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File: weechat-irc.jpg (151 KB, 1200x675)
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What are some decent channels that you talk on daily basis?

>no cringe like furry and shit
>no duck hunt or another spam
>no dead channels with 1 message/day
Why do you use IRC? An answer would help a llot.
>can't use Tor
>can't use VPN or proxy
>server outright exposes my IP to anyone
Dumb fucking niggers, liberachat and other popular IRC may be the most pozzed and glownigger chat platform in existance
>can't even set up a local proxy by himself
you need to be at least 18 to post on 4chan dot org
>>can't use Tor
yes you can
>>can't use VPN or proxy
yes you can
>>server outright exposes my IP to anyone
no it doesnt. every modern server shows an IP hash

cry more. theres nothing wrong with irc, all those are server faults. oftc for example doesnt have these problems and you can set up your own server (even over tor)
I said liberachat dumb nigger. I don't care what plugins IRC supports if nobody uses them
#/g/chad @ rizon
what kind of brain rot do you have? servers, nigger, servers. do you know what a server is?
garbage for mentally ill retards

>simple chat
>plain text only
>bots (you can do whatever you want in your chann)
>pretty much no spam
says someone who uses smartphone daily
most of the servers im on are for smaller communities and probably don't wish to be advertised on the frog website. however if you wanted to do some matchmaking in some quakelikes then Quakenet is pretty nice.
I can write a telnet server in 5 minutes where all of these will be actually true unlike IRC
out of curiosity why aren't those things true?
unless you're a stickler that says that only aascii is 'plain text' rather than utf8 or something
have you told your mum you can do that already?
because IRC is bloated garbage with billions of extensions full of spam generated by useless bots
no, hold on, let me use real messaging app like facebook messenger to let her know since she's not mentally ill retard who uses IRC
Yes, most IRC server implementations have plugin support. Nigger
sure, but you don't need to have all the extension?
you can implement the original rfc and its fine, it doesn't even use a custom binary encoding.
the plugins don't even need to be used?
I don't need IRC when telnet just works.
bbs's are fun and telnet does indeed just work

but anyway, has anyone tried running their server over i2p?
>facebook messenger
>not mentally ill
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>99.99% of the world is mentally ill, not me
nice drawing - did u need a help or you draw it all by yourself?
wtf, literally me
The reason i like the channels is that they're obscure with established community
I wouldn't risk that by posting them on /g/
i think you need a help to speak a english
>What are some decent channels that you talk on daily basis?
i wouldn't tell any of you fucking faggots what channels and servers i use. lmao.

what a drooling vantablack monkey retard.
I only use IRC now for furry shit or to talk to people that refused to migrate to a new chat method.
>outing xerself as a tranny
>a english
nah rakesh
noone cares what do you use
you completely missed the point of the question
retards, they barely know how to use facebook and now they want to go beyond their limits using IRC, delete this weechat shit.

>do you want to use with tor?

proxychains4 irssi

niggers who don't know how to use /help properly or search the instruction manual, faggots.
Tor works fine on my IRC servers. I also cloak all IP addresses by default. Not that it matters mentioning that here, everyone's on cell phones and can't use Tor anyway.

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