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File: 1725075005083487.webm (3.96 MB, 1280x720)
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No dicks/males
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>flawless Asian girl
>makes herself flawed with trampstamps

I admire Asian women for being the superior breed in every way possible, so it pains me especially when I see one fall from grace.
>no males/dicks
but i wanted to see the BAC in action
Fuck. Built for BWC
4chan's contempt for tattoos is even more banal and devoid of personality than the average tattoo
>bitch is exhibiting her cheeks on camera for some yen
>fall from grace

Neckbeard detected
>someone with a shitty tattoo
File: 1695622604311224.webm (3.76 MB, 720x1280)
3.76 MB
3.76 MB WEBM
Most perfect display of pussy I've ever seen.
I NEED to see her getting piped by superior WHITE master race penis
just fat and boring but with a ton of filters
I cant wait for china to begin its campaign of white genocide on the west. I will fuck as many of these asian vixens as Premier Qi allows me to. Thanky you president Qi.
Any korean girl candids?
No one actually finds this attractive right? People just post it for the sake of tradition?
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753 KB
>No dicks
>Posts this
GTFO from my fucking thread retard
it's just some obsessed schizo
You're so close to realizing why we don't like tattoos, you literally typed it
I think bitching so much over a tiny tattoo is just being obnoxiously petty
>chud loser who dislikes tattoos
many such cases
lol thats a dildo genius
>never seen a suction cup dildo
god you're a mental manlet.
>I'm fine with her getting tattoos.
>I'm fine with her wearing transparent clothing
>I'm fine with her having a large body count.
>I'm fine with her having sex with other men
>I'm fine with her becoming fully westernised and giving me herpes

>this is how cucks on /gif/ think
Silly porn addicts. Stay away from Asian women.
Oh my fucking God ... who the fuck think this ugly and stupid shit is attractive ???please stop posting this horrifying fat abomination
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Big American Cock. I agree.
Thread has already started and IS already ruined with pointless arguing
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2.92 MB WEBM
Any more of this slut?
Lori io?
pls someone sauce me
I've seen this video posted a ton now. Is she mixed with something else?
Slut your mother.
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Absolutely perfect webm, I wanna do so many things to her at once!
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Tsukasa Kanzaki. Her debut IV I think.
>so used to phallic imagery they dont even realize its right in their face
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>It took you a whole day to build up the courage to respond
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Asians are never entirely sure where to put all their teeth
On the hunt for bwc clearly
You have not nor will you ever have sex
Imagine the smell
File: ChessPlayer.webm (732 KB, 1280x720)
732 KB
Slay Queen! You tell him!
how many underscores is that @
First Canadian woman to earn the Woman Grandmaster or FIDE Master titles!
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not really
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921 KB
Half asian
This kind of setting is perfect for a photo shoot in my opinion, I love how the light shows on her skin, and that bed looks like one of those old creaky beds that keep the neighbours up all night
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3.4 MB
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2.4 MB
Which video is this from? google images has only japanese text results, and yandex can't recognize it
>perfect display of pussy
little bitch didn't show her pussy and it makes me sad.
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1.83 MB WEBM
The IV is called いおりに恋して
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3.86 MB
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3.91 MB
3.91 MB WEBM
Thanks, I'm about to download it and view
Fact: Asian women owe me sex.
Wish there were more of her. She is a 10
1st & 2nd are Yeonwoo Lee I think.
Can't you just copy paste from filename ?

>Went to an mostly White HS in the Midwest, 2016-2020.
>Had a qt3.14 Japanese chick go to my elementary through high school.
>Never lived in Japan.
>Parents immigrated from Japan in the 1990s.
>Every dude wanted this chick, I actually beat off to her multiple times.
>She played Tennis, was extremely active and social, had a large popular following.
>Sophomore year rumors started spreading that she was fucking dudes at parties and all kinds of shit.
>Around the same time a video had surfaced of her being bent over the rear passenger seat inside a white soccer mom van.
>The sliding passenger door was open while she was getting pounded in the ass by one of the basketball niggers of our basketball team.
>She'd died her hair blonde too.
>A couple students faces were recognizable.
>Location was at a really forested road.
>Near the end of the year, it got leaked and it caused a major issue at our school.
>Come to find out, Miss Nips female friends got her to fuck some popular dudes, and it went down hill from there.
>A investigation was started and teachers found a literal fucking sex-ring going on by senior students.
>Students who were popular, or were at a certain level on the hierarchy were invited.
>This had been going on for some years, and even some already graduated students were participating.
>Lead to multiple arrests, and expulsions.
>The day her parents found out they had come to the school and beat the shit out of her in front of everyone.
>Security guard refused to do anything because her mom threw a chair at him.
>Her friends tried helping but were actively chased away.
>Miss Nip got sent back to Japan with her grandparents.
>Heard her friends tried getting back in contact with her but her parents found out and sued for damages.
Does she have a face filter or something going on? Her face looks fake and plasticky.
>Come to find out, Miss Nips female friends got her to fuck some popular dudes, and it went down hill from there.
>>A investigation was started and teachers found a literal fucking sex-ring going on by senior students.
>>Students who were popular, or were at a certain level on the hierarchy were invited.
>>This had been going on for some years, and even some already graduated students were participating.
>>Lead to multiple arrests, and expulsion
Nice green text nigcel or paco
Nigga, im Native. Its more preferable than niggers and their half-goblin offspring.
unless you have done a DNA test or actually speak a native language you're probably just black and your grandparents made up some shit so they could tell white society they weren't black
kek, okay nigger brain. I have the proof I need which is a fucking confirmed Potawatomi genetics card, Potawatomi ID, and a burial plot on the reservation.
Got anymore afreeca clips
Wouldn't be shocked if her "friends" leaked the vid

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