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File: 1714471518871742.png (2.47 MB, 786x1080)
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2.47 MB PNG
how do i nail the early 00s magazine advertisement look?
Copy what you see. Cutouts with drop shadows or outer glow. Black and white photo in the background with a color overlay.
File: stupid thing.jpg (206 KB, 786x1080)
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206 KB JPG
I'm trying to do this shit in Figma and it's like the meme of 'we can't do it anymore, we don't know how'. Figma will not LET me italicize Impact font, I guess 'for my own good'.

I genuinely think this might have been made in Microsoft Word or Powerpoint. The VERTICAL DOORS INC part looks like it could be part of a 2000s microsoft 3d text package. The borders on the photos are 3D art from a microsoft package too I think, etc.
Why are you using figma?
I actually used Gimp to make that. Couldn't get Figma to do the appropriately crusty things I needed.
the question is still valid, why would you try to use figma and not illustrator and/or photoshop
Impact doesn't have an italic version. Figma won't have all the tools to make this. The vertical doors font looks like a simple bevel with a black stroke. The V was custom made and the same style applied. I don't use gimp but maybe see if you can apply bevels in that.
File: Help me.png (57 KB, 966x661)
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Just skew the image?

Figma's got SkewDat
i've kinda mastered these because im a loser and just sit in my room all day studying design and how stuff WAS done. not tutorials or faux shit, the real deal from back in the day, stare at material and ancient software that they wouldve used until it clicks how, and then transfer that to modern software. this wouldve been made in photoshop. Figma is for modern scrap, InDesign is for dickridas and Sketch is for making modern sleek pussyjuice designs. At the time all this software stuff was new so there were no rules and no education on how to use it, people would literally read the manual and then make random shit. no one told them what to do or how they wanted it and to what standard because there would only be one mf that could touch the software. so its actually far basic than what people think, and you need to be in that basic little idiot on the new software mindset to not overdo it and make it realistic. text effects use the default layer styles. Bevel & Emboss, Gradient Overlay, Drop Shadow, Stroke and Outer Glow. the PNGs seem to use BevelEmboss and outer glows mostly. and youre done. very simple stuff. for the backgrounds, they'd be stock photos. best way to find these is to look up old CD roms for then on the internet archive. i know a lot of brands from the 90s and 00s that have exactly what youll want. look up photodisc, visualdisc and moonpocket (sozaijiten image dictionary) and then look for any series they've done on Backgrounds. Forget about any text design rule you've been taught and use the default fonts on your computer, impact, helvetica, arial. who cares, you dont! Stretch them, skew them, perspective warp them. make them look swag. the only real rule to these designs is fit as much as you can and dont be afraid do condense and stretch. as long as it's legible, stretch, widen or overlap to your heart's content. draw letters with the motherfuckin pen tool cus its badass on the header, who gives a fuck, what're they gonna do?
post some of your work
i kinda wanna do this stuff and would like to see
if i did you'd be able to ID me rather quickly :-)
just trust my word and have fun. you'll reap great rewards -- better than most.

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