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iris keyboard edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>102558177
first for bharat supremacy
Reposting since last thread died.
I'm looking for advice here anons. I've been working as frontend web dev for almost 5 years and I'm tired of it. Most of the time it's boring and I don't really like working with designers. I want to migrate to full stack or backend, but I'm not sure what language should I learn backend with. Going with JS allows me to focus on the actual backend stuff since I already know JS pretty well, then I could simply migrate this knowledge to another language if I have to.
nigga js can be backend as well

next/nuxt has api routes built in. adonis is pretty neat too.
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humiliation ritual
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finally fucking friday! im on pto next week
wish me luck anons my sister is trying to set me up with one of her friends (im gonna fumble but oh well)
kys neet >>>/g/utwg
>fall for the cs meme
>graduate from shitty no name school with no debt
>didn’t learn shit
>some how get job out of college
>2 years in and still haven’t learned shit
>can’t be arsed to study things in my own

How over is it for me bros? How do I cope with the fact I’ll be a shitty code monkey for the rest of my life that’s probably no better than a jeet? Should I go back for my masters? Wtf do I do, rn I’m getting payed like 110k but I’ll never be skilled enough to make the big bux
>can't be assed to study
>didn't learn shit
>muh meme
>wtf do I do
cut out the middleman and just fuck your sister
I miss my Iris. Accidentally took off a diode while swapping the case from a temporary plate to something a bit nicer and never got it back on.
what industry and size is ur company
amd has too many fucking meetings
no wonder everyone works retarded hours
Any good resource to recap for tech interview for experienced programmers? Best I could find is some kiddy excercises for students/graduates. Embedded btw.
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I'm used to getting copypasted rejection letters, especially from large companies, but not AI-written ones.

I wonder if my application was even read by a human considering the reply was the next day and the rejection letter was by AI.

This is only a start-up company with 2 people, why would they have a fully automated application system?
How would AI even evaluate this application didn't ask for a CV or cover letter, only a link to a portfolio.

If they didn't really read it, it's ironic letter says "we appreciate the time you invested with us".

Do you think it's more likely a human reviewed it and got chat GPT to write a rejection letter or that it was auto-rejected?
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based, but for me it's lily <3
with linear switches and a high profile case
>Should I go back for my masters?
No. Learn the basics for what technologies you'd rather be working with and exaggerate your experience to employers like everybody else.
what uncommon jobs i can take advantage or connect with a cs degree?
anything outside web/SE roles
>why would they have a fully automated application system?
Simple. They don't have money and ChatGPT is cheaper. You might not want to work with them.
had a stealth wank during a 2 hour meeting
lily is also great. I use linears as well. cheers mate
>new sprint goes live
>within 1 week 4 pretty dumb bugs coma back
>this happens every sprint
I wonder if the company will ever bother to change it
bro, your retros?
There is not really a scrummaster, so nothing really gets done with the complaints
bro it's not the scrumjanny's job to do it
you're supposed to collectively as a team agree that a certain thing needs change and then do it
How the fuck do Scrum Masters make $120k/year?

My SM literally fucks up all the time and is an Indian. Not sure how this dude earns more pay than an actual coder.
hardware or software?
>thought I was on mute but misclicked
>caught on mic screaming at my cat
become the middleman and set me up with your sister
I was screaming like FUCK YOU, I'M GONNA KILL YOU, THIS IS WHY EVERYONE HATES YOU while holing my N64 controller by the cord and swinging it a circle over my head like a mace
I don't understand where are the jobs come from once the last remnants of good paying fields programming are decimated by the AI slop. The FED keeps parroting about how the a strong job market is fundamental for their monetary policy.
In retrospect, how long did we actually expect to be able to shart out express servers and react UIs while being ludicrously paid and not have it get automated?
why do unemployed neets think everyone else is also an unemployed neet
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I have zero interest in my job, I don't give a shit about the company and I dislike lots of people here.
The only reason I'm still here is because I can get away with slacking off most of the day.
You'd make an excellent sanitation engineer or grill analyst
Sounds like you are doing pretty good assuming you aren't somewhere with VHCOL
>what should I do
Try learning current meme tech assuming you know how to do basic stuff like shart out CRUDware in a modern stack
Terraform, k8s, docker, AWS, and anything else needed to grift a company into building overengineered garbage
Same, and anyone who tells you that you're supposed to like your tech job is a cuck
been doing nothing but killing time to get to the weekend and there's STILL one hour to go. LITERAL SLOWMO
When I am bored at work I just create generic or reflection monstrosities and see if the reviewer approves my pull request
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Jeet manager is up my ass, I have a story this sprint to do functional testing on a ui and even though I @ this dude multiple times in our teams chat with the excel of all the tests I’m tracking, he still thinks I’m not doing shit. He’s now insisting to sit with me to go over all the shit I’ve done and to see what I still have pending. I swear to god I’m gonna RKO this dude and send him to jeet heaven, he straight up looks like pic rel
advice on first day of work?
the one I've always been told is to work 70% average and then when necessary go 100%
I got my yearly 3% raise and 1k bonus today.

Why do I feel more unhappy with my pay now?
I wonder why bro
most people have 10% bonus incentive
3% raise is not a raise btw, that's inflation prevention (inflation is actually higher)
I work 30% and put in 60% during crunch. I'm not putting 100% unless it's an interesting new feature and I want to test myself. Of course this only works if you're a 10x dev, but basically match the velocity of your team or aim to be slightly above average.
Backend JS is a meme and should never actually be used. It's fun to use for a quick startup, wire it up with whatever DB you want and play around. But if you're looking for professional opportunities, Java + Spring Boot is worth your time. I've also heard good things about Go, but unsure of the career opportunities.
that sounds about right yeah, find the velocity of the team through stand ups and see where they're at and then average it out or go much less if they're bad (or you're really good), thanks anon
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>3 final round interviews with different companies
>rejected on all 3

Its just good business.
I will never own a home.
My down payment fund will never overcome ever-soaring housing bubble + inflation.
I am literally worse off than a slave.
Even a slave had a shack to live in and a wife to fuck.
I bought a home in cash a year ago
skill issue
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>my manager is yet again trying to offload some of his responsibilities to me
I absolutely hate babysitting people, specially for free
>>102579888 probably lives in shitty Canada
All the 30+ software engineers in my company unironically tell me they rent.
skill issue, I own an ~800,000 dollar commercial property in jersey, and its value will only increase because its so close to nyc kek
grats. I got 30% of my company laid off.
I could probably buy a home but I rent. Right now its cheaper to rent and just pile money away in the stock market.
Python or golang
Fuck I wish my main customer would just poach me already goooooooooooooooooooooooooood
or at least I want a beer with them
I get the keys to my home Monday
Just live in a LCOL area and work remote.
Still investing 30% of pretax too c:
>LCOL area
No such thing under the Bolshecrats
>pajeetcode thread
giga oof
How can I go digital nomad with a heavy desktop machine? Shove my desktop into hardcase luggage in the overhead compartment? I'm probalby going to be unable to bring a monitor too and have to buy one over in the other country.
Will I get stopped for questioning for bringing a desktop? Will they try to search the files even though it's encrypted? Will they demand that I turn on the machine for them?
Sure they are just where nobody wants to live
Its not cities where there is a nightlife or farmland with tacky mcmansions
But I also have spent the last 5 years of my life preparing to live in the 70s 2.0 so idk anon things were going to be miserable for a bit
same but i think i'm slowly starting to hate life too so i don't know if a boring and unexciting job is a good long term plan
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>it's Friday
>They're migrating the repo to a new data host
>Can't commit
Looks like it's a free day
Buy a van or an old school bus and convert it into an RV camper with insulation etc.
I meant for international flights.
Remote desktop onto a hosted server
Kot did nothing wrong.
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This is me from monday to friday.
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Weekends make me sad.
I miss my work, and I study extra but I'm not paid for that. Also while I work I have excuse for not doing anything hobby, but on weekends I realize normies invaded my hobbies decade ago.

My team's repo going down for 2 weeks still haunts me. I mastered python scrapping and curl during that time and we did pretend my scripts were installing stuff from our repo instead from nginx that I did setup.
The place I'm working at wants us to run endpoint vulnerability scans every deploy, which seems retarded to me. Do developers normally do that? Seems like more of an ops thing. I'm used to using SonarQube and that just ran as part of the build
tfw the house I got a mortgage on last year already increased in value by 20%
if I put it on the market today I guarantee it would sell for that price before the end of the year
my gateron milky yellow pro switches arrived. they feel so smooth compared to what I am currently using.

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