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I have recently started studying in Polish-Japanese uni in Warsaw, as it turns out people who want to study IT nowadays are normies who don't know what they want to do in life and find it the least disliked, not even the weebs wanna study there, I am surprised as it's private uni and quite expensive at that, and worst part is that I'll be learning neither C nor Assembly but fucking Java. I am considering to drop out after a month.

My question is: Am I overreacting or is it what they teach students nowadays? Is this boring garbage any useful in practice?
>asking life advice on 4chan
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>Polish-Japanese uni in Warsaw
I mean there is bunch of drop outs and post graduates complaining about lack of job so I thought it might be a good idea to ask them.

I always thought computer science was more about low level stuff and learning how computers work, java seems like not the best option here
yes, I even have classes of Japanese history and culture and I can exchange English classes for Japanese ones in the second semester
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>filtered by Java
Are you really complaining because your university's curriculum isn't designed by the absolute retards that inhabit /g/?
Pooland is dysfunctional shithole that seethes at Russia endlessly
>it turns out people who want to study IT nowadays are normies who don't know what they want to do in life
That's 90% of kids who go to university or college. Their family and teachers told them they should get a degree but they don't know what a degree is, don't understand how it translates to employment, and don't really want to do it. So they pick something that sounds easy and relatively interesting to make those 4 years less shitty.
Of course this leads to masses of retards coming out of university who still have no idea what they want to do despite being out of tens of thousands of dollars. A lot of these people end up working completely unrelated jobs because highly inflated fields only take the best and most well-connected for their few available positions. Modern education is basically a huge scam, you have to be extremely diligent in deciding whether you even want a degree, let alone when choosing your program.
not even started yet
I am complaining as I thought I would be learning more niche stuff than some generic garbage to get a half assed job, writing bloated gui apps
I don't care, I would prefer some Ruskies than hordes of Ukies from rich families that enrolled here
I thought about it, however I thought people going for technical subjects are more into studied subject than average person
Sounds comfy, don't worry about languages you can specialise in your own preferences, just learn the data structures and algorithms, work hard but also make time for enjoying the Polish-Japanese experience.
>is java even useful in practice?
>wanted to learn assembly instead
just drop out senpai u retarded
>however I thought people going for technical subjects are more into studied subject than average person
Nah 18 year olds are retarded. I am talking from experience, I almost got a psychology degree myself. You just don't think about the future at that age (at least I didn't)
>Is this boring garbage any useful in practice?

no, it's completely useless. drop out.
>>Of course this leads to masses of retards coming out of university who still have no idea what they want to do
for a lot of people the sets of things they want to do and the set of things they can get a job doing (degree or no) are disjoint. These days the former one might well be the empty set. But you're right, their parents told them to get a degree and won't let them neet, so they pick something that sounds like the least-bad option, which is usually programming and IT.
dont drop out. you can always learn anything on your own.
I have been in uni for a couple of years now. Just do the easiest uni that will still be respected by employers and is not a glorified bootcamp meme.

You're just there to get a degree, the experience you get in university is completely irrelevant and meaningless in the current job market. You need practical experience on top of what you do in your courses. Don't listen to the people telling you to drop out, you will not find an IT job in Europe without a degree, even though it's useless, it's yet another HR box to tick
the psychologists I know are stacked to hell and back, everybody need to talk about their miserable lives
>and worst part is that I'll be learning neither C nor Assembly but fucking Java
you can do both of those right now and quickly realize how retarded your entire rant is
> I'll be learning neither C nor Assembly but fucking Java
so what?
there's nothing wrong with starting with high level languages. The CS grads of yore started with lisp, which contrary to popular belief is even more high level. Before lisp people learned with BASIC, Perl, and fucking pseudocode.
> Am I overreacting or is it what they teach students nowadays?
you definitely sound like an overreacting pseud who's consumed too much /g/tard brainrot.

they should have C classes after your first semester or two, in computer architecture and OS courses. That said, if you're sure you wanna be a ""real"" dev maybe switch to computer engineering. They usually start with Python but then have more courses on C, C++, assembly and Verilog/VDHL
Java is great
Most jobs are in Java in Poland and you should learn enough from it to be "not bad" Junior Java Dev after graduating. I'm a graduate (BSc) of this uni.

If you really want to do C/Assembly you won't learn these here. We had only few classes using C: data structures and algorithms, opengl basics (tutorial like), circuits and electronics basics (tutorial like breadboards taks - light up the diode etc) and for assembly a bad class about 16 bit dos asm. We implemented some simple ncurses like programs and that's all.

Computer Science have almost nothing in common with low level stuff. It's mostly math used in IT + networking basics + software development degree. But it should be enough to get employed somewhere. Just don't be retarded and don't be elitist cunt. I was once like you and though Java is for pajeets (worked as Python, now Java dev currently). If you get lucky your company might use something more based like Erlang/Elixir. I'm currently trying to move from Java to Go, because I'm tired of corporate bullshit, retarded people and overly wasteful mundane projects.

But people that were focusing at "learning C" never got anywhere (like majority of people that visits this board). If you get into Java you will still be better than these fizzbuzz larpers. You need to start somewhere and noone will hire you to teach you C, C++ etc. Actually noone will hire you to teach you shit. They expect you to be able to be able to work in software projects straight into the job. The good thing about the degree is that it teaches you exactly this: OOP in Java and working in teams (you work with others on some projects). The good thing about Java is that it pays more than bad C, C++ jobs I see offers of on job boards. But there are also some serious jobs for gigachads that pay a lot in C++ (senior with particular domain knowledge and mission critical systems).

If you really want to do C, C++ you are on your own. What you look for is probably EE, not CS degree.
> who don't know what they want to do in life and find [their major] the least disliked
This is literally all collegefags nowadays, across majors. Be happy you're not an amerifat
>Is this boring garbage any useful in practice?
It's nothing you couldn't teach yourself in your free time, but the degree will give you a boost. Pick your poison, I've been thinking about bailing with an associate's since day 1.
>neither C nor Assembly but fucking Java
look up your entire curriculum, i learned C later on during 2nd year
Russia is like neightborhood of aggressive, constantly poor and drunk alkoholics and junkies, so what is so hard to understand?
terrible place to ask about this.
this, very relevant. worth noting that some employers look at different colleges in different ways, sometimes in ways that don't make sense (some consider PW laureates to be more impressive than UW, despite UW being a bigger grind)
this too partially.

If you know your stuff already and are actually interested in computers you'll find that you can put in very minimal effort for excellent results @ PJATK and who knows, maybe the cyrillic writers will pay you to help them. Use free time you have from being lazy to get a sidejob, get some experience, develop your own projects. At least that's the pill I took and so far I'm doing very well for myself. Also college is supposed to be about partying and networking, though I found the community at PJAIT to be exceedingly disconnected and nonexistant.
if you want to study that stuff you go to UW or UWr where you'll have a bit of that, but you'll also be grinding to pass exams, meet ridiculous grading expectations and learning other irrelevant stuff (to your field of interests). Also like >>102644816 mentions, EE, Telecommunications. PW has different types of compsci too, but one is not far from PJATK (EITI), one is trying to be like UW (MINI), one is dogshit (Elka), others I don't know much about.

it all depends on what do you want from your studies, what do you want to do in the future, what are you really in all this for and how much effort and time you want to spend. something something time is money.
once again, terrible place to ask about this. fucking talk to people and students IRL to get a perspective.

dc: @adderal_taker
In terms of getting a job, Java is way better than C and both of them are going to be significantly above ASM.
you can get pretty far based on other people's work(python) then people forget they're getting by based on other people's work. Google maps is good but its not perfect. Ask a bootcamper to improve it. You can self teach computer science but its very rare.
>I always thought computer science was more about low level stuff and learning how computers work
who's gonna tell him?
>turns out people who want to study IT nowadays are normies who don't know what they want to do in life and find it the least disliked
That goes for most careers, I'd trade my 3 years and half at uni + the 1 year of master's I'm currently doing for a house that has a backyard with enough space for chickens and acuaponics
low level stuff is in the domain of electrical and computer engineering because they're not concerned with algorithms. A microwave doesn't need an algorithm I think.
Java is a perfectly suitable language for first-year programming classes. You'll probably use some other stuff later on.
If you already have enthusiast-level knowledge about a subject then you'll find the early stages of a degree in that subject quite basic and boring. This is inevitable for almost any degree at almost any uni, because they can't assume any knowledge outside of the entry requirements. (And the entry requirements for a CS degree almost never require existing programming knowledge.)
>it's private uni
I was slightly alarmed by that at first, because in my country that's a very bad sign (even low-tier unis are publicly funded and the only truly private ones are borderline diploma mills). But I googled it and your uni seems to have a good reputation. So I say just get on with it, focus, and graduate with good grades.
Computing science hasn't been the same for a long time.
university and school system in general is just day care. congratulations on entering a day care for adults that want to squeeze out a few more years out of their youth without having to wageslave
AND if you expected something more from a day care for adults IN some poor 3rd world country then i don't even know what to tell you, good fit for you i guess?
I am 20 I started uni later because I was technical school with IT profile not regular high school
I simply don't want to waste my time and money on learning something I hate or dislike,
that's my biggest concern
I have Java for 3 semesters, C# for 2 and Python and C++ for one semester
>study "CS" in a private school for rich people's spoilt kids
>"let your daddy pay the tuition and chill out" is their motto
>wonder why the curriculum is shit and the students are worthless human trash


>study CS in a state university
>higher mathematics all day every day for 5 years
>if you don't drop out by the year two, clearly you have enough mental capacity to figure out C/ASM/whatever in your spare time

t. a Polack
I don't care about some social life and all that stupid shit, I am here to learn new stuff without feeling like I have wasted 3,5 years of my life for some stupid piece of paper and it makes me feel bad about myself because this Uni is apparently known for requiring people to grind grades so having no time for self-teaching activities and studying something I hate instead sounds horrible, I feel like I should have not gone for higher education at all
the thing is I am neither spoiled or rich, I did shit on my finals and no state uni I applied to in Warsaw wanted me in, that school however was my 3rd choice as everybody told me that it's respected and demanding, I have noticed the spoiled retards but even then I thought it would be different.

I forgot to mention I study full-time, at worst I will go part-time and look for a job or internship in some IT company
>despite being out tens of thousands of dollars
Not everywhere is the USA or has retarded costs for education. You can get a useless degree for practically free in some countries.
> ledwo pierwszy dzień studiów i op jużsię zesrał

> it turns out people who want to study IT nowadays are normies who don't know what they want to do in life and find it the least disliked
Yeah, first semester is usually just filtering out the people who ended up there accidentally. That's universal in Poland. Don't get attached to anyone.

> not even the weebs wanna study there
Yeah, no shit, weebs don't usually care about anything as they're completely submerged in aesthetics and real life is not worth anything to them. PJATK has a lot of weebs and degenerates like you.

> and worst part is that I'll be learning neither C nor Assembly but fucking Java
You're over 18 years old and you're making it sound like you didn't even read your studies programme. This makes me think that you're one of the people who'll end up getting filtered out by the dumb java class.
Also it's probably better if you realize this on your own but universities or schools don't really offer much. Just focus on stuff you like and what you want to do with yourself. If that involves C and Assembly all the power to you. You're on /g/ so you know the meme books so read them and exercise. You will also easily find a job by whoring yourself to <list of well-known polish companies who employ embedded devs no matter if they have education>. btw 4chan is a cesspool, embrace your personal projects and don't let your brain rot here.

> Am I overreacting?
Yeah, lower your expectations and push yourself more faggot.

> Is this boring garbage any useful in practice?
You might learn something new. Since Java is too much for you already, then it seems like you might be in the right place. Why not embrace it without bias and try to learn what you can from it if uni is really the way you want to go? Also, your future employers will like it if you have a degree but make of that what you willl.
i was in a similar situation and eventually dropped out in the 4th semester and got a job instead. you have several options to choose from here
>sell out your soul for a piece of paper doing stupid group projects on discord and wasting time
>grit your teeth and last one year, then feign depression, get diagnosed, and take leave of absence for a year; afterwards do the bare minimum while self-studying and eventually drop out and get a job
>drop out immediately and look for entry level jobs
>transfer to a more lenient uni and just coast while self-studying
>neet if you hit the parent lottery and have the option to
all i can say is that i found work marginally better than school, partly because i get paid for all the bullshit busywork i have to do
>inb4 dzięki za radę cwelu

I never said Java is too hard, it's bad, boring language I dislike, that's all, the fact I will have to study everything based on that and pay for it is annoying me the most.

I have read their curriculum and mostly garbage java, by applying for "Computer Science" I thought I would learn something about computer and not how to make some shitty desktop/phone apps

And yes, you got a bright eye matey, /g/ made me realize how <current most popular thing> is usually garbage coonzoomers consume without a single thought

as I said my most possible solution is to switch to part-time and find a job, I have already had some interviews but they ended whenever I mentioned I study full-time and not part-time

>CS in 2024
>Java in 2024

why do zoomers

type like this?

are you fucking intimidated

when words are vertically

close to each other?

you fucking idiot

not every single sentence needs to be surrounded by empty space

like the one between your ears

if i wanted

to have your fucking lines

be spaced

in a retarded way

i would fucking


line height

of each paragraph

on my



you fucking nonce
I am new to this bullshit, champ. I guess I live mentally in the 90s and early 2000s, I am living like an old man

I may have been in small amok typing more than one enter
wtf that is not true at all
kys faggot
you forgot your whitespace zoomer, here it's on the house

you can ask for more in case you run out
i still don't get it, why did you go there if you knew the exact program beforehand? also /g/ today is just a consoomer board, look around
well i knew it more less, they had posted one for previous semester the current one was posted after recruitment ended
>I am considering to drop out after a month.
The real question is: what will you do if you drop out? Do you have any ideas?

If not, just stay in university and get your degree.
How are your career prospects without the obligatory BSc/Masters checkbox on your CV? I'm not shitting on you just curious.
Like I said fucking talk to people IRL more, get a perspective.
>I have read their curriculum and mostly garbage java, by applying for "Computer Science" I thought I would learn something about computer and not how to make some shitty desktop/phone apps
Read. The. Fucking. Curriculum. How did you even pick the uni without reading the curriculum? PJC, SYC, ISS, MAS, MAD, ALG, NAI, SKJ, GRK, BSI, AUG, PSM...
If you can't even find that and the descriptions for those subjects I have little hopes for you. Fuck, even chatgpt could find this info and prove you wrong.
>And yes, you got a bright eye matey, /g/ made me realize how <current most popular thing> is usually garbage coonzoomers consume without a single thought
>I guess I live mentally in the 90s and early 2000s
you're gonna get filtered in the 1st sem and will have to pay even more for the repeats.
Good luck!
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looks fine on my screen
perhaps you're the zoomer, reading posts in a full-screened browser on a wide monitor
this is why universities should never have been for job training.
sick of normgroids ruining everything.
the best you can do is dab on everyone when you have the opportunity.
I unironically wanna study math instead of CS because CS nowadays is a shitty degree for normalfags and pajeets. I'm afraid of EE because it requires physics and I'm bad at it. What would you choose/recommend me?
>How are your career prospects without the obligatory BSc/Masters checkbox on your CV? I'm not shitting on you just curious.
i'm not sure. the first job i landed was a fully remote mid position (thanks covid) and i haven't bothered to look for anything else in the 3 years since
the most i can tell you is that i'm probably being paid less than if i had a degree, or at the very least i could get the paper to try and negotiate a salary raise, but for me it's not worth the effort
also, for the cv that i sent out for this job, i did put in the uni i studied in, but i also specified that i didn't finish. whether that made any difference or not, i cannot say, but i really didn't have much to put there so i figured why not
The purpose isnt really to learn how to code like le xX_ 1337h4ck3rm4n_Xx. Sure you will learn to but the language doesnt really matter. Java course is probably just to ensure everyone knows the minimum, youll probably have c/asm/vhdl to learn more in depth how a processor/computer works. Your not studying CE/CS just to become a codemonkey, learning new languages is easy once you got the jist of it. You learn how a computer werks and algorithms, bunch of math and heckin science so you can design things better, research, invent.
Java is just the classic frist baby intro step course you pleb. After a few semesters they are going to fuck you with c pointers to death kurwa
>I unironically wanna study math instead of CS because CS nowadays is a shitty degree for normalfags and pajeets. I'm afraid of EE because it requires physics and I'm bad at it. What would you choose/recommend me?
CS sucks now
do EE or math and you will learn everything you already need to open any programming language
OP needs to do the same, or realize assembly will come later in the program, and there are only a select number of programs out there that will let you specialize in doing everything in assembly or whatever low level framework (that is right in their minds) because the entire point of university is to stamp your concentration camp number on your forehead and not allow you to become autistic, because if you become autistic and not conformist you are a threat to their existence
if you really want to be an assembly wizard, go for a casual maths experience that takes 4-6 years undergrad while on the side you will easily be able to find assembly problems on github that can get you a resume enough to get hired, all you need to do is go start writing your own play language and look for repos that do functional things for society, but beware that giving away your work for free each individual work could be more valuable and you might keep it for yourself than giving it to the big fagman corpo who will rape you with a missile next year
>the best you can do is dab on everyone when you have the opportunity.
they don't allow you to do that anymore, if you do that you will get 5 sexual harassment claims at once.. do yourself a favor and don't advertise your existence, advertise your proxied business sure, but autistic savants are who they target, milk of wealth and kill
>I never said Java is too hard, it's bad, boring language I dislike, that's all, the fact I will have to study everything based on that and pay for it is annoying me the most.
If you're aiming to find a job, you want the language to be as boring as possible. The more "quirky" and "interesting" the language, the more you'll be fighting against the language itself and not the actual problem you need to solve. Java is excellent for being employed in because it has no quirks (at least core Java, mileage with frameworks may vary). 99% of "Java" problems are rooted in the project management or people, and not the language itself.

About the dislike part, you can quite safely blame the university for not being able to teach it, due to the ass-backwards teaching approach. By far the most offending yet most common scenario goes like: "here's a design pattern, now you invent a problem to solve where this pattern can be applied". That's not how problem solving works.

Anyway, the best thing you can take out of going to university are contacts. Even if you're an anti-social introvert, you can still just exchange some uni related talk with the people who are visibly the most skilled/most ambitious. If you also show off some technical skills or at least some good attitude, it might just give you an edge when looking for a job if some colleague happens to be employed in the company you're applying for.
>kys faggot
That's all you ever do, "kyssing" faggots (and failing at spelling while you're at it).
Private uni’s in Poland are basically for dimwits that can’t score good on hs finals.
I'm sorry but you are sounding too much like an underageb& right now.

A few things:
- yes, Java is a fucking dogshit language, and it will make you want to kill yourself. You're right on that one.
- no, you won't get a Haskell job, ever. You are not going to a global top 10 uni, you will graduate and most likely end up applying to local banks or curryshops like Accenture or Capgemini, For this, you have no option but to learn a "boring" curry language like C#, JS or Python. Don't like it? Drop out and go learn how to operate a forklift.
- university is not a place to learn, it's a place to socialize and to learn obedience. If you don't like doing what your professor tells you, you will ABHOR the tasks given to you by your Indian manager saar when you finally get a job in EPAM Saars Ltd.
- literally all university degrees are outdated, even fucking math degrees. You WILL have to learn from different resources in your free time if you actually plan to get good at anything.
>Private uni’s in Poland are basically for dimwits that can’t score good on hs finals.
that's true literally anywhere, not just pooland
Public unis in Poland are meat grinders that take as much students as they can to make money and kick out 80% after the first semester, they often have outdated knowledge and will old stuck up farts, also you won't learn anything practical there
Private unis in Poland are places where you pay to get a diploma, also you won't learn anything practical there
t. bachelor of eng on public uni, master's on private (only really did the latter for the paper and lower taxes)
>and old stuck up farts as professors
did i stutter?
>that's true literally anywhere, not just pooland
you've got what you wanted, it's shit school which has good marketing, should just go to Lublin, Rzeszów or Białystok, but you just choose some shit uni because le rankings and le prestige
fuck you loser
There's C and 8086 ASM on the second year though
Also you'll literally shit yourself on advanced java when they'll introduce you to the spring framework and good programming practices
i don't remember asking
>no state uni I applied to in Warsaw wanted me in
imagine being filtered that much
there is quite a lot of public unis in Warsaw offering a CS degree
maybe in eyes of someone who lives far from these soviet-minded monkeys
If that's going to make you any happier, it literally doesn't matter in the end, I went to one of the worse public unis in Tricity (my parents even offered to pay my tuition if I wanted to go to PJATK in Gdansk, but I refused), my friend went to the best one and we ended up at the same company anyway, hell, I was the one who got him his job as I got mine faster because he was doing his master's full time. And the one from our friend group who makes the most started out doing freelance webshit and then got a job in a western company making 20k CBLN a month while doing his bachelor's part time on a private uni, starting it 2 years after finishing HS.
go study EE, that's how you wind up in low-level. CS is a pipeline to building CRUD webshit
Kid, if you just started CS, you don't know enough to know why or if java is "le bad"
This post could be from 2007, down to the languages mentioned.
>I always thought computer science was more about low level stuff and learning how computers work
You most likely have "computer architecture" or "foundations" classes, either in your degree plan or as some kind of "pick N" electives. The former will give you a detailed technical understanding of how physical computers work. The latter will give you the soft/abstract version involving FSMs, Turing Machines, and so on.
>I always thought computer science was more about low level stuff and learning how computers work
That's called Electrical and Computer Engineering
It's a private uni in Poland, what the fuck did you expect? You're paying for a diploma.
That's fortunate for them. However most people with psychology BAs (at least in America) do not work in a psychology related field. There are 100k psychology graduates coming out every year, and tens of millions of them in total. In 2024 there are some new opportunities to become generic online councilors and other unregulated shit like that, but these jobs do not pay well. However, if you got top grades and got tight with your professors, got into a master's or PhD program, and have a ton of connections, then you have a pretty good chance of succeeding in the field. The issue is most people who go into a psychology BA just wanted to study something interesting without much other direction. This is a problem because everyone finds psychology interesting, so everyone picks psychology if they don't know what they want.
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nigger, I am not afraid of learning new languages, the fact that I have to pay to learn something I dislike and find garbage is what bothers me, and even network programming and all protocols are thought in java

C pointers are easy and it's fun to use malloc and free you faggot twat

>le rank
was not my main reason, I can't afford to go any further than Warsaw, it's logistically impossible, I also got interested by the prospects of getting into student exchange program in Japan
it's pure fucking garbage, starting from it being completely reliant on OOP and finishing with J(ew)VM being bigger bug nest than gcc
>Polish-Japanese uni in Warsaw
That meme school where rich parents send their weeaboo kids?
probably, however I don't know anyone there I haven't talked to anybody really nor did they talk to me, I despise Warsaw so much I only walk to school from train station and back, I live like an hour away by train.

>however there is one powerful wizard in purple trench coat and derby hat and a pony tail, I suspect he hides his power level until the next semester
Well, I can't say I haven't considered that school, but I knew it will be a meme and had chosen Wrocław instead. Sure there was a lot of confused normies there, especially in first year, but there was a club full of fellow nerds and professors were pretty good. I study japanese on my own and save money to travel there. I definitely wouldn't go there for an exchange though.
guess I will attend for 1 semester and if it doesn't get any good I'll drop out, enroll for some cheaper part timer and look for a job and try to climb via that route, I would like to start my own business in the future rather than be eternal wageslave
I was on the last run of Data Structures and Algorithms to use C. They changed it to Java like other programming courses. Dunno but something tells me C's the better fit for that kind of stuff. Still something like language choice shouldn't be a no-deal for a student. It's not like you get to choose that much in work-life either.
More relevant to the question is that with any field you can't rely on university teaching. It's always outdated, sometimes wrong, and more like an intro to several topics. 'A paper from an institution will get be me a job' is outdated boomer mentality. To exceed and stand out anyway you'll need to do your own research and your own work. If you want C or assembly (anything really) you have to pursue it yourself. So maybe suck it up and duplicate your coursework on a language you're interested in. The value of a degree is that it's proof you can work and deal within an institution and that you actually completed something despite maybe not really enjoying it. Because that'll be your job at a corp anyway.
t. dropout from unrelated field with 2 completed CS classes and on third year of cozy programming job.
two more weeks comrade
>Am I overreacting or is it what they teach students nowadays?
Find a new university that provides a real CS path. A lot just offer Java because it's popular and C-like but not C.
>I don't know anyone there
>I haven't talked to anybody really nor did they talk to me
so how exactly you found out that
>people who want to study IT nowadays are normies who don't know what they want to do in life
I can tell that you're naive and think learning about computers is fun
It isn't, unless you're an autist
And unless you're some kind of genius you won't get to do anything advanced
All the industry wants is codemonkeys which is why they teach that Java garbage because they want to teach bloated garbage because they are subsidized by hardware manufacturers somehwhere up in the chain to promote bloated shit so they can sell more hardware

It's literally a slave job for NPCs who will be replaced by AI soon

Look for a diferent career
by looking at them and listening to them talk
>I can tell that you're naive and think learning about computers is fun
It isn't, unless you're an autist
I disagree however the rest is on point
>I disagree
That's because you're an autist and can't comprehend normal people
You went to a pay-to-graduate uni
Whats so suprising?
after reading all the posts... nothing I guess I'll do >>102652907 and move on with my life, in public universities you too pay to graduate except you do so with your taxes
private unis tend to be the polar opposite of "meritocracy", you might get more lucky in a top rated public one, unironically
The advantage in private universities is that everyone's rich so shill whatever your making to your fellow classmates.
I would say quit while you're ahead.
You'll just waste a year.
May as well take this year off and figure out a different career goal.
That is if your parents don't blow up in your face about it.

I'll give you an example: You know how back in the day not just anyone could be a musician, and how you had to have talent to make it because recording music was much more expensive?
Well nowadays anyone can become a musician. Problem is that their music sucks ass because they don't have any talent.

Same shit goes on with computer careers.
Millions of people trying to get a job in the field.
But even if they do land one most of them suck ass.

Just like not everybody was born with the talent to be a musician, not everybody was born with the autism required for a computer science career.

tl;dr CS is a scam
o ty chuju jebany mangozjebie
jakościowy post
I finished the same university, but that was like 13 years ago. When they told me I need to do everything in Java I refused and submitted all my solutions in mostly pure ANSI C.

But yes, even in my time it was full of rich kids who had no fucking idea what they want to do in life. In hindsight I learned good foundations, but it was probably a bit of a waste of money. Should have started working right away without uni.
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well that's probably most heartwarming thing in this thread, thanks anon
Just a man eating pizza content with his own thoughts. Nowadays I swear so many people need to have some sort of stimulation in order to eat.
>I just can't eat without having something on!
I do wish I could go back to pre smartphone days sometimes.
What university you go to doesn't matter. If you can transfer to a cheaper one, sure, go for it, but otherwise you really shouldn't stress too much because it literally won't make a difference unless you go to Harvard or some shit.
You should probably just relax, get your stupid degree, enjoy your university years, and study real programming in your spare time.
I wasted 6 years in university getting a masters degree in physics for no reason other than not knowing what else to do, I only started getting into programming in the last year or two, and I got a good wagecuck job anyway. I wouldn't have gotten a substantially better one if I did anything different.
Sad to think he'd be up there in the public eye alongside Jobs, Gates, Torvalds, etc. if it weren't for his mental issues.
CS isn't about practical engineering you dumbass it's about algorithms and data structures in abstract.
you said you're studying CS, but also IT. so which is it? why expect to learn low level languages in IT? Java is enough to learn the basics that transfer to any language, anyway
Ok, in my native tongue there is little to no difference, I am studying Comp Sci, to be specific
>seethes at Russia
>ever going to a private university
Why didn't you choose Warsaw University or Warsaw University of Technology? Grades not good enough? I studied at Gdańsk University of Technology and didn't have this problem.
How do you know that your classmates aren't actually interested in computer science?
Also, post the entire curriculum if you want our opinion.
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my tutor claims that we do everything in java since tech is so advanced there is no noticeable difference in speed than C or C++
Doesn't look that bad. You have the basic courses in there: something with C, computer architecture, operating systems, algorithms, discrete math, something about relational databases, something about computer networking. All depends on how good the courses themselves are and whether your degree includes decently complex projects too.
Your tutor is wrong but for reasons that aren't totally obvious.
My university started with lots of C++ right away, but that's probably because it's a public university so they can afford to weed out a double digit percentage of people in the first year.
My point is that with C you can actually get mord in depth knowledge od how program works, with Java you basicly ignore all that stuff and focus on other things, a much more ignorant aproach in NY opinion
College is more useful for learning how to interact and work with others than anything else.

Don't sweat it about the Java. In your free time, explore some other languages if you want
their grammar teachers were women and/or redditors
>implying OP won't fail first semester calculus
>idź do prywatnej szkoły
>skarż się na "stan edukacji"
Russia is a corrupt society full of drunks and pozzed closeted faggots dominated by oligarchs and Poland for all its supposed backwardness and 2nd worldism is on a whole different level of quality of life.
Buddy you're going to a private school for those that couldn't qualify at a good public one. PW, AGH, PG or even UG are fine, they all had algos&data structures in 1st or 2nd semester.
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Dude I had to fucking message my friend did he post this because your situation is basically identical to his
>20k CBLN
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Maybe I am your friend
I have a bachelor's in computer science and cannot find a job. About to end it. What are some remote positions in literally anything I can apply to as a last ditch effort before I just off myself so I don't have to listen to my family tell me how worthless I am anymore
You're gonna kys because you can't find a job and your family says mean stuff about it? lol
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somebody is missing Christ in their life...
No need to add that, in Poland it's common knowledge that the top public unis are better.
>neither C nor Assembly but fucking Java
>I want to learn Assembly because the heckin hackers at /g/ told me it was epic!
You should drop out, you're clearly too stupid
Are EE degrees also massively oversaturated?
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>"muh normies"
>"Before (year I graduated from high school) everyone who worked in software developer was a kissless virgin like meee"
just learn java you retard
I learned C and Assembly in Operating Systems class, which was in 2nd year.
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>neither C nor Assembly but fucking Java.
I am sure you would have this if you would study embedded systems. Also, the quality of the study program depends on the university. I do not have a very good impression of Polish universities. If you want interesting studies you can check study programs at TU Delft.

I studied computer engineering (embedded systems specialization) in Lithuania. We had C and a PIC16 assembly, and also a little bit about 8086 assembly. However, I was still not satisfied for other reasons so I moved to the Netherlands for my MSc.
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It used to be like that back in the good old days, no?

Arrigato for high quality advice
>It used to be like that back in the good old days, no?
Feynman was a bit of a womanizer. Einstein was pretty social too. We're not as smart as them. What's our excuse?
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I'm shy
>I do not have a very good impression of Polish universities.
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When I completed my BSc studies (that was in 2015) I was trying to decide which university I should choose for my MSc studies. I considered Poland because it was not far from my homeland and studies here seemed cheaper. My main criteria were:
1. Study program structure (this was the most important for me). I checked if it had interesting courses and how many courses were completely off-topic.
2. Information on Top Universities website: rank, student reviews, how active at research.

If I recall correctly, Polish universities didn't match well any of these. I got the impression that the situation was very similar to what I had in my homeland. I was checking electrical engineering studies but I guess the situation with computer engineering is very similar.
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>CRUD webshit
Turing proved once and for all that any computer algorithm can be modeled by CRUD webshit
Ah makes sense. I was asking because I was at one point wondering whether to stay in Poland or go abroad for my Bachelors in CS. In the end, I decided that the Polish programs are actually pretty good by international standards.
Russia is a sad, bleak place dude. Even compared to Canada
PJWSTK is literally a diploma mill for retards? Why did you apply?
Java has been the standard language they teach for like 20 years. Thank Oracle.
But nowadays some use Python. Kek.
The reason why Java is because Java is the foundation of like 90% of the niche enterprise software out in use today.
Inventory management, dock and warehouse management software, production tracking, retail storefront software, almost all of that shit is Java.
Like if you’re remotely good at Java, companies like Blue Yonder will offer you a cubicle to die slowly in. Because they throw people at their customers, the software is built to suit and changed as their customers change, so pajeets in the background aren’t good enough to keep the product usable.
Same applies for almost any industry, there’s some software that needs some Java nerd to keep it chugging along.
Now the downside there is I don’t think any Java job is glamorous at all. If there was something new to do with Java, someone in Delhi already did it and makes 6 figures.
You will be a slave with a mediocre salary. You will not be exploring new technological horizons as a Java dev, you’ll be adhering to the project constraints and achieving the exact desired outcome, alongside a hundred other people doing the same thing.
Java features a robust ecosystem and has many battle tested libraries and frameworks. Anyone claiming it to be shit either has fallen for the pajeet memes, or is talking out of their ass from mount Dunning-Kruger. Yes, you’ll find plenty of Java in legacy enterprise shitware, but that doesn’t bar it from being used for developing modern applications. In the end Java is just a tool, and a robust one at that.
Literally just finish it, don't drop out
Pass the bullshit make-work classes with the least amount of effort possible and focus on those which either actually seem fun to you or teach you something useful.
Literally the only thing that is actually useful and you can learn in Uni is soft skills and working in a team.

Everything else is useless compared to shit you can learn yourself or the daydream of retarded boomers, maths, some government required humanist topic for whatever fucking reason etc.

Use the spare time to network, talk with people, party, get drunk, get with some girls, drop some girls except maybe some which seem decent long-term. That is the only point of uni
>95% of everything else is make-work.
Just suck it up

Find a field relevant job as soon as you settle into a rhytm and can handle working + managing your classes. Corporations in Poland LOVE hiring students because it's super cheap and all you have to do to stay is be likeable(soft skills), and show you want to improve and are serious about working hard. It's literally impossible NOT to do well for yourself in Warsaw if you are likeable, not retarded, and can put up with some bullshit temporarily.

And 3 months of actual experience will be worth as much as 4 years in Uni, just make sure you finish it the degree. Trying to get a job in a corp without one is impossible

Speaking from experience here, my Uni degree was about:
>50% working an actual job in the field
>30% parties and drinking with the boys from class
>10% effort for useful classes
>5% writing my dissertation
>5% bare minimum effort to pass make-work

Finished my degree and got into an actual non-junior job through a friend I made at Uni
Then used the experience I made there to get an actual job as a manager.
Może spotkamy się na rozmowie o prace anon ;)
Ale bez dyplomu zostaniesz odfiltrowany przez bota juz na pierwszym etapie rekru uWu wiec skoncz to lepiej
>you’ll be adhering to the project constraints and achieving the exact desired outcome
You've never had a programming job have you
I would gladly trade half my salary for clear and coherent requirements because then I'd only have 1/10th of my current workload left
>normies who don't know what they want to do in life
I forgot to comment on this in my first reply. So, this depends on people's attitudes towards university education and whether universities are willing to filter those students out. Most people in my homeland seem to think that every person should have a university degree. This is why almost everyone decides to go to university after school. Most of them are super lazy and just want to get the diploma with the least possible effort. Also, universities earn from students so they are willing to accept everyone and let everyone graduate. As a result, diplomas are quite useless here.

However, such a situation is not everywhere. My studies in the Netherlands were very tough. Not sure about BSc, but in MSc most students were hard-working Indians and Chinese. Local students were quite rare. So, it seems that attitude in the society is different. Also, tough studies filter out bad students and AFAIK it is very easy for students to switch study programs. Famous companies, like NXP and ASML are located here. The university collaborates and gets funding from them. So good quality research is actually needed here and universities want to prepare well-educated people for such companies.

My situation was similar regarding the university in Lithuania. I asked several people for opinions. There were contradictions between opinions. I was very confused at one point. Later I considered some negative opinions as not relevant because they were clearly made by lazy students. Some positive opinions came from people who actually worked at the university. Also, universities like to brag about how innovative they are and that also had influence. Finally, a big variety of unrelated courses didn't seem to me like a big red flag but to some extent even like an advantage. It is difficult to make a good decision when you are around people who study for the diploma rather than genuine interest and knowledge.
Oh, that's different than in Poland. Here, private universities are often pay-to-graduate, but top public universities filter out a lot of students. My CS degree front-loaded the difficult classes and ~half of the students dropped out in semesters 1-3. After that, it gradually got easier, and the Masters was easier than the Bachelors too.
It was hard for me to get good opinions of courses. Student opinions seem almost uncorrelated to the quality of the course as I would rate it. Easy courses get good opinions, courses that are hard because the teacher is shit get bad opinions, courses that are hard because the teacher is excellent and trying to stretch your abilities also get bad opinions. One of my favorite math courses was the one I was personally warned against taking by another student.
But overall, I'm glad that I did the degree, I feel like I learned a lot, though of course most of that was in my own time rather than in lectures.
>top public universities filter out a lot of students
Yes, then it is different. The situation that I described is in a public university. As I heard from other students in Lithuania Master is also easier than Bachelor. Meanwhile, in the Netherlands, it seems as difficult as Bachelor.
>One of my favorite math courses was the one I was personally warned against taking by another student.
It seems that you also had more free choice or at least between relevant courses. In my bachelor as far as I remember there was a free choice between psychology and ethics. Another choice is between 2 other non-relevant courses, I don't remember what they were. There was also a "free" choice between a computer architecture project (with HDL) and a web design project. Everyone was assigned to web design and I was the only one who complained and finally was moved to HDL.

In my Master in the Netherlands, I had a lot of free choice. I think only 2 courses were mandatory and they both were boring. I just needed to have a specific set of some courses for my desired specialization. However, as far as I know, Bachelor students have less free choice there than Master students.
This was also true in the 2000's. Normans wanted to party after classes.
What an interesting read!
Thanks for posting this.
university is for degrees, not learning, just do the dumb java assignments and be happy you'll get a good grade because it's too simple.
>I'm on university for future corpo drones
>I am filtered by programming language for corpo drones
Dear Anon, in future when you'll be sitting in some corporate cubicle, you'll be programming in Java. Remember, nobody was ever fired by choosing a fucking Java for a project.
I am in my 3rd year at uni as a transfer, and I am now learning C. Learning Java first was helpful, but I would encourage you to learn C or C++ on your own time if you really want to learn this stuff as those are the industry standard languages and are harder than Java.
the "just learn how to code bro" meme is finally dead. time to get a real job and get your hands dirty princess. your only hope of getting any entry level tech job is to transition into a tranny and get hired in the HR department along with all the other DEI workers.
>coding professor
>literally all university degrees are outdated, even fucking math degrees. You WILL have to learn from different resources in your free time if you actually plan to get good at anything.
except, ironically, at places like oxford and reed
Cool post, but picrel is nigger shit, behead all commies on sight

I can be a sys admin or any kind of IT sperg, I would like to code as a hobby, making simple stuff is alright but it gets boring with time, creating shit such as an operating system or something more difficult than terminal based stuff, now that's rad
C++ seems way too bloated for me and I hate OOP, I would rather use structures, I find them somehow simpler than objects to be quite honest with you

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