How do you get over creative block in design? I used to have no issue churning out poster after poster just for practice but for the past few months, I can barely even start on a project let alone finish it.I feel creatively bankrupt and thought a break would help but I still just have absolutely no ideas coming to mind and hate everything I start to put together.
>>459409>ResearchBe it references, texts, word games, brainstorming, research things related to the emotions you want to give to the piece, etc>WalkStop everything and go for a walk. Can be a short 15min one, but go outside. No phone, no music, this is important to just let your mind free to wander>Talk to somebody about itIf in person, it is better, but some friend what you plan to do or what you are doing. More often than not, this conversations where you express what you are doing and the feedback of the person helps you to overcome the roadblock.>Sleep and take it tomorrowI have a rule that I only send it the day after I finish the piece. That way, after I sleep on it, I can see some tiny details that can be fixed so it is really ready. Can be done in roadblocks too. Also, I mean a full 8h night of sleep that you wake up 5 minutes sooner than the alarm feeling good.I mostly do it and rely on the serendipity to do its job.
by gitting gud