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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>102549787

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
flux-dev: https://huggingface.co/spaces/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling

>Black Forest Labs: Flux

>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...

>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>FaceFusion 3.0.0

>ComfyUI Mini: A mobile-friendly frontend to run ComfyUI workflows


>Molmo and PixMo: Open Weights and Open Data for State-of-the-Art Multimodal Models

>API: Attention Prompting on Image for Large Vision-Language Models

>Degradation-Guided One-Step Image Super-Resolution with Diffusion Priors

>PTQ4RIS: Post-Training Quantization for Referring Image Segmentation

>DALDA: Data Augmentation Leveraging Diffusion Model and LLM with Adaptive Guidance Scaling

>Omni-Zero-Couples: A diffusion pipeline for zero-shot stylized couples portrait creation

>More OpenAI staffers, including CTO, announce departure


>MonoFormer: One Transformer for Both Diffusion and Autoregression

>ComfyUI GLM-4 Wrapper: Local GLM-4 Prompt Enhancer and Inference


>New optimizer:AdEMAMix8bit and PagedAdEMAMix8bit



>Invoke 5.0 — Massive Update introducing a new Canvas with Layers & Flux Support

>OmniBench: Towards The Future of Universal Omni-Language Models
>mfw Research news


>Prompt Sliders for Fine-Grained Control, Editing and Erasing of Concepts in Diffusion Models

>DreamWaltz-G: Expressive 3D Gaussian Avatars from Skeleton-Guided 2D Diffusion

>CNN Mixture-of-Depths

>Single Image, Any Face: Generalisable 3D Face Generation

>Generative Object Insertion in Gaussian Splatting with a Multi-View Diffusion Model

>Linking in Style: Understanding learned features in deep learning models

>Commonly Interesting Images

>Vision-Language Model Fine-Tuning via Simple Parameter-Efficient Modification

>EAGLE: Towards Efficient Arbitrary Referring Visual Prompts Comprehension for Multimodal Large Language Models

>EventHallusion: Diagnosing Event Hallucinations in Video LLMs

>A Unified Hallucination Mitigation Framework for Large Vision-Language Models

>Proactive Schemes: A Survey of Adversarial Attacks for Social Good

>GenCAD: Image-Conditioned Computer-Aided Design Generation with Transformer-Based Contrastive Representation and Diffusion Priors

>Text2CAD: Generating Sequential CAD Models from Beginner-to-Expert Level Text Prompts

>Explaining Human Comparisons using Alignment-Importance Heatmaps

>GeoBiked: A Dataset with Geometric Features and Automated Labeling Techniques to Enable Deep Generative Models in Engineering Design
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I bet scull and flowers are in the prompt. Flying?

indeed, skulls and flowers are in the prompt. no flying, maybe the effect is from dali in the prompt.
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burnt out on girl gens for now
(posted from my new phone edition)
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excuse me sir, ghosts are against the law until october

no u

this gen made me lol for some reason. the fuckin eyes aha
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Same. too bad texture is funky, this one is better..kek
>not upscaled
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arent you supposed to be off meeting celebrities?
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Can I run flux on my 1080 or do I continue waiting for the 50 series to launch before I dive in?
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there are quantizations you can fit in it I think
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Gib me Dreamshaper merge models recommendation.
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can you do any pokemon?
Not really, I haven't really tried.
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this looks like a minecraft themed christian gospels album
>"My Diamond Armor is God's Love"
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I just made this song in suno and I hate it so much lmao
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some might find this amusing, an a.i. 'roast' of my xwitter account.
Keep truthin', bro
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[a dripping ghost against an abstract background|octopus]
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this didnt work as i hoped. not sure if brackets work the same in forge or not
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chocolate,, vanilla and a mutant orange pineapple filling. what bothers you?
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don't just stare at it, eat it
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First image gen model of note that predicts image tokens LLM-style (instead of diffusing) just dropped
Skynet is here?
best models for hentai bros?
just pony?
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no diffusion? what is the significance of that?
you need to post the song for everyone to enjoy
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She should probably use a fork or something
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nah, its not even fun. its bad generic christian rock
aww thats a bummer. I thought it was one of those cringe fun ones.
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thats what I was hoping for but I dunno how to prompt suno to make funny-cuz-cringe music. it can only make bad-cuz-cringe music
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yeah suno for the most isnt as fun as I want it to be. I have had some fun making some dumb songs about dumb topics tho. I recently made one about a dog who wanted to chase a chipmunk that was mildly decent with some 80s rock to it.
Morning anon.
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Morning dot matrix anon how are you
I'm doing great tho a bit tired. Its been a long night. Just making some ai gens and listening to some music before I crawl into bed for a few hours. It's been a chill comfy night.
i miss Schizoanon
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Looks delicious
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You all doubt I would make it here
Everything about this looks absolutely horrible. It looks like a Bunch of sweaty old people in a pottery shed.
Who is the person with the mic?
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Tons of new shit for comfyui coming up
where on earth is that? are they dwelling in the basement of some random building?
>Who is the person with the mic?
Look at the gen
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2nd floor of a makerspace cafe. Also these workflows are insane
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Makerspace in Tokyo *
agi, enhance. i wanna see what's going on
>and this is my son's room...
Post more pics
Looks like a bunch of lonely losers and an "event" that should have been a blogpost
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I mean there like 3 women here w.e. Sorry you're too fat/poor to be in Japan
Losers isnt exclusive to men buddy
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It's really to meet up with the other devs in asia.
why don't you flip that camera and show us a picture of yourself, buddy
Julien and cumfart will never be women no matter how much make-up they use and how often they "UwU"
>Sorry you're too fat/poor to be in Japan
You literally spam porn every day
Why would you want to meet up with the devs
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>The nips already have startups selling their services to fashion design/clothes
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Why is Japan embracing AI and America is still trying figure out what "diversity" is for AI?
It's like the VCR effect all over again.
Ban evading faggot.
nobody likes you here
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Neat. Thanks for taking us along with you via the pics.
Is there even a name for the event or is it just "a meet up"
very homoerotic
Are the GPU best for gaming also best for ai-slopping?
the more the CUDA cores the better
Higher end better perofrmance
What the fuck is Llama (I know META made it) and how can I use it to make better gens?
I wish i was at the buttfuckery event with debo
>GF calls, wants to go out after work
>Go out, have fun
>Get home
>Time to gen and fap!
>Fall asleep in my chair by accident
Such a waste
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A 4 second video takes about 15 minutes from pushing Queue Prompt until the generated webm is saved.
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G'mornin Anons, have a great day!
G'mornin Anon.
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It was actually very fun got to see alot of the new developments and talk with the devs.
Cute! People having fun!
Dont forget to clean them before sharing cute kawaii buttplugs
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Stop necrobumping this thread.
Death is just another path, one that we all must take.
Upload your brain to a 9090 card.
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happy caturday eve
Hope you're doing well friend
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oh sure
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Heeey. How are you today
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Is that Lydia? I need to gen her from the cartoon. Her outfit was hot.
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no, not familiar with that name. coincidental.
anyone? Is there a Llama extension for forge?
I like this one
Nobody replied to your post. Repeating it isnt going to magically generate anons that will answer you with solutions.
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from overnight queue. i use lots of wildcards for color, pose, scene.
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Looks good. Hope you are ok today :)
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training, or civitai is, a lora off of pic related
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and etc
a few threads back i said i was having SD 1.5/ponyxl vram issues despite having 12gb vram and 32gb ram and after i said i was running python 3.10 someone said i was trolling, but as far as im aware upgrading to a newer version of python isnt compatible with stable diffusion, can anyone explain, was i lied to?
flaccid trolling
Yeah its trolling
This guy is trolling you, don't reply.
I'd suggest to do a clean reinstall of forge/comfy
This is a troll, ignore him.

[This post is certified by the anti-troll league™]
>am I being trolled
>He's trolling
I need to gen trolls in my prompts when I get home and troll porn, and see how they turn out. Maybe gnoll as well.
namefags are gay
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Meetup was got to see alot of what's comming up for comfyUI and meet the devs. The Japs have levels of intensity on AI/ image gen I couldn't belive. Some wild workflows.
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Also there was a fun afterparty w/ Yakiniku+drinks. Yall missed out.
Good thing there aren't any here then I guess
glad to hear you actually went and had a good time
gotta be honest
I'd never wanna meet other anons
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So more shots of the presentation. It looks like we (may*) have a solution to alot of the temporal issues with animation. What I did learn is there's not a good way to do it w/o an insane amount of nodes.
And mermaid!
I try everything with my power suit and plate armor prompts just to see what it turns out. It's very entertaining.

So far
Humans 9/10
Undead 10/10
Ghost (pictured) 10/10
Angel 9/10
Orc 6/10
Goblins 8/10
Vampires 8/10
Elf 8/10
Dwarves 6/10
Lich 9/10

Been doing characters from games and anime lately and the best of them is Albedo and Hestia.

I am really enjoying SD right now.
thanks for actually replying, i did update Comfyui quite a while back, so you dont think its a python issue but a Comfyui issue?
>attentionwhoring this hard
now who could that be, mh.
>What I did learn is there's not a good way to do it w/o an insane amount of nodes.
the only way to ever do animation/video is with a timeline UI. until comfyui has that, animation will ofc be a metric ton of nodes
Look at the speaker, he's the real ani btw. In case you are wondering. >>102576689
Is that the real comfy?
Comfy is Asian-Canadian and has the accent to back this up. No. >>102580182
Was the fact that catpiss anon is trani supposed to be a secret? He even showed his prompt scheduling garbage again, even with two non-matching "animation frames" kek

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