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I've been repeatedly range banned so please excuse the lack of /church/ if I'm able to I will post it. But they are very intent on preventing it.

We fight a spiritual war anon.
We abdicate that front ensures we will lose
Winning that battle will reflect into the physical war.
And remember, winning the spiritual battle is easy.
Our enemies are Satanic.

I especially direct this message to all Bong anons. I know it seems silly, I too was an atheist not long ago. But it's absolutely true.
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>We abdicate that front ensures we will lose
*If we abdicate that front, it ensures we lose.
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Can you tell friend from foe bong anon?
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Where are the sons of England? The sons of Germany? The sons of France?
Stand up
I feel you brother, Trump is a traitor and a threat to the US of A. There's no putting lipstick on that pig. But we will prevail my friend, don't worry.
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>I feel you brother,
whatever you're feeling, it's not me.
>Trump is a traitor and a threat to the US of A.
no u
>There's no putting lipstick on that pig.
I wouldn't know about that, never done anything like it.
> But we will prevail my friend, don't worry.
you aren't part of we. And yes, we will prevail.
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Ah I misunderstood. I thought this was against Trump as would be natural. Because otherwise this thread would be fucking dumb. Apparently I overestimated you :)
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>Ah I misunderstood. I thought this was against Trump as would be natural.
if it was natural then you wouldn't be here having to larp as a human that doesn't like trump.
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>Because otherwise this thread would be fucking dumb. Apparently I overestimated you :)
no you're intending to impose consensus framing
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the victory has already been achieved.
failing to see this means you lack faith.
get smarter.
This is some crazy shit. Stop drinking the Kool Aid.
If you're pro religion and pro trump, you're also a drooling retard. Trump couldn't quote a single line of scripture with a gun to his head, and he'd gladly burn down every church if he thought he'd profit from it.

Trump just uses the religious, because they're primed to accept anything an approved authority figure says without question, and the church frames Republicans as authority figures because they take pro-church bribes better than democrats
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>the victory has already been achieved.
>failing to see this means you lack faith.
>get smarter.
finally you accept the truth
we have already won
that doesn't mean we should give up or stop fighting however.
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>This is some crazy shit. Stop drinking the Kool Aid.
Interesting reference.
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>If you're pro religion and pro trump, you're also a drooling retard.
and you're telling me why?
Concern trolling?
You shouldn't be so hostile to those you're attempting to influence because it reveals your argument to be bad faith.
The social shaming is very womanly though.
>Trump couldn't quote a single line of scripture with a gun to his head,
not particularly relevant.
>If you're pro religion and pro trump, you're also a drooling retard. Trump couldn't quote a single line of scripture with a gun to his head,
you know he literally didn't take a paycheck as president right?
>Trump just uses the religious, because they're primed to accept anything an approved authority figure says without question,
so why were religious people the only ones who resisted during covid? Why were all the scientism fags so eager to mask up?
2008 called, it wants it's fedora back.
>and the church frames Republicans as authority figures because they take pro-church bribes better than democrats
how do you take a bribe better or worse? What churches give political donations? There hasn't been significant church attendance for 30 years.
pt 2 of >>27911189
Isn't what you posted just defeasible reasoning?
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I've never heard that term nor do I understand what it refers to, but the way you phrased it and presented it tell me the answer is absolutely not.
It would be similar to the likes of a fallacy of ambiguity; a lack of demonstrative reasoning would be closer. Also I was referring to your statement.
>Country based on the separation of church, per the constitution
>retards want a christian-nationalist country
>also constantly refer back to constitution
You know what, forget it. I should assume you don't know what any of that means either.
What do you mean with spiritual war? In the Castaneda sense?
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jokes on you. all my truth is revealed to me in dreams gifted to me by the lord.
>i dont dream.
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>It would be similar to the likes of a fallacy of ambiguity; a lack of demonstrative reasoning would be closer. Also I was referring to your statement.
>>Country based on the separation of church, per the constitution
the concept of the separation of church and state isn't from the constitution but sure whatever.
The Establishment clause is more about protecting church than state but whatever.
>>retards want a christian-nationalist country
literally no one mentioned a word about that and I do not want that.
>>also constantly refer back to constitution
I also never referred to the constitution
where are you getting any of this?
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its pretty easy to forget an argument you relied on me to make for you, so no problem
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>What do you mean with spiritual war?
see vid rel
>In the Castaneda sense?
kinda, but you have to be on the right side for it to work and therefore have to appeal to Christ.
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>jokes on you. all my truth is revealed to me in dreams gifted to me by the lord.
unfathomably based
You're a retard. Go back to gooning and trooning, loser.
I never made an argument, I asked a question. You failed to not acknowledge what I said after I said not to respond, and resumed to respond.
>not your personal army newfag
> The argument is very womanly
Who talks like that? Are you 13? Your parents called and said it's time for you to go to sleep lmfao.

Bottom line is, you are a self hating fag who hates the world for seeing himself as a failure deep down. This is not about rational arguments anymore.

Only you can change your life for the better. Even if you've got everything you've ever wanted. Trump being president, so liberals in jail or executed, immigrants deported, America turned into a theocratic autocracy, you would still feel empty inside. Why? Because you've never learned to accept yourself.

But we can't let you traitors piss on the Constitution and destroy this great country because you have mental issues. Jerk off to this threat but we're not going back weirdo!
Take your meds
it takes only a quick delve into the history of christianity to uncover that satan is fanfiction.
Dualism= spiritual lobotomy.
meme, meme and meme.
countries are a spook, read stirner.
>You're a retard
This is always hilarious coming from trump simps
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Nigger loving anti-Trump cucks are gonna single handedly going to ruin this country with gay worship and taxes until our god loving people become complacent with shitty NWO. Fuck Kamala and fuck the queers and niggers. Make america white and great again.
Statistically higher IQ than leftists :) stay mad bitch.
Anyone supporting Trump is a retard.
Source? Besides the blasted gaping hole you call an ass?
This is being a scared white virgin does to the brain.
>Go back to gooning and trooning, loser.
As oppose to you, dick-riding Trump? Certainly :)
Go straight back to the inbred shithole you belong to faggot
Trump is so retarded that even pretending to like him is just pathetic. What the actual fuck?
lol here comes another ban
lol we fucking kneecapped them and it was sadly easy. what are you going to do, shoot up a grocery store in vengeance? again?
Trump is a bitch, his followers are a bunch of whiny pussies, christians should be put in camps and euthanized. End of discussion.
France has a deep-seated tradition of secularism. Your "SATANIST" rethoric will never get a foothold here.
>The guy who got buying and selling other human beings thinks he's on the "good" side
Get nuked you piece of shit.
>human beings
Godspeed, OP.
Here let’s make a deal, you live stream shooting yourself in the head with a shotgun and I’ll watch
trump is unravelling. if the dems can't win against a literal felon old demented piece off shit then i guess its all over
pisslam subhumans and kikes dont like this thread
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Meanwhile Kamala harris suppourters are waging war again christianity and pro-life rhetoric even going so far as to physically harm people. Ya Trump no scripture the problem lmao weak sauce I hope you do this for free
total inversion of reality but i expect no less during election season from all u brainraped fuckin retards
trump will win whether u like it or not fatass
78 years young and you suck the cocktail of that fatass some more pal, maybe if you believe it really hard you can be a fraction of his net wealth! only 50 more years stocking shelves left. As long as we can get a 3 times divorced idiot eletected then we have done God's work.
When trump ultimately loses this election ,how mad will you be? Was it rigged? Is it rigged now? Why even vote if it's rigged? Who rigged it? Do you think trump will be wealthier when he loses? will you donate?
i'll bet 2 grand against trump. it will net me 1800$ i'll party thinking of you, you fucking existential loser, shitting yourself with your absolute fucking loser of a shit-guru. you will never be a gentleman and you will never understand what i meant by this. you should remove yourself from public discussion. get some life experience then maybe it will eventually click. maybe.
You are correct anon
>will you donate
>doesn't realize cackling Kamala's campaign outspends the Trump campaign by 5 million every single day, yet she's still losing public favour
you're shilling for free.
the only way kamala wins is by blatant election fraud, be it by votes bought from illegal immigrants, votes from dead people, unmarked ballots being counted or rigged Dominion voting machines. any situation where kamala comes out ahead is bullshit, because the bitch only promises to fix shit that she had 3 years for already, beside that, her only plans are copy pasted directly from the Trump campaign because she saw it was popular because he said it and the few original ideas the bitch had are going to increase government spending by giving stimulus to illegal immigrant homebuyers and destabilize the stock market by taxing unrealized gains, anybody that would believe and vote for a person like that is a genuine lobotomite or intent on destroying the US.
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He didn't buy and sell human beings.
>lol here comes another ban
yup lol
>France has a deep-seated tradition of secularism. Your "SATANIST" rethoric will never get a foothold here.
your PM is a faggot who got cornholed by a 40 year old tranny when he was 12.
Give it time frogbro.
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he doesn't exist.
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>lol we fucking kneecapped them and it was sadly easy. what are you going to do, shoot up a grocery store in vengeance? again?
I'm so glad you asked.
Enjoy the show.
won't be long now.
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>Trump is a bitch, his followers are a bunch of whiny pussies, christians should be put in camps and euthanized. End of discussion.
say when
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it doesn't really work on us
only weak men and women.
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keep that energy.
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>read stirner.
>German post-Hegelian
no thanks.
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lurk moar
you're using that concept incorrectly
I didn't many any specific call to action.
>I never made an argument, I asked a question.
yeah that's what I said.
> You failed to not acknowledge what I said after I said not to respond, and resumed to respond.
wow, great story mark.
>Who talks like that? Are you 13?
you can always tell someone is REALLY young because they use youth as an insult.
I would guy you with a spoon to be 13 again.
>Your parents called and said it's time for you to go to sleep lmfao.
you're literally 17-19
I'm 40.
>Bottom line is, you are a self hating fag who hates the world for seeing himself as a failure deep down.
you shouldn't try this kind of attack, you aren't empathetic enough to really understand your opponent so you can't possibly hope to know them well enough to insult something close to them.
> you would still feel empty inside.
I don't feel empty inside now.
>Why? Because you've never learned to accept yourself.
I wish I was gay, i get hit on by dudes so much I would pull dick like no other.
>But we can't let you traitors piss on the Constitution and destroy this great country because you have mental issues.
Your terms are acceptable.
>Jerk off to this threat but we're not going back weirdo!
I'm rock hard. I hope you fight. I pray you faggots manage to steal it again and Q is fake so we get to wipe you all out.
Honestly, the sooner we purge that subhuman filth, the better. End the christians, kill their God.
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>Take your meds
vid rel
>it takes only a quick delve into the history of christianity to uncover that satan is fanfiction.
then why would you try to convince me he isn't real?
If he's fake, and I'm tilting and windmills, then that's good for you, I fight some fake battle in my head and you get to ballot harvest and ballot cure.
Why would you tell me if that were the case? Why would you put effort into counter signaling the notion that Satan is real?
Because he's not.
And you're aligned with him.
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>Honestly, the sooner we purge that subhuman filth, the better. End the christians,
you and what army pussy?
>kill their God.
you tried already.
That's how you lost Israel the first time.
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>her only plans are copy pasted directly from the Trump campaign because she saw it was popular
fact check true.
Just me. Your God is beneath me, why would I fear his slaves?
Life was pretty damn good during Trumps first 4 years as president. The dumb ass purple hair barista that still live with their parents are the only people voting for Kamala. Im sick of hearing Kamala say on day one shes going to implement changes, Bitch your in charge now Do it now
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>Just me. Your God is beneath me, why would I fear his slaves?
Excellent, your terms are acceptable, I'll pay for your flight to Southern California.
You're really intent on basically committing suicide, eh? It's almost too boring, another Christian pussyboy who thinks he's tough with his gun. I'll send you to your God, you can deliver my message to him. I'm gonna spit in his face and take his life as well.
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Yeah, it'll be pretty funny
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Andrew tate, the self admitted pedophile?
Trump is a cunt and anyone who supports him is a cuntling.
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>Andrew tate, the self admitted pedophile?
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you're bad at this.
>new white Jesus is an obvious con with dementia
>the party is clearly run by actual vampires like Peter Thiel
>gotta go to the porn board of the Chinese basket weaving forum to cry about it
>still get made fun of
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Mike Benz says NATO is behind Tate's persecution.
You People are the group playing nazi propaganda games. The handful of sane people left in america know better than play a game with someone who flips the board over and threatens to shoot his opponent.
you need to be 18 to post here, kid
Right, cuz all the people posting furry porn and Pepe memes were clearly above 18.

You colossal moron.
4chan is overwhelmingly millennial.

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