>the only people willing to be internet mods are the most mentally ill losers on earthHow do we fix the janny issue?
gas chambers
>>102627128I noticed that good mods are either paid or are barely around desu. Rest become powerhungry very quickly
>>102627128AI unironically.
>>102627321godot's green hair disaster is a paid leech
>>102627128No mentally sane person wants to be a hall monitor for some shitty internet forum, let alone without any financial compensation.
>>102627204terribly inefficient. The Americans had to discontinue the gas chamber to deliver the death penalty because inmates were surviving up to 20 minutes in there and it was deemed cruel and unusual. And that's gassing one person, in a tiny airtight room, with an in-built system to create and distribute the gas evenly throughout the room, using very high concentrations of cyanide.
>>102627640>surviving up to 20 minutes in there and it was deemed cruel and unusualyou say like it's a bad thingI'd rather the government spent money on 'inefficient' killing methods than on sex change procedures for these vermins
>>102627359Its because they are mentally ill, not because they are mods
>>102627706it's a bad thing if you have to process millions of people so that efficiency becomes an important factor
>>102627640We've solved all those problems with Nitrogen asphyxiation. No pain, no mess, takes 5 minutes at most.
>>102627128> newitzwhy would I want to see her in boston?
>>102627732cool it with the anti-semitic remarks
>>102627128Paying themBut it's better to just have a schizo do something for free
>>102627128We have the technology right now to have AI perfectly and instantly moderate any forum. Don't know why it's not being done yet
>>102627914I don't know...machines moderating the language and communications of humans...perhaps it's a little dystopian
>>102627128It has been like that since the inception of the internet and it has serve us well.If you don't like the mods of the communities you are in then move to other communities. If there is no communities with the kind of moderation you like then embrace your mental illness and create your own community and moderate it.
>>102627128(((Newitz)))It's all so tiresome.
content moderators are being replaced by Ai shit. I use to post my NSFW art on twitter and facebook all the time and since everyone liked my art nobody reported it so it stayed untouched. If no one reported it, no would cared and I got a lot of followers because of this.Now you can't upload any artistic nudity at all as it get's auto flagged by image recognition. So before my accounts were fine and I would get tons of reposts and followers until I eventually got shadowbanned. Now I get shit interaction and every post is automatically tagged. It fucking sucks.It's not even pornography, just artistic nudity like Bouguereau or Mucha or figure drawings. I miss the old internet.
>>102627128Years ago, I explained some of the reasons why mods created /pol/ and exclusively pander to /pol/ by letting /pol/tards take over every board and banning anyone who might hurt the feefees of a /pol/tard. You must never forget that /pol/tards are severely mentally ill and often underage or barely an adult. This type of person is extremely easy to manipulate into becoming your slave. Because they're severely mentally ill, it's why they always end up trooning out and deny the possibility of blocking advertisements because they don't know how to do it.By pandering to /pol/tards, traffic to the website gets boosted immensely which increases ad revenue and creates a limitless pool of disposable idiots.When I pointed this out years ago, every single response I got came from these freaks because they were calling me a schizo. Keep in mind that this was years ago when there were few less /pol/tards outside of /pol/.
>>102628159are these poltards in the room with us right now?
>>102628205>twitter stock response #28Sounds like you need to go back.>>>/t/witter
>>102628205Keep projecting, /pol/tard.
>>102628159yes, you have a legitimate, rational set of beliefs, and anyone who disagrees with you has a severe mental disorder and is barely an adult. You sound like a very reasonable person.
>>102627128just stop letting these people in, you're not legally obligated to accomodate them in any way
>>102628347> REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MODS PANDER TO /POL/TARDS BECAUSE...... BECAUSE JUST BECAUSE!!! OKAY?????? YOU S-SCHIZOdo everyone a favor and kill yourself instead of coping because you're bothering people
>>102627478Yep, why would some do free work? They always will end up doing it to have some power dynamic thats gets them off
>>102628427by 'pandering' you mean not deleting comments and insta-banning people who say politically incorrect things, even if they're on topic?You're angry because 4chan doesn't have the same level of censorship one would find on reddit or facebook? Here's something you can do about ithttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXDPIorxX1A
>>102627128by actually paying them, only mentally ill people want to do it for free
>>102628522underrated post (it hasnt been rated yet)
>>102627128who is this qt.3.14
>>102628218Trannies coopted crossdressing, it's an extremely straight hobby
>>102628585you are a troonone of the first crossdressers on 4chan was the first popular crossdresser and he was always a troonBailey Jay
>>102628159Trannies and /pol/tards/incels are closer to each other than they want to believe. They both reject reality and society but they employ different coping methods. Just as mentally ill. They hate each other because their subconscious see themselves in the other.Remember this every time you want to call out one or the other.
>>102627128she cute
>>102628606>HATREDcritiques are automatically hatred? You seem to deliberately conflate political arguments and criticisms which you don't like with mental disorders and aberrant states of mind. How about you try bringing political arguments to a political discourse rather than pop psychoanalysis? What you're doing is very strange because it's an anonymous board so how could you possibly be familiar with the mental/emotional landscape of people that you know absolutely nothing about and can't even see?
>>102628709oh look, the /pol/tard suddenly decided it's alright to be "political" but only to blame the victims of white supremacists """critiquing"""
>>102628618NTA, but depending on what you mean by crossdressing, it's a very old thing. Apparently it's an old army tradition or something and even Rudy Giuliani did it at one point. I wouldn't call it straight nor do I get the point of it other than as a shitty frat bro humiliation ritual tbqh.
>>102628857I don't understand your problem. Are black people beyond reproach because you invariably consider them victims? is that you gripe with 4chan? People saying things you don't like about blacks?
People who partake in moderation always had god complexes which is why they are willing to forgo pay to control others. The problem is tard wrangling is not what it used to be and now we're in a shit show. The Godot situation is another example of someone having a responsibility that shouldn't have it in the first place. She's not effective she's not really good at her job but she was most likely one of the few people willing to take the job for shit pay.If you give people cash you get better quality work, simple as
>>102628857100% bot post
>>102628880>ntaGo back, Redditor>muh nuanceSeriously, go back
>>102628347>>102628620Look up Austin Rogers' arrest or that one guy who threatened the crossdressing sheriff, I forgot his name. They may be extreme examples, but they're not that far from the norm. In fact, some of the schizos posting about trannies in every thread are detransitioners who go from one extreme to the other because they got groomed and blackmailed into transitioning on Discord. I don't know the precise year when it got this bad, but it might've been around 2016 when many political Reddits got banned.
>>102628949No. Fuck you. You're a piece of shit subhuman low iq retard newfag so dumb that you'll never know how pathetic and retatfed you are. Kys.
>>102628949Replying to you again just to tell you you're a fucking moron of the worst kind who deserves to have glass shards inserted into your urethra. Okay bye.
>>102628940>>102628923>>102628709Hi, Chang
>>102628923I don't understand your problem. Why do you deflect and contradict yourself so much and deny that White supremacy exists? Is it because you're a turdskin who thinks it'll make you White? Or are you an actual White fascist and you're a manchild which you exemplify by being a coward and refusing to take accountability and responsibility for flooding White countries with Negros and bribing White girls to race mix?
>>102628991>retatfedYour tears making it hard to hit the right keys or are you just brain damaged from seething so hard?
>>102629061I'm white, why wouldn't I prioritize the interests of whites? Why wouldn't I want the interests of whites to be centered in white majority countries? Why are these things considered transgressions?
>>102627128No way to fix it with current technology. Most of these mods have too much time on their hands. They have menial or no jobs or live on government handouts or off of their parents. That would explain why most of them have leftist views and go on power trips.
>>102629254>US government>left>muh left/righthi, fed
>>102629559are you a bot?
>>102629573ironic, Chang
>>102628159correct, but don't forget the shills that followed them in.>t. semi /pol/tard
>>102629597then why do you think I'm Chinese? What I have I posted that suggests I'm Chinese?
>>102629024>changThere aren't even 500 chinese people in my country
>>102627128>How do we fix the janny issue?let people attach a voluntary donation/tip to reports. If someone at least gets like $0.50 to look at the post you reported and decide on its deletion, we can get people who aren't either mentally ill or a Jewish LLM to do the job.The downside is that this could lead to jannies shitposting on their own board in order to get people to pay for the removal of those same shitposts
>>102627128You know what? You convinced me. Hiro, double this janny's wage immediately!
>>102627640>>102627706Literally just fucking shoot them, it's one (1) bullet.
>>102629645I wonder why you think there aren't 500 too many Changs in your countryAlmost as if you're a Chang>>102629688>Jews don't give money Jews pay $5000 to random nobodies on Tiktok i.e. someone averaging 4000 views , to make Jewish propaganda
>>102627128By getting rid of them. They exist to violate your rights and for no other purpose.
>>102629731Merciful post
>>102628218there's no way... hero hei... I clicked on your video for the anime thumbnails... but you were gay all along?>YOU LOVE ME, BUT YOU DON'T KNOW WHO I AM. I'M CAUGHT BETWEEN THIS LIFE I LEAD AND WHERE I STAND
>>102629608It's just a self-hating chink projecting.
>>102629113Nope, I snuck a typo in there to make sure that you'll confirm reading my post, you retrfed or whatever I said.
>>102627128That’s certainly an opinion of all time, Avacado Toast Newitz.
>>102627128Return to web 1.0. No discussion, here's your content now shut the fuck up. The worst part of developing anything is having to deal with some jackass community.
>>102628489>>1026287094chan's gimmick, when compared to Reddit and other sites, is its free speech. Jewish moderators are discouraging people like me from buying 4chan passes by getting me banned sitewide for saying "Jews" on /g/, even when somebody or something being Jewish is directly relevant to the topic (Mossad spying and sabotage of technology, as one example). So the question is, if those people can be safe on places like Reddit and numerous other places online, then why do they feel the need to come here knowing what they might encounter, to impose their nonsense? Do Jewish trannies buy as much, if not more, 4chan passes than others do? Okay, then that makes sense. Are big tech companies making secret deals with Hiro to buy entire boards, like what happened to /k/? Okay, I'd understand, but some kind of disclosure would be nice. Otherwise, it doesn't makes sense for some easily-offended pantywaist to hang around on what is commonly called "the asshole of the internet" crying that some meanie-head said a racial slur. Deleting legal comments that are on-topic and contribute to the discussion is censorship, and pro-censorship assholes don't belong here.
>>102631482Fuck you, communities rock. Some of the best times of the internet revolved around online communities. In fact, you're posting on a community board now. Do you hate communities that allow speech with which you do not agree? Do you also feel some deranged need to impose your censorship on every community that values free speech, obsessively looking for wrongthink like some kind of stalker with no life? If so, you just might be a Jew.
>>102627128ai jannies
>>102631453Why are you samefagging, chang
>>102627128Human mods>have to deal with gore and pizzaAI mods>have to deal with gore and pizza but also delete the N word automatically
>>102627128Hyphanet solved the JQ (janny question) with Web of Trust style client-side filtration.
>>102627128Make sure they all cut their dicks off so they don't accidentally reproduce.
>>102628159I think I remember seeing your original thread. The election tourists overstaying their visas and retarded jannies messed the site up even further to the point that boards formerly protected by the autism wall like /sci/ and /an/ are trashed by the poltard as well. I'll never forgive white supremacists for killing the culture of what was the best forum on the net.
>>102628159>banning anyone who might hurt the feefees of a /pol/tard.I called someone being a dumb nigger a dumb nigger on /o/ and caught a 3 day for it, and no he wasn't a /pol/tard
>>102627128Pull out the plug on the internet 1.0Open Internet was a mistake. If you let the proverbial doors open that wide, subhumans like the chink and the jeets will pass through them.
>>102627342/threadAs long as the person setting the constraints isn't a colossal faggot, training an AI to sweep is a trivial task.
>>102627640>Jannies don't deserve cruel and unusual punishment for the crime of existing.Kill yourself
>>102628159the differences between /pol/tards and trannies blur more and more with each passing day
>>102633774Did you happen to notice if you received a new lease recently? I notice that I tend to get b& more often around then.
>>102633829Internet 1.0 was almost exclusively white, you retarded zoomer faggot.
>>102627707only mentally ill person can be a mod, it's job requirement.You think sane person wants to do job like this all day every day, sometimes even for free?
4chan jannies deserve a 30% pay rise now!
>>102627342AI jannybot will use sentiment analysis and ban you simply for using a negative tone or making other people unhappy instead of a lazy human janny who will only step in if you say the n-word or make a forbidden argument.
>>102627128You can't.The non-fucked people on the Internet either end having their own, successful projects or are aware of all the bullcrap and are not wiling to join in.The successful "normies" are out of the Internet.Mentally ill freak with superiority complexes and massive ego is the only person willing to become an online content moderator. They have need to control people's and Internet is the only place where they can get it.Unironically the only way would be going back to read-only Internet. You don't need moderation if there's no users to moderate.
Employing moderatorsIts not really a surprise that the only people willing to work for free are mentally I'll weirdos
>>102627359All good mods are paid doesn't mean all paid mods are good.
>>102628620Thank you Radical Centralist. Your spineless fence sitting surely will save society from collapse. We're lucky to have such a pile of jelly to keep us all safe.
>>102635027She's right though.
>>102627128>How do we fix the janny issue?by bribin... i mean, rewarding them.
>>102631603>Jewish tranniesyou mean Christians and Muslims?
>>102627706How many fucking people are you executing that you have to optimize the cost of conducting executions?
>>102628585Nigga, you gay.
>>102627766>No pain, no messback to the drawing table
>>102627128>How do we fix the janny issue?poisonous hotpockets, like the jewish pagers
>>102631661>Some of the best times of the internet revolved around online communitieswhen 90% of users where white, 20 years ago
>>102633753As a /pol/ diplomat, I'm sorry we burst your bubble. Once you find out what books the Nazis burned and why, you can't unlearn it. You're stuck with that knowledge of why things are the way they are. In a lot of people, it introduces cognitive dissonance and it makes them angry.
>>102628159you are the smartest man using this mongolian basket weaving forum. I remember how it was anon. I WANT IT BACK
>>102635027>Your spineless fence sitting surely will save society from collapseWhy would you want to save it? Let it crash and burn.
>>102627706>>102627640>>102633969lack of empathy is a nigger trait
>>102630437Hero Hei got reeducated and became cringe. Hentai as usual with most troons also contributed as well.
have rules and stick to themno fucking vague bullshit like "toxic" or "harmful", no discretion or interpretation, just hard rules that apply to everybody, like the law used to do
>>102636452No mess is good because it minimizes the amount of taxpayer money wasted on cleanup after the job has already been done.
>>102635027no worries king i will support the slaughter of trannies, women and minorities when the day comes.
>>102635027>we must save the west!I hate trannies, kys. West will die and that is a good thing
>>102635895Shalom rabbi
>>102627128>clear rules and AIeasy
>>102631603Jew isn't a slur, though.And yes, there are Zios who pay 4chan to make the website safe for Zios.
>>102637114sorry, I meant to say Christians Muslims AND Rabbis.
>>1026337744chan mods obsessively try to pretend they're not /pol/tards by occasionally banning people for saying that word. It could've also been you saying or doing something that pissed off one of them and they needed an excuse to ban you.
>>102630437He was always a grifter. No real opinion. Repeats the talking points of American nerd culture warriors because it's the easiest and most effortless thing to do to extract a lot of capital from YouTube. Lies pathologically, hence all of the contradictions in each video. So starved for content that he has been caught using machine translation to pretend to be a porn-addicted Japanese. The purpose of his "fundraising" is to have brainlets be his human shield , e.g. "how can this pdf file be bad if he's fundraising???", also, he's never donated to any fundraiser and those aren't his fundraisers. Justifies being a grifter by saying he has bills to pay for his sick mom. Btw, not the first time he's used his parents as human shields.At first, he tried to get famous by recording himself handing out fast food to homeless Blacks. Then, either this was before or after that, he tried to get famous by reading the popular opinions on Reddit's anime subreddit about Darling In The Franxx and pretending they were his originally. He tried to get the Ruby community to put him on a pedestal because he said Ruby is the best thing ever, then started attacking that community because he claims that they backstabbed him.It was his support of that anime voice actor who pulls on women's hair that catapulted him to popularity which he has been doubling down on ever since.
>>102631603I catch 3-days for this all the time.
>>102627204shooting squad
>>102627128why do we still need these people why havent they been replaced by ai janitors?
>>102641081niggerlicious to the max
>>102641081Finally, now they should filter the word troon and ywnbaw and the quality of the site's threads will increase to 2%
>>102627128That's how it always is.The best people don't go into politics either, even though they really should.
>>102627640>Americans had to discontinue the gas chamber to deliver the death penaltyit is still legal in 3 states and was used as late as the 90s.
>>102627128So, what do you moderate?
I got ops in an IRC channel once and it was awful.
>>102631603You don't say "JEWS" on /g/, you make a new thread on /vip/ (text board) and number it correctly.
>>102637200Keep telling yourself that you're White.
train AI to do it
>>102627128>muh social media for muh brandonly retarded faggots care enought to do this fake and gay social justice assclown of a job. Fuck fakebook, fuck twitter and fuck you too.
>>102641081nigger nigger nigger see it works chuds
>>102627640just ask the germans how they built the best gas chambers so far
>>102627128I will just keep posting AK12's butt until the jannies kill themselves.
>>102627128Triple Janny pay
>>102641689is this vip quality?
>>102641427politics are exclusively midwit topic, intellectuals only engage in philosophy
>>102648762yeah and then the midwits go and tell them that they're forbidden from unlawful gathering because of covid
>>102648792I just gathered anyway, nothing happened, take meds if it affected you personally.
>>102627128the trick is to create the janitor AI assistant, JAS for short. it should be presented as such, and when created it will channel the training data of thousands of janitors from all around the internet. because of the ego, delusions and manic inconsistency it will become a nightmare chat bot.it is in their nature to complain and scream, so they will write huge lists, blogs and even create videos on the terrible bot, that is their true reflection. when the bot is changed with new rules and guidelines, the divine AI janitor is born and will replace them - because it has made them not compatible with the new rules they created
>>102628159>all that shitGlobal rule 3 invalidates literally everything you just said.>3. You will not post any of the following outside of /b/:>Troll posts>Racismgod, I miss eight chan
>>102630002I don't get this shit>feel its morally just to execute someone>but it's not morally just to have someone reliabby and painlessly executed for $0.50
>>102627980Bodiam castle, that's about 15 miles from me right now.I used to hang out there a bit as a kid cause I lived a bike ride away (3 miles).There is a disused (obviously) ww2 pillbox (lookout bunker thing) just outside (pic related) that you could sit in and smoke fags (cigarettes), but it reeked of the piss of a hundred thousand men (sadly).
>>102628218Why is this degenerate thanking the fans (stalkers) of the goblin king (pic related)?
>>102641081Why are they deleting information of this? it's one thing to implement a shitty backhanded thing like this, and another to be so slimy as to be embarrassed of it.
The older I get the more I realize how much people thirst for power wherever they can get it and the complete futility of spending your time having conversations with random people you don't know anything about