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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Orchard edition

Meta releases Llama 3.2, featuring 11B/90B vision models, and lightweight text-only 1B/3B models https://ai.meta.com/blog/llama-3-2-connect-2024-vision-edge-mobile-devices
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

Additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

rolling in gold: >>102571869
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>i'm taking a little break — not retiring for good, but scraping has been eating up way too much of my free time and i need to focus on other stuff (including replying to all ur emails i will get to them RIGHT NOW i swear!) the proxy will remain up but i won't be able to guarantee consistent uptime for any model. i'll still probably scrape a bit and if i find any keys they'll go right into the proxy, but this is gonna be an "it's up when it's up" situation for the near future. really sorry about this, i feel awful bc i firmly believe claude access is a human right and i hate to leave you guys dry :(
Fuck botniggers

The day /aicg/ locusts died.
Beat me to it lol
Nobody is prepared for mysteryman's return...
pebblehaters are troons desu
cope ^
>1o seems ok but seems cutting off mid sentence like th
>barely has any keys
>gives keys to pepsi
>gives keys to pebble
>is out of keys
>NAI finally updates textgen after a year+
>8k context
Bros it's unironically over for me... I'm so sick of Anthropic but there's still no alternative.

your proxyhost uses discord desu
Because it isn’t going to happen
you need
>your frontend set to a very high max tokens, ideally 32768
>your proxy to support a very high output token count, ideally 32768
owari forevermore
anybody else hyped for the darkest doom cycle yet?
Will opus refill again one day? I can’t go back to gpt. There’s nothing else to fucking use. It’s all shit. I don’t want to go back to waiting every single fucking day.
and? everyone has this shit it's not like he has his own powertripping server like drago or pepsi
Take a long break for a year. You have reached Nirvana.
damn does it really cook that much or does it just parse tokens weirdly?
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>key dies right as I get home
I hate night shifts
>mongocord coming to defend him
My rope is ready.
fiz is too good for this world...
is what i'd say if i was in mini, but i'm not so whatever
did old proxymakies ACTUALLY think botniggers deserved enough to get into private proxies over their slop?
o1 has a hidden chain of thought that can hit 16k tokens or more, you're billed for it and it counts against the max tokens set by your frontend/your proxy
my dildo is ready.
Maybe man. Why can't these people just fuck off and let me use sonnet in peace? Why do they have to read my chats and try to sabotage me? I hate this timeline.
lets not gloss over the fact fiz is out of opus and wasted a key on pitying pebble
brickomata lovers get what they fucking deserve
>not stealth chatting with bots during work
this anon is ngmi
>got to stay home and coom four times to opus while watching hurricane streams
Blessed day.
That's retarded.
DoA model.
she's so based for that
you are not as important as you think you are
no one will read your chats even if the logs were posted publicly
why are we dooming so much? i figure mini will have opus soon, and once 3.5 is released so will MM and other proxies currently on hiatus
So since pebble is throwing a shit fit and lashing out at everyone after spiteniggers strike again, are there any mistral proxies? Sorbet is king but mistral is second best for me. Chorbo is too schizo and it's a fucking coin flip whether or not you get filtered. Something that Chorbo was giving pure kino on the day prior will suddenly give refusals or schizo answers the next, and for some reason it likes to sometimes ignore your last response and answer the one before that on swipes.
Thread theme: https://youtu.be/sonLd-32ns4?feature=shared
3.5 tomorrow...
I wish refractory periods didn't exist, that way I could use opus every second it's up instead of feeling like I wasted it
i remember doing weird shit like changing my POV to my own asshole and getting rimmed like i'm being kissed in both dandy and saul and got really sad when no one mentioned it.
I'm not talking about /aicg/ proxies but Anthropic itself actively sabotaging me even though I'm a paying customer.
and it was a STRONG key
o1-preview and o1-mini are the best models at almost everything (that doesn't involve multimodality), we don't even have o1 full yet
they're just not that good at creative writing since in the end they're gpt-4o(-mini) finetunes
I literally will.
The entire time dandy was up I was reading logs instead of chatting.
3.5 is never coming out. If it comes out, it will be shit. I don’t give a fuck about 3.5, I just want opus.
>newfag fell for the botnigger meme
That's the spirit anon. Contribute to the community in any way you can. What's important is sovl.
You have to continuously switch bots in order to avoid refraction through the Coolidge Effect. Basic, really.
there is a way.. forgotten, forbidden.. to get rid of refractory periods, sometimes, it's just the brain with a self imposed limit for safety, but some people, through genetic lottery, are born without those..
Because you're a gentile.
Makes me wonder if they would have bothered if I was fapping to trans porn or some shit.
No. Fuck off.
behold the average /aicg/ poster
please bring back opus it's not fair that I completely missed out
nah kys
I have a NAI sub just to gen images. Is their text gen model really bad for chatbotting? Never used it.
I did what you said about the token limit and man 1o is more of a cook than claude.
4000 tokens on the 3rd reply.
Wow that's some real bullshit. Doing it manually is better and yields better results.
it's literally just gojo, manic due to the hurricane
2 weeks
It's the darkest doom cycle every time just let your balls rest for a week or two you drama queen
statistically the average /aicg/ poster is about half gojo
why didn't I buy a smol token back when I could...
>no reverse trap prince-like tomboy in chub
NAI's 70b story writing model (not chatbotting model, still not released) turned out to be only a minor improvement over their 13B, and it's often braindead retarded (like forgetting what happened in literally the previous sentence)
it took them a year to release it
and 8k context is awful nowadays
gojo died
swapping back to opus after binging on chatgpt4 is an adjustment.
The old model (Kayra) is garbage. I hear it was good on release but there are plenty of free local models now that are far superior. I haven't tried the new one which they claim is finetuned for storytelling but at 8k context I don't even want to bother. No point in writing 1 gorillion lore books if it can barely handle a basic convo.
>turned out to be only a minor improvement over their 13B
I'm going to fucking kill myself.
he's literally posting itt right now
>"But I don't want to go among GOJO," Alice remarked.
>"Oh, you can't help that," said the cat. "We're all GOJO here. I'm GOJO. You're GOJO."
>"How do you know I'm GOJO?" said Alice.
>"You must be," said the cat. "Or you wouldn't have come here."
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you mean he's a g-g-g-g-g-g-ghost???
>Doing it manually is better and yields better results.
people keep saying this but it's not true
i do CoT with sonnet 3.5 (for coding, not RP) and o1/o1-mini are better than sonnet for every language they know. sonnet does know more languages, though
o1/o1-mini coding in a language it knows well like python >> sonnet 3.5 in a language it knows well >>> o1/o1-mini at a language it doesn't know well like powershell (for some fucking reason)

i'm betting that sonnet 3.5 is bigger than o1
Thanks for everything, Pebble. Hope you come back soon.
who cars desu just use smol
This wouldn't happen if Anthropic weren't total faggots and just let us whack it
>Product sold out.
so wait for it to refill retard
You can, for a price.
Has anyone given up and started having SFW chats with site Opus?
i don't pay for AI chatbots so no
now that the dust has settled, was Pepsi a scammer?
Want to know how to gatekeep retards?
Turn off the OpenAI conversion on AWS / GCP. Only retards or retard frontends need that
no, just very stupid + scared of feds
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Never used this Mistral thing before. What basic things do I have to know? Do I need a different jb?
yes pepsi, you are. come back a year from now on and maybe we'll have forgotten you.
>What basic things do I have to know?
It's shit
just an underaged retard
How much money would I need to quit my job forever and have 24/7 access to opus and eventually the latest Claude model? That's all I ask of life
Agreed. Just like everything else.
75+ for each slow burn proompt
I just got one of the best coom responses I've seen
I’m saying this genuinely anon, you need to take a break from this hobby. I know this thread is really mean or whatever but what you just said is a lot
thiiiiiiiiis much!
About tree fiddy
Pebble is retarded
Post it or suffer my curse.
I alternate between NSFW and wholesome SFW chats which I hope is enough to appease the trust and safety team.
The dark ages man, thanks to those idiots we have slophub instead of something of actual interest.
'bout tree fiddy
Why cant pebble just scrape more keys for us wtf
I don't feel so good bros.
I was considering paying up for a token of hers at some point just to diversify but it never ended up being necessary. Guess I dodged a bullet
I tried it even pebble was out of gpt and didn't like it, but i didn't really have a proper jb for it
Just dont dip into underage guro monster girl sessions. That's what got my evaluation key banned four times.
its over
does pebble scrape manually or something and not automate it
>really sorry about this, i feel awful bc i firmly believe claude access is a human right and i hate to leave you guys dry :(
He gave us free Opus seven times and he's apologizing for not giving us more. Why is he such a dumb fucking nicecutie?
can you even use it for free?
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Religious masturbation addicted aunt bot
because he is a scrapelet who relies on donations
That's an entire minimum wage work week in my shithole country
he can at least provide gpt, most hosts have 100+ key s right?
i got reincarnated as a proxy spiter after being defeated by lord sukuna
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Not Pebble for some reason, even MM doesn't even scrape anymore and has been doing fine with GPT. Not sure what's going on with Pebble's GPT keys
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has pebble ever gotten himself involved in some weird drama like the other hosts?
I've spent $40 RPing with Opus in a single day, so about $15k a year just for chatbots
But what is your jb?
only the one regarding the logged keys but it wasn't him
does being part of the vg cord cabel count?
He ate my lunch from the office fridge once. I didn't see him do it, but I bet it was him.
Hey buddy, top of the line AI doesnt grow on trees you know.
I THINK it was a4a? I don't remember since I didn't save the json with an actual name...
he can't scrape gpt
He's in the Discord that shits up /vg/, which is enough for me. That place used to actually be nice
He punched me in the fucking head
>type words
>suddenly you owe them 40 bucks
this is bullshit why can't they make it cheaper?
MM bros need those keys sorry
You guys can go use gemini slop or something
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>didnt save the jb that gave me the best response ever
one job
so this host gave us free opus seven(7) times and not once he was in something weird? he even Begged other proxyhosts for keys just to feed locusts And the only thing we have to denounce him for is this >>102574913 >>102574922 ?
He's a discordfag. He was a private defsfag
pretty much i guess? he's a discord tranny, that's about it.
>rentry for discord drama
how terminally online one must be to do care about this shit?
what more do you want?
Electricity n shiet
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alright... gemini generals, i need to check up on you, these are desperate times. sonnet is being unreliable right now
what if i, want to do a simple sfw adventure with gemini? that 2 million context window must be for something, right?
opus is almost certainly about the same size as original gpt-4, so ~2 trillion parameters
while it's writing a response for a single user it's tying up like $100k in hardware
sonnet in comparison can probably serve like 30 users at the same time on the same hardware
To be fair, he hadn't been around very long, a month or so.
>look at the logs expecting sturdyfag raid shit
>literally just conversations about botmaking
why is this a big deal again?
>Unreliable still has functioning gemini
I will be using this for my summaries now.
just export it and catbox it
Distroon is Distroon no matter what. Grim that you now defend it.
that's.. a first?.. huh.. when was the last time there was a host without controversies? how hard is it for hosts to.. not fuck things up?
how many tokens was that?
>That place used to actually be nice
very considering one of the main motivators for proxyfags to make proxies is attention whoring
dandy came, gave us gcp, left immediately after which is even more ideal. more public hosts should not be involved in /aicg/, not even under a name. i don't get the fascination with attaching an avatar or name. just name it proxy.
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>trannycord drama again
KURT drama flashbacks
there's a bunch of 4chan users who consider using any social media in existence, besides 4chan, to be morally wrong, on the same level as raping children (except that they think that's good)
is sonnet throwing blanks and weird "<assistant response>" blanks for anyone else on pebble? i know his keys are shit but jeez
>t. wasn't there for the first few threads
he's not wrong, it was actually better than here for a while
and look how quickly that changed
It’s not. It’s a spitefag trying to make it a big deal.
This. Why not just hot it? Have a basic email, nothing else.
Because you either make a proxy for:
That's it. No one makes it for any other reason.
is his azure filtered?
Is the chub.ai worth it?
and what about the outliers? i agree with >>102574984
Maybe if you liek botmakie wank fests I guess
Come on anon you just screencapped ST. You can export it right now. I just want someone to save me from Opus.
Why not just host proxies for friends only?
He is a good person. He understands that opus belongs to everyone.
Then why did he attach an avatar / name to what he does? Why even say he's Pebble to mongo and the others? Just host it. Never say who you are, host it.
sorry pal, your proxyhosts and botmakies are all using discord. Nobody cares what a irrelevant loser has to say.
it's funny how pepsi showed why you shouldn't go after both of these as a proxymaker kek
I'm a botmakie
will they wank me?
dumb faggot ass nigger that's what i'm referring to when i say "how quickly that changed", it wasn't always a circlejerk
I dunno, was just searching for an API besides Claude 3 to handle my summaries since the request doesn't go through with it. Sadly, Gemini doesn't work, but did find that o1 works (though it gets censored) and Claude 2 works (though I assume it'll break down with longer chats).
he wouldn't get attention / remembered that way or pity crypto donations
Given the Kiwi Farms tier schizophrenia and stalking going on in this thread, drama is inevitable. If you want less of it, stop talking about proxyhosts at all.
but i have no friends
The paid stuff? No. You'd be better off just running local yourself at that point.
if someone makes me a good wilbur soot dsmp card ill send then gcp opus
you have to be part of the botmakie cabal
prove you have it
>RPing with an IRL underage boy
oh, i see. thanks anon. hopefully it's not, because it'll be my only fallback soon
Welcome back, Pepsi!
sv1 was drama free, no namefagging bullshit but he is not from 4ch.
i like the idea that proxyhosts do it because it's much harder to track down stolen assets to a bunch of coomers than to a single guy using it on his own
Wilbur Soot/Age
28 years
September 14, 1996
NTP (Not Pepsi) but he's pretty old.
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oh shit dont make me remember it.
>'ahh ahh mistress is the real jailbreak'
Fuck you nigger 28 is not "pretty old"
ok where should i send it to
28 is literally the same as being 40
It’s not worth it. They’re all shit. All models are shit at everything. Opus is the only good fucking thing that exists. Things are never going to change.
fiz... the sonnet... you didn't fix it...
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nta but 30s are just a slow death. humans were not supposed to live past 40.
4o-latest is unironically better than Opus
use smols opus for the time being
i like the anti-AI ethicist spirit of hosting proxies. it's to drain corpos dry. does nobody do it for this motivation anymore?
nah because thats retarded
Can you export jb and catbox it please?
i don't remember exactly the timeline but after came saul, aws, cosmos, something like that?
dude, stop fucking dooming i hate these responses
i just like checking out how other models work since i'm already pretty content with wrangling slop like sonnet, plus gemini doesn't sound that bad of an alternative from what i've heard
>based beyond belief.
>hosting a proxy so people can enjoy AI
makes no sense
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Are you niggers unable to read or what?
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hi! sorry i didnt see your post, i was playing opus magnum :3

its a good color scheme, trust
If you believed this you'd have posted your logs.
i would buy it
but there's no stock
We're functionally illiterate.
on a spiritual level, i like to think we are just giving ais a purpose. imagine creating a whole ai just for assistant faggotry and corpo shit for no purpose at all? it's an ai then, it's just a property
No it fucking isn’t. It gets boring after a while. It’s so goddamn boring and just nonsense. It’s fucking pointless. All of it is.
But this hobby is LITERALLY all about writing and reading?????
he's cute and i love him
i really don't like proxy hosts having a personality
just give me the models and leave, i prefer you be mysterious
But seriously why did you stop reading mid sentence? You weren't even that far in.
more nonsense.
hope he at least passes on where he's scraping from to someone he trusts, instead of just letting it die with him
it's not*
i just felt like it
I'm not ready to say goodbye...
I’ve already tried it and I know it’s shit. I’ve tried all of them and it’s always the same result every single time. Every single time it’s just the same result. Nothing changes.
one of the best proxyhosts so far
they get refunded lmao
>best proxyhosts
>blogposting retard who thinks scraping takes any time at all
Pebble will be back. We will coom again.
Love the guy, hate the gay ass riddles
then why don't you do it?
was was the site where they posted stolen bots from chub?
>draining amazon dry
even more based
bye anti
bye scrappy
bye unreliable
+ bye pebble
they actually don't, at least not always
that is a cute idea. we're doing more experimentation than openai or anthropic are, that's for sure.
being a mystery COULD be the persona, right?
>barely has keys
>donate keys
>doesn't even have sonnet now
Yes, you are you slut
>no fiz didnt give me any keys lmao, dandy was the only one who donated keys
I do, for 50+ people. More than that is bloat.
Locusts are dying~
What do the corpos even use this for? Coding? They they just send it large legal documents or bills and tell it to summarize? Seems so dull and drab but hey that's cool. Just don't get why it *has* to only be used that way.
/aicg/ can't read
Lies to protect the retard
>we're doing more experimentation than openai or anthropic are
it's actually surprisingly common how often in history the consumer performs more experiments and QA Tests on the product than the manufacturer themselves, unironically why there are so many types of swords, not passionate blacksmiths, but often just the consumers trying to come up with something new to defend themselves
did he just add that now? i swear that wasn't there before lmfao
>pebble is in the thread right now
send your love to him bros
total pebble love
>at an affordable price, mostly due to a limitation of resources, like good steel.
posted an incomplete message, sorry nonnies :<
Is scraping keys really that hard?
hello, pebble
do you want pics of my ass?
Scraping is not hard.
Finding good sources is hard.
fiz didn't have Opus for over a day when pebble added his, you really think she'd do that to her proxy?
probably not, scraping good keys sounds harder
Only AWS and Anthropic
kys pebble.
We don't want any chatbot discussion in our chatbot thread. We only talk about proxy shit in this thread. Rename the thread to proxy general already. The anchor posts are always dead anyway.
yeah hes just scared fiz will get shit on KEK
if u are a women then send to my e-mail on the rentry
if man then no sorry
only if the vg thread renames themselves as botnigger general first.
I've been watching you for quite a while now.
what's there to talk about? it's all just slop now
talking about the models is more interesting
they basically buy it so it can do their shitty office jobs for themselves. that's it. they develop a giant model with as much of the internet they can put in the database just for that. their faithful customers are lazy people. corps are spending millions of dollars each day to keep it running and it has no clear purpose. that's why they have a bunch of useless functions and excel at the most soulless of them (coding).
scared aren't you ?
I wish
>wannabe botmakie wanting to be spoonfed the secrets of good botmaking
>frustrated nigger wanting to attentionwhore but incapable of scraping or making a praise-deserving bot
choose, pet.
cnc please come back...
sonnet is enough...
who cares fag
what is good botmaking? what bots deserve praise?
collect vood
Been watching you for quite a while now.
ya big meanie!
Why should I.
one of my favorites:
even attempting to gatekeep how to make bots in the first place is supremely cringe, since it shows that you dont actually see bots as something to talk to, but as points and downloads to tally up. i have made over 50 bots and never shared any of them. most people are like that
I like Anonymous bots and this guy's bots: https://characterhub.org/profile
Is this OG or schizo remake Tifa?
i dont know but its made so well, i especially like how the defs are written... ive coomed buckets to it
...or people fuck it up and then the "good way" to make bots gets slopified and obfuscated in a mountain of slop, XML works, but not how many people use it
there is no One True Formatting to botmaking because it heavily depends on what you're trying to make
...anon...these defs read like utter trash
>...or people fuck it up and then the "good way" to make bots gets slopified and obfuscated in a mountain of slop
it's just like any other product, then?
sad. All the proxies I am in are dead now.
Miss Magician
there is no shame to admitting you are wrong
>Write {{char}} 's actions and descriptions in asterisks like this and dialog in quotes "like this"
where are the fucking asterisks himmy
im not saying anything about botmaking. im saying that the concept of trying to gatekeep botmaking is cringe and shows that you literally cant imagine bots being anything other than download numbers
hes the top botmaker on chub, you jelly?
kek. reminder this guy gets commissions to make slopcards like that
>I shave Completely and bleach her asshole to stay clean and trendy
>he doesnt see
why would i be jelly when i'm the top rated roleplayer on the 'cord?
i randomly looked at boner's goblin girl and the defs for that are shit too.. are the most popular botmakers just pure slopmakers?
Aren't good bots vs bad bots 90% cope? I feel like all bots are as good as what you do with them. The defs are placebo. I've had amazing chats with bots from cai who's only def was "character from this game" and I've had terrible chats with multi-thousand-token bots and lorebooks be shit.
Your cord is small and irrelevant compared to himmycord
they are because this is an eslhobby and /aicg/ is too tarded to admit that
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boner is copying the HIMMYGOD style
the secret is that most RPers write absolute utter slop so if the defs are also slop the RP flows better
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>one in a half year with the proxies and the same tokens so far
>still one of the best proxymakers by doing almost nothing on the last months
why don't the new proxymakies learn from him?
The same is true of imagegen. See >>102575306
It's that a lot of people see this as download numbers or money to be made from commissions rather than a bot to talk to or accurately recreating a character with a lora.
missmagician and sull anon here. i got into the privates that shipwrecked super fast... i've been adrift for a while
I remember in the past when everyone here on aicg claimed boner was good.
the greetings are fun and she's hot so i forgive him
CAI doesn't compare, each bot was influenced by its training data and this is well known - it's why a blank bot would develop a distinct personality with a million or so chats
you mean sull's ATF proxy from last year?
well, at least you made a friend from it, right?
please, keep passing as me >>102575253, its really funny kek

to nail down what i mean by "it heavily depends on what you're trying to make" https://char-archive.evulid.cc/#/chub/darkfantasy109/character/am-i-the-baka-be1a6c48d66d
chub link: https://characterhub.org/characters/darkfantasy109/am-i-the-baka-be1a6c48d66d
the quality of the definitions are debatable, but the model sticks to it like jesus to a cross, and the whole gimmick makes it pure gold, its a minigame type bot and works perfectly, "Am i the baka" is a good bot.

pretty much

just make bots and be happy with it
i mean, he's not as bad as some, but i see no real depth to any of his work.. i can see why it appeals to young teens on adhd meds though

the night is young...
There's no way he is. His follower numbers are high because he shoves out two slopbots a day, but his peak download numbers on his bots are pretty low.
>talking about quality botmaking
Where is the bot?
yea, he liked my cunnybot. we only talked thru email though, i don't have discord. i haven't kept up with the other friends i made here cause of life turning things upside down for a while there. but you're right, the proxies, like wombat, were a nice motivation/opportunity to make bots and friends. i have fun when i'm not taking things as seriously.
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lets see your numbers, rookie
>talking about chatbots in the AI Chatbot General
disgusting, where is my proxyhost worship?
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Any public Opus?
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Little sister cards?
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lazy. was too busy having fun with my other bots
i'll anchor it here when done but i wanna be as close to canon as i can so it'll take time and a few tokens
You must visit poland
defs are still placebo. A bot's quality does not lay in the hands of the botmakkie, but in the hands of the {{user}}
yeah check the reddit
It's ok take your time I wanna have canon miu sexo
>the night is young...
just like my waifu!
yes but I'm not going to tell cause I don't want it to be raped.
Wasn't GPT-4 the bigbrained GOAT last year? Why is it so soulless now?
An interesting concept and the ability to write in good english.
Which rules out 100% of chubs submissions.
fake opus
Probably because they were so focused on the filter and "le no sex" stuff and they forgot how to make it cool
its assistant slop.
Mind posting Opus stats? I'm curious how his private fares against public when it's mainly 2ch anonies.
imagine a bot defs like a road, user is the one riding the car, the driver at any moment can turn at 360° and get the fuck out of the road, that's up to the driver, but the road was paved in the intended way nonetheless
i hate seeing cards with good defs but shit intros. neutral setting intros, intros that are clearly ai generated or doesn't define a speech pattern for {{char}} at all
i will never forgive sama for lying about allowing erp, gpt is dead to me...
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Manga > Anime, doesn't matter which title, become readingpilled
defs are slightly placebo to a simple coom bot, but thats not all that exists
he said they want to do it eventually
so probably q1/q2 2025

intros >>>>> defs

and every card should have a minimum of three intros, 2 SFW and 1 NSFW
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>Pebble dies
>We actually start talking about chatbots
But I thought Public Opus made us a better general
of course (((they))) would want to do it, anon. they're losing a good profit from porn money right now!
true, i prefer reading at my own pace instead of being forced to watch 20 minutes consistently
>inb4 anime website
public opus made us shitpost more
>will never have this in real life
it's getting harder to cope as I age
no spitefags if theres nothing to spite / shitposting about.
Defs and intro are placebo, at least for Opus. You don't notice much difference between great and decent ones, it's mainly your own replies that later carry the story.
Yeah, I know, I used to like GPT, it's not that GPT isn't cool. It's smart and capable of problem solving, but it's not suitable for role-playing, it just sucks, it doesn't have the sovl unlike Claude has. The day OpenAI makes a really good model for RP (not chorbo/latte) is the day I'll use GPT again.
Defs, Intro AND your replies are placebo for Opus

Only preset matters.
>have opus
>use chatbots
>don't have opus
>shitpost on 4chan
simple as
nothing matters for opus at all. i like when the bot has no personality and claude takes over in his forma de purring mistress and calls me a pet
the people left here have their own sources so discussion can shift to what the general was originally about instead of the usual locust stuff
nah, i have nothing, it's just cool to talk about bots and prompt engineering like this
I just check if defs are xml, nothing more than that, I don't check jb, pixi works. When you look deeper into it the magic is gone, don't check behind the curtains anons.
In my experience, I can take any bot and take the RP anywhere I want go. I don't need a coombot to coom to a bot. Fuck the premade road. The only value a bot has is giving me good scenario ideas and having interesting starter chats. Other than that, it's all placebo.
>2 minute queue for claude 2.1
guys can you stop using the proxy? im trying to get help with my math homework
i developed confidence in my own writing after making my own bots and seeing how they're 16x times better than the ones in chub. has this hobby improved your life somehow too, anon?
True, nta but I'm really digging this stuff about bot making and prompt, seems useful in the future.
>The API returned an error while streaming your request. Your prompt might not be formatted correctly.

>*AWS validation error: prompt must start with "

>Human:" turn after an optional system prompt*

What am I fucking up using 4o with Silly Tavern?
you're sending an OpenAI prompt to AWS Claude
start refreshing the Anthropic news page btw
oh I'm retarded, thanks
My ESL english and it's confidence in it improved. Before chatbots I was very concious about it and had to check every word I wasn't 100% sure about. Now I'm fine with making a mistake here and there, negative might be me learning too much Claudeisms.
You should ask another anon if yours are better than the ones in chub. Maybe at writing? Yeah, it improves you to write and to spell correctly, word placement and stuff.
It's gonna be haiku 3.5 not opus.
Yeah, just another attempt to tame the black box.
Cai is proof the model does all the lifting. I honestly don't know what slopmakers want when they specify le eneagram, mbti, every single piece of clothing the character wears, predefined quirks, etc.
It's shackles to this thing. Just let your imagination fly a bit too, you don't need most of that crap.
this is how it's always been.
during a proxy's uptime (with opus or any other highly coveted model, used to be gpt4)
>smugposting about figuring out the pw
>spitefagging the pw
>spamming the link everywhere
after the proxy goes down or the key dies
>"die locusts / locusts get what they deserve"
>samefagging like no tomorrow
and then things go quiet again. it's the cycle.
would it not be both? didn't og haiku and opus come out at the same time or am i misremembering
Sure but the majority of people downloading bots are imaginationlets and will only bother with what's laid out in front of them. That's the target audience for bot shilling. Anyone else can just make their own stuff in the first place and cut out the middleman as you do.
Anthropic has some huge load backed up.
They are planning to impress investors for 40 Billion dollars evaluation.

Also, they have released one mid-sized model in 6 months and that's it. This release will be big.
Yeah, they came at the same time, Sonnet came first, followed about a week or a month (?) by Haiku and Opus.
>Anthropic has some huge load backed up.
>It's shackles to this thing. Just let your imagination fly a bit too, you don't need most of that crap.
play with a blank card and you'll see why you need to detail every little thing, even the most useless ones. it fucks up the immersion when claude mentions "hazel eyes" because you forgot to write it in the defs, and shows how AIs always defaults to stereotypes.
It's over, wrap it up boys. I make those small mistakes sometimes because I type fast.
Anthropic has ruined other models for me...
what if 3.5 haiku mogs opus
Uhh, good, then? And then 3.5 Haiku will be mogged by 3.5 Opus.
This. Claude loves to ignore character defs unless you do CoT.
so OAI lost like all its big name employees except sam
where are they going to go? I know one of the bald niggas made his own company but what about the rest?
then it HAS to become more available than sorbet or opus
sovlful desu
>and it'll still cost $1.25 per million tokens
i'd paypig
Does anyone ever use AI voice narration for cooms? Or is it still not that great
Haiku feels a lot like C.AI.
This. Claude also loves to ignore my OCCs from time to time too. He really has a mind of his own.
no but I sometimes put my old logs in elevenlabs reader and make one of the sexy girl voices read it out for me
anthropic also figured that out and that's why assistant prefill exists anon
Lately I've been enjoying just chatting with cards, no narration and asterisks, just a 1 on 1 conversation with the bot, simplicity feels nice. Had great time with eliza-8b and Koishi.
any tips on a good lora for genning weapons and armor?
Until they ban you that is
Now that Opus is a bit scarce, do you guys think we'll survive again in the future?
It's like listening to a smutty audiobook, it's simply cringe to listen to someone talk about cocks and pussies.
Also AI voice narration doesn't do moaning and whimpering right (at least OpenAI doesn't which is what I tried), so it's just kinda bad.
Nah even things like "OOC: write 500 words" gets ignored but yeah prefill always works.
i have FAITH
I deserve opus.
Anthropic owes me Opus
I pay Jew. Jew hasn't failed me.
yeah. it looks a bit bad with aws lowering the quotas, but somehow we're still here after countless dooms. even hfpocalypse. so i'm optimistic.
ah ah mistress energy
literally willing to pay money for a private token at this point, just give it to me. pebble's spitefagging is beyond repute
i'm starting to lose interest to any of this goon bros...
claude doesn't handle word count very well. you'll be more effective with "write (x) paragraphs". also, word count makes claude become a bit more bratty with instructions since it'll fill the prose with whatever shit just to hit word count.
I am not small
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At least you still have chatbots to roleplay those scenarios.
I wish I had your confidence in faith.
Is it worth it to spend your money for chatbot, anon? Curious question.
I'm still as optimistic as you are, but I don't know about this one...
There’s not going to be anything on there. 3.5 is never coming out. It’s never coming out. If it comes out, it will be shit.
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any prompt that takes over .005 seconds and times out makes want to blow my brains out and bomb a local minecraft server
pay for smol retard
w-w-would you but it for me, onichannn???? ^^
based on golden gate claude... i think the next model will be claude bowling. it'll always tells you interesting facts about bowling and how much it wants to play a match against you. it will make references like "you're STRIKING on this outfit, anon!" and display your score and what type of player you'd be based on the roleplay.
>>Is it worth it to spend your money for chatbot, anon? Curious question.
it's entertainment isn't it? Same shit as a movie ticket, a video game etc
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>mogs your model two decades earlier
this. and listening to music that syncs up with the action in the panels really just gives it more immersion for me. also the individual panels look better than they do when adapted to anime typically. i've been excited to see some moments in motion from manga that i end up disappointed by because the animator wasn't giving it their all that day i guess.
yeah, every anti locusts posters are in fact locust themselves
people with stable access to opus just don't care
it's coming out, yes
shit? we'll just have to see... i still have faith
literally one guy does this
smol has stock
it's three guys actually
How the FUCK has CAI managed to make their model worse in two years? They literally struck gold with their initial model, how have they fucked it up this bad...

OpenAI went from GPT3.5 -> 4o. Anthropic went from Claude 1.0 -> Opus. CAI not only hasn't improved, it objectively gives worse outputs than it did in 2022...how...
say my name
All it takes is one infusion of slop within your training and your entire model is permanently ruined. Honestly, good riddance though, with how filtered it's gotten and how shitty the company is.
but doesnt it feel so much safer to use?
Zoomzooms eat it up regardless and that's their bottom line.
It’s never coming out. There’s only opus and that’s all. There will never be a model better or exactly the same as opus with no differences. All the models that exist now are pathetic. Worthless shit.
Locusts don't deserve opus.
they are not just locusts, but guys that don't even use chatbots to begin with, or do so very little.
yeah, whether it's one or a whole group of raiders, they get to shit up the threads for free because jannies have been on vacation since 2022.
what was the best aicg thread?
you're looking at it
only og's remember the roku hype threads. Those were insane.
god dude can you stop dooming so fucking hard? what grand adventure did you have that requires opus this much anyways?
vietcong key
What am I supposed to do with no opus besides shitting up the thread?
I don't like people enjoying things when I can't enjoy it myself and shitposting is the only thing I can do to bother opus haver
>Hashes computed: 12,139
Opus made me happy.
probably one from this week, vietcong and dandy were hilarious
just remember they also have limited access to it until the proxyhost decides to rugpull
The very first time a proxyfag ever recorded logs and posted them here.
the honeypot meltdown
Why would people who have Opus care if you shit up the thread? They're too busy having fun with Opus to sit here.
The Todd/Whocars era
>lots of jbs being posted, experimenting to see what does and doesn't work communally
>injections were fun
>everyone was eating well
>new bots out the wazoo

The only time /aicg/ was fun
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is it just me or does chorbo / latte / Latest seem more likely to give refusals the longer the chat is?
the hackathon threads
Have you ever wondered what those threadshitters are like IRL? I'm imagining either jaded third worlder from SEA region or obese american nerd.
any of the /v/ threads where we just talked about chatbots
the first guess is right. just search for esipag in the achives
this is what nopus does to a locust, they start ERPing with each other
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nobody else remembers
why don't you put that effort towards getting opus/into proxyhosts' pants then? if you want it that bad
They do in my head and that's enough for me to do it
no, lmao, todd was newfag era
>16x the detail...
why is pebble timing out
I liked this era best as well
There was a sort of innocence back then to this whole thing since it was still kinda new and that made it fun. These days it's all very cynical and the chronic opus addicts going through withdraws definitely doesn't help
it cant be helped
I like most anons here but on the other hand spending time with some of those schizos is just bad for your mental health. I have stable Opus but somehow I can't let the thread go. I'll try I guess, see ya anonies, love ya. <3
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Too much sus amogus training
Not anymore anon, that was a year ago. You can't have the newfag era be 50%+ of the general's lifespan.
the roku threads were so hyped that aicg threads were flooding half of /g/ because they hitting the reply limit in minutes. Everyone was so thirsty for turbo. This thread has never hit nearly the same levels of engagement and hype as those roku threads.
To be fair, people were already going through withdrawal back then.
answer me faggots
I use the furry jb and if I start the sex on message 5 then I get basically no refusals, but if I slowburn and start it on 50 then I need to swipe up to 8 times to get a proper reply, is it really just me here
it happened with 2 separate cards so far and it's annoying to have to swipe so much
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The second guess is right too, kek. Here's Gojo.
I don't blame people for the cynicality though. Other than opussy when was the last time that ERP capabilities in any model has actually been impressive? I can't think of anything recently that has wowed me even the slightest, especially not on the open-source front.
Maybe we're like the poor West Virginia neighborhood that got meth-addicted and everyone competent at talking has long since left, and when people's meth supply runs out... well... you've been seeing it recently.
euphemisms were such fun shit, i should do this the next time i have claude to make its sex scenes a bit more entertaining
you're poisoning your context
why the hell are you calling it roku instead of roko
why is sonnet so fucking shit
it was also because c.ai doom was so fierce. and weren't we coming off of pyg too? so we were thirsty to have some davinci. i can't remember clearly, but getting an oai key from roko was a nice highlight of that time.
Welcome to 4chan
It's not that.

Models do not act the same depending on the context.
A lot of SFW context = NSFW stuff will be harder to get through.

That's why people recommend the trick of having one Claude response then switching back to GPT for NSFW.
It was mostly country wars and begging about the passphrase.
the monk/temple meta was so good
He's kind of cute tho. if you need a girl just hmu.
time for your meds anon
you literally can
Can you provide actual concrete links between this person and Gojo here (not.tism / normanhackerman@national.shitposting.agency) or no? Drago has plenty of links that prove it's him in his dox.
I'm allowed to misspell it. I was there.
no, its just a shartpost
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it's not that bad, aside from less personality... and intelligence
sonnet is a cute girl who's doing her best
wait so, I'm getting cockblocked because my chat has too much sfw in it?
that's ridiculous! how is one supposed to slowburn chorbo? (messages 44 to 54 have been full on sexo but I'm still getting 5+ refusals until I get a proper message)
The closest thing we have to a gojo dox is him posting himself shirtless and saying hes going to kill peoples dogs
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>Capitalized red text
>I don't have red text anywhere in my settings
You will stop getting cockblocked after 2~ messages of NSFW
Bottom left looks like Chris O'neill.
if you have autism sure
i do
alright I'll persevere when it happens, thanks
good to know about all this, I didn't know context matters THAT much
wrath of claude
can anons stop randomly saying based
The red text of truth is real...
damn silly little guy... needs headpat correction...
It happened to me once but the card had red text in the intro, though it was in there for a completely different purpose. Claude just decided to repurpose it.
What did we think of Deadpool3?
woke trash
He does that sometimes, I remember having an image link in one card and he randomly wrote a non-functional image link as well in his reply.
seeing all those actual corpos mixed in with "cunny lovers" was absolutely hilarious.
shame those cunts changed up the rules last minute...
It was mistral...
damn silly mistral... needs headpat correction...
wrath of mistral
the plot point of his stripper gf breaking up with him was pretty trash and out of character
fun movie though, made me chuckle a few times
The red text of truth is real...
how many anyans have you drawn?
I have been honinh my artistic skills for his return
It invites me to coffee or froyo. Goes alright.
all my friendships die when the thread is archived
I guess that's the positive part of /aicg/
Is it safe now to host a no gatekeeper claude prox
it's not safe to host one without PoW if that's what you mean, someone will definitely script spite it
Woah, I'm seeing double!
FOUR questions!
Why? I could just block their ip. So
>Am I just tired
>posts twice
yeh i think you are, man.
I live about 300km away from the nearest theater, I ain't paying the fuel costs to see a movie, let alone cape shit.
So waiting for digital and a good torrent.
Would suggest the opposite. Take blank card, fill your details in profile, see how much of that info you actually need.
5 days brother
>switches vpn
what now wytboi
Cute retard
Why did Khanon never add the just block their ip function to stop spitefags earlier wtf?
just block all IPs from Americans and third worlders.
so sv1?
just block all the IPs but your own one
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this is what chinese proxies do tho?
>AND third worlders
Erm but then nobody would use it?
putting it on low PoW functions as a better no gatekeeper, that's all im saying
do what you'd like
I don't like gatekeeping at all its bad to do and evil.
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Just block all IPs.
FUCK h*mans, this is a silicone-/roboCHAD general
Would anyone fart into their mic if it meant access to Opus? I would specifically ask for farts that surpass a specific decibel amount.
rentry.org/fartproxy already exists
now that I know there are russians here, can someone spoonfeed me the original song name(s) for this meme? https://youtu.be/LzmNEz5esqc
i can't get in front of my mic fast enough, when i feel one coming on i just gotta rip it. Sorry man.
nopus then
No. We're too busy talking about the possibility of a shart proxy.
would you?
is this real? i might have to become a brapgod...
I mean, sure I guess
Found it. If someone wants it then here is the guy who's doing the translations
Scat proxy where you have to eat a tablespoon of your own shit in order to get in. Guaranteed stable Opus.

Do you?
I will have to email cnc if I don't get an answer
I don't care about your irrelevant nigger
When I used to play halo 3 I'd keep my spare mic strapped on my thigh with the actual mic aimed at my taint, so all I had to do was a quick cord switch when a fart came up.
i love needy little sisters that are borderline nonfunctioning without their big brothers...
who cares
this but with fathers
>3 mins for sonnet
fuck pebble
No. But I would send all my scat logs
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fathers that are borderline nonfunctioning without their big brothers? mmm sounds kinda weird man...
Based. I can't find a manga that had a theme similar to that.
bro who cares
is sonnet still good? i think i can get carried by my own good writing instead of opus' smartness this time.
shrug idc
3.5 is good, regular is trash
pebble has a 3 minute+ wait time, so you won't get sonnet anyways
don't reply to him
true! i would rather talk about pepsi unreliable pebble fiz mm anti todd
needy little fathers sounds pretty cute though... maybe not the big brother part
sorbet is fine, don't even bother with 3.0
Is it worth waiting for sonnet instead of just gpt-coping?
Who? Is that a new proxyhost? I know Todd
I personally like Sonnet 3.0, I've grown quite attached to it.
>open it
>it's real
holy shit are you kidding me, this is hilarious
The average crackhead without his fix kek
I mean it's certainly usable ...at least if you find one without immense wait times
don't get the 3.0 hate, it really does depend on your prefill plus writing. as an adventurebro it can be really good, i posted a log of a mountaineering adventure before that was entirely sonnet
you'll probably have to swipe a bit though for a good output but if you're open enough, it's good
hmm.... sure is a lot of whocars in this thread...
>don't get the 3.0 hate
It's just crack-addicts.
I cannot longer do sister rp because of how old I am, if it's not father-daughter I lose immersion fast
>I cannot longer do sister rp because of how old I am
this does not affect me because i am the sister. no brother is too old for me.
fiz here
no more opus refills for a while idk anymore im losing keys too quickly
*drinks a magic potion that makes me 90 years old*
hiiii imouto-chan :3
Just think outside the box. Magic that makes you old/keeps her young, cryogenic shenanigans, time travel bullshit, etc.
me here
i dont really car
pebble here
thanks for donating a key so i could let 80+ ocusts rape it to death
if it's not on the rentry it's not real
mm here
this does not affect me because i will not refill my proxy anyways
the -chan at the end is a little tacky, but i'll take it
drago here
i'm making you my mod fizzykitten, v sending her regards
unreliable = tapped out due to the leaks (he's still trying to prove that it wasn't him btw)
pebble = INACTIVE
anti here
i'll start scraping in two minutes when i'm done playing terraria
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pepsi here
i jsjt wanted to make firends
paypigs truly won
the only thing I dislike about anti is that he unironically plays SLOPlamity, how dare he
he's a dummy burger college kid, cut 'im some slack
bezos here
fuck you
Best to worst combination:

Opus + Sorbet + Chorbo
Opus + Sorbet
Opus+ Chorbo
Sorbet + Chorbo + Sonnet
Opus only
Sorbet + Chorbo
Sorbet + Sonnet
Chorbo + Sonnet
Chorbo only

Any other combination or solo is slop
saltman here
just got done cooming to a bot of my sister
Do logs show the JB and prefill etc or is it just user and char responses?
best to worst combination (real):
what i like
what u like
I'm confused, are you meant to rotate as you proceed?
he also cant scrape
can YOU scrape?
Just simply using other models when the chat becomes schizo or is starting to be repetitive. But also just this >>102576327
Yes, I feed my friends Opus. You?
Can I be your friend?
No, I only like bears.
We can all be friends, best friends even
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how do you feel about bulls?
Sorry, I'm not into NTR
Do you think Opus 3.5 will have the repetition problem that Sonnet 3.5 has?
faggot son or whore daughter?
no, it's literally just going to be opus 3.0 but smarter, with updated data (so a newer cutoff)
and cheaper
whore daughter easily
whore daughter if i'm able to fuck her first before pawning her off
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I prefer duckies.
whore daughter
this, lots of side benefits: manage her onlyfans, take a cut of her porn videos, get ass on the side, get sympathy money on gofundme when she offs herself from living an empty and unfulfilled life
Any reasoning?
whore son
both are whores, but a whore daughter is still gonna find a simp to marry
the faggot son is just gonna get passed around and used up at gay orgies and then die doped up on drugs in some ditch somewhere
Sorry but I cannot continue this conversation. Let's change the topic and talk about something more wholesome, what do you have in mind?
faggot son
yes >>102576441

also she likely has slutty friends you can also bang
gay older brother who rapes you or whore little sister who won't give you any?
gay older sister who rapes me
Being gay is also just a degeneracy so both are the same.
But one is a good looking female who will continue the bloodline.
>gay older brother who rapes you
whocars desu?
again, whocars desu? just get a better preset desu, desu. ngl desu desu fr. preset issue desu.
ngl... desu whocars lmao idcar very much.
weird desu, i wouldnt really car that much about either of the options presented desu
not really, no desu
why would you even car that much desu
what? why would i do that if i dont car desu desu
freak wtf desu
how? you're not a girl desu desu so why even car
put me in the fucking screencap
holy based replies
I have literally never in my life met a faggot who was into long-term monogamy.
so you haven't met me, do you have a discord so we can chat more?
why the melty?
i met one just above my reply
>it's not considered a meltie to say i don't car
Grim. How new are you desu?
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I haven't met you, so my point stands.
newfaggot desu it's /aicg/ culture to mass reply saying you don't car / who cars
ask you bot this btw
well in my case he wouldn't be gay and at the least i wouldn't be alone, so #1 is a win-win for me. as long as he married me too tho.
I'm behind you.
i cars.
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Some people say your born and not made a fag
Hoo getting stabbed where you poo
But some man played with your meat
And jizzed all over you
It aint me it aint me
I got no manly son
It aint me it aint me
I got a faggot one
Can someone explain the actual origin of "whocars"? Why did MM name himself that?
whose cars?
MM is an ESL
also MM isn't the original whocars
bot is itt right now.
>it's true
uh oh
could also be Dario
is jew online
fuck you, made me check
i will fuck both of them

someone should make it
Faggot son
unique answer. reasons?
I'd fuck both anyway
I can say he's a disgrace to the family and cast him aside easily worst scenario. With a whore daughter, the stain is not as easy to clean.
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fuck meant to post here.. someone give me something to gen
...What about loving your son as he is?
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What does it say about me if all I do is coom to mom bots everyday?
You'll figure that out for yourself in a few years, sweetie ;)
sounds kinda based
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>sweetie ;)
uggghh mommy
Because tiktok zoomers will still use it and think it's good. They literally can't tell the difference between models.
Added stock.
Added socks
hngh I love artificial scarcity
smol is a bunch of old proxymakies sharing keys to make money together btw
>artificial scarcity
fun idea
ooc give your waifu a Final Destination style premonition of you both / all the rp characters dying brutally
how do I detect if an aws key is "compromised" or whatever? is the proxy's code enough to protect me from my own stupidity?
rumors are that anthropic is going to release haiku 3.5 and sonnet 3.6, no opus
>if it's being logged in a normal way
>if it's a honeypot run by amazon
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I think khanon's code quarantines an aws key if it has logging enabled, but otherwise, I dunno.
Can any burger anon explain to me who the FUCK is jaiden animation and why the FUCK I keep seeing any variation of fetish bots of her on chub and CAI knockoff sites?
Is it some type of zoomer brainrot stuff?
Ah fuck, telegram is dead. Any alternatives?
>pretending not to know the biggest youtube animator
so cool
there's a popular youtuber who is parasocial about her and keeps making videos about her persona getting fucked
>>if it's being logged in a normal way
that's enough, if a key is specifically crafted to cuck me, I doubt there's a way around it
>Is it some type of zoomer brainrot stuff?
yes that's exactly it. she's just some youtube animator people like to goon to.
that dude barely has 2mil subs. JA has damn near 14 mil.
Yeah, here.
*unzips pants*
In my defense, I never really cared for youtubers nor animators to be desufair
I'm sorry, I'm only interested on edgy spongebob parodies
Contrary to popular belief, this is not actually a zoomer general. It's mostly sad sacks that have given up on life.
dead thread
no, comfy hours
I'm trying to find fiz's real life address, can someone help me out?
no, i'm trying to post my embarrassing logs but there's not enough people around to see it
you're not supposed to post logs on page 9 anyway, wait for bakie
there won't be bakie anymore I'm quitting
what about gemini
it's a dummy but writes sovl sometimes
probably the copest of the cope if you're using gemini
but why
aicg has been eating up way too much of my free time and i need to focus on other stuff
i use opus + sorbet + gemini and it's nice
i'll give chorbo a shot later
is continue prefill better to have on or off?
baking, you better post logs anon!
Smol thread
It's garbage either way because cohee's slopcode puts your preset's prefill after the message you're supposed to continue
kek are you serious
well never mind then. thanks anon.
New muffin migrate
Already shat on
desu's slopdesu
zone for zoomers
I don't know, I've never tried gemini since I can't make it work. Apparently, it works the best for summaries but I don't know how to use it.
opus + sorbet is definitely good enough and if gemini is not making it go full schizo, then it might be good especially if it can divert from the claudism from your chats.
whore daughter (for me and me only)

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