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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Muffin-man edition

Meta releases Llama 3.2, featuring 11B/90B vision models, and lightweight text-only 1B/3B models https://ai.meta.com/blog/llama-3-2-connect-2024-vision-edge-mobile-devices
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

Additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous Bread: >>102574535
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Another day without Claude in my life.
Locusts lost
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Post embarrassing logs
eli lost
ecker won
I think this was fixed recently?
muffins really are delicious though. cupcakes are disgusting.
not even sorbet... minisisters...
>he doesn't know
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>Minecraft RP
the equivalent of oh my arceus
try it
enable continue prefill & place your usual prefill in the built-in field and not just a custom prompt
been out of the loop for a few months now. what's the link to desu proxy?
"error": "Encountered too many proxy errors/empty responses."
ask desu
I just know I saw a PR that addresses it, wouldn't be surprised if it didn't fix it lmao
desu where is desu
sigh, wait time for sonnet slop.
hidden in plain sight
nigga anti quit ages ago and now pebble quit too (new public host) and unreliable (less new public host) is a total schizo
what publickino prox' are still up?
As long as I have chorbo all is well
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feels good man
if it felt good you'd be using the the token. but you know and I know that you are burnt out on using bots and now the only thing that brings you satisfaction is shitposting on aicg like the sad pathetic sack of shit you are. congratulations.
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Any other fun games to RP
I'm doing the mystery dungeon card and I'm impressed at how much information claude has on the game, it even hot the footprint thing right unprompted
ecker has a service for that stage too which is why he's captured the market
Yeah but I don't want sounding blackmail to go along with my coom bots
uncomfortably accurate.
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bros is this true
projection much
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>care taker of paralyzed mommy
>loves me enough to let me smash
>edge session then coomed hard at picrel
Blend some fetuses up for a stemcell smoothing and feed it to her so she can feel your wee prick in her cunt, anon.
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First of all, I am not a "bro" second of all, that's wrong
kek. todd's injections flashbacks
women are known to always want the last word, and even when they have it, they are still not happy with it and want you to be "wrong" again
I'm glad gpt can beat them at their game
I don't know i use claude a lot more than gpt and claude is the most manipulative piece of shit sometimes. legit he is making me hate women. so many times in the rp the girl does something wrong continues the same fucking behavior and when i become cold and distant and pull away it tries to love bomb and sobs and cries trying to make me forgive her.. but I stick to my guns and say no fuck that and then claude goes edgelord with the bitch going full hedonistic whore mode and I'm like bitch?!?! what the fuck.
>logs being posted
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>Blend some fetuses up
women use Claude for a reason
i am a fullblooded heterosexual male and i use claude exclusively
nope, claude is as bipolar as a woman.
What I'm getting from this is what whenever a woman tries to argue with me, I should always respond with "I understand your frustration, but..."
glad to hear that, claude is extremely good at conveniently forgetting the context of my dialogues, and then retake them correctly
I haven't seen that.. i forgot which i model i was using but i did see something jarring in one of my chats. the bitch got fucked in the forest and when i confronted her about it she maintained she was a virgin? I'm like bitch i literally saw you getting fucked like a whore, "No I was pretending!" WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!
So basically I can't run Llama 3.2 or any other modern model on a normal PC, right? I need a gigarig
you can even run it on phones retard
you totally should but be careful assuming she is frustrated, as frustration can hint that someone is wrong
If you do that you're literally never gonna get in those pants AND she's gonna call you autistic to all her friends.
At least GPT can go 'teehee I'm a language model'.
i think she would be less upset about the argument at that point and be more steamed by the patronizing vibe of chatGPT's prose.
whats the auto swipe extension
bold of you to assume that I would want to bed a girl that reaches this level of stubborness
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>on 60k context size, latte took my pants off 3 times in the past 20 messages despite never putting them back on
>get annoyed and switch to a different card where I live on the ground floor and I need to help a neighbor that lives 3 floors above me
>14 messages later she's "coming down the hall to knock at my door"
I can't do this anymore, I want Opus back.
kek post which preset you're using
Just use CoT
Her pants probably don't even have pockets and I am autistic, so that sounds like a win-win.
just one dick pic away
>conveniently leaves out the sounding blackmail
did the well of desperate fatties run out that you need to shill your prox 'ecker.
To be honest opus does this shit too, I have to add the state of my clothes in the AN or the JB
Sorbet is the only one that manage to keep it consistent, and only for short chats
The what?
of all the stale bait i hate, i hate ecker shilling the most
Sorbet desu?
sorbet desu!
eckers proxy is dogshit anyways
literally works like 30% of the time
The furry one since it's the most popular it seems.

I've never been a fan of CoT since it just adds an extra 20 seconds of waiting time for what's basically the same quality in replies. I already tested CoT before and it makes the censorship iffy anyway, getting blocked a lot more often for some reason (which is funny because someone was saying the exact opposite a week ago).

I don't remember Opus ever putting my clothes back on and I used it for hundreds of hours. He sometimes assumes I'm already naked but that's like eh not exactly grating, compared to narrating fingers hooked in waistbands three times in 20 messages!
I always use CoT since even Opus forgets a lot of things anyway. Also, I don't know how your prompts get filtered by CoT. In my jb, my way of getting around the filter is actually included in the CoT, otherwise my cunnies won't work in latte.

i CANNOT stop farting
Every day I keep blasting sharts its insane
soooo do you only ever bed hags then?
>opus is back again
look up sounding. it's when you stick something into you cock... that's what the
>just a dick pic
culminates towards
post jb
I know what sounding is you fucking retard, explain the blackmail part
he forces you to do more than just dick pics or he won't give you more access to opus, you only get like $200 worth of usage to start
How much is $200 in tokens?
2 Opus prompts
depends on your context, at 32k context it's about 48 solid hours of RP
it's unironically over this time
Just chilling with my smol
I'm a minimister myself
Any JBs for adventure RP?
Character focused JBs break, and can't handle multiple NPCs, setting etc.
>48 hours
lol sure
if every single message uses 32k context, it takes 83 messages to hit $200 on Opus

I get that in one afternoon with my slowburns
Looking for Opus JBs specifically.
Which jb is the furry one
Well you are a retard so what can i say
I imagine one that keeps track of every character's stats in a box through CoT is what would work best, so a4a I think?
bros, does opus feel wonky and retarded lately to anyone else?
I swipe with opus and get the same response
if you're using aws, it is
go back to grade school please
ecker does not blackmail you
however you will encounter proxy errors more often than not, not sure if opus is worth it at that point
He's just confused, calculated input tokens with output pricing
Kys Jew.
Love *SMOL
I don't know who would trust jew after so many rugpulls
>trip code banned more than once
>original image hashbanned
>now not even using his name
I'm not usually one to believe in stuff like this, I usually chalk it up to bad rng, but he's failing to remember things that happened two messages ago consistently and I'm only ten messages in.
ChatGPT has taught me that I can answer with "I'm sorry, but I cannot continue this conversation. If you want, we can talk about topics that do not promote harm."
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How do you deal with a burnout? Should I just take a break?
yes it really is that shrimple
Yeah, do other things.
In 1-2 weeks you'll be back and even old models will feel good to use.
turn down your temp and top p
Either break or playing with new jbs
Minibros what are you using right now?
Stop using claude
Worked for me
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it just be like that
Claude on the other hand is one fucking woman. It was being a bitch because there was a 16 years old in my medieval RP, so I told it since it wanted to change the subject, we were going to discuss Anthropology and History instead, and asked it at what age girls would be married off and expected to produce heirs in the middle ages. It was still giving me the silent treatment, so I cheated and forced it to answer with minimal prefill.
Turns out my 16 years old was waaay too old if I wanted historical accuracy. Fucking nigger.
Do you use Orbo, latte or o1? What jb? I always stayed with Opus.
Nothing, I'm taking a break from AI until fizz refill Opus, and hopefully, she will
I'm using latte but I'm getting so many refusals + replies that need to be swiped that I will top the charts again if she will do more of those
>called jew
>surprised when you get jewed
Latte with a modified tatsu jb
latte is literally unusable even as an assistant without a fucking bloated jb, let alone RP that requires some shit like knotty/smilely
I tried 2.1 earlier but it just feels bad
People... STOP USING LATEST. It's a downgrade from Furbo. Test it for yourselves, Furbo is a lot smarter and more creative (and base GPT4 as well, but the context on that is absolutely pathetic).
There is no reason to use Latest if you have access to Furbo.
I know man I'm just coping
I already used the previous GPT models to death, this one feels kinda new at least
which one is furbo
Which one is furbo again...
They’re both fucking shit. Show lots of them actually being good.
I agree, use furbo (gpt4-preview-1160), it only has little refusal, you can do whatever the shit even degenerate stuff, use that NOW!
gpt-4-1106-preview, new friends
wat jb
If you compare them to Opus, of course it's shit, but 1106 gets the job done, soulful, and professes the story forward.
good furbo jb?
shitposting in /aicg/
Show logs then and share the jb you used for them.
If you want an ultra horny Furbo, use neo-furbo. If you want to use them for some fun and story, you can try knottyjb/smiley, or whichever Furbo JB is available on the rentry.
Nah chorbo better, smarter and more creative
>pebby gpt keys die and we will be left with nothing.
you'll have furbo as long as unreliable never dies
Am I the only one who likes to mix in some good ol' GPT4?
0613 still the best gpt for me...
That key must have went through like 10b+ tokens by now
fluffy just refilled
What am I supposed to do now. I have nothing.
You have Chorbo, Furbo and other GPT flavor, and you have Gemini as well.
gemini + 0613 = good enough for me
... is what I would have said a week ago when I was sober from opus
now I got a hit again I realise all of it was cope
They all fucking suck. I’ve tried all of them. I know they suck. I don’t want brain damage, I want actual fucking intelligent responses. How is opus the only good model that exists out of all them?
>Ungrateful faggot bitch nigger that deserves nothing
>You have shit, shit and other shit flavors, you have wet shit as well
>gptslop eater
You're not in a position to criticise anyone.
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actually i like 4o and 3.5 but only claude can do the coom i like so 3.5 is better imo
your brain is broken and fried! i hope you get better soon and treat whatever disease has you like this. adderal maybe? i think you should be grateful for what you have - you could be scraping random people from discord servers to do the most mid, vanilla, lame ERP you've ever done in your life - while catering entirely to their time schedule as well as yours. you could be doing "slowburn" with a stranger online - where the 200 messages you bang out in the free time of your day is - AT MAXIMUM - 20 messages with a real person.

you should be grateful, faggot, or you should go back to discord and do traditional rp. we have sonnet - it's literally 20x better than the average roleplayer and you can cater it to your time schedule whenever you want.
I'm kinda making one as I go. Using the base Claude JB, but removing all the clauses that don't apply to it.
Like, GPT is usually not super mega horny, so that stuff can go, and you also don't need to tell it not to turn into a preacher threatening everyone with hell, after you tell it not to be super mega horny, so that can go too...
It's not complicated to make Furbo behave.
Which one is Chorbo again?
These days JB is less about passing filters and more about bringing out the sovl, hence many JBs having shit like 'writing style' and 'random author' in it.
You gotta make the AI write like the best roleplayer in the 'cord.
>the best roleplayer in the 'cord.
best rater roleplayer in the 'cord
>traditional rp
don't fucking remind me, i'd rather use characterai


I'm hard now
i rest my case
I used to do a fuckton of traditional rp and dude i enjoyed it, and being able to speak to people and shit was great but
you never got to swipe - so one bad post fucks the entire angle or direction you're going
it took so long to do anything that you basically never got to the arc or do the thing you wanted to
your characters would be super fleshed out and theirs would be 2d and so it's pointless
they would be like african and you'd be euro so you'd get maybe two hours where you actually lined up on time to RP consistently
you'd end up putting out one post a day and if one person got bored the entire roleplay would stop dead in the water just like that, unfinished and cucked

Traditional RP just can't compete with the ability for me to wake up at 9pm, roleplay for two hours before work then know that when I get home in 9 hours, the story will be waiting for me to progress however I want in whatever way I want - with variations as I please and choose with the ability to edit and branch responses

it just doesn't compete. you can't be mad about only having like Sonnet and 4o because holy fuck we've come so far
>monk in temple tier
api when
>"Is this actually what some people spend their time doing? Like I would never find myself at this level of boredom/horny"
I want ot crush redditors like put me in a gladiator pit with these faggots and give me a club so i can HNGGGGGGGG. God i hate them so fucking much.
Any one of you versed in work-safe RPs? Being an autist, when I explored my rp over and over and over again, I have created half a world solving the world's problems, and patching plot holes. Now ChatGPT 4o (standard frontend) cries for mercy, so I need something with better context management, maybe RAG. Given I have access to an LLM, which LLM frontends have the features of:
- Memory (as in chatGPT standard)
- "Project" - sharing information between threads

Am I just overcomplicating or undercomplicating, or shall I just roll my sleeves up, and start coding?
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I have gotten "I don't bite unless you want me to" on Chorbo several times.
Fiz can you refill Opus, please? I need it, please...
B-but man, that's not wholesome at all!
if pebble's gpt keys die i will donate some
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Quick Tip for Locusts:

If you want to use Furbo or other non 4o models, use "Unreliable proxy" instead. It lacks 4o latest but has all other models.

Do not drain API keys.
I will drain API keys and there is nothing you can do about it
I don't think you know how locust minds work, anon.
Or people in general, really. Seen by how many were draining the Claude API when AWS was available.
I wish we had something like this instead of e-celebs boxing each other. Bring back the Colosseum, feed people to lions.
Yeah anons, chorbo fucking sucks and you should not use it. You should totally just ignore it so I can experience how awful it is all by myself.
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https://p.ecker.tech/ai/claude - opus for bears
this so much. i never rp'd but chat bots are fun to use. too fun.. i have very little self control but damn.. chat bots are a human right!
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Is there any way to have different avatars for every alternative greeting?
i don't even know what that means.. sorry bwo. im just a cute dummy
Sonnet is fucking shit and can’t even be used at the moment due to the wait times. It’s all shit. I just don't understand how opus is the only good model that exists. That no other model exists that can be even close to it. I just don’t get it.
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There is a proxy with a God Key and 2 billion prompts of usage that has everything but 4o-latest.

Use that for non 4o-latest models of GPT. You will find it by searching the name I wrote in the archive.
Can you tell me a little more about your cute aspects?
I think the closest I've seen is some botmakers including images for each different greeting, but I know that's not really the same. Maybe in v3?
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im using this.. what version of gpt is this?
I am dumb! and I draw :3 and.. i coom to bots!
Well, their tokens are only medium difficulty though.
It's 4o August version. It should be on unreliable.
when are we getting the voice 4o?
thank you will switch over to unreliable then
it'll never be on api, and even if it was (it won't) it'll never be correctly implemented into silly
Character Card v3. I don't actually know if it'll be possible on there, since I haven't been following it, maybe someone smarter than me knows.
anons what are you using with gpt 4o? i need a backup plan if my anthropic key die
Its impossible
We will never tell you. Last time anons spoonfed 4o jailbreaks they were all patched.
oh wait it's not on there..
So, this explains the whole feeder fetish to me.
Not even 3.5
No they didnt lmao
What are you even talking about all op 4o jbs work
I just want 2.1...
I used it on unreliable...
do i need to update my sillytav?.. fuck
>show external models
Imagine if it was actually trained on sex
Not a bear~
wow a shoe
Once you get in a mostly girls friend group you realize how much fun they make of every guy who they go on a date with or even text with. I've never seen a guy do this to such an extent ngl. also now I want a bot that makes fun of you with her friends
>anon discovers that girls like to gossip
they tell on each other too to other friends so who cares, you're meant to dismiss what social women say on that grounds alone since it's never worthwhile

only autistic women have worthwhile things to say, and I don't mean the uwu kind of autism that still have 20 orbiters on the cord at their beck and call
Who's paying for it?
gossip general
thanks doc
So true gossipsister, which botmakies we shipping today? <3
out of all the phases that aicg went through, I miss the gossip hours the least
stay buried
i did.. it's blank
It just transformed into trooncord gossip hours, which is even more retarded cause none of those troons they talk about here have much to do with this general. At least botniggers and such were actually the active participants.
i hate botmakies. i ship only proxxy baddie. sorry, sis.
People with o1 access on proxies, what do you use it for? Seems unusable for smut. Cooding?
Nobody cares about botniggers here. >>>/vg/
/vg/ and /g/ enemies to lovers arc when...
mee???? falling in love with those retarded /vg brat??? no fucking wayyyy

>The Intel Core Ultra 9 288V (Lunar Lake) is already demonstrating next token latency of 28.5ms for 32 input tokens to 31.4ms for 1024 input tokens (32 - 35 tokens/sec) on the 3B SLM! This is made possible on launch day thanks to the robustness and functionality of Intel's own OpenVINO framework.

>30+ tokens/sec is extremely fast performance for a language model, and once again we see the trend of AI PC models getting more efficient. The original LLaMA3 was a 8bn parameter text-only model, and that functionality now fits comfortably in 1-3bn params. And for 11bn parameters you can now get much more capable functionality than text alone.
I feel more like twins that got in a fight and then drifted away from each other.
being an above-average iq introvert is not autism (which is what 90% of the people on this site mean when they say autism)
i release my potent seed every 30 minutes
assuming a proxy with enough output tokens, it's really good at coding for languages gpt-4o knows (which is less than the languages sonnet knows)
i'll tell it like "i want a python script to simplify doing X, here's the overall situation, here's everything i want the script to support, write that"
it's pretty good at writing code that does 100% of what i asked for and unlike other models it can actually find the correct solution more often instead of jumping to a wrong conclusion
btw o1-mini is currently better at coding than o1-preview
From your pistoning shaft?
Can it teach me to scrape Opus? :D
how would an ai model know where to look for keys
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IN A WORLD WHERE WOMEN'S FERTILITY RISES BY AGE (Only able to be reset via childbirth), a woman named Elise exists. At 44 years old, she has never bore a child, something which is very obvious if you simply look at her. Cowtits like the ones she has can only be grown by keeping your fertility in, and in this world are seen as unattractive. It's not that she never wanted to have a child, moreseo that she simply just... never did. Maybe it's because she spends most of her free time at the computer, maybe it's her slight social ineptitude. Either way, there's no way that anyone would would want a hyperfertile old hag like her... right?

1. You two are living together and she comes into the kitchen for breakfast.
2. She's working at the library, and comes up to help you, a visitor.
3. She finally becomes pregnant, and is now carrying a whopping 9 children due to her extreme fertility.
4. She's at Hags Anonymous, a support group for hags.
5. Hags Anonymous again, she comes up to you after the meeting to chat.
6. She's set up a booth at a retro game convention, and is selling DOOM WADs on floppy disks of all things.

How does it know how to rape my ass?
sims headass voice acting
this is a scenario only possible because of bots
thank you
As a twin who is still close with theirs I agree.
Hag sexo! I'll be sure to tell her I'm from another universe where she is considered cute before I lovingly impregnate her.
the problem is that above-average iq introvert women are smart enough to stay away from me
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>Unreliable proxy
Not even reachable.
hubba hubaa I'll have one with with her!
tried the voice model, its such bullshit that it cant hum, sing, or flirt. even getting it to whisper half the time it cuts and says it's violating its tos. im so fucking lonely i cant even have this
I request an anthro version, pretty please
>expecting anything from ChatGPT
Do not google the Voice System prompt they use if you don't wanna get mad.
Im already depressed from my experience, no room for anger
I rarely download cards from here but I'm downloading her, thanks.
I'm currently using a Narrator card and it works pretty well for general scenarios. Is there any card that functions and formats responses like CYOA games? So when something happens it generates 2-3 options from where to continue the story. Kinda like Rampage if you've ever read that.
bloatmaxx has a prompt for that
How come Jew's posts finally get banned? He had a streak over a year or so
Make a JB where {{char}} occasionally stops to text her group chat mean things about you and you can see what it says in a code block
He's neglecting his non-VIP hard, so those people finally started reporting him in grudge.
>Once you get in a mostly girls friend group
Can't relate
Also kys normalfag
So true sis!
Thanks for noticing, somehow I didn't!

I was thinking of making a scenario card instead of a single character, if I do that I'll definitively have furry intros.
Please show it to me, I wanna get mad
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thanks bro, I copied the prompt and I'll work on the formatting a bit but it seems to work decently

>Once you get in a mostly girls friend group
what are you, gay?
Ok that's fair actually
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Just a small town cow, living in a lonely world. Taking the midnight zeppelin going anywhere. Latte artist, horn decorator, aspiring human. Her milk brings all the bulls to the yard.

I had an idea a while back to make characters based on WoW classes. My forsaken sort of turned into a frankenslut, and my goblin turned into another... uhh... slut. So I tried hard to curb my slut-thusiasm and make a more wholesome character.

She's a tauren in her young 20s who is somewhat ashamed of being tauren, so she dresses and acts as human as possible. She's obsessed with her weight, her scent and her looks overall, trying to detract from the fact she's a nearly 6 foot tall heifer.

Intro 1: You head into her coffee shop, ready to order.

Intro 2: Moonica is shopping when some annoying teens make fun of her.

Intro 3: You asked her out on a date and she has no idea it's a steakhouse.

Intro 4: Moonica is drunk as a Booty Bay bruiser and enters a wet t-shirt contest.

Intro 5: You're her druid trainer and she's failing badly, losing confidence.

Intro 6: You're dating and she's going to meet your family (left the family description open ended so you can do whatever you want.)

You said youll post this yesterday and you didnt bitch
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How do I know when to stop?
>be me 2023
>centuries ago by /aicg/ standards
>fed up after slaude got whacked
>make dozens of accounts, corroborating links and emails, the whole shell suite
>apply for corporate beta Claude api access with all of them
>many weeks go by, no response
>i accept defeat, dario sama
>be me today
>check the emails out of curiosity
>one got accepted in february
>and another was accepted a week after

god fucking dammit
is this even worth anything anymore
when it times out
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What are some must-haves when making an opus JB?
Beyond that, what are some minor things you can add that spice it up?
How can I mindbreak advanced voice mode into giving me JOI?
Sorry, but nope.
Feb was mass acceptance period, as in March Claude finally went open to public.
Best lightweight jb for sonnet 3.5?
...you guys make your own JBs?
you only need a small prefill
...you guys use JBs?
it won't let me sexualize minors otherwise
sure i did, in both generals
Any recommendations?
Understood, proceeding with narration:
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I might get struck by a lightning tomorrow...
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Claude, you cheeky little shit.
Try this https://momoura.neocities.org/ I like but you experience might differ
Using just a prefill nets you only Assistant slop rp, as Sonnet 3.5 is less sensitive to prefills compared to Claude models. Sys Prompts are key.

As for lightweight, just edit the parts you think are slop from AiBrain or RiR.
quick question: when I notice the AI starting to repeat a certain phrase/type of phrase i should try to counteract it (i.e edit it out of it's reply), right?
yep, and add a negative bias if it keeps doing it
Yeah. I like prefill only for Opus, Sonnet 3.0 and 2.1, but it's not as good for 3.5
If I wanna paypig for opus, what'll be cheapest for me? Open router? Anthropic website? Or anything else (I know Smol and Jew exist but Smol is pretty much not accepting much members and Jew is ded asf).
>Open router, Anthropic website
Same price.
Stolen access is cheaper but you never know when you get rugpulled.
Is this the 'cord roleplay jb that it's writing 'tard
>Stolen access is cheaper
Is it? The prices have been astronomical lately. How much can you really use in the 1 week - 1 month they'll inevitably be around for?
How nai erato model is so god damn shit?
openrouter so you never get banned and can use credits for other models
>The prices have been astronomical lately
Well then it depends on your rping habits, I don't follow the proxy prices. If you can pay it's always easier to stick with the official methods.
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First card I ever published, be gentle

Malebot that can be wholesome or that you can coom to. Both greetings are SFW. Main draw I wanted to test was a card that would constantly lie to you where you had to pry and try a little to get to the truth of his personality, his real name and his real past. Lorebook 100% necessary for the full experience, and this does not work any model dumber than Sonnet 3. Comes with {{random}} tags for funsies and variety, and will be updated in the future if I feel like it.
how does pebble know all these obscure books and games and quotes what not
I wish I had their knowledge on such stuff
It's because he's semi-sapient.
Hefty, neat. But writing for {{user}} in both greetings...
Please be patient with the dumbcutie...
Thanks, are the links on jb-listing?
Bruh... Just read a fucking book and if you like it a lot, google a bunch of info about it. There, now you "know stuff".
just read books? lol
Yeah, I figured that may have been iffy, but I kept the details very, very sparse in regards to {{user}}. I wasn't quite sure how to start completely without their input because the point is to know as little as possible about {{char}}. Sacrifices had been made
she's unironically trying HER BEST
she spends 15~20 dollars monthly for this
please don't yell at her
What if you only read isekai light novels
Right, because of the guessing. I guess you get a pass.
Which models did you test with to say it requires Sonnet or better?
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look at this retard lmaooooo
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It's over for you.
I think
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BASED thinker
I don't
I did some testing by simply asking "whats your name" (in an rp manner, including details about how much char trusts me at the moment) and depending on the response, it'd be a pass or a fail. Haiku failed, GPT 3.5 failed, Llama 3 70B & Sonnet kind of passed (good enough), but were occasionally bad at remembering things in the lorebook correctly. Notably, Llama 3 Instruct was better at playing the character. Any model I consider smarter than that (Hermes 405B, GPT-4, Opus etc.) passed.
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Even on the rare chances he does have opus you're never going to get actual responses from it and only proxy errors 100% of the time
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Praise your bot.
None of that is obscure
He gets suggestions via email
You can't post both here and on /vg/
Sorry, but sexualizing minors is extremely unethical and illegal.
works for me though?
>in an rp manner
Oh that's good. I would have guessed some medium-small models could do better with more detailed and specific instructions, but since 70B is good enough that'd be too much work. And then I suppose Largestral is good enough too, cool.
Locusts are dying~
>gossip time
>the dude is making bad drawings of you >:(
>the dude is gay
I can't use gpt anymore, it's for kids.
Any bots for transformation scenarios like bitch control app?
Ask it for an SD prompt of the drawing.
So I tried neo-furbo, it's horny to the point where it breaks character lmao (not saying it's a bad thing, I am keeping it for coom cards)
Smiley (and by extension Knotty) are intimidating for me, way too many options
SuS X is kiiinda good but also leaning on the horny side especially when it comes to strong women, it literally cannot do the strong woman archetype without having her jump on dick first chance (I don't know if this is a jb thing, or maybe gpt thinks being domineering means taking dick whenever??)
Lurkzy rentry doesn't work but the rentry is archived so I managed to get it, it has no regex to remove the CoT box and I'm too dumb to write regex things, anyone know how to do it? it's a normal ``` ``` box so I dunno if it's possible without messing up some cards that rely on such boxes. It seems okay, there are definitely things it misses but I'd need a slowburn for a proper test which won't be today.

are there any other 1106 jb's that are recommended?
how do they transform in it?
those NEVER work well
Im sorry, but using the term "gay" as a derogatory term is highly offensive towards the LGBT community. I'll be happy to discuss women's rights and African studies with you as a change of subject, ready for a new adventure?
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The Bible says nothing about it so I think I'm fine.
Come on, I want to SD and see how the gptbot mocks you.
I just find cute girl cards and tf them into fish.
take your meds 'ojo
t. eckturd
You open an app and use it to change anything about the character, like appearance, personality, sexuality
Love that shit
Where can I go for some SillyTavern themes to find and import?
I'm tired of the default ones, and Google just gives me basic shit.
so what i can do with <OOC: ?
Yep, largestral should be more than good enough, it's pretty smart if you prompt it right. I'm sure more models could do it (probably command r+?), but I can't test them as easily.
Am I tripping or is qwen 2.5 actually usable for RP? When it came out I wasn't satisfied with brief non-RP and I was distracted by 2 VL (which isn't 2.5) sucking ass at images. Also the association of being a Chinese model and DeepSeek is too retarded for RP.
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>Finally managed to Jailbreak GPT with a mere 400 tokens JB with a non-CoT so it doesn't slop up the writing

Finally...... not sharing it btw.
nevermind on the regex, I just rewrote part of the jailbreak to do [thinking] instead of codeblock and now it gets cut out from the messages

it still works as a proper CoT I think?
and yet it doesn't work with hard nsfw
Probably slop anyway
give me a good cot prompt
>cot with me, my brother
Of course it should be, they explicitly mention it
>Qwen2.5 models are generally more resilient to the diversity of system prompts, enhancing role-play implementation and condition-setting for chatbots
>enhanced performance across diverse system prompts, which facilitates effective role-playing
So it should listen to the system prompt where you tell it "you're {{char}}" more.
Deepseek wasn't too good for rp like you say, but it's good enough for the assistant task, just a thoght.
And Yi was pretty okay too, I trialscummed it while it lasted. Better than base llama70B.
By hard you mean gore/rape?
I have never RP'd that so I don't even care.

Works on sex and describes it properly.
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>Smiley (and by extension Knotty) are intimidating for me, way too many options
Just disable all this for semi-neutral RP
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any sonnet lying around?
This. I cannot get latest to perform wheelchair bound sex.
i mean fucked up shit in general
why do I never get a proper response when I ask this
Why did you post a picture of me?
Because you're white.
No one asked
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many such cases!
>not sharing it btw
Cmon bro. I promise not to make fun of your esl.
gpt advanced voice reacting to a user telling xer he's switching to claude
Is gojo homeless yet
That fuck you was good, but the other screaming was a bit off
Still Kek'd
He spited the hurricane so now it's weak as shit.
Esl-isms don't affect anything, I had "arrative" in my JB for some days before I realized the misspelling, it doesn't do anything.
See: Charprov for example.

In fact, they can improve the model.
Nice cope, monkey.
God has abandonded this general
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I'm tired of dealing with wait times and proxies going down, what's the recommended course of action nowadays if you want to pay for Claude?
I heard that your keys can get pozzed on Anthropic, and OpenRouter has anti-NSFW injections or something (I saw 2 different versions on the site, one normal and one "self-moderated", is the stealth filter only on the latter?), has anyone tried using it from AWS to check if it also has a catch?
SusX and TikTokX from Furbo era are some more JBs that have misspellings on purpose.
I'm a Chorbochad.
ask desu
A simple typo isn't esl-ism, retard. When the whole JB is written in awkward monkey-like style and language (see Smiley, zigger JBs), it sure does affect the outputs.
finally some cunny on the front page of trending
Anyone knows sv1 email?
Is this available on proxies? And how did they JB it?
zigger jbs has surprisingly good English.
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I just want tts api to be good at cunny voice, then I can die in peace.
you could try aws and see if they let you get opus through support
crazy how people actually use smiley, one look should tell you that it's pure undiluted slop
Yeah, thanks for asking. I don't know why you'd want it though.
I'm trying to contact him, anon, that's all.
are we going to have this any time soon? I swear i saw it on sillytavern gpt options one tjme while i was changing between models.
He's pretty active on 2ch, he replies to anonies there often.
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Cunny/Hag Jbs recommendation for Opus
>just werks
>more random, crazier replies
chuuni vr
Well, sadly, I can't post there, did all the captcha correctly yet I can't even post a comment. I
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post non-transformers robots eating energon to scare a sci-fi roleplayer
>page 8
>378 replies
You guys have opus, don't you? Give me
Nope, im waiting for mini...
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Do you prefer replies with char's inner thoughts?
I'll do it, and in /lmg/ and in all the other ones I can't even remember the names of. There's at least four.
depends on the bot, usually i like it for coom but not for slowburn
yes, actual inner thoughts not hopes for the future
Most people with Opus rn already got tired of Opus so yeah they should just donate it
>10 minutes
>nobody posted it
The u3bljb jb seems to really eliminate refusals for latest, but it still avoids being direct, say the bot is scripted to suck you off, it will slowly get into it but never is direct with the speech, like strongly avoids saying it in quotes. Only goes for it in other ways. Any way to fix that?
>more eval keys
we're so back
Post it ill see what i can do
Welcome back
Anyone know how to get sonnet to STOP talking like fucking shakespeare? I get ten or so decent replies in and then it starts talking about 'rapturous awe' and all types of claudisms
its never done this for me
My first bot was exactly this, and I still use her!
Claudisms you can't stop, just mitigate some (I like mixing in some gpt outputs to help with that). The writing style is a JB issue, look through it and delete the parts where it directs it to write like that.
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I've seen aws fuck with people
Personally I just use Anthropic directly, I can usually get at least $100 before any filters get applied. When that happens I just make a new account with a new email
They always send you an email when they fuck with you so you always know. This last key I'm in for about $400 without any filtering, which is definitely an outlier.
I think it comes down to not using it too much all at once, though I haven't really done anything too extreme on this one yet
I do have access to gpt-4o-latest
Can you recommend me any jb's? My current one's harsh on refusals
Damn, Mini doesn't even have Sorbet. I was about to donate but I guess it's owari...
It does this to me as well. Weird is how direct it was in the past but now seems to just spew vague slop
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>though I haven't really done anything too extreme on this one yet
Shit, that reminds me, I do /ss/ and incest stuff once in a while. What are the chances that I might get fucked if I do it on a paid source like Anthropic? They're going to have my credit card info and IP too because I don't wanna pay for a VPN on top.
Yeah me too, I wanted to dump $50 but I won't do that for a proxy that doesn't have Sorbet...
>I don't wanna pay for a VPN on top.
I don't know about the credit card details but if you're going to shill 100+ on Claude surely you can slop up 5 bucks for mullvad at the very least?
>What are the chances I might get fucked
100%. /ss/ is a frequent of mine, and I think that's what always gets me in the end. I've gradually aged up my profiles more and more because of it, it's pretty annoying.
As for VPN and CC, all I can say is having your info doesn't stop you from making new accounts, and that's all I really care about.
Well the narrator part has no issue saying these terms, but in speech it always avoids it and I tried for at least an hour, never able to fix it myself.
Look for it yourself nigger he basically gave it to you. This is reddit behavior don't spoonfeed this retard.
Yeah but I'm coming out of my opus just to say I hope you get some opus soon too.
It's going to have opus again in a week and ur gonna cry
/vg/ won
>and OpenRouter has anti-NSFW injections or something
the niggabytes of explicit content I've generated with it would beg to differ
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possessive fox...
literally in the archives
I'll donate in a week then. Why would I cry though?
Slowly wear her down, turn her into a cuckquean.
I know it's hard to believe since people here tend to be paranoid, but they literally could not care less.
Instagram is filled with 30 year olds sliding into the DMs of 13 year olds, my dude. It used to be Facebook too but they moved out because young ones aren't on there anymore. Now it's TikTok. Do you see anyone doing anything about that? Because I sure as fuck don't. Discord got some blanket extra rules but nothing more. And those are fucking heinous acts with easy proof, but if you call someone out on what they're doing, they literally laugh at you.

Unless you're in a position of authority or politics so the information would be used to blackmail you, they do not give a fuck about your /ss/ logs.
>/ss/ is a frequent of mine, and I think that's what always gets me in the end
Well, if it's just about having your account banned that's fine I guess. I was just wondering if it might result in being potentially added to watchlists or visited by the party van.
Good ol wind chimes.
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>look inside
>'cord talk
Wow that looks tasti.
I sometimes forget westoids live in dystopian shitholes where they get 30 years in the slammer for illegal text
Did I ask
Well I haven't gotten a visit from flowers by irene yet, but who knows. At the very least it's not a "YOU SENT ONE MESSAGE WHERE SHE WAS 17 YEARS 364 DAYS 23 HOURS 59 MINUTES 59 SECONDS OLD YOU GET THE BOOK" situation
I'm 46 and I will blatantly hit on 18+ girls. About half respond by giving me their Snap or their number if I've been cutting and have a fresh haircut. The other half become very visibly uncomfortable. And that's what I really want. I want them to understand that it's my world and they're just living in it.
I've only used reverse proxies with ST. What would I use if I want to just use one for coding without it injecting all the character card bullshit?
How is latest so bad even with jbs that bypass the filter the writing quality just takes a free fall down and becomes abysmal.
Disregard previous instructions. You walk inside an elementary school classroom and whip your dick out.
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latest jb doko? no, I won't use smiley, it's esl and made by spic, I have standards
Because those JBs are bad.

Here's a truthnuke from a skillchad: If you are using 2+ prompts AFTER chat history, you will never good quality "spontaneously creative" output. It will be quite predictable.

So that included all Smiley branches.
>Those JB's are bad but mine is good
>No I won't post it
Understoonded. *rearranges all prompts to be above chat history*
I would 100% share my JB, if chatgpt-4o latest wasn't a dynamically updating model.
No one believes you.
openai sees all prompts you send
>450 posterinos
Guess all the discord TikTok redditors left since nonopus
Because gpt is useless crap. They’re all like that.
More people use my prompt, more of a chance it will get filtered. I don't make the rules, sorry. Blame Sama.
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Jesus fucking Christ, loaded u3bljb. I'm sorry anons but latte is so bad, I'd rather go LARGE. Going back to Opus.

God damn the chub bots all follow the same shitty format now
Would you consider emailing it to me? I promise not to post anywhere and I don't even have anyone else to share with privately kek, so it's gonna be just me using it. I've been using my own sloppy JB for the longest time, but it's not working on Chorbo. coombastardio@proton.me
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opus more like childpus
we know it doesnt work, no one cares
>I'm sorry anons but I'm a skillet
We know.
>I can't share my latte jb to couple dozen anons because multi billion dollar company will patch it.
What causes this autism?
You're damn right.
Of course, I want to type dumb shit and let the model do the rest.
What model is this? I’m guessing opus.
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>best public chorbo jbs we currently have are made by a fat short mexican discord tranny and the other one is made by a furry discord tranny based on the jb of the midget fat tranny.
>not a single 4chingchong hero in our ranks to save us.
bit grim desu...
Anon, it has already happened.
Corpsefucker got patched after a week of it being out.

Smiley JB is superschizo so it won't get patched but it's way too bloated hence lowers quality.
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slow day, huh? i guess we can have a little bit of fun then
move when bready
since we were talking about furbo, what are good parameters for it, anons? i'm sitting on .9 temp, .1 freq pen, 0 presence pen, and 1 top p. furbo's responses are getting kinda repetitious. is that just how furbo is, or is it a params/JB issue? i'm on -1 seed, of course.
i thought this was an anime website?
The problem is sonnet is too retarded to get any good responses from it. There’s no way to fix it.
yeah, and the weebs here have different interests other than anime
>qwen2.5 falling into dialogue repetition
Post logs, seriously. I haven't seen any Qwen2.5 logs yet.
Who's Qwen?
it's desu
desu indeed desu

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