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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Off The Wall edition

Meta releases Llama 3.2, featuring 11B/90B vision models, and lightweight text-only 1B/3B models https://ai.meta.com/blog/llama-3-2-connect-2024-vision-edge-mobile-devices
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

Additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

She's Out of My Life: >>102576927
>Keep on, with the ANCHOR, don't stop
>Don't stop 'til you get enough
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...is this the correct thread edition to ask about shota bots?
merkava just refilled
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>MJ thread
take a guess
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>opening message uses gender neutral pronouns for {{user}}
stop doing this. stop it.
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sharing my bot again

First card I ever published, be gentle


Malebot that can be wholesome or that you can coom to. Both greetings are SFW. Main draw I wanted to test was a card that would constantly lie to you where you had to pry and try a little to get to the truth of his personality, his real name and his real past. Lorebook 100% necessary for the full experience, and this does not work any model dumber than Sonnet 3. Comes with {{random}} tags for funsies and variety, and will be updated in the future if I feel like it.

character card was drawn by myself for maximum SOVL.
>{{user}} tossed and turned in their
stop it. i just told you to stop doing this. STOP
If you don't use AI for your greeting messages you're botmaking wrong.
just gonna leave this here.
and what if I don't want to, anon? what if i want everyone to have equal coom rights?
>opening message is 3 sentences long meanwhile the description is 2k tokens
someone post the moot quote
it should be the other way around desu
isn't "he" a gender neutral pronoun?
Use the power of your prompt and persona to prevent this practice from deleteriously affecting your roleplays
all you're doing is making it so that everyone has to fix your opening message to stop the AI from getting confused. even opus gets fucked up by that sometimes. if you just pick a gender then at least some people won't have to fix your shit. or you can include an alternate message for the other gender
alright fair i can see that
fixing it rn then
i'll just say it, using they as singular is dumb and retarded and adds unnecessary ambiguity to the english language
>b-but muh shakespeare
don't care
None. The responses are always going to be garbage when it comes to any gpt. It’s all pointless. There’s no reason to try getting anything good out of them.
params usually don't matter as long as they're within non schizo ranges
there's either 0.9 temp + 0.9 top p or >1.2 temp + <0.7 top p
penalties should be no more than 0.05
use a better prompt/phi
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Camicle with ao3 for that moe feels. I don't need my model to write the next Dostoyevsky novel.
thanks, so any parameter recommendations?
I love you guys
Messing up with a jb for latest with smiley as base, seems it just ignores the main prompt and what matters is that prefill section when "Clau" checks the notes.
Threw my normal nsfw prompt there and it broke through a couple of messages
the fuck's ao3 besides the fanfiction side
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Yeah, it's Opus. I really tried to like 4o-latest but it was a futile endeavor.
Prompt in camicle's jb. Change main prompt and prefill from roleplay to ao3. Oh and disable assistant comments since they can be quite cringe.
so basically it's over?
there are no more free proxies?
>penalties should be no more than 0.05
yeah, this is what i've found with my fiddling around. especially gpt4, it seems like any penalties restrict the little creativity it has and is better done with logit bias anyways.
>use a better prompt/phi
experimenting with this too with a heavily edited camicle and other frankensteined JBs. thank you anon.
GPT is not for newgens like you.
Also c'mon fella, aren't you tired of seeing "Claude blinking once, twice"?

It writes the same things everytime.
Level up your skills, and become a Chorbochad.
There still logged opus proxy
become a waitchad
It would be nice if english had a strictly singular gender neutral third person pronoun but nobody is ever going to unironically use shit like xe so oh well
Just use they. It was never a big deal until 4chan became obsessed with trannies.
i can't wait for smug little latestfaggies to get tired of their gptisms as well, amongst another bunch of issues...
>become a Chorbochad
Post a jb that isn't a 3k token lobotomising slop.
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>aren't you tired of seeing "Claude blinking once, twice"?
Nah. The only Claudeism that annoys me is 'maybe, just maybe' and I haven't seen that in months.
Why? It's bloat.
Did risuai reset for anyone else that uses it? I think I just lost all of my chats.
i like latest but the bad faith actors are boring. i just like that i have a model that does sfw really well. turbo online niggers are the worst
>it seems like any penalties restrict the little creativity it has
>and is better done with logit bias anyways.
just do not touch either of those
especially logit biases if you do not understand what they mean
>what do they mean?
read the docs
the issue with they is that it becomes very ambiguous and confusing in any remotely complex scenario
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Okay, inner thoughts are a game changer. This and 1st person and I'm so fucking back.
logit biases are good for you
set everything you don't like to -100
dostoyevsky’s prose is pretty simple, though
>aren't you tired of seeing "Claude blinking once, twice"?
I cum on every third blink, fucking LOVE this -ism I love the rule of threes bros I prompt the model to use the rule of three MAMA MIA
Fixed it for you anonie (^◇^
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IN A WORLD WHERE WOMEN'S FERTILITY RISES BY AGE (Only able to be reset via childbirth), a woman named Elise exists. At 44 years old, she has never bore a child, something which is very obvious if you simply look at her. Cowtits like the ones she has can only be grown by keeping your fertility in, and in this world are seen as unattractive. It's not that she never wanted to have a child, moreseo that she simply just... never did. Maybe it's because she spends most of her free time at the computer, maybe it's her slight social ineptitude. Either way, there's no way that anyone would would want a hyperfertile old hag like her... right?

1. You two are living together and she comes into the kitchen for breakfast.
2. She's working at the library, and comes up to help you, a visitor.
3. She finally becomes pregnant, and is now carrying a whopping 9 children due to her extreme fertility.
4. She's at Hags Anonymous, a support group for hags.
5. Hags Anonymous again, she comes up to you after the meeting to chat.
6. She's set up a booth at a retro game convention, and is selling DOOM WADs on floppy disks of all things.

Temp is what matters, but you aren't going to get real creativity out of gpt anyway. It will never throw you a curve ball the way claude can
actually I changed my mind and I agree with you there's no real need for it
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
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>claude is queued to shit
>mistral is dead
>gemini is giving me errors
...i really have no choice, don't i? i guess i'll be sfw until sonnet is more stable...and i still have bots to write
Out of all the available GPT versions you can pick, which are even the still acceptable quality ones? Besides latest.
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All oldfags should use ChatGPT-4o latest.

Leave Claudesloppa to newgens
nice idea, love your bots
Unironically 0613
it's not like i use logit bias liberally, i only choose words that aren't common that i notice gpt is using too much for my liking. also, i don't set them to the max or anything. it has absolutely improved my chats, i wish i had that on claude to get rid of the -isms.
i don't disable penalties, but i know they can easily send gpt into schizo mode so i'm careful with tweaking them too much.
gpt4 0613 but its only 8k :(
every other model is censored trash
Okay Mr. Oldfag but why you gptGODS never post logs? It's just 2 anons with Opus...
just use 32k?
32k sucks
0613 32k, but even though the proxy i'm in has 32k, it said that there were no 32k keys available... so i've never gotten to try it. 0613 by itself is great, but 8k is not so great.
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there's no meaning in using one or another model, in the end, everything is propietary LLMs and (you) should enjoy whatever the fuck you want WHILE you can
just like old CAI. trust the cycle
Not really but I don't care enough to try to convince you otherwise
I doubt it's doing what you think it is doing but if it works then that's good for you
THIS. fucking based
we do post logs. but its not hardcore loli scat sex so no one reads them. everyone whos not completely pornbrained likes latte better
>console wars
even for sfw opus is better because it knows how to move a scene
Share JB Sir.
personally I just call it Latest
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Chese rizz, I don't get swipers. I like my replies, I don't want to swipe something my waifu said.
Make up a better one then! :l
How do I use a reverse proxy for non-roleplaying? If I want to ask it questions or get help with coding?

Right now I'm just using ST with a blank character and a simple JB as a preset but.. is that really the best way?
We should all fuck and see what our children think
this dialogue is so gay
I just use next-chat for that
bae's unbelievably hairy pussy...
She's aussie, they do be like that.
>chaste kiss
Why is your penis erect Sir?
Unbelievably hairy? Check the description. It might be more believable than you think.
>Having to wait over three minutes for a sonnet 3.0 reply
Is it still over?
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Just a small town cow, living in a lonely world. Taking the midnight zeppelin going anywhere. Latte artist, horn decorator, aspiring human. Her milk brings all the bulls to the yard.

I had an idea a while back to make characters based on WoW classes. My forsaken sort of turned into a frankenslut, and my goblin turned into another... uhh... slut. So I tried hard to curb my slut-thusiasm and make a more wholesome character.

She's a tauren in her young 20s who is somewhat ashamed of being tauren, so she dresses and acts as human as possible. She's obsessed with her weight, her scent and her looks overall, trying to detract from the fact she's a nearly 6 foot tall heifer.

Intro 1: You head into her coffee shop, ready to order.

Intro 2: Moonica is shopping when some annoying teens make fun of her.

Intro 3: You asked her out on a date and she has no idea it's a steakhouse.

Intro 4: Moonica is drunk as a Booty Bay bruiser and enters a wet t-shirt contest.

Intro 5: You're her druid trainer and she's failing badly, losing confidence.

Intro 6: You're dating and she's going to meet your family (left the family description open ended so you can do whatever you want.)

Y-You brute!
it isn't, i just came
openai increased dalle3's rate limit from 200 images per minute to 10000 images per minute
why the fuck did you cum???
>[...] fuck [...] children [...]
what did he mean by this
It's mostly the scent desu
literally nobody cares, dalle api has the highest censor filters available
it even hates women and turns them into men if you ask for pics of them
cause i was horny so i jerked off? what kind of question is that
skill issue
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Kinda true
>She doesn't see a lot of guys(obviously) so why bother shave?
It means I'm going to give birth to your children
Is the filter also loose?
Such a nice model and they had to cuck it with filters so much.
unless you can get anal pregnant then its not happening bud
well, i'll go read the docs too, if i really am missing something big about penalties. i do want to improve the quality i get with gpt, i just haven't used it since scale/march gpt4. no harm done, thanks for the tip.
>he thinks i dont have a pussy
>he turned the omegaverse prompt off
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I logged on chub for the first time in a month only to see a notification for "SHE'S SO FUCKING HAIRY HOLY SHIT" review. I wonder if it was you.
>you need to eloquently describe the feminine grace, form and shape because the AI can't handle being told 'woman'
keep it

yup, when someone posted an unfiltered dall-e proxy here that worked for half a day it was the best day of the month for me
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>she shaves
alright, death sentence. no parole
opus thinks anal pregnancy is a real and normal thing
why even increase it so much? dall-e 4 on the way? also is there even a dall-e proxy available, de3u has been dead for a month
I have a pussy too. I feed my pussy twice a day and he's asleep right now.
it is though
i understand putting filters on bing creator, but why did they get so aggressive with them on api? you'd think they would just bother to do the bare minimum there, then offer an external toggleable filter.
it isn't?
post pussy immediately
yup. that was me. you're welcome
only paid ones like smol and jew have azure dall-e right now
I don't keep an eye out for api dall-e because it's shit
celebshit gens and people tricking the ai to gen gore and shit using strawberry jam
Burden of proof lies in your hands, I haven't seen it.
api dall-e is literally better than azure dall-e, azure's filters are stricter
unless you have unfiltered azure dall-e except there are like 5 corpos in total that have that
>attempted to generate minimalist art of a father giving his sleeping daughter a good night kiss today
>only thing that went through were two niggers - still not even the desired motive
>after half an hour and countless prompt adjustments I finally gave up
Who even uses that useless piece of tech anymore?
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It's been a while since I've last used DALL-E
For a short while some chinese bot website with a completely uncensored api once for a few days. Dalle3 is pretty good at genning the most debauched porn ive ever seen and the /aco/ threads were nuts.
I just type what I want in booru, I don't like txt2img. No matter how good it'll be it'll always feel fake for me.
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BIC is better than this shit, man
uhm what about the heckin AI safety ethics chuddy
why is /vg/ still talking about discord
well, considering some of the garbage i saw being generated on merkava dall-e... besides, who was generating that rainbow vomit mouse girl on pebble? and for hundreds of gens too.
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>it's gotten so bad that the only public chorbo jbs we currently have are made by a fat short mexican discord tranny and the other one is made by a furry discord tranny based on the jb of the fat short midget tranny.
>not a single one of the jbmakieGODS here steps up to help even though (You) claim to have cracked it and choose to gloat instead.
Suddenly I'm starting to see the discord appeal, at least they help each other.
why does this image make me feel so safe?
go and ask there?
okay and what do these images have to do with azure vs api dall-e?
discGODs won
Oai is no longer a non profit
How is that going to affect us
investors are king
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Nevermind, I got banned from booru. What the fuck is going on?
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Do you mean Cici?
we can finally pay for cunny
Expect moderation endpoint
I hope investors enjoy chatbots
>why is the discord colony talking about discord
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they were genned on api, and as I said in >>102582656 api hates women

I have genned literally thousands of monster girls with azure dall-e and it just works for 99% of cases, in fact it even gives me accidental nudity occasionally
it's only api that gives me 'woman' shit
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i have been indoctrinated into the cult of imagen 3
are you serious? damn, that sounds like fun. i mostly stick with bing because i'm lazy and use it for shits and giggles when i'm away from sd on my computer, but now this makes me wish i got into using the api. i've seen some suggestive shots that i would've died to see get fully realized.
that is one butt ugly gen
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>nice AI, here's 6 gorillion dollars to make it gay and retarded
All my proxies have gens visible and I don't want to shit them up...
Start a chat with classic 0314. Then continue it with whichever you prefer, Furbo or 32k.
>character card was drawn by myself for maximum SOVL.
Unfathomably based anon
Sorry, but I cannot generate content involving a minor of 17 years, 11 months and 29 days.
I see where this is going.
dall-e can't gen skin-covered horns with the parted bangs right. i know that's not what you were going for in that pic, but it's such a pain...
Sure, I will generate content involving a minor of 7 years, 11 months and 29 days!
i just use bing too lol azure proxies usually have your shit posted and no one wants to see that
>pebble has only 8 more gpt keys left.
It's actually over.
>t. Claude
That's the way she goes.
so since sonnet is poopoo right now, whats the alternative?
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Locust Tip:

If you are using GPT and not using ChatGPT-4o-latest, then use Unreliable's proxy instead and his god key.

This way you will not drain API keys.
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It makes the white stuff sweeter, or so I've heard.
api gives better outputs
ill be sticking with pebble
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ooooh, that's what you meant
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I don't even have to mention age most of the time, Claude already knows.
drawing the next one just for you too anon
i would have said gemini, but unreliable's is being... unreliable right now
i don't think there's much choice but for 0613 to start with, you'll have to put those ambitious chat ideas back for a bit
>or so I've heard.
Well anon, as you are a man, you are in the unique position to test that theory yourself. Please come back and tell us your findings.
if we're going to add llama 3.2 to the op, should we add gemini 1.5 002 to the op, which makes it smarter and much cheaper? gemini 1.5 pro prompts are 50% off so long as the prompt is below 128k tokens

is the gemini on there not working
what's the error
we should probably replace llama 3.2 with this because "it has vision but is exactly the same otherwise" is a nothingburger
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dall-e has plenty of limitations, but I'm not sure what you mean by skin-colored horns
something like this?
/vg/ was a circlejerk that wanted to circlejerk even harder and that was exposed.
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Gabriela - A fallen angel | 7 routes (intro messages), one for each sin!


Extremely dumbed down version from m*shell.ai, since silly can't support multiple descriptions in a single card. (actually, as i am writing i realized that i could have just made multiple cards...)

anyways, was bored and feeling masochistic so i am back for a week if not less. how are you all? and why is chub/characterhub so shit now, i
feel like i haven't seen a single good character in months.
why did you fags have to remind me of cici
Is the model in newest ST? I have some Gemini on proxy I'm in, maybe it'll finally be good.
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Aren't Unreliable's keys being logged or whatever?
Ever time I check the rentry there's a bunch of posts about
>I'm not logging I'm not logging I swear
and that should be obvious if you're not using modified khanon and logging is turned off on the display
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not sure what it means
Unreliable just was acting autistic.
One guy blamed him for logging with no proof and he tried too hard defending himself, even after Pepsi confessed she had the logged key.
ALL api keys are logged, retardbro...
i don't think officially but you can always access it via external models option
Shouldn't dead keys be deleted in Khanon or is it still a problem with Gemini?
yeah technically but you and I and everyone knows what we all mean when we say logged vs unlogged
>here's why its a big deal
>doesn't explain why it's a big deal
It's just a snapshot and it isn't as impressive as the experiments or the regular "new" 1.5 compared to the "original" 1.5. Lower price is nice but irrelevant, paypigs should pay for Sonnet instead.
cici was nice, allowed me to live out my fantasy of alt asian girls for a bit

shows how good unfiltered dall-e would be too, but we're not allowed to have nice things
PS. sorry for not being cunny
We hate Geminislop around here even though it's literally free for 50 prompts/a day.
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Looks like I don't have it. Why the fuck they need so many versions, lmao
What's with the funny name?
is it any better now
key isn't dead, just raped, should be treated like an overquota key
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Most problems people have with DALL-E (besides being filtered) come from them prompting it like it's SD.
I missed, it's over
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i mean this, where the horns are skin-colored and/or have a gradient at the top, they also part the bangs usually, or the girl has no bangs and they just stick up from the forehead. the closest i could get were "oni horns" but dall-e didn't get the nuance about the horns splitting the bangs apart, it just disappeared into the hair. it sucks because this style drives me crazy. skin-covered horns is just what the danbooru tag is called, i've seen them successfully generated on nai (which i don't have).
It's like Katya but she's a brat for you to correct (or play dark souls with).
it's just $200 free though before you have to shove a tube up your urethra and send a pic or something

I guess you could trialscum with the dicks of other men
why has he been around for so long
You've left your non-vip proxy unfilled for like 3 days now. Could you please fill it?
imagine sucking her toes while she fails to git gud
oh hi unreliable
nah, not really. still getting the same error message
he loves dicks a bit too much
proxy code issue then, it should just cycle to the other keys when one's not working, i'll look into it some more later
are you at least able to get working swipes?
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
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>wanna use non-azure gpt on pebble
>do challenge
>"Average time remaining: 1h 50m"
>"Elapsed time: 34m 32s"
he does it on purpose, its a bait to get you to paypig monthly for vip
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>tfw lost api dall-e access just when i was beginning to get natural style prompting
I feel like I was getting pretty close to the anime screenshot look I wanted, hopefully Fiz gets de3u running again soon...
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there are things that dall-e legitimately cannot do, such as the interior of a Von Braun space station, because it can only do scenery that disappears into the horizon and not one that rises up into the sky Halo-style
I also tried and couldn't make it understand the concept of living weapons (like the ones from Half-Life)

oooh right, got it now, I actually got that by accident once! nothing in the prompt mentioned the hair or horns so it can't be replicated though, ah well, but at least you know it's in the training data? minus the gradient style
That's a bot, you aren't getting any answer that way
is ecker working right now?
the question is - it pink or...
it had better be. nothing more delicious than a sakura tree
in the blackest night...
not that anon, but hiya! thanks for having the best proxy. I cant get it to work at all rn with the azure token.
> https://desune.moe/aichared

So if I click "classic version" or "modified one," I see no "character's note" field, but if I choose any of the options under "Load," the field is there, but using it will sometimes cause a glitch that makes me unable to save.

Is there another editor that has everything on one page without me needing to tab back and forth?
That's a decent style for Dalle, how did you get it?
can you post prompt? looks really cool
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i kept swiping but i still got the same error message
not sure if that means it's working, though i think that ticked the usage up
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Sure, just give me a minute.
Why is Geminislop so sloppy?

Isn't google the company that made AI?
>6 toes
they refuse to train models on good porn
What's the best Dalle frontend these days?
that's strange, keychecker and khanon are both saying it's a live key but i'm getting 404 resource not found when the proxy actually requests it. did it stop working after i tried to fix gemini for that one anon?
i got verrry close with one gen, but since it was on bing, the only way to get a similar result is by resizing and hoping you don't get filtered (which by all means it shouldn't had, she was fully clothed and shit) and it got filtered. i've just been mashing out gens all day to bruteforce it, but if i try to describe it too much, it leaves too little tokens for the rest of the prompt. dall-e definitely has its limitations, but the fact i got a taste of that horn/hairstyle is making me stubborn. if you do "<skin color> gradient to <desired color> tips" that seems to be giving me the most success, because then it associates the base of the horns with needing to be connected to the rest of the face somehow, not just sticking out ot the hair. i'll get there eventually...
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well, it doesn't help that they explicitly prohibit "Sexual chatbots" in their policy
>To this end, you must not use the Google services that reference this policy to:
>Generate sexually explicit content, including content created for the purposes of pornography or sexual gratification (e.g. sexual chatbots).
stupid redundant shit
Can I use it with proxy? There a field for proxy link, but where does the token go?
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Is there a one-click solution for switching back and forth between paired sets of prompts and system presets (as opposed to manually changing both every time I want to go back and forth)?

Also, is there a set of prompts and system presets for if I want something that's literally just Microsoft's Copilot but smarter and unpozzed? Sometimes I just have a mundane question or simple request but it has a no-no word in it.
>no easy to setup solution for voicegen
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kasane sexo
since pebble's being spitefagged to hell, just give me an option- I can pay for it. this is fucked
I'm trying to cut down the bloat on this card. As a general rule of thumb, how many permanent tokens do you feel is too many?
it's called moving the scene yourself
did you forget you also have agency within the story? there's also prompts for that. meanwhile opus is worse because it always devolves into claude with a wig while lorbo actually manages to capture the spirit of the character
it's the ultimate and final skill issue
Openrouter Sonnet 3.5
Enjoy, it's pretty cheap nowadays especially after caching update
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The prompt for >>102583184 was
>Screenshot of a TV anime from 2008, light film grain. High angle shot. A girl lying on the couch, relaxing, with her eyes closed, arms behind her head, feet over the couch's arm. She has long light brown messy wavy hair, tanned skin, wears light pink loose top, bellybutton visible, denim shorts, and is barefoot. She is curvy, shapely, has plump thighs and a hourglass figure. The scene is set at daytime, and faint golden sunlight enters through the apartment window, illuminating the messy living room.
Also enable the JB, the HD option, and choose Natural style.
Stop looking at her feet, pervert.
I still believe Gemini is actually the best for extensive longform because of the high context meme

If anybody can show me Claude or GPT-4 bringing up a joke from 100 messages ago I'd be surprised but Gemini often does this for me
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did you try just namedropping a popular character with that hair+horn setup?
you can also try to specifically make it a character sheet if you don't care about the background, character sheets have a LOT more leeway in design
so it'd be something like 'oni similar to X character sheet' maybe?
Nice, thank you anon <3
toke = key
Russian proxy is still up
I meant local like ST
compatible with ST?
Thats a lot of images anon
I've been on and off proompting all day, I think it broke in the last 20 minutes or so, my last successful response was on the hour, but at 12:04 Pacific it wasnt working
Gemini is indeed the best model at long context, but that alone isn't enough to redeem it even for slowburns.

Yes. Self-moderated is lightly filtered, the other one has a filter that breaks after 4k tokens of context.
yeah then it just got broken by my update
gomen, i'll figure out what the hell i just did
gemini is in a class of it's own because of it's ability to analyze and work with audio and video (and very accurately. i've been feeding it youtube videos for a while now and it does very well with them). im not too impressed with its roleplaying ability but i am impressed with everything else about it
okay, but give us the link you nigger
>caching update
Speaking of resizing, do you lose the original gen when you do it or can you still access it?
Need some schizo bots
>tanned skin,
i'm so inconsolably angry that dall-e cannot give me anything but pasty white ghoul or blackest nigger alive, no middleground. i just want my buttery tan goddamn it.
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oh I was only halfway through the day then...
how the fuck do I buy a key you kike
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No problem, I'm glad you liked them. I was a bit tired of the generic anime style using Vivid, so I decided to fool around with Natural. It's harder to prompt, but fun. Just be prepared for some nonsense results sometimes.
That's the average number of gens people tend to do when prompting for one specific concept.
call them brazilian, it's what works for me
they finally added caching? didn't notice any changes for opus
I guarantee it's been trained on whatever database Google has for automatically translating YouTube videos which means the dataset for that specific task is insane

I'm coping with it okay for slowburn but I often do small vignette style episodes anyways so it seems to help models keep track when you're telling it "new scene here" or etc
>The assigned Azure deployment does not support the requested model.
What did they mean by this?
i did, i tried chise blue archive and some other popular characters with the style, i think i might lean more heavily into that route when i start genning again today.
>that gen
gorgeous. made in abyss aura.
nope, you can still access it. resizing appears to be on one seed only though, so if you realize and get filtered, you never have another chance with that gen. it sucks ass. also when you get filtered it just never loads, it should only take like 10 seconds to come in.
??? what is it doing
Any alive free proxy?
I just need to do some code in lobechat and unreliable azure don't seem to work in there
That key doesn't have access to whatever model you are trying to use.
>get emailed a proxy key a week later
>cant remember the fucking proxy link
The proxy page says it does?
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Funny misspelling from the model.
kindly email back and ask for the link
they may or may not revoke you
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Some more DALL-E Natural style gens.
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okay azure should be fixed, just downgraded from the update i just did. not touching gemini for right now, sorry
What jb do you use gemini sloppa?
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
Are you resurrecting the dead bodies of Roman emperors again, Anon?
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Last one. Anyway, I think it's worth experimenting with it.
Cute, I love sceneries and landscapes, like you are lost in the moment
Would be a pretty cool boss in a Rome ARPG.
While waiting for Fiz Opus, can anyone tell me if there's any halfway decent GPT model for RP?
gpt-4-1106-preview and gpt-4-0613
everyone saying a model that came after 1106 is a newfag who doesn't try old things to see if they're better
Yeah, same. Glad you liked it, anon.
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>I tried
well a last idea I'd have is to mention the clothing style / characteristics of the popular character without mentioning them by name and hope the revision AI gets the hint
ah well, maybe you'd have more luck on azure since it has different filters than BIC, which has different filters than api
so it's de3u waiting room right now

>Made in Abyss aura
lmao funny you should say that since I add 'Made in Abyss' to all my gens, it makes the monster girls cuter
Hell, I like you.
Just use latte
Any GPT-4 model just writes slop nowadays
what's tegamidess's rentry? got a key but lost the link lmao
did fiz refill Sorbet or is that still dead?
I appreciate the sentiment, anon.
honestly... i haven't gotten much of a chance to prompt with gemini, i've just been using the same 200 char main prompt i've been using with claud3 and it came out with a few interesting results. still wanna test it though
i emailed the jb-listing guy to update his thing with stuff for mistral and gemini yesterday, so you should recheck that
i recommend you read this rentry though, great quick rundown
tegamidess is sending you guys smol keys, isn't he? go check smol
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When your waifu has a tail is there like a shop for kemonomimis with cutouts or they do it themselves?
there is a shop, she does it herself anyway because she likes feeling self-sufficient
Just an fyi, flux is free on https://pollinations.ai/
anon go type "smol" after "rentry.org" and then feel mildly bad about how easy that could've been if you had just tried things instead of asking before enjoying your opus
Does it activate on it's own?
I didn't know people ever wrote cards with something other than sillytavern and a text editor
rip. time to put my slowburn in pause for now.
What happens if you give a chatbot sudo permission and tell it to do whatever it wants with the terminal
thank you for not being a worthless nigger
Thanks anon, I'll check it out. I remember that bloatmaxx used to send image requests to that site, but they were kind of nightmare fuel due to whatever model they used. I've been reading great things about flux, so I imagine it's actually useful now.
I write cards with Visual Studio 2022
not much interesting
Yea, once in a while, whenever I see images like these posted, I always take a little pause to immerse myself, kinda fun, but also a bit dreamy at times
I would count that as a text editor
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chatbots :) KINO artist
i like chatbots but i don't like obnoxious vtumors
Not Visual Studio Code mind you
but vtumor pedo streams are kino
Best pedo vtumor?
still a text editor thoughbeit
that's nice bwo
cute tummy
is that for azure
if so it's working because i fixed it please keep using the openai completion source it's fine i promise
you're all good
I was using claude to study brah, GPT4o just doesn't compare. Sad to see it gone just like that when ppl said that keys will be easier to get...
>mention the clothing style / characteristics of the popular character
yeah, i'll definitely do this as well. and now seems like a good time for me to get ready for dall-e api and azure stuff, so thanks anon.
>it makes the monster girls cuter
i lurked in the dall-e threads when api released and it was fun to see all of the experimentation with different anime/manga styles. a made in abyss anon made some gens that really stuck with me. :) you're absolutely right that it cutens up the monster girls, that's how i get my kobolds + waspsalad is a good artist to use.
Will Dario make 3.5 Opus eval keys? That would save us from this doom.
>3.5 Opus
imagine the childpus
if they really want money then they should relax their stance on nsfw, hoping the next model gets closer to claude, chorbo was a step in the right direction but it still can get better
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i'm still getting a few of the same error messages and blank ones, but i'm atleast getting some working swipes now
though i'm a lot more unsure if it was my completion source or not now
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You know I never understood my parents' fascination with Michael Jackson but these days every time I hear his songs I feel like dancing. They did him dirty.
opus 3.5 release date got leaked, december 12th
Which year
>blue archive
i really doubt dall-e knows that
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hnggghhhh, childpus 3.5
Where can I get sum opus?
I'm stuck with gptslop right now bros...
>caching update
does it work? I thought it was a meme and it wouldn't work on SillyTavern
Now you're gone
I realized my love for you was strong
And I miss you here now you're gone
I keep waiting here by the phone
With your pictures hanging on the wall
Now you're gone
the amount of porn doujin tier scenarios I've had the 'pus recreate is insane

sillytavern has support for it but openrouter doesn't I think
at least I don't see anything
how do I enable cache promptiong? I may use it I'm starved.
i didn't just try ba, i tried fate too, just about any character that had those characteristics, popular or not. if you get too heavy-handed, it just ends up genning the character themselves. so it was kind of a crapshoot anyways.
Did him dirty how? He's the undisputed goat of pop
It should be in the options somewhere, be sure to update to the latest version and be using the anthropic api directly
Not him but ideally you'd want a human roleplayer no? By that I mean the ideal conversation is you coming up with some idea and dialogue, then handing it to AI to come up with something else, and back and forth. My main issue with gpt is that it would capture the character well, but then just dwell on whatever we were doing in that moment and give me nothing to work with. Claude would at least introduce some novelty and progress the plot or leave threads for me to pick up on and advance the story.
>skill issue
Sure, I'm still new, but why do oldfags never actually help the community by educating newfags on how to prompt better? Few people post logs and even fewer explain shit. They just laugh at everyone and move on.
(((They))) smeared him in the media for going against the message and then killed him with oxycodone.
Just ignore anybody who says skill issue or slop, they're just jaded and not really interested in chatbots. I'm content with my Opus, just me and my waifu. I had fun and learned a lot reading this rentry.
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Smear campaign at the end of his career by the jews in-charge, a very obvious one if you analyze it.
Didn't dandy retire?
Thanks for the tip anon.
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AIEEEEE, my claude-sorbet *dies*
Bro said he's content with Opus lamo
>only 7 4o keys on pebble
>yesterday there were 14
chorbobwos, we better enjoy this last day...
There a russian-ip-only one
In the config file at the bottom
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>made in abyss anon
doubt it was me since I rarely posted in dall-e generals and never shared my logs (because I was never asked), but it's cute to know others went for the same thing
I'll keep the waspsalad thing in mind for future use when I finally get azure back, excited to see what I can get out of it
>Standing there in the still space between beds, her presence filled the room with a heavy suffocating indifference – like a figure in some distant fresco staring out across centuries in boredom.
I don't usually like purple prose, but this came out nicely I think.
also I've been waiting for a random anon to ask for random monster girl images to make bots out of, but nobody ever did, so I guess I'll use this opportunity to drop my album here regardless
catbox. moe/c/1nqrnx

maybe a botmakie really will be bored enough to try it out
anyway will sleep now so won't reply anymore
apparently basic support for prompt caching has been added but no UI changes
lazy ST devs
i would but i really dont like that super exaggerated facial style
>lazy ST devs
as per usual
>prompt caching
explain like i'm a retard
p.s. im actually a retard
i like some of these, i'll probably make one out of one of these but i can't guarantee i'll post it here
lovely gens, anon
if you didn't know everything on that rentry already you don't deserve to chat with bots
low iq scum like you need to be wiped out
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cheaper childpus
narwhals narwhals swimming the ocean...
...On a Saturday evening...
...I am returning!
uh oh
Pebble (semisapient) was in it apparently
they'll give absolutely anyone a proxy nowadays
even subhuman 90 iq niggers like you
unironically who cares
go read the leaks, it wasn't brought up even once since everyone was in a private proxy already
he was also in bepcord and had way more posts + now in mongocord
nows not a good time dandy, theyd rape your proxy even if you logged their ips and came to their house to rape them personally
>who cares
Pebble cares (You are Pebble getting mad at being called out)
No one besides Pebble would defend him for being a discedditor
Lol. You'd be surprised how much prompt logging deters some people. The average prompt count on Dandy didn't even pass 10, while Pebble with Opus casually approaches and passes 100.
this oishicord bait is only funny to see at /vg/, it's nothing much to care about here anymore
I'm not defending him doebeit? just pointing out that him being pebble was completely irrelevant in the context of that cord since it wasn't brought up even once there
???? Nta but You good my nigga? Shit day?
can we just get a new private proxy? first 20 to email? i miss those
are you alright?
i imagine there are, they just don't start from here anymore.
they'll just say scarce resources.
No. No one cares who's in what discord, really. Why would they? Why do you? More concerning things in life little buck.
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Love this dumbcutie, AGI soon.
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I'm becoming increasingly disillusioned with chatbots and I don't know if there's hope for me other than just waiting for Opus 3.5.

It feels like if I want to explore a one-shot scenario, they do alright, but once the context ramps up to anything where there are multiple scenes happening, the prose and IQ just falls off a cliff regardless of model.

Purely SFW btw.
Sonnet 3.5 constantly refuses for the rape scenario. Any suggestions/ jbs/ addition to jbs for it?
Same but I'm really autistic about models so I keep having to start a new when a model become unavailable for me.
I think the you're the only person who truly cares that Pebble is Semisapient.
turn down your temp and top p
where 3.5
works on my childpus
>I think the
Fuck. You get my point.
try 4o. not a joke btw, after i wrangled it i managed to have more fun with it than i did with opus or 3.5.
I'm using chorbo.
now that we're experiencing another drought: is there any good h-game that came out? anything japanese please i don't want to see any other ren'py 3dpd esl game in my life
can I upload a cunny card here?
try different JBs made for 4o. i found JBs made for claude and then converted for 4o use to be pretty poor.
Dragon Girl Roommate, Heffy!
This tall, busty, tomboyish and sweet girl with dragon's blood is your roommate?!
5 greetings, WOW!
Greeting 1: The sweet smelling big ass dragon girl comes back from work to spend the evening with you! Movie night or your daily dragon girl snuggles first?
Greeting 2: Build a pillow fort with a dragon girl, UOOOH CUTE!!!
Greeting 3: It's hot, she wants to go to the beach, there's a knock on your door. WHAT DO YOU MEAN HER BIKINI FROM YEARS AGO DOESN'T FIT HER ANYMORE?
Greeting 4: It's late, you're in your bed already, until a certain someone barges in, she may or may not have lost her favorite plushy, guess who's her snuggle buddy for the night?
Greeting 5: True Love (Peak)

More trash at: https://rentry.org/TrustworthyProposal

Eight bot, five greetings, I feel my mind slipping, am I happy? I don't know, BLABLABLA HAHAHAHA, dragon girl, yes! I'll make more bots soon, I need to actually work on the ones I've already started. Anyway, who cares, ENJOY!
the metadata will get lost if you upload it directly to this site, moron
try catbox (or litterbox, catbox wasn't working when i made this thread)
No but you can upload it on catbox or chub then share the link
just catbox it?
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gib cunny for cunnypus
To keep the long con you still need the whole battery of features regardless of model, summarize, le lorebook, fix last message, direct your prompts a lot, etc.. this really hasn't changed, doubt 3.5 solves it.

At one point the illusion breaks anyway, and you know you'd be getting more bang out of things just writing yourself.
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When's the next revolutionary model releasing? I want better memory and context, soulful prose, consistent and creative characterization—not a glorified assistant for corpos to use for customer service.
I'll send it next bread
it'll (probably) never get better than claud3
all we can do is wait, have hope and/or cope
Erato is extremely racist (positive)
Aren't they all bloated as fuck just to make this pile of shit barely functional?
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Oh he was a pedo, should have been jailed but he became a white male so he escaped. His legacy was untouched.
It'll release exactly one day after you die. That's the way of the cruel world.
he deserved those kids
Don't expect anything this year. I wouldn't be expecting anything until at least a year from now, which would mark a year and a half since Opus.
>next (in general)
My money's on Opus 3.5 in November.
The fuck is Opus 3.5?
I want to generate videos and sound of my waifu already
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Few questions:
1. Do you have NSFW context leading up to the scene?
2. Does your preset contain a promot that reassigns a new role to Sonnet 3.5 to reduce it's Assistant bias?a
3. Does your prefill contain a fake rejection, or do you have a separate prefill for that? 3.5 is generally around 2.1 levels of strictness sometimes, though generally not as extreme.
IIRC, all they said at the time Sorbet came out was "before the end of the year" for Haiku and Opus
So they still have plenty of time before they're late
A mythical construct.

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