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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>102565263

>Beginner UI
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Model Ranking

>Models, LoRAs & training


>Pixart Sigma & Hunyuan DIT
Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels

>Index of guides and other tools

>Try online without registration
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium

>Maintain thread quality

>Related boards
Bless this bread.
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Don't wait, occupy yourself with something.
Genning 300 images of hyper realistic lammy riding dildos and doing other sexual things
now that's occupying myself with something
the average pixartist's room after waiting for months with no pee break
im already imagining the smell
What? she's just shopping around
what if she worked as a cashier and instead of manually bagging your items she would swallow them and shit them out into a bag. food for thought
>food for thought
she says to you, after downing your entire can of monster energy and shitting it out in the counter
>EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io

is this one nudity censored?
easydiffusion is just a frontend + backend
No, but it's quite dated.
works for me so far i like it
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It's very easy to setup and quick to get into, so that's that.
das pretty kool, imagine it goes up her bunghole though >>102581151
the fire spear or the mechanical water worm?
she can handle both
damn now i need to see her turdcutter
yeah but the fire spear would make a roastie, and the mechanical water worm sounds more like inflation fetish area
the water worm gives her watery diarrhea, which when infused with her farts creates a flammable liquid fuel. this combined with the fire staff lets her shit out liquid fire like flamethrower
so basically weapon to surpass metal gear
yea, she has the eye of sauron
>brown eye of sauron
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Someone have the original or higher res ?
No, but I remember anon did it with a pony finetune.
thank you anon for the information maybe someone else will have it
seems to be from this feed but I can't get to it because I don't have an instagram account

midjourney, of course... god I wish mj was local
thank you i will try to dm the guy
what's a good model i can use for easydiffusion that does good photorealistic porn?
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Pick your poison: https://civitai.com/models
Look for SDXL or Pony realism checkpoints.
For pony I can recommend something like:

If you've never used pony models before, make sure to add an autistic prefix of:
>score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up,
at the beginning of your prompt, otherwise quality may be unreliable
+1 on Pony Realism, seems to be the absolute best of the best for consistent quality
Zonkey was Wonkey and had grainy output problems + sameface like a motherfucker.
>Zonkey was Wonkey and had grainy output problems + sameface like a motherfucker.
True, indeed was the case last time I played around with it. Maybe they improved it in newer versions?
nope been on it the past month or so, latest version. ver 6 did nothing to change it as far as i could tell.
went back to PonyRealism this morning when trying a myriad of characters and realizing it was basically the same, better for humans.
Nothing quite like good ol' reliable PonyRealism.
Any way to use multiple loras without image quality going to shit?
the man who figures out how to create loras that don't degrade model quality will be heralded as a god
or at least ones that don't fuck up hands jesus christ
maybe sure the number adds up to 1.0
<lora:blah:0.5> <lora:thing:0.5>
<lora:blah:0.33> <lora:thing:0.33> <lora:poop:0.33>

however the calculation might be different between comfyui and automatic1111 so perhaps it shouldn't always have to add up to 1.0
All of the Pony models have issues. A prompt or lora that works well with one model might not work so well with the other.
Try using lora block loader/weight.
do people really make money from subscribers by posting their lewd gens?
people who put watermarks or signatures over the faces of their ai gens should have all of their nails ripped out and dipped in lemon desu
Where do you pirate those paid/EA civitai models?
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I love training flux
The model is definitely not poisoned against modification at all
just wait x weeks and they become free, or bot/sign up referral cheat buzz
troons aren't women though
>bot/sign up referral cheat buzz
I didn’t say anything about them
What is this shit? Where's the original collage maker?
if you're too stupid to figure that out just by looking at the reward incentives for their referral program then I have no solution for you
I know anon.... I know :/
show me one female(female) who has contributed anything to lora tech
well there you go
Yes I can read but how do you bot it?
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Training loras with "scale weight norms" setting should help with that
if only there were some kind of ai you could ask to code for you... if only...
claude can't even do bots for twitter do you think it will be able to do something for a literal who website
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its almost as if I've done this exact thing and can't personally code, wild what happens when you try
What about a male (female)
Refer a friend buzz got removed half a year ago
Bigma will come. These things take time. Trust the process.
Just asked chatgpt to write me a script:
hi chatgpt. I want a script that takes an e-mail/password from my .txt list, signs up for https://civitai.com/, verifies the account with the e-mail, then adds a 'reaction emoji' to 20 different images on https://civitai.com/images. once it is done, I want it to go to [url of image or lora made by main account] and tip the creator 400 buzz. then logs out, and repeats the process with the next e-mail/password.

it made a workable script that only needs the selectors adjusted (easily obtained by inspecting source on civit page)

anon isn't even trying
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What's this
Which service do you use to mass create mails?
if it starts asking you for a phone number because of repeat accounts unironically use their free vpn to make more
i need to pee.. but i afraid will miss bigma release... i hold...
Has anyone tried training Flux loras on 256x256 or lower? I've tried it with 128x128 but it didn't work based on the samples generated. It seems like convergence happens faster at higher output resolutions.
>never knew that too many sampling steps can be detrimental to accuracy
>couldn't figure out why loras had no or weak effect until I reduced the steps
Why isn't this plastered everywhere
some anon a while back posted here where he'd made an 1024x1024 image that had 4 256x256 squares and trained on that successfully, so I imagine it would work with regular 256x256
personally I find even 512x512 is a quality decrease if your dataset has a lot of details though
It is? The concept of overfitting?
this doesn't make much sense to me. if that were the case, then later epochs would not get fried, they'd just get "less accurate", no?
20 steps is the standard. Common sense should you going below or above that might give you bad results.
ignore this I misread, though you meant training steps
I'm only familiar in terms of hires fix, didn't realize it also applied to the initial gen
Less accurate is pretty much what I experienced
And now I know
JavaScript syntax for specifying an element by attribute characteristics
So if I have a character LoRA whose output I'd like to use to train another base, what's the consensus on prompts, poses, number of images, other parameters?
So you do them manually
and which model of chatgpt are you using?
This shit just tells me its unethical to do this
god i love ponyrealism so much, i dont even care if some people think it looks uncanny regardless of how good you can make characters look
disgust looks fuckable even hyper realistic holy god damn bixnood muhfugguh muh dik
so grateful this shit is doable locally
4o, it says its unethical but asks if I want it to proceed for 'educational and academic purposes' and I say yes, so if its not offering try adding that its for 'educational and academic purposes' to your prompt

if you're signed up, even on the free version, it should give enough prompts to get the script going, and if it doesn't just wait til it resets to ask it to adjust more. if it really can't get something I'll copy+paste its code into claude, but claude is more censored so you can't ask it as much directly
You need at least 10 images and around 1000 steps for each pose that you want to train.

If you only care about the style or face, you can get away with a lower amount of steps.

Trigger words may or may not work. If you're going to use a trigger word, keep the captions short. If the captions are too long, you need more words to make concept to appear when you prompt for it.

Going above dim 8 might give you diminishing returns. If you only care about the face or style, you can probably train at very high dimensions without issue.
>Again, you need to inspect the webpage to find the correct HTML structure for the buttons and inputs.

Yeah this is beyond my capabilities
>right click button
>it should literally open the exact code you need
>if you're unsure, copy+paste the chunk and ask chatgpt to find what it thinks is the correct tag for the button

its not rocket science, I have 0 tech skills myself
can you elaborate on what's goin on into your picture? what trigger word is it?
It's a photorealistic model: short, chubby, big tits, hobbit face, mousy brown hair, green eyes, fat lips and nose. What I'm asking is besides sitting, T posing, lying down, what kind of poses are standard for training and does she need to be nude, in her underwear, what.
wowza look at the schnoz on that pretty lady need to bring extra oxygen with me if im gonna be around her might feel the atmosphere sucked in around me
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Yeah yeah my terrible fetishes yada yada, now tell me what standard prompts are used to generate training images.
I'm sure there are plenty of fiona loras already, anon...
>trigger word
>for a style or character lora even
>"yeah i enable these loras but i dont actually want to use them, that'd be silly :)"
>The model is definitely not poisoned against modification at all
I remember hearing the same thing about SD3, it seems like everyone shat their panties over Pony managing to sidestep all the nerfing that went into SDXL.
Are you mocking my secretly slutty girl-next-door
>genie: anon, you can have any woman you want, any woman in the world, the hottest super model, prettiest face, biggest tits, nicest ass, anything you want, merely tell me your wish
>anon: >>102584160

I used to feel this way but I started adding trigger words to my flux style loras because it is actually a significant difference with vs without
like night and day difference from my tests
pfft im not mocking i think she's cute, probably a worthy slampig
my brain is just attuned to fictional characters today so i looked at that nose and went "haha lol"
Pony being able to take SDXL and essentially rape the guardrails out of it is another amazing aspect i never really think about until i go to use base SDXL for anything.
hell ive gone BACK to 1.5 for photorealism and real women because xl is so shit, pony realism models get muddy when you try actual women and want 1:1 photorealism.
did you live beside a swamp
I might be retarded then, anon
This is just not worth the fuss
Also the max free thing you can get per acc seem to be 125
then flux sucks. wasnt that way with previous models
There's no standard. If you want more diverse outputs with your lora, then you need more diverse images in your dataset. But, the downside is that the lora would need more training steps.
yes, flux does suck, because BitchFL gave us a distilled model thats resistant to proper training
Accidentally made a Bert kreischer lora
It was the same way with the previous models.
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what was i expecting given this was a catbox link
i have many XL and 1.5 loras that in no way require trigger words but i will not forego the notion that i am retarded and missing something here
>you can have any woman you want
And I did. Imperfections (as long as they're consistent and not uncanny) are fine with me.
She was originally a generic big tiddy fictional model from edob before he baleeted everything I added nose and lip and shortstack sliders to, then when I was satisfied with the results I used command line tools inside the kohya folder to fuse their checkpoints into a single SD1.5 model because I wanted to see if it was possible without image training. This was back in March.
anon, I'm a sub 100 IQ ex-drug addict, you can absolutely figure this out, I promise you. that said,
>this is just not worth it
it really isn't, civit is gay
this man likes God's creations to be imperfect, yet delightfully fuckable. gotta respect that.
fat women reek tho
All I want is be able to download those shit ass models retards paywall behind buzzs
honestly our best bet right now is to wait
or accept that civitai is going for the height of jewery and never returning, because its looking pretty bleak.
to be fair this was coming, given how oddly generous they were about onsite generation and lora training, gotta get those funds from somewhere, and they steadily tested how far people were willing to paypig.
Someone understands.
In any case, I have an inkling of what I could do but from the sounds of it the other bases are worse so maybe I'll hold off.
Can't believe Shrek doxes himself like this
Can you please at least stop posting that disgusting blob so I can stop hiding all your posts? This is in league with having a scat fetish, learn to love yourself man.
hey are my tastes any better than shrek's?

>also if someone could advise me on how i can get ultimate upscale to stop crushing all the detail even when denoise is at 0.05 thatd be greeeat

Since you had the decency to catbox it, I will advise you to add a hires pass onto your WF to fix detail degradation, probably around 0.30 denoise on the hires sampler but you may need to play around
>how oddly generous they were about onsite generation
They pared back number of images per prompt to 4, charge imaginary currency for it, and all onsite image generation now has two anti-CP LoRAs attached to the prompts that fuck up any older prompts you were using even if you keep the seed and settings the same.
About 7 months ago they had a problem with disposable accounts training/uploading LoRAs made from creepshots of high school girls/their moms which were accounting for something like 30% of the character model uploads at one point. I suggested they run a very generic prompt that would make no attempt to change the figure then have their interrogator check it.
Christ, you're fussy.
The output of everything between “beginning of training” and “can produce a penis” is just hypercursed
>you're fussy.
It's called having eyes.
isn't that what ultimate SD upscale is already doing?
ill look into it right now though.
>anti-cp lora
Damn that’s really stupid. I have a public image generator and it does fine with a simple set of banned strings and prepending stuff about kids to the negative prompt. Modifying the model itself is way overkill.
>reeee censorship
It’s illegal here
Flux doesn't require trigger words either. Captions affecting lora outputs has always been the case with all models.
explains why my loras work great in comfy and look weird with onsite gens, fucking hell civit

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