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godot is shit
>zero commits, not even rebranding
HAHAHAHAHA rajesh kumar updating Readme.md on expressjs has more experience than you faggots
>software whose only purpose is catering to people who didn't use godot to begin with
DOA. Godot was lgbt fags and pride flags since the very beginning. If anybody is upset at godot who actually uses it it must be a retard
>literally the same thing but not le woke
so it's fucking nothing then, remember sneedacity?

/pol/ needs to go back
>uses godot logo
>already 57 commits behind
>didn't bother changing anything
Pajeet scam. The name redot confirms it too. Clearly made up by a jeet. I guess that is better than a cunnynigger.
Why not call it something cool and white like rossgamekomitet
Buy an ad.
Place your bets on how many commits it gets before the creator fucks off and never updates again. I'm guessing less than 5.
I will be optimistic and say 15 commits, excluding the fluff like changing the names and such
Delete this, you’ll upset the Godot trannies.
Why posting here instead of making commits, sir?
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>mogging godot in 24 hours
reddit circle jerk sisters... im not feeling too good
we don't need godot 1, why the hell did you guys made godot 2?
just fucking use unity.
you guys hate money from some reason?
Good. Anyone who goes woke should be hanging from a tree.
This. The engine is decent for 2D slop, but everyone who has used it knows that it's made by demented troon loving retards. I was just waiting for them to have drama now that public opinion is shifting against woke. We'll see in a couple of years whether they were able to bend the knee and focus on their engine or whether they spiral down into depression and suicide.
If it abandons the sandbox engine design and decides to emulate unreal instead. I will consider.
But I guess that what o3de is suppose to be.
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Where will people go next? Defold? Stride? Back to unity?
>everyone who has used it knows that it's made by demented troon loving retards
Have you considered not everyone is terminally online and actually works on their game instead of being invested in pointless lore? It's literally an .exe that just works, you skim the docs, find some specific answers on forums, go watch some tutorials now and then, maybe see what mechanics others came up with in their games from time to time. Where and when in any of this would you encounter the devs or the "community" and their love of troons? Have you actually ever made a game? Did you ever consider you might just be as mentally ill as troons and desperate for some interaction?
why does this matter so much to /g/ to warrant a row of threads? there were never many godot users around here
Its logo is ugly. Just let GoDot go, there are plenty of opensource frameworks to make games on. There's no point making a shitty fork of a shitty engine.
>creating a Discord and a Xitter before making a single commit
That's how you know it will die in 2-3 months, maximum 5 months.
No one here did. This board is all nocoder retards. I used to browse it before the election tourists were here. I miss pre-2016 /g/. Everyone now cares more about pointless politics than actually programming. They're the same people that hate on Rust bc muh trannies instead of having any sensible reason to. Delete /g/. It died. Mass murder /pol/ users.
>I miss pre-2016 /g/
me too, it was full unironic NatSoc, no leftypol, no tumblr.
I wonder how it felt for a troontard like you to write ”trannie” and pretend to not be a deranged commie for a few seconds.
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they have changed their logo again
these guys only know how to make logos LMAO
why are you lying?
>You don't have tranny derangement syndrome, you must be one of them!
no, i think he spot you because of your lies
GUYS IT'S HAPPENING, A FIRST COMM... oh nevermind it's a merge commit pulling changes from Godot lol
All the faggots seething ITT also have EDS. Same phenotype, I can tell
What would I need an emergency disconnect switch for?
>making fork of game engine to own the libs
>not starting a Godot Nationalist Socialist Game Jam (projects must all say they were Proudly Made in Godot)

I get it now. The RE in Redot stands for retarded.
ye, quite simple. i forked PHP, dont know where to put R yet :]]

why are those copyists seething about others copying so much?
i'll note down to check back in a year and see how active all these hard working protestors are
>making fork of game engine to own the libs
So you're saying he wanted to own the libs so badly he made his own copy of them?
>you guys hate money from some reason?
Godot is not shitty though. There are shitty parts to it, like scripting. but the node system itself is genuinely genius
Yeah and everyone clapped
/pol/ now is more natsoc than it ever was, since the special military operation. Lolberts and pinochetist glownigger pajeets do not count as natsoc just because they post Hitler memes, you dumb redditor
Why is a fork causing so much shitting and pissing (from newly made holes)?
Because it's a dumb larp that WILL fail
mornin' sir
that's only because the actual /pol/ people that emigrated to eight came back when that became fully pozzed, retard.
False. It was the special military operation that brought in real white people from Russian image boards and other Russian social medias
I love how you newfags out yourself constantly. /pol/ is nowhere near thr level of Natsoc is was before /pol/harbor.
>claims to have been here pre-2016
>doesn't know about gamergate
Why are you always lying?
What kind of mental illness even is this? How do you think that being stock in this hellhole for over 10 years is a good thing we should congratulate you over (if it would be real, but it isn't).
I am not gloating about being here for long, yet i remember gamergate.
maybe. either way four/pol/ pre-2014 or something was much wiser than it's ever been since.
I have been here since the early days and /pol/ was never as natsoc as it is now. Literally ALL of the threads now support the destruction of Israel and it's lapdogs USA and Ukraine. Nobody wants to "save the west" anymore, that was an extremely gay thing /pol/ used to want to do. Everyone now understands the west is kiked and the true enemy of the people, and only so can natsoc actually win
Does this version perfect for gorgeous looks?
Gamergate was a nothingburger compared to that. It was mostly people from /v/ raiding, but they were already part of the site before gamergate. Meanwhile in 2016, LITERAL REDDITORS and FACEBOOK NIGGERS invaded. That is a bit different, isn't it?
Yes, sir! See >>102647745
It's funny how the flood of mentally ill NAFO shills - who constantly tell us that they want to kill everything and that everybody who opposes the current government should die - had the opposite effect and now everybody knows that you can't reform Western governments, but have to destroy them.

Even after the mail-in ballots bullshit, there were still people believing in voooting. But NAFO.. those people alienated everyone.
Gamergate turned /pol/ from a small niche board to the largest board of this website.
voting has a purpose for some people, only if you're above government influence can you really not bother with it. and if you're above the government you don't need to destroy it, there's no point to that.
the banking system, now... that does have to go.
>google "redot"
>redot.com: Crypto Trading and Digital Asset Exchange
Not off to a great start. They should have researched that a bit better.
it would be temporary if not for other events. How many /pol/ posts are about games today? literally zero. So you can see they all went back to /v/ years ago
They thought that 4chan is this epic website where people post gore and that nazis are those edgy people who want to murder everyone who isn't their ethnicity.
They believed in comic book style stereotypes and imitated them to get popular with those nationalists, who they need to fight for them.

Bad luck that nationalists don't actually want to murder everyone...
I've tried to be cautiously optimistic about kneejerkware for years but this one just feels like it's going to die within a few months.
Not a fan of godot going full retard at all mind you (the wokeshit honestly doesn't surprise me considering those faggots had the eternal pride flag in their discord icon but I didn't expect such a visceral banning and blocking spree), but I'll believe this to be a good successor when I see it. Too early to say but I'd love to see them fix complaints about the program itself like the bitmap fonts shit.
Otherwise it is as >>102643650 says, fpbp btw
NAFO glowniggerism showed that voting doesn't change anything and presidents/parliament are not the ones really running the country
>the banking system, now... that does have to go
that means a complete redesign of the economy, which is harder than to burn down and rebuild the government
Good morning saar
Yes, /pol/ converted the gamergate refugees and they are now about politics as a whole.

The fact is that /pol/ became the largest board thanks to gamergate.
No it didn't. Gamers just went back, but you didn't notice because redditors came in
well you would get that impression if you didn't know you have to filter out memeflags
sneedacity all over again
>that means a complete redesign of the economy
>burn down and rebuild the government
that's how you get flooded with barbarians.
we have to rebuild the government in-place or we'll have a lapse of (artificial but effective against honorless idiots a.k.a. brown barbarians and changs) defenses.
"burn down your government" is a definite psyop, it's pure sabotage.
I don't give a fuck about /pol/, discuss the engine
It CAN succeed, but it needs to have some of original devs jump ship. Codebases are insanely huge. You need weeks just to understand how everything works. Nobody is willing to put that effort into a completely foreign project with no mentors. You NEED someone who knows the codebase well. At least one person
This isn't 300BC, you have guns and you can protect the border without the government for at least a year, but in fact one can set up a temporary government very quickly.
If you don't burn it down, you will never get rid of all the filth entrenched in it. Every single person with even an ounce of authority has to go, as well as their underlings who have connections to them
Remodeling economic system is more dangerous because the consequences can be very severe, but it might be necessary
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And they did this right after CoViD.

We just had a years long happening of the government separating and secluding people who don't follow their narrative on CoViD, no matter how stupid.
And then we get an army of zogbots, telling us that everybody who disagrees with their narrative about Ukraine should die.

The logical conclusion is that the government wants you dead, is ready to kill you, and has the necessary mentally ill lunatics to do it.
You don't only have to dismantle the government, you have to dismantle the justice system as well and the executive system.
Reminder that homosexual marriage was never decided by an elected government. It was a "reinterpretation" of law by supreme courts in almost every single Western country.
Whole BLM was the fault of the justice system, that didn't jail them, and the executive, that didn't catch them or prevent them.

You can't voote your way out. Even if vooting would be real and you get a good person in charge, the whole system will has the neccessary institutions in place to cuck it.
They have 21 merge requests already and godot has a history of being slow in development and ghosting merge requests.

All the idiots shouting
didn't realize that godot didn't do any commit in that time either.
we're not donating to your scam, pajeet, so you can stop making these threads
I'm not American and am speaking generally.
>burning it down
The problem with this is you taking responsibility for a bunch of people who don't necessarily have your back.
>You don't only have to dismantle the government, you have to dismantle the justice system as well and the executive system.
This is all government.
I don't vote but I can acknowledge that e.g. some of my neighbors can gain useful life experiences voting in municipal elections.

The overarching point is that both buying into government and buying into getting rid of government is buying into it.
Government emerges as a result of an ill-controlled subconscious and as such there is only as much" external work" to do on it as you maintain a practice of personal accountability and tending to your own mind.
Burning down the government is akin to burning down your subconscious mind; it's blind self-harm, truly unadvisable.
anon, they didn't even bother changing the name and the logo and it has been over a day now. They clearly don't know how to use git outside the github interface, let's be honest here
Until they actually start working on the project and show that they have the competence to maintain and improve it, it's a complete nothingburger
I am not advocating for anarchy, but a replacement. A temporary new government can be made in a day.
They need to get familiar with the codebase first. This will take weeks. Judging by the name though, it is an indian who made the fork so I am not feeling super optimistic
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Redot engine? More like Reddit engine.
>They need to get familiar with the codebase first.
hahahaha fucking hell
>This is all government.
Nah, the government is part of the executive.
Meanwhile parliaments (and whatever is the equivalent in the US) are part of the legislative.
Note that in the legislative, there are members who aren't part of the government. Parties who are not part of the government still have seats in the parliament and are therefor part of the legislative.

But anyway... arguing about words is stupid... we know what we meant.
whatever helps you cope
All it takes is one hardcore autist to never give up and stay committed and then the project could flourish. But as you said, it's run by a pajeet. This won't work out.
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This is worse than I thought. Nah, not even an autist could do that, 1.2M LoC is just too much for one person to handle. That is probably why Godot itself is so slow with commits. I imagine even they don't know how things work around there
>non-government employees residing over legislation
Ah, yeah... I'd describe that as "corruption".

Sure. Choice of words only helps with thinking a bit more efficiently.
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fuck off shadow carlos
I'm willing to bet up to $100 they won't fix a single bug and won't add a single feature (without copy pasting unmerged PRs from Godot) before Godot adds the same feature or fixes the same bug
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I accept monero, anon. Thank you for your donation, it will come very in handy
perfect redot for gorgeous looks
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Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.
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>had to fork a left made project rather than making their own
The right cant code
What makes you think that it is made by the left?
proprietary software is full of right wing libertarians, that is why
>t. work in software company
yes let's make a stop-the-world garbage-collected language a first-class citizen in a video game engine DURRRRR
That commit seems like a sync of some kind, what does it even do?
>update readme
>update readme
>update readme
Perfect for gorgeous looks
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Redditors told me so
Better than a slower version of python, no? C# is actually incredibly based
I don't see even one single political post here

Looks like he is just a cuck... which is a requirement when you allow nocoder troons to take over your project.
>slow language implementation
>a language implementation that WILL stutter, and is comparably slow because of the large amount of marshaling that needs to happen between godot and c#
>jeetniggers shit out a /pol/ fork
i'm gonna go ahead and stick with the trannyware, sorry pradeep, you will never be white.
i don't give a shit about developers' politics
Don't care, didn't ask. You owe me 100$
Btc bc1qssqgljxpxnzen2z9u9y7m7v8mnu9ucw0u0hln2
pay the other anon the 100$ you promised
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Imagine being so triggered by a rainbow emoji, /pol/fags are fucking snowflakes.
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KEK I *knew* the grifters were not actually donating to Godot
>I have been here since the early days
No, you haven't. /pol/ is a shell of its former self. You are comparing to what /pol/ was like in 2016 because youre a zoomer tourist.
No I am not. You are one of those nostalgia zoomers who yearns for a time he never lived in
I've suggested this yesterday. How about we do it sometime within these two weeks, this weekend or the next? Prepare assets until then
Only if it will be called GoZprom and have a picture of Putin as logo.
The description will be "Godot but LGBT propaganda is banned and we support Rossija"
just casually mentions that they lost 5k per month in sponsors and gained 1.6k
That sponsor was one of their companies ... and it expired, not pulled out
> Everyone now understands the west is kiked and the true enemy of the people
God, Russians are so good at psyops, imagine funding not one but two Western self-hate movements.
so the numbers are fake and they just pay to themselves in a circle?
No, it is a tax dodging scheme. Some other sponsors are probably also run by them though if that is what you are asking
yeah, so the number is meaningless and they can inflate it on will
is it pronounced reeee-dough or reeeee-DOT
Sponsorships are, members are not
Don't try to hijack our gamejam, russian shill
I hate you and woke retards equally
didn't you say that they were their own member?
4chan is a pro Russian site
Their own sponsor, not member. Members are too small to help with tax schemes. Sponsors are 5k$, platinum ones
>Look at this website about funds! It is legit and automatically updated!
<but it says that you lost 5k in sponsorship and couldn't make up even half of it?
>It doesn't count, because those 5k were us paying ourselves in a circle!
<so it's not legit?
>Nonnonono, its just the money that isn't legit, the amount of members is totally not rigged!!!
<besides those members that are you paying yourself in a circle?
>It's just an illegal tax evasion scheme! We are breaking the law, but we btfo chuds!
Shouldn't we report this to the IRS?
Where are they based?
It is a legal tax scheme because Argentina has some retarded peronist laws about charity tax that Milei repealed so it is no longer necessary
Their website says that they are Dutch.
But they have US employees, so its possible to report those.

Imagine being a commie, you want gibs for everything, but you refuse to pay taxes.
Does IRS have jurisdiction over Dutch though?
remember sneedacity? turns out /pol/cels can't really create, they can only steal
Yes, the US has jurisdiction over everything
When will they fine amazon and google for their double dutch scheme?
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Make America Great Again, right fellow /pol/er!
The new /pol/ hates America, that is why it is based
>you skim the docs
nu uh, i skim le twitter trending tab to see what i'm supposed to be angry about today
yeah it's a shame what happened to godot
Audibly laughed at this
its an improvement tho
> how you get flooded with barbarians
cuz the current government is doing a great job of preventing that
gotta laugh at this political discussion in a thread about a game engine fork
pay up
>its an improvement tho
It literally is though. Godot's icon is super ugly, man
It's strange how some of you keep attaching to Godot, Redone is a port with nothing to back it and an ugly logo. Just use something like Love2D or Irrlicht.
Because it is geniously designed. Node compositions and signals, as well as a hierarchy fucking MOGS the Component/ECS pajeet
straightforward procedural programming mogs nodes, signals, components and ECS nonsense
nah, not flexible enough. only for very very very simple games is it good
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>leave chudot to me
jesus, just close the issue. dumb pajeets. I am surprised they haven't accepted it on accident
Juan is libertarian.
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You assume that just because he is from Argentina? he isn't, btw.
these rage forks never work..
name one in the history of humanity
still not using godot. use Unity or Unreal or Game maker
why do you think juan wrote that?
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Lol it is over
why don't children understand open source software?
It has been there for ages, as long as I can remember. So he either had to have seen it and approved it or wrote it himself
>steals $15M dollars
>escapes to Spain with his family
>hires an activist CM
>instructs CM to start a flame war
>goes awol on social media
>shows up in a forked godot repository

What did he mean by this?
womp womp
you're a fucking retard
LMAO keep seething
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why lie
half of that shit is gdscript glue code
you can rewrite the thing in third the LoC if you use a good language with proper reflection, you can also drop a lot of garbage in the process.
no it fucking isn't. Certainly not half. Do you know what half means?
>just REWRITE 1M LoC bro
You can't be serious. Though the reflection part is nice. I wonder if Zig supports that for Lua, so you could just autogenerate lua functions from zig functions and it would just work
and what language would that be?
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> 1 commit ahead of, 36 commits behind godotengine/godot:master

Lets watch the gap grow
This is embarrassing. The issue isn't even with the engine - it's with the foundation.
The godot renderer isn't very impressive compared to unity or unreal - many would even say dogshit. If someone could've made a good game with it, they would have done so during the 3.x era.
I suggest they remove 3D rendering entirely. Ultimately its up to the project leads but it would be a smart move imo. Maintaining the 3D part is polishing a turd. Instead, drop the dead weight and focus on implementing all the things 2D is missing like ray tracing, physics, occlusion and what have you. Not having to consider how all these new features would interact with 3D will significantly speed up development.
sorry but c babyducks fear the 1 indexed arrays
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what will we use for 3d then?
The outdoors. Or an engine with a better renderer.
That little game has some cute critters though
Most of the changes going into Godot are improve.ents to the 3d rendering and asset (models, animations, culling, etc.) pipeline. But you're right, Godot is seriously behind in 3d it's not even funny. It can't even be called lightweight, just primitive
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im making my billion dollar game in redot!
The only wrong thing with 3d is that the viewport texture is inefficient, but it is being solved right now. Name me one other problem. you can't.
i really hope this goes somewhere because itd be nice if both groups worked together and we got a super godot that merges all the fixes from both but i have a feeling that redot is gonna die eventually. spite and anger can motivate someone for only so long
This, 100%. What they should do is dominate the 2D market, they are in a perfect position to do so. Make visual scripting, like you've said you would, get all the gamemaker tards over. Gamemaker has no passion left anyways, being shuffled from corp to corp, but it has a shitload of people working on projects. Then you make some sort of semi-official side framework for making JRPG/hentai slop, pull in all the rpg maker tards. Godot could be the ultimate indie pixelslop engine, which it would actually be good at and improve the whole indie situation by doing.

But they won't because they want to compete with Unreal for some god awful unknown reason, which will never work even if they had the capacity to make a 3D engine that doesn't suck balls. Just fucking give up and move on, be smart.
I can throughput like 3000 lines of code every sprint for my day job. So it would take around 7-8 years if treating it like a full time job. If AI could help me on these and I treat it like a passion project, like I do for a website I'm working on, I could probably do 10x that. That said I only have limited 3d knowledge working on a small AR project a few years ago using openGL ES
What's wrong with it is that there isn't a single conceivable reason anyone, ever, would use godot over unreal for a 3D project. Any reason you can come up with is wrong and not something that is going to actually pull anyone in.
this wasn't covered in the expressjs git tutorial
maybe ebasedi should make some tutorials
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are they producing these niggas in a clone factory or something? why are all these weird gay faggots into rust?
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Juan! If you can’t talk, son, just key your handset twice. Over.

Captcha: GDKAX
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But of course
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And then one day for no reason at all...
It's nice for simple 2.5D shit but the engine really does shine as basically just "advanced gamemaker"
Yeah 2.5D is awesome, except viewport textures I mentioned before
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May I suggest this.
What is your point, godosister? when one tool is industry standard for so long of course even pajeets will use it.
cope all you want with your free crap engine.
>Screenshot of a post
Come on, at least post the picture retard
>free crap
definitely pajeet
>node compositions and signals
What is it called, where do I read about this?
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Fuck 'em.
>"overly feminine name! :3"
red flag
get fucking unity or unreal, probably unity since unreal is just as woke, other than me no one in this board must have reached the 200k from one game, let alone a million to even have to worry about paying the fees, and even when you won't have to pay the 5% flat as unity put on their site.
I'd ask "post game" but don't doxx yourself.
No idea, I just kind of learned as I went. But basically instead of components you have node hierarchies, each node does only one thing and does it well (but you can add one script to each node to add custom functionality)
Then you use signals to receive events from nodes and react to them. You can connect them to a handler or use the yield to basically wait for the event inside an existing function. The yield approach makes animations and sequences very simple to make. But another important beauty of this approach is that unlike in Unity, scenes in Godot are very lightweight. Lighter than prefabs. In Unity you are supposed to save only whole objects as prefabs or maybe larger parts. But in Godot they are so lightweight that you can and should save every little composition as it's own scene/prefab. This makes what you do easily repeatable and saves your time.
I have used Unity and I don't like how heavy it is. I don't like modern 3D games, I like traditional 2.5D or low poly games. But Unity will use 100% of CPU for almost a blank scene. Second issue, I exclusively use GNU/Linux now and last time I checked, Unity sucks on GNU/Linux, most things don't work
mhm... yea... so true, cutiepie
they should focus on 3d
Anon, that is a picture. PLEASE go outside and get a real one. You are not ugly
the only legitimate advice you can give someone about game engines is "you shouldn't use gamemaker for heavy 3D"
outside of that little bit of text anyone telling you otherwise is a stinky nodev larping as a game developer
Defold works fine on Linux.
I haven't used that, what is it?
>check the various forked godot repos
>almost all of them still say Godot and have the Godot logo
saars can't even do their usual work?
Thread should have ended here. Embarrassing fork as usual.
lmao saved
Never posting my game on this site, too many crabs and godot cultists, although they don't have money to buy my games on steam to do a review bomb they do have a lot of free time on their hands(since they don't work on games)
No one who is going to buy your game cares about that.
and you probably are doing something very wrong, my current game is fully 3d and even as I am testing for a low end android build everything works fine.
>I exclusively use GNU/Linux
On Android I also don't have the problem. Only on Linux and Windows. Android works fine
>>I exclusively use GNU/Linux
What? WHAT???
>not calling it sneedot
Source available engine that is more performant than Godot and can export to console except for XBox. Uses Lua for scripting.
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yeah, the reason you aren't posting your game is because the evil /g/odot cult will murder you IRL
sneedot formerly chudot
show us your game godotrannie, if you are defending godot online you sure have made quite a few good ones, right?
>are they producing these niggas in a clone factory or something?
theyre all from the first generation that grew up watching niggers and troons anal porn every day since they were six
its the same nerds as before, grew up attached to computers but with access to countless hours of porn since very young age

back in 80s and 90s you were lucky to see a few palmela anderson low quality titty photos once in a while

its the porn guys. its always been the porn.
node is just a unity gameobject with a single component.
putting every script on a seprate node makes many things awkward to implement.

godot scenes are extemely simple and dumb. just .ini files with string paths to other nodes and resources. this makes the whole thing very brittle to file names and scene structure. unity uses guids as resource ids, unity uses proper object graph serialization for prefabs. when you instantiate a prefab, unity creates all objects and populate all object references with real objects. godot doesn't have that, that's why it only has scenes. when you instantiate a scene it just walk down the .ini file and construct a scene tree.
i have not made a game, i am not afraid to admit it
you on the other hand will keep deflecting and roleplaying as a game developer until the end of time
I still see complaints about DEIslop on the regular
>node is just a unity gameobject with a single component.
Much lighter.
>putting every script on a seprate node makes many things awkward to implement.
This is literally the unix philosophy. what is akward about it?
>godot scenes are extemely simple and dumb
an idiot admires complexity ...
>when you instantiate a scene it just walk down the .ini file and construct a scene tree.
simple, but brilliant
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I won't post my steam page or the stats from there since my publisher is the one that handle that but this is what I made in itch.io since august of 2023, hope this is enough.
So I make games, that's why I say godot and opensource crap is crap, the guy that made rinworld says the same, many other devs said the same but you guys keep ignoring it? Why?

>i have not made a game
so why the fuck are you defending godot online? Just tell us why lmao
>so why the fuck are you defending godot online? Just tell us why lmao
Why are you seething about people defending foss on a board dedicated to foss?
That is a nice revenue stream. Do you make your own engines? How good are you in programming? Do you use C? I heard that C people are the most competent and well paid in real life.
the board dedicated to tecnology, foss is the opposite of technology
>foss is the opposite of technology
Has /g/ ever actually even released a finished game? /v/ has released tons, /vg/s /agdg/ makes a few every now and then, /d/ has made multiple (one is currently being released in Godot on Oct 25th).
>Sneedacity 2.0
Thanks but I will just keep using regular Godot and ignore their politics. The MIT licence works in my favor, not theirs.
By the way, keep me posted when you fags at least settle on a logo and can finally start putting actual work on what matters, the fucking code, maybe then you will be better than the official release.
>the guy that made rinworld says the same
Tynan also called unity complete shit but the only viable option because he wanted to use C# because "C++ is archaic", the only reason he even looked into Godot in the first place was because he REALLY wanted off Unity.
Which is undeniable proof that for 2D you should make your own engine, and for 3D you should use Unreal engine.

Also uninstall Gimp and learn to crop, retard.
Godot supports C#. Not sure how good it is, but after the mess that my project has became I am thinking of rewriting in C#. Types seem like a hurdle, but really they are your savior
Complete shit, I agree... but it works on a phone, on a 1050ti/steam deck/nintendo/ps5 and any other hardware I can think of.
Again, why would I take a year to make a game engine while I can in this time to make a game or two that will keep selling forever? I was not born rich.
Terraform changed licenses so the community forked off into OpenTofu which is now supported by the Linux Foundation. Terraform is dead.

That said I don't see this one going far, Godot didn't have a big community to begin with.
>he doesn't know about Unreal's busted AA and dithering
Rust is C+Autism, furries are autistic, autism and trooning out are closely related... it's all coming full circle.
I've developed software with people like this, they're barely better than pajeets.
The world literally runs on FOSS
Prototyping feels pretty shitty with C# but if you're making an honest project and especially if you intend to work with a team, a strongly-typed language that forces you to not be retarded cannot be recommended enough. I've only published software and not games but I've worked in teams of dozens down to solo and C# is popular in enterprise for a reason.
Yeah but Godot's version of python is so gimped it is practically useless. It doesn't support classes so my implementation of a global world map that used an algorithm based on random seed was based on global funcs and global variables who were just arrays/maps. Then I had to extend it ... never again. At least until they reach feature parity with python
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>Again, why would I take a year to make a game engine while I can in this time to make a game or two that will keep selling forever?
>>he doesn't know about Unreal's busted AA and dithering
That's the most insane reason to use godot for your 3d game I have heard. Congratulations.
>Much lighter.
no it's not lighter. in unity you can have many components on a single gameobject. in godot you need to create for example 10 nodes for 10 composable object/scripts. nodes are not lighweight.

>what is akward about it?
hard to explain to people not familiar with unity workflow. it's awkward for me. you need to work around inheritance, you need to decide what is a parent, what is a child. it adds complexity.

godot scenes don't scale. and referencing everything with strings and querying during runtime is a bad solution (google "godot broken project"). this is something a 3rd worlder would make for his homemade game, not a tool you expect in a professional game engine.
>godot scenes don't scale. and referencing everything with strings and querying during runtime is a bad solution (google "godot broken project"). this is something a 3rd worlder would make for his homemade game, not a tool you expect in a professional game engine.
You know that the Unity's
private GameObject objectRef;

can be acomplished with
export(NodePath) var nodePath

and then you just get the node? you do realize this is not hardcoded strings?
>reddit engine
great name.
Skill issue
Lua? Heh, no thank you.
Just how ancient is this thing? The documentation seems like 20 years old.
Love2D is a library, faggot. That is like saying SDL or Raylib is an "engine"

at worst it disappears in a month, if it lasts then so what? devs can cherry pick improvements to the code base etc, all this does is trick chuddybuddys into working on the godot code base lol, fucking predictable reactionaries on the intertubes
Funny the moment I open 4chan I get a new (You) xD
I never said Love2D is an engine. The reason I mentioned the two frameworks is because they're both free and opensource tools for game development.
It's not that outdated, it can pull some pretty cool graphics.
With 1.2MLoC it will take devs at least a month to get the basic feeling for the codebase. So far, no Godot contributor has switched sides, so they have to go full cold turkey
>Lua scripting
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I'm excited by Redot specifically because they'll inevitably make changes to how it works and what it uses, and it'll almost certainly be the target of some QOL improvements early on by virtue of people wanting to spite godot adding features to it that godot has been missing for a while. Looking forward to the shake-up.
Just like Sneedacity
After Douglas Murray campaigning for war for Israel while our countries our being invaded (a topic he understands well) I think I'd be happy to do anything to injure the GOD DAMNED FAGGOTS who have wedged themselves sideways into everything.

I've cloned the repo and started reading it.
>So far, no Godot contributor has switched sides,

If any do, it will be done in secret because those danger-hairs are dangerous not only to themselves but everyone around them.

>>Lua scripting
At least they aren't using some retarded inhouse DSL.
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it's perfect! but fr, pajeet project won't accomplish anything. maybe if they replace GDscript with lua I'd think about it
Lua is nigger nigger nigger .... I could go on (actually I couldn't, FUCK JANNIES)
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Lua's super comfy and easily embeddable. Don't use it for heavy lifting, sure, but just scripting and gluing stuff together it's great
This is unnecessary
>Godot has been pro leftist since its creation
>Open Source without restrictive licenses
>Has millions in funding and momentum
Grow up lol.
have you even touched lua before? its amazing for things like this.
having typed lua would make it perfect
>Grow up lol.
but that's a valid reason. why should we settle for gay shit
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Jesus Christ.
Project pajeeted.
I almost feel bad for JSfags
The cyberarchaeologists of the future will dust the modern Pompei and come to gawk upon the walls of graffiti once buried by ash:

>i am Apna college student
if this is to work, it needs a rock-solid and new direction. It can't be just some chuds trying to work on the project independently because the man-power just isn't there.
since when was the promise of godot to stop "woke games"? as far as i can tell all they did was say they wont deter people from making a woke game with the engine

>I'll make the logo!
was a repo
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>Apna Collage Godot
if any of you retards were actual game developers you would just continue making your game and stop seething about some fat faggot tranny community manager. cry more or go develop your own engine or use unreal/unity.
Lmao is that why Godot barely has any games made with it despite being out for more than a decade?
Note how Godotards openly admit to being nocoders.
>cohost link
Kek of course, underrated sign of a mentally ill person
I created a discord account just to check the discord out, I couldn't find 1 (ONE) technical discussion about godot's development.
It's pretty fucking hilarious, like half the messages are along the lines of
>how do i make game??? how 2 learn c++???
and the rest is just people daydreaming about how 2 maek redot gud
>what if we added AI? what if we added pathtracing? would it be cool if we took nanite source code?
Can't wait for the space tomorrow.
Unless a veteran Godot contributor joins and actually starts doing work it's DoA.

The /g/ model of development
Mostly true, but still it showed they're an unreliable partner for an all-in developer.
I couldn't really care less for their social media chimpouts; xitter is for retards and discord is for trannies so I don't use either. But apparently they also blocked people from their Github which is somewhat more serious if you're balls deep developing complex stuff with a buggy engine.
Godot itself is fucking shit. If they actually had any merit they would make a new game engine from scratch.
>fulfilling the promise of Godot

What promise?
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I guess Redot is chudware now but the real chud gamedev solution is to roll your own with SDL.

Okey so these guys have €0 financing, no providen track record, and didn't create Gotdot. While Godot has €55000 /month financing, have a proven track record, and created godot.

How do you think till will go?
>Godothead vs Redoter sperg fight to see who can be the gayest
Yeah, I'm just going to download Unreal
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>Redot builds up a following, then baits and switch the codebase to a proprietary licence
Do not trust it.
well, the game does say "colors"
It's MIT
shouldve named it judot
>have you even touched lua before? its amazing
uoooooh lua-tan ;_; sexy small child body A MA ZING
>still no commits
The release is tomorrow.
This information was available to you since the start of this week.
Being woke, next they will create reredot
What are you going to release, dumbfuck? Wow you built godot from source u must be vary smart saar
Who are you talking to? Are you mentally deficient?
Yeah that's why C# is used for unity and xna, both of which just work
>C# is used for unity and xna
C# is used because most people in the industry are already familiar with it.
Yeah and that's a good thing. I'd rather use an industry standard language that I already know that a literal who meme language.
>Yeah and that's a good thing.
Absolutely not, C# is a horrid fucking language.
>I'd rather use an industry standard language
Anon, you need to learn how to program.
Learn how to program and you'll know to write in any language.
>The release is tomorrow.
Release of.. what, exactly?
dotnet runtime is not avaliable on consoles.
i don't understand what were microsoft thinking. just partner with consoles and release a XNA successor. it's insta-win for dotnet and visual studio team.
none of these projects survive past the first main software update. if these people were actually passionate about engine development instead of gender politics I'd be interested.
>C# is a horrid fucking language
I wouldn't say that. Out of the languages I currently have to work with in my day job, C# is the second least annoying.
It has its good parts, depending on the project of course. I have no complaints whenever a .NET project comes up.
so they're releasing nothing
got it
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These faggots couldn't even be bothered to change the readme.
Why make this useless post?
No, really. You didn't gain anything from it, I didn't gain anything from it; why bother spending the effort?
See >>102663099
>everything happens in a gay discord circlejerk
>GRAND OPENING for commits instead of just pushing that shit
yeah nah it's a dead retard project
You should join the d*scord if you want a good laugh at these EXPERT PROGRAMMERS
I don't have one, post pics
I already deleted my account but basically >>102661674
Remember the drama Audacity got itself into and all the forks it spawned and all the forks of the forks it spawned due to forks drama with some Cookie dude? Good times.
i want to support this fork just for fun
would be funny if users dropped godot.
Sneedacity dev concentrating on the essential stuff, I see.
Well, t b h good for them for not just abandoning their projects once the outrage subsided, I guess.
What even happened
Audacity turned into spyware
Audacity put spyware and changed license to give its creators to turn the program proprietary whenever they felt like it. There was a lot of backlash so some guy named Cookie-Engineer or something like that forked the project and put a poll for a new name for the fork. The name Sneedacity won but Cookie-Engineer ignored the results of the poll and chose Tenacity but that created another backlash that drove him out of the project and created yet another fork called Sneedacity.
So at one point there were two forks of Audacity one named Tenacity, where several former Audacity contributors tired with Audacity's bullshit moved, and Sneedacity a repo where /g/tards used to mostly spam /g/ memes in the issue tracker and occasionally make some pull requests. There was also an incident where the AUR for Sneedacity was removed from moderators because someone convinced him that it was an acronym/euphemism for retarded people (Special NEEDs).
In the end none of this mattered, both projects kinda died, and everyone just moved on with Audacity. It was as retarded as it sounds.
>it was an acronym/euphemism for retarded people (Special NEEDs).
kek I'll remember this term

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