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>Red Hat Enterprise Linux 10 Beta

>Boot ISO
>Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.5 (Current release)
>Boot ISO
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>CentOS Stream by the CentOS project, affiliated to Red Hat
>Alma Linux by the non-profit Alma Linux Foundation
>Rocky Linux be the for-profit Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation and CiQ
>Oracle Linux by Oracle Corporation
based and enterpilled
okay i maybe download and install but i need "Proof" if its safe
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it's not safe. you have to be terminally retarded pajeet to download an os iso off some random link in a malaysian chancla enthusiast forum.
RHEL itself will need to be tied to your account in subscription manager, anyone with 2 braincells working could see why you should just download from RHEL download portal. use your own account since you got free dev license anyway, stupid NIGGERS
Nobody wants this trash OS
which fedora version is it based on? over 40?
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consider 41 came out last month, yes.
Do the software repos require you to login to access them?
Yes, the CDN needs a valid login, install with the DVD ISO to get offline package installation. After that, you will need to add the EPEL repo and/or flathub.
sudo subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-$(arch)-rpms
sudo dnf install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-9.noarch.rpm -y

>RHEL 10
sudo subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-10-$(arch)-rpms
sudo dnf install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-10.noarch.rpm -y

Remeber EPEL are just additional packages, you would need to add another repo or log in to keep on updating RHEL's, like Remi repo https://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/10/
I'm assuming I can also add the AlmaLinux or Rocky Linux repo as well for updates?
NVM, it doesn't look like they have RHEL 10 compatible repos
Thanks, but is the blu-ray available? I want a 4k operating system.
A cute girl's body has many use cases.
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Factorio's latest update doesn't run on RHEL 8 / Ubuntu 18.04 due to broken glibc dependency. Perhaps it's time to updoot to 9?
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Tick tock, xorgsisters. RHEL 10 will no longer ship X server. Wayland is upon us.
EPEL 10 is very close to being launched.

Same with Centos Stream 10

I'm seriously considering moving to Stream 10 or the Alma Kitten 10 on the EPEL release.

Otherwise I'm waiting for Oracle Linux 10 with the new UEK which should be based on 6.12.
What would be the benefit of Stream anyway?
Stream is essentially the next point release.
So when RHEL 9.5 is out, the stream repos have the 9.6 packages. So you'll get bugfixes, a more up to date kernel and so on faster.
Doesn't that carry various stability and EL compatibility implications? I don't make it a habit to update the release until at least .4, since that's when EPEL usually gets all their packages out by. If I wanted something more up-to-date, I'd just stay with Fedora and get all the benefits of that ecosystem.
You beta testing RHEL for free greatly benefits IBM since they no longer have to pay people to do it
I'm talking about how it might benefit *me*, genius ;)
>He thinks he doesn't beta test
I don't think there are any real stability or compatibility issues. I think facebook is running on stream 9 with their hyperscale SIG. The packages tested and put into stream are going to be identical to what's in the next minor release. I think one of the main differences you would notice would be the frequency of kernel updates, but again, what's going in the kernel is what will be there next release.

I know they did some significant work to eliminate the epel / epel-next split for the coming 10 release. And I think they're trying to have most packages ready by release.
More specifically:

I may move to stream 10 once it's out (or figure out how to get everything set up in a vm for the actual 10 release), but I'll probably go back to Oracle 10 once it's released. I think it's easier to cherry pick the newer packages or bugfixes I want from stream rather than run it 24/7.

It's not that comparable to Fedora. Fedora moves very fast.
It's based on Fedora 40
Gnome was upgraded to 47 which is from 41, but yeah, its base is 40
Its the same repos as Fedora 34 and 40 but without extras. If you find an archive of Fedora 34 and its repos that is the same thing. The only exception may be an updated Firefox and chromium.
Md5 or gtfo my board
Why is that beautiful loli ass still not deleted
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it's rocky now
If that was their official marque and wallpaper I'd switch to Redhat right now.
i recommend switching to it anyway
The new Fedora looks pretty good to me. I updated my older laptop to the newest Linux Mint and was blown away by how much better it is compared to LM19 that I had on it before.
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what makes you think having ways with a cartoon female body is a metric?
How we know you never worked a day in your life.
>Install.this OS iso from a google drive link
>I think it's easier to cherry pick the newer packages or bugfixes I want from stream rather than run it 24/7.
I thought the same thing recently, to be honest. I found 32bit pipewire-alsa in some Rocky dev archive and some other package in Alma's CRB repo. I don't need to run either of those to make use of their packages, which is nice.
I think that would screw over me using precompiled kmods for things like Nvidia and ZFS
This new Catholic anime girl crap is so tired and stupid already
shit anatomy, not technology
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the true american man (she/her) distro.
X86-64-V3 optimizations?
what a beautiful ass, this is why I lurk /g/. can someone post the other versions?
You are a worse employee than them. Get over it.
>no rocky
Since when is Rocky for profit? I thought they went with the community approach?
This has always been like this, but most linux users got their info from a youtube or sensasionalist article without even looking on Wikipedia or lurk through Rocky Linux website. Red Hat messed up, and its competitors did all sort of dirty tricks to steal market share from Red Hat, Rocky pulled the "We are a community distro" marketing and it worked. It was never about community, but CiQ and rocky Linux enterprise stealing market share, and the Linux community users fell for it. In the end, they all keep copying RHEL release model, binaries and patches.
Nta, but Alma was the good all along?
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did jamal stopped responding?
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do FOSS cucks go a day without sucking a foreskinless cock? why dont you just stick with windows LTSC at this point?
I'd say they're the healthiest. They approach without being assholes against Red Hat, competitors, or users. HOWEVER, if Red Hat's release model is considered to be "bad", then everyone doing it shouldn't be considered good.
From 2020 to date, the Linux Enterprise market share have grown a lot, and even if Red Hat lost customers for whatever reason, everyone ended up winning.
This pretty much relies on defining what should be a "good" Enterprise release model that takes community into account, but even with community distros, such model has not been achieved. Debian, Fedora, openSUSE, are still struggling with their own release models, then flatpak got into the scene, appimages were not massively adopted, Canonical promoting snaps, it's still a mess. Windows solved it decades ago even though they have a whole different set of issues, and Linux Enterprise went for classical repos with patches, backports and containers.
someone figure out if these are made using libre office or commercial proprietary xaas.

I'm willing to bet Red Hat made this in MS365
Debian-testing, Fedora and openSuse aren't community distros, but public test beds. It's funny you didn't mention the actual community distro. I wonder why..
Arch? 30 dudes writing automated packaging scripts without proper signing servers that Valve had to donate them one, and now they're saying they work with Valve? The same ideal release model that whenever a dev or maintainer fucks up it affects to all of its users? The ones that just decided to release AUR so people put packages in there without proper testing so it's on the user if anything goes wrong? The project that clearly states they are just doing it for Arch itself and don't give a damn about anything else?

I guess there's not AUR substitutes and SUSE open build service, Fedora's Copr, or Debian's makedeb are not real. Having a stable base image with an optional working repo and an optional desktop environment ootb without typing for an install script is not the way of using Linux. A delusional niche distro with users suffering god's complex is the way to go, sure.
Way to move a goalpost. It's one of the few actual community distros. Nobody said anything about it's tools nor it being good.
dead link, fren
I hate corporations saying "journey". Why is everything a journey? You're buying estrogen to fund pharma industry CEOs' next yachts, not going to slay a dragon.
Alma had a a 10 based ISO though with AlmaLinux Kitten.
>How is AlmaLinux OS Kitten different from CentOS Stream?

>First, this is not “AlmaLinux Stream.” CentOS Stream is a product of the CentOS community–it’s the ultimate destination of the CentOS community’s work. AlmaLinux OS Kitten is not a product at all, it is meant as a vehicle along the journey of development of the next version of AlmaLinux.

>We are using our freedom here to do a bunch of work in preparation for AlmaLinux OS 10. Below you will find a list of the big differences, and on our wiki you can find the full AlmaLinux OS Kitten 10 release notes.

>in a server distro
Though when I used to work with Oracle they required X to install, so I am not sure how that is working in current year.
Because people know companies are a burden to be dealt with and not something people stay for their whole lives so they have to convince people that their current position is something better than a stepping stone to a better position.
what the FUCK is this
There are drugs that literally cost $2,000,000 per treatment but yeah estrogen that sells for $30 a month is the real cash cow, moron
What goalpost? You just said "muh community" and Anon was trying to guess what you meant by that. And then you doubled down on it. Wasteman.
Enterprise Linux?
World's biggest mald.
>trans people are only like 1% of the populations no one should care about them
>but they're making Pfizer rich!!!!
If it isn't riscv it s backdoored.

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