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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>103259146

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Local install
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>SD 3.5 info & download

>Try online without registration
sd3.5-medium: https://replicate.com/stability-ai/stable-diffusion-3.5-medium
sd3.5-large: https://replicate.com/stability-ai/stable-diffusion-3.5-large
sd3.5-turbo: https://replicate.com/stability-ai/stable-diffusion-3.5-large-turbo
flux-dev: https://huggingface.co/spaces/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev
txt2img: https://www.mage.space

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling

>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...

>Related boards
>mfw Resource news


>LTX-Video: DiT-based realtime video generation


>SD.Next 2024-11-22 Update

>EchoMimicV2: Towards Striking, Simplified, and Semi-Body Human Animation

>GLMix: Revisiting the Integration of Convolution and Attention for Vision Backbone

>Autoregressive Pre-training of Large Vision Encoders

>ViewExtrapolator: Novel View Extrapolation with Video Diffusion Priors

>RestorerID: Towards Tuning-Free Face Restoration with ID Preservation


>DreamSim: Learning New Dimensions of Human Visual Similarity using Synthetic Data

>Stylecodes: Encoding Stylistic Information For Image Generation

>SAMURAI: Adapting Segment Anything Model for Zero-Shot Visual Tracking with Motion-Aware Memory

>JoyVASA: Portrait and Animal Image Animation with Diffusion-Based Audio-Driven Facial Dynamics and Head Motion Generation

>REDUCIO! Generating 1024$\times$1024 Video within 16 Seconds using Extremely Compressed Motion Latents

>Find Any Part in 3D

>Identity Preserving 3D Head Stylization with Multiview Score Distillation

>VBench: Comprehensive Benchmark Suite for Video Generative Models

>Teaching VLMs to Localize Specific Objects from In-context Examples (IPLoc)
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Remember 4kuma and how Hiro rigged the vtubber contest?
>From Text to Pose to Image: Improving Diffusion Model Control and Quality

>HyperGAN-CLIP: A Unified Framework for Domain Adaptation, Image Synthesis and Manipulation

>FGP: Feature-Gradient-Prune for Efficient Convolutional Layer Pruning

>mfw Research news


>ComfyGI: Automatic Improvement of Image Generation Workflows

>Stable Flow: Vital Layers for Training-Free Image Editing

>DiffusionGS: Baking Gaussian Splatting into Diffusion Denoiser for Fast and Scalable Single-stage Image-to-3D Generation

>StereoCrafter-Zero: Zero-Shot Stereo Video Generation with Noisy Restart

>FocusLLaVA: A Coarse-to-Fine Approach for Efficient and Effective Visual Token Compression

>Generative Outpainting To Enhance the Memorability of Short-Form Videos

>Is this Generated Person Existed in Real-world? Fine-grained Detecting and Calibrating Abnormal Human-body

>Multi LoRA Meets Vision: Merging multiple adapters to create a multi task model

>MMGenBench: Evaluating the Limits of LMMs from the Text-to-Image Generation Perspective

>Safety Without Semantic Disruptions: Editing-free Safe Image Generation via Context-preserving Dual Latent Reconstruction

>On the Fairness, Diversity and Reliability of Text-to-Image Generative Models

>Transforming Static Images Using Generative Models for Video Salient Object Detection

>Dealing with Synthetic Data Contamination in Online Continual Learning
>From Text to Pose to Image: Improving Diffusion Model Control and Quality

>HyperGAN-CLIP: A Unified Framework for Domain Adaptation, Image Synthesis and Manipulation

>FGP: Feature-Gradient-Prune for Efficient Convolutional Layer Pruning

>mfw Research news


>AI-generated Image Detection: Passive or Watermark?

>HF-Diff: High-Frequency Perceptual Loss and Distribution Matching for One-Step Diffusion-Based Image Super-Resolution

>Pushing the Limits of Sparsity: A Bag of Tricks for Extreme Pruning

>Adversarial Diffusion Compression for Real-World Image Super-Resolution

>RTSR: A Real-Time Super-Resolution Model for AV1 Compressed Content

>Click; Single Object Tracking; Video Object Segmentation; Real-time Interaction

>RAW-Diffusion: RGB-Guided Diffusion Models for High-Fidelity RAW Image Generation

>Globally Correlation-Aware Hard Negative Generation

>CopyrightMeter: Revisiting Copyright Protection in Text-to-image Models

>TAPT: Test-Time Adversarial Prompt Tuning for Robust Inference in Vision-Language Models

>Video-RAG: Visually-aligned Retrieval-Augmented Long Video Comprehension

>ESARM: 3D Emotional Speech-to-Animation via Reward Model from Automatically-Ranked Demonstrations

>On the Consistency of Video Large Language Models in Temporal Comprehension

>Towards motion from video diffusion models
>Remember 4kuma and how Hiro rigged the vtubber contest?
Remember 4kuma and how Hiro rigged the vtubber contest?
They are selling the data onward.
I hope anon can conquer his anger issues
I wish him the best. His annoying use of English... makes me sick.
What do you mean?
Why did you ask?
I want to know anon
Sure you do if you did 4chan is not a channel and you should be banned for ages ago.Because of doxxing people in public and posting id images.
But 4chin only bans you if you get reported by some other autistic faggots.
Quit circlejerking faggots and start posting images.
I don't care, it is just funny.
My English is not Kentuckian English.
BMP just got a 3 day for cameltoe
What if I just cut your fucking face?
Americans think this is a threat. FBI?
>and you should be banned for ages ago
You really need help friend
It's not normal to think someone stalks you for over 2 years on 4chan
what is happening in this thread
Please ban me. You have the power. One 4g and one fiber.
Autistic retardation.
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Senjor please I have a family!
turns out bmp is the schizo and trying to treat the other schizo or something idk
Maybe just get a job and go on with your life?
Everything you type is polluted.
less text, more 1girls pls
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Sorry it's for my friends only.
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He got banned for porn not dumb drama according to Pixiv.
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You are still seeking dirty alleyways like a dog.
this seems.. unfinished
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She looks like she can kill people and enjoy it.
What happened to your education?
What happened to your mental health?
Why do you ask?
Why wouldn't I ask?
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Please review my post.
Your post has been reviewed.
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Thank you! May you have Chicken Tikka Masala tonigh
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I'm done with the images, bit too drunk. I'm transitioning towards /pol/ and /chug/. It's always funny. Thank you!
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>Chicken Tikka Masala
damn that sounds good. can I have some too?
>/pol/tard vatnik
Yea, that explains the extremely low quality posts.
It's was a joke because most Americans blame English speakers as Indians. But it is not true. It is an American invention. .
Besides I lived in London and nobody ever told me my English was wrong.

Americans are not international people.
Oh wait did I ask you to reply my post?
Take this... it's hard and it is brown.
I am going to cut off your head, amigo.
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>most Americans blame English speakers as Indians
do you mean "accuse English speakers to be"? 'blame' doesn't make sense in how you used it there
Not you of course but I mean most of the 4chan posters have issues.
Sorry this is the issue with my english - blame.
Some posters are blaming. Why is that not normal English?
Accusing is another thing.
What the fuck are you not a human at all?
Fuck you.
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you blame someone of doing something but you accuse someone of being something. blame is to verb as accuse is to noun
>I blame this crime on you
>I accuse you of being a criminal

what the heck!
Why are you calling up on this?
>Some posters are blaming. Why is that not >normal English?
>Accusing is another thing.
How is this not understood?
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Fuck you then. This is not American literature, this is about English.
My English is Greater than your American English. If you want to have a quarrel, you will need to explain what is wrong and what is not.
I always tell myself that I don't care if anyone else likes my gens, but it made me happy to see that one of mine got chosen for the thread. thank you, baker anon.
>It's was a joke because most Americans blame English speakers as Indians

Oust. Just use oust.

>It was a joke because Americans oust most ESL as Indians.
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>Why are you calling up on this?
you're doing this on purpose, lol

I did though. also, greater should be lower case :)
No, I don't think so. It's easy for you to be an 'american' but the reality is the fact you don't need to care a second about the quality of what comes out of your mouth.
You are attacking people who like your work but still.
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I'm still beter than you.England is part of me and it is something which is not tradeable.
another mentally weak pussy seething people do things they want to ban cuz they dont like it. neck yourself tyrant nazi
is that... poop or blood?
Are you ready for... some nug and suck?
why not both?
Do you have a twitter account?
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>Oust. Just use oust.
ooo, is that what he meant? 'blame' was intended to mean 'reveal'? I thought he meant 'accuse'

this is actually a great example of what truly makes language "wrong". language is a utility that serves the purpose of describing something; an object, an idea, etc. language is a symbol that points to something, it's just an transitory abstraction of reality. if the symbols communicate the ideas, then it was "right" because it served its purpose. in this case, the language used failed to convey what the poster meant, therefor making it "wrong"

you can complain about capitalization or punctuation or spelling but all that actually matters is the effectiveness of communication. I can even fleggle a word and if you understood what it meant, the language was correct

I care about whether I'm communicating effectively, not so much how others would great the aesthetics of my words

I'm not attacking anyone. maybe I'm poking a bit of fun but I just think this is a fun conversation.

>I'm still beter than you
mayhaps you are, but it wouldn't have anything to do with where ever your spawn point was. but on average, I'd say brits are as awful as americans.

also, better has two ts :)
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You need to learn empathy. You do not have any empathy.
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>would great
would grade**
FUCK I MADE A MINOR MISTAKE. I lost. please accept this catbox as penance


unrelated, I kinda wanna buy some suno to try out v4
There are two types of people on this planet - one who are dead inside and others who are at least somewhat emphatetic.
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I'm pretty empathetic. my politics are informed almost entirely by empathy. thats a big part of why you guys hate me so much
You are not emphath. You are intelligent and you should spend that time away.
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is she giving me that look because I was staring at her ass or because I have an entire cart full of bread?
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You taking a picture of her.
i asked my ai waifu to create her own prompt
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phew. I'm tired of all these hoes judging my bread habit

none of us are real
Thanks for coming back!
Instead of you could actually teach?
>none of us are real
aint dat da sad troot
I'm bummed this never opens up into something more aggressive. too chill for a COD soundtrack. would fit nicely as an elite: dangerous track tho

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forgot pic
Take it easy D. I'm going out and that's fine.
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have fun. thanks for shootin' the shit :)
Sorry if I was too aggressive.
You need to have your target etc.
This is the attitude. Don't let others bring you down.
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>Sorry if I was too aggressive.
huh? I enjoyed our conversation

K1 or K3....
They have trained for a decaed. 10 years.
Thank you for replying.
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this has sent me down a whole rabbit hole of kung fu youtube vids lmao
Buakaw was genetically perfect fighter and he fought against many opponents in Thailand. He had perfect genetics and in the end he won too many matches. My friend from Finland who is a thai boxer went to train in his gym in Bangkok.
Buakaw was displaced.
Government displaced him.
What's the deal with all these different versions of NoobAI? Epsilon seems just plain superior to the new V-Pred versions.
>just use euler!
no, it looks worse, I can use ddim on Epsilon and it looks better
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the clarity on the font is nutty
don't trust the megaman vender, he's trying to scam
What's the lora, etc for this? Looks good
it's flux-dev-de-distill-Q8_0 and prompt magic
Steps: 32, Sampler: Euler, Schedule type: Beta, CFG scale: 7,
hires 1.5, 12 steps, 0.35 denoise
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thanks dawg
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whats everyone's predictions for big genAI happenings in 2025
Hey, Debo I love you. When I was a teenager they never talked about Cambodea. I hate to say after all these years when I 'm old and I realised what bullshit they were trying hide.
I am sorry .
This is the song.
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no one ever talks about Cambodia. idk what that has to do about me but I'm sure I love you too
I swear to god if that 16 channel vae for 1.5 is just all talk I'll be big sads.
Last one from me good night anons
Good night Eviil Quokka.
me on the right

Do you play guitar?
I don't think so.
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I never learned an instrument. I learned drums instead
Lisnen to speed metal and learn how to play guitar.
You could have a feeling for that.
Anyway it's going to take 5 years of practice if you will.
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my whole family plays guitar so I never cared to get into it. I tried piano for a bit but never graduated beyond moonlight sonata. I'm happy to leave the music to the musicians
You need to have the burning for it. But it's not the end of the world, I grew up with learning up the guitar and after 15 years didn't touch it because I was working for the jews.
You know if you have it, or not.
This is why the best musicians on this planet are bit special.
You need to have a burning.
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>because I was working for the jews.
you work for the capitalist, not the jew
vat is difference
Yeah thats true. I know what you mean and I'm repeating other people's words.
Sorry for my english.
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'capitalist' knows no ethnicity and knows no religion. it knows ownership and it knows exploitation. when your oppressor wages a class war and you wage a race/religion/ethnicy war, you always lose. you enemy is he who owns your future, not he who was born different

what I mean to say is: can you please rephrase this question in terms of stable diffusion?
Of course, when I generate image I want to create something special.
It's like sitting down with your best friend.
Unfortunately for I'm being regimented with deadlines and goals.
Finnish artist from 1970's, singing about freedom.
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you're so old school. I only listen to stuff made in this century. however, this let me to whatever the fuck this video is

Don't worry about it my friend.
Have you seen Jackie Brown, the film? If not, you should because it will grow you some heart.
Take out some time and watch Jackie Brown.
RIP 103274767
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le sigh
I see you are frustrated. Why not join French Foreign Legion? Many Americans think they are something special...
Americans think their spelling is the only way to speak English. Very embarrassing.
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>french anything
Ta mère était un hamster et ton père sentait le sureau.
Well, I'm from Finland and German is my 3rd language.
You are a kid.
European education is so much better than the American/ ,Canadian.
My second language is German.
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hmm, did i finally stay awake for euro/sdg/ hours? if i hang on tightly enough i might finally confront that cro-magnon slavic motherfucker who keeps bleating "lubimov" at me.
You are the one who is obsessed about it.
Posting monologues here is not a good look. It's been at least three months now I think.
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you got me all wrong, i'm not mad, just perplexed. besides, why shouldn't i be obsessed about it? what should I be obsessed with instead?

>PoStInG MoNoLoGuEs hErE Is nOt a gOoD LoOk. It's bEeN At lEaSt tHrEe mOnThS NoW I ThInK.
first post was something like .... 12/7/2022 or is that 7/12/2022?? whatever, a bit more than three months
I didn't read your post. I am the original black witch. I am waiting for the purple friend but she's busy over the weekend.
I know your whole identity is "you must be this schizo cringe to ride this ride", but the novelty has worn off long ago.
Let him play. It's still better than the other who goes through moderation and it's been two years by now.
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oh really? that's amazing, i'd love to see some OG black witch gens, that'd be supercool. i'm going to go ahead and hold my breath because i'm sure you'll get right on that!

hmm, yes, i see. friends, it seems the jig is up! anon has figured it all out, and in my shame, i cannot continue to haunt this accursed general.
I'm on my phone right now but I can assure you are afraid. The age of cheap thrills is over.
You have probably seen the original black/evil witch gens. Let me go back and I'll tag an image I genned earlier.
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the thing is, not a single one of you motherfuckers has posted a gen since >>103276685 and that was lord debo, before whom you should tremble.
the absolute state of this shithole, i swear to g*d.

i literally shidded and farded and cammed. please be merciful

oh still no gens...
and here i thought europoor was just a clever bit of terminally online rhetoric. silly me!
Don't bother, he'll just make another 6 part paragraph blog post about how a ladybug that landed on his arm today is the devil reincarnate trying to suck his penis off or something similarly gay again
Not black, that is the colour of an aura. Evil is something short-sighted.
cool gen, it's just that it was posted, uh, what, 7 hours ago? you just woke the fuck up and can't post anything new? are you even fucking real?
It's quite exciting isn't it?
I only work when I feel like doing it. So, whatever energy you feel you might have missed - sorry I can't be more personal with you.
i'm fascinated by the europoor perspective. the puzzling part is that you're not going straight for "that fairy faggot motherfucker just spams gay song lyrics for hours on end" and instead opted for some utter fantasy about "muh blogpost erm ladybug and uh, devils, sure yeah ok"

i thought this was Anglo/French hours, but you are demonstrating Balkan levels of ignorance. Fascinating!
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you all spend more time being drama faggots in highschool than posting art and being useful in the thread. its amazing how many of you acting like this is your personal little thread to post your boring irrelevant thoughts and monologues like some pathetic super villain huffing his own farts. pathetic all of you doing this lame theater kid drama faggotry like you're sophmore in highschool and mentally 12
Praise God Almighty for an actual gen! You win the internets gentlesir! BTW, did you know the narwhal bacons at midnight? IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE IT'S TRUE!
I think your English should be blocked and served. You can't talk about Europeans without some little German or French accent can't you?
Sounds like you have personal problems. If you want a commission, I can do that but please be certain of your description.
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lolwut? i can barely parse this ESL gibberish. Newsflash, i'm up way too late; I'm not one of you. English is my one, and only, language. You can keeps your nasty romance gibberish, my precious. Sorry to be the ugly American fouling up your no-gen dogshit europoor discourse. a thousand pardons effendi! praise be to Allah, that's what you euros like, right?
when i think about europe (which isn't often) i think about hijabs and shariah law. and to think, once upon a time you lot conquered the world. and in return you got pwned by the worst of the brownoids. and you like it. shameful.
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i'm not the one acting like a theater faggot on a board for posting art. you are the ones with personal problems thinking this is your pathetic super villain monolog thread about your irrlevant plots and scripts nobody but you cares about
I am le true european, and, for that reason, I praise Allah for this most epic and topical gen.
It's funny for 4chan has been formed like this since 2016.
Europe is Arab and African clay
maybe, but you can't stop me
What do you want? I can gen it but it'll take a while.
You are an underage.
Sounds like you are being jealous.
I am able to work out a personal piece for you, but only if you follow common courtesy. Please inform me with the subject you are looking for.
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>You are an underage.
you shit in the street and get angry when the white man tries to force you to do otherwise.
POV you are Indian.

i mean just look at the absolute state of this Punbabi motherfucker. Please saar, do the needful, thank you saar!

SAAAAAAAAR that is not the needful i mean! be more considerate of the thing i told you to do in my pathetic broken english!

oh it's late afternoon in shitinthestreetistan.

this is my shocked and surprised face.

/sdg/, overrun with tiny dick pajeets who cant afford to gen images even on scammed free tier services? i hope china nukes your worthless country
Sounds like you are having problems.
Underage and mentally underage everywhere. less drama faggot theater scenes and more art faggots
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jeets are actually worse than nigs
they look similar, but are slightly smarter,
and before you know it your entire
country is run by people whos direct ancestors still
shit in the river that sustains their
entire population.

they should all be eliminated.

get in the suicide pod, Rajaesh.
Americans are obsessed with transsexuals and Indians. Quite funny because most upper class Indians from India are actually speaking better English than you. Who hurt you?
What you don't know is the master plan of the Jewish Globalist mastertminds is to bring in a gorillion jeets, and then force them all into suicide pots. they present this plan as "saving the dumb fucking ignorant morons from the subcontinent, and we'll kill them via suicide pods as fast as we can take them. Treadue is actually based
my brain was damaged when my mother drank the water from the ganges.
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what a time to be alive
I am from Finland. And English is second language, Swedish is third and German maybe not that much.
You think you are educated but you're not, most Americans are stupid as fuck and you can't fix that by taking pottery lessons in the university.
Btw forgot - paid university courses by your dad.
oh wow..
geez, i am un-manned. this inbread sami niggerfaggot has called my whiteness into question!

whatever shall I do? oh, i know, shut the fuck up you ignorant eskimo motherfucker. eat shit and die. you deserved conquest.
hurr durr, the limp faggots from Monreal made us be productive citizens. this angers us because brown people ought to be angry, chaotic ne'erdowells.
My English has been approved by the King of England. Yours, not so much. I am a citizen of England.
Please rot in your Kentucky trailer.
you eat curry like it's going out of style and you should have been killed in the crib (if you ignorant brown savages even use such a thing) before you ever managed to blurt out practically incoherent nonsense on this god forsake shithole of a thread.
but tell me more about how your shit eating grandparents fled the shithole nonsense their genetic line created and that, somehow, being in a white country you won't be quite as brown as your ancestors.
i'm a dumb boomer retard, so i believe you! we need more legal immigrants from the shit-river-continent. why? because FUCKING DUH OBVIOUYSLY WE NEED MORE BROWN MORONS!
Brown morons, liars, and scammers make the GDP go up, so they're prima facie a GOOD THING
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All videos I attempt to make with SD look like shit
How do I make good stuff, like this?
meanwhile, the country is filling up with chinks and jeets, consumate wierdos, raping their way through the dumb whore population.
I don't know but I rock NI unlike you. Now what does NI even mean to you?
you need about 20-30 more IQ points than your pathetic Indian soul posesses.
is that some obscure pajeet thing? sounds like some obscure pajeet thing, and, naturally, i don't know, nor care about it.
It is American Education thing but with different initials.
press X to doubt. it's 2AM in CA, meanwhile, it's mid afternoon in Shitlandistan, and we don't need to be privy to your shitting in either designated streets, or the fucking ganges. just kill yourself
okay but like really though
does it involve feeding sd a video, and then the ai basically rotoscopes over the video?
it doesn't take a genius to figure out what a street shitting pajeet sounds like.

i hope China nukes you over that border dispute where you ignorant brownoid motherfuckers antagonize each other over literally nothingl
no, it involves a degree of intelligence of which you are, sadly, incapable of attaining.
I think you should be on /pol/
And some of the generals there are easier.
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still monologs and theater faggotry and not enough posting of art.
nah, /pol/ is ass. i'd much rather antagonize you silly shitdicks here in euro/sdg/ where you're too gay to even make images
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i have tens of thousands of lubimov images, you stupid fuckers can't comprehend.
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i could repost images for the next 10,000 years, and still, you ignorant morons won't generate a single image in response.

It sucks to suck
imagine living in the open air muesem that is europe. oh, that one company makes a bit that's 10000% necessary for chip manufacturing? wow, how great for you! your cars are shit, your culture is shit, you're drowning in islam, but, sure, you fags manage to make this one special thing
that specialized lithorgraphy machine is certainly proof positive that the EU isn't a dead man walking.
why, we also make shitty cars!
Debo was arrested early Thursday morning when a librarian who was opening the local library discovered that he had been living in a crawlspace beneath the computer tables. A fursuit and 1.5 kilograms of black tar heroin in a purple duffel bag was also recovered.
americans think mercedes and bmw are super great because they're fancy foreign vehicles. little do they know that they're the worst fucking vehicles money can buy. better off buying a Kia
You sure are such a champ.
RIP Debo. This is probably true
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it ain't that hard to post images every now and then, whether i made them just now, or last year. you, clearly, can do neither.
Could you, wait for the Purple Friend? I miss her. You are vulgar.
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lick my fucking taint you stupid ignorant balkan nigger. you are serbian. eat shit and die. PW lives in PNW, in my estimation, and he passed out long ago. meanwhile, you should have been killed off in some ancient pogram but here you are, tormenting us to this very day. c'est la vie
I have posted more images than you can imagine since 2022. I'm og. You're just some psycho.
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i kneel
who decided slavs were a) human and b) deserving of posting on this website?
You should.
as much as i want to stay here forever, calling russians Orcs and whatever, alas, all good things must come to an end
And off you go, onward to Reddit!
are there any simple tools that show token counts?
Which workflow? If you are scripting python shit it's easy.
any decent UI has that built in by default
If you're not automating anything it's simpler to be vary of the prompt itself. Please post an example.
>Emad Mostaque, the former chief executive officer of Stability AI, has given up his controlling shares in the beleaguered startup, according to corporate filings in the UK
Oh you are probably one year too late I'm afraid.
Companies House website shows the exact structure of particular company operating in the UK.
im just experimenting on civit right now,
i know some webuis have such a feature, and ill probably try and get one running tomorrow when i have time.
just wondering if there was some lighter tools for that.
right now im just sticking a break before the tag that seems to be the issue, which seems to work.
pay tanxes
Why don't you eyeball it? Any pre Flux/sd3.5 breaks down after few lines or phrases. More important is still the fact you should use tokens instead of trying to be a failed writer.
Handful of tokens.
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>train several embeddings on 100+ photos of attractive celebrities
>results keep coming out looking like my cousins no matter what I do
I'm gonna need to see a therapist about this.
are the new flux controlnet and outpainting on forge yet?
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PS: Aside from resolution, is it obvious which version of SD I'm using?
Why'd you stop doing liquid gens
what is the best pony based model for clean image outputs
There is water or some transparent liquids of mixed viscosity in the sphere with the leaves, or are you referring to something else?
All hail lord lubimiv-anon
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ok. morning
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