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Asian girls are so starved for masculinity, they're chasing white men
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fuck I can't resist these little asian racetraitors
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how long do you have to use a penis pump to get this look
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An Asian man spent time & energy to raise their daughters to be whores for white cock. Asian men pay for fleshlights while white men get a free lubricated human fleshlight with Asian women :)
Yet you STILL cant get laid? Kill yourself.
>being born in murica
>starved for masculinity
I don't think you're saying what you want to say, ESL-kun.
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I don't think YOU even know what you're saying, FOB
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>Asian girls born in murica are starved for masculinity
I mean it's true, but unexpected you'd admit it.
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Asian girls have dreams like this
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Based BWC New Order
The World is finally Healing
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Asian women belong to white men. It's in the name. Caucasians cuck asians.
these are fucking stupid bro holy shit. autistic as fuck.
>complaining about 'tism
>on fucking 4chan
yeah it's autismception up in this bitch. we're all autistic, but this anon really splitscreening WMAF and AMAF.
Which makes you mad because...? Your hyperfixation OCD tells you these don't belong together? Calm down, bro. Touch grass or whatever the tard equivalent is.
Can you just stfu and post the videos, because the shit you're typing is cringe af lmao
And can you post hotter looking Asian bitches, most of these are too brown and ugly looking
You mean ricetraitors.
very nice
They chase white men but how about me? That cock is too big compared to mine.
Agreed I only can fuck fleshlights and not real asian pussy
Honestly becoming converted to asian women, I've fucked a few in the past, but for a long long time I said I'd never date one. White women today are just awful to be in long term relationships with, beyond entitled, and completely useless at playing the support role for their man. It's just me, me, me with these slags.
Their cock is so big compare to mine I can't stop cumming
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WMAF blowjobs always look so cozy
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its cute when they dye their hair blonde to appeal to westerners
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This is such a terminally online take. In reality Asian women find White men with yellow fever to be pathetic. They see it as you handing over your power to her which she finds unattractive. She chases after Tyrone, Manuel and Abdul just like the White girls do.
the majority of asian women in the west date white men. asian women are the only group that primarily dates outside of their own race
Sauce for girl on the right?
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That girl will never eat Mexican again
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The claim that the majority of Asian women in the West primarily date white men doesn't hold up when considering the relative rarity of HAPAs compared to the overall Asian population. If this trend were as prevalent as suggested, we would expect to see a higher number of mixed-race children. This discrepancy indicates that many Asian individuals still prefer to date within their own cultural or ethnic groups.
It's a fact that East Asian women marry and date White men at extremely high rates in the West, Asian women outmarry at over 50 percent. Hapas aren't rare either lmao
you're missing the part where someone is splitscreening asian vs white bc "muh dick size" lmao that's hella autistic and gay
I never got over the cute little chick that sucked my dick in Osaka.
>Asian women outmarry at over 50 percent
Half of that is with non-whites
Hapa adults aren't that rare but the shift in the last 20 years has been pretty dramatic so most of them are still under 18 and unless you work at an elementary school or something you might not notice the extent of it yet.
Not even close. 11% of ALL intermarried couples are WMAF, largest group besides white/hispanic (a dubious category anyway). 2% are Hispanic-MAF. Everything else is a rounding error (don't tell the BMAF-obsessed trannies kek).
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You're missing the point. For the claim that 'the majority of Asian women in the West date white men' to be true, HAPAs would have to outnumber full Asians in the U.S., given the large Asian population. But that's clearly not the case. Even if Asian women date outside their race at higher rates, the fact that HAPAs are still much rarer than full Asians shows that most are likely dating within their own race. Without that demographic evidence, the assertion doesn't hold up.
Immigration is the only reason that's currently not the case, dumb dumb. There will be more Hapas than East Asians in America at the current pace.
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Yes exactly. Who cares about 40 year old Asians walking around when Hapas are exploding in growth. If current trends continue they will outnumber East Asians in America completely in the future
I can't tell if this is another racebait roleplay vid because this chick looks normal, if it's a real vid and she actually has kids that's fucked, imagine her kids finding this vid lol
Jesus christ that's a monkeys paw wish
I premature ejaculated to these as an asian boy and flushed my little load down the toilet...
You're not presenting your case in a persuasive way. Mald harder I guess.
i don't need to present anything my nigga. there's no debate. you're just fresh off the short bus.
Caroline Pierce isn't azn, dingus.
Ok, Chang.
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You sound genuinely retarded. >>27905669 is right about immigration. Here's a citation in webm form for you.
the WMAF spammer does it again, bro doesn't have anything better to do
& u just bumped
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@0:57 guy's not white. And odn't start seething at me I don't have nayhting against asian or white men.
Stop smoking shit Chang the guy in the vid op posted is white lol
Seething ricecel and cope
I doubt that most asian women I met had it bad for white guys.
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The cope is getting sad
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desperate for that bwc seed
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One of their videos says "foreign cock" in the title
Includes a lot of people that label.
If you want your ass ate, you're gay. If you want to see a guy's asshole being ate, you might be even gayer.
most fob asians i meet let me know right off the bat they have a thing for white guys before i even have a chance to tell them i have yellow fever. they find it insanely lot that their feelings are reciprocal
i even had one little 23 year old from chengdu offer (thanks to her wealthy family) to fly me over to her and impregnate her because all she wants in life was a white baby. I'm not kidding. she said that i didn't need to stick around to raise it, i could leave if i wanted. didn't take her up on the offer because i was a pussy but i wish i did
they are not recetraitors, they are having asian kids
It’s only somewhat true. Asian women rarely ever admit they have a white guy fetish. Statics and anecdotal evidence say otherwise (I live in a city with a large Asian popular).

They general hate it when guys are weird and/or too open about their yellow fever fetish. If you’re subtle about it. They’re fine with it.

Well white is the most attractive race. It’s why white people date over 90% of white people. it’s gotta suck being a shit skin in a world of more people
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Imagine not wanting Asian women to experience this bliss
You're not wrong in the sense that "yellow fever" is offputting to Asian women. But the reality is that Asian men tend to be far more traditional, and Asian women in the West want to get away from that, so they tend to seek out white men.
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Should've made it a point to keep Jezzi's QOH tattoo in frame.
That's because they'reade with real love
Does being an Asian man and having a daughter make you a cuck? You're basically raising her to be a sex toy for white men
Agreed big white cocks are better than our small cocks
Watching and fapping to those hung white cocks made me cum
Having a daughter period makes you a cuck

see the filename

japorn doesn't really operate on the regular JAV code system (since this can't even be sold in Japan, being uncensored)

Who the FUCK is this?
any pmv?
preferably with raceplay
bogged rae lil black
She actually looks hot there. Anybody have the full scene?
There's some new stuff here. https://www.erome.com/a/0Fo6aQDz
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How do I get an Asian girlfriend?
Be white
it's so over
File: Alison Angel Missionary.webm (2.85 MB, 1050x1866)
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Meet asian girls, be decently presentable, ask them out.
see filename
unfortunately, I just have short clips of her, it doesn't seem like there's a lot of (if any) leaks of the full vids from onlyfans
He dipped his dick in curry to achieve that result
I'm not a chad but I'm tall and not really ugly, just seriously autistic, and some cute asian tourists randomly asked me to take selfies with them. I bet if I wasn't such a sperg I could've easily pumped and dumped them. So yeah, if they made a move on an autismo virgin like me they definitely have a lust for european guys
Do you have an hapa subfolder? I find them more cute and fuckable with their asian tight bodies and big euro eyes desu
I am
I have the second one down but struggle with 1 and 3 because I'm really autistic and robotic and I make everyone around me uncomfortable
one day my trike patrol stash just won't cut it anymore and i'll go to saan and start a family
nah you will fuck bug eyed girls and you will like it

invest into the wmaf meme
Just when you meet them for the first time, pretend she is the same race as you. Don't make it about her race. You can do hot raceplay stuff when you trust each other.
Spend 500 bucks on return flights to Cambodia, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and have a pocket full of spending money and fuck so many of them you won't even remember their names 30 mins later
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I only have this, no idea who she is tho
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Asian bros... What do you think about this girl who decided to kiss her Twitch mod?
Used to fuck a girl like her. Absolute fucktoy. Need SAUCE ASAP!

Would also appreciate any similar sluts pls
She got any of her simping for white men or taking bwc or talking about bwc
It takes two to tango. white men like asian women and asian women like white men. Does it really make sense to you that they wouldn't like that you're into them? Just don't be a fucking weirdo and you're good.
File: Daisy Haze BJ.webm (3.33 MB, 1918x966)
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damn wish this had sound
need translate
Now that's an improvement. Probably the equivalent of a quadroon but with asian admixture could be the definitive beauty. Imagine the asian petite body and wall defeating genes but with big light eyes and better facial features, pale skin and slightly wavy black hair. Not to mention the skyroketing IQ, the calm character yet not insectoid minded and imaginative. Now that's what I call eugenics. Can't wait to be the next Dr Mengele in WW3 and create the perfect waifu mixing European, Russian and Asian pows. That way the death of billions would be vindicated and completely worth it
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3.9 MB
Good boy. Asian women everywhere are very happy.
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Pathetic ricecel cope. Despite Asian women being only 8% of the population, wmaf is 1/4 of all interracial marriages. 4 times the number of amwf marriages and more than bmwf wmbf combined. Also white women are the least likely to date non white. Cope harder ricecel lol
you know your fetish has gone too far when you start posting gay porn
sauce on her?
Name of video and porn girl?
The most Asian thing I've ever seen
Who is this? Whats the name of the video?
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Based Asian men raising our sex toys
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Since when did Nemsko do this???
wmaf watching a trump rally fucking kek
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might be aria steele ph
>Asian women find White men with yellow fever to be pathetic.
Not wrong, but it doesn't change a thing. They'll still almost exclusively date white guys. I feel bad for Asian dudes. Probably the only demographic of men whose women so openly detest them.

The only solace for them is that the majority of these weird guys who obsess over Asian girls fuck exclusively plain jane to butt ugly Asian girls. The good looking white dudes go for other white girls.
Kill yourself, nigger
My white woman eats my ass everyday, have you tried not being low value?
sounds really gay
>investment banker
Good goyette *rubs hands merchantly*
True! It's a decent edit overall. Some anon made it in a previous thread, hope he makes more
Need a name please
ai slop
Objectifying herself like a properly westernized toy. You can tell that her BWC count beats the size of a frat party.
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Imagine raising your Asian daughter to have a have a chess career-best ranking of No. 100 in the world among women. Also the the first Canadian woman to earn the Woman Grandmaster or FIDE Master titles.

But she still ends up being a little whore, bless the west
All the intelligence in her pretty little head, but yet again, just another chink fleshlight when in palms of white men.
maria nagai
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Why are 99% of these WMAF threads just blowjobs and 1% cowgirl? Do Asian chicks must suck at actual sex that they resort to giving head?
Being a white man's flashlight is their worth, glad she understands that
They are submissive slots that want to please white men without getting anything in return
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What is this position called
even if they have white bfs they are still great friends that buy you dinner and give you free vapes, just treat them like a normal human being, is that so hard? nigcels and ricecels thing we just go up to them out of breath and sweating just yanking our dick in public.

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