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File: ika-ika2.webm (2.71 MB, 720x1280)
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Post girls enjoying getting ass fucked on an animalistic level.

Low, deep groaning, moaning.

Double fake internet points for Asian
why does she start saying nigger

At one point I thought I knew why Japanese pornstars would just start repeating ika/eega/whatever but now that I try to Google it I get zero results.
Post 3
She's saying she's cumming in Japanese.

you started a thread with only 3 webms? where are the rest going to come from
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the groaniest anal bitch i have
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i guess hes counting on you and me, problem is the thread is kind of specific with the groaning part
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>how it feels to chew 5 gum
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Top tier contemporary criticism
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gRoan like a man when i do butt sex with your ass
Based thread op, female grunting is hot
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Thread needs less high pitched wailing and more deep groaning. Does anybody have that blonde chick with the muscles grunting "fuck my ass"? Because it's perfect for this thread but I ain't got it
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perhaps anyone has a video where a girl in glasses talks about how she hates anal and then starts to do anal with a dildo? The source of it would be so nice
just admit ur gay dude
Can we get a sauce please
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>Thread needs less high pitched wailing and more deep groaning.
I gotchu senpai.
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I prefer all moans/groans to be in D minor cuz I'm into that spooky shit, at 440hz of course.

And I have perfect pitch & will notice ANY groan/moan even the slightest out of key. Those of course with poor control over their vocal abilities are subjected to the worst punishment the Lament Configuration has to offer.

now squeal for me
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Imagine fuckin a girls ass for the first time only to discover she sounds like Randy Savage, and only during anal. Plus, she's a true buttslut that can only get off from anal

like how do i even respond to that if the people at my church cant even
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Holy shit sauce?
https://www.eporner com/video-7YKQz4g6NZS/sweet-cutie-gets-anal-fucked-on-the-couch/
someone post the Veronica Leal webms
Women can cum from anal?
I really want the sauce too. And how the red toy is called ?
why is this so hot?
and why is fucking a fleshlight inseted into a woman's asshole hotter than anal of the fleghlight itself?
girls name?
it's iku apparently

No webm. But this is 100% what you want.
It means "going" or "to go" pretty much but in context it means cumming.
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got sauce?
Top fucking kek you made my day
Hot asf this is what I'm talking about the sexy moaning and groaning trying to shit their dicks out. I've noticed they usually do this more with black guys not that it matters just an observation
Holy fuck I nearly lost my month long no fap streak to this dude pounding this bitches' minge inside out through her bumhole
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she looks like the methhead version of Nika Parker aka nikaniikaa
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This is called a pighole or a hollow buttplug - love when girls get fucked with these in. You can find a couple of evilangel scenes using these as well as some indie content makers. Also looking for the sauce on this one as it's new to me.
It's "iku", retard. It's what Nips say when they cum (行く=iku=to go, fig. to cum).
I need more of this phat assed japanese girl immediately
2 seconds of actual anal, are you retarded?
From anal only? Very rare.
Most need to play with their clit. But when they cum it’s crazy good for them. Toe curling and eyes rolling back, with babbling.
Done gentle to start it can great.force it and it’s awful.
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deep groan is the groan that cries anal

primal form of “oof”

sadly rarer than it ought to be

importance of supporting it had me get a webm converter for the first time in my life.
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omg sorry the clip ended before it was supposed to. here's the key moment
WTF this software is terrible. I double checked it three time but somehow the key moment was excluded again. sorry anon. it's rocco's POV with catherine knight at 21:41
wtf is wrong with this software? i triple checked the trim times but the key moment was excluded again. god is against proper groaning anal

on top of it these captions are straight fucked. it's no wonder i never post on here
>he forgot to click apply
nope. i just tried again and the software is clearly malfunctioning (/on purpose because i haven't paid for it)
just use webm for retards
Holy shit source?
careful for when they squirt shit all over the place afterwards
The Pacific Ocean.
Need source!!
virgin detected
Quentin Tarantino?
I find it's easier for them to cum through anal than vaginal since you can hit their skene's gland easier from there
She's saying 行く(iku) short for meaning "I want to leave". She wants to leave and he's not letting her.
This kind of rape if common in JAV.
my fucking sides
for non spanish speaking people: she's using a REALLY obvious prostitute language. not even porn stars go this hard into it. she's clearly someone REALLY experienced in this. it's kind of hilarious when she literally says "you're ripping it through my pussy my love, pull it through my pussy" and "you're wrecking everything inside my asshole". hentai-tier dirty talk right there
Very retarded angle to film
Typical. Best in thread, no source.
Anybody know her name?
to be fair her pussy is literally turned inside out
If you like BBWs, check out assbody anal king. He has the GOATED BBW anal videos

My favourite one;

The sounds she makes at 02:48...

I've ruined so many nofap streaks thanks to this guy's videos. It's like an addiction
I need a highly trained team of astronauts to go retrieve my sides from orbit.
File: Sexe Tentation.webm (3.98 MB, 576x304)
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Ugly girl but takes it good
I've heard of an "anal sleeve" not sure if thats how they spell it.

Any versions/places to see it that doesn't immediately try to redirect or open ten thousand tabs when I click play? When I finally defeat all that shit and get it to work it's hot but what a fucking pain in the dick

holy fucking nostalgia, i remember when this was a short looping gif YEARS ago
Also called a "tunnel plug"
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She looks like Andrew Tate
Julia Juice
Nikita Denise
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a few if that guys videos are gems
ill post a few of my fav moments

also this is a link to my fav vid of his it gets really good at 17:00 and on
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forgot the link
brandon iron
Damn she's kinda jacked
I messed around with a girl I worked with that liked it in the ass some. Not all the time but she would tell me to fuck her ass just randomly sometimes during sex. She was a small petite girl had a very high cute voice but when I was ass fucking her she make these very deep grunts and moans and when she would cum when I was ass fucking her. She would really get deep grunts sounds. I couldn't understand it. Loved doing it because it was hot as fuck. She starts sounding like bullshit frog and id get excited as fuck because I know she really was enjoying it. It was so strange though I couldn't understand why she would sound like that. Fucking her pussy she's sound like herself but in the ass she sounded completely different. I never asked her why she sounded like that. Just asked if she like it in her ass. She said yes can't you tell. She said not all the time but when she is really horny she wants her ass just fucked. It felt amazing to her. Asked why not Everytime then. She said for some reason it's not as good if she does it all the time. I didn't complain I just told her whenever she wants it I'm your man. Everytime she would say fuck her ass id be like hell yeah it's on. A couple of times fucking her ass doggy she would lose control of herself and just start shaking and pissing in the floor. Loved it. First time she started shaking and pissings on the floor. I pulled out and stood up think I hurt her or something. Lost my hard on because I was worried about her. She was just laying in fetal position she pissing and moaning. After she stopped asked if she was ok. She said yes I was having a very good orgasm. She said sorry for pissing everywhere. As we were cleaning it up she said next time don't stop just keep going. So the next time I did. She was pissing on the floor and I was still fucking her ass. She made these deep crys and moans and I cummed in her ass. Was absolutely amazing. Afterwards she didn't say a word and fell asleep naked in floor. Fucking wild.
The Last of Us 2

MORE please, sauce!!

Just watch tranny porn
Dude, use adblock. What the fuck lmao

Glad you enjoyed it. Unfortunately I'm on militant nofap so cannot jerk off to his vids anymore, but holy Jesus are some of them 10/10

And the one you posted is great. Unfortunately didn't discover it until yesterday, so never came to it ;_;
that's the weird part, i fucking DO and it still does that, which probably just means i'm fucking stupid somehow and forgot something lol but thanks man this is excellent content

It's not the overall pitch, it's the kind of gutteral groan that comes out unexpectedly. if i had to make a completely wild guess about it, part of it is because their diaphragm is literally being pushed with the thrusting (not directly, im not a subscriber to Hentai Anatomy IRL) and forces more air up/out?
Lmao dude it's been ages since I actually laughed at something on this god forgotten shit of a site. Thank you my man
Incredibly hot. Sauce?
One of the worst turn offs is this "repeat after me" bs.

It's turn off because it highlights how unimaginitive and lazy women actually are and how they don't put any effort on sex at all. They have learned to lay down on their backs while men do all the work.
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well played.
Fun fact: females have a prostate pleasure point in their ass!
can you please re-do this so she's groaning and before she cooms says "sup /gif/"
post more
People say never marry sluts but holy shit if I had that I would want to keep her
Great now im laughing and my fap is ruined lmao
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>Using a condom
Lmao white women really hate the idea of having a black kid don't they? Based
You don’t watch the whole clip, retard. It’s a tranny
And even if it wasn't
you can't get pregnant from anal sex
The old Alisha Klass videos with her BF have what you are seeking, OP. Best anal videos ever made.
Yep. I thought mods banned it though?
I just more from this than the last hour on the site, thanks anon
>I've noticed they usually do this more with black guys
Fuck off, faggot.
First, in that clip, it's a faggot in a dress getting ass fucked by a black guy.

Second, you are correct. Which is why 99% of White women don't fuck black guys.
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That's an Asian that regularly gets hit raw. Very progressive of you to consider trans as women though
Does anyone have that webm were a dude (I think it was Mike Adriano) was fucking a girl in the ass and at some point a tiny bit of shit comes out on his dick and he quickly removes it with the palm of his hand.
Been searching for It for ages.
Be honest with me. What are my chances of finding a girl who just wants to get ass fucked to hookup with?
Ants created this webm
can confirm. Cringe AF
her husband is so annoying. that guy is pummeling her, saying her ass is getting brutalized, which is hot, and then he starts up with "its funny cause her whole structure changes" and keeps going about some shit no one understands. just stfu guy, you're killing my boner.

Mayya Moore on pornhub or Slut_Mayya on feftlife.
My sides went into obit. Thanks for the kek!
use noscript as well. problem is tho so many sites these days just have ads built in to the main site script (like opening the page your on in a new tab while redirecting current page to an ad site). shits fucked.
Depends what you look like
It's true though? Why are you upset?
This is one of the hottest anal webms. She sounds like she legitimately likes it in her ass. I wish there was more like this.
>Depends what you look like
My chances are low then.
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>Double fake internet points for Asian
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i love this sissy whore so much. takes it up the ass like a slutty faggot bitch
>thread about anal sex
fucking inbred retard
Jesus, sauce!?
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Steff's groans are goated. Ultimate slampig.
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just the right amount of chub to ass fuck this pig
shouda posted the back view one where he fucks her into the ground
Who's she?
Man, this thread went off the rails. Checked back in and it turned into faggotry and bestiality.
shes one of my favs
wish there was more anal vids of her
wish she never ate shit (i think theres a vid of her eating shit)

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