway. You can make use of io_uring to reduce those at the cost of complexity.
Time to upgrade this piece of shit. I never use it much anyway.

I don't really use any other gtk applications, so I don't know how to set that.
>remote code execution
... doesn't CUPS bind to localhost specifically?
The bug is about the service that discovers printers and runs as root for some reason (so it can add them to the system?).

I admit I haven't fully read everything yet but it's bad, VERY BAD.
There's literally no documentation on the plugin system.
How hard did you look? Because this was the first result for "Dolphin service menu" on DuckDuckGo:
Are you using NixOS yet?

I don't need debian/fedora/arch. They are all the same shit with different reskin. They offer nothing as a complete way of computing. They just differ in package versioning, that's it.
I don't use discovery so I guess I don't care either way.

# netstat -npl | grep cups
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1678/cupsd
tcp6 0 0 ::1:631 :::* LISTEN 1678/cupsd
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 25068 1/init /run/cups/cups.sock
I don't either. Still upgrading it anyway though, better safe than sorry.

What's interesting is the fact that some distros enable this service by default. They've clearly had a bad day.
as expected, it turned out to be a nothingburger yet again.
>no mitigation
yes, there is one, disable cups.
>yes, there is one, disable cups.
Then you can't print. That's the only reason I have cups on my system in the first place otherwise I'd just disable it globally.

It's really sad and ironic that something like Google Cloud Print is probably more secure than CUPS (privacy issues aside).
Not like this issue won't be solved soon, not printing for a few days is not gonna hurt most people.
Claiming there is no mitigation though was totally off.
It's already solved, that's why we know about it (so distros had time to prepare mitigations)
Keep in mind the blog post was probably written beforehand where "there is no mitigation" was true.
anon, the mitigation was to just disable cups. That was avaiable already when the blog post was made.
Thanks, anon. I was typing plugins and extensions in search and didn't know they were called service menus.
The real story here though should be how many print servers this guy found on the public Internet. You're really fucking retarded if you do that.
The reason there's a point release is to fix it properly not just disable the service.


Unless they ripped out the discover service which is unlikely.
Actually you're right, that's exactly what they did:

I guess they just broke discovering printers without DNS service discovery (although most probably support that today)
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I'm officially retarded. All I had to do to get multiple selected files to output to script was use $@ instead of the $1 I was using.
I'm disabling that foomatic support too. What idiot ever thought this was a good idea?

Security dictates you should put "$@" in quotes to prevent code execution.
Bad for anyone with a machine exposed to the internet running cups service and open 651 port. Means jack shit for anyone else
Public networks can be attacked too. I don't know if some script kiddy would think it's worth to impersonate a print server in a Mc Donald's to attack the one loaner running Ubuntu in the corner but it's theoretically possible.
It's a fucking joke. It affects literally nobody.
Nobody have that shit installed and retardedly opens the port to the internet.
If they did they fucking deserve to get hacked for more reasons than one.
On the Internet, yes, but not in public and private networks. You will absolutely find this discover service running on desktop distributions and yes, those distros deserve it.
Yes you are correct, I neglected public lans
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Anyone tried this?

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COSMIC is very well known anon. One of the most anticipated DEs in the Linux space.
I'm getting this error trying to run a keygen in bottles. Any solutions?
Only heard about it today, looks pretty good.
I'm currently downloading MacOS to try and run it in a VM on Linux

I might need to buy more RAM to be honest but I'll see how it goes
Running macOS in a VM is a bit tricky because of a whole bunch of terminal prep you need to do to the container so that the macOS ISO even boots into the installer. Hopefully you've read/watched up.
or if you let a guest connect to your network with a compromised device
or if police forced you to give up your phone at the airport and you get home and connect it to your network
or if you're running an exploitable IoT device somewhere
you shouldn't rely on just a single line of defense
Installing vcrun2022 and dotnet8 usually solves all bottle problems.
There's a thing called quickemu which is meant to make it easy so I'm trying that

The reason I want to run MacOS in a VM is to see if I can compile iOS apps (this requires MacOS). So my first step is just seeing if I can get MacOS running.
Literally none of those are attack vectors with this you retard.
MacOS is installing in the VM, 12 minutes remaining

Hope this works to be honest
Every single CVE reported lately have been blown way out of fucking proportion and isn't even remotely as bad as anyone says.
The real threat is the backdoors NSA hides into open source libraries that never get discovered.
So far everything discovered has been JACK AND SHIT.
that's not very friendly...
they are if you were running cups-browsed, which at least ubuntu apparently did by default
maybe i should have clarified that i was referring only to the "exposed to the internet" part
This post has been brought to you by paranoid schizophrenia
Already installed vcredist2022 and vcredist6 which I needed to even get to this point but I'm not sure where to go from here. Is there a way to see which dependencies I'm missing? I got the earlier ones by googling the errors I was getting but google doesn't help with this one at all.
thanks chromium, for flickering like a madman on wayland
does it run on wayland or xwayland(with ozoneflagshit the fuck ozone is), why it has to be so dumb
>that's not very friendly...
Sorry, I apologize.
12 minutes left of my MacOS VM install apparently although it will probably take longer because my computer is slow
The installer is great if you know what you're doing, but confusing for windows boomers making the switch.
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When will audio become ready for professional audio production?
It already is. What's missing?
>What's missing?
You're trolling kid
Just answer the question. What's missing for professional audio production?

We already have JACK and PipeWire and a number of DAW applications run on Linux. Audio production on Linux is a solved problem.
Also Linux 6.12 will bring PREEMPT_RT support that's been in the works for ages and previously required custom kernels. That should be a boom for professional audio production, you won't have to use a -rt kernel anymore.
i have some flags set
Answer my question and stop repeating your lies
>asks what's missing
>calls him a troll and doesnt state 1 (one) thing
you're most probably a burger
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no biggie
if your DE doesn't set them you might have to set some environment variables to get some applications to use wayland natively
see for example https://docs.voidlinux.org/config/graphical-session/wayland.html#native-applications
Today. The the answer is today. You can already do professional audio production on Linux.
Answer my question
It's supposed to be friendly and you just attack me and make up lies
Name one professional recording studio that uses Linux
Name one
I already know that you're going to lie
I don't know any professional recording studios but your question was about Linux not recording studios. Perhaps you should ask them why they don't use Linux.
rip, run it in gamescope maybe kek
he asked you what's missing and instead of answering him, you call him a troll and a kid
you're the retard that not being friendly
Just use Firefox. There's zero reason to ever use Chromium except if a website has issues in Firefox due to shit developers poor programming.
i switched to zen just yesterday, i couldnt bare to watch the flickering, i even had firefox open before switching just to watch videos because the flickering was so bad
Pay attention kid
I asked a question that nobody answered
If I have to ask more than once it means your answer is wrong
I used to use cantata but it's no longer being maintained, maybe try quimup or just use ymuse if you can live with gtk
There's starting to be a serious issue with a lack of any good maintained mpd frontends other than ncmpcpp and gomp
Still Alpha garbage. I just built it again on my Gentoo machine and it's somehow even worse than the last time I tried it.

Screen flickering like crazy (this is on AMD hardware so I'm not getting Nvidia's), still defaulting to 60Hz instead of 144Hz, still broken on dual monitor setups with a portrait monitor.
How long does it take to build stuff? Do you have a pretty good PC?

I hate when I have to compile stuff but my computer is not very fast, so that's why
Not long, the Rust compiler has come a long way. I am building on a 5950X though.

That's just unprofessional and embarrassing
The developers of Linux should be ashamed of themselves
Is there a way to create a efi partition for a Linux distro on WSL?

I've got arch on WSL and the partions are

/dev/sda - /boot - ext4
/dev/sdc - swap
/dev/sdb - / - ext4

Is it possible to change sda to vfat?
Fair enough. I guess I need to invest in a better computer.
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What's the best graphical file manager you can use on LXQt? I've heard the Qt port of Pcmanfm is half assed and buggy.
I've been using the default file manager on LXQt and haven't noticed any bugs. I could even browse my iPhone's photos folder when I plugged it in (I'm pretty sure GNOME Files can do this too)
Try sunflower

>Is it possible to change sda to vfat?
Would probably break /boot, it's not an EFI system partition you know. Back in the day I used to have symlinks in there but idk how's things today.
If NVIDIA PRIME is a part of NVIDIA drivers what's the use of this package?
Do I need to install this package before I follow this guide? The wiki doesn't say you have to.
What distro are you using? Two years ago i was using PCmanFM on Tumbleweed and it leaked memory if browsing large directorioes with media (+2k files).
Looks nice, I'll battle between this and Thunar.
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How do I move stuff off of a VPS without fucking with permissions?
Here's my situation:
>Have VPS
>Need to upgrade OS, because hoster says so (INB4 banter)
>Can't just upgrade, need to go through hosters web-interface, their approach will completely wipe the Server
>Have docker-compose containers
>Want to download everything to my computer before re-installing OS
>Connect to Server via file browser to download files
>File Permissions BTFO me
>Log into console, look into Permissions
>Pic related
Now, how do I download the files without fucking things up for later when I want to run them again on the freshly installed OS?
FOLLOW UP QUESTION: How do I make this seamless for the future? What's the best practice here?
Configure root access for SSHD (IMPORTANT: It should use keyfile authentication and not a password.) and then rsync everything off of it with the archive and preserve flags.
Best practice is probably to have infrastructure as code so you can run one script to instantly re-deploy everything.
Root access is freaking scary though (even though I exclusively use keyfile auth already). Even more so when I know that people are trying to access my server constantly.
Where would I store the data for that? How would that all run? Ansible?
>Root access is freaking scary
Man up, bitch. All you're doing is copying files.
What happened to installgentoo?
>Where would I store the data for that? How would that all run? Ansible?
In a private git repo you guard with your life and yes something like Ansible would work well for this.
The ability to "do X professionally using Y" is distinct from "how many people do X professionally using Y?".
I think whoever was hosting it took it down
I'm just packing it up in a .tar and downloading that now.
Also I'm not afraid of using root, I just don't want root access from the outside at all.
Checking the dubs though.
Alright, thanks.
>What distro are you using? Two years ago i was using PCmanFM on Tumbleweed and it leaked memory if browsing large directorioes with media (+2k files).
Ubuntu 22 LTS but I installed a more recent version of LXQt, 1.4, from the Lubuntu backports PPA

All I can say is I haven't noticed bugs but I don't think I've browsed directories with as many files as that
Bootlickers cannot be professional as per definition.
>I just don't want root access from the outside at all.
Best practice would be to connect over a VPN or overlay network of some sort of you're worried about that, but realistically people can't do shit unless your key gets leaked.
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MacOS in a VM on Linux does work, pic related

It ended up freezing when I tried to change the resolution, but it was working before that

If I try this on a computer that isn't old and terrible, the results might be better
>I'm just packing it up in a .tar and downloading that now.
scp and rsync are your friends... no need to go at like you're in the 80s.
Logseq or Joplin? Anything else? Need a note taking program/app for GNU/Linux and Android. Needs to be syncable (either through the app itself or through external means).
You might need to install some guest additions to do stuff like that with shit breaking like with VirtualBox?
My monitor works fine and can run 240hz on X11 but when I switch to wayland it doesn't recognize my monitor and I'm stuck with 60hz, any help?
Rsync is all you need really. Scp is not exactly the most secure thing in the world and some distros consider it harmful enough to disable it or relegate it to a separate package. The OpenBSD guys aren't even that found of scp either.
Which compositor?
>Scp is not exactly the most secure thing in the world
It's plenty secure over SSH.
I got arch with kde plasma and wayland so kwin.
Petition to rename this latest CVE “Two girls one CUPS”
Virtualbox cannot change the resolution on the fly with OS X, but you can change the resolution by manually editing a preference file with a text editor.
scp just uses ssh these days
ext4 vs btrfs vs xfs?
i usually use ext4 like everyone else and started experimenting with btrfs, what reason or situation is there to use xfs over the other two filesystems? does it have btrfs features like subvols and compression?
Are they girls (female) or girls (male)?
Soon 80% of the US population will claim to be women, it really doesn't matter anymore
I just added resolution config settings for quickemu, literally just height and width, and it works

I managed to try out the terminal in MacOS, running Ruby and Python, and it works

The reason I'm doing this is because I'm wondering whether to buy a regular laptop and virtualise MacOS (on top of Linux) to compile iOS apps, or just get a Mac. I guess it is technically possible to virtualise MacOS but clearly a Mac would be much easier. Maybe I'll do some more testing.
Apples security system (security by obscurity) bets on exactly this: Making virtualization hard and clumsy. The harder it is to revert back to snapshots and use a OS X VM, the harder it is to write malware for it.
Did you follow a guide? I'd like to see it, I'm using a Virtualbox image file loaded from the web on this laptop with which I'm posting right now. But it's only El Capitan
NTA but that anon is using a git program called quickemu. It basically sets up QEMU containers with two commands, including macOS ones.
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Thank you!
>no full 32bit app support, only 10.14 and later
dang, it's a nothingburger for me. i need high sierra and support to move the vm to windows
how would i be able to use discc to use my main computer as a slave to my raspbian raspberry 4b?
I tried the arch wiki distcc but the tool chain is creating invalid elf files on the test (Hellow world) on the pi
I have distcc setup,as in the pi sends it to the main computer it compiles it and sends it back but the file is 64bit and not aarch64
Correct I used Quickemu, it's definitely very easy to use, although I guess if you want specific Mac features then a real Mac is going to be easier
nah mate, a real mac is a hassle to use actually. if you have to use os x, create a hackint0sh. but the gay ceo switched to arm lately, dunno what applefaggots do nowadays. i guess they're fucked
Basically I have an idea for an iOS app, I already worked on it a bit. I realised though that even if I virtualise MacOS to compile the app, Apple will probably tell it's not a real Mac when I submit the app, and they might ban my account. So maybe a cheap Mac, just to build and submit the app, might make sense.
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I'm feeling the urge to hop
Didn't follow the convo, but there are services out there where you can rent a mac on a farm somewhere and RDP in.
gnome or kde?
Xfce is the sane choice
Don't you need a developer account or some shit anyway?
How can I safely update files being served by Nginx?
xfs has reflink (thin data copies) and dynamically allocated metadata as an advantage over ext4 and similar to btrfs. It's a good choice if you don't want to do data checksums for performance or power reasons, or if integrity is outsourced to something like hardware RAID or SAN.
It's unlikely you'll have issues just live replacing a file, nginx will stat the file and detect changes only as soon as it's sync'ed.
If you need to swap an entire tree consider switching the root or try_files in the virtual host. You can automate it with configuration fragments and include, just issue a reload when the new tree is in place.
rent a mac VPS to which you connect via VNC

you will own nothing, either with a real mac or a rented vps mac. idk if you're going to be happy, lol
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good insider joke
when using distcc, whatever you're trying to compile needs the proper cflags or other makeflags set tailored specifically for the rpi and cant just use -march=native
You can either use qemu on a better machine with passthrough an amd gpu or you can try using whatever the project is called where people try to run macos on unsupported regular machines
Theres a few hacks online for setting up a proper verified apple account in a vm or other unsupported system
Yes i read that,i wasnt using -march=native beforehand.
And i dont have anything special in CC or CCX or LDflags
that's because the compiler on your desktop is setup for amd64 builds, you need a cross-compiler to build foreign binaries
If i had to pick one, Plasma, because it integrates better with 3rd party apps. You can make GTK, Electron and Java apps look reasonable alongside Qt within Plasma. Good luck doing that with GNOME. The massive title bars you can't hide will stop you.
sounds like its better to stay on ext4 if one doesnt want or need the features of btrfs instead of trying to settle on a middleground with xfs
Yes i downloaded the pi aarch64 64 bit tool chain and on the distcc on the arch machine its in the environments path file to the bin directory
xfs is generally faster than ext4, so it's not the middle ground. The only thing that justifies ext4 in a desktop context is shrink.
does xfs have the same durability ext4 has when it comes to recovering from a system crash?
does it also do journaling?
any KDE users know how to force software cursor? hardware cursor plane doesn't seem to behave with VRR.
So it uses more RAM or there's some other catch? Why didn't it became the norm?
xfs is much more durable than Ext4. Ext4 still zeros out and truncates dirty write pages if your system crashes.
Ext4 is a mid filesystem and it's still easy for people to have weird configurations of it, like 32bit inodes (lol) and other funk. modern distros will ship with sane defaults in mkfs.ext4 at least, but still.
also Ext4 has weird behavior like implicit sync on rename() over file, which, while nice I guess, gives you a false sense of knowledge and ability if you use a different fs. I really would avoid ext4 unless you really must use it for some insane reason. Really the only thing it has over XFS is shrinkability and btrfs can do that as well and is much less shitty than ext4.
sup red hat shill
it's the norm on EL distros, but Redhat also hired basically every XFS maintainer and contributor, so it's hard to know if it's just baby duck or sincere knowledge of its supremacy.
Fedora on the other hand defaults to Btrfs because it's basically the YOLO of filesystems in terms of flexibilit and use-cases.
>no argument cuck
many such cases.
Redhat uses xfs over btrfs as the default because they dont have any btrfs engineers, that's the only reason.
Sad! I really think Btrfs btfos LVM2 + XFS bullshit by a lot. LVM copes like DM thin provisioning is pathetic. I kek how Redhat is pushing stratis as some kind of Btrfs competitor.
>I really would avoid ext4 unless you really must use it for some insane reason.
This makes no sense, every distro especially the noob-friendly ones wouldn't default to ext4 for such a long time if it wasnt good and if a better filesystem existed. Btrfs has only started getting pushed recently last year by fedora because they think its mature and stable enough. There's still niche issues that happens with btrfs that doesnt happen on ext4 like the bittorrent COW issue, the qcow2 COW issue and also how the filesystem can slow down and become unresponsive when disk usage gets close to full.
I don't care what retard distros do, retard. Ext4 is a low quality filesystem. Period.

If you want to refute what I said, do so. Btrfs works and is only problematic if you don't know what you're doing, which is true in general with Linux.
End-user focused distros place a lot of weight on being able to shrink. That's why Fedora used to run ext4 by default instead of xfs like RedHat. Also its tooling is mad crusty from corporate Unix heritage and tends to hit lusers when they're already in bad situations. Which results in much saltposting.

A lot of, probably most, RedHat deployments have high level block storage where btrfs is undesirable. Also xfs utterly buttfucks btrfs in postgres and sqlite performance, which are big RedHat use cases.
I've encountered an edge case at work where I need microsoft excel. It's for an .xlsm file with macros.

How the hell do I get excel to work on l00nix?
Tell whoever sent you that shit that you won't even touch it with a ten-feet pole.
I use ext4 and I see nothing wrong with it
so let's say I have an FDE OS running.
I login(decrypt) to do some stuff. Then the power goes out or I hold the power button down until it shuts off.
What happens now? Could something like this break the encryption?
Is the system unusable now because it's couldn't encrypt itself probably before shutting down?
Or is just completely open now without any need of typing in a passphrase? like is it now in a state where you could break the encryption more easily?
Can't tell if the recent 555 update, any Proton update or me adding shit to /etc/environment is the cause, but shit just won't launch anymore
The shit I added to environment was some GL shit that was allegedly gonna make it so I don't need to shut down my other monitors to get full framerate of my main monitor. I don't know if that screwed up something with GL or Vulkan.

End of the Proton log for the game that says it has launched but almost immediately closes:
X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
Major opcode of failed request: 149 ()
Minor opcode of failed request: 4
Serial number of failed request: 482
Current serial number in output stream: 504
947.226:0124:0128:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetProcessTerminationMethod FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA, 0000000000B9FE80
947.247:0030:026c:warn:threadname:NtSetInformationThread Thread renamed to L"wine_threadpool_worker"
947.249:0030:0270:warn:threadname:NtSetInformationThread Thread renamed to L"wine_threadpool_worker"
947.250:0030:0274:warn:threadname:NtSetInformationThread Thread renamed to L"wine_threadpool_worker"
pid 30159 != 30158, skipping destruction (fork without exec?)

Disabling iGPU is a nonstarter. It worked before, I just want to restore things to how they were yesterday.
No. Unencrypted data only exists in memory. Everything that gets written to disk is encrypted.
Use Windows or Mac because loonix audio is absolutely embarrassing
>retard distros
That's every distro with an installer.
fuck windows amirite guys
high five me
when you mount a decrypted volume, what happens, put simply, is that the volume key is copied to ram, your passphrase decrypts the volume key, still only in ram, and the volume key is used to decrypt data as it's accessed from the disc. that is, when you read a block, the encrypted block is read into ram, decrypted and placed back in ram. reverse when writing. at no point is unencrypted data written to disc, even temporarily
if there's a power loss, any decrypted data you had open or unlocking keys you had entered will be erased almost immediately, since it's all in dram, which can't hold data without power (the "almost" is intentional, if you want to know what that's about, look up "cold boot attack", this is only something you need to worry about if there's literally a fed standing behind you)
>Still can't name one
You're embarrassing yourself
Except Fedora, RHEL and clones, and SUSE off the top of my head. ext4 on desktop is a product of the Debian midwit engagement complex.
case sensitivity. It's a shit concept. 4chan is the same as 4CHAN. A man named Michael is still michael or MICHAEL.
Case sensitivity is retarded, things can exist twice just because a indicator (the name) is different. It even allows you to get pwnd more easily. If you run Ls instead of ls, that would execute another program.

Maybe you see something wrong with that now.
You're illiterate
Then restore your backup
Fuck you from a Pulseeffects user. You wish you had this
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high five
ok good to know.
thanks for the in depth explanation
>cold boot attack
holy shit I didn't know about this. this is so interesting.
it sounds like something from a movie or something lol
fuck hollywood
>Pulse nightclub effects
You're gay
ext4 can be case insensitive if you really want.
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But as far as I know, it needs a recompiled kernel for that, which would mean no easy live-cd booting in order to debug stuff.
Night clubs are crammed with pussy.
>case sensitivity.
Is fine. Insensitivity should be handled at a higher level. I don't know about you but I don't want the kernel handling Unicode or ANSI codepages.
Data is the basis of every computing system, so I'd say it should be handled at the lowest level. Data is the foundation of everything computer.
If your live-cd doesn't have it supported you need a live-cd that isn't like 10 years old.
You'd probably want that for the hardware support anyway.
Brilliant idea. Next, let us put the graphics stack in the kernel so it can render truetype fonts and icons entirely by itself. I propose calling it Linux NT.
Visuals ain't data. The graphics can be altered by even the monitor in use, e.g. the brightness of pixels is out of control for the computer. Makes no sense to be in the kernel.
I haven't tested that, admittedly. It's just what I read online.
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>Visuals ain't data.
>philosophy discussion attempt just to not lose an insignificat online argument
idc, do whatever.
Fedora was using ext4 until recent
RHEL only started using xfs in 2014
>muh case sensitivity
>If you run Ls instead of ls
only a real autistic retard would be autistic enough to accidentally capitalize the first letter when typing in the terminal
the only other people who are scared of case sensitivity stuff like that are phoneposters who get cucked by their keyboard auto capitalizing the first letter at the start of every sentence
Yes, 5-10 years ago things were different. This is technology. In current year there aren't a lot of desktop use cases where ext4 makes sense.
>he autistically knows that ls is a terminal command but calls me the autist
a clear sign of autism, you autistic autist
who the fuck is scared from computers, autist? is that an autism thing?
So is it "scared from computers" or "scared by computers"? Asking for an autistic friend to whom this is a real important matter.
Hello anons, so apparently Ubuntu did something to restrictions to AppImages which is causing me some minor inconveniences but I can't seem to find a good long term solution. So far I've just been running trusted appimages with --no-sandbox, besides turning off the feature (which will turn back on the next reboot) is there anything else I as an enduser can do? Link is a topic of someone talking about it, along with the command to turn it off in case I'm not being clear enough
>scared from computers
an autistic esl retard
sudo sysctl -w kernel.apparmor_restrict_unprivileged_userns=0
echo ''kernel.apparmor_restrict_unprivileged_userns=0" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/99-fix-appimage-sandbox.conf
I messed up the second line, do this instead
echo "kernel.apparmor_restrict_unprivileged_userns=0" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/99-fix-appimage-sandbox.conf
Thank you, do you mind explaining what the second one does? I'm unfamiliar with the Tee command. google search says it writes to a file. I imagine you're writing to some kind of systemfile so I just want to do my due diligence and at least ask before I run it
>but I can't seem to find a good long term solution
it's to ditch ubuntu
Is there a greater challenge than installing gentoo? I've installed it an I'm looking for the next stage of wizzard status.
File a bug on bugs.kde.org KWin running on an up-to-date Arch system shouldn't have any issues.

You could also try different Wayland compositors to compare against.

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