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The most romantic thread for the most iconic pairing
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White guys and Asian girls stop kissing each other challenge (impossible)
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I've got a bunch of new stuff to convert so keep this bumped and I'll post when I can
Beautiful couple.
>Way beyond her league attentive white male partner
>Asian 5/10 on the phone constantly ignoring him in favor of social media posting
Yeah that's pretty much the WMAF experience.
She'll be the same with his children when she extracts them from him.
So romantic.
She's literally taking the pictures retard
How a man can be attracted to a woman with no ass will always be beyond me.
holy shit you sound so fucking sad lmao
Sauce on this couple?
indians and east asian men cope the hardest
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Come on guys everyone knows a girl taking couples pictures with you means she DOESN'T like you!!
they broke up, she's a Brazilian streamer or something like that, her name is gakimo
>>27881552 this made me cringe so hard what the hell gave me hella narcissistic vibes "we're better than you" aura type beat why are people like this nigga is unironically out of her league tho especially if he hard and soft looks max
Nigga is playing himself down or deflation is really that bad
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So the new angle is saying the white guy is TOO GOOD for the girl?
White guys gets more asian women than me
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THIS. White guys see avarage 5/10 griches as 10/10 princesss.
>the cope
Its either they still together or she is chadmatized and keeps posting him
whats even the cope here? that 5/10 asian women are equivalent to 10/10 white women?
>I'm a right wing White man
>she's a left wing Asian woman
>we're a happy couple
many such cases
I want an Asian gf but I live in the Midwest US where there aren't many around. I'm a skinny white guy that's pretty tall. Maybe some day.
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If that's true then what's the issue? Why are you so upset?
I think this is the guy from the hc thread who said he liked hitler and opposed racemixing and then started asking for someone to post amwf KEK

>he is near peak attractiveness for a man
>she is incredibly mid tier average for an asian

im starting to think WMAF threads are actually gay threads in disguise
You get asian women as a white man when you're unable to get white women. Thise who try to argument against this have zero games when it comes to white women.
This is literally pedophilia.
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>Only Giga Chads get Asian girls!
>Only incels get Asian girls!
The duality of Chang
see *that* couple is fine because the girl is actually the pretty one

I dont have anything against WMAF conceptually, I just think it sucks when a guy is so obviously blinded by yellow fever that he dates down. Its not inspirational its wasted potential.

This thread is meant to be iconic/romantic/inspiration i guess?
Post more actually inspiring stuff where the girl is pretty or seems fulfilled/interesting,
not depressing stuff where she looks like the most bland person ever.

Otherwise why are you posting? To see the men?
That's literally homosexual behaviour
Tell that to the Spanish, British and French empires who had thousands of men migrate into various parts of Asia and Oceania kid, this is a modern day nazi esque larp from retards, Whiteys been conquering foreign wombs for centuries.
bro buys high and sells low...
isnt there apparently a lot of hmong people in the midwest
Same as a would a woman be attracted to a guy with no dick (you) is beyond all of us here. Now shut up and go back to bbc tranny dick you faggot.
>Mr Nogainz and the Yellow Goblin
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I don't know anons I think she has a cute natural/no makeup look. For a relationship personality also matters a lot.
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>For a relationship personality also matters a lot.
These faggots have never been in a relationship so they only care about looks. The modern white woman is insufferable, which is why a 10/10 white guy might choose a 6/10 asian girl over a 10/10 white girl.
>Safe in his arms.webm
cute and wholesome
>how he not like duh chick dumper mang
i don't know senor maybe go to Africa
> which is why a 10/10 white guy might choose a 6/10 asian girl over a 10/10 white girl.

hahahahahahaha delulu
>the defeated yt lioness sulks away, knowing she has met her better
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>where an asian male slave works his ass off to the point of suicide
fucking kek I never connected the POS (point of seethe) between Asian male manlets working themselves to death constructing social media death devices, just for his 2/10 cumskin ass to get billions + regular pussy from his slant concubine.
Okay I'm White and all, but something about the guys in all these videos screams raging homosexual to me.
It feels like these guys are bearding big time.
Their entire energy is so...gay.
Is this the beginning of a pipeline?
From Asian """""girlfriend""""" to having brunch with his boyfriend Enrico and their little lap dogs on a nice terrace in the right side of a coastal city or something?
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I like asian women ,but what happens if a white dude and asian woman has a male child? Does the mother just hate the child the same way she hates asian men?
>He has the groomerjak face

What does this mean?
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>Tranny sees normal romantic couples and can't help thinking about gay fantasies
Peak porn brain
Depends on if he looks more asian or white. One of my friends is half white/asian and he looks more like his dad (white) and has a good relationship with his mom.
>These faggots have never been in a relationship so they only care about looks
Yes and since they've never seen a woman in the morning without makeup their judgement of looks is dubious too. I'll take a natural 6 over a 6 who dolls herself up to a 9 every day in public. It's just freaky when they change too much.
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Makes sense, his ex was asian
Trust me, you don't want those.
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real men fuck woman in the pussy , faggots lgbt retards are into ass eating and fucking like fucking animals .

liberal animals . but you fell for it like a dumb mtoherfucker . go eat poop you fucking retard .
This is honestly why western civilisation is closed to collapse. We once conquered the world. Now we can't even conquer Starbucks.

When did the west die anons? 50 years and the west will be the slaves of the Chinese with us all living in cities like Detroit. Im glad I won't live long enough to experience it.
What do you mean "conquer Starbucks"?
Also if we ever became "slaves of the Chinese" they would put the blacks under control and our cities would look more like Shenzhen than Detroit.
shes older than him. are you calling her a pedophile?
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285k likes and replies full of girls explicitly begging for oxford study white bfs it's over
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Why aren't they having sex?
Sex is romantic.
first couple pics looked like jerma
that wouldn't be very softcore
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that bitch isn't that attractive either (even if she is slightly better looking than him)
there's almost no way these two did not fuck

that comes across as genuine tension and not an act
guys with asian women rarely are the ones who do the pursuing, and you know nothing about women if you haven't figured that out yet
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"About 69 percent of married Asian women are married to Asian men, while 25 percent of married Asian women have white husbands. "But as common as marriages are between Asian women and white men, cohabitations are even more prevalent," says Ono. "In fact, Asian women are more likely to be living with white men than with Asian men. Nearly 45 percent of cohabiting Asian women have white partners, while less than 43 percent have Asian partners."

americans need to learn to shut the fuck up, always spouting retarded shit constantly
> guys with asian women rarely are the ones who do the pursuing, and you know nothing about women if you haven't figured that out yet

hahahaahah found the kid still in school, your ganna have a hard time in life if you believe that
True and people cope by saying it's "white supremacy" or whatever making them prefer whites in the west but if anything they have to be more coy about it there. In asia they can be brutally honest about their preference. There's just a unique connection between white men and asian women.
Been there done that wouldn't recommend. I was naive and open minded about different races and cultures when I was young, but after 20 years wondering what I did wrong it dawned on me that all Asians do very Asian things like eat nasty shit, lie and steal money. She's hit the wall now single mother blahblahbla I think she's working the streets now
if shes working the streets and not at least OF then you dated some half ugly seamonkey
She was a 6/10 at best
Didn't really get much of a choice
Hate to be that guy but it does sound like a skill issue if you're white. Have you tried finding a better woman?
Zero clue of being a white chad who has ran through dozens if not hundreds of white women while not letting your dick make you decide who you take seriously in a relationship I’ve fucked and dated close to hundred white girls most I didn’t initiate anything with to begin with I married a Hispanic girl because she proved she would make the best wife simple as I could have married all of the girls I dated several tried and I was just like no or laughed because most white women do the most illogical insane and self gaslighting things possible in the moment based on feelings at least in the west high value men chose partners based on what’s best for them not based on what others think or care about especially coomer my dick types such as yourself who don’t have girls going after them ever and have to become totally different people who are just frauds of existence doing everything they possibly can just so they can have one way sex with a female that will never enjoy or try to have sex with you ever because they want to but you on the other hand see this when it happens very rarely if ever as the high point and meaning for your existence while chads such as myself and friends have had children with multiple white women and let simps such as yourself take care of our used toys
Talk about cope and projection of your own inferiority kek
What a waste of high tier European genes
Damn behemoth should be filling the oven of some tall Baltic doll with them
Nah let's dilute that in the onion bowl of some slant eyed midget instead
And the coomers passing by are gonna dump their usual lines on this post instead of reflecting about it as usual
most modern white women are too vapid, especially zoomers
everything in the jewish nwo is anti white male
asian women adore white men and are on average cuter than white zoomer women

guys are just tired of bullshit
This girl is not cute tho
She's definitely cute (see >>27885252)
A lot of guys will take a cute loyal girl who truly loves him over a glamorous thot. We can only hope the pressure from cute asians will make white women start acting right
You're a fag and a coomer, that is worse.
anyone here actually been to japan and/or other asian countries and tried the dating scene there? I'm curious.
I fucked every single girl in Japan. They all had sideways pussies (it made it better).
very cool story, anon, did you fly there with your helicopter dick too?
at least we know he flew back on hers
No, I used my dick as a speed boat propeller like a real man.
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>"babe, you aren't responding when I casually put my arm around your neck like I do every morning while we brush our teeth completely unprompted!"
Why did I have to find my 10/10 asian girl after she had 3 kids with a spic and I was already engaged.
This world is fucking fucked up man.
I'm not white, I'm Latino (just passing through) but this webm made me fucking kek at how hard white men have a headlock on Asian women. Motherfucker wasn't even in the option and was minding his own business and the Asian chick immediately started pointing at white dude.
What do you mean your 10/10 asian girl? She's into you too? What about your fiancee? I know they age well but 3 kids man, don't get oneitis. Lots of hot ones out there
Why were they acting surprised she chose the White man? Coping mechanism?
He's saying "look son, all of them are yours"
Pretty much
>asian guy thinks he's got a shot against the blasian la creatura
>asian girly outsmarts them both and picks the white camera guy
They're two "famous" streamers and the white guy was "just" their cameraman who she wasn't "supposed" to be considering but asian girly doesn't care, she knows the real value and she's picking the white man kek
>seetheing asian/jew/indian
Like clockwork
What a fucking waste. The Fuhrer would have them both executed if there was even a bit of truth in the world
>Executing the white man and his honorary aryan waifu instead of forcing the wayward white women into breeding camps
At least make the nazi larps believable. Let's see your 10/10 tradwife big guy
>The trannoid from last thread has been keeping his thread alive this whole time
Holy kek he's obsessed with us and now he's melting down and samefag spamming his own thread
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It's understandable when asian guys are frustrated by wmaf but when other races and white trannies are seething about it it's just pathetic lmao
>eating japanese bbq served by kneeling asian male eunuchs
This fuck is unstable.
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i mean if your spamming WMAF threads/ post in WMAF everyday there's some kind of illness
>>27881214 â–¡ https://youtu.be/5gCs-H5OwBI?si=yQaeD-HFi4c_PCoa
Huh? Angry japanese guy or angry at the japanese?
oxford study might be the worst backfiring of a meme of all time
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They just look so good together bros...asian girls and white guys truly belong together.
>Friday night
>Tranny threads bumping constantly
>WM threads a ghost town
White men stay winning in the real world
Post the one with the 2m dude and his even taller dad and his shorty asian chick
those are probably just two models and not a couple
>Still in the coping phase
Just accept it bro, believe me you'll feel way better
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>It's so beautiful and cinematic he thinks it must be fake
This is the reality of WMAF. Nothing else comes close. Like a symphony or a work of art it's normal to be captivated watching it and once you get over the initial resistance you can appreciate the beauty.
This is also them >>27887802
What are some good ways for azn boys to support WMAF couples? There are obvious things like following their accounts, liking their posts and responding to haters etc
make kino webms to post all around, both for softcore and nsfw wmaf supremacy gooning
I was going to reply just to say that as well. lol
Yeah we need more edits of both kinds. There's tons of fresh oc but it needs to be made into edits to encourage more asian boys to surrender to wmaf. I mean the sheer number of couples should be enough but some still insist on spamming oxford study at all of them and it's just getting embarrassing.
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Married Asian women are making sure younger girlies are in on the secret...the Wasian future is unstoppable and it's beautiful
Lmao I thought it was him too
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Why are they like that?
no way he scored like that.
USA is so fucking weird with all the race shit
Pretty asian girls are nice though
what country are you from?
this guy looks really tense and awkward for some reason
So you can pick something about it to deflect with? No.
youre the one deflecting away from a simple question lmao, theres nothing for me to deflect when you gave no argument and just stated your own opinion

the reason why you didnt answer the very simple question and saw it as an attack just means that you are insecure about where you are from (aka, brown)
We are weird with the race shit tho... He's deflecting less than you.
I'm swiss (let's see you not deflect). We're mostly white. Interracial marriages happen organically, and don't get pushed by agenda

Here, Those a meeting stock photos. Find ONE with only white people in it.

>Interracial marriages happen organically, and don't get pushed by agenda
what an odd thing to say, kek
WMAF is pretty international, and it's the one pairing that *isn't* pushed but has become super common anyway. And in Asia they have white fever even more >>27893603
The swiss are a sheltered people in this aspect though at the moment, held up there in those mountains, no offense(wish I could be). Any western country that experiences a certain threshold reached of non-white population has their politics completely taken over by race, we already are starting to see this in places like Britain, France, and Germany.
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Kek the total lack of self-reflection. Funny how even the ones who manage to pull a white woman are still seething about WMAF like they know asian women are the real prize
ngl this mans ugly no fucking chin at all.
God damn I worked at Starbucks for a couple of years and never had a hot Asian coworker like that FUCK.
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That's fucking rotten to throw her own children under the bus like that.
Adorable...Asian girls dream of affectionate white guys and it's so beautiful seeing it come true
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The edits need to be different than the shit those white faggots make about blacks. They get off on the degeneration and seeing white women get degraded and made single mothers
WMAF is the opposite. It's about enjoying watching Asian women getting the best men and having beautiful families
It's cute & all, but where's all the hardcore pussy slamming fucking!
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In the hardcore thread >>27900296
Kek...It's the combination of hot and shy/silly that does it for me. She's probably the one who wanted to do the tiktok dance but she got flustered. Too cute
the cope is insane, it's literally a 7/10 woman with a 2-3/10 guy
wow he's hot
> You get asian women as a white man when you're unable to get white women. Thise who try to argument against this have zero games when it comes to white women.
300 pound, sausage fingered, herpes-ridden, syphylitic, 400+ body count, Chesterfield smoking, fentanyl addicted, 5 welfare babies by 5 incarcerated baby-daddies, Poor white trash hambeast typed this. Guaran-fuckin-teed.
almost all the hate with wmaf is just jealous non white men, its such a silly question
Only china and it was shooting fish in a barrel, but I have an easy time even in america so I don't know how much that helps you. It is a nice confidence boost regardless.
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Asian girlies are done being shamed for liking white guys. They're taking the Oxford Study name and just having fun with it!
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holy fuck bruh, brutal
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post yfw you realize WMAF was a thing since the first moment the perfect pairing got introduced to each other:
broooooooooootal comments, imagine if this wasnt suppressed and there was no antiwhite bias in all media lmaooo, WMAF would be the default pairing for all White men and Asian women who manage to snatch a White man

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Yeah the propaganda has failed so hard. WMAF is too powerful to stop.
The comments are always a war zone with guys posting oxford study for the billionth time and writing mini essays and girls laughing it off and calling them incels
I don't know about it not being "pushed", i think that's being a little disingenuous. WMAF has been very present in all sorts of media over the last 60 years and it's still very common today. Almost every time you see an Asian girl in western media you can guarantee she'll end up with a white guy; sometimes with an Asian guy but very rarely with anyone from other racial groups (and that's okay, I have no issue with that).

if anything, I would argue its prevalence in media was part of what popularized and destigmatized that specific interracial pairing in the mainstream discourse and in real life within both the west and the east, and the success of it is why hollywood now tries to push equally as hard other interracial pairings, hoping it will have the same effect in future generations. Whether they'll succeed or not remains to be seen. (I personally doubt it will succeed as effectively since there are more factors that make WMAF pairings common today aside from media influence).

We can argue all we want about how "natural" this pairing is; I, in fact, despite not being white, would argue that the cultural aspects of both generalized racial groups makes this specific interracial pairing particularly appealing to both parties; however it would be deeply intellectually dishonest to pretend media didn't play a very prominent role in promoting and normalizing WMAF.

And that's not even bringing up the demasculinization of Asian Men in media and the historical real life Humilliations Asian countries have faced from western nations.
I miss my Korean gf bros, long distance for now
Everyone that was jealous looks like a personified wet fart. That's why they're online trying to put everyone else down instead of getting women themselves. Especially the white bread boy that's used to black girls hopping on his dick when he does nig mannerisms.
>Interracial marriages happen organically, and don't get pushed by agenda
>what an odd thing to say, kek

the people who say this shit must have some kind of fetal alcohol syndrome, if you don't notice that someone is constantly spamming WMAF for at least a year now paid or otherwise
Dude can see ugly negro men pushed with White women in every medium for years despite being a lower population then both in many cities, and then ignores all the totally organic BMXF threads to talk about some vague interracial blanket term.
You think WMAF is being spammed when there's never more than 1 or 2 threads? You must be spamming shitted threads since that's basically the rest of the catalog.
can you speak chinese?
>I, in fact, despite not being white
What are you? I'm guessing asian if you care this much.
>I don't know about it not being "pushed", i think that's being a little disingenuous
>it would be deeply intellectually dishonest to pretend
Well, that escalated. I simply don't see evidence of this pushing. If anything there's still stigma against it via the "yellow fever" trope, Oxford study meme etc. Who do you think is pushing it and why when all the other propaganda is /against/ white men?
WMAF in media lags behind its prevalence in real life as they begrudgingly produce some content simply out of desire to make money off the massive market for it. Demasculinization? Classic cope, if there were tons of asian guys who were 6' muscular with an angular face and a big or even average dick the media couldn't hide that. The stereotypes are largely true. And the idea that a 20 year old asian girl who spent her whole life in the bay area likes white guys because of hiroshima or something is a pretty big stretch.
It's good you at least acknowledge there are natural factors making this a good pairing but come on now.
Lmao you for real? How much of a loser are you in real life? Most incel fking reply I've seen so far.
>imagine if this wasnt suppressed and there was no antiwhite bias in all media
The victim complex is hilarious and you sound like a faggot.
The comment section of literally any interracial pairing looks like this you dumbass.
You didn't even look at the pics did you? Most of those comments are girls wishing for their own white boyfriend, not people seething. There's no shortage of nonwhite guys willing to date out kek
I was just looking at a tiktok couple where they would do fit checks together. It was a Japanese girl and her name was Mai, Mia, Maia or something like that. While the guys name was Sam something. They both had separate accounts. Very cute couple though he was a blonde dude.
qrd on this oxford study?
You know what this is my fault, should have made it clear that those were two separate remarks.
What I meant was the comment section of a lot of interracial couplings on tiktok has a bunch of women going "I want this" it's not just wmaf
You're coping bro...even hambeasts can get nonwhite bfs while fairly cute nonwhite girls will long for white bfs for years without finding one. The demand imbalance is massively toward whites of both genders...jbw is law
Coping how? All I said is that you can find comments like that under any interracial pairing, which is true.
Also I have seen plenty of ugly/mid looking asian girls with chad looking white guys, that's not something unique to non-white guys.
He's right tho, after 5 years of marriage and a couple of runt hapas shell divorce rape him with more certitude than if he married a far left white feminist
Oxford studies posters should look at 52-13 posters and ask them how's that working out.
My ex was kazakh.
We used to kiss for hours while I held her in my lap.
I miss that.
That's life Chang. You either conquer or be conquered.
I feel for you man I hope we all fine that one day I wish all my tiffs were replaced with kisses
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It sounds like you're trying to convince yourself of these things
No, I mean I knew the basic phrases enough to open people up and get brownie points but nowhere near fluent or really conversational. If you are in the bigger cities there's a lot of women that speak some amount of english or are quite enthusiastic to try finding a way to communicate.
>land a cute asian girl
>can't get it up
porn is the devil anons
That's what makes the softcore threads even better for white guys: provide inspiration and save up their energy for pleasuring asian girls in real life.
When will these subhumans understand that a 5/10 white man is the equivalent of a 10/10 nigger
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Her name might have even been Mei. I can't find them anymore please help bros.
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Facially they're pretty well matched but even below average asian girls have slim attractive bodies
I think the disconnect here is quantity, While you can find that comment under any interracial couple the amount of non white girls who yearn for white dick is massively overrepresented compared to say; women who yearn for indian cock. (number might actually be zero but you get the point)
>I just think it sucks when a guy is so obviously blinded by yellow fever that he dates down
you don't understand that the insufferable personalities of average white women put them very low on the attractiveness ladder for many men
yes men quite often care more about the personality than the looks
I like it when ugly people are happy together. Like, that's nice!
Asian guy who loves to watch WMAF here. How do you build muscle as someone who's never done push ups before?
Just femboymax for BWC, asians building muscles is too hard
Tiktok username? Asian boy that needs to goon to the comments
If you have seen his face. He looks mutilated. Easily a 1/10

Shes about average.
go to a gym, take some creatine
It's useless if he can't do a single push up because gook boys have noodle arms
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This them?
Yes what's their account
Coombots never fail to prove the point
Pretty sure I saw some anon post that the dude was fat and she was with him before and for the change and they did eventually break up and the dude is dating a white chick.
Don't know about the fat part but they appear to still be together >>27885252
She could have the face of shaquille o'neal and she'd still look better than him, also she has a nice body while he's a holocaust victim stand-in
Just do stuff on the lightest weights with high repetition until you can move up, it's easiest building strength at the start.
Damn what's the guys account.
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Honestly a good option. Also you could become a girl's gay gym buddy (vid related)
lmao they should drop leaflets with stills from this video into nork korea
I think whats happening is that these women idolize these men so much that they are wifey material. My wife is like that, actually. She is extremely loyal and loving. Shes not some sort of slave, but she has me feeling like I have celebrity looks. I think some asian women have that sort of infatuation for white men.

And as a man, when you have that, youre very protective of it
My asian gf dumped me for a white guy
I forgot to add: I feel like some white women lack that. they have that "girl boss" BS where they are 'empowered'. Now, I have a daughter so Im not saying women need to STFU and get to sucking. But when they become too masculine in behavior it can be off putting.

I dont think theres any fixing that. Its all cultural. Asian women are more "feminine" in various behavioral ways. Down to how they sit. Everything is more dainty.

Whether biology, cruel, or anti women it is what it is. Men want what they want.

Oh, and my wife is white, not asian. Just to clarify. Virgin. Its rare.
obvious bait etc etc
You're right I guess I can't do it because I'm only a gook
Their cock is big compared to mine so I surrender
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Here's the Rachie Love they mentioned...she's even copying the dirty blonde hair color trying to catch her own white guy
only 3 seconds?

Nowhere near the same. WMAF and WMLF are the most common. Too bad your porn addiction doesn't reflect reality womp womp
What's their name
theyre incredibly low intelligence and hyper narcissistic. Dont waste your energy on those beasts
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What's their account
Make cute edits... Compliment and say nice things to WMAF couples :)
worst case of denial in the thread
If you think that poster is American you're delusional.
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>Interracial marriages happen organically, and don't get pushed by agenda
Asian woman here. I would run a bitch over to get that thing in my cunt. Holy fucking shit. Literally the hottest cock I've ever seen.
Fuck... This hurts. She looks just like my ex, and we acted the exact same way
This thread is weird and if youre over 17 arguing this stuff you need to reevaluate your life.
every time someone whos not directly malicious comes out with this "why do you even care" cope when anyone talks about races you know the reason why they say that is just because they dont really feel like they are a part of any race (mutt)
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Name something more kino than WMAF couples on the beach at sunset, you can't!
>6/10 white guy and 6/10 asian woman make 7/10 and 8/10 hapa daughters
Come over then. I'm bigger
both are going to fuck and marry niggers
Maybe white women should do better.
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Pretty sure hapas hate niggers as much as white and asian women do, so that's quite unlikely.
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Go see the world first anon.
Travel to an Asian woman export hot-spot. Towns in China with work partnerships in Canada, working holiday visa hot-spot Taiwan, certain towns in the phillipines.
You'll find one real funny thing in all of those. Every single fucking billboard related to children features white babies.
Nappies, breast pumps, baby formula. Plastered everywhere, and the darkest skin you'll see is a hapa.
There's no pictures anywhere with Asian babies. Just all white babies.
what a bizzare video
They live for this moment.
To make their other Asian female friends feel like shit.
Because she cooks, cleans and does not complain and she is your cum dumpster when you need it inbetween playing video games.

It's how all Asian women keep up in the relationship game
> AMWF Thread
All professional porn WFs paid to fuck AM

> AMWF Thread
All amateur porn of legit WMAF couples fucking
Don't forget, Asian girls think in 3D, it's not so much about the afro haired white guy, it's the 6+ foot DNA and white skin she wants for her baby. Look how much make up she used to get THAT white for herself.

She wants to give birth to a celebrity or superstar or actor. She wants that white sperm.

They play the long game
You never see an Asian girl date a short white guy or someone shorter than them.

They want HEIGHT and WHITE.

It's why black people won't be in the game, it's why latinos don't even get a look.
It's to make sure they get kids with the right physical tools from the get go.
>does not complain
>lets you play games

Asian women literally have a culture of Sa jiao, i.e. acting like a spoiled piece of shit, because they believe it makes them attractive.
That means they think being useless at everything, complaining all the time, throwing tantrums and whining unintelligibly like a toddler is appropriate feminine behavior.
Nigga, I am talking Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese wives.

None of that broken Western Chinese women shit. 4.4 billion of them and they can keep it
Korean aegyo, nips amae, same exact shit.

Viets are a mixed bag and it comes down to their family's individual circumstance and refugee story. But whatever you want to call it, "acting like a petulant child throwing a tantrum to be attractive to pedophiles" is present at almost complete saturation in China/Japan/Korea.
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be honest bros, can a 30y old virgin loser achieve an asian gf? I'm not a far neckbeard or anything, but also nothing special. The only thing going for me is a stable career.
Do you already need to be a chad even in asia? I'm getting hopeless.
Height helps but White is the key. Look through this thread, some very short dudes. It helps that Asian women are shorter on average and many will take a short White man who's just enough taller than her.
For the moonface in pic related? Easy. She looks maybe 45-55 years old - Female pattern baldness, anorexic to reduce cheek fat, terrible facial symmetry. 5/10? Maybe 4/10 in Asia.
Don't sell yourself short anon. Being "special" is largely about confidence (that doesn't mean being an alpha, it just means being unapologetic about who you are.).
Here's one thing to keep in mind if you want to dip your dick into monkeys - 90% of them have rotting teeth due to soft enamel, and a culture of force feeding sweets to kids, starchy foods and bulimia.
So add "mouth full of bin juice every time you kiss" to your bucket list.
of course it's possible, you're young as hell. I have no idea who you are or what your "issues" are, but I'm confident that with enough drive you can change yourself into whoever you want to be. Some key things to do to start: >start counting everything that you eat on some app and recording it day to day (monitoring your diet/macro intake, it takes like 2 minutes a day in total)
>start exercising, get a training for a week if you don't know much (or start watching a gym youtuber to get a general idea of some things you could be doing
>start reading 30 minutes a day, i don't care what it is. Just buy a kobo and pirate whatever you feel like reading, it's so easy and free these days. This will help you have more interesting shit to talk about on dates, I don't care if it's scifi or fantasy or whatever, as long as you're reading SOMETHING constantly.
>start budgeting, track all of your expenses (similar to tracking calories, same idea, anything you can track you can control).
>start calling friends/family out of the blue just to shoot the shit and reestablish relationships. Some might fail, but then just make new friends wherever you can, even if the person is annoying as hell. You'll find cool people eventually.
>find work that you enjoy so that your dates aren't you whining about your career (I really struggle with this, because my job sucks dick but it's easy and pays well).
>love yourself and your hobbies. Some women will shit on you for gaming/nerdy hobbies, but most are just happy that they're not sitting across from the most boring person in the world (99% of men) who just sit on their ass, drink some generic beer, and watch sports until they die doing nothing with their lives.

You're already ahead of 99% of men. You just gotta refine that shit and the asian women will be ALL over you, I promise.
>She looks maybe 45-55 years old
1-800-come on now
>Don't sell yourself short anon
That's fair
>So add "mouth full of bin juice every time you kiss" to your bucket list
Is this the new approach to prevent WMAF, trying to make Asian women sound unappealing kek
This is some good advice anon, 30 is young for a man. This can be your best decade if you put in the effort
They could start a new species
>acting like a petulant child throwing a tantrum
That's just women in general anon. Most White women aren't exactly domestic anymore. Obviously you try to find the exceptions but at least Asian women aren't tattooed landwhales by 25.
Depends on the angle. From the front, she looks 50. But if you've never had anything to do with Asians I can see how you'd be confused.
I'm not trying to prevent WMAF. Asians have absolutely atrocious oral hygeine.
When I had dental work done in Asia, the dentist nearly started crying about how beautiful my teeth were.
No, it isn't. "women in general" are still women, but they don't obscure their nature behind an impenetrable wall of *literally* acting like a fucking toddler to shed all criticism.
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thanks anon. That's uplifting. And its better advice then anything I have ever gotten.
I've already started to train a while ago and will integrate your other advice. The big problem will be me being boring, everything I do is computer/internet related. I haven't had friends in 18 years and even family is not so close, except that I live with my parents. Me having social skills of an elementary school child is the issue I cannot get over, all the advice out there seems to be for people who fell out during hs or something.
Job is fine actually.
Despite all this cope, the video still shows an asian guy make a beeline for this "hideous" asian woman that ignored him.
There needs to be a certain common threshold you have to pass. If you do okay in western countries, then you will do better in eastern countries, if you do badly, then you will do badly anywhere, so looks like you have room to improve.
My ex was an asian with no ass. I was genuinely grossed out by looking at it sometimes, but her and i got along and the sex made up for it
That cock is so hot and big compared to mine...
Please fuck him for me I wanna watch you
Not true, WMAF social circles are full of fucking weird rejects with pedo-staches.
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They're married so it's a good bet :)
Asian women hate asian men because they're the competition in obtaining a white man.
The problem is Asian men think it's like their home country. The girls only have one choice of ice cream flavors and it's all lemon. You date someone? Lemon. You wanna get married? Only lemon? They only knew the taste of lemon and they lived that life not knowing anything else

They Asians en mass move to the USA and Canada. Now they have a choice of many flavors to try. Vanilla, Chocolate, that weird Taco flavor. And now that they got to see there is more than just Lemon, they will never go back.

Asians marrying Asians was due to limitations. Asians marrying white men is a choice of freedom
I don't think I've ever seen a white woman do something this adorable and endearing, even for the camera. Certainly any as physically attractive as that would be too jaded and conceited to appeal herself that way. I guess it's the same issue >>27913417 talked about with the girl boss attitude and lack of feminine energy or mannerisms. I'm physically attracted to white women as well but they walk and sit like oafs and talk like frat bros. It's such a turnoff. Is there any fixing them?
The body is great, the arm tat is so Western white girl trash having a phase. She almost passed.
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They don't act that way. It's just for camera you can find western women doing the same shit for OFbuxx & clout. Most asian women are unexciting plain janes just with lower BMI.
Cope more ching chong.
It's hard to describe but there's a difference: white women will try to appear sexually appealing in a way that makes men want to serve them, while asian women like in that vid will appeal to men by putting themselves into a subservient light. Outside of maybe some fringe OF fetish content feminism has made white women allergic to feminine displays of submissiveness. (NAXALT etc)
what a waste of his perfect genetics, go for a cute 9/10 japanese girl not some ugly 4/10 korean/chinese
she looks like a horse though that was a bigger problem for her bug kids desu
a shy chad
>i'm boring, all I do is computer shit
doesn't matter. I once had a first date with a vietnamese girl with DDs, I talked to her for an hour about muv-luv's entire plot... she ended up paying for dinner and I plowed her shortly there after. if I can get laid with fucking muvluv, you can talk about anything. I promise you.
Yeah, subservient is cool until you realize it means literally thinking for them and you realize you wasted 10 years of your life fucking a dog that won't retrieve a ball when you throw it unless you specifically tell it to.
Oh boy, more starfish sex. Oh wowsers more showing you off to her circle of vapid insect brained friends who are similarly showing off their locked down white shut-in. Oh what's that, a baby is too fucking heavy for you to carry? Well gee whillikers, lucky you have a strong white guy to carry the baby around for your useless flat asian ass.
Gotta say it's surprising that the first reply was this tame but it's still retarded
>everything in the jewish nwo is anti white male
>Promotes miscegenation of said European male with foreign women... a Jewish favorite
>Implies Asians (apart from North Korean most likely) aren't every bit as spoiled by social media as their Western counterparts
The grass is greener mentality truly is the hallmark of the desperate and the moron
You have to think for women regardless, so it's better to be with one who isn't annoying on top of that. The rest is you having bad taste in women and being a doormat.
And you will similarly say "I don't think I've ever seen a white woman acting this violent and unhinged, then immediately switching to acting like a screaming toddler if I fight back".
White women are confused, yeah. They've been fucked over by social engineering for decades. But there's a mind in there and they are way more malleable than an Asian woman.
Asian women know exactly what they're doing. Locking down someone with low self-esteem permanently, and gaslighting them into believing they're not to blame.
Expired Asians don't reject their biological clock like westoids, they desperately cling onto it as the only redemption for a left over woman is to get bred by a white man for clout.
For them it's literally the choice between taking a white man hostage and suicide. Enjoy that life if you want, I'd rather have a partner that can actually share experiences with me without weighing if it will look good on their instagram feed first.
Mate you're going to literally have to fear for her life every time you cross a road. That is not a "women regardless" problem. Your kid is going to be in the kitchen drinking drain cleaner from under the sink and your Asian sweetheart won't even notice until you point it out, then will immediately turn into a toddler while you have to manage the entire emergency by yourself.
That's obvious fucking reality.
Tiktok is filled with so many good looking wmaf couples I am surprised you guys aren't posting any.
What's stopping you?
>The only thing going for me is a stable career.
You've already won. That said, your chances are better with Asians from Asia or with first gen immigrants, the ones born in your country can already sniff which white men are better than which.
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So romantic...
Was there a particular woman who screwed you over or have you never been with a woman? Are you actually a white woman? There's a whole stereotype of the asian tiger mom which is the opposite of what you describe. They're also known for being pretty fastidious.
>Your kid is going to be in the kitchen drinking drain cleaner from under the sink
Sounds more like an alabama bumpkin story but ok
women doing any thinking is always a disaster, learn to lead
>Obviously staged tiktok for the lels
>Cute hapa daughter loves her white dad
Looks like winning to me. How autistic are you?
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>Asians marrying white men is a choice of freedom
Yes and they've got a taste for Vanilla in Asia too
He bred with an ape looking woman. How sad
How can you not laugh out loud at the lowly slave race that is the asians? My wife and I met when she was a freshman in college and I was a junior. We both almost immediately began using her little korean roommate as a sex toy. Her parents were likely very proud to send her here. It is irrelevant because she came to this country as little more than a tribute to a civilization built by a vastly superior people. She's our maid for fuck's sake.
Children like pretty people
You are an ugly mom (almost ape like)
Asian women are ugly
Most Asian women are mid, the ugly ones are REALLY ugly but the beautiful ones are stunning
average bug > average modern white woman

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