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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
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$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

/g/'s Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
https://fglt.nl && https://files.catbox.moe/u3pj3i.txt

GNU/Linux Games:

IRC: #sqt on Rizon

Previous thread: >>103241578
Canonical is a mistake
Always has been. They done good in the early days where they helped to push desktop Linux forward with Unity and an installer a retard can actually use, and also pesky drivers for the shit state of laptop hardware back then but they've lost their soul
They were fine until they lost their way and starting to chase the coattails of enterprise business contracts because money.
Podman or Docker?
Choose one:
a) Linux Mint
b) Fedora
c) OpenSuse
d) Arch Linux
e) Debian
f) Kubuntu
g) Ubuntu Server
h) CachyOS
i) Windows 10 LTSC
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Both work fine. I mostly use Docker because migrating off of it is a hassle (there are no tools to take a JSON dump of Docker containers and re-create them in Podman and I haven't got time to do it manually. Ideally, you'd automate this, I know).

I would say if you want rootless containers then Podman is better, otherwise just go with Docker.
I choose Gentoo.
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j) Ubuntu Desktop
d as in dick
Why is there no way in KDE to set the output/screen that notifications appear on (either a particular display, or all displays)?

You can only change the position (top/bottom, left/right). Has nobody requested this feature before?
Is it dangerous to uninstall Firefox from Fedora, but replace it with a more recent flatpak version?
Would there still be stability risks or would the new Flatpak Firefox have installed all the missing dependencies?
Flatpaks exist outside the distribution, that's the point.
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What's the proper way to test a MR ? I don't want to wait a week for kwin to update, I want it now
>Is it dangerous to uninstall Firefox from Fedora
No. Almost nothing depends on firefox. Flatpak is totally outside dnf's dependency system like other Anon said.
You put the patch in /etc/portage/patches/kde-plasma/kwin and
emerge kde-plasma/kwin
my uncle touch me at night so now i have to install linux, which distro should i use?
Extract the source package, add your patch to the list, increment the build number by 1 and compile.
Does anyone know of a fetch program that displays Q4OS as itself and not Debian?
Wrong thinking. Partition for distrohopping already:
>ESP (if an UEFI system)
>20GB for distro A
>20GB for distro B
>rest of the drive for /mnt/anime
 * Messages for package dev-qt/qtwebengine-6.7.3:

* There is NOT at least 112 GiB RAM
* Memory or space constraints set in the ebuild were not met!

That sounds like a typo or bug. I got rid of the last packages I was using that depended on Qt Webengine. Fuck compiling that piece of shit all of the time. If I need something that uses QtWebengine I'll install the Flatpak instead.
unfortunately it appears freecad when built with the gui demands that pyside6 has webchannel support, so it's not avoidable
say, how do you use that new binary package repo thingie they talked about?
thanks. i'm about to go to sleep, so i made a huge swapfile, we'll see how it goes.
it would be nice if i can swap out a few big things i don't care much for with binary packages, though
Have you tried fastfetch?
Yes. It just displays Debian.
Maybe because it is Debian? What's it display in /etc/os-release and /etc/lsb-release?
Is there any reason or benefit to using aria2 as the fetch command for portage in gentoo?
i switched mine to axel because it can do multiple connections. haven't considered aria2
Whats the advantage of axel compared to the other downloaders?
it can do multiple connections, i'm sure there's others that can as well, this is just the one i'm using
It can fetch from multiple mirrors in parallel:

Personally I just use Wget2 instead of Wget. It's plenty fast for me and also has HTTP/2 support. They'll probably add HTTP/3 at some point too not that much mirrors benefit from it.

Anything is better than plain Wget though which has no parallelism at all.
How much time do you guys spend updating, that such a matter even seems relevant to you?
Genuine question, not trying to shitpost.
I regularly update and also have my own distfiles mirror on my LAN.

I don't think you understand just how slow it is for single-threaded Wget to download hundreds of small Rust crates.
not everything needs to be a major decision, i changed it because axel can download large files faster than wget can for me, that's the only reason
Just solved a problem on my own with the documentation instead of mindlessly posting it here. It felt good.
Thanks for reading my blog
Thank you for RTFM.
It is based on Debian, but my question was if it had it's own entry in a fetch program other than my current one (neofetch). There are other distros based on Debian that have their own entry which is why I asked if Q4OS does too.
Flatpak has its own dependencies that it doesn't share with the system. Also the flatpak and the rpm will be the same version.
How do I test my hardware for Fedora?
Fetch tools just read those aforementioned files. Distributions are supposed to change these files with their own branding.

What's the contents of those files look like? Because if the distro didn't update them with their own branding then for all intents and purposes it is being advertised as being a Debian distribution.
Boot their live iso. While not guaranteed there's a good chance that if it boots and runs okay then it'll also be fine after installation.
For example, Ubuntu has:
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS"
VERSION="24.04.1 LTS (Noble Numbat)"
ID=ubuntu ID_LIKE=debian

The ID= indicates the distribution is Ubuntu, the ID_LIKE indicates it is derived from Debian. There is also an /etc/debian_version that indicates the exact version of Debian it was cut from (trixie/sid).
what problem are you trying to solve?
He's trying to get his fetch program to display his Debian derivatives name instead of Debian. A stupid thing to be worried about in my opinion, I'd just leave it be. It can be "fixed" though.
Yes i understood that, what i dont understand is why anyone would even care
I was just asking. It's not a "problem" as much as I'd simply like to know. It doesn't bother me.
I actually didn't know this, so thank you.
Ah, thank you. Don't just rush install, try the live first.
Sometimes people run virtual machines or containers to test stuff before deploying on bare metal and want to optimize ways of making updates go faster whenever possible. Not specifically a gentoo-only thing, since downloads arent really the bottleneck as much on gentoo atleast for my third world shithole internet.
Pretty much this. When you have poor network it doesn't really matter but when you have good network then suddenly the time it takes to download distfiles and binary packages, etc, becomes a real bottleneck.

In my case where I'm using Wget2 it's the time it takes to initiate a connection that's the real difference. Wget2 can establish a connection so much quicker with things like TCP fast open and HTTP/2, etc, which makes a huge difference when you're downloading loads of small files. When it gets going there's not much difference for larger files.
Slackware is only relevant for offline use cases.
fedora kinoite .. gud distro?
Is there a combo that is more lightweight than gentoo with dwm with equivalent or better performance?
i dont trust ntp so i have to run the ntpq command every few weeks am i a retard or doesnt it just seem really suspicious that the ntp people can probably track every device using the internet with the protocol
Best live boot distro with a bunch of utilities for testing disks, memory, doing rescues, etc?
I haven't booted this system for a few months, went to check for updates and this happens. Wat do?
Gentoo with a lightweight Wayland stack (sway, labwc, etc.)
NTP is just a protocol, pick a different timeserver.
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What's your reason for using Linux instead of Windows?
Thinking of migrating to EndeavourOS.
Control and familiarity. At this point I've been using Linux for almost fifteen years and I feel cramped and awkward using Windows.
Can you ping google.com?
>>20GB for distro A
>>20GB for distro B
Sure, then 3 months later:
>guise how do I resize my /
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Do you game? I installed EnOS on my Surface and been using it for few months to get myself used, pretty familiar with it now for general usage but migrating seems like huge task when you need to reformat all HDDs to Ext4 so gotta transfer files to another drive.
Yes. Internet connectivity isn't an issue, I'm posting from this thing right now.
Why is it a bare git repo and not a normal one?
An update bricked my PC twice on win 10, I already disliked the GUI from XP onwards but I hated how 10 looked. As soon as I found out everything I played worked I switched
pretty cool way to get into Arch
Did you try updating the keyring?
>ext4 on hdd
May as well skip a second reformat and use btrfs.
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Isn't btrfs a meme? All I hear is people having problems with it.

I'm definitely liking it, most of the filters Arch has are removed and it's easy to use. If you want people to use your distro that's how you gotta do it.
people keep saying that people had problems with it because they saw some 10 year old forum posts about people having problems with it
I tried to use btfrs while installing arch via the script and had nothing but problems. Said problems disappeared when I switched off btrfs
>while installing arch via the script
Found the problem.
I haven't, how do I do that?
I'm using a mirror now instead of the default repo, that seems to have sorted it.
I'm dual booting Arch and Windows 10 installed on separate drives, and I'm considering updating to Windows 11. I have a live usb ready to reinstall grub if needed, but do I have to mess around with secure boot or anything else?
just use symbolic links
On Gentoo, can I somehow disable distfile caching?
I don't need the source files to be kept around.
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What seems to be the problem here? I'm on void.
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You didn't say Xubuntu so I have to go with Debian.
You're missing libunwind, seems pretty obvious to me. Why that's fatal I'm not so sure though. That's for stack unwinding which means the actual problem is somewhere else (it's already crashed for some reason and is trying to print a backtrace)
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Thank you. Now this is the next problem:
You need the distfiles cache in order to unpack them. You can clean up older ones with

If you really wanted to you can run that from a Bashrc hook in /etc/portage/bashrc
Something in regards to vulkan?
Wtf, the boot partition is 300MB and there are only two kernels.
is there any good paint.net alternative on linux? everything ive tried is trash. i need something like paint.net
its shit
Most are. The only good graphics editors on Linux are GIMP and Krita.
id rather pinta than krita
Also how do I stop kde opening new dolphin instances - this shit don't share tabs and save opened tabs of the last closed instance.
How do i make a timer that beeps every 2 minutes? I cant find any program that does this so im wondering if its possible to set it up in the terminal since it seems like a pretty simple thing
watch -n 120 beep
Have not yet solved this problem
>Beep could not open any devices
I tried a few of the fixes i found online for this with no success but i got the impression that beep is an ancient program that barely works nowadays after tons of configuration
Surely there is an alternative right?
Beep is for beeping a physical bell attached to your terminal.
This is often emulated in software nowadays but not always. You may want to simply play a sound:
pw-play /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/bell.oga
That works like a charm, thanks. Its a bit of an ugly sound but ill check what other sounds are in there or maybe add my own later
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Still have not solved this one
>Failed to load Vulkan library

That's your graphics driver, a bit of a problem indeed if that's not loading right. What hardware are you using and how you are you running this?
I'm on amd and void.
How are you running Lutris? Is this some sort of system package or a Flatpak, etc?

Do you have working Vulkan on your host? Do things like vulkaninfo and vkgears work (you may have to install vulkan-tools or mesa-progs to test that)?
Running through a system package. Have been able to run other things with it so far.

Here's my vulkaninfo: https://bpa.st/BQKQ
Maybe the problem is with the Lutris binaries then, I'm not sure. If you can install Wine with your package manager and force Lutris to use that somehow then maybe that will work better?
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On the subject of Lutris, has anyone had any luck getting the Batman Arkham City configuration screen to work? Apparently you have to manually run BMLauncher.exe to change display settings but it just gives an error on startup (picrel). It's the GOG release.
I saw someone mention that it needs dotnet 3.5 but not sure if that's outdated info. Should I just try running the dotnet installer from the Lutris game/container or run the standalone exe with some other Wine app or what?
This also works:
aplay "/home/owner/alert.wav" > /dev/null 2>&1

I like to put this at the end of long scripts so I'll know when they've finished.
You can use paplay, too. Assuming you're using PipeWire (and you should) the only difference is which translation layer you're going through.

pw-play -> Direct to Pipewire -> (ALSA (device))
paplay -> PulseAudio -> PipeWire -> (ALSA (device))
aplay -> ALSA -> PipeWire -> (ALSA (device))
>using PipeWire (and you should)
What if he'd rather have a sound server that just works and updates that don't fuck up his config every few months?

>paplay -> PipeWire(PA protocol) -> (ALSA (device))
PipeWire is the only sound server that just works. PulseAudio sure as shit isn't. Maybe JACK is better but you can run PipeWire on top of JACK for the regular shit that doesn't support JACK directly anyway.
Pipewire has good emulation layers for Pulseaudio, JACK and ALSA. There's no need for them separately.
Exactly. It's the only sound server that satisfies every use-case. JACK is still arguably better if you're deep into Pro Audio but you can run PipeWire on-top of JACK anyway if you want to and that is a supported use-case.

Everything else is flawed in some way.
How would I do the following in Linux? Set a variable (not a file) which is a short string. (Say less than 6000 characters long.) Then have this variable accessible to every user in the system (such as users www-data and root). I could then use user www-data to change that variable when I want.
Maybe not possible as you have to sudo-edit the /etc/environment file. That's what https://duck.ai/ said (when I submitted >>103277341 text there). I might be fine with just having a persistent variable set in www-data's context which I can change whenever so long as the system didn't reboot.
>How would I do the following in Linux? Set a variable (not a file!) which is a short string. (Say fewer than 5000 characters long.) Then have this variable persistently accessible to user www-data. I could then use user www-data to change that variable when I want. The variable for www-data would persist in all cases except a computer reboot.
I guess this is not possible. Linux users have to have file ~/.bashrc to define variables when first opening a shell as that user (for www-data that would be /var/www/.bashrc). Going to is I think the equivalent of opening and closing a shell: opening and closing that test.sh tab in a browser. (In which case www-data logs in then later logs out.)

There's perhaps no way to have a variable persist for www-data when this happens: 1. switch user to www-data 2. define the variable. 3. log out of www-data, switching user back to /home/user 4. log back into www-data. Step 3 destroys the variable.

So maybe make a small ramdisk. If I'm not mistaken, /tmp is a ramdisk. /tmp is not entirely accessible to www-data and it can't read/write files in there in certain cases (even in cases where you think it would be able to). If I made a 5-kilobyte RAMdisk then I could use it as a variable persisting in memory for all users so long as all users could access that memory file. (File in memory in a ramdisk with a max capacity of five kilobytes.)
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Having a recurring issue on my X230 running Devuan (with XFCE, naturally) - often when I wake it from sleep mode, the login screen overlay doesn't display. When this happens I can still see my desktop and move the mouse, but not click on anything.
It's annoying because I either have to restart the computer or swap to a terminal and restart xorg. Any ideas?
Variables are static, not dynamic. Use a key-value store like etcd or redis:

Does that operate entirely in memory?
They can persist to disk if configured properly.
To keep all the git-related files in a separate directory instead of straight into ~/.git
I prefer to use symlinks with stow instead of doing a git bare repo
its complaining about /etc/machine-id not existing, i think that has something to do with dbus
if /var/lib/dbus/machine-id exists, you might be able to just symlink that to /etc/machine id
sudo ln -sr /var/lib/dbus/machine-id /etc/machine-d
Do you have the lib32 packages of the drivers and stuff installed?
I mean that I want it to operate entirely in RAM.
You could put a file in /etc/profile.d or the zsh equivalent and have that file source another file in a location accessible and writable by www-data
i messed up my post, make sure the file is /etc/machine-id
why would you want to do this?
What exactly does the --oneshot flag do in emerge and why do some of the gentoo wiki posts tell you to use that flag when installing the package?
Whats the difference between using --oneshot and not using it?
I would use Redis then.
It doesn't add the package to your world file.
It's mostly used to choose one of various packages to fulfill some dependency of the package you actually want to install.

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