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The more foreskin play the better
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foregen needs to hurry the fuck up ngl
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Idk what makes me angrier. Knowing this was stolen from me or knowing that they are still mutilating children and know one bats an eyelash over it.
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you're uncut anon, stop larping lol nobody believes you
spamming these threads OP isn't gonna do anything btw, get help virgin. American hotties laugh at uncutelts.
Getting upset at dudes with foreskins is not gonna get ur dick wet
Your mom will get my fat circumcised dick wet, you perma virgin
I would ask for some videos with foreskinned guys fucking and foreskinned dicks in condoms.
Circumcision removes the most important sensory component of the foreskin – thousands of coiled fine-touch receptors called Meissner's corpuscles. Also lost are branches of the dorsal nerve, and between 10,000 and 20,000 specialized erotogenic nerve endings of several types.

Why do this? Because it looks nicer/is easier to clean lmfao
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circumcision is, by literal definition, mutilation. Stop mutilating babies.
Neat idea…
it's never gonna happen bro, you're gonna have to start tugging if you want to repair your dick.
holy fuck that's hot
always such an unpopular thread rofl
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Jews don't like it and Americans don't like being reminded that they are mutilated freaks. I have sucked a lot of cock and NORMAL cocks are 100x better than circumcised.
intact Amerifat here. I was insecure about it when I was younger but I'm so glad my great grandfather made sure his descendants all understood we are not jews and therefore do not slice up our newborn sons.
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I remember being obsessed with this Brooke Shields lookalike, I think her name is Billie Rubens
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now hold those fingers against the sensitive underside of the glans, slightly pressing on the frenulum, and that man will sing like a bird.
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Americans share their cock identities with jews and muslims and are happy about it

there is no saving them
don't die thread
holy shit salsa
cope and stay obsessed with americans, third worlding europoor. If thinking americans are the only circumcised people on the planet (It's not uncommon in canada) then okay XD
Im circumcised and resent my parents for it
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Same here. They couldn't even explain why they did it, it's just "what we do" and it's free with insurance. A huge ignorance issue and lying jew hospitals farming cash.
oh my god I hate my parents
having a foreskin is so nice. it's probably my favorite part of having a dick. I think I'd rather have a 3" uncut dick than a 6" cut dick.
Uncutfag here
Very recently I hooked up with a girl for the first time. And I just realized that I might have phismosis. I cannot pull my foreskin back past the head when erect. I couldn't get it in bc my skin would pull back as I was going in and it felt extremely uncomfortable. Same thing when getting a bj and hj. The whole experience was down right uncomfortable. Also the glans is super sensitive, in a bad way, it's the equivalent of touching my eyeball directly
Anyway to fix it besides getting cut?
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Yeah it's plenty common in Africa and the Middle East but outside of those and the US it's rate is low af today.
Stretch it(There's steroid creams available to relax the tissue) but I've always wondered how do you go through puberty with your very own dick and not figure out how it works?
The overwhelming majority of "phimosis" out there is just guys who never played with and cleaned their dicks as teens while your skin is full of collagen, then its left to adulthood and everything is much harder.
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saying that its just because they didnt clean their dicks is fucking stupid. you can clean your glans without stretching anything.

i had to get cut at 22 and it fucking sucked.
I didn't say its just because they didn't clean, I did say its a contributing factor(Not the cleaning itself, the lack of manipulation), the stretching of your foreskin occurs as it's used, whether that's retraction for cleaning, or just for shits and giggles or because most kids are curious motherfuckers.
If it's never used and you skip through puberty,
A: Your dick grows
B: Your foreskin becomes less elastic
Leading to issues with sex.
There are of course actual cases of phimosis out there which are medical in nature like people who's foreskins simply will never be big enough to comfortably retract or people who for whatever reason have skin which lacks elasticity.
The majority of guys here who talk about it though are simply suffering from a lack of use as a teen - ie: all foreskins are tight to one degree or another when you're young.

> Also, i'd love to know how you clean your glans without streching your foreskin, i sure as shit can't and mine works fine
Imagine being a burger and happy about acting like third worlders and jews. Well, they're mutts afterall
What about a short phrenulum? Is that more problematic?
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I had a short/tight fren, never really thought it was an issue but it did in essence snap within my first year of fucking and it's been fully convertible since.
Realistically if you think yours is going to give you problems, get it snipped at the docs or just ride it out, I barely even felt it, busted my nut, pulled out and went why's there blood on my dick. Couple weeks later and I was using it again.
man I wish. My fren is short but also very well anchored. No chance of it ripping in process.
Not true. It's common in other parts of the world as well such as Central Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia and South Korea.
So mostly Muslims and then those Korean weirdos.
Thanks. Got more? Specifically ones with initial penetration and/or condoms?
So yeah, Muslims and US associated countries(Skorea and the Flips)
Pretty much rest my case.
Because it's 65% effective at preventing STI and STD transmissions in males, especially HIV/AIDS. STDs are practically unheard of in the United States outside of the nigger and immigrant populations for this reason. Several tests, as well as accounts from people circumsized as adults have concluded that any loss in sensation during sex is negligible at worst. You act as though sex is awful and dicks don't work anymore after being circumsized, which is phenomenally untrue. American men have, on average, more sexual partners over their lifetime than European men. Also circumsized Americans can travel the world and get MOUNTAINS of easy pussy from your girlfriends and wives because foreign women like the cleaner, more aesthetic, and MUCH better smelling circumsized penis. So a marginal loss in sensation? Yeah, maybe. Less likely to catch a disease and the potential to get more pussy over your lifetime? Also yes. Get fucked, stay fucked.
>STDs are practically unheard of in the United States
That's hilarious, do you know why that's hilarious anon?
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cutting off your dick entirely would be 100% effective
Did you not read? I said STDs are practically unheard of in the US outside of the nigger and immigrant populations. Which is true. Niggers and Mexicans collectively make up about 78% of the total STD infected transmitters in the US. Remove them from the demographic and you're talking about less than 1 in 100,000 per capita.
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You repeated yourself yes, this doesn't make it any less funny but it does make me worry for you.
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>Coping this hard about his little mutilated dick
Because you clearly don't have the nuts to ask, your statement is funny because the white population in the US has an average of 37% diagnosed herpes infection - So either your theory is correct and you cunts are just filthy, or your theory holds water about as well as a seive.
In case you didn't know, herpes increases transmission rates of HIV
To be clear, this refers to genital herpes, not oral.
>bro PLEASE slice your dick up so you can fuck some HIV AIDS bitch, PLEASE bro you are being so cringe right now
I'm gonna add to the dogpile here. Holy shit you're a fucking retard.
I've barebacked 53 White women and 3 injuns in my time and have never caught shit or heard one word of protest about my natural cock.
You were mutilated at birth and I feel sorry for you.
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Well thanks
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I never really saw the need to pull my foreskin back all the way past the head when erect. Combine that with the fact that it didn't look possible in the first place, and no one ever actually telling me to do it, and it results in never doing it. I can retract somewhat easily when flaccid so that's all I did when it came to cleaning
Can take a few months to a year of daily stretching and even then you will have a tight frenulum that needs to be stretched as well once you can pull foreskin past glans. Usually during and post shower. Phimosis is a bitch and the dumb cunts teaching 7th grade health are clueless and parents leave sex ed to the state so the kids never learn how to properly avoid it.
Boy I wish my dick hadn't been mutilated for other people's 1) personal concept of aesthetics, and 2) monetary gain (the doctor charges your insurance for the procedure AND sells the foreskin to the pharma/beauty industries). Fun fact: in many states with strong Jewish power structures they have passed laws requiring health insurance to cover circumcision 100% (see above Jewish doctor profit motive as well as cheap ass Jews want everyone else to pay for their own retarded religious procedure), and you can see a huge disparity in circumcision rates where it's "free" versus where it costs the parent. Parents literally just arbitrarily mutilate their babies dick because it's free and some Jew doctor tells them it's a good idea.
you're not circumcised bro, nobody types this unironically im afraid.
please forgive cutlets its impossible not to seethe after seeing something like this. of course they will try to cope and rationalize in any way they can.
Do intact guys get turned on/feel superiority when they hear guys whine about not having foreskin or is it just annoying?
I feel empathy because I'm not a baby mutiltating psycho
No. Most of us don't really give a shit.
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Neither really, feel sorry for the guys that legitimately wish they had theirs. Does make a difference to the porn I watch though, generally skip couples with a cut guy unless the chick is something else.

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