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Combat footage only, so don't spam webms of graveyards or anything boring.

As long as it's war-related.
Post 3 faggot
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is this real?
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I did what op should have. Post 3.

Oh wait.
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Ammo depot explosion from the looks of it.

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Yes. Two Russian ammo depots got obliterated this week. I believe this was the first and it was a missile depot. I was reading the middle depot strike explosion was the equivalent to somewhere between 1/3 or 2/3rds the size of Hiroshima.
That ammo depot got oblyaterated
>I was reading the middle depot strike explosion was the equivalent to somewhere between 1/3 or 2/3rds the size of Hiroshima.
Goddamn dude, you're fucking retarded.
Pretty pretty lights.
Vid needs dat hardbass though.
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how not to dispatch your assault force
And yall thought NY taxis were bad.
much rather be him
than him...
don't tell me what I think you fucking fed
But thats what they pay me so laughably little to do. What else can I do about my tiny tiny penis?
buy a pickup and put a gun sticker on it like everyone else
What about the nutsack hanging on the trailer-hitch? How big is too big for the steer-horns on the grill?
Wonder which hurt more.
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War thread with actual war footage 'only'? War thread without drone tranny spam, that only makes a mockery of the terrible costs war inflicts?

You're not real & neither is this entire experience. Just another glitch the matrix
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Establishing a narrow outline, but then concluding it with the broadest possible statement renders everything invalid.

Which now creates a very real possibility of this thread mutating into a bbc/fart porn thread.

"war - combat footage only" would've been more than adequate.

Autism is a plague of biblical proportions.
Not only that, he says combat footage, then posts a guy laying in a puddle. Piggers really are retarded.
God drones are so fucking faggoty.
are those glock switches? they fire fast as fuck
You guys got any vids of the Hezbolla pagers popping off?
Ask in the Russian war thread, they're more likely to provide.
The drive-by, the choice killing meethod of arabs, russians, and niggers
Even with the size of this explosion it was only estimated to be 250t. 1/40th the size of the bomb dropped on Nagasaki which is considered a very small nuclear bomb.
the prick's face when he saw the gat
Yes it is real
Trying real hard not to let this thread die, eh? Where's Lilly? Why isn't he spamming the threads?
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Fuck this war I'm tired of seeing white people dying while niggers are promoted as the "master race". Fucking black power niggers are just like what they tell us nazis were bad for. I see no fucking difference. I hope Putin and Trump make peace and then go all out on Israel to make it vanish from history once and for all. Those fucking big nosed bastards started the pandemic, the war, the inflation, everything. It's time for kikes to get what they ask for fucking Judas.
It's okay, Ukrainians aren't white anyway, so you needn't worry about it.
War is... le bad
>Where's Lilly? Why isn't he spamming the threads?
Might be something with the Russians encircling Ugledar, splitting Toretsk in half, cutting through the Kursk flank, etc. Now starts the 'we didn't care all along' phase of the cope.
damn, we need to up our firework game for 4th of July.
>I was reading the middle depot strike explosion was the equivalent to somewhere between 1/3 or 2/3rds the size of Hiroshima.
lol that was a big explosion but there is no fucking way it was 5-10kt TNT equivalent. that would be by far the largest conventional explosion of all time. use some common sense please
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You're asking a retarded reddit fanboy to not be a retarded reddit fanboy.
They literally have a fucking tank. Why the fuck wouldn't they just drive that shit right into the trench? Even if it doesn't have ammunition it could atleast cause all the defenders to scatter like rats making it easier for the team to sweep in
Then the tank is stuck and can easily be destroyed
Yes, Ukrainians are blowing up Russian ammo dumps in Russia now
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the accuracy on this lad
>They literally have a fucking tank
They literally don't.
Do you have the one with the trigger control where they pass some other cars and stop shooting?
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GODDD yes more like this, love watching them agonize before dying
>gets stuck
>RPG'd from the safety of the trench
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May the flame cycle completely purge humanity from this hellhole. And may you take a long, long time to die from your radiation burns subhuman. Amen.
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Are the guys that post the shit with that black eagle Ukrainian or Russian? I've seen pro Ukraine pages posting these webms saying they're Ukrainians dying and I've seen ziggers on here claiming they're dead "hohols" or whatever
does anybody have that one video of the guys standing around with guns and then a truck blazes past and there's a big shootout?
I'll describe the video:
there's a bunch of dudes with guns in an arid environment, maybe Africa or Australia or something, and they're on a road looking at something and there's a car nearby
I think I remember one guy with a gun that was wearing like business casual with a white shirt with vertical lines who had long and maybe curly hair
they're on a road looking at something and like to the right of the road is flat land with sand and maybe some shrubs and to the left of the road is some bushes?
but anyways the truck comes from behind the camera man I'm pretty sure and something happens and I think there's gunshots but the truck barrels into view and then off the road into the sand and there's more gunshots and that's all I can really remember other than the camera being shaky
it's an older video pretty much a classic at this point, the truck was a white Toyota like and I think it had a brown stripe or something like hadjis use
if anybody knows please post it or link it and if there's a news article about it please post that too I've been looking for it for a really long time

Excellent display of the shrapnel that these small bombs fire in every direction
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That particular birdy is a pigger one.
What do you mean by pigger. Apparently being called a pig is the greatest insult in the slav world so I see both Ukrainians and Russians refer to each other as pigs or "piggers"
Let's assume you haven't seen it explained already.
One Okrainian national dish is salo, which is basically just pig fat. And they act like niggers, so the portmateau pigger was coined.
What a bunch of complete faggots
Anyone have that video of the african shootout with I think die anterwood playing in the background? And it wasn't the video with the white mercs. I think it was in liberia.
Registered 3.2 on the Richter scale in Moscow.
Tace Bell
>DPR found the drone pilots
That guy sitting at the end looks resigned
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This is why children are so wholesome. Despite everything going on around her, she's still happy enough to smile and skip. They're too good for this world.
Patch me up doc I gotta get back out there
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Bomb russia
what does kino mean?
Eerie shit to say the least.

Running through a field after a short debrief in some bombed out home and then BOOM whole squad dies instantly from a shrapnel bomb. One minute, the dude's aware, alive and then, nothing. What a way to go.
Well no slav is so….
Does anyone have Isis Rekt videos? The beheading ones with Isis theme song in the background. My hard disk crashed and lost my collection.
Poor Ukrainians.
They should try for peace before they have no more men
Poor Ukrainians.
They should try for peace before they have no more men
How long have you been a faggot?
His entire life likely. Really like to see him leave his computer screen and get sent to the front lines somewhere and take the place of one of these poor bastards in one of these videos.
NGHH little shits will never met their fathers
Best post itt, incredibly hot - literally! (Get it? Get it?)
For me, >>27917972
First reply is correct actually :3
Lol seethe. I'm in my room all comfy with my laptop, blanket and plushies enjoying watching these losers die and there's nothing u can do about it!
>I'm in my room
Of course you are, you terminally online social cripple.
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Hey what can I say it's better than dying like a pig somewhere in Ukraine can't complain
Men that die in war go to Valhalla; your morbidly obese ass is going to go to hell after you die of cheeto-induced heart failure.
No need to be dishonest like them. The vid is Okrainian and you know it.
So you must not have seen the white arm band that obviously identifies this guy as Russian?
What does he say?
Faggot! Bitch! You're right, fucking shitass?
Poor guys. You realize this could easily be me or you?
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Pretty sure 90% of these losers are orthodox soooo idk what your all father thinks about that lol. Also I'm NOT fat and I don't like cheetos!
Lol no, trust me it def couldn't be me

Anyway less edits and more drone / artillery footage plz
Not sure what's worse, bleeding out from limb loss and shrapnel on land, or drowning at the same time.
same thoughts about russians
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This is actually like a PVP reality show for us, I'm watching this from my couch drinking coffee and eating dessert, what a stupid war.
>One minute, the dude's aware, alive and then, nothing. What a way to go.

Could be worse I guess, could have ended up a limbless torso but still alive.
Love this video. Especially the beginning with trajectory of the shells.
the pretty sparklers are willy pete
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The only reason this human is kept alive is to study. This is grim. I yearn for the past, yet here comes the future.
On a budget.
This when Hamas declared total war against Israel? And now Israelis responding in kind and Hamas is screaming foul?
Jesus Christ, the retarded comments in these threads.
The same hamas israel founded and funded?
There's a hundred reasons why I hate Ukraine more than I hate Russia, stemming as far back as 2015. But killing Givi and Motorola in cowardly assassinations during negotiated ceasefires is enough by itself.
And I haven't forgotten which side I'm no. I know Russia is my enemy, but so is Ukraine.
the plant this guy died next to is Yarrow
its a medicinal plant that has been used by warriors all over the world at least since before the greeks
helps stop bloodloss and close up wounds and was also viewed as a goodluck charm to carry into battle in some places
wouldnt have helped him ofc but its kinda morbidly ironic
i hope you get run over by a truck and get stuck inside your body but unable to move for the next 40 years fucking troon nigger lover get off the fucking thread
"hey mr nazi, hows the second try going?..... oh not too good huh.... hows that ubermensch thing coming along for you"
these niggas is literally rotting skeletons and hes disarming them like they finna up the blicky on cuh lmao
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Lilly the cocksucker of Kweiff has returned! :)
Also good ideas!
Tanks are for officers only
Hey Lilly, why haven't you been posting lately? Had to run from Ugledar or something?
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Or is it called Vyhlydir. Hard to keep track with these bullshit made-up languages.
this was a tactical nuke. everyone is using the cover story of MUH AMMO DUMBP. god open your eyes.
what a stupid fucking meem they dont have the office in ruZZia
Ammo dumps and chemical plant explosions are similar, lot's of sparks, extreme orange coloration. There's also heavy thermobaric bombs and missiles that are identical to smaller tactical nuke yield except for the fact there's no traceable radiation in the environment.
I've seen countless videos like this going all the way back to Syria 2013. It's always 'THEY WAS NUKES & SHIT'
Especially in the context of Russia, they have the largest arsenal of thermobaric weaponry in the world. Even if it wasn't just footage of an ammo dump the odds of it being a nuke rather than a thermobaric is not likely at all. If they started shooting nukes, they'd shoot dozens of them at once across the front. On Ukrainian positions rather than their own...
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Lying again ivan? The shit thet you swallow is mind boggling. The kremlin claims that they shit the drones that blew up the depots, but that the parts set them off anyways. So in other words, they where successful and you fucking failed again. The kremlin isnt even fucking trying anymore, yet you dutifully slurp up their diarreah and keep thinking russia stronk. Russians truly are the trash of the white race. Your opinion is just a repeat of the kremlins garbage.
lol faggot ^
>what a stupid fucking meem they dont have the office in ruZZia
Russians have anything they want because they pirate everything. Also, that's from "Curb Your Enthusiasm", not "The Office", dummy.
Next time try writing that in English.
>shows man getting his faced turned to hamburgers
>censors curse words
He killed himself? Odd
Oh vey I thought they were dropping him a bottle of water as gesture of piece or something
Good footage
Don't get it. What happened?
They're inside an APC and it got hit?

A lot of these are just horrible. Why kill a man who is obviously wounded and incapable of fighting, Or is already in the process of dying?
Or is already a corpse

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